1 LOC AL MATTERS. TUESDAY, FEB. 21, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. PHALiHi Lodge Na 81, i.F.41. M. Regular 01 ee ting every second and fourth Monday nights. Exoklsiob Lods No. 261, A. F. & A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nlghta. CBAiaxmm Chaptxb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nlghta. Chaklott ComtAJtrDABT Na 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdays. IC- OH?1 EC. K sights or Honor. Regular meeting every second and fourth Thursdays. knights or Pythias. Regular meeting nights first and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. ra. at Ma sonic Temple HalL X. O. O. IF1. Charlotte Lodgk No. 88. Meets every Mon day night- Mecklknbubo Dkclabatiom Lodsb Na ft Meets every Tuesday night Dixie LODaa No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba River Encampment No. 21. Meets irst and third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advertisements. Chns. B. Hires-Diary Free. j p Miller $1000 Reward. W H Parker Know Thjself. Wm. Simpson & Sons The Best CaUco K M. Andrews New Fu'Blture.. 'M. Howetl Labrador Herring. Key Found -This Office. BUSINESS NOTICES. UBL1MELY SUPERB. A pair of beautiful Sun flowers on Easels will be mailed free to any lady who will send a three cent postage stamp to Dr. C. W. Benson, 106 No. Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. Gentlemen Your Hop Bitters have been of eri-at value to me. I was laid up with typhoid fever Tor over two months and could get no relief until 1 trM your Hop Bitters. To those suffering from debility or any one In feeble health, I cordially re commend them. J. C. Stoktzkl, w 683 Fulton street, Chicago, m. It Is the Height of Folly to wait until you are la bed with disease you may not get over for months, when you oan be cured during the early symptoms by Parker's Ginger Tonic. We have known the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine. Observer. BSD FORD ALUM AWD IBOH 8PRIK88 WATKB AND Mass. The great tonic and alterative coatalns lwloe as much iron and fifty per cent more alum tnum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so feneral. Sold by all druggists of any standing, 'rices reduced one half, mayll tf A revolution In the treatment of nervous dis eases Is now taking place. Dr. Benson, of Balti more has discovered a sore remedy in his Celery and Chamomile Fills -they permanently cure sick and nervous headache, neuralgia, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and all nervous diseases. itvo &&vizrtlBZtazntB. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economics than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or o hosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov23 . New York. Leaoy Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C. IJcur Mueslis merits. Mm CONS T A N T LY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL HELL CHEAP FOR CASH, BOTn WHOLESALE and RETAIL. I i in AT WHITE FRONT. LAERADOS HERRINGS, rJ Tripe, Pigs Feet and Cod Fish, -At- s- M . HOWELL'S, FOTlNFi 1 unfolding Key. bHavinVf. .tf ..Owner can cjUlaiid secure tt feb2i lulB nonce. ; ROPfKATA'ly A Invited tm.-li.'?.-. -vuJU ,0 iS hHtot and a depth pit 10 feet, pecino5lVab0T6 basement; -Mans and lint- UODS Can ha on. .v.. jn T U 0m W ROYAL P8Krt Jk XI m II Inrtrmnici in u iiir.WA rllUUl vttUi CjUrtotteT K. c. HOME CHIPfdSTS Geo. Adams carries fiis.non worth of stage paraphernal! a. tW A large folding key has been found and left at this office, which is advertised elaewhere. tsnche receipt of an .invitation to a Mardi Graa Ball, to be given at the Central to-night, is acknowledged. tW Members of the Pleasure Club, and young gentlemen not members, de siring to attend the ball this evening can secure tickets by calling at Tidddy'a bookstore. - At Augusta, Saturday, Mr. Ben nett Barnes' Col. Sellers won the third race of the day, dash of one mile for all ages, against three competitors. Time 1:50; purse, $125. IW Mr. J as. H. Ross, cashier of the Traders National Bank, has resigned, and yesterday the directors unanimous ly elected Mr. Thos. L. Vail to fill the vacancy, and it is understood that Mr. Vail has accepted the office. tW Andrews, the furniture man, yesterday received a patent business, desk, ordered for Dr. J. H. McAden, that is the most perfect and beautiful article of the kind ever brought to Charlotte. It attracted the attention of every passer-by, and was much admired for its completeness and fine finish. Committed to Jail. Coroner Alexander has been heard from, and in a manner that Indicates business. He went out to Long Creek Friday, as heretofore stated, to investi gate the death of a negro, alleged. to have died from injuries inflicted by an other of his race. Since his absence he has sent to ,the jailer 'in this city two negro men, John and Henry Patterson, who have been put in jail for safe keeping. It is supposed they are impli cated in the Long Creek affair. Knights of Pythias. At the session of the Grand Lodge of this order at Goldsboro, last week, the following officers were elected : G. C J . L. H. Missillier, of Ne wbern ; G. V. C H. C. Prempert, of Wilming ton ; G. P. J. F. Townsend, of Lilly's Grove ;G.M. of E. R. T. Scanlin, of Fayetteville; G.KofR. and S. John L. Dudley, of Wilmington ; G. M. at A. J. C. Brewster, of Raleigh ; G. I. G. Robert Chambers, of Charlotte ; G. O. G. W. T. Howell, of Goldsboro; Sup. Rep. J. A. Bonitz, of Goldsboro. The Best Railroad Case. The motion to. strike out certain por tions of the complaint in the case of W. J. Best vs. Clyde, Logan and Bu ford, was heard at Raleigh last week before Judge Graves at Chambers. Sat urday the judge announced his decision overruling the motion to strike out,and giving the defendants until April 1st to file their answer. It is stated that Judge Graves does not assign the reasons upon which he bases his judgment, but it is understood tli at while he considers the complaint to be faulty in some of the points pointed out by the defendants.in his opinion the motion was not made in apt time. Ilumpty Dumpty To-night. Geo. Adams' Humpty Dumpty com pany will give a performance at the opera house to-night. Of the new com pany the Lynchburg News, of Feb. 7, says: "Geo. H. Adams' new Humpty Dumpty was presented before a good audience at the opera house, last even ing, and was heartily enjoyed. Of Humpty Dumpty, the individual, it is useless to speak, for it is now univer sally admitted, even by rival managers, that Geo. Adams is the foremost clown in America. He sustained his great reputation well last night,and provoked vociferous applause. His pantomime has undergone great change, and the entire performance is novel, entertain ing, and in the highest degree provoca tive of the heartiest laughter, while, above all, it is marked with character istics of refinement." Meeting of the Inferior Court. The Inferior Court met in this city yesterday, with all the J ustictfB present, The following named gentlemen com pose the grand jury: T. L. Alexander, foreman ; H. M. Har- gett, M. L. Davis, Sam'l Grier, A; Mc intosh, A. M. Doldson, T. a Smith, W. L. McConnell, J. A. Knox, R. JEL Fields, Wm. Todd, M. N. Yandle, H. C Hub bard, H. C. Smith and R. C. Miller. Some difficulty occurred in securing jurymen of requisite qualifications, causing a delay in its formation. Justice Warble's charge was an ex ceptionally good one, and it can be said that it fully covered the whole of the duties devolving upon a grand jury with the exception of capital felonies, which do not come with the jurisdic tion of the Inferior Court Consider able stress was laid upon that portion relating to the retailing of liquor with out proper license ; of selling liquor to minors ; of selling on Sunday in viola tion of law : and attention was directed to the law making cruelty to animals a misdemeanor. Special attention was also called to the condition of the coun ty jail and poor house, as reported by the county superintendent of health, and the suggestion given that tha grand jury visit those institutions and report upon their condition. That por tion of the charge relating to those in stitutions may be characterized as sharp and to the uoint but the justice statea that the management, he believed, was all that could be had under the condi tion of circumstances The condition of the public roads was touched upon, and "a recommendation given that a re Dort be made on them, but it was his honor's opinion thatay bills from this direction might be unjust, as ine neces sary means were not available to im nrnva the roads. Thorn wota oniv two cases CllSPOBeU ' 7 - . Af rfidav: the first being an Indict ment against Wiley Rudisill, white, for ' 'fit a. ISammmA' 4 retailing liquor wnoui uwuow, ohieh a verdict of guilty "was given. Maitin Summerviile, for stealing cmc end, verdict gunty. DtAlfONDS' AND KlCa 3XWVL3, CITY AFFAIRS. Meeting of the Board of Aldermea Yes terdaySome Important Business Transacted. The board of aldermen met in month ly session yesterday af ternoon, Alder, men Scott, Miller, Schenck, Long, Adams, Allison, Wilkes, Osborne and Smith being present A request was made for a crossing on College between Trade and Fifth streets, which was complied With. The Richmondand Danville Railroad company asked for a policeman, with duties and responsibilities of a regular, subject to the orders of the chief, who may be at the depot on the arrival and departure of trains, the railroad com pany td pay such officer the sum of $30 a. month towards his salary. On motion R. J. Porter was elected to fill the position, at a salary of $45 per month, the city paying the sum of $15 per month, and the railroad to pay the remainder. This officer will be uni formed and equipped .as other city policemen, and is required to report for orders to the officer on duty at the de pot. Mr. Porter was qualified and will enter upon his duties at once. The mayor stated that a lamp had been ordered for the corner of Graham and Sixth streets; also that the duties of vaccination at the public schools had been very successfully accomplished. The committee to consider the re quest of R. A. Lee & Co, to have their cotton tax refunded asked for further time to report, which request was grant ed. The special committee appointed for the purpose reported that they had made a contract for necessary hose for the fire companies. TheBtreet committee reported the following ordinance, which was read by the mayor: Be it Ordained by the Board of Alder men of the City of Charlotte: Section 1. The sidewalks on Trade street from the.pnblic square to the North Carolina railroad, and from tho public square on the north sidfr to Church street, and on the south side to Poplar street and the sidewalks on Tryon street from the public square' to Fourth street, and from the public square to Fifth street ami the side walks on College street from Trade to Fourth streets, shall be well paved and curbed with hewn or dressed stone. That all curb-stones used in making said pavements shall be at least 23 feet long, 4 inches thick and 14 inches wide; the ends shall be squared so as to form close and even joints, and the front and top hewn so as to present a fair, smooth surface. So much of chapter, 2 page 12, of the printed ordinances of the city after section 15 ordering sdewalks, as pro vides for payment in part by the city for pavements laid in brick and Port land cement on the streets and within the limits named in this section is here by repealed. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the street committee to establish a grade for such of the sidewalks as are now or may hereafter be jequired to be paved, and they may employ a competent civil en gineer to aid them in making a survey and fixing such grades. And all pave ments shall be built or repaired under their superintendence and direction, and they are authorized to make con tracts therefor. Nothing in the first section of this ordinance shall make it the duty of said street committee to re move or interfere with the brick pave ments now existing on certain portions of the, streets named in Section 1 until such brick pavements are so worn as to be unfit for use, and the owners of the property along which they extend neg- eci lo Keep tueui in proper repair. sec. 3. The Biaewai&3 on the south side of Trade slreet from the intersec tion of said street by the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line railroad to Poplar street, the south end of Trade street from its intersection by the In. C. R. R. to Myers street on its south side, Tryon street on its west side from Morehead street to Fourth street and from Fifth street to Twelfth street on its east side, shall be paved with good hard burnt brick for the width of five feet in the middle of the sidewalks; the sidewalks on the west side of Church "Street to it3 ntersection with Trade street to First street and B street on its east side from the intersection of Trade to Seventh street shall -be paved with good hard burnt brick for the width of four feet in the center of said sidewalks. - Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the street committee to determine . the width as well as the grade of the side walks named in Section 1 and all other sidewalks caved under the provisions of this ordinance. And they shall have all sign-posts, awning frames, mtcmng posts, and every, and all other things in or upon said sidewalks to be paved with dressed, stone removed, and when said sidewalks are paved, with stone as pro- L vided. the same shall not pe cut, taken up or removed for any purpose what ever except by special permission given by tha Board of Aldermen. Every per son violating the provisions of this sec tion shall forfeit and pay not less than $25, and incur a further penalty of $5 per day for every day any post frame or other obstruction remains in or upon said sidewalks. Openings -under the sidewalks for the purpose of lighting or ventilating basements and cellars shallnot extend more than three feet across the sidewalks, and the owners of property having them on the side walks to be pavea wiin aressea stone are required to make them conform, to the requirements of this ordinance.,and to have them curbed with well dressed rock of the dimensions to be prescribed bv the street committee, and covered with close and strong iron grating or 4 glass; and it snail do we aucyoi tne street committee wben ine work of paving with stone la begun on any or the streets named in Section 1 to notif y the owners of property haying or using any sky-light beneath, me pavement as above referred to, to comply with the requirements of this ordinance; and in case any property owner refuse or neg lect to do as required m una section, such sky-light or opening under the pavement shall be filled up by said committee with dirt and paved as other parts of the side waiK. ... to any stable lot yard or premises, croaafncr anv of the sidewalks of the city shall be kept in good repair byjthe owner or occupant or me premises; and all such cartways or private en trances to lots, etc, shall be paved by th nwnnrs of the property with square nr flat. RtnnAft. hewn and laid close to gether, or With thlCK plans uiusei j uuu fha irrnniul. Tn CSSB the OWIier refUSO or neglect to comply with tbejrequire- ments or tnis section, Buminww :nnf. fenfranM hall be declared TAnaaA and t.ho owner shall befined nov less than $5 for every tip hrusea M permits such cartway w u f the sidewalk. All lanes saadeys the title to which is not in the city, shall be AamaA nrivaTA PBrfctVaVB. &Ud any PCr- .nn nhn ahall AAnvAV tO the "CltV BUCU nartwav or nrivate alley." shall be re-; ioaiv! from the mo visions of this sec? lawn . Th nfcreet committee shall Ka.n fhn vnrlr nf rtavinff with Stone as in SAcMnn i at, this ordinance, at such place as they think such paving; with brick shall be begun by them on the street where a petition signed by all the owners of the property to be paved in front shall. join in a petition to said committee requesting the same and giving their assent to the terms on which the same is txr be done. , If no such petition is filed they are to exer cise the same discretion - as inlaying' pavements with stone. If all the prop erty owners fronting any sidewalk m the city for the distance of 3 squares shall unite in a petition, to the Board of Aldermen asking the same to be paved as provided for, and shall consent to pay one-half of the expense of same, it shall be. the duty of said street com mittee to pave the Btreet for which, the petition is filed in preference to and be fore the streets designated, where no such petition is filed. . " . . Sec. 7. It shall be the duty ' of. the mayor to give the owner or his agent or tenant in front of whose . lot such curbing and paving Is ordered to be done thirty days notice In writing, of such order of the board before the work begins. And the owner of every lot curbed or paved in front by the city, shall pay the city one-half the cost and expense of such curbing and paving, which shall be a ieu on the lot in front of which such paving is done, as pre scribed in section 42 of the amended Charter of 1881, and it shall be the duty of the .'mayor to enforce such, lien in the manner prescribed by law. .. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from ?md after its passage. .Alderman Scott moved that the re-. port be received for informationVwhich motion was adopted. Alderman . Wilkes moved tbai the orkinance be taken up and put on its first reading, wbich motion carried, and the ordinance was adopted by the fol lowing vote: Ayes Aldermen Scott, Miller, Schenck, Smith, Allison, Wilkes, and Osborne. , Noes Aldermen Long and; Adams The ordinance lies ever until the next meeting of the board, when final action will be had. Several old accounts were presented and disposad of by the board. .. Alderman Schenck moved that Trade street be macadamized from the rail road to College street crossing, and that the grade be made equal; that is, that the street be level from College to the railroad, and the sidewalks, when fixed, be made to conform to it The motion 'was adopted. Alderman Osborne referred to the sanitary condition of the city, aid sug gested that the sanitary committee con sider the matter and select a proper person to act as . sanitary poUceman j o action. Alderman Schenck .moved that all hog pens be required to be moved out aide the fire limits. The matter was re ferred to the sanitary committee with instruction to report an ordinance on the subject of hog pens and similar nuisance. FRIGHTFUL COLLISION. Two Freight Trains on the Air-Line Collide on the Flowery Branch Tres tle. Sunday morning a little after 1 o'clock, a terrible collision occurred on the Air Line road at Flowery Branch, 44 miles irom Atlanta, by which two freight trains were wrecked and a portion of them burned. From what informa tion could be obtained it seems thatthe South bound freight was behind time, and the north bound train ran into it on Flowery Branch trestle, both of the engines going down together, and being completely wrecked, the trains sharing the same fate. Immediately after the wreck the trains took fire and were consumed, together with the freight, consisting of cotton, bacon, buggies, &a, and the loss to the company is estima ted to be not less than $100,000. The engineers and firemen of the respective trains jumped from their engines before they cime in contact, and thus saved their lives. Several train men were in jured, but no particulars or names have been ascertained. About one hundred yards of the trestle was burned, neces sitating a transfer of mail, express, and passengers at that point,, but it was ex pected that the burned section would be replaced within forty-eight hours, as 300 men were immediately put to work to rebuild it' Arrival ef Pmmps and Engines. The pumps and engine for the water works, together with a portion of the material for the standpipe, has been re ceived. The engine house will soon be completed, and the pipe laying to being rapidly pushed . all indicating an early completion of the works : A number of -hydrants have already been vxit in, and in; this connection we - wm state that it Is the understanding that of the forty-five hydrants required by the con- trace, toe wnoie nnmwr wm be uoaDie. The specificaUohsV call for 15 double and 25 single. "My Partner. " ' " ;- ' : ' .' A small but appreciative audience witnessed the, play at the opera house ast night It is of a decidedly sensa- sensatiohal character, but the plot has much in it, and the acting tts a whole Was good. The two leading Characters, Joe Saunders and Wing Lee, were well sustained throughout, the former ! with his blunt, rough manhood, but noble heart and purpose winning the sympa thy of his audience, while the latter never failed to provoke laughter when he appeared and discoursed, in bis pig eon English, in which he is clever. Complaint against the A., T. & O, Rail road. A firm engaged in the mercantile business at Huntersville writes The Observer a complaining letter in re gard to the irregularity in the delivery of goods at that place by the railrp,adf and we know of no better way to pre sent the case for consideration hj the prorifer authorities than to publish the lettert . ' ' ' 'r'. To the Idttor di ihd Obseinr: Vnn wnl do Us ft kindness by cailiaK t.h a Attention of the autnonues ot , the AUaiticCTehnessee & ; Ohio . Ilailroad to the fact m we,aws gesj any freight from' qharlotte, as the roads are; an haA imrt the train does not brinflr LL We. have to.wait a weea u get ireign from Charlottft- wnen, , oeiore .the chancre we coma get it we same oay that we bought it. It is .an . outrage nnrm thrwift who batrbnize the road. There have been wagons here for goods thrAo fimA. nrrrrrtrrfira distance of seven miles and waiting tUl train time; and havinir to go all .the wwbaek ta. the dark through themucL . rweii useg thehi to ? swear ..that thejwWulnoi de nflnri ntt mZ& f lincertalnties. It seems io os that it mnt be; pegltonce on the norf n arrant nrftomeonc: ina oeoni orfnfi riiBAAttsned: 1 and as to bur. IoaI var: w Wave heretofore been consid- jrd trnthlnL Ml Wfl iear wo wiu w compelled to lie if we trust this road. FEBRUARY 1ST, 1002. --OTJR-- GRE&T GREAT OF WILL BEGIN TO-DAY. OTXRCOAT3 JOB WratlB WXAB. 0VXBOOATS. .FOB SPRING WB1B. A i ILL fllTX. B E'SOL D. A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never carry over from Season to Season an Sarments that can be Mid at the proper time, if a reasonable sacrifice can acoomplith the sale. IT HIS BEEN A MILD SEASON THUS AXD WE HAVX A Large Stock On band. If we've erred in lodgment as to quan tity or styles, NOW IS THE TIME TO ate. PEIOE HAZES DIFPEEE1T0ES. The Lower the Price the Quicker the SaJe. f otOrree yean oar policy has been to dose each season's pttfehase the season frooght, enaount iVfe epen TBXSH NEW 8TOCXA. Oat Customers expect tt the repUtaUon -,t our Hwse demands tt. If jea . have not iencht tt win bf.. ' i worth yonr while te ok, for the ptlcesWILL. ASTONISH ton. otjb $27. tas. ss ani saa enjc slxxve UOCKD OVEBOOATS wiH Dp sold wfthOOt resfveat$20. OUBS22.t24sd.: ' 92S0VZSdOATSattl7O. Otri SlSand $20 OVEECOATS ai 415. This last includes au of vat wins bxvbbbi hi.k TJLSTEBSsndULSTIBITTEa. We have some 5 REVERSALS OTHCOA1S In handsome patterns, marked f 14, SIS and$I7JB0, winch will be sold at 810. WTB S10 and $12 OVERCOATS wDl be sold nnl. foanlr at $7.50. A lot of some 20 OVERCOATS, embraetn tie remnadtsef all lots ranging in price from t UTffl7 I 7f i n : no I o H to WW M W(B 00 WBXL BE SACRIFICED. AT THE I; E li M M (& , The cehvenlent pries for all oh! $5. This lot U an BARGAIN m tr,V- '& lb tOWEST prJteslETSaoOer4, andhe V UUweMEAsia-IiOWECT . wdetamqtai asa selWted, aai thsameailiasnpst UVKkM wme gtresi tUiwe!astaiapwon, fhe opportanlty to a M osml K D. L1TTA BBOtl M1 Clow Out Sale OVERGOATS JIM MM TT JT B8Ba TTTT HUM UU BSS8 .1 Rec ily Mis M M X M H H X r XK M 111 5' xxi AT COST ! AT COST. AT COST. - rHAVINO JUST TAKEN I TQCD I HAVE ENTIRELY TO- EHTtTCEE STOCB ON HARD, AND IH ORDER TO RXDUCI IT I WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. tic nOEt, decSO lm SPECIAL BARGAINS ! ! OFFER FOR THE BALANCE OF THIS WEEK their entire stock of -TRIPLE AND QUADRUPLE- Siiver Plated Ware AT HALF PRICE, and Guarantee the Goods to be plated on HARD WHITE METAL. All single and doable plated Ware at $1.00 each for large pieces. Rogers' Triple Plate Silver Knives at $3.50 per doz febU DrSANFORD'S IS IIWIGORATOR Only Vegetable Compoundthat acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. Itassists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. .FOR SALE BV ALL SRUOGZBT& arul8 deod eow ly. mttsjemjetxts. OPERA HOUSE. Way Evening, February 21st THE TOWERING AMUSEMENT ELEMENT GEO. H.ADAMS' OW& HEW Humpty Dnmpty Troupe, OHIIEB TEX XAKIOSKSMT OF NEW 8PECIALTTE3 ! NEW SCENERY t mW TRICKS! NEW DRESSES I . NEW MUSIC i See all bills for fall particulars. Prices as nsoaL Seats secured at the nsoal places. J, H. LAINE, febld General Agent. FOR SALE OR RENT. THE new and commodious residence built by H. T. Butler, on Tryon street, lost beyond the track of the A., T. 4 0.K. n. ue. oooa Bargain. Appij ro jr. a. uL,uvjiut, Janl2tf Agent FOR SALE OR RENT. A Six room boose, with good raid and well of water, and a two room kitchen; tn mlnntoa wullr nf th nubile ROOftre. Apply to WALTER BttJUL decso a CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. , 8 Assignee of J. L. Hardin, in bankruptcy, 1 I mm uii mt Uia ewcrt taooM door in Charlotte on Monday, the 18th. day of March, 1882, two vsiaaue euj iota. Known as iow iboi uu 1000 In th. nlMt nf tha nttv. TTWltlnflr Oil feet On TlTOTl street and running back to College. There is a comfortable dwelling and outbuildings on said lots. Terms Vk eash and the balance In 8 months, at 8 per eeni. mieresv. .fTrJ:. JUUUUBC VA af X jaOalUtl AfcA IHIHIuywyi febl8 tds i JUST RECEIVED. TTVVKiar Loads of Ctm, two ear loads ofFlonr, Sugar, Goflee-and Bacon, ana xtoaeco, nw iw we a. wioiuBiiiun " i r North coiiejn street, feblO - Kext door to L. w.Sanders. FOR SALE. A. SECOKD-HAND BUGGT, with bar mmmm - AlttA MUUUITU WflMHl will be soM cheap for cash. For par dcuiars apply to w. h. Kiel, jr. at x. uiieigie avo.. or wuue OaldweU or T. w. Neel, Stonewall, N. O, or ad- reas d. a. nBun i toblS . -- - Davidson Coaege, N. C. Hoie for Sale, !or Horse I Bopy- . ; j A GOOD Young Horse, drives wen In buggy and good under saddle, Apply at febl8 8t i BRANCH MINT. J. MM ffl 10., safle Gtreet e grtxgs and ieMcincs. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF EPPS'S COCOA, BLAIR'S LIQUID RENNET, Taylor's Bermuda Arrow-root, CULICURA, GLENN'S SULPHUR, PACKERS & CONSTANT 1NES PINE TAR SOAP, Fellow's and McArthur's Compound Syrqp of HYP0PH0SPHITE3. R. H. JORDAN & CO, TRYON STREET. feb!9 AT- WTT T.1?T'C YOU WILL FIND A FULL STOCK OF mars, Chemicals, Toilet Articles )ruggists' Sundries. Also, a fresh supply of Landreths' Garden Seeds. YOURS TRULY, H. M. Wilder, Ag't, (Wilson & Black's old stand.) Corner Trade and College Streets, Charlotte, N. C. feblS Koiind Trip Excursion Rates TO NEW ORLEANS, hem mm -VII- The Associated Lines of Southern Travel, THE RICHMOND St DANYILLE LINE, THE ATLANTIC COAST-LINE, THE VIRGINIA MIDLAND LINE, THH BAY LINE. Excursion Tickets via the above lines to NEW ORLEANS and RETURN will be sold at the following reduced rates, from Baltimore, 848 00 44 00 42 00 85 00 86 00 84 00 83 00 81 OO 30 00 81 00 26 00 . 40 00 , 42 00 85 00 85 00 84 00 Washington, Richmond Lynchburg, Danville,. Greensboro Charlotte, spartan Dorg, Greenville, Colombia, Augusta, retersDurg Portsmouth, , Baieigh ooidsboro' Wilmington, TinkAta mm im on sale at the above points February 18th, 14th and 16th. Good to return till March 4th inclusive. The ordinary time limits applicable to straight tickets between the respec tive points will be applied to these tickets. febl2 8t ; , General Passenger Ageat T?rTTXTTi A portion of a Worm Chain fl I 1 1 I l I J"Rta1L with buwla. Oirii- er can call at this office and secure tt by wtarfor uusDoaos. NOTICE BT Virtue of a mortgage deed executed to the late Wm. & Norment tM vanoMc i nwwitfmwui ntwl dniv recorded in the Registers offloe, in Mecklenburg counff, Book 19ge 612, I Will eZTJOSfl ID DUDUO BOIO, W wiun uvuae . aowinfitoclty ot Charlotte, on the 26th day of , February. 1 882, a certain house and lot, situated on Tryon street, adjoining the old Bank of Meck tenburg,and running back to Church street.now oc cupied on the lower floor as telegraph offloe, and above by Mrs. Shannonhouseas a boarding house.' Terms cash. R M. NORMENT.CB i feb3 4t Executor, -VewDruffStope PW. OIBL.wmM. on-t - y'rr most needed; ana xne wur ui iviuB and most reuauw jewu uwuaw

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