Sty? t)arlottt bserccr. SVMiO RIFT ION RATKS: Daily, onr year, ptxtt-vatii, in advance $8 00 itixmontfi ,, s.; 400 fftne monlf ,. 2.00 One month 7S Wk'KKLT KDlTrOff: Weekly (in the tounty). in advame 82 00 OuttftheeunPy, Fttyaid 2.10 x months 1.0S C0fc mxfl lob Srintittfl" THE OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness, we can fur nish at short notice, . BLANKS, BrLL-HIADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBELLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, 4c. WW VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. Q., WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1882. NO. 4,019. S-frf&ti jfl'' " if . Tvx (5ooAs II WILL SELL DRESS GOODS- at ve:y low prices. Oar tL'IJ ' intra s FANCY HOSIERY 111 be told cheap to close them out. We have a splendid stock of CARPETS, WHI h w.s pr pose to close out very cheap. Ask lor KID uMVHH. ask lor LACKS. aa for ANY THING you want In our Hue. car- laliks, ati t You are cordially Invited to Call 11JMM 4 HARRIS. .1 "'-J it We .ire diily receiving a A Ni:V SUPPLY Off - yva:c i w ili. Be morn co npl te than tver bef mi.; comprises -TDK- llest Brands and Latest Styles. LADIF. -', MASSES, CHILDHEV5. GE.NTo', BOYS and YOUTHS' FiNE BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY. Lower grades all (.'Kids In our Ih.e lit variety and allpilivn. Full stock Stetson and Other Hats. A P HETTY l.IMi 'l'HV.HK, V VI.ISF.S AND NtTCHEI.S, ''ill slzs 'ud price. Cal. nd see us. PEGRAM & CO. f. l2 BlisccUaiie0tt?. I AM SELLING GLASSWARE, TINWARE and NOTIONS OK i-VEhT DESCRIPTION Very cheap nt the VARIETY STORE undf the Traders' National bmik. 13T- Many useful artlc'es for housekeepers. Tw pairs leit ot Ladle.-,' Merino Vests at $1.75 p pair, worth S3.UU. call aud see for yourselves. febl C. M. ETHEKKDUK. SALE OF BONDS. BY Virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, in the case of Alvls King iin.i nlhara arrolnot W J nnd A. MllTrRV and "ihers, I will offer for sale at the court house door in i.-eenboro, N. C. at puMic auction, mr casu, i n M ,ni j tu tv, dgi nf lfehni:irv 1 R8V. at 12 "'clock M , eight .8) bonds of the county of Car teret Issued Kebrrary 20tb. 1 8B0, each for $5u0 ou- on February 20th. 1880, t" each of which i oiui. c iupnns are attached for Interest at 6 per win. irom February JUin, into. k .nii.u Hsoirino furt hor i format lrn eai address "iy atioriiey, James K. Boyd, Esq., Greensboro, 1 m:i td.4 Receiver. Professional Z H. Vanck. W. H Baxlki VANCE & BAILEY, AttoruHva and Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Hra.-tiea in Supreme Court of the United States, supreme uourt oi worm larounn, reueitu Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da- TiUSUU. I-omc. two doors east of Independence UO. D. GRAHAM, I N the State and United States Courts. Collec uuus, uome ana Foreign, soiicuea. au "tracts of Titles, Surveys, Ac, furnished for com Denaatton Hmm . w r f. in iwimt.t voanotte, n. a fjan. o. Ladies fas mm m m grg (Soote, (Slothing, Sec. FROM TO-DAY -ALL WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. I, Seigle & Co. Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to Amount to much, and II promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and surely in such cases aa PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. Tho prompt use of this invaluable remedy ha3 saved thousands of lives. PERKY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER 13 not an experiment. It has been before tho public for forty years, and Is most valued Where It Is best known. A few extracts irom voluntary testimonials read as follows : Pain Killer has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty-seven years, and nave Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure. l S. Cbockek, WiUiamsville, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pain Killer, and found it a neiier-f ailini? remedy for colds and Bore throat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief rom colds and Bore throat, and consider your Pain Killer au Invaluable remedy. Oeo. B. Everett, Dickinson, N. Y. I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could gt no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never atfaia be without it. C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I beg-an using Pain Killer In my family twenty five years ago and have used it ever since, and have found no medicine to tako its place. B. W. Dyer, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and croup It Is the best preparation made. We would not be without it A. P. Routs, Liberty Mills, Va. For twenty -nve years I have used Patn Killlti for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever oflered. GEO.HoopEB,Wilmington, K. C. I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killkr, and after taking a few doses waa completely cured. T. Wilkinson. , Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Patn Killer cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fall in a single instance. This fact you should tnake knownto the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to call a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat waa clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so-many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equaL It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle ot Pain Killer 4n the house is a safeguard that no family snould be without. All druggists sell It at 35c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle, PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dlw sept & oct. TiPTT POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiosa of appetlte,Nati8ea,bowel8 costive, "Pain in theHead.witha dull sensation in the back part, Fain under the shoulder V U.Ja offai. oatintr nrit.h ftiiisln- UIHUO! X UimPDO J-X w- m. " O , , clination to exertion of body or mind,J Irritability of temper. Low spirits, Loss of memory, with a feeling of haying neg lected some duty,weariness, Dizziness, Flattering of the Heart, Dots before the eye, Yellow Bkin. Headache, Bestlessr new at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE "WAB2TCNGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects inchachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on 'leh, thus the system Is nourished, and by theirTonic Action on the Digestive Organs, Kesrular Stools are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 35 Murray St., BT.Tr. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whisk ers changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dye. it Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of II. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. Dr. TCTT8 HANTAL of Vmlu.lil InrbnntUon and HCaeful Receipt will be mailed FKEE on tpplleatloa.J' Feby. 2:Jdeod&wl iswiiiwawwiiMaanniiw Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, StiHingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, Into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest TtlnoH Purifier and the Ucstllcalth Strength Ecstortr Eyer Uso. It cures Rheumatism, Parker's Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the stomach, tsoweis, T T : - ffr V wln.r Oil K(l enm. &isentire!rdiffereatfrom 1 . ' " Bitters, CmKer Essences MolUtt -d other Tonic - It in Nr fail, to restore tke never intoxicates, riiscox youthful color to gray hair. & Co., Chemists, N. Y. 60c. md (11 ilzc. Large Saving Paying Dollar Site. oct22 ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQtTAETIES POB DEUMMEBS 8TATESVILLE, n. c. THIS house has been leased for a term of years by Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose Intention U to keen a strictly firs trcJ ass house In every respect. Commodious sample rooms on first and second patronage of the public 1b solicited, . Jalyl.dtf. I Winter Goods a THE ELFXTOHAL FRAUD. Dlsanpearance of the Panic Who Were It Promoter. Washington Post Since Mr. Tilden was cheated out of the Presidency, to which he was elect ed, a great many f the men who assist ed in the infamous fraud have gone in an ignoble way to their long home. Zack Chandler died miserably in a Chicago hotel; Senator Morgan shuffled off his unfragrant coil before he could derive any benefit from the fraud ; Gen. Garfield, who was pretty deep in the Electoral swindle, died from the blow, of an assassin, and the other day Mr.' Stoughton "Clerical Error" Stoughton passed away almost without a sigh. And yet the feeble old man at Gram mercy Park, who doesn't look as though he had a day's life in him, is still, as bright and chipper to an extent, in deed, that some of the gossips say he has his eye firmly fixed on the term which begins in '84 and ends in '88, and which would leave him, even if he should live to see the end of it, almost, a nonagenarian ; while as for Hayes but then he's too dead to speak it. State Newt. Alamance Gleaner: There is not a prisoner in Alamance jail and has not been for six months. Durham Plant: Durham has the mumps and wants a United States building. Kinston Journal: At the close ot the war our county owed a railroad debt of $50,000, which was paid white the republicans administered the affairs of the county, and the county still owns the stock in the road. Since the demo crats came into power a 12,000 court house has been built with only one levy of special tax of $5,000 ; the county is free from debt; the poor receive their monthly allowance in cash instead of script, to sell at a discount; jurors at tending court receive t lie cash for their services, ana yet our taxes are within the constitutional limitation. How to Ue Your Napkin at Dinner, Philadelphia Press. The law of the napkin is but vaguely understood. One of our esteemed me tropolitan contemporaries informs an eager inquirer that it is bad form to fold the napkin after dinner ; that the proper thing is to throw it with negli- glent disregard on the table beside the plate, as to told it would b9 a reflection on the host, and imply a taminarity that would not befit an invited guest. 3ut the thoughtful reader will agree with us that this studied disorder is ikely to be a good deal more trying to a fastidious hostess than an unstudied replacing of the napkin in good order beside the visitor's plate. The proper thing is to fold the fabric with unosten tatious care and lay it on the left of the plate far troin the liquids, liquors, and coffee, and thus testily to the hostess that her care in preparing the table has been apprepreciated. The napkin lias played famous parts n the fortunes of men and women. It was one of the points admired in Marie Stuart that, thanks to her exquisite breeding in the court of Marie de Medici, her table was more imposing than the full court of her great rival and executioner, Elizabeth. At the table of the latter the rudest forms were maintained, the dishes were serv ed on the table, and the great Queen helped herself to the platter without fork or spoon, a page standing behind her with a silver ewer to bathe her fin gers when the flesh had been torn from the roasts. At the court or the late empire, Eugenie was excessively fas tidious. The use of the napkin, and the manner of eating an egg, made or ruined the career of a guest. The great critic, Sainte Beuve, was disgraced and eft off the visiting list because, at a breakfast with the Emperor and Em press, at the Tuileries, he carelessly opened his napkin and spread it over his two knees and cut his egg in two in the middle. The court etiquette pre scribed that the half-folded napkin should lie on the left knee, to be used in the least obtrusive manner in touch ing the lips, and the egg was to be merely broken on the larger ena witn the edge of the spoon and drained with its tip. The truth is luxury and inven tion rush table appliances so far that few can be expected to know the par ticular convention that may be consid ered good form in any diversified socie ty. The way for a young fellow to do is to keep his eyes open which, unless he is in love, he can do-and note what others do. Tbe Toftaxco ft ajt that Durham ays. From a memorial to Congress issued by the Dupfiam tobacco trade, protes ting azatfist the agitation or tne repeat of thevtobacco tax. we gather the fol lowing, showing the amount of money t busy burg pays in tne way or 10 fiacco tax : The town of Durham paid to the United States Government for the year 1881, as tax on tobacco, the sum of $727,- 269.54 being an average 01 over ilfWJ.uoo. 00 Der month. The value of stamps sold aunng me month of October and November 1881, before the agitation of the question was $192,979.65 with a large number or ord ers unfilled, and which were conse quentlv carried into December 1881, whi etor the months or uecemoer itsi and January 1882, after this agitation was started, the amount was only $112. 175. and that, too," when our manufac tures had to carry some of the Novem ber orders over into December to be filled. A short review of the results of the last aeitation of the tax question wil Dresent the case in a very conclusive manner. The agitation waa tegun in the latter part of!December 1878. In Jan. 1879 stamps sold, about 20,000 " Feb. ' " " " 22,000 " March" " - 19,000 " April " " " 44,000 While in Mav 1S79 when the matter was disposed of. and the uncertainty removed, the value of stamps sold at once rose to $171,000 notwithstanding the tax in Mav was 16 cents, while pre vious to that time it had been 20 cents on smokine and 24 cents on plug tobac cos. And we believe a corresponding loss has been experiended by every to bacco district in the Uunited States We now ask, are we to pass through the same trying ordeal? As long as the uncertain tv exists as to your nnai ac tion uDomthis Question, such must be the case. Florida IVw. Jackson. Miss.. Feb. 7. Gen. Gordon of Georgia, spoke last night in the Representatives' Hall, on the subject of railroads. The Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masons met yesterday m their thirty fnnrth annual convention. The Senate passed a bill appropriat ing fiftv thousand dollars for the en couragement of immigration. The Canal lftlerprie. New York Banker and Brogr. Arnorig the-canal fiojects to which the attention of Congress has been di rected is one for a ship canal across the State of Michigan from Saugatuck to Detroit. It is estimated that the cost of construction would be 85,554,860. It is proposed that the canal shall follow the course of the Kalamazoo river through Allegan and Kalamazoo coun ties, thence through1 Calhoun county, Jacfcson county, and1 other counties on a line eastward to the Detroit Harbor. The length of the canal would be 178 miles. The Kalamazoo river would be a useful feeder, and it is said that there are no less than 335 lakes from which water can be obtained. The number of locks would be 22. Another project is that of building a canal from R6C& Island, on the Missis sippi river, eastward 65 miles, to Hen nepin, on the lIBabis river. The Hli nois and MichigalBanal extends from Chicago westward to Peru, which is only a few miles from Hennepin, and the connecting link between the old and the new canal would be formed by the navigable waters of the Illinois river. It was estimated in 1870 by the War Department that the Hennepin canal would cost $3,900,000. A glance at the map shows that this canal would establish communication between the Mississipdi river and the great lakes. It also appears that the proposed canal across the base of the Michigan Penin sula would open water communication on almost a straight line from Chicago, through Lake Erie and thB Erie canal to New York. The completion of the two canals would open direct commu nication from the Mississippi River to New York. The Midlothian Search Five Bodiea Found. Richmond, Va., February 7. Ad vices from the Midlothian mine disas ter received last night state that the body of Engineer Jos. Cournow, white, was found yesterday about 50 feet from his engine, lie was not disfigured or burned, save a slight bruise on the nose. This makes five bodies recovered so far. A regular shift of ten men is now or ganized, relieving each other every four hours and work will be pushed vigor ously. A meeting of citizens will be held at the coal field to-day to present an address to the public setting forth the destitute condition of the widows and orphans and appealing for aid. The Baptist ministers in their meeting yesterday unanimously resolv ed to take up collections in their re spective churches next Sunday for the sufferers. Fell I of u, .lloitniain Ledge. Chattanooga DI-p;itch The most remarkable result of the rains which have prevailed almost con tinuously in this locality for the past thirty days, occurred Friday. The tallest peak on Buffalo mountain, in ast lennessee, known as vhite Rock peak on accouut of its peculiar forma tion, being a ledge of white rock which towered several hundred feet, fell with terrific crash, w hich was heard for several miles around, and the whole surrounding country wns almost over whelmed with terror, it appears as if the whole end of the mountain had fallen. It is said that when the crash first occurred people congregated and prayed to be delivered from the falling mountains. Deprekbion in tho Savaunah StocK 31 ark el. Savannah, Feb. 7. There was con siderable flurry in the stock market yesterday and Georgia Central fell five points. Mr. Alexander, ot the .Louis ville and Nashville, and the new direc tor in the Central, is in the city to at tend the meeting of steamship directors to-day. The general belief is, that an injunction will be issued restraining parties from carrying out the scheme of dividing the property of the steam ship company. Hence the depression in stocks. The PugllUlic Briiiaera. New Orleans, Feb. 7. A Timos- Democrat Mississippi City special says: There has been no trouble yet, but re ports are current that the sheriff will prevent the fight. Ryan and Sullivan are in fine condition. The ground which has been selected can be overlooked from Barnes' Hotel. It is not thought there will be any trouble. Sale of the Wcldou Water Power New Factory to be Built. Petersburg, Va., Feb. 7. The canal and water power at Weldon, North Carolina,has been sold to Rob't Peebles, of Northam pton county, for $17,500. A cotton factory to cost $500,000 is to be erected tor the new purchaser. "Yon can't come It." said a customer to a drug gist who endeavored to palm off his own mixture when Dr Bull's cough syrup was asked lor, and Bnll's he got. Price 25c a bottle. Akscuiblinff of Parliament. London. Feb. 7. Parliamen re-as sembled to-dav. The House of Com mons was well attended, but there was a sparce attendance in the House of Lords. Bradlauzh was under the gal- lerv of the House of Commons. The Quen's speech was read by the Lord High Chanceller Lord belborne. The old saying "opposition is the life of business has not been sustained In one Instance at least Since the Introduction of Dr. Bull's cough syrup all other coueh remedies have been dead stock and the venders are In despair. "ROUGH ON BATS." The thing desired found at last. Ask druggist for Housh on tats. it clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bed-bags, 15c boxes. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Sirup. Rev. Sylvanus Cobb thus writes In the Boston Christian Freeman: we would by no means re commend any kind of medicine which we did not know to be good particularly for Infants. But 01 Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothlnp Syrup we can speak from knowledge; m our own lamny n. nas provea a blesslne Indeed, by givin g an Infant troubled with colic pains, qniet sleep, and Its parents unknown rest at night, aiosi parents can appreciate tnese blessings. Here Is an article which works to per fection, and whicn is harmless: for the sleep which it affords the Infant Is perfectly natural, and the little cheniD awaxes as "Might as a Dutton. And during the process of teething, its value Is Incalculable. We have frequenUy heard mothers say they would not be without It from the birth of the child till it had finished with the teething steere. on any consideration whatever. Sold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. IN CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, Small Pox, Diphtheria, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow and Malarial Fevers, expose in the sick room Darbys Prophylactic Fluid, it will attack alllm nurlties and odors. The Fluid will draw to Itself the germ poisons In the atmosphere and recharge it with ozone, the mysterious agent by which na ture vitalizes the air. Vnr An Irritate Throat. Conzh or Cold "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are offered with the fullest confidence In their efficacy. They main tain the good reputation they have Justly acquired. Monroe, Mich., Sept 25, 1875. sirs 1 have been taking Hon Bitters for lnflam mation of klndeys and bladder. It has done for me what four doctors failed to do. The effect of Hop Bitters seemed like magic to me. W. L. CARTER. A 8URS IUSE FOB PILES. Do you know what It is to suffer with Piles? If yon do, you know what Is one of the worst torments 01 tne human frame. The most perfect cure ever Known IS iuanev-wort. It aires ftonstl nation, and wen us ionic action restores health to the diseas ed bowels and prevents recurrence of disease. Try it without delay. The dry and the liquid are wm sura py druggists. uiooe. Xottertes. Particular Kotice. All the drawing SJ oe.??V,.l0J? and control of GENKBALSG. ujiauiuiuAai) ana j UBAL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPOBTuTJITY T0 WA?PBTTJNB SECOND GRANnnTSTRI- BUTIOH, CLASS B, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1882. 141st MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1 has for qr lAture for Educational and Charitable purpose with a capital of 81,000.000-to which a reserve fund of $650,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming nnnniar vrt ita fmuMu r?8 mS.a P01 the Present 8tate Constitution jccouioer isa, a. d. 1H7H Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings Will take place monthly. It never scales or notnonn tviv at , lng distribution: """" CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars E ich. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize g 000 1 Capital Prize 10 000 1 Capital Prize finoo 2 Prizes of 82,500 .' g'ooo 5 Prizes of 1.000. 20 Prizes of 100 Prizes of 200 Prizes of 500 Prizes of 6,000 500. 100.. 50. 20. 10. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 ,000 Prizes of APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $300 H Approximation Prizes of 200.... 9 Approximation Prizes ol 100 82,700 1,800 600 1857 Prizes, auonnting to 81 10 400 Responsible corresDondine aeents wanted m mi points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. Kor further Information, write nleariv. dvina fnii address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to M. A. DAUPHIN, Npn OrlAnna T.a or M. A. D AUPB.IN. 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Els., The New York fflce Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New DriAa celve prompt attention. The particular attention of the PnhMo 1 oanoA to the fact that the entire number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawlna is sold, and conse quently all the prizes In each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. an -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81. rendered the following decisions: 1st mat the commonwealth DistriDntlon com pany Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the FEBRUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize 530,000 1 Prize, 10,000 1 Prize 5,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each, 10,000 600 Prizes, 20 each 12,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes, 200 " 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 " " " 900 1,960 Prizes, 8112,400 Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, 81; 37 Tickets, sou; to Tickets, si 00. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or Bend by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. leb4 1882. Y AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGES. Suited to Boys acd Girls of from Blx to sixteen years of age. VOL. Ill COMMENCED NOVEMBER 1st, 1881 NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. The YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful beyond anticipation - New York Even lng Post It has a distinct purpose to which it steadily ad heres that, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers for the youDg with a paper more attracuve as well as more wnoiesome. Boston journal. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and con tents generally. It is unsurpassed by any publica tion of the kind yet brought to our noUce Pitts burg Gazette. Its weekly visits are eagerly looked for, not only bv the children, but also by parents who are anx ious to provide pure Uterbture for their girls and dots. Christian Advocate. Buffalo. New York. A weekly paper for children which parents need not fear to let their children read at the family fireside Hartford Dally Times. Just the paper to take the eye and secure the at tention of the boys and giris.topnngneid union TERMS : HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year, Postage Prepaid, Single Numbers Four Cents each. j$l 50. The Bound Volume for 1881 was ready early in November. Price S3, postage prepaid. Cover for YOUNG PEOPLE for 1881, 85 cents; postage 1 3 cents additional. Remittances should be made by Post office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss- Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper & Rrothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, jan28 New York. if you y;;.mt,4 r A KKAIXY GOOD STEEL PEN Aak your Stationer cr scr. a j cents i:iiai;irsfora -'v. 4Vy , jrW Steel dozen of W NICKEL. AND GILT, ; Of Assorted rat- i icrus, in ji TPlaied Match Box. I iYisea, Blsisna, Tayisr & Co., Sols Acznts, Kew York, j dec30 1531) We will offer from this date (Domestic and Imported Hosiery i5ataJrW6.?U1,!5?Te,aw, 01,01X9 and WAT1"NG JACKETS 10 08 sow at a SACRIFICE. Also Shawls, Balmoral bklrts, Blankets and Overcoats. y WE HAYS A HANDSOME LINE OF Dress Goods Sflh Satins Passamentries, Cords and Tassels, And everything In tie Dress Trimming Line. Call our various ET- PROMPT ATTENTION HARGRAVES GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANT OMMI8SION MERCHANT CHfiRLOTTE, N. C. HAVE HOW ON HAND : A FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW CORS, PEARL GRITS, BRAN. PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND BECKERS' fELF-BAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TBADE. Respectfully soliciting a share of yotr patronage, we are respectfully, anl9 A. 2. BEALL A CO. i J.Bea Mo ow ENTIRE STOCK OF Surahs IT ie M1DS, soon and secure Bargains In many other lines of Departments. GIVEN TO 0RDER3. & WILHELM. C. C. D. A. AND- r -THAT NORTH CAROLINA -HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmi Music House SELLS CH1CKERING & EONS, KBANICH & BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHESN GEM And other PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN, SHONINGER, PELODBET & CO., STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS 8TRICTLY First-Class Instruments. r-y Ask me for prices if you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best Address or call on, II. McSMITII. lisctllaixeo us. GREAT GERM DESTROYER. DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. S PITTING OK 8MAL POX Prevented. Ulsters purified and healed. Gangrene prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. Wounds healed rapidly. Scurvey cured in short Tme. Tetter dried up. It Is perfectly harmless. Kor tiore Throat it Is a sure cure SMALL POX ERADICATED. Con ta don destrmetL Sick booms purified and maae pieasac t. Fevered and Sine Per sons relieved and re freshed b y bathing wun irophylauc Kiua added to the water. Soft White Complexions secured by Its use in bathing. Impure Air made harm less and purified by sprinkling Darby's Fluid about To purify the Breath. Cleanse tbe Teeth, it Cholera dissipated. Ship Fever prevented by its use. In cases of death in the house, it should always be used about the corpse it will prevent any unpleasant smell. can t be suroassed, Catarrh relieved and cured. Erysipelas cured. Burns relieved instantly. Scars prevented. Removes all unpleasant odors. An antidote for animal or vegetable Poison, 8Ungs, Ac. Dangerous effluvlas of sickrooms and hospi tals removed by its use. Yeltew Fever Eradicate fin fact it is tbe great Disinfectant and Purifier, PBKFABZD BT J. H. ZEILLN & CO., ManrifactaringJCnemlsts, Sole Proprietors, dec4 MOP Eve ybody Has Discovered DIPTHERIA PREVENTED 1 -J SCARLET FEVER CURED.

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