7 s; it. GfU, It JONES, Editor & Prwirktir ilimio k!t TBsPon-Onnoa uGbulori, N C.. Ag BJOOHP-CLAM MATTBB.1 SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1882. During the next two years the char ters of 392 National banks will expire. Dr. Talmage might be reminded that denouncing Bob Ingersoll is not an swering him. Durham is agitating the question of a graded school, and wants a United States building. The sports of Troy, N. Y., lost from $10,000 to $15,000 on the Ryan-Sullivan fisticuff. The Salisbury Examiner wants Col. J. N. Staples to step to the front and answer a few questions. The Abingdon, Va.. Standard tells of a colered man who ate snow enough to freeze himself to death. All the German immigrants who had settled in Marion county, S. C, have pulled out and migrated to Pennsylva nia. During the past twenty years patent medicines have yielded in the aggre gate $36,000,000 in taxes to the govern ment. Rev. Dr. Miles, of Chicago, has de clared himself an atheist, but goes on preaching all the same. Chicago ain't particular about such matters. The Reform Signal is the title of an anti-ring, anti-Bourbon, anti-monopoly organ started at Columbia, S. C. There's Antis enough for one institution. According to the telegraphic account of the mill between Ryan and Sullivan at Mississippi City, "no official med dling marred the sport." Official med dling is pretty good. Oscar Wilde has discarded knee breeches during his trip in this coun try. Before he leaves he will probably discard his lilies and sun-flowers, and then what will remain of 03car? A Vicksburg grocer failed a few days ago and found when his books were balanced up that he could pay 100 cents on the dollar and have $2,000 left. He was short on book-keeping. Augusta Chronicle: The stations along the line of the Augusta and Knoxville railroad are building up rap idly. This line promises to be one of the most important that comes into Augusta. Augusta Chronicle: This place is rap idly taking its position as the most im portant manufacturing town in the South. It will not be many years be fore it will be one of the most import snt in the Union. Roscoe Conkling recently declined an invitation to a Grant club banquet at Albany, giving as a reason that he was industriously at work at his pro fession, the neglect of which in past years compelled him to give close at tention to it now. Augusta News: The brightest future always appears to the man who is to be hanged. To a man on the scaffold, un der the gallows, about to be executed, the new Jerusalem fairly shines, and looks as bright as a new steam fire en gine. The Rev. James T. Powers, imprison ed in Massachusetts for vagrancy, once a very clever preacher and writer, sank to his present condition through sorrow at the loss of of his wife. No miscon duct of any kind is urged against him. The New York Tribune says: "If Mr. Conkling will hang his '306' brass medal around his neck and canvass this State as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor, he will ac quire a large amount of valuable infor mation on the subject of public opin ion." Bradlaugh has again beeri compelled to withdraw from the House of Com mons because he holds infidelic views on the question of religion, and yet it is barely possible that he is not a worse man than many of those who refuse him a seat in that body. A correspondent of the Louisville Courier Journal says: "I am only one of many who believe that the police force of Savannah. Ga.,in efficiency and discipline, and all that constitutes faith ful guardians of the peace, surpasses any other in this country." A remarkable case has just been tried in St. Louis. A man was arrested for stabbing another, and although the dy ing man swore positively that he was not the man, yet the jury convict ed him of murder in the first degree, and his counsel are now moving for a new trial. Richmond State: It is becoming a very notable fact, we understand, that the wives of most of our prominent Readjusters are very strong Conserva tive Democrats, and are proud of their principles. If they could only vote we should have no fears for the future of .the Conservative party in Virginia; but, unfortunately, they cannot. Randall, the correspondent of the Au gusta Chronicle says: Very little doubt exists as to the recharter of the Na tional Banks. Oratorical broadsides will be poured against them, but the votes of a sufficient majority will be in their favor. Some of the presumed ob jectionable features may be eliminated, but the essential basis will remain. A dispatch to the Cincinnati Enqui rer says: "Among some very intelli gent nd sagacious politicians the im pression prevails that Blaine has made up his mind to break down the present administration, even at the expense of disrupting the Republican party. In abort, rather than that the wing now in power shall have a renewal of the lease four year hence, which it now holds by accident, he would much pre fer to have the Democracy secure the possession of the national helm." OF COURSE WE WILL, The Salisbury Eximiner aska The Observer if it will answer one ques tion, and t!:a propounds tLu follow ing: "Does TnE Oust.rver f vor the nomination of any yrohibiii 'n's . for office by the Democratic paiiv m Uio coming campaign V" Briefly, yes; but not as a prohibition ist, as it would also favor the nomina tion of an anti-prohibitionist, but not as an anti-prohibitionist. The Obser ver does not propose to be influenced in its action by the course that gentle men saw fit to take on that question, when it was under discussion. It con ceded the fight then to others that it claimed for itself, to form their own opinions and act.upon them. It did not then and does not now regard it as a political question, and it never would have become anything like a political question had it not been for the action of those members of the Republican executive committee who committed the Republican party to the anti-pro hibition side of the question, and thus made it a political question as far as giving the anti-prohibition side their almost solid support That was simply a piece of political legerdemain. We all understand it. It was not the desire nor intention of the friends of the measure that it should become a politi cal measure, and as far as we know it is not their desire now. The Obser ver .certainly never argued it from that stand-point, and hence is free to sup port the nominees of the Democratic party irrespective of their prohibition or anti-prohibition views. We believe this is a direct answer. And now will the Examiner do us the favor to tell us whether it would favor the nomination of any prohibitionist? MADE TO ORDER, The editor of the Concord Sun is sprightly and humorous, but it would perhaps be as well for him in indulging his humor or sarcasm not to entirely misrepresent the subject under discus sion. It is not necessary to do this to be entertaining, especially when one is gifted with the talent of originality which our young friend of the Sun pos sesses. He can defend Col. Johnston, as he has the right to do, without trumping up invented charges, even in a humorous way, that were never made. To be funny is one thing, to be absurd i3 another, and in attempting the former one should avoid the latter. It don't make any difference one way or the other how the North State stood upon the prohibition question, but as a matter of fact it was neutral Mr. Keogb, who shapes its course as a member of the Republican Committee, was opposed to the movement of Dr. Mott and others.when he committed the Republican party to the anti-prohibition side of the question.but it took no side in the discussion, though one or two arti cles, we believe, on the evils of intem perance may have appeared. But as to espousing the side of prohibition it did not. Richmond State: It is suggested that President Arthur will be placed in a very delicate position when he comes to sign the death warrant of Guiteau, "the man who," in the senseless jargon of the time, "made him President." This is sheer nonsense. President Ar thur wa3 made President by the Consti tution of the United States and votes of its people, and not by the bullet of this wretched assassin, and therefore need have no hesitation or compunc tions of conscience about performing the last official act that consigns the murderer of his predecessor, or, in the language of the day, "the man who made him President," to the gallows. A Fatal Pistol Encounter, Washington, Feu. 10. A. M. Soledo, who was shot last night is still living and has regained entire consciousness, although he is paralyzed from the head down, and his death is only a question of short time. In conversation with his friends he disclaims having had any intention to shoot Barton, and says he forgives him (Barton) for it. He has thus far declined to make any legal ante mortem statement. This is con strued to mean that he is of the opinion that one of his brother's shots intended for Barton struck the elder Soledo. Barton had a pistol in his table drawer which he seized when attacked. Only one chamber of this was found to be empty and Barton had clubbed it and used it on both his assailants. Young Soledo's pistol was found empty. It had four chambers. The elder Soledo's pistol was fully charged. All the weap ons are in the hands of the police. Bar ton's pistol was an old one. Upon the person of the wounded Soledo was found a ten inch dirk knife. All of the weapons of the brother of Soleda were new and bright. Barton in his state ment says both of his assailants were greatly under the influence of liquor. The younger Soledo was arraigned in the police court to-day, charged with assault and battery with intent to kill his brother Antonio M. Soledo. and committed without bail to await the result of the latter's injuries. Barton is not seriously injured by either wound. Excitement on the Mb Louii Chance, St. Louis, Feb. 10. The excitement on Change at the opening this morning was the most intense and demonstra tive ever known here. Most desperate efforts were made to control the mar ket, the "longs" insisting on higher prices and the "shorts" persistently at tempting to hammer them down. Fi nally the excitement ran so high that a panic became imminent and then sev eral of the principal "shorts" agreed to do no more trading except in settle ment. This almost instantly stopped trading and the excitement subsided greatly to the relief of everybody. At li :ao, tne closing can motion was put and carried that all deals should be re garded as in solemn. Prices then ad vanced 1 to V-A cents, and trading pro ceeded quietly and with decorum. No suspensions have been announced this morning and no new rumors of trouble have so far been heard. Weather. Washington, Feb. 10. For the Mid dle Atlantic States Fair weather, northerly to easterly winds, stationary or lower temperature, higher pressure. For the South Atlantic States Fair weather, winds mostly northeasterly, stationary or higher temperature and pressure. For the East Gulf States Warmer, fair weather, northeast veering to southeast winds, stationary pressure. SKINNY MEN. Well's Health Renewer. Absolute cure for ner vous debility and Weakness of the generative func tions, Si at druggists. Depot J. H. Mciden, Charlotte. IN CONGRESS- THE SENATORS DISCOURSE 1UH THEB UPON THE PENSION AK HE A IIS AND TARIFF QUESTION. The lloube I.ayu Afcide tbe Apportion ment Bill and Taken Up the Privi lege Calendar A Tntfele Over Re lieving a CaxUlered Officer. Washington, Feb. 10. Senate. A resolution by Windom was adopted calling for a report of the treasury cat-, tie commission on lung plague or con tagious pleuro-pneumonia. Edmunds gave notice that the Judi ciary Committee would on Tuesday ask to have a bill regarding polygamy in Utah considered, and hoped it would be disposed of on that or the following day. Morrill said after the Pension Ar rears resolution was acted on he would antagonize all measures with the tariff commission bill. The remainder of the morning hour until 3 o'clock was consumed in consid ering without action several measures of a strictly private interest At 1 :30 the pension arrears resolution was again taken up, and Maxey resumed his remarks in support of the amend ment declaring in favor of an enlarge ment of the Mexican war pension list He alluded to the exceptional features of that war as one in which our volun teers carried the flag upon a foreign soil, and as one whose results in the acquisi tion of territory were of material bene fit to the country, and eulogized the services of our little army in their suc cessful campaign. Beck said the principle had been an nounced that tne arrears or pensions should be given to pensioners of all our wars, irrespective or their circumstan ces, and that if this was carried out it would bankrupt the country. He would vote for properly guarded legislation to pension the needy and deserving of our veterans, Due not inose oi tnem wno did not need this aid. At 2 :10, the resolution was laid aside bv eeneral consent and Frye proceeded to address the Senate upon the tariff, the Morrill commission Din Deing in formally taken up. To premise his re marks he announced himself a protec tionist upon principle. At 3:35. upon conclusion of Frye's remarks, consideration of the Pension Arrears resolution was resumed and Call, who was awarded the floor for a speech upon it, yielded for a motion for an executive session. Pending action Lapham introduced a bill to establish a mint of the United States in New York city; also a joint resolution directing the loint commit tee on printing to contract with report ers of the trial of the murderer of President Garfield for publication in book form of an official report of the trial. Tbe Senate then, at 8:45, went into executive session, and at 4:05 adjourned till Monday. House. Prescott, of New York, moved to lay aside the consideration of private business for the purpose of per mitting debate upon the apportionment bill to be continued, but tailed to ob tain the necessary two-thirds vote, and the Speaker, as the regular order, pro ceeded to the call of committees for re ports of a private nature. At the conclusion of the morning hour Prescott, of New x ork, made another attempt to bring up his apportionment bill but was again unsuccessful, ana House at 1.10 went into committee of the whole with Joyce, of Vermont in the chair, on tbe privilege calendar. The first bill on the calendar author izing the President to appoint D. F Kirby to a captaincy in the army, gave rise to a long discussion, the facts being that Colonel and Urevet-lingadier Gen eral Kirby was cashiered from the army for drunkenness and conduct un becoming an officer. The opponents of the bill contended that with that record staring Congress in the face, it couldn't afford to grant tne relief asked tor After determined opposition a vote was taken on laying the bill asid for consideration, and it was agreed to, 96to 55. The committee then rose and report ed the bill to the House. Bragg, of Wisconsin, immediately moved to adjourn, but yielded to His cock, oi .New i ort, to report tneim mediate deficiency appropriation bill and to Blackburn, of Kentucky, to re port the military academy appropria tion bill which were referred to the committee of the whole. Hiscock gave notice that he would on Monday call up the deficiency bill for consideration. Bragg's motion was then rejected and the bill for the relief of D. F. Kirty was ordered engrossed and read a third time. Bragg called for the reading of the engrossed bill, hoping thereby to delay action upon it, but the friends of the measure had had the bill engrossed be forehand and it was read. The bill was then passed. Ayes, 97 ; nays, 63. Craven or Arkansas, introduced a bill authorizing the Mississippi, Alber- querque and Inter-Uceanic Company to construct a road, through tne Chocktaw and Chickasaw reservations. Keterred The Speaker laid beore the House a communication from the secretary or the Treasury transmitting a list of of ficers and employes of the Internal Revenue Bureau and Department of J ustice, who have been killed or wound ed in the enforcement of the internal revenue laws. Iteferred. The number of employes killed is 29: the number wounded, 50. The names of eight persons are als given who were assaulted ana wounded tor sup plying internal revenue officers with information. The House then at 5.05 adjourned un til Monday. A Now York Failure. New York, Feb. 10th. Some of the creditors of Wm. R. Preston & Co. met at the produce exchange to-day and con sidered tbe statement which the nrm had sent them and which they returned so that it might be made clearer and more detailed. The meeting was of the opinion that the firm would pay 00 cts. on the dollar at least, To-day cotton, wheat and lard in which the firm was largely interested have advanced con siderably and this will decrease the amount of the firm's liabilities, which is now estimated at about $65,000. Railroad Charter Wanted. Richmond, Feb. 10.-In the Senate to-day Atkinson, of Richmond, intro duced a bill to incorporate the Alle ghany .Extension Railroad company, The object of the bill is to authorize the construction of a railroad from any point beyond Lvnchbure. on the line of the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad to west Virginia, and to consolidate with any other railroad which would form a connecting line with the Richmond & Alleghany Railroad. The French Senate, Paris, Feb. 10. The first trial of strength in the Senate since the recent election or senators, resulted in the re jection of a bill against domiciliary visits and expulsion from monasteries, by a vote of $l to 101, showing that the Jules Simons party no longer have the casting vote in such questions. When a remedy has stood the test of more than thirty yean trial and to day is more largely used than ever, Its worth is evidently unquestioned. Such Is the record of Dr. Bull's cough syrup. BE SENSIBLE. You have allowed your bowels to become habit ually costive, your liver has become torpid, the same thing ails your kidneys and you are Just used up. Now be sensible, get a package of Kidney Wort, take It faithfully and soon yi u will forget you've get any such organs, for you will be ft well man Albany Argus. 1 BBSS The leading Scientists of To-day agree tbat most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the re sult This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find relief. The discovery of War ners Bare juaney and Liver cure mares a new era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value. It con tains just the elements necessary to nourish and Invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them in order. It Is a POSITIVE BjMjDJ ror an the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver Headaches J aundlce Dizzines s Gravel Fever, Ague Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and Is invaluable for Leucorrhoeaor FaLlng of the womo. As a Blood Purifier it Is uneaualled. for It cures the organs that make the blood. This Remedy, which has done such wonders, is put up in the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the market, and Is told by druggista and all dealers at 81. 25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WARNER'8 SAFE DIABETES CUBE. It la a POSITIVE Bemedy. H. H. WARNER A CO., Jan28 Rochester, N. Y. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY. 10, 1882 FKODUCK. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine quiet at 50c. Rosin firm; strained $i. 921; good strained $1.97te. Tar steady, at Si. 90. Crude turpentine steady, at 82.25 for hard; S3 50 for yellow dip; 82 80 for virgin (Inferior). Com unchanged. Balttmohi Noon Flour quiet and steady: Howard street and Western super 84 00S84.75; extra S5.00S86.O0; family S6.25S7.25; city mills, super $4 00S5.00; extra S5.00$6.00; family S7.25ffiS7 50; Rio brands 86.75a$7.00; Patapsco family $8.00. Wheat Southern lower and quiet; Western lower and closing steady; southern red $1.35B1.87: amber 81. 38ffiS1.41; No. 1 Maryland $1.40; No. 2 Western winter red spot. 81 85Va bid; March 81.3714 bid; April S1.40aS1.40te; May 81.4o$1.41. Corn Southern lower and dull; Western quiet and easy; Southern white 77; Southern yellow 6to70. Blttjob Night Oats lower: Southern 48?ol; Western wbtt 50351; mixed 48& 4W; Pennsylranla 49351. Provisions irregular aui unsettled; mess pom Sflo 5l)cplo76. milk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed Bacon -shoulders 81 ; clear rib sides HUtihams iaiAiX14. Lard retined 1 AVs- Coffee nrm: Kio cargoes ordinary to fair 814 tx y y. Smear firm; A soft yfu Whiskey-quiet, at S1189SI 10. Freights quiet and Arm. Chicago. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat- unsettled and generally lower; No. 2 Chicago spring Sl.27S81.27Vi for cash; $1.27Vj tor February. Corn -dull, weak and lower, at 57 for cash and February. 0ts dull and a shade lower, at 40Vi for cash; SvJfr40 for February. Dressed hogs strong and higher, at S7.70SS7. 75. Pork unsettled and lower, at 818.208818.25 for cash. Lrd unsettled and lower, and closed bet ter, at 811-1216SS1 M5. Buk meats-asler; shoulders S6 50; short rib $9 55; clear $9 70. Whlskej steady and unchanged. Nmw Yokk Southern flour, dull and heavy; common to fair extra 85.tJ0dSo.90; good to choice extra $7. 00SS8. 00. Wheat feverish and unsettled and opening S33c lower, but afterwards recovered rrom me aecune ana advanced arxmt Sfcc, ciosiog with less strength; ungraded red 81 29ffiS1.44; No. 2 red. February Sl.391S 81.401. Cora cash lots heavy and lower, op tions opened Ut2$fec lower; ungraded 66369; No. 2. February 67 Va- Oats lower and a fair busi ness; No. 3, 4l$tete46?4. Coffee steady and prices unchanged. Hio 8iS10 8ugar fairly active and firm; sales 200 hhds. Martinique at 88 hhds BL Domingo at 7 5 6; 460 hhds. Cuba at 7; 200 hhds. and 1,870 bags Demerara Centrifugal at 7S; fair to good refining quoted at 7i; rehned nrm and quiet; Standard A 8S48. Molasses steadily held and moderate Inquiry. Wee in fair demand and firm. Bosln unchang ed, at S2. i0ffiS2 35. Turpentine firm, at 52Vfc- S.-3. wool nrm and ralr lnaulrv: Domestic fleece 30ffi50; Texas 1431. Pork-held a shade higher and demand very light; old mess spot quoted at 817 O0t?S17.25. Middles-quiet, and held very tlrm, and t rices unchanged; long clear QVg; short . Lard opened lower but after wards recovered, and closing steady at a slight ad vance, at 811.27811 35. Freights to Liver pool market quiet. t'OTTON. Galveston Irregular; middling lie; low mid dling lOVfec; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 1,179; gross ; saies 7bO; stoat u,Z34; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent : to France ; to channel fXToAtrlv nct reAnta fi H1 0 rrmoa Q AOO aula 2.834; exports coastwise 5.229; to Great Britain 10,715; to continent 2,177; France ; to chan nel . Norfolk Quiet ; middling 11 c; net receipts stock 58,986; exports ooaat- : exports to Great Britain 2,437; gross ; wise ; sales : to conUnent Weekly net rec'ts 14,192; gross : sales 8.920; coastwise 5,057; Great Britain ; channel ; continent ; France . Baltthore Nominal; middling 1 15fec; low mid dling lit; good ordinary lOVj; net rec'ts 254; gross l.OCO; sales ; stock 85.793: exports coastwise ; spinners ; exports to Grest Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 767; gross 8,848: sales 1.637: spinners 822; exports Great Britain 5,818; coastwise 70; continent . Boston Dull: middling ll?&e; low middling IlLfac: rood ordlnari lOMtc: net recelDta flflH: gross 634: sales : stock 10.033; exports to ttre&t Britain ; to France . Wppklv net rec'ts 4.083: etorh r.t.Imi : exports to Great Britain 1,820. Wilmington Quiet ; mld'g 111 1-1 6c; low rold- Ung 10 816c; good ord'y 915 16c; rec'pts 822: gross ; sales : siock 9,478; exports coastwise ; to Gfdat Britain ; to continent Weeklr net receipts 2.170: gross : exDOrts coastwise 1,149; to Great Britain ; to con tinent . Philadelphia Dull; middling l2o; low middling 1 life:; good ordinary lrjSbc; net receipts 471; gross 808; sales ; spinners : stook ; exports Great Britain ; to continent Weekly net receipts 2,760; gross 3,280; sales 590; spinners 516; coastwise ; continent ; to Great Britain ; stock . Savannah Easy; middling 11 1-1 8c; low mid dling 10 U-16c; good ordinary 9o; net receipts 1,413; gross 1,418; sales 2,500; stock 80.553; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to France : to continent . Weekly net receipts ll,607;gross ll,650;sales 8,700; exports to Great Britain i ; France ; coastwise 8,285; continent 1,600. Nkw Orleans-Quiet; middling llc; low middling llVfec; good ordinary 10l&c; net receipts 6,293; gross 6,470; sales 3,750; stock 370.910; export to Great Britain ; to France ; coastwise : to continent . Weekly net receipts 24,840; gross 80,358: ales 34,000; exports Great Brftaip 21,790; chan nel ; coastwise 2,660' France ; continent 3,936. MoBiLE-Irregular; middling llftc: low mid 11M3C; good ordinary lOVSsc; net receipts 1,146; gross : sales 700; stock 40.836: exports xH.gt : France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 5,21fl; gross 5,239; sales 7-So9.: ?,xP0rts to Great Britain ; coastwise 4,923; France . 833; gross 847l shiomanta 7P.3: Ralaa HflO. stock 9l,59l. , I!kIy7;n,et Pta 4,527; gross 4,944i ship ments 6,172; sales 2,000. Augusta Dull; middling 10?; low rold SifL10 02d ordinary 10c; reeelptB 3,3 23; shipments 2,805: sales 281. Weekly net rects 1,978; shipm't 2,540; sales : spinners ; stock . fS?B1J?7,?,H0'u,ets middling lllfcc; low midiung lityc; good ordinary 10c; net reoelpts 888 ; sales 1,000; stock 64.626: orwwtwtse . to Qreat Brluln . to continent ; to France ; to channel i y?kllrn2L IPts 6.207; gross ; sales fse 5,012; continent 5,779; Great Britain 4,047; to France . i?H.w7,(2lK0-u,et: saI 247: middling up lands lindc; middling Orleans 12e: consoli dated net receipts ; exports to Great Britain sSl : to cogent : to J'dIM Wts 3.694; gross 28.518; exp'ts 1.945; sales 8,584; stock 83S!26. MONTGOKERT-Nomlnal; mld'g lOfcc; low mid 3 8od ordinary 9Vfcc; receipts 635; ship- 22f9;oSSP P"8604 year- 8-25?li stock, last yaar, 11383 ; sales 993. Macon Irreeular; middling 10ic; low middling 1UA4C: OOd Ordinary Olo rautlnfa AKi . ooU. 1 ..HUH; stock, present vear.fl.158: stork init uAn ,642; shipments l,ttl9. Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys OUR STOCK FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. "Yy B guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shall be found Juat ks represented, and shall allow no house to give you better goods than we do tor the money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonabl goods, of tne very best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shots to suit you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at oar stoie. lve us a call. A. E. RANKIN & HKO., Bflp18 Central notel BlPok Tdp Stri ct CoLUMBUS-Ju et: middling 10c; low middling 10:; good ordinary tWfcc; receipts 1,862; ship ments 2,162; sales 640; spinners 160; stock 20,512; ex. Great Britain ; coastwise . Nashville Flat; middling 11c; low mld 10 Vise; good middling 9c; net receipts 622; shipments 768; sales 441; spinners ; stock, present year, 11,482; stock, last year, 17,715. Pobt Rotax,, S. C. Weekly net receipts ; stock 2.U57; exports to lireut Britain ; coast wise 11; sales . Providence, B. I. Weekly net receipts 166; stock 6,000; sales 1.200. Selmjl, Ala. Dull; middling 11 Ujc Weekly reoelpts 656; shipments 1,198; stock, present year, 7,912- Rome, GA. Quiet; middling 11c; low mid dling lOl&c; good ordinary 9Vfcc Weekly receipts 1,300; shipments 1,631; stock 6,713. COMPABATTVE COTTOH STATEMENT. Net receipts at all United States ports during week Same week last year Total receipts to this date Same date last year Exports for the week Same week last year Total exports to this date Same date last year Stock at all United States ports Same time last year Stock at all Interior towns Same time last year Stock at Liverpool game time last year Stock of American afloat for Great Britain Same time last year 86.744 134,243 3,840,135 4,200,409 76,983 97.364 2,076,317 2,648.832 1,118,811 844,977 186,548 162.B77 665,000 668,000 232.000 327,000 Liverpool Noon Very flat; middling up lands 6W; middling Orleans 611-16d; sales 8,000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts 5,800, all American. Uplands low middling clause: February delivery ; February and March 6 13-82(1 6 7-16d; March and April 6 15-82d6V&d; April and'May 6 17-82d6W; May and June 6 9 16d6 19 32d; June and July 6 21-32d; July and August 6 23-32d; August and September . Futures fluctuating. Liverpool -5 P. M Sales of American cotton 6,800 bales. Uplands low middling clause: Feb ruary delivery ; February and March 6 l5-82d ; March and April ; April and May 6 19-32d; May and June 6 21-32d; June and July 8 ll-16d; July and August 6tyd; August and September 6d. Futures closed Irregular and partially rather lower. LIVEEPOOL COTTON CIBCTJLAB. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, says: " Cot: on was In fair demand and the market freely supplied. The Quotations In some Instances are reduced. Ameri can cocion was dull and irregular at l-16dQ;i&d de cline. Sea Island was In limited demand at un changed rates Futures were flat, Closing ut a de cline oijuwii ioa." Sales for the week 60.000 American 45,000 Speculation 1.290 Export ij.zou Actual exports 4,100 Forwarded irom ships' sides Imports 92,000 American 73.000 Stock 655.000 American,. 473,000 Afloat 3rt 000 American 232,000 London - The Manchester Guardian In its com mercial article this morning says- '"The market Is flat, though the prices are almost unchanged. The tendency is In favor of the buyers. A break In the prkes of cotton at Liverpool and In the United dtates is watched with muon interest FUTURES. New Yoke -Net receipts 406; gross 1.333. Futures closed barely steady; sales 2y0,000 bales. Fehniarv 11.66r?.7 March ll.77ff.78 Auril 11.96(2.00 May 12.123 13 Jnn 12.293.80 July. 12433.00 August 12.53a. 54 September 12.083.09 October 11.49 51 November December 1 1.41 S. 43 January The Evening Post's Cotton Market Report says j Future deliveries are unsettled. The first call was In favor of the sellers who obtained an advance of 4 to 5 points, and at the second can a lunner ad vance was paid of 9 points, but then a reaction set in and prices fell again full 8 points. This was folinwBd hv renewed fluctuaUons. There Is as yet little confidence perceptible in spite of small re ceipts. Liverpool responds to every ceciine nere and an improvement win eviuenity nave to cum mence on this side. FINANCIAL. Nkw Yt he. Exchange, . . . Governments 4.84 -firm Now 5's Four and a half per cents, Four per cents, Money - ;: State bonds generally weak. Ten nessee mixed and old being active n-nrt IrrAtMilHr . 1.02 1.14iVl Sub-treasury balances Gold- $78,074,818 " Currency,... 4,598,449 Stocks 11 A. M. The market opened firm, and iQ 1 per cent higher than yesterday's closing tmh th ittir tor the Manhattan elevated and the Norfolk 4 Western preferred, while the Mem phis 4 Charleston was 2 per cent, auu me can nniinn nrefPTTAi was 9.Va rter cent hleher. in early dealings there was a general advance of a US percent, the Oregon Navigation and the Rtchmond 4 Danville being most conspicuous therein. At 1 1 o'clock a reaction of 13 per cent occurred, tne latter ior tne iwnuom rauiui; npaforwwi whllfl the C. C. 4 L C. sold down 31A percent; at 11.15 recovered 14 per ceot, but again ten on iyi per ceuw Stocks Opened strong and closing weak: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 82 Alabama Class A, small u iiohimi Class B. R's 1.00 Alabama-Classic. 4's 831 Chlcaeo and Northwestern I.d4 Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.4.14 vpia 39 East Tennessee . 14 Clctrwofa 1.67 Illinois Central. . . .' Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville 91 Memphis and Charleston 78 Vuahvilin and Chattanooga 82 New York Central 1 Pittsburg . 1 ;4 Richmond and Allegheny ! Richmond and Danville 2.02 Rrvlr Inland 1.38 Wabash, St. Lonls Pacific 3b Wabash, 8t Louis 4 Pacific preferr'd 66 Western Union. 8Hfc CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of The Observer, I Charlotte, February 11, 1882. f The market yesterday closed weak and unsettled at the following quotations: Good Mtddllnz UVi Strictly middling 1U Middling 11 Strict low middling 103fe Low middling 1 0 Tinges 9lkQ;9V2 storm cotton bfts3s HECEIPTS FOE THE WEEK ENDED FRIDAY, 10th. Saturday,,,,. Monday Tuesday Wednesday . . . Thursday Friday 84 bales 237 " 146 " 135 " H5 " 103 " Total bales 720 TRADFIKLD'S REGULATOR, Tilcopherous, xj Brown's UhlorcHyne, Allen 8 Lung Balsam, .retters unuemauc Kennedy, received ro-day. feblO WILSON 4 BliRWELL. "OZONE." THE American "Ozone" Generator, for sale by febio WILSON 4 pBRWELL. MURKOCK'S LIQUID FOOD, Just reived by WILSON 4 WIL3ON 4 BUHWELL. feblfl OLIVE OIL. FBESH and Nice, Just received at WfLfeON 4 BURWELL'S feblO Drug Store. STRATENA, WILSON & BURWELL'S febl0 Drugstore. CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN OF BOOTS W. T. BLACKWELL & GO. Durham. N. C. Manufacturer! of the Original and Only Genuine 'trade mark. mm m VeOkES A llTn. 00 1 FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at DrJIMcAdens Drug Store CAJUTOGA -yiCIlY, From Saratoga Springs. N. Y. A new water re sembling the imported Ylctiy. Recommended as an antacid, cures dyspepsu, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and ctrong diuretic Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all foruis cf dyo'apsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS W.V.TKR, 0 C13S5 BOCS !; RIDGE ALU.U, J Q CAS .23 BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED &P9LLINAR! AND Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dos: A wine glass full before breakfast. The ianorf "Hunyadi Janos. Baron Llebigaf- urms mat its nenness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. tne most agreeable, saiost, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. Yirchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success: most valuable. " Prqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed inese writers witn remantaoie success." rrqr. neamonx, wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunion. M. D., F. R. 8., London. more pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses mem in erncacy." Prqf. Aiken, M. D., F. X. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried rtchshalL" job;n h. McADen, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C, DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water lust as fresh and sDark ling as when it tlows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. Mca DEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. "Will mail FREE their Cata logue for 1882, containing a full descriptive Price List of Flower, Field and Garden Bulbs, Ornamental Grasses, and Immortelles, Gladlolos, Ulies, Koe, Plants, Garden Implement. Beautifully itlus trated. OrerlOO pages. Addrau ROCHESTER,!. Y. CHICAGD,ILL 179-183 East Main St, 200-206 Randolph St NOTICE. BY Virtue of a mortgage deed f xecuted to the late Wm. 8. Norment for the purposes there in mentioned and duly recorded In the Register's office. In Mecklenburg county, Book 19, Page 512. I will expose to public sale, at the court house door In the city of Charlotte, on the 25th day of February, 882, a certain house and lot situated on Tryon street, adjoining the old Bank of Meek lenburg.and running back to Church street now oc cupied on the lower floor as telegraph office, and above by Mrs. Shannonhouse as a boarding bouse. Terms cash. R. M. NORMENT, feb3 4t Executor. TREES B DELIVERY. M Y Trees are now ready for delivery, opposite Mr. Allen Crouse's residence, on Tryon street between 6th and 6th. A One lot of Trees, Plants, Flowers and Flower Seed on hand for sale. Any thing in my line furnished on short notice. dec2 T. W. SPARROW, Charlotte. 1 n asm a m m a est hsei m besa ' and O Idren AND SHOES BURGESS NICHOLS, and Betifl Porta to A Li. KINDS Ot 1 BEDDING, kC. A TOLL LDTI W Ctieap Bedste&ds, AND LOUNGES, Parlor & Chamber Suits. oorrism oar all mm i nrp so. 6 west nun maccr, CSLAEURm, H. C Our claim for merit is based upon the fact that a chemical H analysis proves that tUe tobacco U grown in our section is better j adapted to mate a GOODJTJliE, If satisfactory smote than ANY f OTHER tobacco grown in the p world; and lcinjj situated in the HEAR? oi' this tine tobacco ft section, have the PICK of B th o-rYijrings. The public ap-K this; heneo our sales! EXCEED the products of ALlL $ the leading manufactories com- jbincd. mFXi wiles it I i Fund a S o a c t"1 1 i H t ( O CURES WHEN ALL OTIIK ! I REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you doubt, come to see us, and we will CURE YOU. or charge nothing!!! Write for particulars, and a copy of tbe little book "Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing. $1000 KEWAKD will be Dald to anv chemist who will find on analysis of luO bottles or s. 8. S. one particle of Mercury, Ioulde of Potassium or any Mineral substance. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , Atlanta, Ga. (PER BOTTLE.) Price of Sma'.l Size 8 1 00 Large Size 1.75 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. dec31 U. II. UUIlUnll. UUO. UnMnHIVI, IYI. U. In connection with our i t-ck of is, Medicines We have recelyal a full supply of Select Spices, Baker's and German SWEET CHOCOLATE, GELATINE, ROYAL BAKING POWDERS, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, k, FOR TnE RETAIL TR A D K. 5,000 Best 5c Cigars. FRESH MIMER&L WATERS OF ALL KINDS. R. II. JORDAN CO, TllYON STKEET. feblO for gent. FOR SALE OR RENT. rpnE new and commodious residence lust beyond tbe track of the A.. T. o it. Kill R. Co. Good bargain. Apply to F. H. GLOVER. Janl2tf Agent FOR SALE OR RENT. A Six room house, with good yard and vmll nf mntpp an1 a tain mnm irftnhum ton mlnntaa tralb- F tha nnKlu o is 15 ! ' ApplT to WALTE8 BBKM w uuuuhvo nuia ut iaio uuuiii: nuutuTi. jyr decao U Cures 1111111 SYPHILISffrl in any LJ stage. 1fP CATAKRU, j ECZEMA, OLD J:; SORES, P!M- fil!!y PLES, BOILS, or f , . ANY jJ? ( skin olSSi DISEASE. IgpS; Fresh Dm A. i 1 , i s? ' i iV r.