ht jCltarlottc (Dbsjcrxrev. lo;al matters. 1 HURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. JVIASOITIO. khalanx Lodok No. 81. A. V. A A. M. Regular meeting every secoud and fourth Monday nights. Excklsior Lodok No. 261, A. F. 4 A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. Chaklottk Chaptbb No. 89, R. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nights. CHARLOTTE COMMAND ABY No. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC. OIF1 H. KmaHTS op honor. Regular meeting econd and fourth Thursdays. every IC- OIF" DP. Knights of Pythias. Regular meeting nights flret aua mini weanesuays, t o 'clock p. in. at . nonlc Temple nail. I, O. O. IF1. CHARixrrn Lodgk Na 88. Meets every Mon day night. Mkcklknbitro) Dkclakatios Lodgx No. 9. Meets every Tuesday night. Dixik Lodge No. 108. Meets every Thursday night. Catawtja RrvKK Kncampmknt No. 21. Meets irst Hiid third Thursday nights in each month. index to New AdvrittwniDuiv. S. R. Neel- F. r Pale. Concert md Oyster Supper Friday night opera House, Jfehruary 21st Keys Houiid-lpply at this Office jno. W. Alexander -Seating Kink. THE TALK OF THK TOWN. Columbus, Ga, Feb. 4, 1881. n. n. Warner & Co.: Sirs Your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure beats all the medicines I have ever heard of for kidney and liver diseases. -It has cured a genuine case of Blight's Disease he'e In Columbus (Judge F. M. Brooks), and that Is I roof enough for me. It is the talk of the town. J N. GlLBKRT, M. D. TO REFRESH A SICK PERSON. Add about twenty drops of Darbys Prophylactic Fluid to a quart of water, in bathing. It will give tue skin a soft, pleasant and refreshing feeling and dispel the odor that fever and perspiration leaves on the body. A small quantity of the Fluid sprinkled over anj thing, place or vessel where there is putrescence destroys at once the germ of all animal or vegetable poison. SUBLIMELY 8UPERR A pair of beautiful Sun-flowers on Easels will be mailed free to any lady who will send a three cent postage stamp to Dr. C. W. Benson, 106 No. Eutaw street, Baltlmoie, Md. BXDFORD ALUM AND IRON SPRINGS WATKS AND Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwict as much Iron and fffty per cent, more alum tiuun than any "alum and iron mass" known. Just the tiling for the "spring weakness" now so fnt-rai. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half, uiayll-tf Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound doubt less ranks first as a curative agent In all diseases or the precreatlve system, degeneration of the kidneys, irritation of the bladder, urinary calculi, &c, && Send to Mrs. Lydla B. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. A revolution In the treatment of nervous dis eases Is now taking place. Dr. Benson, of Balti more has discovered a sure remedy In his Celery and Chamomile Pills they permanently cure sick and nervoui headache, neuralgia, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and all nenous diseases. The Florence Nightingale of the Nursery. The following extract from a letter written V the German Reformed Messenger, at Chambers burg. Penn.: A BENEFACTRESS. Just open the door for her. and Mrs. Wlnslow win prove the American Florence Nightingale of the nursery. Or this we are so sure that we will leach eur Susy to say, -'A Blessing on Mrs. Wlns low" for helping her to survive and escape the eripfng, collcklng and teething sieg-. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup relieves the child from pain, and cures dysentery and diarrhoea. It softens the gums, reduces Inflammation, cures wind colic, and t irrles the infant through the teething period. It performs precisely what it professes to perform, every part of It nothing less. We have never seen Mrs. Wlnslow know her only through the prepa ration cf her "Soothing Syrup for Children Teeth ing." If we had tbe power we would makeher, as she is, a physical saviour to the Infant race. Bold by all druggists. 25 cents a bottle. Beirj &&viz ctlszmcnts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity str-ngth and wholesomeness. More economica than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In 'mripetitlon with the multitude of low test, short w ?lght, alum or nhospnate powders. Sold only In l ius. Kf 1 1 ALi BAKING JrOWDJErt CO., nov23 New York. I.-Roy David ton. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. DISSOLUTION. THE firm of O'Donoebue. Hand & Co. Is dls- L solved by common consent, W. E, Hand and D. O'Donoghue withdrawing from the firm, and H. M. wilder as agent forS. D. Wilder, assuming all liabilities. The business will be conducted In future by II. M. Wilder, aarent. who alone is authorized to collect all bills due the late firm. In retiring from the firm we return thanks to our patrons for the liberal patronaee, bestowed np us for the brief pcnuu mat we were in Dusmesa ana bsk con tinuance of the same to our successor. W. It. HAND. February 7th. '82. D. O'DONOGHUE M. D. rebl5 3t SPECIAL BARGAINS ! ! J. tookfii k Co, OFFER FOB THE their entire stock of - TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE- Silver Plated Ware AT HALF PRICE, and Guarantee the Goods to be plated on nUD write MKTAL. Alt single and double Mated Waw at each for large pieces. iters' xr,pie piaie sliver Knives at $3 50 perdoz Uorse for Sale, or Horse Boggy. A GOOD Young Horse, drives well In buggy and KOOd miliar enHHla Innliot Annlr at 1 1 ivini THIS WEEK HOiTlF. CIIIPLETS. W The Galaxy Club meets to-night at 8 o'clock at the residence of Col. J. L. Morehead. HtSTDon't forget the concert and oys ter supper to be given at the Mansion House to-morrow evening. JST'W'e publish in another column an article from an Ohio paper on the sub ject of road building, which may prove of interest now when our road8 are axle deep in mud. E3 An announcement is made this morning of the opening of the new skating rink in the Sanders & Black wood building. It is the intention of the management to have music at least on three afternoons in each week. W" We are requested to give notice that Rev. Wm.E. Mcllwain will visit Pleasant Hill church, in ttfis county, next Sunday, in the interest of home missions, and will preach at that place on that day. motion for, an Injunction Heard. The motion of Messrs Cljde, Logan and Buford, for an injunction restrain ing certain counties in "Western North Carolina from collecting taxes alleged to be due by the Western North Caro lina Railroad company, was argued at chambers before Judge Dick in Greens boro yesterday. No report of the re sult of the issue had been received in this city at midnight last night Geo. H. Adams. Next Tuesday night Geo. H. Adams and his new Humpty Dumpty Com pany will give a performance in this city. The leading spirit in this company is too well known to need commenda tion. He stands at the head of Amer ican clowns, and never fails to please. The pantomime is said to be entirely new and the mechanical tricks excel lent. The piece is sandwiched with grotesque specialities in such a manner as to make it one of the most amus ing and interesting plays ever pre sented here. At Home and Abroad. The March number of this publica tion, out in good time and looking as fresh and tempting as usual, completes the first year of its publication. In the words of its prospectus, "its success has qeen more marked, in the short period of its initial year, than that of any Southern enterprise of a similar char acter." Jts pages are always filled with the highest-toned and purest literature; its managers pay for the finest talent, and never accept miscellaneous, free contributions. The table of contents for March pre sents an unusually attractive melange; among the most striking articles we may mention "A Pair of Kid Slippers," a reminiscence of "'e Oklen Times'' in Wilmington, N. C, by an old resident of that city Col. James G. Burr. Also a charming paper from the pen of Prof. Von Jasmund, entitled: "Rtcol'.octions of a Page at the L'russian Court." and containing interesting little stories of court life and royal personages in the time of tiie husband of the Sainted Queen Louisa of Prussia, and the suc ceeding years. "The thre sweethearts" is a little gem from the German; and a poem called "Love's Warfare" is a happy little conceit. Many other articles, too numerous to mention, are here spread before the eyes of all who choose to avail themselves of a real literary treat. At Ilome and Abroad will be found for sale, regularly every month, at the city book stores. Price, $2.50 per annum; 25 cents per single copy. The riot of "My Partner." l ortho information of ineatre go ers we give ine toiiowing synopsis or "My Partner," the play to be presented at the Opera house Monday night. It is strictly American in its conception and as rendered by Aldrich and Parsloe is one of the most popular of its kind on the American stage : Two miners have worked together as partners for ten years. One loves the daughter of an English gentleman, who, in reduced circumstances, nas come to these distant regions. This miner over hears a conversation Between tne girl he loves and his own partner, by which it appears that the latter has ruined her. and in which she seeks redress throueh marriage. The one who real ly loves the girl steps in then and makes his partner take a solemn oath to mar rv the eirl he has ruined. The latter does so very much against his will. In the second act tne one wno loves can not stand the sight of the wretched ness of the girl and the knowledge that she must belong to another, ana re solves to leave his partner. They de- vide their gold, and he goes, bhortly after the smooth villain of the play en ters, and advises the remaining partner not to marry tne gm. ie enrages, threatens to choke the villian, who seizes his OirK. kuis me partner, taxes his gold and flies, leaving behind him a enff covered with blood, which ulti mately clears ud the story. Tne otner partner comes back to the hut to part on more amicaoie terms wim ma oiu friend, and finds him dead. While in an agony of grief the real murderer brings people to tne scene, ana tne nonest patu- ner is accusea or ine mupyer ui luo other. The partner has been tried, ana whil the iurv is out debating his fatp. he is allowed, in custody or tne sheriff, to see the woman he loves. She, it must be explained, naa leic ner iatn p.r'n rnof when she fell. Suddenly the father is confronted with his daughter, ShA asks for mercv. and he demands to know what she has done, wnen she is about to confess her Bin, the partner, to save her, comes torwara and declares her to be his wife. The father will not believe it, but to satis fy him, it is proposed that tney ue married again then and there. The last act is prolonged by a tedious scene be tween the newly-made husband and wife, where he fully conaones ner previous fault. It is known that the jury will bring a verdict against him, and just as tney are aoout iu wuio m, a Chinaman, wno piays au imiwimuv part in the piece, accidentally discovers the bloody cuff. Who would throw away hard earned money for every new cough syrup aavemsea : wnen you con nrocure tnai sianaaru remouj iui wuBuo, Dr. BUll 8 COUgu Bj rup. Price 25c a bottle. HOW TO GKT WELL. Thousands of Dersons are constantly troubled .MngMnn nf ritRAAses. Diseased kidneys wuu ii --ZCZ,- . Thaw and co-"tiv woweis are iuir imuwuii should kit. w that Kidney-Wort acts on these or gans at tueimu. w .nV- tbe poisons mat uutv ciikku , hTJ fiwtbe whole man. Hundreds testify to thls.- Plttsburgn rost. -Mratf-VAnii RAn pittAni have b66Q.ot grTatT'toniTwnldu I triea your v"-""- TrSSilT re- wuiuv ,. nhlmurn. in. FORGER ARRESTED. From tne Ctfntral to a Prison Cell The Crooked neae of a Commercial Trareler and It la Speedy Capture Last Monday night a young man of very genteel appearance, well dressed, and seemingly about twenty-three years of age, came in on the night train from the North and put up at the Central Hotel, registering as "J. H. Bonbright, New York." Day before yesterday he visited several of the prominent busi ness houses of the city, representing himself as being connected with a mercantile agency North, and by such representation secured the signatures of a number of firms, for directory pur poses, as was alleged. His operations Tuesday attracted no attention, as they were looked upon as commonplace, and nothing wrong was suspected until about ten o'clock yesterday morninir. when Bonbright was arrested for for gery. Shortly after banking hours yesterday the accused went to the Traders' Bank and inquired if the cashier would cash a draft on the endorsement of Mr. L. J. Walker. He was told that such a draft would be cashed, but it would be better to take it to the Fiist National, where Mr. Walker did his banking bus iness. Bonbright left the Traders Bank, and it is supposed went directly to the First National, where he inquired if he could get a draft cashed on the endorsement of A. R. Nisbet&Bro. On bein g answered in the affirmative he left the bank, but returned in a very short time and presented a draft for $75.00, on Wood, Bacon & Co, 809 and 311 Market street, Philadelphia, drawn in favor of H. C. King, and endorsed by Messrs. A. R. Nisbet & Bro- of this city. Mr. J. F. Orr, the teller of th bank, examined the draft and be'ng satisfied of the genuineness of the en dorsement, handed over the amount for which it was drawn. A few minutes later Mr. A- R- Nisbet stepped into the bank, when Mr. Orr spoke of the trans action. Mr. Nisbet said he had signed no such draft, whereupon the paper-was produced and the signature examined, which was found to be a perfect fac simile of Mr. Nisbet's signature. An officer was secured and Bonbright soon found and taken into custody, when he was identified by Mr. Orr as the party presenting the draft, and also by Mr. Nisbet as having the day before secured his signature for the alleged use of a mercantile agency. He was carried be fore Justice Waring for a preliminary hearing, and the evidence was so con clusive that he was committed in default of bail. The full amount of tbe draft was returned by the accused bef o re he was committed. A short time before his arrest Bon bright gave notice at the hotel that he intended vacating his room, and it is evident that he contemplated going South on the midday train, which leaves at 11 a. m. After his arrest a large number of fragments of paper were found in his room, . which were on examination found to have been drafts for various amounts, which had been torn up. The pieces showed that among the number were the following: One on Wood, Bacon & Co., to order of A. R, Nisbet & Bro., for $15.00, the signature to which-was lost; one on the same firm to the order of L. J. Walker for $75.00, endorsed across the back "L. J. Walker," another to the order of the same party, on A. R. McCoon & Co., Philadelphia for 875.00, and endorsed "L. J. Walker," and signed W. S. Hood ; also one on Young, Smith, Field & Co., Philadelphia, for 825.00, in favor of L. H. Adams, Raleigh, endorsed "L. H. Adams." The endorsements are all in different styles of writing, and are no doubt clever imitations of the signa tures of these gentlemen. A reporter visited Bonbright at the jail late yesterday evening, and found him very much depressed and agitated in consequence of his situation. His conversation and demeanor throughout leave no doubt of the fact that he is not a sharper, as was at first supposed. He stated that he was a native of Ply mouth, N. C, and mentioned three or four firms in that place with which he has been connected ; that he has since October last been travelling for Wood, Bacon & Co., of Philadelphia, and that up to the present time his character hasjbeen without a blemish. In answer to a question as to whether he was in the habit of drawing on his house he replied in the affirmative, and said that had the draft reached them it would have been Dromntly paid. He claims to be well connected, and feels confl' dent that he will be able to give bail as soon as communication can be had with his friends. While his general appearance and con duct strongly indicate that be gives a correct account of himself, the fact that he insists that his ' true name is Bon bright, while he signed the draft as King.looks suspicious. In fact neither one is his true name, and his course in this respect is very difficult to explain satisfactorily, to say the least. He said he had been in Raleigh last week,; also in Durham, from which place he came here ; that he had never been in Charlotte before, and that it was his intention to go to Columbia vesterdav evening. - . , i a i Whether he nas succeeueu eisewnere in getting off drafts remains to be known, but tbe fact that he has been using the names of parties in other places would indicate that such might be the case. Tbe Cocking: ITlalu. The Hamburg cocking main between North Carolina and Georgia com- mftneed day before yesterday. Each side showed up thirty-one birds and are to fight twenty-four. Georgia won theshowand put forward a dark red from Athens. North Carolina showed a dark grey, weight of each four Dounds eleven ounces. The fight was shorthand quick, and was won by Geor gia. There were six hack fights, of which North Carolina won five. There were to be seven fights in the main yes terday and the balanca of the day was tn h filled In with hack flehts. No re ports of yesterday's fights had been re ceived up to midnight last nignc Go North, young man, go North and freeze up with the country. But don't forget to take a bottle el Dr. Bull's cough syrup along. REGULATE TBS 8XCBXTT0N& In oar endeavors to preserve health it Is of the utmost Importance that we keep tbe secretory sys tem in perfect condition. The well known reme dy Kidney-Wort, has specific action on the kidneys, UTer ana ooweia. useu insteaa oi aosinc wun vUe bitters or dr&stlo pills, it Is purely vegetable, and Is nromnt bat mild In aatUm. It Is rjiwoand In both dry and liquid form and sold by drug 3s everywhere. Beaolng Eagle. "Browa's Broaehlal Troches," wkei allowed to dissolve in the mouth, have a direct Influence on the innammed parts, allaying Pulmonary Irri tation, and giving relief In coughs, colds and the various throat troubles to which singers and pub lic speakers an liable. 2tm &&vtvtistmzut&, SKATING RINK. THK large and elegant Skating Rink over San ders & Blackwood's warehouse, on College street, is now open. Gents' will be ebargad2oc admission or 5 tickets for Si. OO. Ladles and chil dren will be charged 16c er 10 tickets for $1.00 at night. Tnei'nkls free to ladles In the after noon. Elnk opens at p. m. and 711 p. m. JNO. W. ALBXaKDKB, febl6 Manager. FOR SALE. A SECOND-HAND BUGGY, with har-v. xx rjess. aiso, a one-norse wp-ron will be sold cheap for cash. For Daruculars aDDly to w. h. Nsel, Jr , at T. h. Selgle 4 Co.. or Willie CaldweU or T. W. Neel. Stonewall. N. C. or ad dress 8. R. NKKL. f ebl 8 Dav ldson College, N. C T7,rTTlTTrOn Graham street, a bunch X? J J -Li JL containing about a dozen Jteys two oi wmcn Deiong to a piano or sewing machine. Owner, call at this Office. Dar ehams and get keys. leblrj -CONCERT- Aim OYSTER SUPPER! for the benefit of the HOME AND HOSPITAL, AT THK MANSION HOUSK, On Friday, February 171, 1882. Conceit will begin at 8 o'clock. feblS 2t OPERA HOUSE.- Tuesday Evening, February 21st THE TOWERING AMUSEMENT ELEMENT geo. h. Adams' -OWH NSW Humpty Dumpty Troupe, CNDlER f OK MANAGEMENT OF r CO NKW SPECIALTIES ! NKW 8CKNKBY I NEW TRICKS! NKW DRESSES! NSW MUSIC ! See all bills for full particulars. , Prices as usual. Beats secured at the usual places. J..H. LAINK. feb!6 General Agent. -OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, February THE ELECTRIC SUCCESS! LOUIS ALDRICH AKD CMS. T, PARSLOE AND THKIB -SUPERB STAR COMPiNY- is mi mmmm BT BARTLHY CAMPBELL. "The play that made the fame ot Its author In anloht" "InilahlKh In tv Inner Oddfl tne DOSt odds the best plsy'of American life that has the boards." New York Herald. ten brought on Prices. $1. 75c and 50c: Seats can be secured at McSmlth's Music Bouse on ana alter i nursuaj, February 16th. BOBT. ABTHUR. Tebl4 Advance jHepreaciitatiTB. Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos- tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purines the blood. A tfook sent tree. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. FOR SALS B AX.X. DBuaaisTS. am 18 deed eow ly. NOTICE. to a decree of the Snnerlor Court of tmtmitant to & oecree 01 ine Bunenor court 01 X Mecklenburg, I will sell at Fubllc Auction at the court house in unanoue, on MONDAY, THE 2TTH OF FEBRUARY, 1882, rttainff thn week of Superior Court) that valuable lot or narcel of land lying between the Intersection OI the JKOrUl uuviuitt nounwu ww sua imn street, adjoining me r. n. rauwn iqu ana ouiera, nnai kiuwll as uut flUUCI uiuueiu. Resold because of purchaser at late sale falling TwIlP.'Lit High: balance on 8 and 8 months credit, with interest. Title reserved m oecurtty for balance. ojnunuani dec24 d oaw U ivmniinBimrer. NOTICE. T Y. Virtue 01 a mortgage aeea execoiea to we r i wm H Normeni ior we ' nunoees tnere- ln mentioned and duly recorded in the Register's nio in MekianhuTK countT. Book 19. Pan 512. T oMll nrniU Ut DUUUC BBM3. UW CUUI) UUU door In toe city of Charlotte, on the 26th day of February. 1 WW. a eeruun mo mn. nuuuee nn Tr.nn atmfit. adlolnlnK the old Bank of Meek- i.nhiin ki ninninc back to Church street now oe- CUDtea On ine Miwwr uwr w mmxantu wuni, auu above by Mrs. Sbannonhonse as a boarding house. Terms casn. & f eh3 t aJwtuwi. Ds.$WQRD'S irUIGORATOR FEDEUAUY 1ST, 1882. EMTOMO. -OUR- GREAT GREAT OF WILL BEGIN TO-DAY. OTKBCOATa. .uj.)B WINTKB WXAB. ...jJOIl 8FBD7Q WKAB. OYKBCOATS. A iqt m U HUH HHMM M M H HUH A A A A L ill L A USUL B E SOL D. A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we nerer carry over from fi easts to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time. If a reasonable sacrifice can aceempllsh the sale. IT HAS BEIN A MILD SEASON THUS FAB, A)fD VK HAVE A Large Stock Oa hand. It we're erred In lodgment as to quan tity er styles, NOV IS TBE TINE TO PEIOE MAXES DIFFEBEffOES, The Lower the Price the Qoickcr the Sale. Ver three years ear poller has been to dose each season's purchase the season bought, enabling tfi to epea ntKSH NEW STOCKS. Our easterners- expect It; the reputation ef ear Bease desaands tt. If ye bare " ot bought . It will be worth your while to look, , tor the prices -WILL ASTONISH TOD. OUR 827. 828. 880 and 832 SILK 8LKBYI 1JMID OVEBCOATS wilt be sold without reserve at 820. OUB822.824M 825 OVERCOATS at 817.80. OUR 818 and 820 OVEBCOATS at 815. This last Includes all of our TINS REVERSIBLE TJSlJrxBS and UL8TIBETTES. We have some 85 REVERSIBLE OVERCOATS In handsome patterns, marked 814, 816 and $17.60, which will be sold at $10. UB $10 and $12 OVEBCOATS will be sold anl- fesmly at $7.50. A lot of some StO OVERCOATS, embracing tte remnaats of all lots rangtag In price from s"iO 8DT OS (0 00 Ob t$ " oo sow as KILL BE SACRIFICED AT THE f E IL fli H M (B, I ' The eearenlent prise for all eoly $5. This lot u aa oil. Hi i- 81 BARGAIN tr shall make In this sale the LOWX91 rises w have XVBB offered, and wbesvwe a this we MEAN she Lp WEST gjloM EVER made ranrkedr. rsr Oraessmus a owaosB are souce.a tbe sasae advantages m IXV prioeswiUM given as If purchasing In person. The opportunity Is a rare one. E. D. LATTA BBO. I Closing Out Sale n u gSSg tvi's uu Bsa8 . .1 . BnnlifiT Mio akes HHL iwuiiuj una fj 00 JhimK h XaaM B M M M M M M M B HB0TTS 1 "... AT COST ! AT COST. AT COST. U.ttng I fTJtD I HAVE T EE TO Cf EE STOGE OS HAND, AND IN OftDKB TO RKDUOC IT 1 WILL OFFICE UNTIL FURTHXB NOTICE, ALL GOODS TjNEESERVEDLY AT COST. deeSO lm oHmistl nE-DBeflvBIl 25 CASES IPJBAOTIHSJr (DdDimsSgnDDmieDQtt, SILVER-WAR E CLOSING OIT SALE -OF PLATED WARE OF WELL KNOWN MANUFACTURERS, BELOW COST, FOB A SIIOBT TIME ONLY. CALL EARLY AND SECURE BARGAINS. Fine Triple and Quadruple Plated CASTORS, 5 -cut Bottles, 83.50, worth $5.00. BUTTER DISHES, $3.50, worth $5.00 and $6.00. JEWELRY CASES, $10,00, worth $15.00 and $18.00. MUGS, $2.00, woiih $3.50. NiPKIN RINGS, large, 50 cents, worth $1.00. GOBLETS, $2.50, worth 84.50. ICE PITCHERS, 85.00, worth f 10 00. TILTING PITCHERS and MUGS, $12 00, worth $18.00. ROGERS' TRIPLE PLATE KNIVES, 83.50 per Dozen, All Oilier Goods io Proportion. A lot of Bugle and Double Plated Silver-Ware, at the uniform price of "ONE DOLLAR," Embracing Card Receivers, Fruit Baskets, Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, Chrese Stands, Spoon- holders. Creamers, Goblets, Mugs, Sugva. etc Respect fully, J. Brookfield k Co. ebll he Triple and Qnadruple SOLI Just tikkn- KSTIRKLY ? o (2 lb. Cans) ON- BY-: o 11 uon -TO- NEW ORLEANS, imm mmi -VIA- The Associated Lines of Southern Travel THE RICHMOND & DANVILLE LINE, THE ATLANTIC COAST-LINK, THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND LINE, THH BAY LINE. Excursion Tickets via the above lines to NEW ORLEANS and RETURN will be sold at the following reduced rates, from Baltimore 48 00 Washington 44 OU Richmond 42 00 Lynchburg, 8 00 Danville, 86 00 Greensboro 84 00 Charlotte, 33 00 Spartanburg, 31 00 Greenville. 30 00 Columbia, 81 00 Augusta, " ai w Petersburg - 40 00 Portsmouth 42 00 Raleigh 85 00 Ooldabom' 85 00 Wilmington, . 84 00 Ticket will be on sale at the above points February 18th. 14th and 15th. Good to return till March 4th Inclusive. Tbe ordinary time iimiis applicable to straight tickets oerweeu mo yw Uve points wlU be applied to these tickets. febl2 St General Passenger Agent. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. Will mall FREE their Cat. ' Bulb. Ornamental Grasaet, aadlmmoitenee GUdJbldai' C, ' ' EJUea, Bases, Plamts, Garden Implements, Bat4fujly Ulna-, , traied. Over 10O pages. AddreM . , ROCHESTER,N.Y. CHICAGO.Ili 179-183 East Mala St, 2Q0-2Q6 Randolpb$t Round Tnp Excups Rates foil dMeriptiTe TFriee;- IJrt of Tlonr. WtalA and Garden tcbia at BRANCH MINT. Oou Ulivu puwwi

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