DOBBINS1 STARCH POLISH. 'ISSW J An Important every family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. W.W.WOOD.Maiiiitoiiiw,lmstoii,II.C:J lIill.llvvAyu"-"? RICHMOND EHGRWIM&COy I . . ... , (CHAS. R. JONJSv Sole Ag't.Charlotte.N.C. ; JJ DEALER IN Tinware & House Fiirnishing Goods MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and BETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first class hands employed. Call tor the BARLEY SOEAF STOVE. oct2tt Springs k Burwe c. HAV INST03B ONE OF THE --LARGEST STOCKS -OF- GGO RRR OO CCO RES RRR II EKE KSS, OUKBOOOOK R K II K O RRR O O O KK RRR II RE SS 8 8S OOOKROOOOE R R II E GGQ R R OO OOO KEE R R II EEE BSS8 Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Ewr offered In this market Don't buy until you examine our Htock and Prices. CORN iSE OATS. CAB LOADS WHITE CORN, Q CAE L0AD3 YELLOW C0EN, 1 QQQBAERELS FL0UR '00 8ACK3 C0FFKK' 2QQ BARBELS MO 8SE3. BARRELS SUGAR, 100 B0XE3 BAC0' -J Q PACKAGES LARD, 2Q0 BOXES SOAP, 200 PACKAGES MACKEREL, 100 BOXES CRACKERS, 2j BOXES CHEESE, &0. PIEDMONT PATENT fLOUR, 100 Bane:s Just from the Mil'. SPRINGS & BURWELL. feb8 d&w -JUST RECEIVED !-- A new supply of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, PICTURES,FRAMES, EASELS, &C, &C, -AT THK- VARIETY 8TOBI UNDER TRADERS NATIONAL BANK. C. M. ETHEREDGE. feblO ADMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE. estate wm ;r;,ma miinst nia theTmndaVof February. 1 888. or una nouw wui ba Dleaded in Administrator. feblfl wit i n v w aM. . yiiM" -jhi'ir' vi. a a s . w: La c ? av. ili a. m mu1 a a aiaa dis - ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH ASK AYOUR Best In the World. 12 IX E1TUKB LIQUID OB DB.Y FOBX . That Acta at the same time on ' TEE LIVES, TEE SO WE ISA TEE SIDNEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow ikes oreat organ to I become clogged or torpid, and poisonous I humors are therefore forced Into the Hood thai shouldbe expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, M PILES. CONSTIPATION. CEINAKY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NEUVOCB DISORDERS, by causinafree action of Uuse organs vul I restoring their power to Uirmcof disease. . Why snffer Billons pains and achest Whj tormented irith Piles, Constipatioat Why frightened OTer disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WORTanrf rejoice in health. It Is put up In Dry Vegetable Form, In tin cans one package of which make six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, ery Coneen- trated, for those that cannot readily jrepare It. I tWT-i acts 'with equal efficiency in cither form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. "PRICE, 1.00 WELLS, EICHABDSOX & C.; ProW. (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCBU3GT0B, TT. Mnrca -27 il&wly 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Paf J r -.m. lfg1'C i f " f W WE WILJ. SEND, Oil '30 DAYS TRfAU Electro-Voltaic Appliances MEN" suffering from NervousWeItneMefl,43en . era I leblli ty, low of nerve force or Vigor, ' or any disease resulting from Abuses and-OtTHXT. . Causes, or to any. one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, J Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back!' Rup tures, ana ouier iseases or ue viuli vreans. Also woMXK troubled with diseases pecul peculiar to uieirsex. - - r. Speedy relief and complete" restoration to health guaranteed. These are tfevmaly r,i-c irie appiunicw inn om ever ,t Deen const rnleu upon net enuoeprfar, clples. Their thorough efficacy baa been prao-" tically proven with the most wonderrat anceesa, and tliey have the h4frha - ciidoraemeuts from medical and acien tlfie men, and from biindreila who have been quickly mid radically cared to their use. 8end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giYiD? all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich. Julyl8 THE FINEST SET -OF- NOW IS THE CITY, A LARGE Ml OP mmu 1 i AT WHOLES ALKrANDlBLTilL E. M. ANDREWS WHITE FRONT janlO urrtr - iV" . fireensboro nun n n a& hbjk vta tima. JUKI - - - - - gafcetxt Wt&itltxtsr 1THE ONLY MEDICINE! Bedroom Furniture STATE NEWS. has peach trees in ie; Our poor nouse "still they come." fhe Franklinsville manufacturing edmpany will add hew improvements dnring the coming spring. The demand fdr its justly celebrated fsraJ ess bags" makes thimec$ejry(J " . Newberne News: Mx. Hector Mc Lean, superintendent of construction fn tno Mill Mil HI .Mill. fill. W 1UI III Li n citvT le4Wfay, and states thatltfedfl layingbegins on thejline between Golds5-' pushed rapidly to completion. The work would .have besrun this week, but for the wet conditio, sof the road bem J. SDeers upon an up-country wagon, stopping in the grove near our office, and seized Che wagon, a horse and a mule and tetbree-barrels of unstampped whisky. The owners, or tne men in cnarge or. the jeaflOg made fisca ft ' WiastAi Sjentfollii water it is, thought tiidfeome ttamjtg- eaiiny ttxefuw lfcndi th past ve TpeJ attentipnoJ 'sdm dents heir the'reservoir v fi'te resi atfiracted on Tuesday by a number of buzzards in the hollow east of Reservoir street, and upon looking for the cause the body of a white inismi; Wjasi dispoered. On last Sunday DVT6rrell was(?alled to visit a girl by the name of Crutchfield at Nat Snipe's and upon examination ((izelteftinslP All J UUU. MO no torn ner sue uuu reueuuy giveu i ttt . r TrfXsi i rirfZ:L7rZi birth id aarchil(fcwhi0h she stoirn:MFu? ed I. Ajfjuryei rqulst"-tia 5en t7uou 1 auu xU,OTwx6w matter. Collector Geo. B. Everett seeuis to be in bot water all the time. Surely "un easy, rests the head that wears 8 Col lector's crown." Another petition is be- g cacirtated through the country pray- g for his removal. It suggests no name a3 a successor ana oners as a reason lor the aisentnronement mat the "high place" should be awarded to some staunch republican wh has stood true to the ranks of the party when i 'v.,' i i j x mt ciouas were aatK, ana inreateniog.. xoe "oUts" are jealous of the "ins and this ia'the whole secret of the matter. "Wilmington Star: The Shallotte sec tion, ia Brufiswfck ooutlty. is saict tol be considerably excited over a monster bear which is represented to be roam ing the "woods in that locality and seeking what it may devour, it enters the yaids ot people and is creating no little consternation in Some instance!: It is generally believed to have es caped from some show. Uiaea -e and peatli In ice. In a paper read befoie the Connecti cut Medical bociety, which met at Hartford on the 25th and 26 of last May, Dr. Orlando Brown gives a detailed ac count of a serious sickness produced in a iamuy living in Washington, tjonn., simply from drinking the water of melted ice which had been cut from a pond in which there was impurities. The case came under the immediate personal supervision of Dr. Brown. He says: "I am glad to, make .this, report as I wish to call your jatteijlion to a cause of disease which has, I fear, re ceived too little attention from the pro fessiou." WH AT-THE ANALYSIS SHOWED. If "The aaiJvlfs-f tne iceir&f -ih$ family of Mr. H. , madey Docfbf Raymond, gave free ammonia .08 parts f per million, and albuminoid, .09 parts per million. The water was greenish in color, with light-colored particles, or ganic in origin, in suspension a.suf- trciently bad drinking water to cause the disease,' says Dr. Raymond. This analysis and the circumstances of the case, together with Uie exceptional ab sence of all other disease producing causes, force me to the conclusion that the firrt four cases here" reported were caused by the 'drinking of melted ice, and that the disease thus caused devel oped an element of infection that nio duced other cases. " nOW ICE BECOMES, DANGEROUS. "During the past two years of my life I have closely observed the streams and ponds from which ice is taken, and iiave found the surroundings of a large portion exceedingly filthy. Many of the ponds are raised on tmall streams into which flow the washings of the hills and farm yards, also the sewage from hous es situated near. It is ttue that some of this filth will settle to the bottom, but this cannot happen when the stream is frozen over early in the winter when itis deposited on the ice tooe wawied down with the surface drainage from the hills during the first warm day or Ight rain-fall, and spread over the surface of the ;pond, where it will be frozen the next cold night and incor porated with the ice that is stored for !A WARNING TO THE PUBLIC. "As it has been proved by frequent experiments thatfreeziag will not al ways destroy the vitality of disease-producing germs, it is. clearly oar duty to warn tne community agaias uie unnK tng 6f water produced by melted ice. If water must be cooled let it be done by applying , the ice to the outside of ne vessel, coguwaingu ... " i TT"! ' ' - .! -' : The Cowtnodoro'a Widow. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Mrs. C6mnibdore Vanderbilt is pro bably the richest immarried lady In the .United States. Her age is thirty-six, and she has a million for every year, in addition to marked personal attractions. She has lived a very quiet life, since the Commodore s death, spending most of ner leisure in opening love letters jjnu prosecuting the charities which he un dertook. She frequently sits up with her secretary till midnight answering the letters not :.thja love letters. The number of proposals she has received for her well-endowed hand since the Commodore was taken from her side is estimated by those who are nearest to ner xe ve- oei wen ow ana z,uw. Many of tnem are accompanied by photographs which wiidiv ana vainiy endeavor to set forth the charms of theTt writer. She is not disposed to . L m i mi a. 1 wry, ana :prooaoiy wm not; uniesui are editor asks her. Investlfiratlnff Duel. jury, of Laaove(punty Ws fchgagedJ yesterday investigating a duel said to have taken place in that county in Oc tober; between , Congressman Geo. D. Wise and Senator Riddlerjarffet arid also an alleged meeting on the same day Tbe- xtiaaieDerger ana r. o Berine, one of . the propjietprs of the .State newspaper of this cIfr.fiicn:fcdwVefc did not result In an exclnijige x? hhm A nutnlr of withers frdm.Rumond ujuiuing several newspaper men were subpoenaed and examined. The" grand jury idjourned tihVte-dav withfiuti ar riving at any concf daMiVh Htf far jftsfijiade public. k If yop. lwoiSvdld niuffiniSnt 8aVif time aAdioByyaa Mitboaatytupaad nvinviwHui a - a. pr.-iH w -aJ mm nana niiuMj. ' -a f v.., - u . .... JBef pafta, . New.!aufc: cornolew cure Aflai ntariMKTreauem orarmeiiii rkllaaasea:'St at- dtwbdstK w.a V- s?.nrfnaj7iSffee raflltatldn anfi 1 ritmei Depot Jdfl, 1 "Rem Note. rl ti1.apat.nji from Sit , , -the St. Berlia-ta raames Uazettasays r it -,r8t stated that toe coronatfbi af lie IWis been postponed until September. lAn epiaemic stiohgrresemDiinfc tne piaguj infte !M. Lavroff, who was expelled from ranee on account of having started a ihiksl tofdha&gie ta IiogidoQ. i iArf Igltfei4 bor-diei afePoint Si Charles, Canada, from excessive use of liquor. ,il - ' ; !The .estinwrted expend itpre. fpr the PrQvrhfb of Ppi,arfcfor;UijBl y,efeirtKeria ing December.31, It82,"is $2,389,T26. The item of $173)ppears in the" estimate fdr preventing a "prize fight at Long Poiftt in December las Eon. S. Purviance died at his -resi- day,' at the age oC 7.3 years; He waa memoeroi tne trennsyivania constitu tional convefltion in 1837, and again in 1878,. He served," two terms la Cong ress.- The report of the secretary ct inter and the value of the. taxable real estate nal affairs of Pennsylvania shows that there are 1,172,769, taxables in the.State, prperty,laj8t yea was 81,540.608,273. There was $108,610,524 worth of proper ty; exempt' frhQ prisoners in Franklin county no) iail attempted to escape-aunaay. hej;saw4 through the iroa bars, pf .BIT WU1UUW8, iUlU lb WW OI I BUCU seize tne sheriff, get possession or. thb kevand-fiet all 1 the intimates : at liberty. The schame-was discovered inf time and the design frustrated. Severalfgeptlenen'of 3fitsbiirgi Fa., have organized a company to be known as ;the Virginia Coal and Iron Compa ny with a capital of ' $2,000,000. The company owns a hundred thousand acres of-laud in. WJse Scott arrd ,Lee IpP a.3 oped as' rapidly as the works can be . meeting of tradesmen was held at Madrid tc-aay, ax. wnicn iuuy b.oou wee present.; They , unanimousiy, re solved to offer af oasfliye resistance to the collection of the new license tax, and as a last resort to allow their goods to be distrained, bettor, Uomacho, the minister of floanCe persists in'exact- ing immediate payment of the tax. Mr. Shaw, the American consul at 'Manchester has issued his annual re port of the traderoetween tns tj6nstilar district and the United States during the year elided September 30, 1881. Thp report shows a decrease in the de clared exports of over 83,000,000, or ov er 20-percent, as compared with the exports of the previous year. United States- Commissioner Allen", of Brooklyn, .New .York, decided yes terday in a case of assault committed on board the steamship Caraccass, hlLe lying-at Porto vJabello, Venezue la, that the United States has jurisdic tion no matter where a vessel may be when the.act-pirnplained of is commit ted. Death of Gen, Wui. MclCae. Wilmington Star, I8h. The sad announcement of the judden death, from a congestive chili, of Gen. William Mcliae, at the Globe Hotel, in Augusta.'Ga., on Saturday night last, was received here yesterday morning, and occasioned almost universal grief. Gen. McRae was born in Wilmington, in 1834, and was, therefore,' about 47 years of age. Before the late war he was in the service of the Wilmington & Manchester Railroad, which he re linquished to serve his State as a soldier. He raised a company and was com missioned Captain, butwvas subse quently elected Colonel of the 15th Regiment, to which hiscommand had been attached. Shortly after the battle of the Wilderness he was promoted to the office of Brigadier-General. Re turning to Wilmington at the close of the war he was appointed General En gineer and Superintendent of the Wil mington & Manchester Railroad. When this road changed hands Gen. McRae resigned his position to accept a similar one on the Macon & Brunswick Rail road, in Georgia, and later on accepted alike position on the Western & Atlan- tie iianroau, wnicn latter omce ne re aignea duc a iew weeKS ago. ana was on his way to this city when stricken down by the fell destroyer. Gen. Wm. McRae was a son of Gen. Alexander Mcitae, ior many years President or tne Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, and was not only accounted one of the best railroad managers in the country, but had the reputation of being a brave and gallant officer of the Confederacy, and one whom the beloved .Lee delighted to honor. Upon the receipt of the intelligence or his death capt. waiter G. McRae lm mediately left for Augusta and return ed ypsterday morning with the body, whieh was taken, to be James' church, whete the funeral services were held yesterday afternoon, after which they were followed to their last resting place in uaKdaie uemetery oy a large con course of relatives and friends. WAat Foods are Ifloat Economical 1 Ameiicaa Agriculturalist With an advance of twentv to one hundred per cent and more, in the price of staple foods, the above is now a most important question to over f ortv mil Uonaiof our people; and one of much interest to utsveii ui eigut minions more. Probably there are two millions i A . i. ' J. . LA. who take no thought or care as to the cost of their dairy diet. Meats, flour, potatoes, corn meal and milk, are the main .articles of sustenance for the great! masses. Fish, riee, beans and oat mealj recently) with lesser amounts of some other articles, are consumed ; out tnese aitogKner aofTJot, we ludge, constitute one-tenth of the food of the entire people, perhaps not more than live or six per eent. Dried or smoked beef, ham and cheese, rank high, but dried fish out- ranks all-others. The nutritive value of dried xodfish is remarkable, and it deserves special attention, one hundred pounds ot it supplying as much nutri menttas three hundred and forty-one pounfls of beef! .It is cheap and abun dant everywhere! ibecause very porta ble, and easily kept. It yields labor sustaining ailment at from one-ninth the cost of beef in different sections of the country. It is easily digestible and if properly freshened and cooked it can be. made palatable and acceptable to a very large class needing to practice economy, At the average price of beans these are toe cheapest strength sustaining of all direct products of the soil, if not charred or hardened in baking. The drought' has arreatlv diminished the ywi4 find tire present price is bigh, but uiey are miu coiepaKiuveiy '.euuiiuini' Cal it .'.'! . mi ., ' The cctrPatioh bf anv class of ner- sons haa,much td do with deciding the most economical foods. It is estimated that in temperate iclrmate an average man S needs teaeh twenty-four hours, simply to sustain life without mcreas- l ing lit weight, about eleveri and a half ouncesoi heavproducing and rour ana iqilarier ounces, bl flesh forming foods. Baeorers and those patting forth much exertion need mdstof the flesh forming food.Biich as lean meats of all kinds, eggs, cheese, fish, beans,; peas, oatmeal oreao, caooage, roots, etc. . . Those exposed to eold need more bf neat produeinir foods: as fatmeats. cmeaj anji. generiuly those artidles nnnroininM iH : a. - a. jr ?i - WUJialainiP larD-a ainAunrji -of il nr ewd wfc first discover in. Calltornlaln 1 848 w wnenpea H presenDe bis cougn syrop' BiCM lama Vear n.n1 hnn ia Mi if: la i ha i X a 'rmmu romew wrougDout we country . recently appeared uear jjauiou- lufrr From Savannah. New York, Feb. 16. One of the two passengers saved" from the Bahama and brought to thia pore of Savannah. . is H. J.Featj BNtB Bronchial Irtches," when ellowtf to dtswlre la the rnoatu, have a direct influence TQ the lnflammed parts, allaying Pulmonary Irri tation, and giving relief In ccngha. colds and tne varlfiila throat troubles to which, slngere and pub- Uo speakers are liable. zxo Jidtircttsemcuts. DR. a W. BENSON, of BALTIMORE, MD., In the course of his practice discovered what now are renowned m medical practice, viz: a combina tion of Celery and Chamomile In the shape of llls. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recommended by them. It is not a patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience In practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache. nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and nervous ness, and will cure any case. The Doctor's great remedy for Skin disease, called Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is exceedingly valuable and greatly sought after b all persons who have skin diseases or bad eonlplexlen. An excellent toilet dressing. Sold by all druggists. -Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for SI or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S 55 SKIN CURE p. (4 r . vi ta Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOR8, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonallpartaof the body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth; remova taa and flwokies, and is ths BEST toilet dressing ia TKK WOULD. Elegantly pat up, two bottle In one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. AH fast clswi drnggigts have It. Frioetl. per package. CHA8. N CRITTKNTON. 115 Fulton ftreet New Tork City, sole sgent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. MBS. LYDI& E. PINKHA OF LYNN, MASS., N cs a c c 3 E o LYDIA E. PINKHAIUS'S VEGETABLE C0IIP0UND. Is a Positive Cure far all those Painful Complaint sad Weaknesses soeemmon to our beat female population. It win cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all orarlan troubles, aaflaamatlon and Ulcers tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal -Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dlssolre and expel tumors from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked rery speedily by its nse. It remove falntaeas, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured by Its use. It win at all times and under all circumstances act la harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound la unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIMOIAHFS "VEGETABLE COM POtrjTDls prepared at I3S and (35 Western Arenue, Lynn,Haas. Price L Six bottles for as. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also in the form of losenges, on receipt of price, 91 per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention tMt Fuper. KoftmHy should be without LYDIA S. PINKHAlf'S LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness sad torpidity of the liver. tS cents per box. j- Sold by all Drngglats. "6. c For Yon. Madam, Whose complexion betrays some humiliating imperfec tion, whose mirror tells yon that you are Tanned, Sallow and disflgured in countenance, or have Eruptions, Redness, Roughness or unwholesome tints of complexion, we say use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It isadelicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entranc ing tints, the artificiality of which Ho observer can detect, and which soon becomes per manent If the Magnolia Balm is judiciously used. Jan. 22 AN' A Mr STEEL'f 1.1 Sample box, 25 different fir'o ot . seaff trial by mall, c-; ,i . . . . .. r; Sole Agents, aeiso r a FBI ibi a w a Mr-?-r . DIARY FREE Improved luter- est table, Cfiiendar. eic. Sent to any add'ess on receipt Of 10 THRlftMJENi' MAMP8. Addtss UHiKLKb JS. iJIKJiM. 48 N. Delaware Ave. Jfhlla. s BOOKS ON BUItDING. ttDg, Ac. For 1882 eighty p;-;3 I1L' CatalORne, address, enclosing threw 3-ceat stamps, WBl. T. UOM3TOVK.. 194 Broadway, Nqw York. BO 9. MEDAL AWARftEQ tne teal or. A now and ot-ajl. m mi. k. warranted the best And cheapest, indispensable to every man,entiUed "the Scienceof Life or.aeu-j.'reservat.on ;" bound in finest French muslin, embossed, f nil gilt.auo pp.contains beautiful eteol nravinKS, 125 prescrip. tiens, prtce only $1.25 sent by mail . illustrated sample, 6 cents; IflW TrTYRFT P iQfil Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR- wwi nuw,AuarBBs i. eaooay fliea. . No. 4 Bulfinchst. Boston A NEW IlLUSTBATED Literary Weekly Journal; NB11HKB POLITICAL NOB SKCTAHIAN; Condiifted by ALBION W. T0TTHGB15. author of "A Fool's Errand' eta , iatd by Daniel G. Brintpn and Hobert a. Dals. FlfiST NUMBER IS3W5D FSBRUAEY 1, 1882. The most dlstlnmilshf d authors and skilful ar tists, both American and Enellsb. have been en gaged by -OUK CONTINENT." The Febmary numbers contain novels and stories by Ifelen Campbell, Mrs. Alexander, B. v. noe, Juiiau Hawthorne, John Habberton, R. H. Davis, etc. : poems by Osear.Wilde, Louise Chandler Moulton, tr. n. uoxer, sianey Lanier, (r. r. Latnrop, ueua Thaxter. etc. : entertairrlnt? sketches bv O. O. La- land. (Hans B-seitman) D. G. Mitchell, (IKe Mar- veij eiix uswaia etc. ; solid papers oy President Porter of Yale, Jliot of Harvard, Provost Pejiper, Of the University of Pennsylvania, etc.; fashion notes by Kate Field; art illustrations by Louis C. Tlflany; science by Profs. Bothrock, Barber, ec; social etiquette by Mrs. Moulton: rural improve ment by Hon B. G. Northron: fun and humor bv C, H. Clark, (Max Adler) "Uncle Heinus" at a host of others. BEtJTiFur, Illustb ations are a leadlna feature of "OUR CONTINENT." They are the finest that anean produce and eaual to the most oerfect In the monthlies. Price 10 cnts a number: 84 a year; S3 six monthu. Mailed free of postage to any address!. Specimen copy Iree. iNewsdeaiers will find It to their interest to pre sent "OUR CONTINKNT" to the r customers. Postmasters are Invited to take subscriptions. Liberal commlssloa. Book Canvassers can add larpely to their incomes without Inieiferlng vlth th"lr regular business, by acting for "OUR CONTIfvENT." Write for particulars to "OUR CnNTlNF.VT." Hii'liidelphla, Ph. A GR! CULTURAL LIME .CiRBOflaTE OF LIME. Best and Cheapest FerOilz rs. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROTHERS, ToKr,i..o. THE CHICK THE HIGHEST AWARDSpWoI In the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1851 ; at theREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION in CHILI, 1875; and at the grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION ia Philadelphia, 1S76. All persons Trlablns to purchase for ex amine) instruments are respectfully In" vitea to visit oar Warcrooms. Send for Circular and Price list. CHICKERIN8 & SONS, 130 Fifth Avenue. N.Y, I 156 Tremont Si., Boston. Jan25 dfcw4 m Railroads. North farolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING SAST. CONTINENT ERN6 Date, Dec 18, 81 No. f.5 No 51 No. 53 Dfltly. Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4. HQ p m 6.17 pm 8.w0 p m 8.18 p m 10.10pm 11.00 pm 7.40 am 8 30 a ru 6.80 am 7.36 am 8.10 pm K i.02 p m 12 05 am 12.15 am 12.23 am ' Salisbury.- Arrive Greensb'ro Leave Greensb'ro Arrive N.Danville Leave N.Danville Arrive Richmond, Leave Greensb'ro Arrive Raleigh,... Leave BaleUjh, . Arrive. Gelds Doro' 7.56 a m 10 00 am 1015 am 3.55 p m 9.50 a m 1.52 pm 2.17 pm 4.20 p m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R & D. R. R. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with tra'u for Ra'eigh and Goldsboro. o. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. R. R. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond, So. C Connects at Greensboro' with R. D. R. H. for all points East and West, via Danville only. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. 54 No. 50 No. 52 Dally. Dally. Daily. 12.20 pm 12.40 pm 4 00 pm 151.07 pro 11.25 pm 7.48 pm 6 30pm 7.35 am .80pm 8.30 pm 9 80am 9.35 pm 8.40 pm 9 85am 11.15pm 10.37 m 11.22am 12.40 a m 12.25" m 1.05 p m Leave Goldsboro'- Arrive Raleigh,.. Leave Raleigh, . Leave Richmond, " N.Danville Arrive Greensb'ro Leave Greensb'ro Leave Salisbury, . Arrive Charlotte,. iJV. W. N. C. HAIJLItOAn. GOJNt WKST. NO. 50-Dally. Leave Greensboro h.jti p m Arrive nernefsviiie 11.07 Din Anive Salem 11.50 pm NO. 52 Daliy, except Sunday. Iye8ve Greensboro 10.00 a m Anlve Kernerbvlile 1 1.00 a m Arrive Salem 11.30 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.80 a m Arrive Kernersvl le 8.04 am Arrive Greensboro.... 9.00 am NO. 53-Dally. Leave Salem 4.30 p m Arrive Kerners Hie . f,. 1 0 d m Arrive- Greens boa). . . T 6.80 p m Pellniaa Sleepii Cars Witliont ciiange On Train No. 51. between Atlanta and Naw York, via Danville. on Train No. 55, between Augusta and Wash ington, via Danville. On Train No. 68, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. On Train No. 50. between New York and Atlanta via uciuYijie. On Train No. 52, betwecu Washington and Au eusta, via Danvhle. .On Train No 54. between Waahingtou and At- laaia, via uanvuie. CThroUEh Tickets on sale at fireenahnrn' Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest. West. North ana jiasu . or anagrani nates to Louisiana. Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPS, General Passenger Agent. dec31 Richmond, Va. -LAST-TAX NOTICE! -00 A LARGE amount of Taxes Is yet due. lam xv reoulred to settle with the county. I cannot do so until the tax paters pay me. i L cnereiore notuy ail persona that I will proceed tacollect ell taxes by lgw unless .paid dprlng this month. It would give me pleasure to grant the tax payers further frdtilgenea, but it Is hot In my power 10 w bo. ray up, ana save com . . W AL13C4NDIB, fehl5 8t StaerlfL BXtscjellatxjC0UB. 1)11 If FI TO CALL AT EDDINS1 BOOK STORE BEFORE YOU MaKE Your Holiday Purchases. We will not here attempt to enumerate what we have but If you will call we will satls'.y you that we hive the tinest.assortuient of -HOLIDAY GOODS- ever brought to this market Call and see our Display whether you buy i.r not. A fine lot of of all descriptions, Just received. Remmber none can under-buy us, and none can under sell us. decl8 -COTTON FACTORY--FORSALE.-- BY Virtue of a decree of the 8uperlor Court of Catawba county, made in the case of P c Bhuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Poweli and others, defendants, at Chambers by Hon. A U Avery, Judge, and dated the 7th day of January' 1882, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at public sale at the Cotton Factory of thCaUwba Manufacturing Company, on the Catawba River, In Catawba county, on MONDAY. THE 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1882, the following valuable property, to-wtt: Tne Granite Shoals, in Catawba county, and tlie Cotton Factory of said Catawba Manurai-turlnif . oni.i.inj . located 8 Imm ih- W c ,. u ; k iiii.c Inui Calawb.i Miction on a r.ilin ;ul 11 mile ltom tt .lesvllle, aiid 5 nil c- W. si noin I rout man's liepot on the A , T A i. h K.; including bl acres of laud on the South side of the Caiawoi Hlver, 011 which Is situated the said Factory, tliree good dwelling houses containing H rooms each, ana 12 c tt.iges combining from 2 to 4 rooms each lor opera lvts, a eiore. house, stables and otlier out lious-8. fcald Fiictury Is a building 60 feet long by 42 leet wide, two stories high, wim au 'L" 50x20 feet, and anotner ' L" 90x22 feet, a lire-jiroor Picker House 30x20 feet KiHi iied 1 1 0 feet from the main building ot the Factory. Also, the following machinery In the said Fiicwry, viz; 1 picker, i 86-lnch double beate? and lapper, 7 87-Iiicn 1 4-top Jriik's flat cards, l Ash Lee ixincii delivery drawing rranie, i 20-strand list iw.edur (9-lucn bobbins), K tipinnlng frauics, l.uon m,.1i, dies (Bridesburg nitike). also snooiei.. warper, qulller.-, bu.nnern, ike.. 42 new anil ni -st lniprov ed pl:dd looms (:iO Bridesburg and 12 w.ud's ninke), wim ail necessaiy fixtures anu iindhits ai.d with warps retdy to start up. De i.uu-e and sizing machinery of the most iinpr v-.d sryie with vats and vessels comp et All p , ts of the build ins furnished with steiinrples 10 warm the buill lng, supplied with steam from a 20 horse powr boiler. All the property, buildings, machinery, ic , In good condition and in good repair. Also, on the Northern side of the ti er, lni me diately opi-osite the Factory and adj .loins; ilir river and the fchoal. wlileh extends across, 'l 1 seres of land, with a yQne water-power with oM t rock loundai ion. The had of tlie. waur m ih cuuttiern side, on winch Is the Factrt, is about 6 tett.a 1 vi more accurate and definite description of the property and conditions or the sale, reference is mane to the decree In the above sta'ed ense The terms of said sale will be 20 per eent of tlw purchase money In cash, and the remainder in equal Installments of Pi and 120 days, bond ami vood security being required of the pn-chitser for the Installments. Also, at the same time and place the under signed, as Receiver, will sell FOH CAH the fol lowing articles or personal properly, viz: 2 mules. 2 wagons and harness, lot of dyes and dye Mulls, the material now In process or manufacture cn si ting of warns. Dlalds and yarns. Al.o. a -mall stock of general merchandise, consisting of boots, shoes, dry goods, bacon and such other articles of groceries and dry goods as are usually kem in country store. JUHN L. UUBH, January 24th, 1882. Receiver. Llncolnton, N. C. jan24 tds JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what G F He has for New YeaiJs!Dinners,r;and hew very cheap he is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOIl NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS dec31 Acid Phosphate 400 TONS HIGH GliADB ACID PHOSPHATE, Containing 12 to 18 per cent Soluble Phosphoric Acid. Analysis Guaranteed. tw warranted genuine, si Just Receivt-d. - Special Inducements to dealers and largo buyrs. CHAS. E. &MITI, WLoles.ile Dealt r In Guano and Commission Merchant, Wt mlngton, N. C. Jan29 lm 'gov gnlc. CITY PROPE11TY FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE resldeBce, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling la on a full lot, has nine comfortable room a, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc The bouse la admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or pacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthar particulars, price, terms, etc. apply at THIS OFFICE. iu.y20.dtf ... ; City Lot for Sale Cheap. THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will lther be sold 4a a whole or divided into two lots of 70 by 196 leet Suitable either for bunding or factory purposes. Apply to ITS

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