D0BB1HS STARCH POLISH. An Important dis covery, by which erery family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine I laundry work. AskyourGrocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Pa. DEALER IN Tinware & House Famishing Goods MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE an? RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 Springs k Bnrwe E3JHAVi IN STORE ONE OF THE -LARGEST STOCKS- OF GOG RRR OO CCO REE G OR ROOCOR G RRR O O O KB GGGR RO OO OE GGG R R OO COO KEE RRR JI EEEcSSu R 8 II E g h REK II EE BSSg R K II EEK "SS8 Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Ever offered In this market Don't buy until you examine our Stock and Prices. CORN 1SE OATS. CAR LOADS WHITE CORN, CAR LOADS YELLOW CORN, 1 000 BAEEEL8 FLOUa' OO 8ACK3 C0FFEE' Odd BARRELS MO 8SE3, 100 100 150 200 200 100 BARBELS SUGAR, BOXES BACON, PACKAGES LARD, BOXES SOAP, PACKAGES MACKEREL, BOXES CB1CEEBS, 2) BOXES CHEESE, &C PATENT fLOUR, 100 Barrels Just from the Mm. SPRINGS & BURWELl. feb8 d&w -JUST RECEIVED A new supply of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS and LAMP GOODS, PICTURES,FRAMES, EASELS, &C, &C, -AT THI- VARIETY STORE UNDER TRADERS' NATIONAL BANK. ': ADMINISrRATOH'S estate wiifmak rent to m a, iwniireorw Uw, anq jut haVimr elaitoi aeamsc nu S$rffliiy certmeiOriOT hefore "W.MlfTfiQOffiilifltlwr will he 20m aay to "vfSfj S2&tt- ioaxBS. W.W.WOODJaiiii&iton.tO IV CHAS. R. JOJN.ES, U jl 81 3oleAg't,Charlotte,N.C. - Sto t PIEDMONT OLD MADE EI WITH DOBBINS' ELECTRIC Scouring " ASK POLISH. Best In the World. YOUR GROCER THE ONLY MEDICINE IN EITHER LIQUID OR DRY FORM j. I Tbat Acts at the same time on TES LIVER, TES BOWKS, Am TES Kmsrs. WHY ARE WE SICK? BecauM we allow theMlartat organ tot Mbecomi dogged or torpid, and pouonousl yhvmorar therefor forced into (M oiood PkJ that showdbepeued naturally. WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, "LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CON9TIPATIOJT, fcttTNAItT DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES,. AND KERVOU8 DISORDERS, by causing fret action of Uuse organ and restoring their power to throw of disease. Why suffer Bilious pains and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Eidneysl Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Use KIDNEY-WOUTand rejoice in health. It Is pnt up In Dry Vegetable Form, in tin caos one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, Tery Cne trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. tylt acts with oqnal efHeiency in eithacform. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST! PRICE, 1.00 WELLS, RICHARDSOX A, Co., Prop's, J CWill send the dry post-paid.) BCBUXflTOH, TT. 3 . Marcl 27 d&wly 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Pat'd -ZtiJ Jmm It, JS76 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, - DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic ipplianceti, suffering from Nervonaleaknesses, Gen eral Jebillty, loss of nexve .force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses artd OtHKfc, CAU8ES,t)r to anyone afSieted, with Rheum': tim. Neuralgia, Paralysis,- Spinal piffiealtieV Kianey or uver irouDiea; ime Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of-the Vital-Organs. Also woken troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. ' ; . ' . - . Speedy relief and complete restoration toll neaun guaranteed. , rnesc are an omly Ieetrie Appliances that bar ever been constructed anon Scientific nrin- lles. Their thorongfi efecfecy has been jnu- aecess, and theyhave the. niches enaoraements from medical and.sciejif iuv iuii,uiiu iroin u unarms wno nave been quickly and radically cured b their ne. ; ' . . . : " Send at once for Ilinstratcd Pamphlet, givfir 811 information free. Address, J-': ' , VOLTAIC BELT CP., JIvshaU, ttieh. ie3uly!8 " Cures SYPHILIS fn any s t a g e . CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD, SORES, PIM- . PLES, BOILS, or ANY SKIN CURES WHEN ATT, OTHER REMEDIES PAIIil.11 IT yoti doubt, come to see Os, and We will' .CUBE YOU. tor charge nothing!!! ' Write for parttoutets, and a eoprof the H$aej50ok Message to'the Untorrrmate Smlerlng?" f Ask anyOTQWinaPt Druggist -'as. to our StandlBav, $1000' 1SD Will hA IUM tn anw ,,h..i-k Who wlU fl -r J'-TTrr' ,r' YIuf VUOUUB, UU tWitWIBU W 1W UOvUeS OI B. B. B. pne partlol of Memury h- Iodide V Potassiam. at any Mlneri uosumoe . . , 8 WITT SPECIFIC CO.. Props , Price of flSmaU fij. fi" .7 i i' ir. rUHi tnr I mifcw BJBo,i.i...T..riv:vz..v.:Ti 4,787' r 1 I !' SOLD- BI ALL DRUetUBTa1- u irdpcBl'!1 '''.- 0: i-.-'-'-'w-. ,r3ii .vf -T n lift- md.-Owher.all ati MAKES Im i s e a s e .jr! j- j. l .fJ.j 1 . an performs nregiaefiwaatM vratmae& to. pMramv f ' -hif il 4 4-I I oraham.alreeya bnncn 1 everlpart of It nothing less, we have never ?en.i KeysTwd A"f Jwfficff Dftfiatt U KtiUMitf aawinklrattokMhai'SootUB macrase. Owner.all at this Offlce.J toar cnarkes " ! : s -iii ... - STATE NEWS. Asheville Citizen f A man named Ea.KS jrvtf necenlly Wed in Cowepi toff5 latonjedftitfr By a prfry as yei m to hkin b i oeiaaceaeect was set AZh ifiothetC Bvtihi Write IK no sumo one stealthily approached and shot Es tes with fatal effect. We have the DaraCmars of a sad af fair near "Valleytown, in which Mr. Al bert Scott wasYreiqeQUs snot ana Jailed by Mr. 3eit tafclmJThey were attempting tcrarresTrsomB-inaians wno had been robbing a distillery, and in a strueele between Mr. Tatham and one ot-the, Indians his gun fired and U1&U . w e were greauy painea to learn oi he death of Mrs. J. Brevard, which oc curred Sunday, 12th, at her home at SwannanoA bridge. She had; beer suf fering? witlh measles Jor some, time and during 43 tfcundeH stormj Hast yeelc, be cameftrifcntenedjaBd esMsng. herself, caught told) with the abtrve result We sympathize with all in this very sad af fliction. Mrs. J3. leaves an infant a few weeks old. " Rockingham Spirit of the South: Over 1,300 deeds and mortgages were tMt tbJh nuitiblr tecofdejd thralyeaif will, bjb touch l&eatfr.', $o fri this gyear. more cropiinsaY Deen niea ior reg istration than were during the same period last year. Newton Enterorise: We are in formed ftarat Mr. Jl.' P. Beinhardt has a cotswolcfbuck that weighs over&25 lbs and several others nearly as large. We hear from the farmers that wheat is not looking well. If. appears to, Ml be dlfogriSed opt byithtf exAesslve'cainsTr injEaany.pia.se3 wiiare somatome aa there was plenty on the land it seems as if it was all dead. Piedmont Press: Mr. T. B. Hester, of Wilkes, who was in town this week. wilu ouacco, says wvxx, uue larmera oi Moravian JFalls neighborhood, aim ma.k-f ing preparation to plant a large crop of tobacco the coming season. Wilmington Star: Garden peas are urixusome of the. gardens of ihis city, ttiiu tu giaaa ux uimuj places iuu&s green arid fresh as in Jnae. ; Greensboro5 Bugle: "About a thous and persons in and near this townjhave been vaccinated, but there are five hun dred more, who ought to fee. . . Newbern Netas; The appointment of Judge Seymour to the U. S. District Court Bench gives satisfaction through out the State, and much pleasure to his friends at home. It is the appointment we thought most probable, frorri the be ginning, and the President could not have made a better. Raj K News: atd Observer: Mr. L. D. GasiIebury, a-merchant on Hillsboro street, Saturday fell through an open ing he had cut in the floor, in making some repairs, and was painfuHy in jured. The grand jury has found atrue bill against Henry Jones', -colored, for the murder of Deputy Sheriff Blake. It is understood that he will be tried at this term of the court, and that the case is to be at once taken up, so that there may be no delay. Stonewall Jackson's Toddy. The following Is extracted from some Confederate war reminiscences written for the Philadelphia Press by Col. A, R. Boteler,;who was a member of General Stone waJlJackstm's staff , "Haying fingered to tAilast allowa ble moment with the members of my family "hereinbefore mentioned' as the legal documents would term them it was after 10 o'clock at night when I re turned to headquarters for final in structions, and before going to the General's room I ordered two whiskey toddies to be brought up after me. When they appeared I offered one of the glasses to. Jackson, but he drew back, paying: 'No, no, colonel;, you must excuseime; I never drink intoxi catgliLorBi',' "I know that, General," said I, "but, though you habitually abstain, as I do myself, from everything, of the sort, there are occasions, and this is one of them, when a stimulant will do us both good ; otherwis& T. .would neither take it myself nor offer it to vou. So you must make an exception to your gene ral rule ana loin me in a toddy to- night." . He ) again- shook bis head, but, neyer thelessy took the tumbler and -'began, to sip its contents. Presently putting it on the table, after-having but partly emptied it, he said: -"ColoneL dOYOU know why I Jbajbitu-. allylabsfaltt Crpm intoxicatrnjj driis And.'tm my. replying in Iheiiegatwe,, Jie!(ntairued"i , ihm, andea;! fllsAWJ thaTto be the case I made ppTnrinmdat ottce to do Without theta afto&thei-?' " An Engraved Diamond.' IipQdon News, January 17. Mr. Brvce-Wright has lately received 'verv remarkable hiatoricftl.stojae. Pre- viofus tojthaiA.ol jL)ii4t MiJLndiwH mtiwiy anq,. ne aootiBg wiiififi,,8uo8e quently toot plcei u4irfiiki aajkept in the treasury of the Mogul emperors of Hindoostan, where it had been pre served ror jpanv jpars,, . xne ring 11 and tiw bacKdi the.dyar shieldana; table Which? a is' Affixed to . iLfi'moi beautifully '""enameled -wltif a flbiiated A.4. 5 a- v i i. it . yawern in rea, green, oiue ana yeiiow on a white crround. the whole act in an InoUa ilfir'afeorV.-he face dr a : i' - ai, i y - .wit.'l lJua upper suriaixj or iqb lame is comppsea or a floral iW- Miated'ieslgn'togfeefl and blue enamel, having for its central ornament an engraved diamond sur rounded, byw.elvo, otJiers varying (iPc swe. The interest M the wjipie work centres upon this stone, it being one of the very tew diamonds that are cut or I engraved. Indeed, only about five are in existence,- uuu oi ;- tcese ic sitouia. Da said that the. European onesraxno re properly ground by the wheel than en graved by purely manual labor. The stone is the work of a Persian artist and bears a monogram composed of two Arabicr words interlocked tbgetb- er malrfn ti 4tiirrfiiE Ills' er, making Up the invocatidn, 0 Ali P? High. Water on the Ohio. Cincinnati, Feb. 20. A dispatch re ceived here says, that : Cairolton and Milton. Kv.. have several feet of water in the streets, and the Cincinnati and Jjpuisville railroad had the packet ate,anierGen. tvgrtlelaaidedjn thstie3 .of Carrpjtn yesterday., ft t ' "There may become vlitue in all oi them" he saidj "but Cor actual woiin and rapidity of effect, I Know that nothing made can excel Dr. -bull's cough syrup.- f- " - i .- r t 'r.fThe Florence Hlgbtlngale or the Nursery. The foUowJaglfl an rrtraefrfironK letfisr writteV to the German BfotnfjMesMngflrAambera burgi wwj ukTrf -Jolt open the door for her, and Mrs. Wlnslow will trove the American . Florence Nightingale of the nursery. Of this we are aa anra thai we win teack oar Busy to SayTQ Blessinaxdb jua Wlns loV.for helping 3ier lot gunive duMcape the artpirig. collcking and teething siege. Mrs. Wlns- lamm boouuhk eyrup nueTes the child bora pain. and r"ti, and dlanb-lt grant, retraces innammatio TnnnTnTviiiTTnn mtma nri nx AAii a dm i 'cure arrietnr4nTKntt6iougli 4nfc'ffw.had.4ft0oPtww woriajaeJieAeif registered in tbe registers ojmb oxjStwsy coujQdungth jasaa yerenjli$ga December fcth last. Ana St isl belie vedl he Sister Pleads .foritho Life of Her mf.iBttei..viia sent to mi.vrujuvtHf iergay; MMirfc. : gobble;'' the Ufer of TTnmljlv T address vbanirill ri6t tiitii a dteaf eaiSWttboh desDised "Gulteavi's siater: for Di;t) speak; "wlufinv i 'dte'r thever dlctintcb?, I belie ted WSodld be 'fOSfot gttUtyVl?y Reason 6f iDsaity I could bayiWrit sHameficedneas, miy ieart bleedB tot' yOtt, 'indr th fainted dead. My 'poof brother Wa hr&fciJtown mas ter wheD he fired-thdt.'Bhot.i'J'orgive bim ; look, with compassion bxvnim and nfe;' IEhave: counted1 tlhe hours forthe tim wttsn I could bttldlf say tyyou, as IMyfeMid rrbra "the 'moment when tfiei temtJle1 news was bronght me on that dark day in July: 1 "He was' brain- pick, aeinaea, crazy iorgive nimuven as Gturist shalr forgive lus aH." Both our martyred President and his family havihgshownsuchliifexamfjleof Chris tian fortitude and trust in the Most High as the world mSy revere-, led me to nope that the sense oi wrong sui fered would, when the truth was shown be tempered with that merciful for giveness1 which is indeed Cttristlike. All these dreadful weeks of the Presi dehfes sufferiflg I prayed that the Fath er abve tij would spare hi life.' Day and night nly ; beseeching cry -went up, God save : the President." thought he could hot die. My . dear madam, I write this to the widow or our dead President in behalf of a man not him self in condition to realize- the extent of theirrible wrong ojr to understand your sufferings or mine. Waver can I rest satisfied until I be allowed! 6h mv bended knees, under the'weight of this humiliation and disgrace, a few brief moments in which to pour forth to your merciful heart the pleadings of one Who must ever feel a sister's love for an insane, motherless boy. even though Joy , the whole world condemned ana aespiseu. x ueg juu, ict iut.sij lu you and yours, what he would say if in his "Tight -mind: "jforgive even, as Christ shall forgive us all. - Mrs. George sogvillk. The World's Fair. , . BaleJgtt News and Observer. The action of the National A oricul turai Association at its recent sittipg in giving expression ana impulse to the proposal tor a great agricultural fair in 1883. is having a wider influence than Was expected. ' This is gratifying to the friends of agriculture throughout the country, as the disastrous collapse of the World s Pair plan last year had dis heartened them and ' apparently post- ppnea any sucn exnimuou indehnitely it is not an, American habit to let en terprises Of blth and moment fail with out a fair trial, and while the project was apparently apanaonea, it was only apparently so. A little retrospection will show that the World's fair proposed last year was inopportune. tue inception oi the event and its conclusion were too widely separated. The interest could not have been sustained meantime, and the people would have weaned of it be fore it began. Then, too, the management was dis tinguished by eminence rather than business capacity. Discord among the projectors as to location showed a lack of determination, and the anomalous disposition to lean on the national and State treasuries for assitance, instead of a bold self-reliance, to pay expenses and dividends was evidence of a want of heart in the enterprise. Any one o these causes would have been sufficient to account for a failure: combined failure was a matter of course. Now these errors of the past may be made serviceable as guides in the fu ture. It is natural to look forward to what will occur next year. It is an easy and common computation of time The occasion for the celebration of the centennary of peace is the same to day as it was last year. The country is enjoying its good-wil towards all mankind, and to mark it by the greatest agricultural fair ever con ceiqed would be' a proper movment to the year. The time fixes itself. The place by common consent should be New, Yorkr-the metropolis of the contl nent. It is superior to jealous, it has ample accommodations, it is accessible to Doth worms. The though, me sentiment and ac tion of the day are favorable to such an exhibition.' In fact such . an exposition is the reflection of- the day's life. The material sciences1, are those most con sldered. : and invention is racked to Ieubply the demands made upon it for ue,w ui outline j iu uuiuao wcucn closures of these sciences.. There is wmjtnvfurther proofco thfe, exceeding ripeness of the. times when it is remembered that m a city o less tban 50,000 inhabitants-a great in ternational exDosition was bdgun. com plet and ended with the applause of the country in a twelyetnonth. The 8arerccmditi6iis' exist now as existed them and' tho sam'intelliiretrt mrr6- ciaftkon rof i J-torA. i If world's: -fair i determined , on its promoters will see upph the Instant that the conclusion is with ihdir ffttlllties of ' tfvery kind, wil taka at least their usal energetic in terest in. keeping thappjseiyea ;bef oro the world., 'The Southern States are feeling th0 ;pfeasurable ; "sensation of ...tisiBg prqsperity, and have earnedbylthft successful ""ChaileTlge 5 "alPcpiiiers to show eaual resources, what a good' Tlhihg-itife'tomakothairJworth known, and lorery . on ah ana not a xqw oi the sodrcea. ftf ..wealthy Tbejr areianxioqa to enter competitions. The .young Wefeteth States are never sjow td avau thenaselves iDf proper opportunities to add t.cila,:to ttheir- territory arid to advance, their interest and will con tf ibuw liDeraliy in every way. To tak the'oolor' . of 'the times such' a great na1 Uooal display of . every thing connected with. agrieulture-should be-free of sub sidies, both national and State.. It must be an ex.hibitlbn made'by the peoplerby individual or' cbrporate capitar and en erfey and n6t political divisions, to fully identify it with the spirit of 1883. That ample -capital arr be hadfor such an Enterprise -does not require tho statement. Any one of the great cities of the - central States would subscribe the amonnt jln a few days. New Xork w-ould nbt count the cost if it once aroused -itself into the disposition to have it, and the energetic action bf the National ; Agricultural Association to this end looks verv encouraging. When this pointis decided bra'u,ization..wiU J f oll6W! J atVonce- and 'wdrk will begiriJJ w no can est, Derrorm tnis wors r Yf&la question be answered, in Scotch fashion, y another.. ..Whojias worked OTrtjmost.successf uirr tpe. J?Jpqiei qt an ptastrialexritfOT world kndws, ;-novr ' signlly 'rupceajf uT Mr.ifi; -TJ imbatt; ' th- director eTferar of the!jS:ttitt3ctt6n xpositibrjiV in Itt'iednducK ; He "perf otmed 1 1 mptfc thanrtrnisiHl TTa rrndprratanrts t.h fcbosirtesf detailsHof t: is bold and broad i4;forbnstfhg and .holds' fast tp; his purposes: Istt'ttr flie.snrt of ' man that needed or fhe gribttfttrrai Exf- positiondtirrc,:u, , :jr'i t :' r ,' . tot -'tij am-T::W I' " ': ". i Lit TD fuiJ k. U ; x ; i i ii-f j . L'.IL hAnotim 1mm r trtt4rfm 4wnsb i . - uuuarjn muiisc uud nimi v mm nuiHErmi nnwn'anrinnnnT SW m aajlil'tti ii;i)iii 31 ?f;ff l Irabol fwj vbS.uatin . .... ij.. Bflttma that a remedy made, ot ench common, simple plants as Hops, SucbuvMandrake; Dandelion, kc should matte so manv.and such ereat cures as Hop. Bitters do; btwheaoia and young, lkh and j Door, pastor ana aactor, lawyer ana eaur, mi tes tify To having been cared by them; yon- must be lieve and try them yourself, and doubt; then no longer. 'Brown's Bronchial Troches," when allowed to aissblve la the month, have a direct influence on the lhfiammed barte. allaying Pulmonary Irri tation, and Etvlneirellef in coughs, colas And the J Various throat troubles to which singers -and pub lic speakers are liable, . DR. C. W. BENSON, of BALTIMORE, MD., Tn th,e course of his practice discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a comblna- Can of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession- at large and constantly recommended by them. It Is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of his own experience in practice. They are a sure cure lor trie rnnowing special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expiessly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headacherneuralgia, paralysis, sleeplessness, dyspepsia and nervous nesa, and will cure any case. The Doctor's great remedy for Skin dl ease, called Dr. Benson's Skin Cure Is exceedingly valuable and greatly, sought after by all persons who have skin diseases or bad complexion. An excallent toilet dressing. Sold by all druggists. Price 60 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any aaaresa, DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure EC Z I MA, TBTTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DI8EASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSontJlparteof tbe body. It makes the Skta white, soft and smooth removes tea and freckuee, and is the SESF toilet ill wing In TEB WOBXD. degantly put ttp, two botUesin ons .pHkage, oonalntiTig of both. lntnal and ortsrnal treatment, All first claaa di-uirpiBts have it. 7rioeSl.periaakag. CHAS. N CRiTTENTON, 115 Fulton street. New York City, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedU s, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. MRS. LYD1& E. P1KKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., (4 a E tn c c 8 E o LYDIA Em PIIMKHAIVI'S VEgETAELE COMPOUND. Is a Poeltive Cure for all those Painful OonplalaU and WeakkeMeS uenuiaa toour beftt.featuiQ population. It will cure entirely the. worst form of Female Com plaints, all oTaxian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera Son, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and erpel tumors from the uterus in an, early- stage of development The tendency to can OeroDi humors there is checked vary speedily by its use. ilt remotes fahitness, flatulency,' destroys ail craying fjot stimnhmts, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It core Bloating, Headaches, Nerrons Prostration, General JDeUUlty, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion, i ; Hiat feeling of bearing down, earning pain, werbt i and backache, is always permanently eared by its use. It win ft Ul times and under ail cnxomsuuices act in harmbny with the laws that gbrern the f enale systeih. ' i Jterthonrof Kidney Complatolsi 6C eltber sertWs OompottAaHs nasurpatoed. ' ' it . . ;:. " LVJlja PIXlfflAM VKCETABtj:JM POtJXDis prepatsd at t33 ;and- 35 Western Arenne, Lynn, Mass. Prloe L Six bottles for & SentbynuOI. tnthefonm $f tUUs, also in the form ij'f loienges, on receipt of price', $1 pet box for either. Srs. PfnxbArfc , Cesely answers all letters of rnqniry. A Send for panph let. Address a asore. Jfsaffam Cs fapsr. - ' 270 famfly iTipnld be without tTDlAK. PTOCHASri CtVEa PILLS. - They ears constipation, hmonknass and) torpidity of the U. Sseentsper box. 1 , i . . ar SwU. by! all DrnTBt(ta-e , 3 Hi ..J Bin ose complexiott betrays 8dme himilliatiiigimDeriec- . tlat yon are; Xanned, Sallow and flisflguTed in countenance, or hate Emption?, 5 Kedness, : Ih)nbiies3:: 'tucltole s o m e Hie Hagan's llagnolia ljalrii. It is a delicate, harmless and delitful?article, producing ; iiiemoirtiiatrjral'and entranc ing tinte', tfie-artificialUy. of 'wweh no observer can detect and which soon becomes per manent if the il9U Balm isijtidiciotisl used. Jaiuaa Samtol box. Si :different .styles f iferry .- efortrlallJymaIL ,on - iMwbn! Bialcemarir layldr : Cd., TmTOSSIBLX 1 "vi i 'it NEW YOBK, Jl JJ n- t)IARY FREE imp 1S82, with Improved Inter est tafele.talelidar. ert!. Sent to an address on Receipt of two Thbbk-ceNx" tTAMPS. Address CliAKLJsa K. HltiiiS. 48 N. Delaware Ave.' Phlla. REWARD! for any case of B'u.d BleJlng, Itching, L.C9rat3d. or protiddlnt? HLH that nsRINft'H PILE REMEDY fails to cure. Prepared by J. P. MILLEB, M. D.,915 Arch street; Poiladelbhla, Pa. None genuine without his elgaature. Send for c'rcular. Sold by diugglste ana country stores. $1. BOLD MESAl AWARDED the Anthec. A now and great Med. teal Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable ttt every man,entitled "the Science of Life oreU-Preaervation : bound in C - i l . . , rv, minim, vuumncu, rail giitOO pp.contsins beautiful Bteel engravrngs, 125 prescrip tions, price only $1.25 sent by mail . ulnstrated sample, 6 cents ; fierili llnv AllH... PaaKnilvUcl. uinxiireuca mnsun, emoossea, rpHE BEST 1 CALICO. WM. SIMPSON & SONS' MOURNIMG, SECOND MOURNING 80L1D BLACKS, EDDYSTONE FANCY DRESS PRINTS. The EDDYSTONE P.8INT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete establishments In the count y. THE EXPERIENCE OF CENTURY 1IALF A has enabled them to attain such perfection that they can with confidence ask you to test the quali ty of their work. They carefully avoid all poison ous drugs, make only last colors, which are thoroughly washed In hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would stain undercloth ing. Those who buy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, find them superior in durability, artistic style and finish. Be sore and ask for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on them. feb21 dw4w lort Ii Carolina Railroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. TKAINS GOING EAST. S1000 1 Date, Dec. 18, '81 No. 55 No 51 No. 53 Dally. Dally. Dally. Leave Charlotte, 4.30pm 3 80 a m 8. 1 0 p m " Salisbury, 6.17 pm 5.30 a m 1U.Q2 P m Arrive Greensb'ro 8.00 pm 7.36 am 12 05am Leave Hreensb'ro 8.18 pm 7.56 a mU'2.15 am Arrive N.Danville 10.10 p m 10 00 a m 12.23 am Leave N.Danville 11.80 p m 1015 a m Arrive Hichmond, 7.40 a m 3.55 p in Leave Greensb'ro 9.60 a m Arrive Balelgh... 1.62 p m Leave Balelgh,.. . 2. 1 7 p m Arrive Goldsboro' 4.20 p m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D, B. B. for all Dolnts East and West, via Danville and Richmond, also with train for Baleigh and Goldsboro. Ho. 55 Connects at Greensboro' wilh R. & D. R. B. for all points East and West, via Danville and Richmond. So. 53 Connects at Greensboro' with R. & D. B. R for all points East and West, via Danville only. TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, Dec. 18, '8 i No. ni D.diy. No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Daily. Lgave GoldS'Mjro'l Anive Raleigh,., i Leave Kaleiiih. I Leive Richmond. I ' N.Iia:ivlikj Arrive Greensti'i-oi Leave Greenst.'ro Lenve Halisb'irr..! Arrive Ch;iric:t-j. 1 1 2.0 p m 1 2 40 p in 4 00 Jim 12 o7 p mi 1 1.25 pm 7 4! n j si.35 i' rj! 12. -lO h rn (5 '(! Ii rri 7. 35 a III ,:;o p ani 9 30 a m K40 p nil St 35 a m ;0 .'i7 in' 1 1.22 am 12 25 nil 105 pm N. V . iV. C. II t i J ItO.lO. GO:N: WEST NO. 50 Dr.i!y. Leave Greensboro 9.51 p m Arrive KernersviUe 11.07pm Arrive Salem... 11.50 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Oreensboro ; 10.00 a m Ar.ive Kernerslile 1 1.00 a m Arrive Salem 11.30 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 7.30 a m Arrive Kerne rsvi le 8,04 a m Arrive Greensboro tu0 a m NO. 53 Dally. Leave Salem 0,30 p m Arrive KernersviUe 6.10pm Arrive Greensboro 6 30pm Pflltoaa Sleepi Cars Without Ctaie ; On Train No. 51, between Atlanta and New York, via Danville. On Train No. 55, between Augusta and Wash ington, via Danville. on Train No. S3, between Atlanta and Washing ton, via Danville. . On Train No. 50, between New York and Atlanta via Danville. On Train No. 52, between Washington and Au gusta, via Danville. -On Train No 51, between Washington and At lanta, via Dan villa. .! iVnrough Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Ealelffi.owsbOTO', Salisbury and Charlotte, and principal points South, Southwest. West, North and East. Kor Emigrant Bates to Louisiana,' Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE, - - General Passenger Agent dfic31 ., Richmond, Va 11 X We have Just received and oiler for a SHORT TIME ONLY rn 1'ea ifpssrose Decoration, 56 pieces, 810.00, woith $15-00. - EXTBA FINE TEA SEII3. gohl, bird aid flower decoration combined, 44 pieces, $12.50, ; woi!.h $18 00.. FORCELIAN TEA SETT3, plain white, very nice, . ; ' :i : 4ipletes..$5.00. - F0B(5ELAINE DINNER SETTS, 1G7 pieces, for $15,007 decrated, 1B0 rilefes, for $35 00. BEONZELAMPS of ftsorffcer qui;ty, complete i" ' -with shades, at $1.00, worth 82 00. -1;AU Other Goods In Ioportioii. ..ill . , ... ,- WQIA RETAIL. JSX J,;' ! .: iii'i '.a Bespeotfully, .f.v Hi .j: i Js 1 -UTAT ATTlTflTJ HT3Tm China Setts WWM imj&Mktoix, intJ WtlStZllKUZaVLS. DO NOT TO CALL AT EDDINS' BOOK STORE BEFORE YOU MAKE four Holiday Porchas We will not here attempt to enumerate what we have but If you will call we wIU satlsty you that we have the flnestjassortment of -HOLIDAY GOODS- ever brought to this market Call and see our Display whether you buy or not. A fine lot of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all descriptions, Just received. Remsmhpr none can under-buy us, and none can under sell us. decl8 COTTON FACTORY---FOEALE." BY Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made in the case of P c Shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Chambers by Hon A c AIJy'iwdge!,an dated the 7,n dar Of January! 1882, the undersigned, as Rbcktvkb, will sell at public sale at the Cotton Factory of the Catawba Manufacturing Company, on the Catawba River in Catawba county, on ' MONDAY, THE 6TH DAY OF MARCH, 1882, the following valuable property, to-wlt: The Granite Shoals, In Catawba county, and the Cotton Factory of said Catawba Manufacturing company located 3 miies ironi ihe vv M.c. H. mnes from Catawba btatlon on Siiid railroad 11 miles Ironi fctatesville, and 5 inl:ea WVst from Trout mau's Depot on the A., T. fc O. H. H.; including 87 acres of land on the South side of the Catawba River, on which Is situated the said Factory, three good dwelling houses containing 6 rooms each, ami 12C'itages containing from 2 to 4 rooms each lor opera ives, a siore house, stables and other out houses, bald Factory is a building HO feet long by 42 feet wide, two stories high, wim an 4-L" 5020 feet, and another ' L" 90x22 feet, a nre-proor Picker House 30x20 feet situated 1 1 0 leet from the main building of the Factory. Also, the following machinery in the said Factory, viz: 1 picker, i 36-lnch double beater and lapper, 7 37-4nch 14-top Jenk's flat cards, 1 Asa Lee 18 inch delivery drawing Irame, 1 20-strand list speeder (9-inco bobbins), 8 spinning frames, 1,05(5 spin dles (Bridesburg make), also spoolers, warper, quillers, beamers, kc, 42 new and nidstlmprov ed plaid looms (30 Bridesburg and 12 Ward's make), with all necessary fixtures and BndliiKs. and with warps ready to startup. Dye house and sizing machinery of the most Improved style wiili vats and vejsels complete. All pnits of the build ing furnished with steam-pi pes 10 warm the build ing, supplied with steam from a 20 horse power boiler. All the property, buildings, machinery, 4c, In good condition and In good repair. Also, 'on the Northern side of the rier. imme diately opposite the Factory aDd adjoining the river and the Shoal. which extends across, 21 acres of land, with a fine water-power with snlid rock foundation. The head of the water on Hie Southern bide, on which is the Factory, is about fl feet. For more accurate and definite description of tbe property and conditions of the sale, reference is maoe to the decree in the above stated case. The terms of said sale will be 20 per cent of th purchase money In cash, and the remainder in equal Installments of 90 and 1 20 days, bond and pood security being required of the purchaser for the installments. Also, at the same time and place the under signed, as Receiver, will sell FOB CASH, the fol lowing articles of personal properly, viz: 2 mules, 2 wagons and harness, lot of dyes and dye studs, the material now In process of manufacture, on sitting of warps, plaids and yarns. Also, a email stock of general merchandise, consisting of boots, shoes, dry goods, bacon and such other articles of groceries and dry goods as are usually keotln. country store. JOBN L. CuBrt, January 24th, 1882,. Becelver. ' IJncolnton, N. C. Jan24 tds , JTJSt GO TO BERRY'S and see what CHOICE FRUITS He has for New Yeai's'iDinners.and how very cheap he Is selling Toys and Fancy Articles FOR NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS dec31 Md Phosphate 400 TONS HIGH GRADE -ACID PpSPIATE,- ... .. Containing J2 to 13 percent Soluble Phojphorlc Acid. Analysis Guaranteed. 4 WARRANTED GENUINE, Just Received. Special inducements lo dealers and large buyers. CHAS. E. SMITH, Wholesale Dealer In Guano and Comml-slon Merchant, WLmlngton, N. C. an29 im t, CTTY PROPERTY -FOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of water,- etc. The house Is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or stody room, built for tbe purpose. For furtnsr particulars, price, terms. tJui2Wtf ;': ' '" THIS OFFICE. t (Jity LoJi Jta m E Lot on the comer of Ninth abtat and the North CamHha Rallrt, frohilng 140 feet on mreei arm lwoxeei an .me japrtn caroi"" nro-iots oi iq ir IWi feet: Smtable either ir I : fl r . 4 m tsi b pleaded feblfw ana gee Keys. 1 ; 1 strawr. r factory parpbsea. Apply to :?!: i V i.;