ooU una gorj gviulitig THE OBSERYEB JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapaess. We can fur nish at short notice, -BLANKS, BILLHEADS, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS,1 RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, &c. 8VB80BXPTIOH BATES: Daily, one year, posirvaid, in advance 88.00 Six months 4.00 Three months- 2.00 One month 75 WttBKLY EDITION: Weekly in the county), in advance .$2.00 Outqfttewnty, PostrpaSd 2.10 xmontht: 1.05 ty Liberal induction Jbr Cbrtt. i CHARLOTTE, N. C., TUESDAY PEBtJiY- SMi VOL. XXVII. NO. 4,030. filaug ' THE YOUNG GENTLEMEN OF CHABLOTTE, And the old ones too, are hereby Informed that we have taken the Agency for one of the Largest and Most Reliable Houses In the United States for manufacturing CLOTMNK TO ORDER. -WE HAVE - Two or Three Hundred Samples YESTERDAY AVE RECEIVED a lot of New Fresh Of the latest and most Spring. We will t utlful styles for this your measure, Goods, ORDER VOl! A SUIT, And if it Is not a PERFECT FIT, and everything perfectlr satisfactory, the suit can be returned. We can furnish with a suit from $16.00 to $55.00. you t5?- We would like for all who want a Spring Suit to cull and look at our samples. OF ALL GRADES AND Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, with Insertions to match. CP" Another large Instalment of Ladles' Neck Wear, embracing all that is Dew and desirable. Several pieces or Watered Silks and Satin Stripe Moire at prices that must sell them. Also Black Embroidered Brussels, Net and Beaded Lace, the latest and most tasteful trimming out for fine Black Goods. T. I, Seisle & Co. feblO ALEXANDKR & HARRIS. go0ts and 1105 882. 1882. :o: :: Spring :o : : o : Pegram & o., Have received and are dlly receiving BEAUTIFBL LINE OF HGG EKE ITTTTRSS.,"m P, OK NN N T 2 " ( RS NSK T SS GfiOR N N N T GGO EKE M H5 T 8 SSSS Sill, SI and Felt -HATS.- Don't Fail to Call and See Tim. PEGRAM & CO. febU MWHHTS fto continue to tot as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks. Copyrights, etc, lor the United states, Canada. Cuba, England, Stance, Germany, etc. We have had thirty-fire years' experience. Patents obtained through as are noticed in the Scr ENfinc Auiricaic. This large and splendid Illus trated weeklypaper,$3.Oayearshowsthe Progress of ftcienflfc. 1 verv interesting, and has an enormous circulation. Iddress MUNN Sc CO., Patent Solici tors, rub's, ui' sciiirnnc ahimcah, 87 Park Kow, KewYorlc. Hand book about Patents free. DIVIDEND NOTICE. T NOkTn CAROLINA BAILBOAD COMPANY, Secretary and Treasurers ymce, Company Shops, N. C, January 81st, 1882. HE Directors of the North Carolina Baiiroaa Company have daclarad a aiiaena oi o yr cent-three per c-.nt paable 1st Marcn, to siock. holders of record on 10th February next; and three per cent on 1st September, to stockholders of record on loth Augus; next The stock books will be c osed from 10th February to 1st March, and frctn iota August to 1st September. l 8i!. P. B. BUFsIM, febl lm Secretary. NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg, I will sell at Public Auction at the court house In Cnarlotte, on MONDAY, THE 27TH OF FEBRUARY, 1882, (being the week of Superior Court,) that aluable lot or parcel of land lying between the Intersection of the North Carolina Railroad track and Trade street, adjoining the P. M. Brown lots and others, nOW If HAtun a a rna QnMar nrnrwrtW. Resold because of purchaser at late sale falling to comply. v . Terms-Wi cash; bats nee on 8 and 6 months fedit, with interest Title wwwedM security for balance. B. BARrilNGEB, iec'24 d oaw ids Commissioner. vvfts&l 0al E- B. VaNoa. W. H BAIL!. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorn en and OoilMelloTl CHARLOTTE, N. C, Practics in Suorems Court of the Dnited States Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal courts, and eounues ox Meejuen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, JL9nm. two Square. n Sowan and Da vidson. doors east of Independence may29-tx Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured ; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and sifeiy in such cases as fUKHX UA V IS' prompt saved t avo cure. PAIN KILLER. The use of this invaluable remedy 003 thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLER is not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued Where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Patr Killer has been my household remedy for colds for toe past twenty-eeven years, and hi pever known it to fail In effecting Ij. B. tj rocker, wuuamHVUle, n. x. For thirty years I have used Pain Ktllxh, and found it a never-failing remady for colds and sore throat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and ore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an Invaluable remedy. Gjeo. B. Everett, Dickinson, N.Y. ,7 I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I nave had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it O. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty rears, and have never known it to faiL Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I bejran using Pain Kiiaeb in my family twenty five years ago and have used it ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. V. Dyer, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and cronp it Is the best S reparation made. We would not be without it . P. Bouts. Liberty Mills. Va. For twenty -live years I have used Patn Killer for colds and chapped 11: medicine ever offered. n.c. and consider it the best eo.Hooper, Wilmington, T WftA nffftrtner BAVftTplv with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doeea was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from cosnocton : xonr -ai ITEMS OF INTEREST. Arkansas has only six Republican pa pers. The commission aDDointed in Ger many to revise Luthers translation of the Bible has completed its work. A company with a capital of $100,000, has been organized to introduce, the electric light at Columbus, Ga. Princess Louise is busy shipping maidens from England to Canada, where they are expected to find homes and husbands. In Robertson county, Tenn- a la wsuit over a bench worth 50 cents, the costs amounted to $75. Mrs. Sherman, of "West Fourteenth street, New York, has given $50,000 to tne sixteenth Baptist cnurcn or tnat city on certain conditions, one of which is that the name shall be changed to the Sherman Memorial Baptist Church, in memory of her husband and son. - Two vounsr ladies named Meriweth er, belles of Huntsville, Ala., daughters of the former chief enneineer of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad, and nieces of the late noted authoress. Miss L. Virginia French, left their father's house Friday night, with two young lawyers, ostensibly to attend a concert, but boarded a train for Nashville and were married. Charles W. West caused a hearty sal vo of handclaps among the trustees of the Cincinnati Art Museum the other day by announcing that he wanted to give the museum a valentine in the shape of a $150,000 check. This makes $300,000 given by Mr. West to the mu seum. A Milwaukee man who had the small-pox, and was criticised by the Sentinel for meandering around and being sociable, called at office of that pa per to resent the attack, but he had on ly to announce his name to have the office to himself. Editors should be very cautious about criticizing small pox patients. A six-year-old child has been taken to the Atlanta Medical College whose head by aotual measurement was thirty-six and one half inches oue way and thirty-four the other. Miss Minnie Hauck landed in New York in the beginning of last week, having come direct from Germany. She reached Little Rock, Ark., on Wed nesday, was married on Thursday to her lover, who had migrated from the old country some months before, died on Friday and was buried on Sunday. Heart disease. ntrle Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to call a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing bo many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. AU druggists sell It at 5c, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS &. SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I sept dAw sept A oct. POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lom of appetlfre,yaagea,bow6lg costive, Pain in theHead.with a dull enaationln the back part. Pain under tne shoulder blade. full" after eating, witn a dialn; cttnation to exertion of body or mind. T ratability of temper. Low spirits, Losa of memory, with a feeling or naying neg lected some duty, weariness. Dizziness. 'ETnttering of the Heart. Dots before the eyes. Vellqw bkin. Headache. Etestlesa ness at night, highly colored Orlne. IF THESE WAEirnrGS ABEinrHIEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON RE DEVELOPED. TOTTS PHIiS especially adapted to siclicasesne dose effects suchachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Thoy Increase the. Appetite. and wwjths badvte Take on Fleab. thus the system Is irUh"Tan"bythei7To..lAelonon the ducer Price 35 cepte. Si Murray St-, X.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hatb ot Whiskers changed to a msar Soldby Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of fl. Office, 33 Murray SU New York. CD- TOTTS AHtAL of Valuable lafarmOm J ) VmM iSslpto will k aUe FBJtt appUU. Feby. 28deodwl ' ' .. Gingerv Buchu, Man drake, Stilllnp, and many of the best medi cines known ara com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a mediane of such yaried powers, as to make It the greatest Tilrvul Purifier and UM . DcstHealthAStremrth Bssterer Krer va. It cares BJwrniarisrB, r, i m, j;.mi PflrkfiP'S - - trfthe Stamach, Boweh, I lai NCI v .WJJ.. TKidnen. Lin! Uolfnm, V entirely diftereatfirrjin nan mojouiiii jMSGi-,, ueMi rifal color to crny hair. . & Qvm1.llt Carter ts. The Western North Carolina -Railroad. Greensboro Patriot 15. ' At the hearing before Judge Dick at Chambers yesterday, the motion of in terpleader filed by TvD. Carter, In the case ef the Western North Carolina I Railroad vs.- the jeommissioners. of Burke and McDowbU, was dismissed. The motion was not farther pressed,'; neither Carter nor bis attorney being; present As understood generally 'the claim is an absurd; 6nei Alance- at1 the main facts will show that it ia. monstrously absurd. From the xecords and other equally authentic sources we gainer me ioiiowiug poms, woicn are positively conclasiye of xhe case J Carter claims to have' purchased the Western North CarolinarRailroad at an execution sale under Judgement ios favor of T. Y. GreenleeTon the 7th of February, 1876. In rewj: it ia said the road was previously sold under a decree of the United States circuit court in the case of Hiram Sibley and others vs. the Western North Carolina Railroad. That Greenlee was a party of record to this suit and filed an answer through his attorney. In law this estopps Greenlee, and of course, would estopp Carter. But Carter alleges in his pe tition that Greenlee did not authorize an attorney to appear for him in the case. The attorney who filed the an swer was B. S. Gaither, and that ' fact itself would be a sufficient refutation, of Carter's allegation. But Greenlee has furnished a statement which puts the question beyond all cavils He says I authorized and employed Col. B. S. Gaither, an attorney, to look after my interests and represent me,1 if necessary, in the case of Sibley and others vs. the Western North Carolina Railroad in the United States circuit courts aw he did ;ExD08ara. irffl MOdacfl eelda. throal 6nsunDtlon. etc .all of which alye wanrlng by a trouoieaome cengn. use ui. wi cooga: syrup iri time, and relieve both the cause and ellectof yenrdisccam! 3Si .BKiuirjx wisa the. hub Mayte enUrelV prevented by ihe use ol BTJB NyrTa COCDlINX. ; No oOier eofflpormd po sessesthe pecnllar properties hlch so eiacOy stilt the yartoua eondttJoDi of the hnman hair.1 It saftensthe hair when harsh and dry. ' soothes tip irritated Bcatf. It affords the riches ltatrei' It prsTents the' haJr from faJl'ng itL R promotes its llAaUhvJ tlowm 'nnth T la rtnt DOT B ieTe, n .dlsyeeable odor. It kills ejItoToog Kracts wtowpJobethe MURDOCK'S LIQUID FOOD, Roberts' Extract of If alt and Heat, recommended by Dr. J Marlon 81ms, of New York. . Sold by WILBON & B UK WELL. WE HAVE IN Store some fine French Brandy. Guaranteed pure. WILSON! A BUB WELL. FOUR AND FIVE T OW Ensllsh Toeth Brashes of the best quality, -Lb WILSON Jc BOB WELL, umggastsi Dl'T AT OUR LACE CTJRTlIJNTS, We hate some beautiful styles, also some handsome patterns in Cretones. We still hare a few HEAVY GOODS on hands that will pay you to buy for another season. We have ust received the pretUest and cheapest stock of Ever Offered1 In this market "PEABL" SB3BT, "EYITTS" SHOES, &c brows HARGRAVES & WILHELM. X7SSENCE of Jamaica Gl: XV at LS r. a fresh amvai ft BUB WELL'S - Drag Store. HY0ROLINE." (HTDBATSD OIL.) by virtue of this authority. , have me 1 rpoNiC Digestive anfl t'ghiy NuWtive. 8oidr by represented in said suir." This would Li wilson a bubwelu LAWRENCE'S How Spurious Champagne is Made. New York Tribune. In the last three or four years the consumption of American wines has in creased to a marked extent in New York and throughout the country. The reason for such a change in a great measure is attributed to the ravages of the phylloxera in Franco and to the consequent failure of French wine crops. It is an undisputed fact that of the medium grade wines not the time honored brands for which fancy prices are paid the supply in France i3 not sufficient at present to meet the home consumption. People have grown sus picious in regard to the a rencn wines sold in this country, and are now to in clined to prefer the home brands. One evil, however, wnicn may result from the popularity of home wines is an increase in the low grades of imita tion or 'charsed" champagnes, which tend to produce a prejudice against ali American champagnes. nere are over half dozen houses carrying on the manufacture of spurious sparkling wines in New York, two of them being on Broadway. The method of operation is simple. The raw wine is ciearea Dy the use of aluminum.celatineand alum the latter imparting to it great brilli ancy. After being treated wnn a fla vored syrup tne wine is cnargeu, uk.b soda water, with carbonic acid gas, oy nlaf.incr the bottle under a fountain. Under this process the wine is liable to h lmnrecnated witn Dotn leaa ana cop per, which have the effect of disorganiz- lnjT Hi Ilit) Ul W1UH itUU lUO wuouuiw a stomach. Nausea, headache and ill re sult from drinking sparkling wines thus prepared. A Lively Grandmother. The "EmDress of Austria has been for some time a grandmother, and probably grows old, as do other people ; due sue doesnt seem to show it in the least, and her Amazonian instincts are as strong as ever. As usual, at this season of the year, she is indulging her fancy for fox hunting in tne uritisn isies at vauuuci mere Abbey. It is a fine old mansion, set in wooded grounds and facing a beautiful lake. She brought with her a Ioxo-a suite and fiftv horses. At the first hunt there was a great gather ing of sportsmen. Her majesty roue re- gasus, a dark brown mare, and wnen the bugle sounded as a signal in acme first fox was away, 200 norsemen, mounted on the best animals me coun try could boast, dashed on ac iuu speeu in pursuit across the valley, with the hounds in fall cry. But the fox, after scampering over a few fields and dou bling:, was lost in tne cover uum wuiu became, xne second animai tutu woo unearthed showed better sport, and was killed after a run or an nour ana twenty minutes. The impress was in at the death and goc ine uruau. ai i said that she would like to goto tne I neighboring island, since she is mount ed on horses 01 maccniess pnysicai vuw- ity.ihigh mettle and high training; there is more stir ana excitement in riding over dangerous ditches, rugged stone fences, and the wild rough coun try of Ireland than over the level grass fields and simple ditches of Cheshire, but the Land League looks with disfa vor even on imperial iux uuuuug. seem to vindicate CoL tfaither from Carter's aspersions. It is also fatal to Carter's case. Apart from this it is claimed as a matter f record that Greenlee was duly served with process in the Sibley suit, and that the judge ment would be. binding against mm as a Judgement pro eonfesso. Carter pur chased the Ureeniee judgment ebru ary 7th, 1S76, after the sale of the road under the Sibley judgment to the State of North Carolina in June previous. Thus he was a purchaser with full notice, and had no equity. It is further argued, that this argu ment seems as fatal as the other, that the Western North Carolina Railroad had no existence as a corporation when it was alleged to have been sold by the sheriff under the Greenlee judgment. It had become extinct by force of tbe sale under the Sibley judgment in 1875. It then passed into the hands of the State and the road was operated by the State through a board of commission ers. The road had no organized cor porate existence until February 1879. The sheriff sold nothing and Carter bought nothing. It is further contend ed that the sheriff's deed passed no title because there was no dehvery of the goods no possession as prescribed by a North Carolina statute regulating sales of corporations" under execution. Unon the question of theextinction of the corporation there has-been a decis sion of the supreme court pf this State. In Young vs. Rollins (85th Report) it Is decided that the Western division of the Western North Carolina Railroad is extinct by virtue. of Act March 13, 1S79 which repealed its charter, in this case of Rollins vs. the Western North Carolina Railroad the validity of this Act was passed upon and declared to be constitutional and valid. It is further declared that the Eastern division has become extinct by reasons of the "Best" Act, March 19th, 1880. If extinct, as de cided, very clearly there is nothing for Don Quixito Carter to levy on except that imperishable wind-mill, it still stands as a monument to people's fol ly. Carter also claims to have bought the Western division of this much liti gated property. He purchased under a judgment in favor of A. T. Davidson, of Asheville. This road has been sold under three other executions previouly, all of which have been assigned to the present owners. In addition to this it is claimed that all of Carter's railroad interests have been sold under sundry executions, and the interest in these ex ecutions assigned to the present own ers Messrs. Clvde. Loeau and Buford. This would seem to dispose of what Carter designates in his "book" as his "equity" in the premises. Carter alleges in his "book that the judgment in the Sibley suit was obtain ed by fraud and collusion between the plaintiffs and defendants. On of the defendants was R. Y. Mc Aden; of Charlotte," and it is a part of the history of this suit that a similiar allegation made by Carter some years ago was re futed by McAden with a knock-down argument which left its impression in: the vicinity of Carter's visual organs. It will bedtime enough to treat this al gation seriously when any proof is offered to sustain it. But supposing it trae, it does hot effect the 'State's title in the remotest. The State was a pur chaser without any notice and for a valuable consideration. And snpposing it did, it is barred by the statute of limitations. The law in this State re quires that a bill for relief against fraud shall be fild within three y.ears. It has now been seven years since the alleged fraud, ;An examination of the records and pleadings discloses the points indi cated and shows very conclusively! the utter absurdity of this pretended claim. There are other points that might be mentioned but we have not the space at our command this week. TMRSH GLOVES, at X1 WILSON BUB WELL'S feb!8 Drag Store. MIMvlll ,M Mil I I 11 imMMiimMhviR Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden s Drug Store ABATOGA CBT, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid: cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, Is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Becommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, ' CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. N ! 1 And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLUNARI NORTH CAROLINA ATO Hnnyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY 11 TJNTADI TAN08. H THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: ; . Dos: A wine glass ran before breakfast. T7 ZBVMBimyBdl Janos. Baron Lieblg af firms that Its richnesH In aperient salts surpasses thst Of all other Known waters," . : . The British Medical .fowr''Hunra Janos. The most agreeable; safest, arid most efficacious aperient water." M: L Prof. TVvAoni BerBn.VTnvTlably good and prompt success; most valuable." 1, W. Banibmrgtr, Vienna "r have prescribed these wrlteis with remarka We success." -. Pro. jScowiwi, . Wurszburg. I prescribe none butthtt.6. ; ' " .IT- Prof. Ijanatf Brmaon, M. Dr.u. iwa "More Bleasant than Ha rtrals. and Surpasses them In efficacy ," , - - rEmjk.-li.;' Boyal MffltaryHos- pital, Netley.-'Preferred to imna ana wiko-rtchsbau' JOHN H. JIcADEN, " Importtng and Dispensing Fharmadst. North Tryon SC.. DON'T GO TO SABATOQA When von can set water lost as fresh and spark' irngas when It flows from the spring at Ban , iv ifcniw inu nmr m mm iiurx uir iod which we return as soon as earned to be reflUed again every wees. i PreserlpUons carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night luly28 - 0t22, lie), n an a ham. TN the state and ttMte8tate Cotirts; Pfj H0nw mA foreign, , solicited. JUa . SSinn1"1' aorveyi, fBrnishw i om.. STCHABLBSBOTmi; rrtEtS house '-luat bien leased fw jti ?a2 f iir M-rTrta. nanaa,wios'4Dteattoaf'is to -a. V7 '2rrvr:-iL-,.- in m rMosou iiL'to car e:. The fetrouage; w .bw "U"VM- Wiping Out Old Trfiditions. The old social traditions about the Presidency have suffered a good many. Rhnrksof late vears. and. apparently, Mr. Arthur proposes to give them the. finishing blow. Till uranrs aay me unwritten law of the White House for bade its occupant to accept an invita tion to a private residence, urani Drose the old rule, and Hayes went Still f ur ther by not only accepting invitations ' i - L. . mv f to pnvace ainners, uui uv gumg uuv make calls on people he wished to con sult, instead of summoning them to the White MOUSa.' -rtnur uas uapuwi mo climax by . calling on the wife of one of his cabinet during her weekly recer tiotf On Wednesday one of those re ceptions which, anyuoay is pnvnegeu taattendL 1 However,thenew:rresident makes up for bis inBOvation in this di redtion by Intr()diiCrri;itfpte; vigorous rules about we aamissiuu.oi. , uwui w the WhitftHouseaBa about the hand shaking nuisance,' so that, perhapsphe is averaging Uilngg.i r.cr -i - h. leaths'lnf Paris. ' piBis;el)! ' Waldick Bou seau, Sr- and, Mame Celeste are dead. Omfooiisa are iandeaoi .of psxtteslo to-. troducsnew remedies .1.1... tku ahnnlri know tnat luA .DSOviv ; wl;l hare Dr. Buffs cough syrup and nothing elsfe Finding a Safe. Balelgh News and Observer. Yesterday morning, while. Mr.S. (x. Worth, of the State Fish Commission; was digging a trench through the pond in Oakwooa Cemetery, so as to slightly drain it, in order to remove some Ger man carp placed there; he made a startr line discovery. The workmen struck a hard. Doay, wnicn, Dy uib eieruou ui much strength, was removed and found to be an iron safe, of the pattern in use by the government. . Its door had been forced open, and the casing turned hack with a "jimmy, as was (evident On examination. ' , ; The necro warsraen were irreauy ex- citHd at the discovery, and - at first thought! they had struck a DOnanza. 1 The paint is in perfectly good condi tion, even the paint and: varnish on it beincr'uniniured. Mr. Worth says that he is informed that some years ago a saloon kept Dy maas, near uamp jams- sellr'Was enierea vj vuiees una iuib hsafA taken away, nothing having ever been known or its whereabouts unui yesterday. - " ' '' r U'e-wrJElnglaD.d's Decadence. .IfewTork finai Tn ft hrtiisa twice as numerous as that whoraif Webster made his , sneech on: the Greek revolution,-; it can scarcely j DISSOLUTION. THE Beer Bottling business heretofore eonduct ,ed in Charlotte by Cochrane ft Muftzler has been this day dissolved by mutujOcon wt Eebruary 9, 1 882. E.'C MUNZLEB. ' NOTICE. HAVING bought out the interest of Mr. W. B. Cochrane In the Beer Bottling bosiness, I will here after eanduct the bosiness, as agent for the Berg ner fc Xugel Company, in Chartottev and while re turning thanks for past patronage, respectfully solicit favors in the future. . , . 1 Respectfully, 7 f eblO " ' ' Tf-; C- ITOjNZLEB. TURKEYS, CBANBEBBIES, HONEY, N. O. KOLA88E8, Sweet and Irisk Potatoes, ' ' -AT- ' S. M. HOWEL L'S. febl7 STARTLING DISCOVERY! obtain ten rflemwra. in, 'snorti unaet the Dending bill. ISBW jngiana, wnica ifarmnriv: elected 1 one-elehtb tit tw LOST CIAMHOOD RESTORED. '-- a mum. mt MnfhAtl IniMaluet flSUShl Ikhmm WKnlW. last SB ' ll ' ., .i nr li A Hawaii KlftSlV 1 ! tLfesfet IN THE SOUTH. 4flran The Mi Music llos J. : : : ' THE ONLY EOUSK i) First-Class Instruments. uogs- I II I 1 Mil II I I II rvoirsl II ' I IIIMIII1I I ll I ttvt . mi i m .. GENERAL FEED DEALERS I -AHD- I COMMISSION MUBCHABTU OM MISSION MERCHANT IO, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE HOW ON HftHQ; Am l A VTTT.L RTTPPLY OF r lUfiAnlilfifiAJiTnfi Maai n U 11 m lilnn I I ill mm I Hamuli niuiuii WHITE AND TELLOW CORN, f PEABL GBTTS, BRAN, - QMIwMft PATAPSCO PATENT fflf 1 jf' 2) PBOCE38 TLOTJB, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HKCKKBS EELF-BAISLNQ BUCKWHEAT FLOUB -10- '7 CHICK KRING & SON3, KRANICH & BACH, MATHDSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And oilier tIAN'03. MASON & HAMLIN, 8HONINGKR. PKLOUBKT & CO.. . STERLING. AND OTHER ORGANS. THAT SELLS STRICTLY Ask me for prices if you want good work and you will never buy anything but the bet. Address or call on, McSMITH. CHABLOTTE. H. C Telephones ! Telephones ! THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE Telegraph Company, Is the sole licensee of the erican Bell Telephone Company FrJr supplying Telephones In the States of Virginia, west Virginia, (soutn oi tne a. a u. n. jio, ui Carolina, Koutn uaronna, Jtionaa aua &i:iuiuun. PEIVATE LIKES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented 'or parHculars address sAttthkkn bkll TELFPHONL and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, febll eod Sm 105 Broadway, New York. formerly : tilectea ; one-eianui ''Wkwq,,, ind freb bMrse, witi be slv-ed td ttlrSee of ini4Miug; ryears. - v 8ep 18 WILL GLADLY PTE PRICES BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TBJCDE. Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Indenendent Hook & Ladder Truck House, is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, sunn as GBAIHTNG Gnilding, Kakomining, Frescoing, ftc. jan26tf ar BearectfuBy' aolldUng a patrooamwf an respectfully, CENTRAL HOTEL. JanlS HATE talren charge of the above Hotel, in GREENSBORO, N. CL, and will run it In FIRST aha STYLE, and .Will be elad to have mi nan ex vorti Rnnrndav. ; uk. pttr. .tb I ureensooro. a. u leDruary ma, losa. fhQ 9.vt A. 3. BEALL A CO. I '5 ' aiyi,au

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