tt (gfravlatix (Dftscrtre. LOGAL MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 15, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY Phalanx Lodge No. si, a. A. M. -Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights. Excilsiob Lodoi No. 261, A. F. fc A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chablottx Chaptxb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. Charlottk Commandaby No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. ZKI. OF EC. Kniuht9- of Honoh. Regular meeting every cmd and fourth Thursdays. KZ. OIF1 :pl Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Ball. X. O. O. IF1. Charlotte Lodqk No. 8a Meets every Mon day night. JtBCKLKKBtTRQ DBCLABATTON LODGI NO. 9. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixtk Lodgb No. 108. Meetfl'every Thursdny Catawba Rtvr Encampment No. 21. Meets irst and third Thursday nltrbts In each month Index to New Ad v-ri n M E Alexander Last Notice. o'Donoguue. Hand & Co Dissolution. H M. Wilder, Agent Diiurs, Ac. ! eHoy Davldron Canned Peaches. K. R. Dodge Wanted. Keys Found. THE JANUARY MONEY FRESH KT IN NEW ORLEANS. On Januaiy 10th (being the 140th Monthly Grand Ulstrib' tlon), under the sole management of uenerals G. T. beaure gard, of Louisiana, and Jubal A. Eariy, of Virginia, of the'Loulalana State Lottery, the following named were among For tune's favorites: The capital prize was drawn by No. 76096. held by I. jw. Davis, of Morning Star, near Memphis.. Term. The second capital, $10, 000, by No. 19.096, held by Sebastian Lehman. No. 793 Larimer street, Denver City. Col. The third capital, live thousand dollars, by No. 50,809, by True A. Heath, Concord, N. H. The fourth cai ttal prizes, two, of two thousand five hundred each, by No. 10,289, held by , Vlcksburg, Miss : and No. 10. MR. held by L. Sanders, No. H2 1 Broad ay, New York Cliy. Five "prizes of one thousand dollars each were distributed around unions the holders of Nos. u.45'2, 15,714, 29,757. 44.504 andltf,2H9 -resialng at New Orleans, hew om City. Te&co, O., Norfolk, Va., and Topeka. Kau. The 142d drawiog will occur March 1 4th and any Information can be had on application to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, La. SUBLIMELY SUPERB. A pair of beautiful San-flowers on Easels will be mailed free to any lady who will send a three cent postage stamp to Dr. C. W. Benson, 106 No. Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. Bini ford Alum and Iboh Sprirgs Watkk and Mass The great tonic and alterative contains iwice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so ventral. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. majll tf Bnu AtltrcvttsemcTits. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholes "menes9 More economics. than the ordlnaiy kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weigni, amm or nmsphate powders. Sold only in JlUXALi BAK1MU fUWDJStt UO., nov23 New York. LeBoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. -JUST RECEIVED !- A new supply of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAM PS and LAMP GOODS, PICTURES, FRAMES, EASELS, &C., &C, -AT the- VAR1ETY i TOHE UNDER TRADKR9' NATIONAL BANK. C M. ETIIEREDGrE. feblO Springs & Burwe h HAV IN STORK ONE OF THE -LARGEST STOCKS- -OF- f'-OO RRB OO OOO EAB RRR II EEK RS8R "GRROOOOK R R II K 2 RRR OOO EE RRR II EE DSSS T'OGRROOOOE R R II K 8g OOQ R R OO OOO EEE R R II EKE BSSH Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Eve r offered In this market Don't buy until you Hamlne our 8tock and Prices. CORN and OATS. I CAR LOADS WHITE CORN, CAR LOAD3 TELLOW CORN, 1 000 BABBKLS FL0UR' " 500 SACKS C0FFBB 2QQ BARRELS OLA3SE9, QQ BARRELS SUGAR, QQ BOXE3 BACON, j 5q packages lard, 2QQ boxes soap, 200 PACKAGES mackerel, lOQ boxes crackers, 25 boxes creese. 40. PATENT FLOUR Illy 1 00 Barrels Just from Uie Mil'. SPRINGS & BURYELL. feb8 C&w HOME CHIPLETS. tPolice circles all serene. E"The rain came down terrifically for a little while-last night tCourt house circles failed to furn ish a single item of Interest yesterday. OT A smart boy can obtain a situa tion by applying at the telegraph office. USTThe bill poster has papered the town for "My Partner." SW The warm weather of the past week has brought forth the maple bloom. WCoLJ.N. Folk, of Lenoir, was registered at the Central Hotel yester day. ENext Tuesday night George Ad ams will be at the opera house with his new Humpty Dumptycompany. bunch of keys were found yes terday and left at this office. See de scription in another column. tSPThe skating carnival will take place next Monday night. The an nouncement for last night was "pre mature." WUev. Dr. Harding, of this city, has recently been preaching a series of sermons in Greensboro, which have been very highly complimented. t3Col. and Mrs. J. JL. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Wilson, left last night for New Orleans. They go to sea the Mardi Gras on the 20th and 21st ES'Nick," at Davidson College, sends The Obseever a valentine which is appreciated. The information is given that Davidson has the meas les. tThe cotton men have had so much leisure time recentlv that a iokeis never attempted among them, though some think a flrst-clasa effort would just now command a premium. tSTA premium of half a dozen good cigars is offered to the man who has not made a remark about the weather within the last two weeks. The dumb only are excluded. ttA slight change in the schedule on the Air Line road went into effect Sunday. The only material difference is in the arrival of the day train from the North, which reaches Charlotte at 11.20 a. m. instead of at 1.05 p.m. as heretofore. C5F Yesterday the "spoonies" sent to their girls little naked boys driving a double team of doves hitched in a har ne3s made of trailing arbutus. In a few years these same spoonies will want their girls to get up in the morn ing and rrmke the fire. Messrs. O'Donochue and Hand have disposed of their interest in the drug business, recently established in this city, and Dr. J. M. Wilder now has sole charge of the business. An an nouncement appears elsewhere. "Sheriff Alexander gives a kind of farewell notice to delinquents, which that class can read with profit to them selves and advantage to the sheriff. The line of indulgence must be drawn somewhere, and he has fixed upon the end of February as a kind of judg ment day, as it were. tgTThe engine, pump, and a part of the material for the stand pipe of the water works is expected daily. It is thought the material for the stand pipe will arrive in time to commence work before court meets. This is very de sirable, and will no doubt be much en joyed by the court, as the explosion of a ten pound dynamite cartridge is com paratively noiseless beside what will be heard in this vicinity when work is begun in rear of the court house. E"Every bank officer in the country, and business man generally, may read with profit Mr. John Burrough's ener getic paper, in the March Century, ori "Broken Banks and Lax Directors." The author, who is known to the public principally as as a delightful writer on birds and nature, has long been doin g efficient service as a Government bank examiner. He reads lax directors a forcible lecture, and instructs "them in the science of understanding the affairs of the institu tions of which they are the responsible custodians. Entertainment Friday Night. - Bills have been printed, announcing an entertainment to be given next Fri day night at the Mansion House in this city for the benefit of the Charlotte Home and Hospital. A concert and oyster supper is announced, and the management of the enterprise is in such hands as to warranC its success. The public can well afford to extend a most liberal patronage, as the, proceeds are to go towards meeting the expenses of an institution which "has accom plished much good in our midst. m m m Will Probably Locate Here. A letter received from a gentleman of Marion, Va., gives the information that the writer contemplates coming to Charlotte for the purpose of engaging in the manufacture of a new cotton nrpss. Tnauiries are made as to the facilities of Charlotte for manufactur ine the necessary irons, cast and wrought, which have been answered. It is to be hoped that satisfactory ar rancements can be -made with our foundries in this respect, and that the manufacturer will find it to his , inter est to locate here, as every enterprise of this sort will add much to our prosper ity. Another Prospective Cotton Factory, It is understood that a proposition has been made by two prominent capi talists of the city to a certain gentle man who is familiar with the business of running a cotton factory that if he would take the management of such an enterprise they would invest a sufficient sum to erect another cotton factory in this city. The names of all the parties are withheld for the present, but we can say that, should the proposition be favorably considered, the parties con templating making the investment are able to wit in the busiaess all the money iiiut may be required. So far nothing definite has been decided upon, but it is likely that something win re suit from the proposition. An Article of Tree Mertt..."BrowB'8 Broicalal Troches" are tlie most popular article In this coun try or Europe tor Throat Diseases and Coughs, and rfewmap. : MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Maj. J W. Wilson, chief .engineer, mfiSnTua will accept thanks for a map of the mountain division of the Western fbdvvck. North Carolina railroad, drawn by H. BALTmoBa-Noon-Fionr more active, unchanei ; "Eaton fVilpman nsqistant, nnrinnpr from Howard street and Western super S4.00S4.76; -t-aron Mieman,assisi;ani; engineer.irom extra 35.ooase.OO; family S6.25S7.25: ctty surveys made in 1881. The map will muis, super 84.00$5.00; extra fs.oo$8.00; ,tt fn,, . , . f. , family S7.25ffi87.50; Bio brands 86.75ffi$7.25; De round Of value to those desiring a patapsco lamUy S8.00. Wheat-Southern lower; correct idea of the work on this road, HRSaSB as it is well executed. The seven dif- No. 2 Western winter red spot. Sl.stUffiSl.82; ferent tunnels are plainly shown, with K5i! length of each. gjg ffiBWJft TltKS white 75ffi76; Southern jellow 69970. A JLucky Hlton Future. Bajntmoslh Might Oats easier; Southern m. c ... . 47 a 50: Western white 49S50; mixed 47 48; Those Of our citizens who were ac- PennsTlT&nla 48ffi50. PronsUms unchanged; customed to dealing in future contracts 7&!n on cotton were decidedly on the bull ;houiders8i icieu - rib sides n;hamsi8Uffi . , , . . , , . 14. Lard refined 12. Coffee steady; Rio ear Side at the beginning of the cotton sea- goes ordinary to fair gfcffios. Sugar- steady; A son, but since January they have lhueteSed!,"9Ulet, " 1'19aw2a changed front and have gone on the Chicago. Flour dull and nominal Wheat , . , , . active and unsettled, but generally lower; No. 2 bear side recovering all losses, and are Chicago spring $i.22ttffiSi.22 for cash; si.22 now realizing handsome profits. They S2StPJ?n SOSS are to-day closing out their contracts, for March. Oats fairly active and a shade higher taking in large profits, and will be ready SMS "WiSMtt 'norfflfS5 S.oo! to catch the market at its lowest point SEBHSfi on the later months and come in for cash and February; S17.95ffiS17.97 for March. their part of the gainson the August iSSS&SiSSK squeeze. There are many happy faces HMSffiSg gffi on our Streets to-day. Charlotte people Whiskey steady and unchanged, have been on the winning side this cotton. time, and we venture the assertion that thfir hau hon enniiffh tnnnov maAa in GALVBSTOH Irregular; middling 1 1C; low mld- inere nas Deen enougn money maae m dlIng 10c. good ordinary ioc; net receipts Charlotte in the last few months on 947; gross ; sales 700; stock 76227: ex- . . , . ., . , . ports eoastwlse ; to Great Britain 1,798; to cotton contracts, Charlotte, Columbia continent : to France ; to channel & Augusta stock, Eichmond & Dan- 2?1' ' tMm ville stock, and what is kn.wn as the 2-Sg>TSSi Terminal stock, to buy out a good sized wUe toJntoMit808' export" W Great Britata twn BALTntOBS Quiet; middling llo; low mld- mm m dling 11; good ordinary 101A; net retfts ; VHi.iDan.ini k. gross 825; sales ; stoek 87,044; exports Froet Warnlnga-lmportant to Tobac- ooMtwlgo, . 8plnners 67; export, to Great co Growers. Britain ; to continent m, . . . . , Bostok Dull; mlddHns llc; low mlddHnu The Signal Officer in tills City has re- llc; ood ordinary 10c; net receipts 620; ceived an important letter from thebu- K2B tg7tJ ewrt"10 reau at Washington in relation to pro- wrumtGroH-Quiet; middling liic; low mit- a 4. . v, ling 101116c; good lord'y 91816c; ree'pts 134: posed frost warnings for the tobacco gross ; sales ; stock 8,153; expons growing sections of the country. While SXS't . to Great 11,400; it may not be of much consequence to Philadelphia Dull; middling Hike;,i. nn middling llVftc; good ordlaarr lOfec: neireoeipU the interests Of this section, it can not ; gross 155; sales - : sDlnners : stoek bedfinifld t.har. t.hA t.nhar nrnHnnitiir counties would be greatly benefitted by some such system of warning as is con- templated ILis the desire of the bu- reau to obtain such information as may bear directly upon the departure con- templated, and to this end w.e give our readers the letter in full; also" some facts in relation to the bearing of these . . trosc warnings on ttit sugar interests ot UDUISiaUa. ,T, . WAR DEPARTMENT ) Office Chief Signal Officer, I uuiKMiuvj,iwi. tau. ; Sir: I have the honor to invite your attention to the fact that in the fall of 1880 a system Of frost warnings, in the interest or tne sugar planters or .Louis- ana trio dan onH and in tn UOO. The amount of Success attained is hoof QhAom fha fi iaiH nrr toimrram fr" "Xhl nVaZr r.f Vw .f. from the governor of that btate. WEW ORLEANS, L.A., JSovember 9, 1 881. General W. B Hazen ' In behalf of the agricultural inter- ests Of .Louisiana and the Gulf coast. you are reSpectlully requested to renew the series of weather signals this year, luieuaaiuis Beywecuaugrs auu cuujiu frosts. Such signals will be of incalcu- lable value to sugar planters. b. I). MCxiNERY, (Invernor. These warnings were continued dm- ing tne past season witn entire success ana witn great Denent to tne sugar in- fnKnti. It- in Vaiatro.A that oimtlafl warnings would be of advantage to the tobacco growers of your State: Warnings could be sent about two days in ad- vanco of killine frosts and. if DromDtlv circulated, would prevent loss to plan- ters bv enabliner them to secure at least a portion of the crop. YOU are respectfully requested to Consider this subject and inform me if onf;nn n nof ,omino om.uuuuuutuDH.uuui ovo WOUid 06 Denenciai to tne yU)Dacco in- terpst of vniir sep.tinn. and thfl 1 n cth nf timp wWh nhmild ho rnvprpd hT or time wnicn snouia do covered Dy SUCh forecasts. I have fully recognized the practical imnnrfunxo nf thin and oimilar wrtrfc 't'f . . . : t-vn t - A rt rvrlAtn Ifiira 1 mrof. ests of the country, but I have not been provided with sufficient force to carry out my views. I anticipate favorable action by Congress, during the present Signal Corps, and a much greater ex- tension 01 tne useiuiness ux tms scr vivo to all interests affected by the. weather conditions of the country may be ex- pected. 1 am, sir, very respectruny, Vnnr nhpdient aprv't. - , W .5. MAZEN, Tariff, and B v t Mai. Gen. TT s a v,cA o-o. w. ... asvmnn HAminitDii m.m jnjn. aiui.i a .a -ITT . . -r l TU li TI, w AbiiirsuiNUJN, xj. kj-, xcu. ai. .mo n : ,i t. i j ; V, nnm nf xrrcaiueuu Lu-uay oouv mmo UiUU Augustus S. Seymour, as judge for the Eastern district. There is no doubt of conflrmation. The nomination gives general satisfaction. me uouon urop m Mnimiwi 11a 11 Hi W JLUXVJ. J.'W. it. aiJuioiiv special says the rapid decline of cotton futures in JSew x orK and aew uineaus gnaod mnnh PYP.if.ement in commercial wmmwvva - - circles in Louisville Several hundred thousand dollars is nnnn!id to be lost as nearlv all the speculators were on the 'long side. Had tne news or tne ianures in wew ui- leans reached Louisville before the close of business the chances are there would have been a panic. U1 the small fry in the cotton deals were swept out Since JNovemoer nrst mercnants, nlarVo artrtn hnv. hamhermaidH and. in fact every man or woman who could raise a five-doiiar note, rushed to the bucket shops, and invested in cotton. Nearly all or this Class was jrozen out last week and week before, but yester- day's decline bursted the last one of them. Their margins were augone, and with them all their hopes and ca3- ties in the air. , . , . - - The Weather. . Washington. Feb. 14. For the Mid dle Atlantic States, -warmer, far weath er, southwesterly winds, lower pressure. For the south Atlantic ana wuu States, local rains, followed by clearing J weather, variable winds, stationary or higher temperature and pressure. Tennessee ana uuio vswiey, wwuiw, fair weather, variable winds, shifting to westerly, stationary or lower pres sure. ruimmnnlcailon Ueetored After Dam. t .fYTTTsvTT.T.'E. Ky Feb. 14. Direct .nmmnnipat.ion between Louisville and yy" . . . j -XT t. Memphis Dy tne Liouisviiie uu ixau viiia Haiirnad was restored to-day, the interruption having lasiea t,weniy-;six days. . A niattbled Steamer. T nvrov Fh. 14 The Nederland passed the Sardinian in a disabled con dition in latitude 49, longitude 28. fTnn fitters have been ot i or over iwo mauius buu wu. ir," zilZ: I tried rour H6p Bitters. To those Buffering ftom debility or any one In feeble health, I cordially re v commend them. 0. ottzeu 17,866; exports Great Britain ; to continent augubta Dull; middling lOfce; low mid- fceesTT117 10! 4921 te io,08i; gross ; sales 500; stock 62,712: Xn' -Tcel .affAfflisSS "et receipu 10,750; exports to Great Britain 18,819: to France ; to continent ; to at aatam channel 2.931. I rf.tam.nt fn. An nnnlha inrilin laDliapv HI at shows the total overland movement to the mills direct of 335.477 bales: n excess over last year ofl,010. The total amount of this year's crop I that has aDneared at Ports and DOlnts of crosslne overland is 4.079,013, against 4.372,852 last year. Total foreign exports 1.934,708; deficit .RrS f. oS& MM year. Northern SDlnners took durtna; five months l ,i 17.242 ; an excess over iatt year or 70.051. I UlTUtrWlnWU-llUU. eaBWr miUOUUK UUliUlUS I HnMRtilAtion and exnort' 500: reeeiDta 35.500: American 24.500. Uplands low middling clause: I February delivery 6 ll-32d8d: February and March 6U-32a6d; March and April 6d- 6 7.16d: Ar)rti and May 6 15-32dad; May and June tfcd0 17-82d; June and July 8 9-16dQ)- 6 19 82d; July and August 6 21-32d; August and Autn I 4.400 bales. Uplands low middling clause: Feb- I ruary delivery 6d; February and March 6Jbd; Kndune-lidTJuneand Jul, S&:$ and August ; August ana septemoer Futures closed ouiet. FUrUUUB. I NI..o7 3 e'848- February Marcn ji.4ygi Ahnl 11.54S.55 I jBn&' '.".V.V.V.1V.V." H.'s4l85 I July. ii.K8a.99 dst. .... fE0" i i NOvcmbef ii.ob 07 December. ,. n.iuum I JaThrenhii"post's'cott6nMa says Future deliveries opened 8 to 10 polnte higher and 1 kept tolerably steady until 11.60 a. m., when a I decline set in, cndtog at 110 p. m., in a loisof on to 24. nolnta. nrloen inline then 1.1 to IB DOlnts I below yesterday's closlns: quoUUoqs. The redue- I tlon led to freer buying, and a reaction of 4 to 8 I points, but the advance was not sustained and the tblrd o a ovseune of 4 to 3 I rmints. March elliDK at 11.40: April at 11.6T 3 and 5; May fl.69 and .70; June .85; July .98 I and .UH; AUgUSt VS-Vd ana .1U: UCTOPer ll.IV I Hnd .18: Npverabur lOOS and .07. I - - - - J financial. j Kxcnange ZT..... 4.84 I eovemme'ntsr'regul'ar, but gensr- a"ikii"per 'cents,'.'.'.'.":::::: liuJS i Four per cents, ' Money,... 5a6 g ffiffS-t?! Sub-treasury balances Gold........ $80,143,000 currency... 4.b,ooo Stocks. 11 A. M. The market opened Irregular out in tne main feai per cent nigner wan yes- terday's dosing quotatfons, the Memphis de I Charleston and Mobile 4 Ohio leadlmr. while the I Nashville A Chattanoom was 1U. the Indiana. BloomlnKton & western l, the "Alton A Terre Haute preferred 1, and the San Francisco 1 per cent lower. In early dealings a fractional advance I was louowea oy a aeenne or vtus per cent. I otoczs lrresuiar. I imur-w , fl w u i Alabama Class a, small hi ADim-UIH B. ft'l I Alabama Class C, 4's...... 84 I Chicago and Northwestern I-?3! SSTT TZTT. 89 I StrJifnnessee ; ,8 Illinois Central. 1.82 Louisville and Nash vUle 8 I Memphis and Charleston "KVa Nashville and Chattanoosa 75U j, . , UHIL W""""Y"":: iSSg i sichmond and Allegheny I Blchmond and Danville ?-24 i urtir 1taQnj I MM wabash. St Li Padfte "'.'"'''.'. 8414 l Louis 4 Pacific preferr'd Bi 1 Western Union. 80 rvyrTirArirr. Z2 omcx of Thx obskbtkr. j. Chablottk, Februan 15, 1882. f I The market yesterday closed quiet at the fouow- tSSbaSSSS 1 1 strictly middung 10 I Middling 1054 tJlaiD Sit : mm I Btomrcotton... 5fr8 gales yesterday 78 bales, tltttSillill8 1 o- - r OPERA HOTTftTC I -ML. - - Monday Evening, February 2Q0l THE ELECTRIC SUCCESS ! LOUIS ALDRICH AKD CHAS. T. PARSLOE AKD THKIB -SUPERB STAR COMPANY-- If IPMflSEl BT B ABTLXY CAMPBELL. , . "The ulai that made tha tame. of its aotl anlbt.'r "And which Is by Ions odds the Way ofAmerlcan life that'has en teoug eWrds?'--Ne Tork Be,ralL , author 1a best broOKhlon Prices, $1, 75c and SOc, Seats cari be secured at McBmlth's Music uoose on ana aner xnursaari February 16th. M BOBT. abthuk, feb!4 Advanee Bresentatlfe. FEBBUABY 1ST, 1882. K RUTH A KM --OUR- GREAT GREAT CI le OF WILL BEGIN TO-BAY. OVKBCOATS, OVXBCOAT4u. r tJ,.F0B WIMTSB WKAK. t i fOB 8PRDIG WKAB. A B. L MM MM MMMM MMMM M M M u u u A A A A A4 A A LEU. BE SOL D.-- A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we nerer carry over from Season to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper lime, if a reasonable sacrifice can accomplish the sale. IT HAS BXXN A MILD SEASON THUS FAR, AND WX HAYX A . Large Stock On hand. If we've erred In ndfment as to quan tity or styles, NOW IS TH TIME TO ate PEIOE MAKES DIFPEEOOES. The Lower the Price the Quicker the Sale. lor three yean oar poller Has beea to dose eaea season's porehase the season hooch t, enabung to open 1BUB NJCW STOCKS. Oor CnstomersCexpeet tt; the npotatimi ef sot House demands K. Ifyoa have not beach! tt wUl be worth roar while to look, for the prices WILL ASTOMISH YOU. OUB S27. S28. SS0 and 832 SILK 8LZKVX LUKD OVXBCOATS will be sold without reserve at S20. OUB $22, $24 and 25 OVXBOOATS at SlT.Ml OUB $18 and $20 OVXBCOATS at $15. This last Includes all of ear FINK BXVXBSIBLB UC)EKBS and ULSTXBKTTKS. We have some 25 BXTKBSIBLX 0VKBC0AI3 In handsome patterns, marked $14. $10 and $17.60, wWch will be sold at $10. US$10 and $12 OVKBCOATS will be sold ant- team at $7.50. A lot of some 200 OVXBCOATS, embracing the remnants of all lots rang lac In price from MILL BI SACBIPICED AT TBS OT IB IL 1L II El (fi, The cenvenlent pries for all eoly $C This lot la aa 5 S ft at fi in 5 mfi im. BARGAIN Bar W aman make la this tale the LOwSSV yrleeswe lava BTBBMered, and vhea we assert thttweMXAV nelOWXST frtsea xvxs made lganrhody. -u ' I OrdefromlrdlstanB are solicited, aad the same adnata gas la LOW atices win he gtvea as If purehaslaglnparaen. The oppertantty la a , rare one. K o. ZiAtta bko. .let Hf Du r4 ST Rec ify Mis II M M U IpIDTrs i;';gpBD)BS A.T COST! ' AT COST. AT COST. G.VWQ JUST I tH0) I HAVE KNTrkBLY , "1? S.T:OGE OW HASH, AKD IS OKSZB TO RXDUOt IT t WILL OFFKB tlNTIL FUKTHIB KOTICK, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. &e OOITSB, ErsacEe M Fet deoSO lm 25 CASES ipihaoihiih - (UcDnQsfignDiiDQeimtIo SILVER-WAR I CLOSING OUT SALE -Of Fine Triple and Quadruple PLATED WARE OF WELL KNOWN MANUFACTURERS, BELOW COST, FOB A SHORT TIME ONLY. CALL EABLY AND SECURE BABQAINS. Fine Triple and Quadruple Plated CASTOBS, 5 -cut Bottles, $3.50, Worth $3. 00. BUTTER DISHES, $3.50, Worth $5.00 and $6.00. JSWELBY CASES, $10.00, worth $15.00 and $18.00. HUOS, $2 00, worth S3.50 NAPKIN BEN03, large, 50 cents, worth $1.00. GOBLETS, $2 50, worth $4. 50. ICE PITCHXBS, $5.00, worth $10 00. TILTJKG PITCHEB3 and MUGS, $12 00. worth $18100. BOGEBS' TRIPLE PLATE KNIVES, $3.50 per Dozes, All Other Goods in Proportion. A lot of Single and Double Plated saver-Ware, at the uniform prteeof "ONE DOLLAR," Embracing Card Receivers, t Fruit Baskets, Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, -Cheese Stands, Spooa- holders, Creamers, Goblets, Mugs, Sugars, etc Bespect fulry, J. & Co. ebll TATKH- ? o (2 lb. Cans) ON - BY- Round Trip Excurs Rates li - TO- NEW OKLEANS, mi mm -VIA- The Associated Lines of Southern Travel, TtlE RICHMOND PAMTILLEliB, THE ATLANTIC COAST-LINK, THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND LINE, THH BAY LINE. Excursion Tickets via the above lines to NEW ORLEANS and RETURN will be sold at the following reduced rates, from Baltimore 546 00 Washington, .' 44 00 Richmond, .-: 42 00 Lynchburg, ,. b uu Danville, 3 6 00 Greensboro, 34 CO Charlotte 83 00 Spartanburg, 8100 Greenville 80 Op Cdumbta,...-. ...... ..C: 81 00 Augusta...,. 26 00 fetersDurg. ;.. -y w Poftanumth.......: 42 00 Raleigh,... 35 00 Goldsboro' WUmlngtonj,. 85 00 34 00 Tickets will bejjn sale at the above pqlDtt February 1 3th, 14th and 15th. oeoa io reium till March 4th inclusive. The ordlnan 'time limits appUeable to straight tickets between the -res pec tlve points wUl be appUed tothese p fefil2 St . General Passenger Agnt. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. vrm wa rstxx toa cut; Balbs. CamttrteBtal f Grasses;-.' . mjmd ImnorteUes,- Gladlora Iilieev KosesnUr Osde3'i: - 1 Implements. BewatifuUrlUas- ' ' ROCHESTER,H.Y. t CHICG0,1LL 200-206 Randolph St 179-183 East Main St. logne tar 1889, eontautuiK. . t ah descriptive Frlc- UsjtfLl. - Vlvwer. Field aadT Garden ; I - i t tl' 1 1T v 1- this popularity Is based upon reai mem.