" LOCAL MATTERS. THURSDAY, FEB. 2, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. I'balajtz Lodoi No. 31, A.K.41 M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. ExCklsiob Lodox Na 261, 1. F. 4 A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. CHARLOTT Chapter No. 30, R. A. M. Regular meeting even second and fourth Friday nights. Charlotte ComiAirDAKi No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first tod third Thursdays. OIF1 H. joneBTS o Howrw. Regular meeting every econd and fourth Thursdays. DEC- OF IP k nights oi Pythias. Regular meeting nights tlrst and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atka- gonlc Temple Hall. I. O. O. JF. Chablotti Lod No. 88. Meets every Mon day night. MSCKLKNBUBfl DlCLARATIOK LOD9 Na 0. Meets every Tuesday night Drxrs Lodsi No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. Catawba River Encamfhknt Na 21. Meets trst and third Thursday nights In each month. I ndex to New Advertise menu. Pfgmm A Co New Goods, Ac. Oira House, Tuesday. February 7th. HCSINESK NOTICES. Mrs. Wlnslow's Booming Syrup. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston Christian Freeman: We would by no means re commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for infanta. But of Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup we can speak from knowledge; In eur own family It has proved a blessing Indeed, by giving an infant troubled with colic pains, quiet sleep, and its parents unknown rest at night. Most parents can appreciate these blessings. Here Is an article which works to per fection, and which is harmless; for the sleep which It affords the infant is perfectly natural, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." Andxlurlne the process of teething, Its value is Incalculable. We have frequently heard mothers say they would not be without it from the birth of the child till It had finished with the teething siege, on any consideration whatever. Bold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. A CARD. To all wbo are suffering from the errors and in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FUSE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-Addressed envelope to the Bit. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D. New York City Ijetu cTtrjertisemettts. llll Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomenrss More economlea than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, aium or phosphate powders. Sold only in caus. itUIAlj BA1LUNU njWDKH UU., nov23 New York. LeRoy Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. &mxszmmts. HOME CHlPLGTg. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY ! IS''" Yesterday waa the first entirely clear day of the year. tW An important meetinz of the Chamber of Commerce -will h hM thi3 evening at 7:30. BSTThe county poor house is in a very crowded condition at present, there being some forty inmates. B"There have been three cases of profanity punished at the mayor's court this week by fine. WMr. W. J. Freftch, the noted rifle man who spent some time in this city, gave an exhibition at glass balls in Greenvilleyesterday. "Tuesday night, at the residence of Mr. Wm. McKamy, in this city.Iev. Dr. Whitfield united in marriage Mr. J. R. Evans and Miss Maggie McKamy. JtThe meeting of the Galaxy Club, announced to take places to-night at the residence of Mrs. Morehead, has been postponed until next Thursday night. t-Tickets for Oliver Doud Byron are selling very rapidly, and the indica tions are that with favorable weather. he will play to a splendid audience. t3For the first time since the first of January the weather prognostications for to-day, sent out by the bureau at Washington, call for general fair weath er throughout the country. CsPThe dam of the city water works is full to overflowing. Water poured over the sluice-way day before yester day, the recent rains filling up the dam very rapidly. EsTThe "Banker's Daughter4" which was to have been played at the Opera. house in this city next Wednesday night, will not be given at all, as the con ti act has been cancelled. t3TThere will be an important meeting of the Library association to morrow evening at 7 o'clock sharp. A full attendance is desired as a reorgan ization and election of officers will take place. tIt seems that public opinion has brought the officials of Raleigh up to the point of doing something to im- prove in a permanent manner the streets of that city. If we only had a few mud scows we would be perfectly contentedup here. Drowned. A telegram was received in this city yesterday which stated that Mr. T. S. Piuaket, (a brother of Rev. J. T. Plun ket, the pastor of Steel Creek church,) was drowned near Erie, Pa- last Tues day, while skating. At the time of his death he was a master in the United States navy. Jamiiiry Weather. The record of Januajy weather, as kept by the signal officer at this point, shows that during the month the high est barometer was 30.680, and the lowest 29,599. The highest temperature was 67 on the 27th of the month, and the lowest was 10.2 on the 2d. The prevailing winds were from' the South west, and the number of days on which rain or snow fell was 22. The rainfall for the month was 7.24 inches. Friday Evening, February 3rd. THE FUNNIEST PLAY JN TIT R WOULD, The Youg Heroic Actor, OLIVER DOUD BYRON, la his ever popular piny, -Across the Continent, Supported by the Charming Actress MJSS PATE BYRON, find the greatest Comedy Combination extant, i James B. Radcliffe, The Greatest Impersonator of AGKD DARKIEf, and the GREAT CIQAB SONG. J. C. KEARNEY in bis Specialties. MASTER (II AS. HAG EN, In his Imitations of Fat Rooney. 323. LAUGFIS .LAUGHS IN IN ONE ONE PLAY" PLAY.. .333 Reserved seats 81.00: can be secured at tne usual places. Admission 75c; gallery 60c. --OPERA HOUSE. A Winning- Trump. Ed. Sparklin, a noted colored sport of this city, was yesterday engaged in a quiet game with another negro namad Ramseur, during the progress of which a dispute arose between tne players, when Sparklin played a club on his op ponent which settled the game and came near settling Ramseur. The par ties will have the question decided this morning before the mayor, who will no doubt haul in the "pot." Mortuary Report Dr. Y. Scarr, superindendent of Elm- wood Cemetery, reports the interments for the month of January, as follows: Elmwoodj Male adults, 4; female adults, 1 total, 5. Causes of death: Typhoid fever, 1; chronic diarrhoea, 1; congestion of th lungs, l ; paralysis, 1 ; appoplexy l. Pinewood (colored.) Male adults, 4; female adults, 1; children, 6 total, 11. Causes of death: Pneumonia; typhoid fever, 2; consumption, 1; pyemia, 1; syphilis, 1; spasms, 1; burnt, 1; con gestion of brain, 1. The death rate among the white pop ulation is seen to be very low, which indicates that Charlotte is as healthy at present as any city in the whole country of its size. The Ice Monday IVisrbf . It would seem from reports in the daily papers that the ice of Monday night was the heaviest South of here that has ever visited that section of country. Atlanta sustained much dam age to shade trees, while the fruit trees in that section are reported to be great ly injured. Greenville and Atlanta were both entirely cut off from telegraphic communication on account of the lines leading to these cities being broken by the ice. The amount in this section , was scarcely sufficient to cause damage to fruit ot shade trees, although It was the heaviest that has occurred for some time. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Way Evening, February 7th. TQIBij YHAB of Babtlet Campbell's Famous New York Company la his great play, THE GALLEY SLAVE ! in Ntw York City, and now playing In Australia, England and Germany. The Great New York Company !, FfUMt EVANS, MISS GU3SIE DeFORREST JUN1D3 BRUTUS BOOTH. THOa H. BURNS, ii A3. C MAUBTJBY, Ms UIB MOORE, II 133 ERA OLAYTOM. Aiuukriufiit, To-morrow nlght.Oliver Doud Byron, supported by a splendid company, will give his specialty play at the opera house in this city. "Across the Conti nent" is a truly American play, full of thrilling adventure and hair-lifting situations, and is one of the most pop ular plays of the kind on the boards. It may not be generally known that this Play is an oV true tale, a, part of whiph occurred in New "York op the night of he great fire, 1857, when a young merchant, after a champagne supper, wended his. way in the vioinity of the "Old Five Points," where he found a poor woman dying in the snow, He bore her to her home where, soon after, she expired, but, first leaving in her benefactor's care, her twin off spring, a girl and b.oy, who are now liv ing ap4 have married, and figure in the best society on Lexington avenue, New. y ork. In respect for. the dead the right names are not given of the characters figuring in this most wonderful picture of the times. On the night of the 7th Bartley Campbell's "Galley Slave" will be placed on the boards in this city by an excel lent company. ' The Albany' Argus says of the play and the company : "Mr. Campbell has written more than one play that has made itself and its author amous, and in a fair way of becoming pecuniarily independent, but we are among those who believe that his facile and clever pen has produced nothing better than 'The Galley Slave.' For both play and company we ha,ve noth ing but words of unqualified and sin cere praise. There is probably no mod era play, with the possible exception or The Two Orphans, whicn calls rortn so large a share of interest and sympa thy from the audience as 'The Galley Slave.' ble, every oharacter being admirably sustained, which is not at all strange when it is remembered that it Is the Dick of the three companies which last vear produced it. The construction of the piece is clever, and m whatever light it is viewed, it shows the master hand touching a responsive chord in all hearts. The play is magnificently dressed and mo acceptably puTupon the stage. Necessity for a Fire Alarm; The Hook and Ladder fire company held a meeting last night, and in addi tion to transacting otner Dusmess, ap pointed a committee to wait upon the chief of the fire department with the view of having ' si proper fire alarm erected for the city. . Since the falling of the bell tower there has virtually been no arrange ment by which an alarm can be sound ed to any advantage, and the. necessity of this is so palpable that it needs no comment. While there are no fixes the lack of this important feature is of no consequence but when it is imperative to have the firemen promptly on the scene ef a conflagration, it may be se riously felt 'The bell used at present is entirely too small for the purpose, and should be replaced by one that will not fail to be heard when an alarm is sounded. IS8MAHY MILLS, ALFUKD KOSL, MISS EMMA 8KIRRITT, LITTLE DAISEY, HARRY 6IUMONDS. .JtePlay will uw i Original Scenery, sellfcs and Parts. tJvnlr be nrodooed with ties of Venice, Borne, Mar- Places. Bettrred seats SIS on sale at the usual Ealing- Cucumbers and Tomatoes. A friend has handed us a copy of the Nassau Guardian, from which it is learned that Mr. Go. D. Allen, former ly of this city, is now spending a season at the Royal Victoria Hotel, in Nassau. Mr. Allen left Charlotte some time ago to travel for his health, and if we can judge from a letter to one of his friends in this city it is to be supposed that he has improved much in this respect. For the past several weeks, while we have been "sloshing around" up here in mud, snow and ice, Mr. Allen has been quietly resting in the shady places of the Bahamas, with nothing to do but keep cool and help the natives destroy cucumbers and tomatoes. Npbody but a well man would dare tackle a green cucumber in January, no matter where it was grown. List of Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at Charlotte, N. C.; for the week ending January 16,, 1882: Mr Alexander, (a drummer) Miss Bet tie M Austin, Miss Belle Adams, Jno Ardry, Mrs Mary Armstrong, Alexan der Moore, Mrs Agnes M Bird, J Leroy Barnett, James Berry, J J Brown, Miss Sophie Baxton, W G Briggs, Sam'l F Barker, Heniy Conner, Isaac Craigf miss Mary uooper, T C Caldwell, Sam 1 Chambers, Cynthia Davis, Duff DinkT ins, Mary E Dockery, Miss M A Doug las, Peter Davidson, Capt A A Erwin Caroline Ellis, Abner Farr, Sam'l Free man, T J Freeman, Julia Grier, Marcel lus Goff, Miss C Hayden, Mrs Bettie Hart, Bell Hayes, J H. Hayes, Willie Hunter, Mrs Mary Harris, Miss Mag gie Hipp, Preston Hollo way, LaUry Huntly, Annie Jeffries, Anthony Jor dan, Emanuel Johnston, Martha Jones, Frank Jones, Bud Kiney, Roland Kirke, Mrs J Linburger, Miss CaryMiller, Mrs H M Manigault, J B Maxwell, Mrs Jula McCain, Miss Jane Middleton, R S Moore, Ruf us McCorkle, Rev D W Poor, Mrs Eliza Patterson, Harriet Palmer, Nellie Potter, Mrs M B Pharr, Mary R Price, B B. Rey, James RodgersKisier Simpson, Mrs Belia Smith, W HSloane, Willie Shanks, C C Taylor, Nelson Tor- rence, Miss Sallie Thomas, Mrs Mattie Ulphi, Mr S Williams, Jas Watts, Mrs Mary West, Sarah Jane Wallace. When calling for any of above letters please say advertised. W. W. Jenkins, P. M. Magazines. The Jauuary number of the North Carolina Home Magazine, published at Salisbury by Mr. and Mra- E. H. Mc Laughlin, has beep received, and a de cided improvement 13 noticeable in tne typographical features of the work. In the current number appears a short sketch of OqI, Chas. R. Jones, the editor of The Observer. The announcement is made that Mrs. Mary Bayard Clarke has been secured as one of its contributors. The midwinter number of Potter is to hand, a.nd the illuminated cover gives it a decidedly handsome outward appearance. This magazine now con tains 120 pages the largest published for the price. The following is the table of contents : Pictures of Andalusia, by S. P. Scott, with seven illustrations. A Story of the White Czar. Journalisni in Paris, by George J. Hagar, witksijr. illustrations. Music an Art, not an Accomplishment V & H. The Death-!PenaUy, by Charles T. Jerome. Personal Reminiscences of Madame Murat. bv a Friend and Relative. Kith and Kin (chapters xxxlv. xxxix.), by the author of the "First Violin." A Suabian Romance, by Elise J. Allen, with two illustrations. reaKs or a Somnambulist, by G. Mortimer Roe Sweet Wife (a poem), by Charles Kings lev. Le Valet du Diable. by; Elinor Moore Hiestand. A Winter Reverie (a poem, illustrated), by Ella H. Rozier Mr. Cimabue Brown on the Defensive. Beppo's Escape. Roger Williams, by W.Fraser Rae. Bewitched in Mid- Ocean, by J. Maclaren Cobban. Querent The Literary Wpijd An Invitation to State His Position. Rowan Couhty, January 28, 1882. To the Editor o the Observer. Much has been said by the press of the State about the position now occu pied in politics by our talented citizen, Major Charles Price. His friends in this county think great injustice has been done him. We believe him as loy al to the Democratic party as any man and hope to see him come forward and state his position in a clear light before the people.He has been a faithful expo nent of Democratic principles, and in strumental in Bhaping a good del of the legislation of the State and we are unwilling to entertain the idea that he will ever prove treacherous to the best party that honored him. , Rowan. Commercial travelers and others subjected to sadden changes and exposure, should be provided with Dr. Bull's cough syrup, the best and quickest remedy for the relief and core of colds. Price 25c "MY BACK ACHES SO, and I feel miserable," said a hard-working man. Ths doctor questioned him and found that he had been habitually costive for years, that now his kidneys were disordered and his whole system deranged. Kidney-Wort was recommended and faithfully taken and in a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonlo power of this medicine ob the bowels and kidneys Is won derfuL Congregatlonallst. Druggists Say that Lydia S. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound is the best remedy for female weak ness that they ever beard of, for It gives universal satisfaction. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 283 Wastsrn Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamph lets. IN CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, Small Pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet, Tjphoid, Yellow and. Malarial Fevers, expose In the sick room Darbys Prophylactlo Fluid. It will attack all im purities and odors. The fluid wul draw to Itself the germ poisons In the atmosphere and recharge It with ozone, the my&tertoug agent by which na ture vitalizes the air, Bedford Aluh ass Ikoh Braises Wars ahs Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much iron and fffty per cent, more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. 'Sold by all druggists of any standing. mces reaucea one nau. mayl 1 tf Dried Sugar Corn, SOUR KRODT, PICKLED PIGS' FEET,- BUCK WHEAT FLOTJB, AND NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES, -A- S. M. HOWEL L'S. febl PUBLIC NOTICE. ON and after this date. February 1st, 1882, all freight for the Atlantic. Tennessee and Ohio Division of the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, will be received and delivered at the present freight depot of the Charlotte, Col umbia and Augusta Railroad Company in Char lotte. T. T. SMITH, febl lw Agent Topics. The Literary wpijd - The. Art tuo , ; 7w World. Hbnae and Society : PofcPourri Sr JoSli PoSer fcW Pshers.Phil adelphia, . ; The Augusta E vening News of Tues day, in speaking of the At ;jiome ana Abroad, one of editors of which Is now in Augusta, has this to say': "The maga zine is pure in to.ne, and of a high liter ary character, possessing among its con tributora Qe of the best native talent in the South. Dr. Bernheim is assisted in his work by two of his, .daughters, who are recognized and identified with southern literature. The work should commend itself tolou? Southern people.1 ta antagonists to health. Inducing coughs ft rt7nmrmn bronchial diseases, which it,! ,!.. . i . LhH noethins vet positive influence orur. Atu V cough syrupXPrto? 25o a bottle. A BURS CURE FOR PILES. Do you know what it Is to suffer with Plls? you do, you know what is one of the worst torments of the human frame. The most perfect cure ever vMn.vnrt it oin nnniiti nation, and men iVtourcaon restores healttv to thertseas- TWtoout delay. The dry and the nauldare it.. nt mith is of minor ac count compared to the expendtore M Tiwiroij t ji . a Mnwh nr mala. Dr. Huh S cough syrup saves time w wMsiUMw upon cougns ana cuius. . - m iron rm OBIT Rim rutasJlV leODveH ItS 1UBW MM JA W ' . . . Suthful color and lustre k tae air Balsam, an elegant tag, admired for It i ptultjr and ilea perfume. POSTPONEMENT. THE Galaxy Club meeting is postponed from Thursday. February! 2nd. until Thursday. February 9th, at the residence of Col. John L. By order of Morehead febl HARRISON WATTS. Royal Bakm Powder AT WILSON A- BIWELL'S, DRUGSTORE. an27 rANTKRNS andLAHPS Of all kinds at low prices. WILSON A BTJRWELL. B UIST'S GARDEN SEED, Fresh supply at wholesale and'retall. WILSON BTJRWELL, DrugglsU. c AM? EMULSION COD LIVER OIL, FEBRUARY 1ST, 1882. I AM SELLING GLASSWARE, TINWARE and NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Very cheap at the VARIETY STORE under the Traders' national Bana. V Many useful articles for housekeerjen. A few pairs left ol Ladles' Merino Vests at $ 1.75 per pair, worm 93.UU tu ana seexor yourserves. I6D1 U L JtTiLKKJUMJJk yASELLNE, PLAIN, EMmMO --OTJR-- GREftT GREAT osm Out Sa e OF OVERCOATS WILL BEGIN TO-DAY. JJIJ.1LVU. 1 SHKIDIES AT COST. AT COST. -r&AYTNQ JUST TAKEN - - ! ; .1 HMD X HAVE ENTIRELY aIHTC STOCK ON HAND, AND Of ORDER TO REDUCE IT I WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY OVERCOATS FOR WINTER WEAR. OVERCOATS. FOR SPRING WEAR. A AJ Z. A A Ii L AAA L L ft. A T.TJ, LLLL MM MM TJ M MM M U M MM M U M M M U U gSSg TTTT d K TV B JB A A V Ufl a MHM UU SS8 I -B E SOL D. 4 SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never carry oVer from Season to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time, if a reasonable sacrifice can accomplish the sale. IT HAS BEEN A MILD SEASON THUS FAR, AND WE HAVE A Large Stock On band. If we're erred 1b Judgment as to quan tity or styles, NOW 13 THE TIME TO do Company, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. THE HBST COMPANY THAT MADE YMSim FROM THE Wonderful Phosphate Beds of South Carolina. BSE'8 PBEEY J ASHLEY RIVER. OFFICE: No. 1 Mange Street, Charleston, S. C. PEAIT0I8 B. HACKEE, President. J08IAH S. BROWff, Treasurer. OHABLES T. BIOfiAEDSOF, Traveling Clerk. janSl d8t oaw w-lm One Car Load Mea . dDnn& (DsarlLdDadl Safltt Rec ify Mis am PBIOE MAKES DirFEBBITOES, The Lower the Price the Quicker the Sale, Tor three years our poller has been to close each season's purchase the season bought, enabling us to open FRESH NEW STOCKS. Our Customers expect it; the reputation of our House demands It. If you have set bought It will be worth your while to look, for the prices WILL ASTONISH YOTJ. OUR 827, $28. SSO and $32 SILK 8LEEVE LINED OVERCOATS will be sold without reserveat$20. OUR $22, $24 and 825, OVERCOATS at $175Q. OUR 818 and 820 OVERCOATS at 815. This last iBcludes ail of our FINE REVERSIBLE ULSTERS and ULSTERETTES. We have some 25 REVERSIBLE OVERCOATS In handsome patterns, marked 814, 816 and 817.60, which will be sold at 810. OUR 810 and 813 OVERCOATS will be sold uni formly at $7.60. A lot of some 200 OVERCOATS, embracing the remnants of all lots ranging lu price froift. Pfott'n Emulsion Cod Liver OIL Wei bore' Emul sion Cod Liver Oil, Monet's Cod Liver Oil, fresh supply, at wiiisun a mjuwxiaa. Till! 9 SIS tO MOO 00 0 MOO 00 t O T 9999 (WWSBOO00 88QQ99 00 00 00 00 "99 00 0000 00 WILL BE SACRIFICED AT THE v&DATina Pomade. Tarrant's A uerlent. Brown's DIVIDEND NOTICE, IE IE h L I M , NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, Secretary and Treasurer's Office. Company Bhops, N. Jaaaery aist. 1882. .-unlit mini TtirmMtn at fha Kortb. Carolina Railroad A Comoanr bate dedared a dividend of 6 per nantee dot eW w March, tostocK- nua nt Mwvtrti jOn- 10th' February .-next; ana stock books rosed froa 10th February t 1st March, and frn lOtfr Anguat w lav wpwmoeisws. secretary. The eoBvenleAtforice for all only 95. This lot U an thi-M nttr ceni on an obuwuwi. of record on 10th August next. The will be c ii MM MM MMMM M M M MM M MM M M MMMTM MMMM M.M 9 MM U NW UN js If" EES X NN EB 8S8 SES mnTrixnis. eic.ior tne D&nea XnUaoa; mace, tiermanT, BARGAIN WeeonUaue Trade Marks. Cahadm. Cuba, havehaa States, etc. " We ence. through us are noticed Is the SCI- AKiaioiX.'. This large" anq spienma iiimv Pamitaookwnea, xsxwa circulation; - tddnw mupu wj. tor. Pnb'a. oi scrrairjno ahtoi KeWYorK., cAjr. 87 park! Sow. TTmndDOoKaoTrt ratenrarree. i . IV- WeahaU make In this sale the LOWEST prices we have EVER offered, and when we assert this we MEAN tteLOWEST-nrJces EVER made bv anvbodx. -t -i-. . . . .? - Orders from a Ustance are soucueo, aaa I the same advantages In LOW pticea wm be given as if Durcbaslng In person. ' .Tne opporamrcy is a areoste. ' . uax cc.buw. Mil BOSTON MOD MilS, ALREADY PREPARED FOR USE. IPlliinDffli IPondlallfiim Canned Goods Parties Havin all Bwpis. g Empty Cracker Cans Will Please Return and Get Foil Ones. THE HEW DRUG STORE, Coiner of College and Trade streets, (Wilson Black's old stand.) IS NOW OPEN Parties desMoE Tresh and ReUbble Drags Vtlll do well to give as a ealL Jan4 tf 0DC W 13BUE, BAND k CO Bavlng remoted tte SU the lnaepenoeni mw a. t ' ufa now ready to leeetve orders t H0U8E, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAIN TONS, such as -GBAlTOff. t r a i Gnil jan28tf laorjii Qg, Freeoing, kt Jew both sold by druggists. -uioDB.