DOBBINS' STARCH " POLISH. I it Ji ,4 An Important dis covery, by whichi every family may ' give uicir uucu that beautiful fin ish peculiar to uijtmi i inr i j l fine laundry -work. AskyoorGrocer, J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, P. CHAS. R. tr , t is. hm Sole Ag't.Charlotte.N.C. UttaccUaucoHS. DKALKB IN Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware & House Furnishing Goods MANTELS and GRATES t" WHOLESALE and KETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first -class hands employed. Call for the BiRLEY SHEAF STOVE. . oct29 AT THE- China Palace OF A LOT OF ELEGANT SUITABLE FOB WEDDING PRESENTS. anlO i i. '-a ORATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion; -strengthens the system, regulatesthe bowels", purines the blood. A Book sent free.- Dr. Sanfokd, 162 Broadway, N. Y. DISCOVERY I list Rflee vw J. Brookfleld & Co, Plated Ware and China Sets v m tan tzi a a w U -4 B7 W IB IKIIIEHl U LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tiottnt Vt Toathfol lmprudenee causing Prems tan Decay, Kerroiu) Debuity, Lost Msohood, etc luTtnc tried In rsin every known remedy, bu dis covered simple self cure, which he will send FKEB to hit fellow-sufferers, address J. II. UEEVES, 43 hatham Ht., K. Y. ept IS MAKES? 3 UMtaea v rmKT ALU Scouring POLISH: Best in the World. ASK YOUR GROCER I ill RICHMOND ENGRWIH&COi JONES,; ! MEDICINE 15 EITHEB LIQCID OK DBT FOBK- 1 That Acts at the same time an TSS LI7MB, JEMJOWMLS, ! Am mi Ernsts. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs to become clogged or lorpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced Anto the blood that shouldbe expelled wturaUy. T I (ZaAXZ UUBBJIiy I lit HTHE OliLY M uuii I CIIDPLY CURE J iljor Disston s-son's, r'Hiiaaeiptua, wno WILL bURELIWKfif I J . , (iMftrtPd his wife and family and ii.. . mm i MMunti uiocMoto, f fl: HUVERsCPMLAJNTSj PILES, doNSTIA'TlON URUfAft DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, I AK NEKVOTji" DISORD EKS, by causing free action of these organs and BMrestoring their power to throw off disease. it ny suuer miivus iiams Wliy tormented with Piles, Constipation! IVhy frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure ijervoas or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WORTzn.Z rejoice in health. It Is put up In Dry Veetabls Form, In tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Concen trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. tsnt -ts with ecmal efflciencv in either form. HQET IT OF YOCR DEUGGIST. PRICE, 1.0O (Will gend the dry post-paid) yTnJiaJ3tn!i,TrT. 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. TafH )ut It, 1876 WE WILL SEND, ON'30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S x Electro-Voltaic "Appliances suffering from Nervous Weaknesses, Gen eral lebility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from. Abuses and Othet. CAUSES, or to any one aflJidted'THflth Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spirial Difflculties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Appliances that have ever heen const rueted upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest , endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have heen quickly and radically cured b their nse. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glvto' all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Harshall, Kioh. inly I 8 TEE fin eis:t SE T I NOW IN THE CITY. k URGE . STOCK OF FERS1TDRE lit in -4 AT WHOLESlLSfAND BIT1IL K - IVT A N 11 T?,Tr. 'W-ST1 WLUTU FRONT in in --b ii' imsgngtgp (ire i THURSDAY, JEBR-9. 1882. OU!)EUVATIONN. eyina: the i 1 Snkn WL hft rwwiket filled wlthi-newsi may nave something besides thein la his pocket. Rochester Express. k Pawtuctet ben raised a crop valued at $700, bigcihe effort cost thechIckeR h-r life. She achieved the feat b placing a diamond out of a 5. The crop was soon harvested. Norrlstown raid. fT T T ". ,nna Dickinson! rW'regard Hamlet as joung, middle aeed or old. No one can gay that he wasu't red headed or dross eyed, even. A variety of Hamletit is what is wanted to enliven tragedy. Detriot Free Press. ''By stfmnifdy, how dot poy studies grammar?,?! was trwwmaw or a German when h.s son called him a "knock-kneed, pigeon-toed, seven-'ided, glazed-eyed son of a saw-horse. " A Massachusetts hod carrier, when he worked a rhniA rtm drotiBAd a Dotato Into a nalfckee: whea he worked half day 4 he dipped in half a potato. irnitnnh said to be coded from a tombstone the cemetery of Montmarte: "Here lies Joseph r . who for twenty years after the death of his U-sflfHr In E-wlfe lived In the society of. Ms mother-in-law and rdied in the certain hope 61' a better world be- yond." va BAM tha witness. "I remember the de- fnndant's mother crying oa-the ocasjon referred. to. Hltewk weeping wlthf Her -Jen eye-tneni nnA niA h&H-KUd the lears wei'roniltnK : Opw her rt&t cheeif MWttfctP' iuljkii exfeliiniedf tb odgi?'how could thftm' rPlpafe yfcar honor M. Rouseaud. Christine Nillson'a hus band, is suffering from paralysis of the brain. ', I ' 5J I I The Herzeeovinian insurgents have bbrned Cogniza. There are reported to be many desertions from the Austrian ranks. - - r- , r Mr. T$omaaltdb, Jbr'many yeari pr-esiaenc or tne souinern DanK oi jiew ui leans, aiea saturaay SThos. C. Nash, of the firm of Ricks & Nasn.jcotton buy ers Norfolk, Ya..$e4 Sunday night. :ie was one or tne ioun ders pf Jbhe New York Produce, (Ex change. i iThe stockholders of the Provident Life and Trust comDanv. Philadelphia. haye decided to .increase the capital stock irom $500,uuu w l.uou.uuu. The story telegraphed over the coun try to the effect that destitution pre vails in southern Illinois on account of the failure of last year s crops is au thoritative contradicted. , . Edward Martin, Of Buchanan; Va shot himself throueh the heart Sunday night, while delirious from typhoid fever. S. K. "Cloud, of Wilmington jDeL was assaulted Saturday nigbt by. ibikbway- men, who robbed him and attempted to throw him into a sewer, Michael'- Cdrorjaij ; .was struck by a four hundred pound ' fragment of iron m a foundry at Providence, it. i., yes terdav. uroducinc concussion of the braiu.from which death resulted Wm. B. Stevenson, late bookkeeper j . --- . , , sloped with a young gin, yesiercuy leaded euilty to the charge of embez line $3,363 from his employers, and was sentenced to 18 months' imprison ment. , , Eptiraim Fields ;was fatally shot at Weldon, N. C, on Saturday night by a watchman named Gray Latham. He was commitling depredations on the premisesof T.LEmery. A watchman named Kicltarcjsouwhof aTti)i4taketi for a thief, Jrejeived: a seVprje gunshot wound in the leg. Nik on the Declino. A letter supposed to have been writ ten by J. G. L. Harris, of Raleigh, and published in the New York Times, representing Wilmington in a state of decline, has brought the Review to the front, thus; .j i : , . ) -. MrHanris?a feinarfcs relatiye to the "decline of1 Wilmington" seem to par take of the nature of a willful misrep resentation. Wherein is the decline? Wilmington, during the past decade, has gained fully five thousand inhabi tants, an increase of nearly 40 per cent. In 1873 maximum high water on the bar fat the mouth of the river was 12 feet; to-day it is 17K feet, a gain or 5 feet I Clear, in nine years, with a prospect of. a still iartner grataiy ing gain in tne near future. These figures are drawn from official reports and they speak for them selves. And here are some other figures. The net gain in exports of cotton and naval stores for the crop year to 81st January, 1882, are nearly. 8800,000. . This crap year is xeckoned. from Sept. 1st for cotton and April Jst tfor-navalstores. The gain in lumber. fllone for the month of January,a882,Jagainst J anuary, 1681, was about $2O0.OQ0,f We have not the figures at han.d,ani cannot obtain them in time for this? issue, but we feel sure that the gain in exports of; lumber is not for the month of January alone but that there has been an increase for months previous to January and that the present crop year to date will show a net increase on the brevious year, Of something like $1,200,000, 'and this esti mate does not include rice, peanuts and other articles of lesser value.1 The figures we give are taken from the books kept at the Produce Exchange and are therefore thoronghty correct They were published by us in full, ar ticle by article, in: last Saturday's issue of .the Review. Does this look as thdugh Wilmington was on "the de cline?" ' Reduction ascending; perhaps. There? are Other points -i which we might make here but have neither the time nor space at our disposal to-day. But here is one more point which we must m ake. . While nearly, if .not quite, all of the Atlantic 4nd Gulf ports nave fallen off this year In the receipts of cotton, as compared with last year. Wilmington has made a decided and a gratifying gain. The receipts of cotton for the crop year up to January 31st foot up 116,821 bales, against 101,581 for the same time in 1881, a gain of 154239 balesor 15 per cent. .L.. " 11 " 11 - 11 . I - Acquitted of the Charge of IHiirder The jury inihe case of the CommonV wealth against John W. Saunders ; on trial in Greenville County Court, for the murder of John Davis, rendered a verdict of acquittal shortly after mid night last night and the prisoner was discharged. file Brazos on a'Booin, HMSEAifirEsl retfi8.-&e'iBra. zos river is higher than at anytime since the heavy freshet in 1852. Many bottoms farms are overflowed, , A num ber of hands fled .yesterday ;.fronl Capt Faulkner's plantation, living every thing behind. Rafts and boats are be ing1 cpnstracted to go back; after others, f f f ' ii f ,; ' 1 mmii i fj U $f ).. , -A Note-Be auspicious 01 persons ffh rtcomtnend any other article asyJust as giood" and 'take noth-' tag else hilt Dr. r. suui eougu vyrup. j DI3INTBCTANT3 ABJS AB30LDTELT necOTf,especfallrinJat Dl&erta, Sear let. Typhoid, Yellow and Malarial J erers. ' Darbys Prophylactic Fluid Is the great disinfectant and purifier;1' It affords protectJorf 'from contagloit ft' is a relief and cure In the sick room,' wiil ipterf t other. AsahoholdremedyUUlnTalaaWePif "St. 5 u llonroe, Mifh.t ept, 25 1875. 1 Slrs-I have been taking Hop Bitters f or Uifiamj oiation jot klndeja and oiaaaer. 11 nag aone wr me wnai lour aociurij iuwm m. mw -w.ww Hop Bitters see med like rungle to trm. ' r t x . irr r n'fffi a e . - ' v e v v s i i .:8TATEi NEWS. . ft Greensboro Buttle: .This mornipeMr. C. Porter -received i a rteteeram that his brother avii Wtths Porter, j hp died- yes fcerday.iii ,-A.shjjon rXP twuy knew notbiiwrtifc bis illness and were. onsfurwrty JrameeAeboro, ig:wellna irosaMy, known to her . older -.citizens. as a man oXterjiiig wprtli tot ) U.s, !5 th faerifeHty ayttigijforthe land Jand5. taking-iJefedS fbftW sa'toe.; Titer wore or graaingjjvui comm,ence;aii this''plaeel!6ri5Mojtiday,'XWet are D'ow surevf ' rdadJ-'i i'y- ' M! 7" ft High Point is to taTe g national bctiik Mwitlj a'capital of 8i5tJ.00O.J' i;' ' y! "! : Blefghewfl 4$nd .Observer :3apU 17. JP. Lee. wlio- has "for man v months beep ipjSapla yeiiewfMexicOi Is Intbe, i Died, at - his residencfl in Sc. Marv a pneumonia, aitec a.-weess iimessr.Jiar. George .W& phillipa, aged "yeara Sheriffs, 3lanrunt0f Jew -Han.-. over,yesterdaypaifj.9 'p-(JtBSflvs9Vi the,A$feaxe8, 'deibyahaci)hJiyf ampunineaj2L4392; 0 .iv.y i , - It ia said, ufat the mulatto boot black rGharles.'Wright, iwho by " a -daring, act eaveu bo maitytxea ar4iine .tato grejju i fire in or k, was a . native ot itai- izb.and tbatba went' f rbm ; this city. pome years ago-witn a unitea etatea omoer,- Sj -a sery aufc. ,yy rigu ciimyevi which i reached irpm the pole , to a win-; aow,so mat a oumoer oi persons were able to lip down and save their lives. Tbe negro. , has , since received a gold medal s4jwj, bis j daring -deed,' rH&was, anue Dadivnurt.:, .. T i Wat a (niint,v ik "tA have a naiir An. j , 7T r .... .. . . a k jnt.meeting of the!lebipmia?. twinnv uni Tnamorrarfio. hatilnn ats.a meetmg,la8t(Tuesday decided by a vote oi 40. ijrauuuuluuB,a.uu upproprtateq. 920jOQQ(fo Uial'liarpQse.' i V, 1 YilmiigjtbJie.Tiew Pender.cbiinty is tp. JhaVffrnewj teonjtj bouse I'-and- jail, to cosio. K ,: ;,.:, Wilmington Starr - Officers Garf and Strode : canturedi three rhnawav aaliors from; 1Aej Norwegian bark Harmonic on unaay last near Mt iirzan, some four or five miles below this city. Thev deserted from the ship1 some days ago' ana (jape j en Ben nao warrants issued by Justice 'Gardner for their arrest, sipce which time the officers have been on their track. They are beld to await the captain's pleasure. - s i . The new life-saving station near the month of the Cane Fear River has been completed by thefcontractor, Mr. Daniel iStimson. ot Newberne; and has, we un derstand, been turned over to the gov ernment. Mr. Dunbar Davis, of Brans wick county, has been appointed keeper or tne station. The Western North Carolina, road. Hail. Before Judge Dick yesterday, the 6th inst., the niotion for an injunction against the State Treasurer and certain Western counties, to prevent the col lection , of the State and county taxes assessed against the Western North Carolina liftilroitd Co., was called up It brougbtrto our city a number of dis tinguished gentlemen. Judges Bynum and Schenck,, representing the motion in behalf of Messrs. Bufbrd, Clyde and L.ogan ; colonel J. n. staples, represen ting the Western North Cerolina Rail road Company ; and Judge Merrimon and Major Graham, representing the Public Treasurer; Gen. Jones represen ting Burke county ; and Mai. Sinclair representing McDowell county. Upon a suggestion to the courtatliat tenders of a compromise were pending, me counsel ior trie motion movea 10 continue the hearing till next Tuesday, r eD. in. At this point in the case Mr. Carter (who has sued the present claimants of the road in the i ederal court, as here tofore announced in the Bugle,) through his counsel. Mar. Maione, Senator But Ier and ex-Senator John Pool, moved the court for leave to be made a party co tnis controversy, inis caused 1 sharp, spicy and pointed discussion when the Judge continued both mo tions till next Tuesday. The sign over the store read as follows "Books stationery, Drugs and Medicines." He went In and asked for a copy of "Croup in Children" and the clerk hanoed him a bottle of Dr. Bull's cough syrup. An Irish Prisoner Released. Dublin, Feb. 8. Dr. Kenney has Deen released irom imprison ment. "Do jou know," remarked a prominent gentle man to us a few days ago, "Dr. Ball's cough eyrap is really a good thing. My daughter would, hate me use 11 ror a oaa cougn ana it aia cure me." . 11 1 n I mm ; WHY WE AB PLASTERS? They mar relieve, but they can't etirA thAt Iattia oacs: 1 or we naoeys are ine trouoie and you want a remeai to act airecuy on ineir secretions. to purify &nr -restore their healthy condition. Kidney-Wort has the specific action and at the same time it regulates the bowels perfectly. Don't wait to get sick; but gt a package to day, and cure yourseu. juamer uquia or arj ior sale at tha drug sum- xiu(uouiiuu ooyuuiivau. rnisr ush weu-s ueaun wenewer. ADSoiuie cure ror npr. vous debility and Weakness of the generative func tions, 9i at aruggisis, Aepot j. u. jucAdea, Char- IffUO, V m i s I i A Dowi Town Merchant, , , Having passed several sleepless nlehta. disturb ed by the agonies and cries of a suffering child, and becoming convinced that Mrs. . .Winslow's Soothing Syrup was Just the article needed, pro-' cured a supply for the child. On reaching home and acquainting his wife with what he had done, she refused to nave It administered to the child. as she was strongly, in lavor.-of Homoeopathy. That night the child passed in suffering, and the parents without sleep 1 Rettrming home the day following, the father found the baby still worse; and while contemplating1 another sleepless night, the mother stepped from the room to attend to some domestic duties, and left the father with the child.' During her absence: he administered a por tion, of the Soothing Syrup to the baby, and said nothing. ' That hight ail hands slept well, and the little fellow awoke in the morning bright and haD-' py. The mother was delighted with the sudden' and wonderful change, and although at first offend ed at the deception practiced upon her, . has con tinued to use the Syrup,and suffermg crying babies and restlessrnghts have disappeared. A single trial ol the Syrup never yet failed to relieve the baby, and overcome toe prejudices of the mother. Sold by all IHyggiata., 25 cents a bottle. , iiu - 1 . . . ' i' , , i' .' Lydla JS. ?lhkhain'8 Vegetable Componnd has rapidly made ltd way to favor among drugststa. who hav obserVed its effects Qh the he&ltb of toeir customers. Bend to m t.Jhi k. Pinkhnm Vestern.Aventie, Lynn, kass., for pamph- iOlB, -ex Ai ArtlcreofTrteHertW'Browii-s Bronchial Troches" are' the most popular article In this coun try or Europe for Throat Diseases attd Coughs, and this pOpularlViataisW upon ml merit'. '0 itiSOUTOBMTXea orISKEilB ttv.. Maj be enfiril prevented by' the'use of BUB. WEtTS COCOiAlNK.! No ' other"coni pound pos sesses the -pecallar properties '-lkleh so exactly' sultthe vattoas cohdltlond Of Hie human hair. It softens the' hair when harsh and- dry . soothes the Irritated scalri. ' It affords the richest lustre. It prevents the hah frota falling off. ; It promotes its healthy; vigorous grow tlu It Is not greasy nor sticky, '. TJ leave no : disagreeable odor. . Itt kills dandruff. . ,.,fj - ,,,'.,, ; Burnett's Flavoring 'Extracts areknwn to be the ONE EXPERIENCE FROJI MANY. I add been sfck and miseraWe so long, and-had caused my husband so much trouble and expense, no one seemed to know what aUed me, thai I was completely disheartened and discourageo. In this f rams of mind I got a 1 bottle of Hop .Bitter and used them unknown to my family. I soon -began to improve and gained so ;f ast thai my husband and family thought It strange aad unnatural but when I told them what bad Helped me, they said, :HnrTh for Rati Blttaral Inns) maV they prOSpef, !or they have made mother well-and us happy.", Che Mother. uy ,;j "BODOH ON BATS." ' J The thine desired found at last Ask druggist for Rough on Rats. Jt dears- out roaches, flies, bed-bogs, loelwxes. rats, mice, n ulpa: .otiitfay lasti terted'.HJUt to;s. cpre.ty WgftePot-way fdr.tlleJVVrisri)n, & KavemvillfrBlnraaJfrbm thfs'blaee txo iIiTjerttsem ruts. , mi? l n- -y V ' DB. C W. BENSON, Of BALTIMORE, MD., In the conrse of his practice discovered what now are-renowned in medical practice, viz:. a combina tion of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. . They are used by the profession at large and constantly recommended by them. ) It Is not a patent medicine. It is the result, of his own experience In practice. They are a -sure core for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by' all Intelligent sufferers. They are pwpared1 ekpressly ' to' cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and nervous ness, and will cure any case. The Doctor's great remedy for Skin disease, called Dr. Benson's Skin Cart Is exceedingly valuable and greatly sought' after by au persona wno nave skin diseases or bad complexion. An excellent toilet dressing. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. . De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE i yj'l : Is Warranted Cure lOZIMAi TETTERS, HUMORS, - INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, fjMJL, ROUCH SCALY BRUPTION8, DI8BA8K8 OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLE8 and TINDER ITCHINQSonanpartsofthe hodv' It BnikM the akin white, soft and mooth; Mmovaa ton and ficeokiss, and la tha EEST toilet illniliiU In THB WOB1D. Elegantly put Tip, two bottles In one package, oonnlBting of both, internal Mad external treatment. jijl first olaa druggists bave It. Price tl. per package. CHAS. N CRITTENTON, 115 Fulton-street. NW York City, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies, to whom ail oraers should he ad dressed. URS. LYDIA E. PIKKHAM, OF LYHN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHALVTS ; VEGETABLE C01IP0UND. Ie a Positive Cure faalt thoe Palnrul Complaint and Weakneate o common tour best female population. It will core entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all orarian troubles, Inflammation and tTlcera . tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. . 1 1t "will dissolve and expel tamers frem the uterus In an' early -stage of derelopment. The ndency to can cerous humors there Is checked very speedily by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That reeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. ' It will at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. Tprthe cure of Kidney Complaints ot either sex this . Compound Is unsurpassed. LYBIA E. PIJiKIIAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at 233 and 235 Western Avenue, LynivHass. Price Sixbottlesfor $5. Bent by mall In the form of pills, also In the form ot losenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. ' Send for pamph let.; Address as above. . Mention this Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHASPS UVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, - and. torpidity of the liver. 8S cents per box. ' tar Sold by oil DrugglBts. For .Yon, I Ittadam, Whose complexion betrays some hniniliating imperfec tion, whose mirror tells you that yon are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured in countenance, or hate Eruptions, Redness, Rongbness or nnwhole some tliits of complexion, we say , use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. t It is a delicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural ana entranc ing tints, th artificiality of which no ohserver can detect, and which soon becomes per- , manent if the Magnolia Balm JLa judiciously used. Jan. 22 AT 11UNTERSV1LLE ' ; . LOOK HEltK ! TTfu Intend BAlllnff Add And GuanO.- Which , W have on hand, and. will try to always have it bo, you can come ana get ii wucu n uu jwu. win havft fnnror trve kinds, so von can take your choice t W will be elad to ship to any station on the iroad.. Send in your orders and remember one thine- mm An not Intend, to be undersold in the same brands Or same goods, and don't you forget 1L .Bespectruii ,. 20,d3t8 t Hunterevilre, N. C. if:w.y;; A USALIiT GOCD STEEL PEN AslcjioilEStntioner r. j coats l:itUthiirfsflra hox ou.itain- tlj AND . -x. rf-: ss rm " a s. tin. 5 -ti&id by all Stationers. MsonEiarcaaa, Taylur k to., SOL3 AG12TK5, NStV Vomt. dec50 a:f0F NICKEL,' 1 . 5 with lmDroved iiiter- est table, calendar, etc. Sent to tiny address on receipt of two Thekb-oenx' c tamps. Address CHAKLKd K. HIRES, 48 N. Delaware Ave. Phlla. BOOKS ON BUILDINR. X?Z: ting, &e. For 1882 eighty page 111. Catalogue. address, enclosing three 3 ceut stamps, WM. A, lAJJflSTOCK. 1 94 Broadway. New Yttfk. lOH. WEB&L AWARDED fhe i Author. Anaw and great Mod teal Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every manntitled "the Science of Life or,8etf-Preeervation bound in if'&M'.f no" musnn, embossed, full giltOO pp.contsins beautiful fteel engravings, 125 presorip- lw, Dnce only 1.26 sent by mail . illustrated sample, 6 cents; K flW THYRPT V i"l Institute or Dr. W. HPAB HUlTf iIlIOLlJI,iiEni Na 4 BalfinchBtr RoRTnir CONTINENT A NEW ILLUSTRATED -LITEEABY WEEKLY JOUBNAL NKITHMSB , POLITICAL NOB SEOTABIAN; Conducted by ALBION W. TOUBGKE. a- thorof a i-ooi s nrrano," eta. assisted by Daniel G Brinton and Bobert d. Davis. FIEST NDMBEB ISSUED FEB BUAEY ThA moat rilatinoiilaTicH onthA.a ...i n.ti.i , "v-"- . . . ... ... ... v. .iin.ii.ja aim c&iiiux ar tists, both American and Enellsh. have been en gaged by fOTJB CONTINENT." The February numbers contain novels and stories by Helen CajnpbeV Mrs. Alexander, E. P Boe, Juiian Hawthorne, John Habberton, R. H. Davis, etc : poems uyuscar wuae, Louise Chandler Moulton, G. H. Boker, Sidney Lanier, G. P. Lathrop. Cella Thaxter, etc.; entertaining sketches by C. G. Le- lanvd J?ani Brettman) D. . Mitchell, (Ike Mar vel TT11t OaiDal1 ixtn . DH V. , , , P,,her ?TfcyaIe'.5.Uot. Haarcr, Provost Pepper, . vn":1,!" Pennsylvania, to.; fashion notes by Kate Field: art Illustrations by Louis C Tiflany: sclennn hv Prnfa liniiirnir d.i . ' social etiquette by Mrs. Moult n: rural imt)'rove-' meni Dy lion u. . orthrop; f n nd humor by C. H. Clark. (Max Adler) -Uncle Hemus" and a host of others. PlCi lll'IKIII. TT T .TGTT) i TTAUfl mi laaslln.. Of ;QUB CONTINENT." They are the finest that an can produce and equal to the most perfect in the monthlies. Price lO cnts a number; S4 a year; $2 six months. Mailed fee of postage to any address. Specimen copy iree. Newsdealers will find H tn thair intpoat- trt T,T-i sent "OUR CONTINENT" to the r customers Postmasters are invited to take subscriptions. Liberal commission. Book Canvassers can add largely to their incomes without interfering with their regular business, by acting for 'OUtt CONTINENT." nte ior particulars to OUR CONTINENT," Philadelphia, Pa. GRICULTURAL LIMB c:: and CARBONATE OF LIME. Best and Cheapest Fertllizsrs. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROTHERS.1.,... THE THE HIGHEST AWARDS were granted nnr PTAISTna m tne ukhat WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI. 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1876. All persona wishing to purchase or ex amine) instruments are respectfully in vited to visit our Warerooms. Send for Circular and PricList. (WICKERING & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. I 156 Tremont St., Boston. Jan25 -aiw4-w North (VjoHiia llaifnmd. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. DIARY FREE SJSt mm. TjlArNS GOING EAST. Date, Dec. 1 8', '81 No. 55 No 51 No. 53 v Dally. Daily. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4.80 p m 8 30am 8. 1 0 p m " Salisbury. 6.17 p m 5.80 a m lo.02 P m Arrive Grelnsb'ro 8.00 p m 7.86 am 1 2 05 a m Leave wreensb'ro 8.18 p m 7.56 a m 12.15 a m Arrive N.Danvllle 10.10 p m 10 00 a m 12.23 am Leave N.Danville 11.30 p m 1015 a m Arrive Richmond, 7.40 a m 8.55 p m Leave Greensb'ro 9.60 a m An Iveitaleigh,.. . 1.52 p m Leave Raleigh,.. . 2.17pm Arrive Golds boro' 4.20 p m k Np. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. R. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with train for Raleigh and Goldsboroj No. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. B. H. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond. No. 53 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. B. K. for i all points East and West, via Danville only. i TRAINS GOING WEST. Date.Deo. 1881 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 D..lly. Dally. Daily. 1 2-. 2 0pm 12.40 pm . . 4 00 p id 12.07 pm 11.25 pm 7 48 p m 6.80 p m 7.85 a m fl 80 p ni 8.30 pm 0 80am 9.85 pm 8.40 pm 9 85am 11.15 pm 10.37 ni 11.22 am 12.40am 1225 m 1.05pm Leave Goldsborb' Arrive Raleigh,.. Leave feahfUih, . Leave Richmond, " N.Danvllle Arrive Greensb'ro Leave Greensb'ro Leave Salisbury,. Arrive Charlotte,. IV, V. N. C. RAILROAD. 6QING YKST. .f NO. 50-Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.51 p m Arrive Kernersville 11.07 pm Arrive Salem. . , 1 1.50 p m NO. 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 1 0.00 a m Anlve Kernersville : 1 1. 00 a m Arrive Salem 11.80 a m GOING EAST. , . NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.30 a m Arrive Keimersvii le 8. 04 a m Arrive Greensboro 9.00 am ! NO. 53 Daily. Leave Salem. '. . . 4.80 p m Arrive Kernersville 5. 1 0 p m Arrive Greensboro 6.80 p m ' PflHian Sleeping Cars Wlont Ciiaie On Train No. 51,-between Atlanta and Naw York, via Danville. On Train No. 55, between Augusta and Wash ington, via Danville. . - On Train No. 53, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. On Train No. 50, between New York and Atlanta via Danville. On Train Na 52, between Washington and Au gusta, via Danvlle. - On Train No '54, between Washington and Ai lanta, via Danville. . . BfThrough Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points -South, Southwest. West, North and East, i For Emigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest,' address, A. POPE General Passenger Agent dec81 j BlchMond, Ya. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg, I win sell at Public Auction at the court house In Charlotte, on MONDAY, THE 27TH OF FEBRUARY, i 882, Oeing the week of Superior Court.) that valuable lot or parcel of land lying between the Intersection of the hi orth Carolina Railroad track and , Trade street, adjoining the P. M. Brown lots and others, now known as the Butler property." " Resold because of purchaser at late sale falling to comply.: ; ti,f t, ,;, , v, , Terms 1 cash; balance on 8 and 6 months credit, with Interest. Title reserved as security for balance, f B. BABrllNGEB, dec24 d oaw fds . Commissioner. 3HiscjeXIattJC0tts. DO m Fl TO CALL AT EDDINS' BOOK STOIJE BEFORE YOU MAKE ay U . I UlVlIUiL U We will not here attempt to enumerate what we have but if you will call we will satisfy you that we have the flnest.assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS- 4 ever brought to this market. Call and see our Display whetfctr you buy it not. A fine lot of of all descriptions, just received. Remember none can under-buy us, and none can under sell us. decl8 COTTON FACTORY--FORJ3ALE.- BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made iu the case of P. C. shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Chambern by Hon. A. 0. Avery, Judge, and dated the 7ih day ot January, 1882, tne undersigned, as Receiver, wlliseil at public sale at the Cotton Factory of the Catawba Manufacturing Company, on the Catawba River, lu Catawba county, on MONDAY. THE 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1882, the following valuable property, to-wlt: The Granlfe Shoals, in Catawba county, and the Cotton Factory of said Catiwba Manufacturing . onuiany. located is troui tlir W m. c'. a. ..; iul;es i'roni Catawba btation on s.iiJ railroad 11 miles from ttjtesville, and 6 Wrst irom Trout man's Depot on the A., T. A O.K. h. ; including 7 acres of land on the South side ot the Catawba. Hivf Sou which is situated the said Factory, three gjod dwelling houses containing 6 rooms each. una 12 c itnges containing from 2 to 4 rooms each ior opera Ives, a store house, stables and other out bouses, bald Factory Is a building 6u tret Ions by 42 teet wide, two stories high, wim an 'L" 50x20 feet, and anotner '-L" 90x22 feet, a flie-prooi Mcker House 80x20 feet ituated 1 1 0 teet from the mala bui.dmg of the Factory. Also, the fo" owing machinery lu the said Factory, viz: 1 pieki , i b6-inch double beater and tapper, 7 87-incn 1 4-top JcnK's flat card-", 1 As Lee IK incii delivery drawing irame. I 211-strarul iki, M etl-i (9-lncii bobbins), H spinning frames, 1, swin dles (Biidesburg iiiiike). i.lso ppooiKi , warper, quilier--, le .n,ei. A.-... 42 new yii.i 111 s: linpn looms CiO Urides'.urg and vi Ward's make), wi.ii ail necessa.y flxtures mi l tindliics, ai.d viui warps rendy to startup. Die ou-e ami sizing machiuery of tlie mostimtir vl style wtih va;s and ve-sels corny et- Allp.iisuf the bul.d lilts lurnlshd with 10 warm me build ing, supplied with steam Irom a 20 hrrs-s puw:r boiler. All the property, bullrings, machl'iery, &c, In good condition and iu good repair. Also, on the Northern sltle of the iler. imme diately opposite the factory and adj inlng ili river and ihe thol. which extends across. 2 L acres of land, with a fine water-power wh mmIT rock toundaiion. I lie head of the walei on ilif .out!'ei n side, on which is the Fact -rj, is boiii 6 reet. Fur more accurate and definite description ot the property and conditions Of the sale, iefctei,ce is mane to the decree in the above sta'ed c-use The terms of said sale will be 20 per cent of tho purchase money In cash, and the remainder in equal Installments of Wo and 1 2' days, bond and liood security being required of the pj ctuser ior tbe installments. Also, at tlie same time, and place the under signed, as Receiver, will sell FOU CA.-H the fol lowing articles of personal properly, viz: 2 mules, 2 wagons and harness. lot of dyes arid dye f tuffs, the material now In process of manufacuire cm sUting of warps, plaids and yarns. Also, a -mall stock of general merchandise, consisting of boots, shoes, dry goods, bacon and such other articles ot groceries and dry goods as are usually kentln 1 country store. JOHN L. CoB'4, January 24th, 1882. Receiver. Lincolnton, N. C. Jan24 ids JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what ffill F1IIS Ha has for New Year's' Dinners, ;and h w very cheap he is selling Ti ... .1 n 1 j 1 ioys ana fancy anicics FOR NEW YEA ITS PRESENTS delcSl Acid IPgiosphate 460 TOSS HIGH GRADE -ACID' PHOSPHATE,- Containing 12 to 13 percent Soluble Phosphoric Acid. Analysis Guaranteed. t?-' WARRAITED GENUINE, -Just Received. pecial Inducements to dealers and large buyers.' CIIAS. E. SMITH, Wholesale Dealr lu Guano snd Comuil slon Merchant, Wl.mington, N. C Jan2A lm CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square In charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. Tbe dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well ot wa ter, etc.. The house Is admirably apapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctpr or preacher, having an admirable library or study ropm, built fpr the purpose. For furthar particulars, price, ternTa, etc. apply at . t-HIS OFFICE. July20.dtf 1 .... 1 1 11 in lit ... . j, 11. 1 1 11 ... 1 1 . , 1 , City Lot for Sale Cbeap. THE Lot on the corner ot Ninth street and the North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either; be sold as a whole ot divided lntotwolot8of.70by 196 teet. Suitable either for building or factory purposes. Apply to lun25,tf J. a PHILLIPS. iour Hold JnnlO ir 4

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