(gtatlotie b&ztvttx. LOUAL MATTERS. SATURDAY, FEB. 4,1882. Index to New Advert tMemen.M IjiRov Davidson Smoking T baeco. Utatement of the Mutual Lite Insurance Com- p any, of New York. HUtlNEAS NOTICES. The popular verdict Is generally the right one; and concerning Dr. Bud's cough syrup the people have long since decided that it Is the best cough remedy ever Introduced. gbkat obligation. "I am Indebted for my life." says Judge F. M. Brooks, of Columbus. Ua., "to Warner's tate Kid ney and Liver Cure." FADED OB GBAY HAIR ("adually recovers in iioir Ruiriam. an elegant Ing, admired for Its ipurlty and rl-di perfume. A FORTUNATE RECOVERY FROM SMALL POX Mr. John L. Kldwell, a prominent citizen of 'Washington, D C, has in his domestic employ as a nurse Miss Mary J. Biggins, who has recovered from a severe attack of smnll pox. Elated at her success, she Invested a dollar In the December monthly distribution ot the Louisiana State Lot tery, and received as a reward for her faith $10, 000 In gold. M. A. Daaphlu, New Orleans, will occur on February 14th. BED-BDG3, ROACHES. Rats, role ant, flies, vermin, mosquitoes, In sula. Ac cleared out by '-Rough on hats." 15c boxes at druggists. Monroe, Mich.. Sept 25, 1 875. Firs 1 have been taking Bop Bitters for inflam mation ot klndeys and bladder. It has done for niu what four doctors failed to do. The effect of Hod Bitters seemed like magic to me. W. L. CARTER. Drueelsts say that Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegeta ble Compound Is the best remedy for female weak ness that they ever beard of, for it gives universal satisfaction. Send to Mrs. Lydla B. Pinkbam, 238 Western Avenuet Lynn, Mass., for pamph lets. tUBLIMELY SUPERB. A pair of ba lutiful S in fl wers on Easels will be mailed free to any lady who will send a three cent postage sump to Dr. C. W. Benson, 106 No. Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors ai d in discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, 4c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America, fend a self-addressed envelope tc the Rev. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D. New York City Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness More economlca than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., "ov23 New York. LeHoy Datridgon. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Royal Baking Powder, AT & DRUG STORE. Jan27 L ANTERN8 and LAMPS Of all kinds at low pries. WILSON & BUR WELL. JUI8T'S GARDEN SEED, i'resh supply at wholesale and'retal'. WILSON & BURWKLL, Druggists. QAM3' EMULSION COD LIVER OIL, Pott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, Welbors' Emul sion Cod Liver Oil, Molar's Cod Liver Oil, fresh supply, at WILSON A BUR WELL'S, Drug Store. y A8ELINE, PLAIN. Vaseline Pomade. Tarrant's Aperient, Brown's Es. Ginger, Just received by WILSON & BUR WELL. DIVIDEND NOTICE. NOR! II CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, tiecietary and Treasurer's Office, Company Shops, N. C, January 31st, 1882. THE Directors of the North Carolina Railroad A Company bae" declared a dividend of 6 per cent three per c nt vayable 1 st March, to stock- noMers of record on 10th February next; and three per cent on 1st Peptember, to stockholders or record on 10th August next The stock books will be closed from 1 Oth February to 1st March, unu irom iota Auu-itto 1st September. 1882. P. B. BUFFIN, febl 1 m Secretary. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday Evening, February 7th. THIRD V FAB of BABTLEY CAMPBELL'S Famous New York Company in his great play, THE GALLEY SLAVE ! PBKSkHTkD OVEE 200 TIMES 1,1 NVw T rk City, and now playing in Australia, England and Germany. The Great New York Company I IUMC EVANS, MISS GUSSIK DeFOBBKST, JUNIUS BBUTUS BOOTH. THOa H. BUBN3. UA3 C. HAUBURY, MIS3 EDA CLAYTON. MI ELSIE MOORE, MlSS EMMA 6KKBBITT, I38 MAbY MILLS, LITTlKDAISEY, ALFEKD NOEL, HABBY S1MH0NP.3. ..f": ThePlar will tmmIUvaIt be produced with 8eiiu?"Jll,8c!nery. clues of Venice, Borne, Mar- aeultsandPaTuC JSSL on sale at thecal WILSON BUHWELL'S DOME CHIPLETS. t3"Mr. James Gamble, the water works contractor, is in the city for the first time since the contract was placed. SSMrs. Joshua Trotter, an aged lady of this city, who has been very sick for s )me time, was thought to be some what better yesterday evening. t3T"At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Thursday night it was de cided by resolution to have an annual dinner on the 14th inst. 6SMr. D. Reeves, who will be re membered as the caterer of the Cen tral hotel in this city some time ago, has been engaged to take charge of the dining rooms and catering of the Char lotte Hotel. A portion of our telecrraDhic market reports failed to reach the office last night, which accounts for their ab sence from our columns this morning. If they were sent out the messenger failed to deliver them at this office. ESPAn additional lot of pipe for the water works has been received, and will be put in at once. A small amount of the 12-inch pipe is still required be- iore enouen win De on hand to com plete the lines. EMcSmith says Oliver Doud By ron's was the first company for which he has sold tickets sufficient to exhaust the supply. He was engaged in manu facturing them yesterday evening as they were needed. HCharlotte is fast gaining the repu tation of being the most expensive place within the State in which to live. Rents and all necessaries of life are out of all proportions to what the laboring man can earn. ByThe other day the blow-pipe at the dam of the city .water works, carry ing an 8-inch stream, was thrown open and left open for the space of twenty six hours. The flow during that time lowered the water in the dam a little over four inches. EAt the Mayor's court yesterday morning Messrs. Tobe Morrow and Henry Leeder were up for an affray Friday night. Morrow was fined $5 and cost, while Leeder was required to pay $2.50 and costs. One plain drunk was disposed of by fine. JSiThe weather for the last fourteen months has been decidedly "spellish," last winter'giving us the longest period of bitter cold weather that the present generation has ever seen, which was followed in the summer by a long drought, and now we are having what might be called a rainy spell. A fact which puts the small boy on an equal footing with the oldest weather liar in the country. 3F"Mr. Ho. Chambers, the livery man, has recently received from Phila delphia a new omnibus which is a per fect gem, being decidedly the hand somest and most complete we have ever seen. The in tenor is of plain oil finish, and the upholstering is very fine. Non-rattlers are attached to the windows, and in front is a locked fare box in which passencers can deposit fare, while the driver on his seat can inspect each deposit before it goes into the chest. meeting- of Trustees We are requested to announce that there will be a meeting of the township board of trustees for Charlotte town ship, at the court house, at 3 o'clock this evening, for the purpose of discussing the condition of the public roads in this township. A failure to attend the meet ing is a misdemeanor under the law, and this fact ought to bring out every member. Killing: FLU. It is asserted that parties on the Ca tawba river have been in the habit of placing dynamite cartridges in that stream and exploding them for the pur pose of catching fish. Aside from this being an indictable offense, it is a most reprehensible practice, as the small fish, which are unfit for use, are destroyed with the larger ones, and this course, if pursued, will soon exhaust the fish in that stream. The Taylor Manufacturing- Company The Baltimore Sun of Thursday has the following in relation to the Taylor Manufacturing Company, a branch house of which concern is located in this city: "Mr. Taylor, representing the Taylor Manufacturing Company of Westminster, Md , was in Chambers- burg, Pa., on Tuesday, where he held a consultation with the executive com mittee of the business men's organiza tion, and offered to remove the Taylor Engine and Locomotive Works to Chambersbu rg, provided $75,000 is taken in stock. The executive committee go to Westminster to-morrow to look into the matter, and it seems probable that Mr. Tavlor's offer will be accepted. The Taylor Manufacturing Company em ploys 125 men, with a pay-roll of $6,000 a month. The removal is occasioned, it is stated, by the insufficiency of the present accommodations and by the distance of the works from the rail road." Library Association. The Tryon Street Library association held a meeting last night, at which a reorganization was had. and officers elected for the ensuing term. An article was inserted in the consti tution requiring the payment of an ini tiation fee of 25 cents for each male member, and fixing the monthly dues for such members at 10 cents. No fees required of lady members. Old mem bers will be reauired to pay the initia tion fee as well as new. In view of the fact that there has on several occasions been unbecoming conduct in the unoccupied portions of the basement of the church, it was deemed advisable to elect a doorkeeper who, with two assistants, will be re quired to suppress anything of the kind in the future. If this method falls we would suggest that perhaps a resort to police interference would have the de sired effect, as there can be no excuse whatever for parties interfering with the meetiugs, and those doing so are en- titled to no consideration in me mem. od resorted too to suppress iu The onlv exercises last night were a itfttion bv Miss Mamie Byerly and a A VW www-""- 0 owhich wffl rendered. reading by MISS JUlia MC-uaucuiui, Not Title The rumor that the waiting room at the Air-Line depot in this city is to be abolished, mention of which was made in yesterday's Observer, is not true, as we are informed by an official that nothing of the kind has been thought of. The feasibility of a removal across the railroad has been considered, but nothing definite has as yet been decided upon. The object in stating that the rumor was prevalent was to get a de nial, if false. "Acrasa tbc Continent." This sensational drama was given last night by Oliver D. Byron and his company to what might be considered a large audience, considering the rain and mud. Our readers who are in the habit of attending the opera house are familiar with the play, hence an ex tended notice is useless. It can well be said that Byron is the attraction of the play, which, in other hands, would long since have passed from the boards. Drowning In Korky Hirer. Last Wednesday John Young, color ed, aged about sixty years, was drown ed at Lipe's mill, on Rocky river. Young attempted to cross the pond in a boat, but the river was swollen to such an extent that he was drawn to ward the dam and soon lost control of the boat, when he jumped into the water and was swept over into the pool below. Just as he arose after passing over the dam the boat came over also and struck him on the head, either killing hint or rendering him un able to take care of himself. The body was recovered Thursday, having re mained in the water over night. Young was a blacksmith by trade, and our informant says that he bore a good character. Can diem a. Thursday was Candlemas, connected with which is the tradition that good weather on that day indicates a long continuance of winfcsr, but if the weather De tout an early spring is as sured. A popular Scottish rhyme reads: "If Candlemas Day be dry and fair, the half of winter's to come and mair; if Candlemas Day be wet and foul, the half of winter's gone at yule." In Germany there are two proverbs of the people: "The shepherd would rather see the wolf enter his stable on Candlemas Day than the sun." Thurs day was mostly cloudy in this section, from which, if the tradition holds good, it is to be supposed the length of the winter hereabouts will be about "so long." That was the day on which the ground hog is supposed to come out of his hole, and if the sun is not shining takes his winter walk, indicating by this that the winter will be short. If the ground hog has any existence in this country outside of the minds of those who are familiar with this old and popular tradition, it is to be sup" posed he took a walk Thursday. Kelief Needed. It is to be hoped that the road super visors, if they are gotten together to day, will be able to suggest some plan by which relief can be had in the mat ter of bad roads. The man who will suggest and carry out a plan by which the city of Charlotte will be made ac cessible to the citizens of the surround ing country at all seasons of the year will accomplish much towards placing hi3 name in the list of the benefactors. Farmers can not afford to haul wood oyer such roads as those leading to Charlotte, and this is the prime cause of the extravagant prices asked for wood in this market as soon as the win ter season opens. The same rule will apply to all supplies that are to be haul ed from the country, and in this way the effect is felt directly by every citi zen of the place, and more especially by the laboring class. The streets in Charlotte are muddy, but a trip in the country just now will almost convince a man that we are having dry weather in town. The mninal of Now York. The annual statement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company, of New York, appears in another column. There is always a dignity and straight forwardness about the reports of this company that carry conviction. Being the largest and strongest company in the world perhaps it can better afford to give the simpleiifigures without any attempt at distortion. Its assets now are reported to amount to $94,702,957 90 and its surplus is given at more than $12,000,000. Last year it paid to policy holders, or their representatives, $12, 640,112, a sum exceeding the capital of half the life companies in the country. The Mutual's low rates and safe terms, with its long and honorable career, have inspired public confidence, and given it a pre-eminence unequaled. The company is mutual in fact as well as in name, and every policy holder has a voice in the management. The past record of this great institution is a suf ficient guaranty for the future. Net gbborbood Note. The Concord Sun says Cabarrus far mers will not plant cotton extensively this year. Last Thursday the members of the Poplar Tent fair association held a meet ing at which Chas. McDonald, Esq., de livered an address on "advanced ideas of agriculture and the undeveloped re sources of our country, which will likely be circulated among the farmers of the community. Concord has organized an amateur dramatic company which will shortly give an entertainment. The dogs in tne ropiar Tent neigh borhood have been treated to a little cold poison by some unknown person, .and the mortality has been all that could be desired. Mr. Daniel Fisher, of Concord, has a cow from which 280 pounds of butter was made last year A little daughter of Mr. Jos. H Young, of Concord, recently had one of her nngera painfully mutilated by a toy i pistoj whxbi it originated. Bprtngneid, Tenn., April 12. 1881. Sirs A distressing cough i 0iirom&M&A lifer, was cured by your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. A. hofxihs. Takes the CaAie. Mr. W. H. Brown, of Dewese town ship, yesterday brought to The Obser ver office the boss turnip, and if any newspaper man undertakes to beat it he must do so with affidavits. The turnip weighs ten pounds less one ounce, and 19 the most perfect in shape we have ever seen. A fact in connection with it is that the seed from which it was grown are native seed, and can be traced back for 29 years. This statement is made for the purpose of showing that large turnips can be produced from home seed as easily as from imported. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH FEBBUABY 8, 1882 PRODUCE. Baltmobx- -Noon Floor very quiet; Howard street and Western super S4.50SS6.00; extra S5.20S6.2R; family S6 40S7.60; city mills, super S4.26$6.26; extra S6 60S6.26; family S7.50S7.76; Bio brands 87.00; Patapaco family 88.25. Wheat Southern quiet and about steady; Western higher and closing very easy; Southern Md S1.38S1.40: amber S1.43S1.45: No. 1 Maryland S1.4ia81.42V; No. 2 Western winter red spot. S1.89U; February Si 89 bid: March S1.421S1.42&b; April 81 44i; May S1.45U bid. Corn Southern steady; Western easier and inac tive; Southera white 80; Southern yellow 71. Baltwou Night Oats quiet; Southern 50 52; Western white 51 52; mixed 605l; Penn sylvania 5052. Provisions steady, with a fair Jobbing trade demand; mess pork S18.50S18.75. Bulk meats -shoulders and clear rib sides, packed 7 Via 10. Bacon -shoulders 81ft; dear rib sides 11; hams 18 13V&- Lard refined 11 4. Coffee firmer; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 8SA9SA. Sugar- quiet; A son Ufe Whiskey firm, at 81 20. Freights quiet. Hnr Tom Southern Sour, steady and fairly ac tive; common to fair extra S5.6587.O0; good to choice extra 87.1 0S8.00. Wheat opened lfe lVfec lower, but unsettled and depressed, closing weak and unsettled at inside rates; ungraded red Sl.31S1.46: ungraded white S1.35S1.88; No. 2 red, February 8l.44VftS1.45Vfc. Cora-cash and near by delivery strong, late options lower and closing dull and depressed and trade less active; ungraded 6710)71; Southern yellow 70; No. 2, February 69. Oats fairly active and firmer; No. 8, 46. Heps firm, moderate inquiry and prices unchanged. Coffee steady and more active sales ; Bio 89V6; Santos 91. Sugar-unchanged and dull: sales of Centrifugal 7,914 boxes clayed, at 67; fair to good refining quoted at 67V6; refined easier and quiet; Standard A 8. Molas sessteadily held and In better demand. Bice moderately active and firm. Bosln quiet and firm, at 82.30eS2.87Vi- Turpentine dull, at 54Vi. Wool steadily held and very quiet; Domes tie fleece 8650; Texas 1431. Pork dull and weak and unsettled, and prices entirely nominal. Middles quiet and very firm; long clear 9Vi; short 10. Lard - opened a trifle better, and closed weak and dull, with the advance lost, at 811.40 Sll.42Vi. Freights to Liverpool market dull. Cot ton, steam 5-82SH40. Wheat, steam 84d. COTTON. Galtbstoh Dull; middling llc; low mid dling HVdc; good ordinary 10Ac; net receipts 1,662; gross 2,286; sales 850: stock 90,262; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent : to France ; to channel Weekly - net rec'pts 1 1 ,270; gross 1 2.098; sales 3,440; exports coastwise 10,404; to Great Britain 4,851; to continent 727; France ; to chan nel 1,617. Norfolk Steady. 2.339; gross : middling lltfec; net receipts stock 49,851; exports eoaat- wise ; sales exporu to ureal Britain to continent Weekly net rec'ts 15,915; gross 4 857; coastwise 6,066; Great Britain channel ; continent ; France . ; sales 2,241; Balttuorb Quiet; middling llc; low mid dling 118; good ordinary lOVi: net rec'ts 54; gross 1,890; sales 177; stock 38,660; exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Grest Britain : to continent . Weekly net receipts 231; gross 4.978; sales 915; spinners 4nH; exports Great Britain 2,398; coastwise 1,020: continent 50. Boston Steady, middling 12c; low middling llc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 492; S-oss 1.463; sales : stock 10,033; exports to real Britain ; to France . Weekly net rec'ts 2,394; gross 6,870; sales ; exports to ureal Britain 0,444. Wilmington Firm: middling lUhe: low mid dling 10 15 16c; good ord'y 101-lftc: rec'pts 605; gross ; sales : stock 8,454; exports oaatwlse ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 8.092: gross : exDorts coastwise 1.743; to Great Britain ; to con tinent 1,107. Philadelphia Steady; middling 12Uc: low middling UVic; good ordinary 10 Vic; net receipts 159; gross 465; sales ; spinners : nock ; exports Great Britain ; to continent Weekly net receipt 1,183; gross 2,012; sales ; spinners 1,88 1 ; coastwise : continent : to Great Britain 650; stock 15,840. Savannah Firm; middling llttc: low mid dling 10c; good ordinary 10c; net receipt .254; gross ; sales 2.300; stock 83.088: exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to France : to continent . Weekly net recelDts 10.562:gross 10.636 sales 10,500; exports to Great Britain 9,030; France ; coastwise 9,804; continent 1,743. New Oblkahs-Quiet; middling llKc: low mldal.ng llVdc; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 35; gross 8,900: sales 2,000; stock S08.947; exports to Great Britain ; to France ; coastwise ; to continent . Weekly net recelDts 25.099: gross 80.983: sales 13,500; exports Great Britain 24,261 ; chan nel ; coastwise 2,879; France 8,019;contlnent Nxw Tom Quiet; sales 763: middling up lands 12c; middling Orleans 12V4c: consoli dated net receipts ; exports to Great Britain to it ran 88 ; to continent ; to channel Weekly net rec'ts 6.842: gross 23.048: exn'ts to Great Britain 9,516; France 573; continent ,410; sales 3,000; stock 339.121. LmspooL Noon Fair demand freely met at previous prices; middling uplands 6d; middling Orleans 6d; sales 10,000; speculation and export ,000; receipts u.700: American 4.050. uplands low middling clause: February delivery ; Feb- ary and March ; March and April ; April iA XTa . Un. T... . T..nA T..I aiiu ua; , jua BUU uuo , uuo uu V 111 6 27-32d: July and Aueust 6 29-82d: Aucust and September . Futures steady. Liverpool 5 P. M. Sales of American cotton 8.450 bales. Uplands low middling clause: Feb ruary delivery 6 21-32d; February and March 6 21-32d; March and April ; April and May 6 25-32d; May and June 6 27-82d; June and July 6 29-32d; July and August 6 16-16d; August and September . Future sclosed quiet. LIVXBPOOL COTTON CIBCULAB. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, says: "The cotton market opened firm. On Tuesday there was less demand and the market was Irregular and depressed, but it improved at the close Tht quotations partially declined: Lower grades or American v&o and low middling l-16d. bea Island was in small demand at unchanged rates. Futures opened firm and af ter fluctuating closed l-32d to l-16d lower on the week. Sales for the week 61.000 American 45.000 Speculation 8.700 Export 2,000 Actual exports ' 8,400 Forwarded from ships' sides Imports 70,000 American 50,000 Stock 632.000 American, 452.000 Afloat 360 000 American 248,000 FO TUBES. Nxrr Tosx-Net receipts 465: gross 1.973. Futures closed dull but steady; sales 78,000 bales. February 12.00.01 March i2.Z3i2.uu April 12.45a.00 Mav 12.64a.65 June 12.820.88 July 12.96a.96 Ancntit 10.UOIC.UI September 12.39a.40 October 1180a.82 November 11.0400 December January The Evening Post's Cotton Market Report says Future deliveries opened slightly lower, but on bet ter advices from Liverpool advanced 2 te 4-1UO. Subsequently the market became easier and at the third call February regular was sold at 12.02; short notice at 12; marcn at 12.24; May at 12.00; June at 12.88. FIN AN C AL. Nxw YiU. HTorrra. 1 1 A. M. The market opened 8 per cent higher than yesterday's closing prices for Adam's .Express, wiu ai yer uiguer ior uiv rest of the market, the latter for the Northwestern pre ferred. In early dealings the market recorded an advance of IbtciW per ceni, 10 wnicn me unio a. Mississippi and the Illinois Central were most conspicuous. At 11 o'clock the general market fell oft y&Qjik P' cent- CITY COTTON MARKET. Omcx or Trx Obskbtxb. 1 Ckarlottx, February 4. 1882. ( The market yesterday closed dull at the folic w- lng Quotations flnnd Middling. 11 8ttictly middling 11U Mlddllna. . 11W Striet low middling.. Low mkUnlnc 11 104 60tf Tlnses Storm cotton KECkliTa FOB TH WgJCK. PBP TBTDAT, STd. Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday . . Thursday... Friday 208 bales 85 91 1P8 09 50 Total bales 651 FEBBUABY 1ST, 1882. --OUR-- GREAT GREAT Closing Oat Sale OF WILL BEGIN TO-DAY, 0VXRC0AT3..., FOB WIN TIB WXAH. OVZBCOATS ..FOB SPBING WEAR. TTTT B E S O L D.- A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never carry over from Season1 to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time, if a reasonable sacrifice can accomplish the sale. IT HAS BKKN A MILD SEASON THUS FAB, AND WE HAYS A Large Stock On hand. If we've erred in Judgment as to Quan tity or styles, NOW IS THE TIME TO PBIOE MAZES DIPFEBEJTOES. The lower the Price the Quicker the Sale. Tor three years our policy has been to close each season's purchase the season bought, enabling us to open FRESH NEW STOCKS. Our Customers expect it; the reputation of oar House demands U. If you have not beught it will be worth your while to look, for the pi ices WILL ASTOND3H YOU. OUB S27. $28. SSO and $32 BILK SLXXTS LINED OVKBCOATS will be sold wltnout reserve at $20. OUB $22. $24 and $25 OVKBCOATS at $17.50. OUB $18 and $20 OYZBCOATS at $15. This last includes all of our FINK BKVKBSIBLK ULSTKBS and ULSTXBKTTBS. We have some 25 BKVKBSIBLK OVKBCOATS In handsome patterns, marked $14, $18 and $17.50, which will be sold at $10. OUB $10 and $12 OVKBCOATS will be sold uni formly at $7.50. 1 lot of some 200 OVKBCOATS, embracing the remnants of all lots ranging In price from oooo ooMoo I a if Zj oo oooo oo o 9 $999 0000 0000 899 00 0000 00 $ eo oooo oo i SOjgiS g 0000 0000 77 77 77 0 MOO 00 H . 00,00 oooo I WILL BB SACBLFICKD AT THK HELLING, The convenient price for all only $5. This lot is an n MM MM MM MM n MMMM UUUU H MMMM MMMM H M M M M M M II M M M M M M EES gW N K m x H 5 KKX X HI BARGAIN ! Ky- We snaU make In this sale the LOWKST prices we hare XVXB offered, and wben we assert this we MXajI the LOWKST prices XVXB made br anybody. w- Orders from a distance are solicited, and the same advantages In LOW prices wfllbe gtren as If purchasing In penon. The opportunity is a nreone. latta nsu. febl OVERCOATS ALL MM MM U U cSSo AA L li HHUM U y " T A L L M MM M U U S8a f AAA L M M M V U c 3 f A A LLLL LLLL M M M UU Sfi8 T Rectify Mis IEdDdDTTS 1 SffildDIHS AT COST! AT COST. AT COST. ha visa JTJST TAXXN I FIND I BAYS XNTIBBLY TOO EH U C EE STO CJ ON HAKD, AND UJ QBDXH TO RXDUC1 IT I WILL OFFZB UNTIL FUBTHXB NOTICX, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. . SSSE. SsQde Gtreetv dec30 lm w am ACID PHOSPHATE, Manufactured Wando 'Phosphate OF CHARLESTON, IS. C. THE FIRST COMPANY THAT MADE FERTILIZERS FROM THE Wonderful Phosphate Deds of South Carolina. WOBKS CITTT; 1 0!f MIITES ITBAR BEE'S PllBBT,) ASHLEY RIVER. OFFICE:-- 7 Excbge Street, Charleston, S. C. PEAK0I8 B. HACKEE, President. JOSIAH S. BBOWN, Treasure CHARLES Y. BIOHABDSON, Traveling Olerk. JanSl d-8t oaw w-lm 1,000 Sittii m IN FIVE POUND CANS. lL0llBny HDavMsw THE NEW DRUG STORE, Corner ef College and Trade streets, (Wilson ft Stack's eld stand.) IS NOW OPE N Parties desiring fresh and Beuable Brags wOl do well to gire us a calL )an4tf CDCN QHUK, HAND A- CO and sold by Company, (EdPdDBDS I mmm Havinc removed to the shop, onTnon stoeet, orer Se Independent Book A UMulhmoaMf, nowresxlytorecelTe orders tor HOUSX, SIGN andORNAMXNTAL PAINTING, socage i-GBAIHIHGr- Cuilding, Kalsomining, Frescoing, to. an26tf him Tow,

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