DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An Important Covery,by every family give their that beautiful lish peculiar to laundry work. am mm Ask your Grocer, J. B DOBBINS, Philadelphia, P CHAS. R. I Sole Ag'tCharlotteyN.d DEAL KB IN Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware & House Furnishicg Goods MANTELS and G HATES "WHOLESALE and RETAIL. , Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING None but first class hands employed. Call lor the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 fc'HAVi IN STORE ONE "F THE -LMWEST SIOCKS OF -GGG RRK OO CCO EEB RRR II EEB cSS G ORROOOOK R R II E g& 0 RRR O O O KE RRR II EE BSSo GGORRO OOOE R R II E R 5 GGO R B OO COO EEE R R II EEB BSS8 Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Ever offered in this market. Don't buy until you examine our Stock and Prices. -CORN IS OATS.- CAB LOADS WHITE CORN, Q CAB LOAD3 YELLOW CORN, 1 000 BAEBSLS flUB, 500 8ACKa C0FFE 2QQ BABBELS MO SSE3, 1Q0 BABBELS SUGAR, 100 B0XE3 BAC0N -JgQ PACKAGES LARD, 200 BOXES SOAP, 200 PACKAGES MACKEREL, 100 80X23 CBCEEB8. 25 BOXES CHEESE, &C. PIEDMONT PATENT pi, 100 Barrels just from the Mill. SPRINGS & BURVELL. Ieb8 daw -JUST RECEIVED !-- A new supply of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, PICTURES,FRAMES, EASELS, &C, &C, -AT THI- VABIETY 8T0BX UNDER TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK. C. M. ETHEREDGE. ADMINISTRATOR'S ..'notice..:,,;;,,,': . Biggers, aeceaseou au perauua vnnw estate wQl make payment to. mejw wutr by hrTand all persons haying claims against nis state win present them duly certified, on r before the 20Ut day of February, 188a. or this nodeft win bTirteailebarefthetriecOT Springs & Burwe febl8 wit Administrator. MAKES; - Looking MADE Gfasses dls- which M 1 : may WITH linen fin- fine ELECTRIC SoQUrin 'll.A5rV I7-Y0UR POLISH. ty 0ROCER1 Best In tie World. 1 JONES, THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OB DBT FORM That Acts at the same time en' THE LIVES, TSE BOWELS, AffB TkS EIDffBYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because ve allow thett great organs to I become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the Hood that thouldbe expelled naturally. 3L WILL SURELY CURE 1 U KIDNEY DISEASES, Quiver complaints. PILES, CONSTiPAXIOJr, UREfABY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, ly causing frit ronton V kftesl rrgans W restoring they power tojhrow qff disease. j Whv suffer Billons pains and aches! ' . Why tormented with Piles, Constipatioat Why frightened oyer disordered Kidneys! TThy endnre nervous or sick headaches! Use KTDNEY-WORTartd rejoice in health. It Is put op In Dry Vegetable Form,' in tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Concen trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. tylt acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, WELLS, RICHARDSON A Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BrRLTJGTOS, TT. B-HMSin Marca 27 d&wly 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. rtM 'i air,i87t WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from Neivotis Weaknesses, Qn era! Iebility, loss of nerve fxrce or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth ke Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also womkn troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. . ; -..; . .,- Speedy relief and y complete restoration' to health guaranteed. These are ihe only Electrie Appliances that bave ever ciplea. Their thorongfi efficacy hateeafMl uv.uj piyieu ytivu Ult; 1UUSI HUIIUCTIUI saecess. and they have the hichest endorsctaients from medical and seien tifle men, and from hundreds who hare been quickly and radically cured b their ifse. . 8end at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, girlr' all Information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, arioh. Jnlyl8 STI1E FINEST SET .5 OW IN THE CITY. i-., .4 r A URGE STOCK OF FDRNpp AT WHOLES ALKIAKDLBET AIL ' 1: 7 . jJOf-T '! ! "WHITE FRONTS r .fi jarjur , OLD DOBBINS Bedroom lire 1 SATURDAY, FEB. 13, lSsT STATE NEWS. f RaleifihTews aad Otoezer: Some bova hadOefefi ehhniiid lot tttefeTOunfli of the td kBfmmiii said, arM lonef s&xbt t one . '41 tbefa icatae i n shootfn? Jre&aWptiet.x Yesttra a warranter as sworn out against a pre sumed offender. SHerifE B. Hill, of -&Hfson county, has 1 contributed four convicts to the Penitentiary. Their names and terms are: Colemi .GictEyi ntalTslsher, 20 years; GabeV HrAn, Masceny, 5 jrears ; Andrew Munn, larceny, 5 years : Amos Garner, larceny, 3 years. ttr I i l : i. 1 1. L n vy e learned iaao o vtJuiuK iuai restoi- dav- mdrrirnf! the dead body of 10 lie. PomDParffdet white, was found on tM I railway track, two miles Deyona Jiic- Li CI Ik AU lUUUOSb new UC1U JCOWIUOJ, 7 wnose resQit is not Known, it is san that there is a- belief that the man w not been body t developments are expected ? Anson Times: The no fence law wefct into operation yesterday. A practical business man estimates the damage and loss to vehicles and stock over the present road to the depot for one i year to beJ $2,S0Qi Rrettjr; strongjtrgament aipne ior a-Kpoa ro; not taspealc would be comes to us from Morven. OnlBa'turday last while Mr. Hugh McPherson was projecting with a pistol, it was dis charged, and the ball struck Mr. May Teal just ahVfy h eye, arid glanced. The wound, though painful," is not nec essarily serious. Monroe Express : Monroe continues togoahead,potwihstandnrg thecroakf ingaof some oldVCogiejl Nwtmldinls are going up all '"over town, and there axe tumors of other buildings soon to be erected. No town -in the State is more prosperous, as we believe. Wjnfltdtr- RepdTblican5: The revenue collections in the 4th district for ,the week ending last "Saturday evening were $23,207.16. Yadkin township. Stokes county, votes on the fence law in March. The question is being agitated throughout the country and is gaining considerable strength. ' Salem Press : Frank "Brewer," of this place, has a dog three years old which weighs only two and a half pounds. . On last Saturday afternoon - while Master Walter Vogler and another lit-" tie boy were playing at "leap-trog, Walter fell and broke iis. collar bone badly. Be careful, boys. Durham Plant: It. turns, oat that Dickerson has been practicing a fraud on Blackwell & Co. in the depth of the artesian well. It is less than 1,7000 feet when he-claimed it rwas -nearly. 2,000. Dickersohjhas left' fd? 4fits unknown. We met 'Capt. Wi ' W. Manguni in towri to-day and he informs U3 that very few of the farmers have prepared sufficient land to supply themselves with tobacco plants. Those who have so wn had to do so when the land was enti rely too wet. It is feared there w ill be a great scarcity .of . plants.and that the crop for 1882 will be cut short on ccount. receipts for the past w eek for ontobacco from the manufacturers ham amount to $20,000. The urers all complain of the de leterious elEect upon the trade owing to the' agitation of the tax question. But for the unsettled state of this matter the amount wouldKhaye been 80,000 the past week. Qurjeongressmen might stick a pirr here. - ' Henry Walker was arrested on Mon day charged with rape on a young girl in Orange county named Jane Davis. He was taken to Hillsboro and on last night returned, having given bail ;n the amount of $100. From what we could learn the prosecution is a malicious one and will amount to nothing. The war rant will be returned hefore Justice O. Hooker at Hillsboro on Saturday: t ' : t A FIRE-HAlTarTfiD MAfi., An Unfortunate Kentuckian Who Starts Conflagrations Wherever he Goes. Breckinridge (Ky.) News. Mr. James Minor, a wealthy tiatche lor of Nelsoa county, and a brother to Hon. William E. Minor, of this county, possesses a history so much out of the common run, that it i3 well worthy of being put on record. He is litterallv a nre-hauhtednian. All his life he has been followed by a series of strange fa talities that are in themselves almost enough to cause the most superstitious to look upon his something lo be dreaded. . . ., , . . .'. . When a, child. Ic .Mipor'A : mother was accidentally burned toeath.. v.( . .. At the decease" or -hMfarJrH herited the homestead faxin,,the. dJBl iing on which wa3watabaCt4ay. ueL of the finest residenceain JfSojr, county, having been erected, cos.ol ten thousand dollars. . It caught 'fire and Vas consumed to ashes-He erected a new house at a like cost, only to become in its turn food for the hungry flames. He fcubsequerrily engaged fn the lum ber business. aiiQio'st lijge'ahfl vi Vahrft- ble lot of lumbe fev fireC H6 theii via- itrd his brotherfreadinglff Hoff s' Bot tom, this county, and in two or three days sifter his arrival the dwelling of the latter Faa consumed by fire. :,i .. ... t He then Wnt tOiKansts. to visit his BteTJmbther, and whila they ( were; con f ersiife about the strange fatality that seemep to dog him through life, the kitchano her house burst into flames. .; Returning to. Hejttucky And viaiiBg-ati tnB'iiouse ox onettorniij reiatLves mma n'ativd county, while the family were discussing his bad luck during the course of conversation his host assured fhim thatwhlte-'they w.eie.gfad tofce- mm, or course tney were ratner airaia they would be burned up in conse- guence of his visit the kitchen of that onsewas also discovered to be on fire. From thence he proceeded to visit the family of anothef relative in the same county, and, as usual, the subject of the remarkable fatality that seemed to pur sue him formed the staple of the con versation; A broom mx he room was ignited by spark, whereupon the young lady of the house remarked that" she bad left some fire in the parlor, and she heiipved she would go and see if every thing was right., .Opening, ,. the .jjarior, door, the apartment was 'discoveredr to' be in flames. If any county in the State can pro duce a man who can truthfuljy point to a life rilled with such Btrange expefi-f ences,!oe anything . at I all vapproachingij tnem.jiow is the time to bring him to the frdnt. Captured1 One of fEm. i-JjLLVESTON, Feb. ji7. A special from Antonio aavs news has reached nemos the. arrest by SherifCHamatoa of 03aii deraiun'o; 'hfjs. Crl8weil,TBriorii"n one pf tfee-notorioua pairof daiang asdi uccpssiui mgnwaymen, mown aa "lorig and "short" men, who operated :J felt Snaanf of-famnyllRds? ffltaself ft ttaot sd ir avlaletsaald. It 4a Aiafdotv to nHmsrtlnr if nT nil with anA.Miiuirwn . nv BAAr mm. chiiibuk, i ilalrCftmiTr rfiwnn WxHu'Ofilf 25C" h KotllnMnd a few doses will sdva instant relleL mriwswwiij.i i pii-tBw-Tfr ph rfa Trtw. hn!nk.wTvlat4aiEA A-dn.Ta... irlnarr uS69 ttQns-sniarari&toqii&atpi dpatft nrlnaUdri. and -Mdney aiseaBelr iJFir oniggSsts Depot, . J. H. HoAdeifc Cnattotte, N. O. h-iUA K'4-W '1-ff -H.vtliA-H' oi$ tn raaiiy-aqvaniagegu nfSan furlftrtafiafelakdldeift 1 1 naanufaci F I Peoe-OThvBnTO' Cut their "Of;hat is the surface flf the earth composed .vl t?i bbtu-mtui mj itia railroad tracks, epxteias, ana B&aunz 13 wa- -!..v.(.J V : I the3 add.iil;if gir -and; nutmeg tol "A towi'isvii considerable collection of hbujtaOnh.abitants,. with f our 1 fi VA rnftn whrt nm vtrfv'V snTiri ltonH I moriey at fifteen pe4Ceit.Hiitiei:est. with'a yor.-WBo.-iieves tnat tne wnoie rid shah-fist wtHbtt tin atbn a crrjsWite.? t i "Berrowine fiyianars' or "ITame-the different races."- f "Horse raWat.aoehicile rce and tracing roudtonhda man to indorse your note." - - "Into 'how' Toany classesris mankind divided?: . . "Six being enlightened,5iviljzed;half civilized, savage, too utter4, hotworth-a cent and Indian- agents." , . , i tWfiat nations are called enlignten- fTlloae. iidi.rliaVe'li-'theVYnbst waTSy the worst law&and ' produced the W0r8teriminal8.'r : "' ' "Hod man ijaotions has the earth.?" "Tliatyr according ; to bow you- taut, your drinks and which way you go home. ' ;: ' ' "What iCfhe" earth's axis?" ' ,; "The lines passing between Hew York and Chicago , , - " What emses day Mjjnjghjfl JJfay is caused by night getting tired otiEl ; Nieht is caused bv everybody Leaking the street car and going home UM ncip n &drairingto anOw n jury where 'Smith; stood when Jones, gave Mmallftuiideflheefei Jj i 1 "What is:4a fcarinr'rf compa 2" . . a. . "A jug holding four gallons." NEWS NOTES. .Five baronis'of dbnty Roscommon, and twelve baronies c-f county Water ford Ireland, have been proclaimed un der the coercion act. A vigilance committee has been formed, at Edmonton, Manitoba, to pro tect the settlers against claim jumpers. All the settlers haye been invited to join:? t The oody of the late Ko-Kun-Hua, professor of the Chinese .language at Harvard University, will' be inclosed jn h leaden casket and sent to China. Wmr MaKeJij president of the First NatioaaTankof Chicago, died Wed nesday night of paralysis. Jacob Gessert, lately superintendent of police in Cincinnati, committed sui cide iWednesday by shooting himself through the head. ' Two boxes containing, infernal ma chines, which had been delivered at two diiferaqt addresses in Edinburgh, exploded oui Upg r Qpeiied, and eight person wte lap juried.; i 5 . 'K The . ice-men the Hudson -are alarmed over the prospect, the heavy rains and slush or the last ten days haviag made the ice soft. Not more than4i,000,000 tons have so far beemse cured, against 3,000,000 toDS last year. Predictions fOr.hierprices for ice the i coming season are already indulged in. The Roman Catholic clergy of the Diocese of Meath have recommended Mr. Patrick Egan as the candidate of the Irish party for the vacancy in the House of Commons from that constit uency, caused py the, resignation of A. M, Sullivan. Twelve thousand dollars have been raised-byihe friends of the late GovJ VYmz.-fli Louisiana, tef the bsnefit of hjsitfamily tief Justice Cooley, of Michigan, a Lber: of the' railway1 aHjitration commission, says he has made it a rule of his official life- tb 'refuse all free passes from railroads, The Exposition cotton factory at At lanta, Gav will start iw4h:lf,aspiri- aies, to De increasea to 20,000, and looms sufficient to weave the yarn for all spindles employed. In Palatka,, Florida, within the past xnree monios, vacant lots nave ad vanced 33 per cent, and' improved property at least 60 per cent, on the last year s rates. The cotton factories at Columbus,Ga., -bare a vcapitalof 168X)00. irive em- pleymerittp ,5,589; hands; and consume 17.8SU Dales cotton annually. ; .. Oscar Hoppe, a rjookkeeper in the ciotmng .. uro committed to jail to answer the charge or emoszfjingiyuoii ui empioyets monejr. James OTJomieii1,'" a " dirie1 boss at Summit Hill, near Mauch Chunk, Pa., whilasuperintending soeork in No. 7;8lopB of the Lehigh Coal and Naviga tion Company's minesvrakppedvand fell down: the shaft, a distance of 195 feet. He was instan)& 3, . , ? i Th4 trial of Sergeant John A. Mason wbilearding him at the District jail last September, has bien definitely fixed to begin at the Washington Arsenal barTSscks . t 11 o'clock next Monday. Lieut.-Col. H. R Jtfizner, tenth, infantry. is senior pX-i jtbe trfal, and Eieut. E. T. Brown, fifth arunary, judge. Mason nas oeen con fined in the guard house at the arsenal, overidoking the- . Tiver, .. neatly fiyfl In JPhiladelphia Wednesday D. F. Bommerscheim was put-, on trial for disturbing public service, in Judge Yerke'a coittt,.aft4s discovered to be a ' religious 'monomaniac. ; He was un der great excitement, kept quoting pas sages of Scripturaad houting "Halle lujah," and when he was placed in a lower (room of the building his voice was . heard through, the building in trumpet tones.' " At times he " became tery. Violent and was fihailyKJidered into an insane asylum. Aa Oyster Wstf.' Cameron arrived here this afternoon and ordered tthe light' artillery blues, cPt! feW Gilmer And the citjr giiard; Capt C. a: Nas't, under arms for the pulse -RccompanyiDg him" to the mouth . of., the. 'Bapi)obariocf rivet where serious trouble is apprehended from the excitement caused by difficul ties rjfetween"thr citizens ; and oyster fleets at that point .-There has been re-sistancetrto- the afaeriff and his posse Khief attempting to make arrests for Alleged violation of private rights and thelaw, satott-lravledto t&rateuidr dtetMrbanc&elWTrfdii mflftaryf f strong, leave to-night upon the steam er Louisa and.Victoti: jBeedander; command of Mai nortar. the mm man. li1 division of the .Sate, artilletry, accompanied -ky Governor Gftsietqn, BmfTBg Greener mtjfl jaruiieijrwiiiiaKftfiHietcets. iona tftxuryr .i p IWWlU save too from many difflcultles and some wmiw vi v.. iiuu O OOUSTU Bjnip, , aaebalIgrouBd3 crick- Xf!rf AjVJai.or4 fyY6dnesday a Making Money on Peanuts and Apples V Mrs. Mary Tumatlyv of BrDoklyn, re cently testified, in a will case, thathe had'madoMM) by' selling peanuts and apples otr!the: ferry boats,tunnrng be- tieriitiie; mfiney!.up an an old stocking affiii hiA.Jt, nndfir the boards of her housei. She' Kept it concealed in differ ent houseln vrhichs she lived f or tweri-: tyf yelinft S'Sh sold aouse whichi she Dwne,d tojfiroome street-for $600,. and purchased a house, in Thirtieth street, 'Step York, . for $9,500.". ; ' J ' DE. C. W. BENSON, Of B ALTIMORE, MD., Lafhe course of his practice discovered what now are renowned In medical- practice, rlz: a combina tion, Of Celerj and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and cpnstntly recommended by them. . . It is h6t a patent medicine. It Is the result of bis 0n experience fn practice. They are a sure cure for the . following special diseases, and are wortlrj.of, a jtrlal by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared , expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia,' paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and nervous ness, and will cure any case. The Doctor great remedy for Skin disease, called Dr. Benson's Skin Cure is exceedingly valuable .and greatly, sought after by all persons who have skin diseases or bad complexion. '.' Ah excellent toilet .dressing. . Sold by all druggists. Price 50 centsa box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for SI or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure IICZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH 80ALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonaaipartaafthA body. It makes the akin white, aoft and smooth.: removes ton and freckiee, and is the BEST toGet jeasln2 la THE WOBiE. Hgaaitly Jut tip, two botflea in on pacVage. ormsintTing o both internal and external treatment. All first olaas dragffista hatrc it. PrioeW. per package. CHASw N. CHITTENTON,. 115 Fulton street. New York City, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedies, ; to whom ail orders should ' be ad dressed. BBS. LYDIA L PIHKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COPOUITD. Is a Positive Ctire '" for all ttaoie Painful Complaints and Weakness o common to our best female population. It Trill core entirely the worst form of Female Com. ' Slalnts, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcer tton, Falling- and D Is placement, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In an -earl stag of development. The tendency to caa eeroas humors there is checked verj speedily by its nse. . It (emoves fain tn ess, flatulehcy, destroys all craving? for stiiBul&nte, aad relieves weakness of the stomach. It curse Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General foebillty, EHeepfetanese, Depression and Indi gestion. That fteUng of boarlng daws, cansta? pain, weighs and backache, la always permanently cured . by Its us. ' It will at all times and under all circumirtancas act la harmony with the laws that govern the female system For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound f nmmrpHsscd. , J,TIA J1 FINKIIAM'S VECETABWE QOJIt . PfKDU prepare at J3S and XSS Western avenue, tynn, iUm Price IL' Six bottles for $5. Sent by mall in the form f pills, also ii the form of loseages, on receipt ot prioe, ft per box for either. Mrs. PlnVnara freely answers aliletters of inquiry. Bend for pamph let. a4dis as asovo. Mcntiax. (Ms Jtjasn wff tm,? iMfrtwM ' be without LVDIA g. PlRgEaM'S -IIYXa VLJ They par cotisljpation, fflllOTsasst and toipidity of the liver. cents per box, tld by adl Dras-aists. 1 3.- -y I ! : Madame ml 1 Whose comptesion betrays some hamiliatiiig Jmperfec tionV wlio iniiTOT0 tells you that yon are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured in countenance or haye Ernptibits, rKednesS, Bonghness or unwholesome tints of complexion, tto say nse Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It is a delicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entranc ing ; tints, the artificiality of which ho QfoserTer can detect, andi which soon becomes per? manentif the Magnolia Balm 1 .sV" jnereijt'jyrftjr fairy's ? 4 ti. 5 5 r-ia!S2!ssia: MeAAen Jiil ,i'a.;: its J ,,VM;a i,;J;,., 'ULJxiX J? lXlljSld improved inter est jaWe. catert!ar. eus Sent to any address on receipt of two Theee-chn tamp3. Address 3 CHAKLE8 K. HIBE9. - :-;!.... . 48 N. Delaware Ave. Phila. BOOKS ON BUILDING, E ting, Ac- ror 1882 eighty-page IlL'Cal address, enclosing three 8 -cent stamna. . Painting, Decora- Catalogue, WM. T. COMStOCK. 1943roadway, New York. bold medal: the Author. An,iwanriiiTo!it M.. ioal Work, warranted the beet and cheapest, indispensable to every mtn,entiUed "the Science of Mfe 1 or,Self-Preeervation ;" bound in finest French muslin, embossed, full giltOO ppsontains beautiful TOgTavrngs.ias prescxip- tions. tmca 2o8ent by mail . illustrated sample. 6 cents: send nowaddress Peabody Med' w M- uiiiu duw Aiusujn, OVR CONTINENT A NEW HXCSTBATED Literary Weekly Jonraal, NETIHEiB POLITICAL NOB SECTARIAN; Conducted by ALBION W. TOUBGEE. author of "A Fool's Errand," etc., assisted by Daniel G. Brinton and Bobert S. Davis. FIRST NUMBER ISSUED FEBRUARY 1, 1882. The most distinguished authors and skilful ar tiste, both American and English, have been en gaged Dy '-OUR CONTINENT." The February numbers contain novels and stories by Helen Campbe l, Mrs. Alexander, E. P. Boe, Julian Hawthorne,. John Habberton, R. H. Davis, etc.; poems by Oscar Wilde, Louise Chandler Moulton. G, H. BOker, Sidney Lanier, G P. Lathrop, Cella Tnaxter. etc, ; entertaining sketches by C. G. Le land. (Hans Breltman) D. G. Mitchell, (Ike Mar- yel) FeBr Ositald etc.; solid papers by President rorrer or xaie, isnot or Harvard, rrovost Fepper. of the University of Pennsylvania, tc.; fashion notes by Kate Field; art illustrations by Louis C. Tiffany r science by Profs. - Rothrock,' Barber, etc. social tigjet.b Mrs. Moulton; rural improve ment by Hon B. G. Northrop; fun and humor by kj. nu iiarK, (.max Aaierj -uncie nemus" and a host of others. . ' BSAD'iiFtiL ItLtrsTBATroNg are a leading feature ot "OUR WNT1NBNT." They are the finest that art can produce and equal to the most perfect in ui muuuiiies. ... Price 10 cents a number; 84 a year; $2 six montns. mailed tree of postage to any address, Specimen copy iree. jewsaeaiers win nna it to their interest to pre sent "uwi iiui.LnjsjM r io me r customers. Postmasters are invited to tak'3- subscriptions, Liberal commission. Book Canvassers can add largely to their incomes without interfering with their regular business, by acunior "um uupt riaiSjNT." Write for particulars to "OUR CONTINENT," Philadelphia, Pa. A GRICULTURAL LIME :and: CARBONATE OF LIME. Best and Cheapest Fertilizers. Send for Circular. FRENCH BROTHERS, BOCKY POINT, N. 0. THE HIGHEST AWARDS oTpffid In the GREAT WORLD'S FAIR in LONDON, 1S51; at the GREAT EXPOSITION in PARIS, 1867; at the INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION In CHILI, 1ST5 ; and at tho grand CENTEN NIAL EXHIBITION in Philadelphia, 1S76. All persons wishing to purchase (or ex amine) instruments aro respectfully in vited ta visit oar Warcrooms, Send or Circular and Pries List. (WICKERING & SOUS, 130 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. 1156 Tremont S., Boston. Jan2o drw4w North Carolina BaiSroad. OOffDSirSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. THE CHIBKEBIM6 J IH II I llll II III II Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. R5 No 51 No. 53 Daily. Daily. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4.30 pm 8 30am 8.10 pm " Salisbury, 6.17pm 5.30 a m io.02 p m Arrive Greensb'ro 8.00 p m 7.36am 1205am Leave ureensb'ro 8.18 p m 7.56 am 12.15 a m Arrive N Danville 10.10 p m 10 00 a m 12.23 am Leave N. Danville 1 1.30 p m 10 15 a m Arrive Richmond, 7.40 a m 3.55 p m Leave Greensb'ro . 9.50 a m Arrive Raleigh,.. . 1.52 p m Leave Raleigh,.. 2. 1 7 p m Arrive Goldsboro' 4.20 p m Mo. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. R. for all points East-and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with train for Balelgh and Goldsboro. . No. 55 Connects at Greensboro' with B.4D. fi. fi. tor all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond. Ko. 6-r-Conncts at Greensboro' with B, i D, R. R. for all points East and West, via Danville only. , TKAiirs eonrQ wsst. . Date,Pa 18,:1 No. 64 DaTly. No. 50 Dairy. No. 52 Dally. t Leave Goldsboro'1 12.20 pm 12.40 pm 4 00 pm 12.07 pm 6.30 pm a30pm 8.40 pm 10.37 m Arrive Balelgh,. ieave oaieign, . . Leave Richmond, " N.Danville 11.25 pm 7.35 a m 9 80am 9 35 am 11.22 am 1.05 pm 7.48 pm 9.30 p m 9.85 pm 11.15 pm 12.40 a m ArrlvetJreehsb'rol Leave Greensb'ro! Leave feBsbury, . ArrivetCharlotte,. 12.25 m ' N. W. N. C. RAILROAD. CrOIKB WK3T. NO. 50 Daily. Leave Greensboro ; 9.51 pm Arrive Kemer8Ville. -11.07 pm Arrive Salem 11.6.0 pm NO. 52 Dally , except Sunday. Leave Greensboro.-. 10.00am Arrive Kernersvllle 11.00 a m Arrive Satem,. 1 1.80 a m ; GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. " . Leave Salem...- 7.80 am Arrive Kernerevllle -. 8.04 a m Arrive Greensboro... 9.00 a m i ... " NO. 53-Dally. Leave Baiem.. 4.30 pm Arrive Kernersvllle 5.10 pm Arrive Greensboro. , . . . U.80 p m PiiIIm Sleeping: Cars WiW Cliaiige Oairaln No. 51, between Atlanta and New Torn, via. Danville. On Train No. 55, between Augusta and Wash lnetonvla Danville. On Train No. 63, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Ban ville. On Train No. 60, between Ne w York and Atlanta via Danville. " '. On Train No. 52, between Washington and An-gusta-yla Danville. , On Train No. 54, between Washington' and At lanta, via Danville. . ... ,. iarThrough Tickets on sale at ereensbore Raleigh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South', Southwest, West, North and East i for Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, - -A. POPE, ' ' : .;. General Passenger Agent. uec3r' . , Bichm6nd,ya. TAX. NO.TICE! lAliG'araoimt 'ti axetfisyetdrie. lam iTeuimd to setUe,wUh tW oun1yf . I, cannot : ttVBQ until the tax payers pay me. . I therefore notify 11 persxms thatl wHl proceed ta collect all taxes by law unless., paid, during this month.; It would give me pleasure to grant the tax-payers furtherTridti3geneeTut tfts-not irr my TO CALL AT EDDINS' BOOK STOKE BEFORE YOD MAKE We win not here attempt to enumerate what we have but if you will call we will satisfy you that we have the flnest;a8S0rtment of -HOLIDAY GOODS- ever brought to this market. Call and see our Display whether you buy or not. A One lot of of all descriptions, Just received. Remember none can under-buy us, and none can under sell us. decl8 -COTTON FACTORY--FORSALE. BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of ov. Catawba county, made in the case of P c Shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. a. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Chambers by Hon. A C AJH7'iudge!.an dated 7ln daT o January! 1882, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at public sale at the Cotton Factory of the Catawba Manufacturing Company, on the Catawba River. In Catawba county, on MONDAY, TUB 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1882, the following valuable property, to-wlt: The Granite Shoals, in Catawba county, and the Cotton Factory of said Catawba ManuracUirliuj Company located 3 miles from the W. N. 0. H. ; 8 uiliea from Catawba Station on said railroad, 11 miles from SUtesville, and 6 mhes West Irom Trout man's Depot on the A., T A O. R R: includluii 8 4 acres of land on the South side of the Cataw&a River, on which Is situated the said Factory, three good dwelling houses containing 6 rooms each and 12 cottages containing from 2 to 4 rooms' each for opera Ives, a storehouse, stables and other out houses, bald Factory is a building 60 feet long by 42 feet wide, two stories high, with an "L" 50x20 feet, and another ' L" 90x22 feet, a flre-proot Picker House 80x20 feet, situated 110 feet from the main building of the Factory. Also the following machinery in the said Factory, viz 1 picker, i 36-inch double beater and lapper, 7 37-Inch 14-top Jtnk's flat cards, 1 Asa Lee 18 Inch delivery drawing frame, 1 20-strand list speeder (9-inch bobbins), 8 spinning frames, 1,066 spin dles (Brldesburg make), also spoolers, warper, qulllers, beainers, &c, 42 new and most improv ed plnid looms (30 Brldesburg and 12 Ward's make), with all necessary fixtures and findings, and with warps ready to start up. Dye house and Blzlng machinery of the most Improved style with vats and vessels complete. All pnits of the build ing furnished with steam-pipes to warm the build ing, supplied with steam from a 20-horse power boiler. All the property, buildings, machinery, &c, in good condition and In good repair. Also, on the Northern side of the river. Imme diately opposite the Factory and adjoining the river and the Shoal, which extends across, 21 seres of land, with a fine water-power with solid roek foundation. The head of the water on the Southern side, on which Is the Factory, is about 6 feet. For more accurate and definite description of the property and conditions of the sale, reference is maae to the decree in the above stated case. The terms of said sale will b9 20 per cent of the purchase money in cash, and the remainder in equal installments of 90 and 1 20 days, bond and ood security being required of the purchaser for the installments. Also, at the same time and place the under signed, as Receiver, will se.ll FOM CASH, the fol lowing articles of personal properly, viz: 2 mules, 2 wagons and harness, lot of tivp.s and dvn stuffs. the material now In process of manufacture, con sisting of warps, nlaids and Tarns. Also, a small stock of general merchandise.,- consisting of boots, shoes, dry goods, bacon and such other articles of groceries and dry goods as ape usually kept in country store. JOHN L. C0B3, January 24th, 1882. Receiver. Lincolnton, N. C. Jan24 tds JUST GO TO PERRY'S and see what Clffl FRUITS He has f or New Yeai'siiDmners.tand how very cheap he Is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS dec31 Icid Phosphate 400 TONS HIGH GRADE ---ACID PHOSPHATE,- Containing 12 to 13 percent Soluble Phosphoric Acid. Analysis Guaranteed. WARRANTED GENUINE, Just Received. Special Inducements to dealers and large buyers. . CH AS. E. SMITH, Wholesale Dealer In Guano and Commission Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan29 1m ' : j CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. ADESIRABXB residence', three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, eta The house Is Admirably, adapted for the residence of a lawyerr doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. rFor loxthOT rrtlcHlars, -price, terms, etc apply at V THIS OFFICE. JUly20.dtf li,--! - . ;. . TKE Lot on the comeTofinnth street and the North Carolina Railroad, tronUng 140 feet on Nmth street and 198 feet a' the North Carolina Railroad, ni either be sold as a whole or divided Into two lots of. 70 by 196 feet. Suitable eltber for JjuUutaBtorattpurrxwBA: Apply toTTtt- Your Holiday Pnrchases

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