Stye tftjarlotU bseruer. SVAOMUPTWlf RATES: Dotty, one year, pott-paid, in advance 88 00 pix month 4.00' fhreemonii 2.00 pnemmth 75 IfKKKLT EDITION: . weekly in the $ounty), in advance 92.00 Ctotqfthefwnty, rc&paid . 2.10 z months 1.06 Liberal Buttonjbr Olulx. THE OBSERVES, JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can far nlsh at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, REQIPT3, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac " - if r. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17, 1882. NO.14,027. Chn 05a o as THE-- YOUNG GENTLEMEN OF CHARLOTTE, o And tne old on 9 ,0" Rre 'ierel,y Informed that we hava taken 1he Agency for one of the Largest and Moit Reliable Houses In the United States - for mauufactu- Ing (lOilUM. TO 0R1IER. WE IlAVK - Two or Three Hundred Samples Ot the latest and most beautiful styes for this Spring. We will take your measuie, order YOU A SUIT, And If It Is not a 1MUIFECT FIT, -iii.l everything pi-rfecll- SHtUt.ictory, the suit cm be returned. We cn fumUh you with a suit from $i 0.00 to $55.00. Wo would like for :UI who want a Spring iSmt n i- ill untl I 'OK at our samph h. f,!0 ALEXANDER & lUhRIS. Boots and &Uoz& 1882. Spring Style Bate. :o: :n: PegratB 4 Have received and are d d!y receiving BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GGO KEtfNN NTTTToSSmm O G E N N If T 5 85 G EE tt N N T "SSo O GO E NNNT.S GGO EEK I Bit T BS8 Sill SI ani Fe -HATS.-: Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PE(iRAM & CO. febU miscellaneous. Dried Sugar Corn, --fcOUB KROUT, PICKLED PIU'9 FEKT, KvSTKllN ROSE POTATOE3, WOVIN BY THE BARREL, 3 -AT- S. M. II O WELL'S. fetifi Y" mil! i r.ue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, .:.- ilarks. CoDvriirhts. ete.. for the United States, ' - n . c uba, England, France, Germany, etc. We 1 i'ad thirty-five years experience. i '.it ntj obtained through uS are noticed In the SCI "mc -iir.RiCAX. This large and splendid illua i od week I y paper, $ 3 .1 0 a year .snows the Progress ' t Science, p very interesting, and has an. enormous "rculation. iddess MUNN A CO, Parent Sollcl- rub's, ui sciEmric auibican, si rant jcow. " "vrirs. Hand boot about Patents gee. DIVIDEND NOTICE. SMn CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY, Secretary and Tre" surer's Office, t"ini;iny bhops, N. C, January Slat, 1882. 1 Company have declared a dividend of 6 per mree per c m paaoie isw muiui. "ol lers of record on 10th February next; and "uree per cent on 1st September, to stockholders w"l be c ortcd from 10th February to 1st March, "u rrom itlth August to 1st September. 1882. P. B. RUFKIN, ''1)1 lin Secretary. rofesst0tml 8 Vanch. W. H BAXLIT. vange & bailey, Attorneys and-Ootmaellora CHABLOTTE, N. C. I'r w-ticu in Bu'ireme Court of the United States, Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da vtdson. j,, . m'- two doors east of Independence fquttr. may28-tf D. GHAHAM, I Nh 8taJ? na United State Conrta. Collec "onfl, Home and Foreign, solicited. Ab SSsauSa ' 8urT97 - fx tot om Charge, 'k.: Comer Tr Trron streets v, n. u Han. II. 82. 5H (Statute, lotltitig, Set'. DAY ALL Fa WILL BE SOLD AT GREAT SACRIFICE, TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING PURCHASES. We Mean Every Word of This AND Only. Ask an Inspection to Convince You. T. I, Seigle & Co. Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to Amount to much, and if promptly attended to can easily be cured ; but neglect la often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and surely in such cases aa K'AUH.At X UA. V AS' A.AM n 1 The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has Baved thousands of lives. PERKY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. l3 not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and is most valued where it is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Pais Killer has been my household remedy for eolda for the past twenty-seven yeara, and nave Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure. k 8. Crocker, Willi amaville, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pain Killir, and found it a never-failing' remedy for colds and sore throat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and sore throat, and consider your Pain Killer aa Invaluable remedy. Geo. B. Everett, Dickinson, N.Y. I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could fret no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. J will never again be without it C. O. Force, Eowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Ran so at Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I betran using- Pain Killer In my family twenty five years ago and have used it ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. V. Dike, Drufrgist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and croup it is the best preparation made. We would not be without it A. P. Bouts, Liberty Mills, Va, For twenty-hve years I have used Pain Killkb for colds ani a I chaPDed lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Geo.Hoo?eb, Wilmington, medi N.C. I was sufferinflT severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Pain Killer cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent Jiere, and has not been known to fau in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. Bo many children have died here, I was afraid to call a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken .on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing' so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house is a safeguard that no family should be without All druggists sell It at ;45c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dw sept & oct. TUYFS PDLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTON1S OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetlte,Nanea,bowehi eostjve, Fain in theHead.with a dull sensation in the back part. Pain under the ahouider- blade, fullnesa after eating witn a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits. AjOsb of memory, with a feeling of haying neg- MutTering of the Heart, Dots before the eyea, Yellow Bkin. Headache. Restlessr ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE W ASKINGS ARE TOHEEDKD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTTTTS FILLS are especially adapted to anchcases,one dose effects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on rieeb, thus the system is nourished, and by thelrTonle Aetlonon the DlffeetlTe Organs, Bear alar Stools arepro duced. Price 25 cenU. $5 Murray SU, N.x. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Glosst Black by a single application of this Dy. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Bold by Druggists, or ent by express on receipt of SI. Office, 33 Murray St., New York. CDr. TTTTfl MAKCAL of Valuable Iafarmttoa aad Feby. 23deodwl Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, Stillibgia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, Into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest T.lnnH Purifier and the Bestllealth Strength ltostortr Ever Usa. It cures Rheumatism, Parkers Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, t t : i. vm.k Hair Balsam Th Bert, Clrotjand , h 'on;c. lloit Economical Hair Drw- ana . ' Tr;" rrr iTZ.. r.n. ,n tlu never intoxicates. Hiscoz youthful color to gray hair. & Co. , Chemists, N. Y. ' fcfla. and SI .lie.. Iarg Baring- Paying Dollar BIm. oa'22 ST EHARLES HOTEL. HEADQTJAETEES POB DEUMMEBS 8TATXSYILLX, H.C THIS house has been leased for a term of yean br lirs. Dr. Eeeyea, whose IntentlonU to keen a sWctly firstrcJass house in every respect. PTnns sample rooms on nret and second Will iav - - flCTbe patronage of the public la solicited JuUl.dtL TO ? Winter Goods E iDVS SIIIP RAILWAY, The Projector State Hi. Case to the IIera.!dSh!p to be Whirled. Across the Isthinax within JTive eark The Queatlon of British or Ameri can Control of the Traffic. In a letter to the New York Herald, in which he clears' up what might have been calculated to mislead the general reader in an article from that journal's Washington correspondent, Capt. J. B. Eads gives some interesting facts about his great projected ship.canal. "Your dispatches from Washington" say first, thatthe House committee on commerce had decided to report ad versely upon my bill ;" second, "that it was said I was going to try to get the aid of the English Government," and third, "that any alienation, mortgage, or transfer to a foreign government, or because of its becoming a partner, would work complete voidance 'of my concession from Mexico."' The first and second statements are erroneous, and the third misleading. I have no anxiety -whatever about raising the money with which to build the road. If I live five years longer, I shall transport the largest-loaded ves sels from sea to sea across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, whether the United States contributes one nickel in aid of the enterprise or not. To do this "it is not necessary that I shall alienate, mortgage, or transfer to the United States or to any other government any right granted by Mexico, nor do I ex pect to take the United States or any other government into partnership with me. I have no intention of appealing to the British Government for aid in this matter. Should an American or a British board of directors of the com pany, when it is- organized, choose to appeal to the British Government for the assistance which is asked of the United States, it will have the right to do so, and to receive such aid under the terms of the concession, without for feiting a single right which Mexico has granted, if the United States shall have then declined my proposition. It is projr for my countrymen to under stand disluiuly my ranL is from an independent nation, and not from one of the Central American republics, which are under theprotectorate or suzerainty of the United States, and which are includedln the terms of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. The concession . authorizes me to form a company which snail be distinctly Mexican, no matter what is the nationality of its stockhold ers, and it gives it the right to charge whatever tolls it pleases, so they do not exceed what is equivalent to about S8 or $10 per ton on the cargo carried by the ship. It leaves it as free to alter its tolls as the California railway to New Orleans is to carry grain for nothing to that port when the harbor of San Fran cisco is full of British or American ship3, and to charge any price it chooses when it has thus destroyed their com petition. Article 27 of the concession is as fol lows: "In consideration of the magnitude of the work, Ends or the company may obtain aid from any foreigu govern ment, either in money or in guarantees, and may hypothecate the net revenues to it, and may transport its mails, ships, property, and appurtenances, tree of charge, and may reduce the tanfts on ts commerce and the prices ot passage. n this case making the same reduction to the commerce of Mexico." The same article gives to any gov ernment entering into such agreement with the company the right to enforce it in the courts of Mexico. I offer to . n -.1 -TT !A-S carry tne commerce or me unuea States for ninety-nine years across the isthmus at half the rates tnat snail De charged on all other commerce but that of Mexico, and for this I ask the guar antee of 0 per cent, dividends for hf teen vears on 850.000,000 ot the capital stock or the company. For any money ad vanced, under the guarantee ernmeut is to receive bonds payable in fifteen years, and in the event ot their non-payment at maturity, they are to be received at 10 per cent, premium in payment of tolls on American vessels. Hence every dollar of advance made to the company is to be repaid. Certain riehts are also to be given to the Uni ted States by which the dividends of the company are not to exceed 8 per cent- thus giving it to a certain extent the right to limit the tolls that are to be chareed. Should the government accent the -proposition and the control of the stock afterward pass into the hands of English capitalists, the v nited States would have acquired a vested rieht to have her commerce carried at half rates for ninety-nine years, no mat- . A ter who were tne directors oi me com pany, and no other government could then be called upon by the company to f urnish its aid to the road, because the grant does not authorize it to accept the aid of more than one government,. Should the United States decline the proposal I shall certainly be justified in p-oiner where I can et the necessary funds most easily. Should the stock hen or afterward be controlled by Eng lish canitalists. the commerce of the United States will be very differently affected. British commerce will then doubtless be favored to the fullest ex tent, and the commerce of the world, except that of Mexico, -may be made to oav all that it win Dear, more man this, the company will have the right, if it chooses, to ask the aid of the Brit ish Government, under the terms of the concession, and if given, what is called in Eneland "a fighting interest in tne works would De then acquired Dy wreat Britain, which would never be surren dered except at the end of a war that would cost prooaoiy ten times as mucu as the entire ship railway. British experts of the very highest standing: and ability have, with won derful unanimity, pronounced the ship railway entirely practicaoie, dug no papt or the guarantee asicea oi me uniteu States Government is to auacn unui an absolute proof of this shall have Deen civen. There is not a single engineer incr difficulty in the entire project which begins to compare with the uncertainty, delay, and costliness involved in under taking to construct anarDor ior tne Nicaraeua canal at Greytown. The San Juan river once discharged its wa ters at this place, and ships of war, twenty years ago, were then aDie to rrnaa the bar. The mam volume or the river is now discharged tnrougn tne Colorado river, which runs through the fArritorv of Costa Rica, and the im mense volume of drifting sands moving alone-the coasts of the Caribbean sea have almost if not completely oblitera toA thA harhar of Grevtown. I am anxious that the ship-railway -hail hA hnilt and worked va. the inter est of American commerce, and that my countrymen shall not be misled ag f- tha roormprira of the proposition which Mr. Page so summarily attempt-! ed to throttle. If Congress sees fit to riAniinA thA nroposition. the. United States will be estopped from objecting to its acceptance hy another govern mnr. and anv talk afterward about our right to dominate a portion of Mexico or to control tne lnier-oceamu nusn : across her territory will be as ndicul- ioua as for France to iorDia a swisa i rati way making a rebate .on through traffic to a teuse that had saved it from protest, or for England to assert the rent to regulate rates on the New York Central railroad because Canada is at the other end of lL Very respectfully, James B. Eads. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Daniel Webster's wife still lives, and has sent a letter of pleasant acknowl edgement to a New Haven school. She was a Miss Caroline .Lerov. and now lives at New Rochelle. An insect has visited the wheat in the country about Rockford, Ala., that eats off the leaves and kiils it to the roots. A dying man startled the people of St. Albans, "Vermont, by confessing various crimes pf which he had never been suspected, ranging from petty lar ceny up to murder; and. ..there is cor roborative evidence that he told the truth.. . Mr. Sykes Thornton, an Englishman who spent nearly $5,000,000 in advocat ing the legitimatizing marriage with a dead wife's sister, is dead. He had mar ried his wif e s sister. The stockholders of the Westinchouse Air-brake company have, within nine months of the past year, received divi dends aggregating one hundred per cenion tneir original investment, The, German government intends to attadh architects and AncinAera. to its legations abroad, with a view of being 1 X. . 1 I j a ' . . -.eptaurormeu or tne improvements and inventions which may occur to foreign countries. Americans are becominc: a nation of drinkers. The consumption of tea per head of the population has only increased from 1.01 to 1.44 pounds since 1867, while that of coffee has gone up in the same period from 6.11 to 8.89 lbs. Great Britain, on the other hand, drinks less conee in proportion to population a generation ago, while the consump tion ot tea lias quadrupled in rorty years. The Karaites the Jewish sect which renounces the Talmud and other Jew ish legends1 have come into promi nence in connection with the Jewish outrages in Russia. A recent traveller who is well acquainted with the Kara ites, says that they number at least 10, 000 persons. Many reside in Moscow, although they are not to be with In SL Petersburg. The number of national banks is 2,163. Their loans and discounts amount to $1,164,648,048. They own United States bonds to secure circulation, $368, 705,700; to secure deposits, $15,715,000; on hand, $62,663,218. And the total of their resources was $2,381,730,880. Their capital stock paid in was $466,159,835; their surplus fund, $129,866,493; their undivided profits, $54,217,038. The na tional bank notes issued were $330,203,- 19o. The individual deposits were $1, 102,251,910. The Birth of ft a Elephaut. New York Stir. By the birth of the baby elephant at rsridgeport all theories hituerto in dulged in by scientists concerning the manner ot birth and rearing or the young of this animal have been entire ly swept away, Br. Barnum had pre viously instrusted those ot his em ployees having the care and attention ot his herd or elephants to tak.e mema randa of everything of an interesting or important character taking place, and tne following is the result: Tenod of gestation, 19 months and 22 days; weight at birth, 145 pounds; weigth 24 hours afterward, 155 pounds; height, 30 inches; length 28 inches; length of trunk, 7 inches; length of legs, 18 inches; circumference of legs, 24 inch es; length of tail, 6 inches. It was also ascertained that the infant begins to suckle immediately after birth, and that it really is born conscious of all its attributes and advantages. It was pre-supposed that the baby elephant nursed by means of its trunk, but it is now definitely settled that it takes nourishment by means of its mouth, using the trunk only as a feeler or arm, The actual time consumed in tne Dirtn is only about two hours, as the first symptoms manifested of the interest ing event about to take place occurred about 6 o'clock, p. m., and the birth took place two hours and eight minutes later. All the foregoing facts are new to the world of science, for, with the exception ot one other elephant, this is the only one ever known have been born in captivity. In the case of the former one it was such a surprise and so entirely unlooked for. that no data of any consequence was taken. Messrs. Barnum, Bailey. & Hutchinson, the owners of both these baby elephants, intend exhibiting them in the zoologi cal department of their shows, which opens in , Madison Square garden on March 13, thus affording the people of this city the first sight of the elephant family two families fathers, moth ers and babieswho actually form the rlror. A monnona" at trni. Unrl Training- Naraes. " The training school for female nurses established by several philanthropic ladies in New York near Bellevue Hospital, and encouiaged by the Belle- J 1 ' A. 1 1 vue uoctors, uas uecu very successiui ; but as the school cannot turn out more than sixty or seventy nurses a year the demand is greater than the supply, and the rich families of the city have thus far employed about ail the graduates of tne institution, jmcienc nurses readi ly command from $15 to $25 per week, and in many instances a much laxeer compensation is receiveu. xnesuccera of those who have graduated has led to . - ; j m, a great rush of applicants for admission to tne scnooi. so tnac me teachers nave amnle room for carelul Choice of dudiIs. Carets taken that tne nurses shall be such as a family of refinement would De wining to nave in intimate associa tion. The qualities to enable persons to become emcienc nurses are rare. Sound health, strong nerves, intelli gence, firmness, patience and a sympa thetic and kindly nature are the Drim- ary req.uisities. The old-fashioned idea that any one would do for a nurse is obsolete, and physicians acknowledge that the successful treatment of a pa tient often depends as much on good nursing as on medical skilL There is unquestionably a very remunerative field of labor here for educated women. and for men, too, for there is also a de mand; though not to great, for male as well as female nurses. An mandated Town. Galveston, Texas, Feb. 16. Colum bia. Brazos county, is reported badly m- ubdated. Many inhabitants have fled and others have . taken ; refugltfa church and are supplied Dy coats. It is the Helsrht of Folly to waif nhtfi yon are In bed with disease you may not get over for months, when you can be cured' daring the early symptoms Dy .farcers winger xomc. we nave known the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine. Observer. Little Rock. Ark- Feb. 1& The stockholders of the Memphis and Lit- i r i . a ai I roiiowing board or directors: jay Gould, FT A. Marquand, Chas. Essex, E. K. Sibley, B. C. Brown. F. A. Mar quand was elected president; E, K Sibley, general manager. PRIMATUBE LOSS OF THE HaTB May be entirely prevented by the use of BUB. NBTTS OOCOAINB. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar propeiUes hich so exactly suit the various conditions of the human half. It softens the hair when haish and dry. soothes the Irritated scalp. It affords the riches lustre. It prevents the hair from falling oft it promotes its healthy, vigorous growth. It is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts areknwn to be .the est. BWeie . .78,311. A U08t temikablft eon for dmnAmtta. 'T.U'a neaiin ueneffer. rue greatest tome. Met bu llous tira-tmremed, known. 81 at drogglstt. vepok i. 'i. Mcaaen, vnaaoctSt fl. t potteries. Particular Notice. AM the firawfnM hAFOftftA hA nntAft thA tw. dus y supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BjMJ REGARD and .TUBAL A. HU Y A SPLENDID OPPOETUNITX 10 A FORTUNE THIRD GRAND DI8TEI- Duiwfl, uLAsai;, AT HEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, MAECH 14, 1882. 142na MONTELY DRAWING. Louisiana Slate Lottery Company. tocorporated in 1 868 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Chart tahl nnronuM wim auotiutii ui l.uuu.uuu to wmcn a reserve tuna oi xnAu.uun has since rmnn tuaa By an overwhelmins nonnlar vnta its fntniiu. was umue a pan or me present state Constitution auUUUJU UVWUllMST za. A. 1 J. I H i H. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings Will take place monthly. It never scales or noatnnnaa. T-nnk- at thA fniinw. uig uisuiouaon : CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Eich. Hslf xicaeis, une uouar. LIST OF PSIZE3: 1 Capital Prize. 830,000 1 Capital Prize . 10 000 1 Capital Prize . . . k'ooo 2 Prizes of 82,500 K.'nnn 5 Prizes of 20 Prizes of i.uuu R.non 10.000 100 Prizes of 100. 10.000 10.000 10,000 200 PtIz js of 500 Prizes of 50 20 lO-.Wi. 1.000 Prizes of 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZXa H Apprormation Prizes of 8800 82.700 M Approximation Prizes of 200 1.8( 0 9 Approximation Prizes of ioo 9C 0 1857 Prizes, amounting to 8110.400 Responsible corresoondlne agents wanted at nil points, to whem liberal compensation will be paid. or further Information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed only to jh. a. uiuruiK, New Tji orM. A. DAnpniv, 127 La Si.lie Street, Chicago, Els., The New York offlce is removed to Chicago. N. R Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt auenaon. The particular attention of ths Puhtin is nailed to the fact that the enUre number ot the Tickets ! ror eacn Montniy Drawing is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and urawu auu paia. 41&t -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE muui In the City of Louisville, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1882. xnese drawtntrs occur monthly (Bandars execut ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States circuit Court on Mareh 81. rendered the following decisions: ist rnai tne commonwealth Diatnounon com pany is legal. zo r -Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large reserve mna. ueaa tne list or prizes ior tne FEBRUARY DRAWING. 1 Prize 830,000 1 Prize,. 10.000 1 Prize,. 6,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 600 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes. 50 each..: 10.000 600 Prizes. 20 each 12.000 1000 Prizes. 10 each. 10.000 e Prizes, R800 each. ADDroxlmatlon Prizes 82.700 9 Prizes, 200 " " 1,800 trues, ioo " " 900 1,980 Prizes 811200 J Whole Tickets. 82; Half Tickets, SI ; 27 Tickets, sou; bo iicKeta, siou. Remit Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or tend by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICK ORDER. Orders of S5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address ail orders to R. M. BOARDMAN. CourlerJournal Build Louis vine, Ky., or B09 Broadway New York. ieD4 GREAT GERM DESTROYER. A3RBTS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. PITTING OW SMAL fox Prevented. SMALL POX ERADICATED. Ulsters purified and healed. GaD Krone prevented and cured. Dysentery cured. . wounds healed rapidly. Conta elan dei troved. Bcurvey cured In short bick Kooms punned ana made nleasan L Tme. Tel' jr dried no. Fevered a ad 81nc Pe It is perfectly harmless. sons relieved and re For Bore Throat tt Is a freshed b y bathing sure cure witn rrophylauc riua added to the-water. Soft White Complexions secured by its use in J DIPTHERIA Impure Air pade harm- PREVENTED! ies ana- punnea vj sprinkling Darby's Fluid about. To purify the Breath. Cleanse the Teeth, it Cholera dlsfllnated. cant be snrnassed. jfihlp Sever prevented by Catarrh relieved and 1LH HOA. . cured. Erysipelas cured. .' Burns relieved instantly. Bears prevented. Removes all unpleasant td cases of death to the home, uahouldaiwra be used about the eorneett will prevent any unpleasaat smell. oaors. An antidote for animal or vegetable rotson, Bungs, z& Dangerous efSotlas- of sickrooms ana noapi . tals removed by Its use. tin fact tt Is the great DisinfecianFtnif Porilier, J. H. ZEICIN & CO ManitfactnrlnglCbmigtsJklelProprietors. Cdee4 SI m ISCARLET f i j ! FEVER 4 : , ; - CUREPj i JJS 1111 II VI XT We will close our Fancy Cassimere Suite Balmoral Skirts, Cloaks, Dolmans and Colored Hosiery, IkT- COST. W STIll H1V i Silks, Satins, Surah Satins and Velvets Cheap. Just receive! a new lot of BANG NETS and 1 other " uuiuowuiMii. neuiemuer, we Keep uie "TOWER" AND PEARL SHIRTS, The best In the Market at J1.00 each. Ledles' and -r vsavw (U a WtU OUU t3 PB0MPT ATTENTION HARGRAVES&WILHELM. i J.te GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS OMMISSION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE NOW OH HAHQ : A FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN. s PATAP8CO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY. AN1 HECK ERS 8BLF-BLAISING - BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES -t6- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a share ef your patronage, we are respectfully, Janl9 A. J. BEALL x CO. 9 ? o o J W 1 1 nOre stock of te, Is. IT. H1HDS0ME Mil OF 3 Fancy Articles, Gents: Collars, Cu3s and Neckwear Gents' HAND-MADB SHOES, every ralr warrant- JKJU VYiU save lliUUCJ . GIVEN TO ORDERS. 3 C. C. D. A, AND- Everybody Has Discovered THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IX THE SOUTH. The McMli Music House SELLS CHICKERING & SONS, KRANICH & BACn, MATHUSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM . And o-.hcr PIANOS. MASON & HAilLIN, 8H0NINGER, PELODTiKT STERLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Iostruments. Ask me for price3 If jc u want good wor:c and you will never buy anything b;:l the btf '. XST" A'Mrsi or call on, II. McSMlTil. Telephones ! Telepkes ! TELEPHOHHS. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE - AND Telegraph Company, Is the sole licence e of the American Bell Telephone CompiDy For supplying Telephones in the States cf Virginia. West Virginia, (south of the B. & o. U. B..) North Carolina, South Carolina, iToiiaa and Alabama. PEIVATE LUTES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented 3f For par'iculars address SUUTIIKKN BK1L TKlRPrcQNK arid TELKGRAPH COMFAN Y. fobl l eod 3ni 105 Broadway, New Yoifc. . w a chick. Having removed to the,shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook & Ladder Truck House, is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, 8IjN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, sun as -GEM1TCNG,-' 609 EalsoffliDing, Frescoing, if. Jan26tf CENTRAL HOTEL. T HAVE taken ebarge ot the above Hotel, in X GRBENSBUttU, jn. u, ana win run it in imsx CLASS STYLE, and- will be glad to have my friends and the public give me atrial. Charges $1.60 per day. WM. PYL0B, Jk Greensboro, N. C, February bth, 1882. . . febO 2w Overcoa Blanket Shaw

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