Charlotte bserrjer. SUBSCRIPTION RATS8: I aily, one year, postpaid, in advance $8 00 ftix month 4-00 fhree nwnl '. . . . 2.00 One nwnth 78 w&bkly smrros: Weekly n the eounty), in advvnte $2.00 (ndnfthctvunty. Fett-paid v. 2.10 xmontJu 1.06 y- liberal Reduction fbr Gkttx. WE WILL SILL DRESS GOODS- at ve y. low prices. Our 1 s FANCY HOSIERY in be t old cheap to close them out. We have a splendid stock of CARPETS, whi. li wrt i repose to close out very cheap. Ask iu KlUiilJiVKH, ask lor LACKS. ask for ANY THING you want In our line. LAMK3, -iEl IST" You are cordially Invited to Call ALEXANDER & HARRIS. We ,,rti dully reeelvl ng a A Ni:V SUPPLY - OF wnrcu w il!. Be moiv. co-npli te than ever before, and comprises -1H.K- Best Brards and Latest Styles. LaMEo'. MIS3KP, CHILDREN'S, GEN To', BOY 3 and YOUTHS' FINE BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. l ower grades all goods In our line In variety and all pilces. Full stock Stetson and Other Hats, A PRETTY LIE i KU.XK., VAIJSES A NO S4TCHELS, all sizes and prlce3. Call and see us. PEGRAM & CO. TO TiiE I GIVE HEALTH. 'Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic." aieoicai Association, L,yncnDurg. v a. M , . "Used with great benefit In Malaria and Dlpn-therla."-S. F. Dupon, M. D.. Ga. , Jt that and scrofula." Prof, a Jackson. M. D., I'liiv. Perm. T "Invaluable as a nervous tonic" Hon. L u Li...ln. m ' uCI, 1 C111L. , . , -Recommended as a prophylactic In malarial '!Utrlc;s."-D. B, Falrex, M. D.. N. O. ( 'restores aeDiinaieu systems w uooim. . ' 1 i . ill. v. luu. . "Adapted In chronic diarrhoea, scTOfula, and J' spepsla."-Geo. T. Harrison. M. D.. N. Y. 'Siiccfssful In diphtheria and neuralgia. J. f. Eic-eilent'for certain diseases peculiar to wo- ...... mm ir r XT n in ii."- Prof. J. J. Moorman, -n. v., jo. "I'mmpi in relieving headache, sick and ner- Used with great benefit in dyspepsla."-J. Mc- n upil, ai. u.. pa. . , aulted to bronchitis and diseases ol digestive "tf.iua j. Kougnion, jo. u., aio. "Most valuable remedy known for female ais- uuu. ii y r unAnii M 1 T. T. TV "Of great curative virtue." Thos. F. Bumfold, "BdineUplaUn uterine derangement and mala- Chatmlng on the complexion, making it "mourn, ciestr, son ana rosy. bim ju-, tl "The prince of mineral tonics." Francis Gll- H'lm, Jtt. D., N. c "Inestimable as a tonle and alterative." un- tun 4 ,.1 ..1 1 r. "Fine appetizer and blood purifier." H. Flsner, "Very beneficial In Improving a reduced, W9 tem.'mshop Beckwltft. oi (la, , ''Invalids here and welcome and hearth." Bev. "uu aannon, law 01 13., now 01 juuuuiuuu, -"Has real merit." Southern Med. Journal. 1 unymeis iree, upon appucauuu. Water. 4 V case. Mass and PMst25, 50, 75 Aaai.i. n . . 1 - otmi post-paw anywuere. Summer season of Springs begins 1st June. 835 V month. Addrea , A. M. DAVraa, Pres't of the Cpy 78 Main 8t, Lynehburg. Va., P. O. Box 174. WILSON ft BDBWKLL, J. H. MeADSN. and L-aWBISTONACO., 1 x Children III WW mm BOOTS II IB, Charlotte, N. C f3J$ttfl VOL. XXVII. grs 8oo&s, motUiUQ, Set. TO-DAY ALL Fa WILL BE 80LD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE BOOM FOB SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince Yon. T. L. Seigle & Co. Neuralgia, Sprains, . Pain in tho .Back and Side. There Is nothing more painful than these diseases; but the pain can be removed and the disease cured by use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer. This remedy la not a chean Brnzinn or Petroleum product that must be kept away from lire or heat to avoid danger of explosion, nor Is It an untried experi ment tnat may do more harm than good. Pain Killer has been la constant use lor lorty years, and the universal testimony from all parts of the world Is, It never fails. It not only effects a permanent cure, but It relieves pain almost Instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy, It Is sale In the hands of the most Inexperienced. The record of cures by the uso of Paw Killer would fill volumes. The following extracts from letters received show what those who have tried It think: Edgar Cady, Owatonna, Minn., says : About a year since my wife became subject to severe suffering from rheumatism. Our resort was to the Pain Killer, which speedily relieved her. Charles Powell writes from the Bailors Home, London : I had been afflicted three years with neuralgia and violent spasms of the stomach. The doctors at Westminster Hospital pave up my case in despair. I tried your Paijj Killer, and it (rave me immediate relief. I have refrained my strength, and am now able to follow my usual occupation. O. H. Walworth, Saco, Me., writes : I experienced immediate relief from pain la the side by the use of your Pais Killeb. E. York Bays : I have used your Pxnr Killer for rheumatism, and have received great benefit. Barton Seaman says : Have used Pain Killer for thirty years, and have found it a never-failing remedy for rheumatism and lameness. Mr. Burdltt writes : It never faiU to give relief In cases of rhcumatiEm. PM1. Gilbert, Somerset, Pa., writes : From actual use, I know your Pain Killeb is the best medicine I can get. AU druggists keep Pain Killer. Its price Is so low that It 13 within the reach of all, and it will save many times Its cost in doctors' bills. 25c, 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dAw sept & oct. TUTTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite.W auBea,bowelg costive, Fain in theHead.witb. a dull sensation in the back pairt. Pain under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Loss of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, FTuttering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Bkin. Headache, Hestleas aeaaat flight, highly oolored Urine. IT THESE WASHINGS ABE XT5HEEDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. T U 'IT'S FILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects suchachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesn, tbus the system Is nourished, and by theirTonic AetlonOD tbe DlsetUveOrnui. BegrolarStooU arepro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 Murray St., M.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Haik or Whiskers changed to a OtossY Black by a single application of this pya. It Imparts a natural color, acts IpstantaneouBly. Bflld by Uruggista, or sent by express on receipt of f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CD,. TCTT8 MANUAL of ViliuMe InfonntloB and Cwtal ReeelpU wiU be mailed VHEE on appUatlon. Feby. 'Ideodwl dinner. Euchu. Man' drake, Stillingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine nf enrh vsrled nowers. as to make it the greatest T.1rv1 Purifier and tha BcstlleaUhAStrenifth lMistortr t,Ter uru. Tr rurc Rheumatism. Sleeplessness, & diseaess Parker's of the btoraacn, tsoweis, fl. - Lungs, Liver JSC Kianeys, air Balsam. rfTs Th. Bt, Clcanostjaod . k lag. Never faiU to restore tba nevcrintoTicates. Hisco. yootbnu color to gray nair. ta lo., nemisis, it. f t 80c. and fl lw. K"T?e !ving rsuymg umv W J....UIJU-BMA.J. "1" ' -' 'Jl-g oot33 ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUARTERS TOR DRUMMERS. STATES VTLLE, K. U THIS houM baa been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Eeeyes, whose tatentionU to keep a smraiy 11 . iSTSSmid CommoatUUH NUiivn iwiu The patronage ol the pnblle la solicited. julyCdtL i Winter Goods THE AGRICULTURISTS. HOW XII E HIGH TARIFF AFFECTS THE FAJUITIEII. Director If. I. Kimball Tells What the Atlanta Exposition Did, and In vites Settler to the Young- South. Hew York, Feb. 3. At the session of the National Agricultural Conven tion yesterday, Professor A. L. Perry, of William's College, in his address on free trade, proceeded to illustrate how agriculture is injured by tariff in the case of cotton ties and steel rails. He said in a crop of 6,000,000 bales of cot ton the special tariff duty of 35 per cent raises the cost of ties 12 cents per bale, as is conceded by the Pennsylvania iron maker. Then the extra cost of baling one years crop is $720,000 and therefore the extra cost under 70 per cent duty which is now sought to be imposed by the McKinley bill pending in Congress, will be $1,440,000 on the annual crop of $6,000,000 bales of cot ton. In the case of the steel rails tariff the professor showed that it cost about $7 extra for each rail of heavier pattern, or $3,000 per mile extra for a single track road laid with steel rails. Farm ers and planters pay this extra cost when they transport their produce from the prairies of the West and the fields of the South to the place of export. Every one helps to pay it who sends a pound of freight or travels a mile on steel rails. Hon. H. I. Kimball, director general of the National Cotton Exposition at Atlanta, and read a paper on the results of the great exhibition. In his most sanguine movements he said he had not dreamed of such a grand composite display of every Southern industry and resource, ores, minerals and woods, which, in their audacity the directors building wiser than they knew, had ac cumulated in this great exhibition. It was such an exhibition of purely Amer- can industry as naa never oeiore oeen collected. Fifteen yeitrs luid elapsed since the old labor system had been killed. .The former masters had neither money nor credit and the former slaves were intoxicated with the fresh draught of liberty. It was the old story over again of the "bow that had been so long bent as to lose ite elasticity." But the essential element of true manhood which during those four years or stnte and bloodshed Southern people had so fully demon strated (applause) still remained, and gathering up tbe broken threads of her former prosperity, the South wove them nto a complete garment, which sue ately spread out at Atlanta. Ap plause! He was Yankee born, in Maine; a Republican and a prohibi tionist, but feeling that the South was the natural home of enterprise, he had bunded there, lie had lived there through all the stages of reconstruction and had uever suffered the slightest ostracism and he knew that hereafter sectional strife was done. The next great result was the wonderful sale of Northern implements and labor saving contrivances among Southern planters. lheaaleor manure spreaders amount ed to over thirty-six thousand dollars; one thousand five hundred cot ton planters, two hundred new pattern carriages, five hundred car oads of engines, plews, harness, culti vators and other machines have up to date been sold in the South since the exposition. 4-In conclusion , he said, "we want men and women of brain who are not afraid of work. We have discarded sentiment and turned all our engines toward practical things. There is room tor all. Hearty welcome tor an and fortune for all who will come and settle in the young south. ureat ap plause. (ieneral Tremain moved a vote of thanks which was seconded by Mr. Francis D. Moulton, who said he had been a delegate to the Atlanta exposi tion, and where he thought to find hos tility he had found hearty welcome. The motion was unanimously car ried. Mining Intelligence. Salisbury Watchman. Reports from Silver Valley continue very flattering. The Ureka mine, near Thomasviue, has resumed work and is producing some high grade sulphuret ore. Startling , mining news is scarce, al though many mines is in active opera tion, and new ventures continually springing up. uuite a number 01 mining men are at Thomasville looking out for good properties, etc. This gives the town the aspect of a mining centre. The .North Carolina Mining and Re duction Company will resume work at their Chlorination Works in a lew days. Treating Rymer mine ore. Our correspondent met Mr. rea 11. Smith, proprietor of the Ward mine in uavioson county. ie is senumg m maehinerv and making ready to bring the Ward prominently out as a bullion producer. We have just seen a bar of gold weighing about one and a half pounds, the result of five days work on the ten stamp at the Dunn's Mountain Gold Mine. This is the nitn uar or tne Kina produced since the mill was put in oper- ation on the mn 01 uecemoer, iei. The case of Fred. H. Stith, et al., vs Jno. F. McKee, et al., a suit of eject ment against the Conrad Hill ttoid and (JODDer company, 01 uavioson county. was tried at tne special term 01 me Superior court on the 26th, 27th and 28th of January, and the court decided that the com nan v s title in law ana equity was perfect, and gave a verdict in favor of the company on all the noints asked for in the pleading. The amount involved was very large. Proved an Alibi Smallpox Dissp pear in ST. Attstin. Texas. Feb. 3 In the case of the State vs. Rube Boyce, charged with rnhhincr a store at Pee .Lee. in Ma son nountv. the defense clearly estab lished thft fact that Bovce was in uur net.t. p.ountv at the time, a distance of tAfi miloa The smalloox has disappeared at the camp. There have been 19 cases, 10 deaths, 7 recovered and 2 convalescent. "Ml BACK ACHES SO, t wkioAva Vila " 00 11 a Tianl arnrlrlnff man. The doctor questioned him and found that he had been naouuaiiy cvmivo aw jtoid, mm uun uu diwrdered and his whole srstem deranged. Kidney-Wort was recommended and faithfully taken and In a short time every trouble was removed. The cleansing and tonic power of this medicine on me qoweyi au iuucj8a derfuL-ngappaljst. PBEMA.TUBE LOSS OF THE HATH mt hfl entirely prevented -by the use of BUB NETITS COCOAINK. No other compound pos sesses the Deeullar properties hich so exactly it the various conditions of the human hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. soothes the irritated scalp. It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the hair from falling off. It promotes its heailhr. vigorous growth. It Is not greasy nor disagreeable odor. It kills oubBi av vjt w D Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwn to be the est. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY v STATE NEWS. Salem Press: We learn that a man by the name of McGee was killed by a tree falling on him, in the neighbor hood of Styre's mill, on Monday. Winston Sentinel: A large crop of tobacco will be raised in this section this year. Plant-bed burning is going on in good earnest in every direction. The Shuttle Factory comes to the front with a new and beautiful engine. Their increased operations necessitated more power. Durham Recorder: Durham's great need is more dwelling houses. There is not a vacant house in town, and a great many people are anxious to move here. Dr. James A. Deane received the sad intelligence a few days ago of the death of his only brother. Mr. Deane was a resident of Chicago. The young white woman who was up before Col. Parrish, Tuesday, upon the charge of infanticide, was acquit ted. It will probably come up again next week, as there id strong suspicion of her guilt. Durham Plant: The artesian well is now between 1,900 and 2,000 feet deep. The water that comes over every morn ing upon the insertion of the tools is nice and fresh, but, while there is no smell of brimstone upon it, it evidently comes from a warm country. Winston Republican : Dyphtheria is prevailing in the northwestern part of this county. Mr. and Mrs. E.'L, Reed, of that section, lost a bright child on Monday, we are sorry to learn, while there are other cases in that neighbor hood. Salisbury Watchman: A slight un pleasantness between two young men at the skating rink Tuesday night pro duced a panic among the ladies pres ent. Irate young' gentlemen should be more select in time and place. Wilmington Star of Dr. Hanson II. The many friends Murphy, a pronat nent and esteemed citizen of Pender county, will regret to learn that he died at his residence in that county on Tuesday evening last, after a somewhat protracted illness. Dr. Murphy was a brother of Dr. C. Tate Murphy, who died a few days ago at Clinton. Raleigh News and Observer: Chick en thieves make nightly raids on the poultry. A rumor was in circulation yesterday around the government building that Judge Russell had withdrawn from the contest for the district court judgeship in favor of Judge Seymour. Conductor Drummond told us last night of a very stylish marriage.which occurred just this side of the North Carolina line yesterday. The bride and groom came from Portsmouth in a drawing room car, accompanied by a clergyman of that city. When Weldon was reached they were married. The train going north took the car and its occupants back, so the duration of their stay in North Carolina was limited. A young negro man of this city, Chas. Young, was killed the water tank near Keyser, on the Raleigh and Au gusta railroad yesterday morning. He was employed as a train hand on the local freight, snd as the train moved off from the tank he attempted to eo from the tender of tbe engine to the top of the box car next to it, when bis foot slipped on the ice on the car, and he fell on the track, and the whole train passed over his body. NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Catherine Branch, the- oldest person in Boston, died Wednesday, aged ill years. A leading banker of Hanover, Ger many, has committed suicide, owing to the financial crisis. Twenty-three new cases of small-pox in Pittsburg, Pa., and ten in Alleghany were reported to the health authorities Wednesday. .several ladv land leaeuers were re leased Irom Mullingar jail Wednes day. The Euglish government has remov ed the restrictions on the importation of American breeding cattle, except that they win still be subjected to a quarantine of ninety days. Edward D. Mason died in Richmond Wednesday, aged 60 years. He was an ex-State Senator, and a delegate to the Republican National convention in 2S60. Six cases of small-pox were reported ia Baltimore Wednesday. The fall of snow at Boston, Mass., Tuesday night, was nearly eighteen inches on a level, and trade has been considerably interrupted. At Port Jervis, .New York, yesterday, the snow was tourteen inches deep, while at Narrowsburg, 30 miles, it was two feet deed. At Poughkeepsie, New York, it was eighteen inches deep. Senator Mahone has been presented with a gold-headed cane by a delega tion of colored admirers from Virgin ia. The cane was accompanied by the expression of the hope that the Sena tor might live many years to use it, and if found necessary to "rap the heads 01 .any opposed to him or his principles. Tne Shot Proves Fatal. New Obleans. Feb. 3. Mrs. W. S Lewis, of Red River parish, shot by her brother-in-law some weeks ago died Wednesday at the hotel Dieu in this city. mm I 1 Umt New fork Yacht Clnb. New York, Feb. 3. At the annua! meeting of the New York yacht club last night officers were elected for the ensuing year, ine annual regatta will be held on June 10th. A SURE CURE FOB PILES, Do you know what It Is to suffer with Piles? If you do, jou know what Is one of the worst torments of the human frame. The most perfect cure ever known Is Kidney-Wort It oures constipation, aid then its tonle action restores neaitn to the diseas ed bowels and prevents recurrence of disease. Try it without delay. The dry and the liquid are both sold by druggists. itiodo. ONE EXPERIENCE FROM MANY. I had been sick and miserable so long and had caused m? husband so much trouble and exDense. no one seemed to know what ailed me, that I was completely duheanenea ana discouraged, in tnis frame of mind I got a bottle of Hop fitter and used them unknown to my family. I soon began to improve and gained so fast that my husband and family thought it strange and unnatural; but Waen 1 tOlu tuvui wimm uou uinii mo, mcj sam, 'Hurrah far Hod Bitters I long may they prosper. for they have made mother well and us happy." The Mother. To promote a vigorous growth of the hair, use Parker's Hair Balsam. It restores the youthful color to gray balr, remove dandruff, and cures tching of the scalp. IN CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, Small Pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and Malarial Fevers, expose In the sick room narhvH Pronhylactlc Fluid. It will attack all lm parities and odors. The Fluid will draw to Itself tha norm rmtgons in the atmosphere and recharee it with osone, the mysterious agent by which na-r tore vitalizes the air. reer FEBRUARY 4, 1882. Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be under the ex clusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JOBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPOETUNTTY T0 SS4S)?'rtrirB SECOND GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. 141st MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. --.wv-irv-vuu j xouo iui ay ecus uj una XiOkib lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of 81,000.000 to which a reserve iuuu 01 9oou,uuu nas since Deen added. KV An (WAIBhalmlnn vuivml.... ma.a . ... - - - WIU 1V1A1A Jl twrtnf tha . O . n ....... . adopted December 2d. A D. 1879. 11s ujllnu bungle NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never amies nr nAatrmnoa TwtV a Hi. nti ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 10.000 1 Capital Prize 5000 2 Prizes of $2,500 B.'ooO 5 Prizes of 1,000 5 000 20 Prizes of 500 10 000 100 Prizes of 100. :." i&OOO 200 Prizes of Kf in wi 500 Prizes of an innXn LOOOPrizes of 10 ioioon APPROXIMATION PRIZES. Approximation Prizes of $300 $2,700 Approximation Prizes of 200 1 800 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $j 10,400 Responsible corresponding aeents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Ifor further information, write clearly, giving full address. 8end orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. liAUi'UIN, fiptw Orleans 1 jt orM. A. DAUPHIN, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Ills., The New Yort office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention of the Public Is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. ian POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly ol Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com pany is legal. 2d its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the JANUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize $80,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, $1,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, $300 each, Approximation Prizes S2.70C 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1.80& 9 Prizes, 100 " 900 1,960 Prizes $112,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 27 Tickets, 50; 55 Tickets. $100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to B. M. BOARDMAN. Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. ana tisttllnntotxB. Cures . SYPHILIS in any stage. CATABBH, ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PIM PLES, BOILS, or ANY SKIN DISEASE; CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, come to see us, and we will CUBE YOU. or charge nothing! 11 Write for particulars, and a copy of the little book "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing. 3&-$1000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who wiU find on analysis of luO bottles of 8. 8. 8. one particle of Mercury, Ioalde of Potassium, or any JtiaMrai suDsiance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , Atlanta, Ga. PER BOTTLE.) Price of Small Size, $100 Iarge Size, 1.75 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. dec31 Z. B. Vancx. W. H BAILXT, VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vidson. IW Office, two doors east of Independence BQuare. may2 u RO. D. GRAHAM, ATTOEITEY -A.T I-AW. IN the State and United States Courts. Collee tlons, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab tracts of Titles, Surveys, Ac, furnished for com pensatton. Omoi : N. K. Comer Tr Tryon streets' wianoue. . i. ijan. e. no NO. 4,016. DDHJY (BOPCPDDSn We will offer from this date our ENTIRE STOCK OF flvontestic and Imported Hosiery lo behold 'aTa tlci VTHtWeUn0H,ave,a CLOAK3 and WALKING JACKETS 10 oe sow at a SACRIFICE. Also Shawls, Balmoral bklrts, Blankets and Overcoats; WE HATE A HANDSOME LINE OF Dress Goods, Site, Satins, Surahs' I Mode Satins, Passamentries, Cords and Tassels, And everything in the Dress Jg Bargains Un many olber lines of t PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS.- HARGRAVES GENERAL FEED DEALERS -ilTD- COMMISSION MERCHANTS OM MIS 8 ION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, H. C, HAVE NOW ON HANO : A FULL SUPPLY OF resh Yinrinia Mea WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GBITS, BRAN. PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKERS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. t3T" Respectfully soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, Janl9 A X BEALL CO. 1 J.Bea Mo THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness, we can fur nish at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HJLAB3, ' LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTEBS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIBCULABS, CHECKS, Ac. & WILHELM. C. C. D. A. -AND- -THAT- NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House SELLS CHICKEBING k SONS, KRANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS. MASON &1HAMLIN, ' SHONINGER, PELOUBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. ty Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best Address or call on. II. MCSMITH. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S - PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OF SMAL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured In short Tme. Tetter dried op. SMALL POX ERADICATED. Contaslon destroyed. Sick Hooms purified and maae pieasan t. Fevered and Sine Per It Is perfectly harmless. sons relieved, and re- For More Throat u is a sure cure lresuea d y raining wim rophylauc iibJ added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured Dy its use in bathing. Impure Air made harm less and purified by sprinkling Darby's Fluid about To purify the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, it Cholera dlssl Dated. can t De surpassed. Catarrh relieved and Ship Fever prevented by Its U8d In cases' of death in the house, it should always be used about the corpse-it will prevent any unpleasant smell. An antidote for animal or Vegetable Poison, Stings, &c cured. Erysinelas cured. Barns relieved instantly. Scars Drevented. Removes all unpleasant odors. SCARLET FEVER Dangerous efflovlas of sickrooms and Hospi tals removed by 1U use. CURED Yellow Fever Eradicate Eta fact It is the great Disinfectant and Purifier, FBXFABXD BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., ManrifacturlBglCnemlsts, Sole Proprlettm dec Everybody Has Discovered DIPTHERIA I PREVENTED U 1 i i ! i I 1 1 ..... i f :r kit " u I t f rk in; r f A j - if ill i'ij! - h - ? r : i i s: ir.1

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