V (. DOBBINS' WHJPIM An Important cus- V6 very, by which L every family may eiye - their .. linen that beautiful fin laundry work. If' W" . u W 1 L A8kWurGoofer. 5t BOBBmS,TJhaad4lffi!a,lb CHAS. E." I :1 4 Sole Ag't, Charlotte ' A. A. DEALER IN Tinware & House Furnishing Goods MANTELS ami GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL.. Particular attention paid to . HOOFING AND SrOUTING.- None but first elass hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 0 j -AT THE China Palace OP A LOT OF ELEGANT SUITABLE FOB WEDDING PRESENTS. anlO Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, ieeeivec J. Brookfield k Co,, Plated fare and China Sets IMUIGOESATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassistsdi pestiort.sreneristhe system relateitJte SAWPOBroawayyrN. Y. taml8-deod eoirly. DIS60VERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED.' , ATiotimof ymUtwrileisoe cauin Prtmv ton Jeoar Mervonsi ffiiiUtyXosfc Uantionrl, etc., luring tried in vain every known remedy, has dis covered a simple self ears, which he wUl mtaA FREE to hit felknr -sufferers, address Jf. II. UlCEVIiS, 43 Chatham St., X. 1. : Sept IS JMADK it 1 I 'W II Ess.' WUOOC7 UUDDII10 iiMm ASK YOUR MJBBJJiBaVaWBk, W 1 JONES I THE ON LY MEDICINE 15 EITHER LIQUID OS DEI FOBX That Acts at the aame time an Mr ZITER, TE BO WBLS, ABB TEB KIBBBYS. LWHY ARE WE SICK? Because tee tHaa: the great -organ , to beams dogged'or torpid, and poisoriod hmnrrr start, therefor forced into the biOOd Uttaf thoxsldbeeXpeOedrCaturaUy. WILL SURELTY CURE I ; S ;live complaints, PILX8. COmiPATION, XJREJAKT DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AJTD NEIiTOCS DISORDEEJ8, bv eautina free action of these organ audi restoring their power to tlirow off disease. Why iuffer Billons pains and achesl Why tormented with Plies, Const! patUstf Why frightened oner disordered Kidneys! Why endure merrous or sick headaches! Use KIDNE Y-WOETand rejoice in health. I It Is put up in Dry Vegetable Form, In MAI cans one package of whioh makes -ix quarts of I medietas. . Also lnLUuIdFaravTery Owns- trmUi, tor thosg Ont caiuipt readily irepaftejs. I ylt acta with equal efficiency In either form. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 J WELLS, RICHARDSON & Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCRUKOTOH, TT. March 27't&wly 80 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pmt'd 11,1870 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYES ; Electro -Vflltaic Appliances TO TtfJEXN" sufferinf? from NervonsWeabiietMea, flen eral lebility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abdihi and Other Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, lame Back, Bup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. v Speedy relief and complete restoration to hcKltli guaranteed. These are the only KSeclric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific rln ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have 4een quickly and radically cured b their nse. .. Send at once for niustrated Pamphlet, gtyirr 11 information free.. Address, ; : . V0ITAIO BELT Of., Marshall, VJah. Julyl8 . ..X i TOE- FINEST SET :-f- NOW IN.THE CITY. If? ,:"!f:G mH JKT AT WHOLESALE AND BtTlL K M. A N 1) R E WjS WHITE FRONT scouring nn rum vji i i 111 II1UUU1 U M A A lirU M 1J A A 4 .A I III III M M III ,UUK y j xaa v wax vi. ry vy v mewing Beta Jan 10 THURSDAYrFEB. 2, 1882. STATE SCar J Flu 1 tram ( . I IF I. I 1 t ! I ISunday night, "rhe crop BrnTtcf De more abundant than usual this season. They always make for the most pros perous cities. We were informed by a gentle man from Eeadee- erupts, yesterday that at last Itceoiinti ff)r. Hanson F. Murphy, whoseevBfe nhless was re ferred to in the Star a few days ago, was thought to be dying, all hopes of hisarewvery having been abandoned, T OxAmme candidate for bapipcrtlw immersed at the foot of Princess StreSt Sunday afternoon, by Rev. A. M. Con way, of the Frst (colored) Baptist churqh. Both preacher and candidate appeiredJto -thearW .trpzen. jwben the cim,up M pf thi mttU j , f FiCeH?ai discovered htmfMm in frohtof stores' fd WilrmAgtofi Sunday night, but was extinguished before much harm was done. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Raleigh News and Observer: The Supreme Court meets next Monday. t WBfce superior uourj meets ovzmpu- w.ifi. flicknev. fehi wftll ftunty, sittlftl lib tiixf sgwfti th SCafe Teauret yf $846 08. 3 edy auntjngi Jb Many noises here are suffering from diseases of the foot, caused by constant ly being in the mud. There is this differenoe , between Raleigh arid other places Iwest of us: Nearly all have bad streets, but the others are going ahead to make some improvements, while we Let Ral eigh people- finish the sentence. . It shows a lamentable i;laek of enterprise rf we' do nbt demand an improvement, or are we so used to impassable thoroughfares and general "don't care, so we can creep about style," that wej iail $o desire decent thoroughfares? , . j We learn that the managers Of the -Western.NDrth Carolina Railroad Jiaye ordered for it two new engines, 120 box' cars, 40 nats, ana 4U gonaoia cars, ana two complete passenger trains, so as to equip the road in first-class style in re spect ta rolling stock. New rails, fish bar, are being laid on parts . of the jrne near Statesville while 150,000 cross-ties w'ill be laid 'between 'Salisbury and Henry as soon as the weather permits. A colored pressman at Edwards, Broughton & Co.'s printing house met with a singular aecident Monday. The machinery is run by a gas engine of four horse power, and the man's hand was cauglst in the press, breaking the machinery in four places. The singular nort nf thfl appidflffit' ,is that the man was not seriously hWt and ilpr,ablej to resume work in a day or two. To' show the force of the shock, some of the iron traces : ftf fieels, etc., were more than two inches i& diameter. Press Comments, Lumberton Robesonian: They say now that Col. Johnston wishes to be the Mahone candidate for Governor in 1884. Tins is impossible, but were it a fixed fact we would now run up to our head the name of Gen. James M. Leach. Col. Johnston can force his nomination for mayor of Charlotte, and that is about all he can do. News and Observer r Col. Johnston, in his card printed the other day, claims that the newspapers misrepresented him, and made unjustifiable comments on his course. It was a fortnight ago that lie called, on the .IrpsulenT;, and tha Northern papers all had ft that he asked "the' President for hi5 ?aid and countenance in making a coalition with the Republicans in Xorth Carolina. Our local oaDers refrained from unfavora hie comment until ample time had e lapsed for the Colonel to have denied the canard, if it had been one. No de nial came. The Colonel was content to let the statements appearing in the papers pass without correction, and it is too late for him now to rail at the press fof accepting the version of his interview with the President which he r allowed to stand as correct. But that is not so material, the main question being what does Col. Johnston propose to do? He says in his letter to the Concord Sun: "I am represented as asking office from the President, stat ing that'I desire to see the Democracy of North Carolina defeated in the next election,' and that I had gone 'over to the Radical eamp, etc. jnow l assure you, Mr. Editor, there is no truth in these bald statements. 'They are utter ly false." "Thev are utterly false," says Col. Johnston. Now, what is utterly false ? Without doubt the Colonel means that I it is utterly false that the desires to see the Democracy of JSorthUapoiina.de f eated in- the next election. For our selves wa are not in the habit of split ting hairs when we can get at one's real meaning, and the real meaning of a - t a a. i J - :t tne tjoionei ia ciear inav.no uranus it as a falsehood' that he desires to see the Democracy of - Xorth Carolina defeat ed in the next eLectjon. And on that platform the Colonel and the News and Observer stand squarely together. We -could have wished that he had at first intimated in the slightest degree that his interview with the President was not in conflict with his known party affiliation' and with his position as we now understand it to be. Such an in timation from him would have kept the press of the State from falling into the errof occasioned by his apparent acquiescence in the reports concerning his future action. Sleeting of Xobau:cs men :TEitsBTjfi&; Ya., Feb. l.A" special of the board of trade of tobac co manufacturers in this place was held yesterday at the Tobacco Exchange, for the pornose of framing and adopt ing an address to the tobacco planters of Virginia and North Carolina, urging the importance of the cultivation of the Burley tobacco instead of the Vir ginia Leaf, in places "where the latter fails to prove remunerative. Ten thou sand copies of the address will be print ed and distributed through named Mtates. The press of Virginia and North Carolina is requested to give the matter) favorable consideration. and a wMe ciTcatetio'p. ' "" ' ' ; Tke Flames in Jnorrlle. Knoxvtlle, Feb.' i.A fire brofce out in Davis & Co's cotton factory last night. In half an hour the brick building-and all its contents weredeetnpyed ; los&$300. The fire comraimicated'tp cne DiocK- or Trame DaitdidgiJ. onuiay street, in an oia part of tne city, ana in a short time three buildings were con sumed.; The fire "was then got under control and the remainder of the block was saved. Total loss about $10,090. : Postof f ice and Iterjegra j4i orfceBqra HdusTONV TexasrFeb.il.-A- fire 'lait night in the Fox building; occupied as a postofflce and .Vgtern Union Tele- t& Ah damage to the, ants by fire and iraf .000: fully Insuredf crraDh omceresmfiedi building and occupants ter of . anout $20,000; fully insured; L anere was consiaeraoie aamagetoxnau Fancy Billlardsw" o&zmi xUf- from rParls; Btatbthat azt thtfbimara; match last night Vignauf, irtxUieBecV tofi ,Sfer J F.uf trim f si wcrt in uuu lv"iX. ' XT"1"1 T 2 rsHuriahfor HbD Ottirsi ions may tne prosper, score on record at the champion vteJlwn andtu fiappy.- in at oi acnoeier, ziz. A J -1 . . A JA -I items .oriirtEitesx. .i The weaJtkest-lnaa.ins'Sali:'! Cits ejher-atrjtoJfehtrLlyBoo n 1 A. K-W- . - ' - wjuuiuiwiiiUTJJUa lauuio. , a 70 io :JY In iron deoosita Dariausr .Utak is un? tir4epcyjngurM ouinLnatsts. a- trjanute to run. the, House .or Repre sentanv ; h'-'':'tt v tti&$fpb&y,'xj8Ti: idepSsUs; it WVdming ate fnexhatrstible.0 and" yield from 40 toJSO'petTceb'tt'bf purelnetal. .. The tbbacimc6t)6Tyrc Frarrcelasd year yielded net profit ta thertftate of abOUl 88fte00i)01) :: r.::-n. ' . ; It1s statedibr 'DrcBlHtogsftJi & A.) that 100.000 OeoDle difi aBTiually in the United States from,, .preventable dis eases ana avoiaaDie acciaenis. IVNeariy 100 of ! the1, 3630 streets of Paris have during thtf last thlrty.'years had their names changed, chiefly lor political reasons. Tlie French intrectuestiaVe yield ed over $43,000,000 more 'than-'the esti matethat is, the yield, of, the corres ponding taxes in the previous ;year. There has been used in the construc tion of the cable road in Chicago, 8,000,- 000 pouhd8 of Iron, and 500 tons of steel rails. - Through the Intervention of the Em- Tjeror of, Austria on the occasion of the recent ,yisit of the King of Italy to .Vienna, me Auuian government nave consented to pay over to the f King of NarUes' Ws private f ortunA ftmoanting ; with Interest to two or three' millions sternf. ' . .. T;t BishOb Clark, of Rhode Island, i has been giving some good ideas about, needed reforms in funeral arrange-! menta. Amone other things he says: "I think the exhibition of the worn and: pallid' features of the dead to the gaze: of aenriouand; tinsympathizlngbrowdi is another custom that is decidedly out, of place. i r- - Geni Hancock is as recrular as a clock: in hisixabits. Every afternooa at the 'same' hotit he takes a nap of a certaih lepgtft- .ls.issupwettentea by.'a wai around the islandr and the young officer on dnty as officer of the day is sure to seep a snarp looKour,- ana see mat ine men are an . atuenuuig to tneir uuties when "the general" makes his rounds. The deposits of iron ore near Iron; City and Iron Springs, in Southwestern Utah, are probably not excelled in in trinsic value by, any in the world. The ore is magnetite and hematite, and oc curs in a belt fifteen or twenty miles long and three or four miles wide along hicA' there are frequent outcroppings. eaen oi wnicn snows a lengtn ana breadth of several hundred feet of com pact, massive ore of the richest quality. ' ajsssssBBa.sjaaakgmMHMM A Nev,T2jcoy5r' Iiil Dentistry. r r One Dr. Clark, of Jfew York, has in troduced an interesting invention into dentistry. He does not remove the car ious dentine at all ; he merely disinfects it and then'proceeds to fill the tooth. He claims that all decay of teeth, and everything else, is caused by the pres ence of bacteritf, the smallest living thing that permeats all human organs and tissues. This theory he substanti ates by the microscope, showing in all curious dentine millions of these minute beings, so small that they are quite in visible to the unaided eye, and 10,000 would not reach across an inch, but, very lively and rapacious when brougLt within the field of the glass. Disinfec tion with carbolic acid and other pois ons arrests decay by destroying these infinitess'mal devourers, and Dr. Clark thinks that by timely and constant du infection all decay . of. teeth can be prevented. He believes, also, that all disease of every kind is produced by some species of mischievious bacteria, and that the various ailments cap be suppressed and rendered manageable by a judicious attack on the bacteria. Xbe Electric Light in Loden. Londsn Trnth. The present condition of the electric light: in London is: Streets are now being lighted with it at one-fourth of the price of gas ; incandescent lamps can oe introduced into every room of any house as Boon as the mains are laid ; there ean be a separate meter to each house; the lamps can be separate ly lighted, and put out by turning a cock; lr one ngnc goes out, no other one is affected; the sub-division is so complete that there is no glare, and yet a room with incandescent lamps is far more brightly illuminated than with an equal number of gas lamps ; and an equal number of candle power pro duced by electricity is cheaper than an equal amount produced by gas. In ad dition, the electric light has no odor, it does not vitiate nor heat the air. nnr does it, le gas, tarnish paint and dee- urauou. Mere A.ltlg-atlon. Ealelgh News and Observer It seems that the Western North (Carolina .Railroad, is again to be the subject of litigation. Col. T. D. Car ter's suit at Greensboro may cause at least a considerable sensation. His claim is baaed fin alleged purchases at sheriff's sales. Perhaps it will be found that he has mistaken his remedy, even if he r has any case, which is hardly credible; It would, however, be a case of confusion worse confounded if Col. Carter should now be able to upset the contract between the State and Best and "assigns," cutting off all alleged causes of action and all rights accru ing since 1875. Stranger things have happened. Proceeding Against the Union Gen erate. - Paris, Feb. l. It is believed that legal proceedings wrill be commenced against the Union. Generate. It - is stated that its suspension was caused by the refusal of ..the. Xander bank to pay T,0op,oop franc vjhich had been de pended upon tQ enable the General to meet its liabilities. ; birty-bn strong boxeB in the1 Union Generale's vaults were found en) pty and an examination of its books'-provea that when M. Bon- .toot stated its profits, were 57.000.000 franks ; there was really a deficit of 70,000,000 franks, ' Mistaken for Chicken Pox. Petersburg, Va. Feb. i. Saall ppjp of a malignant tpye has broken out WHBrnnswLek county, In severar in- atanrPfl thu ainsn haa proved fatAl. (BQsed and a'coiirATtofPlta: en estaoiisnea. wnen nrst aiscoverea tne i a i a . T- ft- if j ? s wttg ,tdr. be ehicken pox. - !J in mA. .'I' . Ran Ashore. Riehmond: txamlW&tFewU V a, ;.went wbofet neair iBedloe's. Island, atS30 tt'ptjSck,1 yestjSrdTairnoon- clt; was snowing heavily Vt; the- time and the pilotgot Out of ihis tourse. A tug boat eMld tfie iwsistencedf the.Richmond aaft- towed her off. -ane-xeceivea . no r2SH.iP.ffed M' m 'i Vr j. it r . nn on Ba6d to taorJatMM jjow ie aitf gained :d ana 'inminm, nas ptuifraa fr Hop MOtiMJoogjVmW . - w ts jaoqter. I nas x PBXMATTJRB LOSS OI THE HAIB , May be enUrely prevented by the nse .01 BUR - RXTPS COCOilNK, No other corcponnd pos- gesses the peculiar properties fcicb. bo exactly salt the yarlaus, eonulUoDS of the Jiuman hahvt It softens the- hair when harsh and dry. , soothes Ue irritated scalp," It affords the richesudstre. ' pretents tte hair from falling off. ' It promotes Its heaRhjZ nrorous growOii It Is not' greasy not sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff.'.,. . , f Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwn to be the 'est ' ; , A GREAT. OBLIGATION.. . "I am indebted for mv life." sars Jtidge T, Ml Brooks, of Columbus. Ga., "to Warner's afe KIo ney and Liver Cure." To promote a vigorous growth Of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It r stores the youthful color to gray balr, ' remove dandruff, and cures fehlrig of the scalp. jcttr flucrlisctttcuts. DR. C. W. BRNS0N, of BALTIMORE, MD In the course 61 his practice discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a combina tion of Celery and Chamomile In the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recommended by them. 'It Is nofar)atent medicine. It Is the result of hi own experience m practice. They are a sure core fOt the feUowtog special diseases, and are worth j of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and nervous ness, and will cure any case. The Doctor's great remedy for Skin disease, called Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is exceedingly valuable and greatly sought after by all persons who have skin diseases or bad complexion. An excellent toilet dressing. Sold by aU druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any addre&i. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE fal Is Warranted to Cur ECZEMA. TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartaof the body. It makes the skin white, aoft and smooth; ramovas tan and freokiea, and is ths BEST toilet rtmaatnf iTl TUB WOULD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both Internal and external treatment. All first class druggists have it. rioefl. per package. CHAfl. N CBITTENTON, 115 Fulton street, New York City, sole sgent for Dr. C. W Benson's remedies, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. MRS. LYDli E. ?mm, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM' S VEGETABLE- COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best female population. It will core entirely the worst form of Female Com. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and tJIcera tton, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to oan 'cerous tiumors there is checked very speedily by its use. if remoTeg falntneas, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness' of' the Btomaeh. It cares' Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under ail circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA X. PDCKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM" FOfJNBls prepared" at 233 and 836 Western Avenue, tKr SfxVtfftes" or J5. "Bentfby tnail : Jo the form of puis, also in the form of lozenges, Vn raoeipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thia Taper. Vo family should be without LYDIA K PDTXHAirS IJVER THIS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. ay Sold by all Druggists. . Madanis Whos cdmplexioi betray iot " hiinjiflMrig imperfee? tidu, 'whoso miiTOT tens' yo1 that yon are Tanned, Sallow and dlsflgnred in countenance, or have Eruptions, Redness. Hongnness or nnwhole spmo tints of complexion, "we say . use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. , It isa delicate, harmless and delightful article, producing &a most natural and entranc- im6rtf artificiality o hichP0OliserTrpaii detect, and wniclt Bodn pecomeoeh manentif the. Magnolia Balm Is judlcionsly used. aaaaa .ii ' Choice. Vebeih'iWrfS.SSI0 the road, tend in your erdereand remember onn a. Bmsr " uua w iet M" "a wy dot wot Huntersvll e, N. C etrj &avtvtlszmzuts DIARY FREE SSJS' with lmDrnvAd inter est taDie, calendar, etc. sent to any address on receipt of two Thkbk-cfnv t-TAMPSt Address CHAHLKa K. BIBK3. 48 N. Delaware Ave. Phlla. BOOKS ON BUILDING, "SUSSt ting, Ac. Kor 1882 eighty page lit' Catalogue, address, enclosing three 3 cent stamps, WM. T. COMSTOCK. 1 94 Broadway, New York. : s the i Author. A-nawanograat Me5 toalWorkvwairantedthebestand cheapest, indispensable to every i tnanjintitlod "theScienceof Life orieLf-Preaervation ; bound in &i ,FvS5ch nnslm, embossed, roll aiitOO Dn.RnnAinn Ka.n.. ..1 steel engravmis, 125 prescnp- t j" ., "in i.ao sent Dy ' maU illustrated sample, 6 cent ; sow mmm&ESSHBSS CONTINENT A SEW ELLUSTHAIED LITEEAET WEEKLY J0UENAL- KKITHEIt POLITICAL NOB SECTARIAN; Conducted by ALBTON "W. TOTJRGWE. ar.thorof - "A Fool's Errand," eta. assisted by Daniel Q. Brinton and Kobert S. Eavls. FIBST NUMBEB ISSUED FEBRUARY I, 1882. The most 'distinguished authors and skilful ar tists, both A-merican and English, have been en gaged by "OTJB CONTINENT." The February numbers contain novels and stories by Helen Campbell, Mrs. Alexander, B. P. Boe, Juilan Hawthorne, John Habberton, R. H. Davis, etc.: poems by Oscar Wilde, Louise Chandler Moullon, G. H. Boker, Sidney Lanier, G. P. Lathrop, Cella Thaxter, eta; entertaining sketches by C. fi. Le land, (Hans.Breltman d. R Mikhail. rrk-A Mar. kvel) Felix Oswald, eta ; solid papers by President roixer ox xaie, uiiot or Harvard, Provost Pepper, of the University of Pennsylvania, eta ; fashion notes by Kate Field: art illustrations by Louis C. Tiffany; soJence by Profs. Bothrock, Barber, e'a; social etiquette by Mrs. Moulin: rural improve ment by Hon B. G. Northrop; fun and- humor by C. EL Clark, (Max Adler) "Uncle Bemus" and a host of others. . , , BEUTirt7L Illusthations are a leading feature of "OUB CONTINENT," They are the finest that art can produce and equal to , the most perfect In the monthlies. Price 10 wnts a number: 84 a rear: S2 six months. Mailed free of postage to any address, i Specimen copy tree. , Newsdealers will find It to their Interest to pre-' Rflnt "flTTR rONTIHITMTl tr. tha r .i.rnmcra t Postmasters am invttAri tn tak snhsrlnMnna Liberal commission. Book Canvassers can add largely to their incomes without interfering with their regular business, by acting for "OUB CONTINENT." Write lor particulars to "OUR CONTINENT." Philadelphia, Pa. A GRICULTURAL LIME and: CARBONATE OF LIME. Best and Cheapest Fenlllz-rs. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROTHERS,Bpom,N.c. THE PIANO. THE HIGHEST AWARDS: 1 were pranted I nnr PTANOS in tno utJAT WUKLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION ia Philadelphia, 1S76. All persona wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vitcd to visit our Warerooms. Sendor Circular and Pric List. CHICKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. 156 Tremont St., Boston. K , . . ,.,,.,,, Jan25 dAw4w 1ST ITortli Carolina Railroad. OONDENSED SOHEDULEg. TRAINS GOING EAST. CBCKERN6 Date. Dec. 18, '81 No. 55 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Dally. Daily. Leave Charlotte, 4.30 pm 3 30 am 8.10 pm " Salisbury, 6.17 pm 5.30 a m lu.02 p m Arrive Greensb'ro aoo p m 7.36 a m 1 2 05 a m Leave Greensb'ro 8.18 pm 7.56 a m 1 2. 1 5 a m Arrive N.Danville 10.10 p m 10 00 a m 12.23 am Leave N.Danville 11.30 p m 10.15 a m Arrive Richmond, 7.40 am 3.55 p m Leave Greensb'ro 9.50 am Arrive Balelgh,... 1.52 pm Leave Raleigh,.. . 2. 1 7 p m Arrive Golds boro' 4.20 p m So. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with r d. B. B. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with train fvr Riuelgh and Goldsboro. ' ' No. 65 Connects at Greensboro' with K. & D. R. R. for all points East and We.-t, via Danville and Richmond. No. 53 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. R. R. lor all points East and We st, via Danville only. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 Drtjiy. j Daily. Daily. Leave Goldsboro' 12.20 p m Arrive Raleigh,.. 1 2 40 p m Leave Raleigh, . . 4 00 p m Leave Richmond, 12.07 pm 11.25 pm f " N.Danville 7 48pm 630pm 7.5am Arrive Greensb'ro 9.30 pm 8.30 pm 9 30am Leave Greensb'ro 9.85 p m 8.40 pm 9 35 a m Leave Salisbury, . -rt.15 P rn 10.87 m 1 1.22 a m Arrive Charlotte 12.40 a m 12.25 m 1.05 p m N. W. N. C. HAILltOAD. 6QJNQ WEST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.51 p m Arrive Kernersville. 1 1.07 P m Arrive Salem 11.50 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 1 0.00 a m Arrive Kernersville 11 .00 a m Arrive Salem 11.30 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.30 a m Arrive Kernersvi.la x.04 a m Arrive Greene&oro g.oo ft m ' so. p-Dahj; .- Leave Salem '. 4.30 p pi Arrive i Kernersville '. 5.10 pm Arrive tireensboro. 6.80 p m "PtUiman Sleejlsi cars WW Mis On Train No. 51, between Atlanta and Naw York, vt Danville. .On Train No. 55, betwe.n Augusta nud Wash ingion. via Uanvll;e. On Train Ho. 63, b-teen Atlanta and Washing ton, vi Danville. On Train No. 50, between New York and Atlanta yia Danville. On Train No. P2, between Washington and Au gusja.'vla panvi!lev ' f On Train N6 '54, between Washington and At lanta, via DanvilUv ' . ' ' i- T er-Throngh Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Gpldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal poipts South, Southwest. West, North and East. For Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address. A POPE, General Passenger Agent decSl ' ' Richmond, Va, NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg, I will sell at Public Auction at the court house In Cnarlotte, on MONDAY, THB27TH OF FEBRUARY, 1882, (being the weetof Buperlor Court,) that valuable lot or parcel of land lying between the Intersection 6f the .North aroilna Railroad track and Trade street, adjoining the P. MV Brdwn lots and others, now known as the Butler property. ' 1 ' Resold because Of purchaser at late sale failing to comply. r . i " ' Terms- cash; balance on 8 and 6 months credit, with interest. Title reserved as security for balance. R. BARilINGER, dec24 d oaw tds Commissioner. 1)1) If u TO CALL AT EDDINS1 BOOK STORE BEFORE YOU MAEK Your Holiday Purchases. We will not here attempt to enumerate what we have but If you will call we will satisfy you that we hv9 the finest assortment of -HOLIDAY GOODS-- ever brought to this market Call and see our Display whether yom buy or not. A fine lot of of all descriptions, just received. Bemmber none can under-buy us, and none can under sell us. dee!8 1882 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGK8. Suited to Boys and Girls of from sli to sixteen years of age. VOL. Ill COMMENCED NOVEMBER 1st, 1881. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE The Yi UNG IK'-PLEhas b n fiom the !lrt successful bejond aniUly .U. ii - ew Yvrk. Even ing Post It has a distinct purpose to which It steadily ad heresthat, namely, of supplanting the vklous papers for the your.g with a paper more attractive as well as more wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of enKrttvir.g, and con tents generally, it Is unsurpassed by any publica tion ot the kind yet brought to our notice Pitts burg iazetts. - . Its weekly visits are eager'.y looked for, not only by the chl.dren, butalso by parents who are anx ious to provide pure llteriituie lor their girls and boys. Christian Advoc;ite, Buffalo. New York. A weekly paper for children which parents need not fear to let iheir children read i-tthefaiidy fireside Hartford Daily Times. Just the paper to take the eye and smire the at tention of the boys and girls. Sr.lingfield Unl n. TERMS: HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Ptr Tear, fostcge Prepaid, Si 50. Flngie Numbers Four Cents each The Bound Volume for 1SH1 was ready ar!y in November Price S3, postage prepaid. Cover for YOUNG PEOPLE for i8al, 85 cents; post;;g 13 cents additional. Remittances should be made by Postofllce Money Order or Daft, to avoid chance of loss, Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the txptess order of Harper V. brother-. Address HARPER & BHOTflKK.-i. jar,2'! ' New York. JUST GO TO PERRY'S and gee wbat ran tins He has for New Year's Dinners, and ln w very cheap he Is selling Toys and Fancy Arps -FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS decSl Acid Phosphate 4fjQ TONS IjlGH JilitAlii AC ID PHOSPHATE Containing 12 to 13 per cent Soluble Phoipborle Acid. Analysis Guaranteed. WARRANTED GENUINE, Just Received. Special inducements to dealers and large buyers. . CHAS. E. SMITH, a Wholesale Dealer in Guano and Coraml-slon Merchant, Wilmington, N.C. an29 lm HIRAM SIBLEY &C0T Will mail FREE their Cata logue for 1882, containing a full descriptive Price'- List of Flower, Field and Garden. Bulbs. Ornamental Grasses, iuiil TramnrtAllflfl. filftflinlna. Lilies, RoseSfPlants, Oarden. Implements. BeanttfullyillnjK trated.Over 100 pages. AddrM ROCHESTER;N.Y. CHICAGO.ILL 179-183 list Main St 200-206 Rudolph St CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks rroia me public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheuo and on reasonable terms to : the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nliw comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well or fil ter, etc. The house Is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terras, etc apply at THIS OlfFICK. uly20.dtf City : Lot for Sale Chea THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and Ue North Carolina RallroadVfTontlngl40 fet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carol'Da Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided in to two lots of 70 by 1 96 i eet Suitable either for building or factory purposes. -'Apply to ,M Jun25,tf j. a PSILLIPa INSTRUMENTS "3

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