- J I , . . a- , 4 1 ;4 l)t. Charlotte )bflgrsa. CIIAS. R. JONES, Editor and PropHor. XamoD at thi Parr-omra. At Chablott, N. C, AB 8B00BD-CLASS HATTZB.1 1 INFORMATION wantjea. - I jruiaux, i Refusing Freighw iiesoimjpfts-were iniroauceu iu iuo avciiwu auiuuui. ul ptmcy pre- i CHICAGO, Feb. 24. The Illinois Cen- Senate ar House of Representatives sume is necessary in party rnatters, but tral, Wabash and other roads are re- fa .i11eTPd I it nan ho VnrrJAd fnn tnr nnrl n-hor t.ViA I lUSinfif freight for southern nnints from rumors of the complicity of officers of representatives ot the people, entrust- 3ffi$rn,-m account of thubaerS- f .TT P li fdrf.nSn li'-siness I ed with hiorh and rpsnnnsihlo dnties. I I V- V -M- SATURDAY FEB. 25, 1882. The Ohio Legislature i3 tryiug to leg islate railroad ticket seal pers out of existence. The executiveldepartment of Louisi ana will be removed from New Orleans to Baton Rouge. A gang of daring street robbers are making it lively in Charleston for mid night pedestrians. English troops in Ireland are desert ing because they don't like to be "pelted with brickbats." It is said that Vanderbilt is depres sing the stock market in order that he can load up and increase his small fortune. Out of 34,274 newspapers and periodi cals published in the world, 16,500 are in English ; of the rest half are in Ger man and a fourth in French. The Sprague divorce case has been settled without a suit, Sprague consent ing to the divorce, he to take possession of the boy and the mother to have the three girls. The pinkeye has made its appearance in-Columbia, and a number of horses are affected. It is also rasing in Au gusta, and several fine hordes have died. Count Waldersee, the .successor of Von Moltke as head of the German army, has an American wife. The countess was once Miss Mary E. Lee, of New York. Gen. Grant is expected at the White House, as the guest of Mr. Arthur, for a few days, about the end of the pres ent month. He will ' tarry only a short time in Washington,, however, as he is bound further South. New Haven Register: The Jubilee singers caused President Arthur to weep by singing "Steal Away." The musical setting they gave to a well known Republican motto must have been very affecting. Patriotism is not diminishing. There are twelveapplications for appointment on the United States Supreme bench and forty-seven applications for seats in the court of claims on file in the de partment of justice at Washington. this eovernment iu certain business schemes in Peru, in the interest of which the intervention of the United States was to be secured to bring about peace between Chili and Peru, to pre vent the practical conquest of the latter by the former. It is charged that there is in exist ence a company which has certain grants from the Peruvian government which gives them a claim upon that government to the amount of fcbout $900,000,000 and that to protect this so- called claim they were using the in fluence through certain United States representatives and officials to secure the friendly mediation of the United States whereby peace might be brought about between conquering Chili and conquered Peru. It is boldly hinted that Blaine had his fingers pretty deep ly in the pie, and hence his solicitous interest in the contending Republics, and his desire to bring about a peace conference between the Sputh Ameri can governments. .It is said, also, that Hurlbut the minister to Peru, was lareelv interested, and that he was using his official position to bring about the desired intervention in the interest of Peru and the guano ring, in which he had the sympathy and co-operation of the then Secretary Blaine. The fact that some of the correspondence on this question has been lost from the files of the State Department since the discussion of the subject began gives color to the charges of crookedness. The investigation will be looked for with no little interest, and especially by the Stalwarts, who hope to make some capital out of it against Blaine, if the revelations place him in a question able attitude, which many of them claim they will They hope thus to spike his gun and place him under a cloud where he will not be a dangerous antagonist in coming contests. There is no man in the Republic they would rather kill off than the gentleman from Maine, from whom they appre hend much trouble, and who is un doubtedly laying his plans to give them all the trouble he can. They have al ready dubbed him with the odorous ti tle of "Guano Jim," and if they can but make the guano stick they will be happy indeed. Let the investigation proceed. It will be interesting, though perhaps not altogether delightful. either vtte for or refuse to oppose what their judgment and conscience disap prove they are yielding just a little too much to policy. We like candor, we like honesty, and both are are as credi table to a public representative as they are in a private individual. When we see Democratic Congress men dodging the discussion of the pen sion arrears swindle, when they know it to be one of the most outrageous of swindles, and don't hesitate to say so, because it is feared the discussion would array the soldier element against the Democratic party, we conclude that they are thinking more of party suc cess than of the interests of the-people whom they are supposed to represent. That may be policy, but it is a policy that never wins victories, or if it does they are yictories that are not warth winning. For tbe delicate and complicated difficulties pe culiar to the female constitution, LydlaB. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Is tne sovereign reme dy. It alms at tne cause, and produces lasting re sults. Send to Mrs. Lydla K. Pjnkham, 233 West- era Arenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. The Chattanooga (Tenn.) Tradesman says that the Rugby colony, growing strong from suffering, has hit on some thing sensible and practicable. Near the line of the Cincinnati Southern railroad the colony owns some of the finest coal land in that region; that coal the corporation intends to develop at once. With a commerce in coal ad ded to their agricultural products Rug by can win its way to success. Ladies, Gentlemen, Misses, Boys and O Idren ; ' CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED EH STOCK? OF BOOTS AND SHOES FOR THE; FALL AND WINTER TRADE. TE guarantee that erery pair of SHOES we sell shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no house to glye you better goods than we do for the money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a new to tne wants oi au classes oi customers, ana comprises s run line or beautiful and seasonable goods, of the very best Quality and all grades from the finest French Eld Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes to suit you and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a call. A. E. RANKIN & BRO., sep!3 ; Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. 'tew CURE CONGRESSIONAL. THE SENAATE TO INVESTIGATE THE CHILI-PERU CROOKED NESS. Mrs Hayes is gratified to learn that her S3.000 dinner set was used at a re cent State dinner in the White House, but she may be shocked when she finds that seven wine-glasses served as tend ers to each plate. Female suffrage is being warmly de manded in Germany just now. At a recent election in n Wurtemberg city, the town hall was fairly besieged by a number of women clamoring for per mission to vote, and the police had to be calli d out to disperse the crowd. -vO - Quern Margaret of Italy has among the la lies of her court two Americans, whose, m;inifi'ent jewels almost eclipse the famous diamonds of the Roman Princess. T;-ey are the Prin cess Ti igiano Branc ci, nee Field, and the Princess Cenci, nee Spencer. Mr. Ueecher opened a sermon recent ly by the startling announcement that while 'h Paris he went to hell. Per haps) ligion wouldn't have lost much' if he h h1 remained t!f r But this hell was oiy the Jttrdiu M ibile where the d-mi i i congre,. nde, both m Ue and ate. female, do Altogether. 282 business firms were burned out by the Haverhill conflagra tion. Among these were 108 shoe man ufacturers, 20 sole leather firms, 8 shoe trimming firms, three banks and nearly 100 firms auxilliary to the she mn'i facturing establishments and depend ent on them. The five daughters of Robert Curry, of Augusta county, Va., are all still liv ing in excellent health and with facul ties unimpaired, although they have all reached an unusnal age. Their names and ages are : Annie McDowell,aged 88 ; Jane Young, 86 ; Polly Curry, 81 ; Lydia Burdett, 87, and Sally Curry, 77. Philadelphia Record: The further explorations are carriad into the cor respondence of the State Department the more thankful the country becomes for the opportune retirement of Mr. Blaine. His capacity for meddling and muddling in the conduct of our foreign affairs falls but little short of a marvel. Mr. Pegram, of Baltimore, is anxious to sell the Government the sword knot which was worn on the hilt of Gen. Washington's sword. He asks $1,500 for th relic. Mr. Pegram should be magnanimous and joyfully present his country with the relic. The sum of $1,500 is rather steep for an old sword knot, even if it did belong to Gen. W. I. H. Bromley, of the New York Tri bune, and Frank Hatton, first assistant postmaster-general, are talked of for the editorship of the Washington Na tional Republican, which has been late ly bought by President Arthur's friends. The paper is now reported to be losing $2,000 a month, which accounts for Brady's willingness to get rid of it. !A London dispatch says Mr. Forster, chief secretary for Ireland, has sud denly left the city, where he was in at tendance on the session of the House of Commons, and returned to Dublin. The causes assigned for his hasty de parture are that rumors have reached the government of an intended out break at Dublim .and other points throughout Ireland. 1 THE CONKLIXG SURPRISE. Conkling's nomination as associate justice on the United States Supreme bench yesterday, seems to have been a surprise at Washington, inasmuch as his name had not been mentioned for any position except the secretaryship of the treasury, the impression being at one time that Secretary Folger would be transferred fromj the treasury to the Supreme bench, and Conkling appoint ed as his successor. But it was denied by his friends that he sought any posi tion at Washington, and he was report ed repeatedly as saying that he would accept none. The question now is, after all this, wiUhe accept? It is not likely in view of the intimate relations that exist be tween him and the President, that his name would be sent to the Senate for that position without his knowledge and consent, and giving his consent would imply that he would accept. Nor is it likely that the nomination is a mere compliment that the President wishes to pay his steadfast friend, and benefactor, for it was he that madt Arthur Vice President. And yet it does not seem that a man of Conkling's ability for leadership, re cognized as he is as the htad and from of the stalwart element of his party, full of activity, energy and aggressive ness, would be content to shelve him self on the bench of associate justice even of as distinguished a court as the Supreme Court of the United States. It might suit men of less- active mould but would not suit him. He may ac cept but we shall be much surprised if he does. President Arthur has made five hun dred and thirty nominations to office since he became President, thirty-five of which were from New York. Electric lighting has made a begin ning in India, the gardens in Calcutta and the Elgin mills at Cawnpore hav ing adopted it, and other places will follow suit. Mr. Arthur will follow Grant's exam ple and snmmer at Long Branch, where he has reeently rented a handsome cot tage which will be fitted up in superb style. The late ex-GovernorSamiielPurdy.of California, acquired a national reputa tion by refusing $500,000 when a mem berof theLegislature, for his vote, which would have given the water front of San Francisco to a corporation. Mason's trial is bow in progress at Washington for attempting the life of Guiteau. His attorney put in the plea of not guilty and expects to acquit him on the ground that the intent to com mit murder can not be established. Yofng ParkhamJ Adams, of Knox ville.not only came near killing him self with smoking cigarettes, but nar rowly missed being buried alive while in a comatose state and being taken for dead. At last accounts he had revived, and hopes are now entertained of his recovery. A number oC New York ladies are conducting a crusade against merchants who have failed to provide geats. for their Shop girls aa the la w directs that enormous. they shduld. The ladies say they mean business and will see to it that the law Is enforced. Jt is-the general impres Bfon that the shop girls of New York are eminently able to take care of them-relves. The approximate value of the agri cultural products of Kansas last year is given at nearly $100,000,000, yet the area ot tillable land under cultivation in that State is said to be less than 3 per cent. Seventy per cent of the peo ple Of Kansas are farmers, and their crops of all the cereals and Vegetables common to the temperate zone prove Experiments in cotton rais ing have also been very successful; One planter near Independence has shipped 100 bales of excellent quality, and it is : thought that cotton growing will.be come one of the - principal agricultural industries of the State. The Chili-Peru Investigation Resolu tion also Passes the House, after which a Number of Private Biils are Passed. Washingnon, Feb. 24. Senate. An effort was made to get up the bill pensioning Mrs. Garfield, but the mo tion was rejected and the calendar was proceeded with. Bayard offered the following: Whereas, publication has been wide lyynade by the. public press of the United States of certain alleged com mercial contracts between certain com panies and copartnerships of individ uals relative to the exports of guano and nitrates from Peru in which medi ation by the government of the United States between the governments of Peru, Bolivia and Chili is declared to be the condition for effectiveness and continuance of said contracts, there fore be it Resolved. That the committee on for eign relations, be and hereby is instruct ed to inquire whether any promise or stipulation by which the intervention by the United States in the controver sy existing between Chili and Peru, or Chili and Bolivia has been expressly or impliedly given by any person or per sons officially connected with the gov ernment of the United States, or whether the influence of the jovernment of the United States h is been in any way exerted, promised r intimated in connection with or in relation to said contracts by any one officially connected with the govern ment of the United States, and whether any one officially connected with the government or tne united btates is in terested directly or indirectly with any such alleged contracts in which the mediation as aforesaid of the United States is recited to be a condition, and that said committee have power to send for persons and papers and make a re port of their proceedings in the pre mises to the Senate at tbe earliest pos sible day. Referred to foreign rela i ions committee. After the morning hour, Allison, who, is a member of the appropriations com mittee in charge of the. immediate defi ciency bill, awarded the floor and yield ed temporarily to Van Wyck, who ad- tres-" d the Senate upon the necessity for an investigation of alleged frauds in the township survey question. The subject was disposed of by refer ence to the committee on public lands he resolutions directing an investiga tion of the subject ty that committee. The Senate then took up the lmmedi tte deficiency appropriation bill and the ammendments of the Senate com mittee were read and agreed to. Additional items for the subsistence nd education of Indian tribes are in serted, also one of $30,000 to expedite the construction of exhibition cases in the new building for the national museum and one of $60,000 for the necessary expenses of the Garfield and Burnside funerals. The bill finally passed without objection. After some contention between Bay ard and Miller, of California, upon their claims to priority of consideration for the tariff commission and Chinese bills, a motion by Miller to take up the Chinese bill prevailed, ayes 85, noes 16, and the measure was laid over as un finished business. The Senate then at 4 o'clock went into executive session and at 4: 45 ad journed until Monday. House. In the House a number of bills were introduced and referred. Belmont introduced a resolution call ing for information relative to the Pe ruvian correspondence. Kasson offered as a substitute the following resolution: Whereas, It is alleged in connection with the Chili-Peruvian correspondence recently and officially published on the call of the two Houses of Congress that one or more ministers plenipotentiaries of the United States were either person ally interested or improperly connected with tbe business transactions in wmcn the intervention of this government was requested or expected ; and where as, it is alleged that certain papers in relation to the same subject have been improperly lost or removed from the files of the State department; therefore, belt Resolved, That the committee on for eign affairs be instructed to inquire into the said allegations and ascertain the facts relating thereto, and report the same with such recommendations na thov inav iiPAm nrnner. and thev shall havft nnwflr to send for persons and nanflra. Belmont accepted the substitute upon the statement . by Kasson that it was intended to cover all the ground cover ed by his resolution, and the substitute was thereupon adopted without.divi sion. Several private bills were report ed from the committees and referred to the private calendar, among them one for the relief of Myra Clark Gaines. Thfl House then, at 1:15. went into committee of the whole on the private The leading Scientists of To-day agree tbat most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liiver. ii, inereiore, tne Kidneys and Liver are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be the re sult This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to find relief. The discovery ot War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era In the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value. It con tains nst tne elements necesiary to nounsn ana invigorate cotn ot tnese great organs, ana sareiy Tttatnm and knen them tn order. It U a POSITIVE BEMEDY for all the diseases tnat cause pains In the lower part of the bodj lor Torpid Lwer- ueaaacnea jannaice uizzines s uravei x ever. Ague Malarial JTeveT. and all difficulties of the KldneTs. Liver and Urinary Orens. It is an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and is tnraiuable for Leucorrhcea or i'alilag of the womb. As a Blood Purifier it is unequalled, tar it cures the organs that mkk the blood. This Remedy, which has done such wonders, Is nut ud In the LARGEST 8IZKD BOTTLK of any medicine upon the market, and is old by drogslsfct and all dealers at si.zn per Donie. tor uiaoews. enquire for WABNJtR'3 SkV E DIABETES CURE. It is a foamy aemeay. H. H. WARNER CO., an28 Rochester. N. Y. Macon Quiet: middling 10c: low middling lOc; good ordinary 9tee: receipts 1 99; sales 418; stock, present year, 8,200; stock, last year, 8,956; shipments 542. CoLTmBUs-Quiet: middling lOttc; low middling lOifec; good ordinary 9lc; receipts Q'l; .ship ments 1.568; sales 19; spinners 92; stock 18,401; ex. Great Britain - ; coastwise . Nashvtlle Quiet; middling 10?hc; low mld- 10Ec: eood middling 9Vfec; net receipts B75; shipments R06; salts 880; spinners 211; stock, present year, 11,025; stock, last jear,- 17,816. Poet Rotal. S. C Weekly net receipts 765; stock 676; exports to Great Britain ; coast wise 504. sales . Providence. R. I. Weekly net receipts 155; stock 5,600; sales J, 000. Selma. Ala. Dull: middling lie. Weekly- receipts 346; shipments 520; stock, present year, 7,116- Rome. Ga. Steady; middling lOTbc; low mid dling lOSfec; good ordinary 9fcc. Weekly receipts 832; shipments 856; siock o,04. oompabative cotton statement. Net receipts at all United States ports during week ty.n.- Same wek last year 10.1 12 Total receipts to this date 3,970.845 Same date last year 4.472.S 2 Exports for the week 78,075 Same week last year 90. 1 74 Totul exports to this date 2,22 1 ,084 Same date last sear a,o ' ,8 J BURGESS NICHOLS, ALL KIHBf f FUHKITUBE. BEDDING, &C. A FULL LOTS OV Cheap Bedsteads, AJfD LOUHSn, Parlor & Chamfer Suits, oorrrxa tte au. kzsrm m xajtb. ko. s wxsr 8tock at all United States ports. . Same time last year Sto.-i at all interior towns Same time last year Stock at Liverpool Same time last year Stock of American afloat for Great Britain Same time last ye.ir MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH FEBRUARY 24, 1882 PRODUCE. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine firm at 491&C. Bosin firm; strained $1.10; good strained 81.95. Tar firm, at $1.70. Crude turpentine tadT. at -2.25 for hard: S3 50 for yellow din: 82 80 for virgin (Inferior). Com firm ; prime while 82lS83; mixed 77. Rai.ttmore Noon Flour very aulet: Howard street and Western super $3 752S4.75; extra S5.0OS$5.65; family $6 20SS7.25; City Mli;s, Ruijer &i.00ffiS5.00: extra S500$6.00: Bio brands $6.75; Patapsco family 88.U0. Wheat Southern aulet: Western inactive and lower, and closine aulet: Southern rd Sl.30ffSl.35; amber Si RPf7,Sl.40: No. 1 Maryland SI 821&: No 2 Western winter red spot. $1.26a$1.26J& Corn Southern firm; Western steady and quiet; Southern white 78; southern yellow osaew. BALTTMOR-Nlght-Oat8 firmer; Southern 46S49; Western white 48350; mixed 4BK47; tvnnijfi- vanla 47S50. Provisions quiet and steady; mess nork $18.253818.50. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed lVt&0Vi. Bacon- shoulders 8M: clear rib sides 11U; hams VdViu) 1SS&. Lard refined 1214. Coflse firm ; Bio car goes ordinary to fair 93 10 8uRr- oulet: A jon w. Whiskey-quiet, at 81.19331 2a Freights dull. New Yobi Southern flour, dull and drooping; common to fair extra 85.253S6.75; good to choice extra S6.803S8.00. Wheat-opened 2Vfec lower, heavy a d unsettled, but closing firm with a reac tion ot l31Vtc; ungraded red S&l.OOKSl-H: No. 2 red. February S1.30lAesi.3(h; March SI 30 381.31. ' orn unsettled and closing steady; un- Kraded r31A38W): bouthern white ; ISO 2. KeDruary67; March 663367. Oats-lower and weak, and less active; ho. 3, 49. Hops-dull and ra'.h-r weak, and prices unchanged; Yearling 12322. Coffee unchanged and quiet; Klo 97a Sugar- - firmer and In buer demand; . 00 hhds. centrifugal 96 lest at 838 16; 150 hhes. Mus covado 92 test at 7Vi; fair to good refining quoted at 7 1 I63714: refined firmer and fair inquiry; Standard A 838. Molasses firmer and In fair demand. New urieans quoted at oo3i8. nice steady and in moderate Inquiry. Koslu- quiet and steady, at 82 3' 382 5. Turpentinefirm and quiet, at 53 bid. Wool unchanged and demiind light; Domeitlc fleece 86348; Texas 143MI. Pork -very dull, heavy ad lower, at 81 6 503 816.75. Middles dutl'pnd easier; long clear 914; slK-rt 9. Lard-otened lower, and un.nf.lea. and an active business, at 810 503810 J1V Freights to Liverpool market fl nier otton, per sail 3-16d3J4'i; do. per steam 3 lddffiiAd. COTTON. Galveston Irregular; middling HHfec; tow mid dling lUTfce iffX'ri ordinary lOVjc; nft receipts 1,014; gross ,0,3; snles 750 st-'Ck 70.420. ex-ror'- vHHtw1w ; to Hrat Britain ; 'o continent ; to France ; to channel 1,084.2-9 868,941 178.477 162.80i 742,000 713,000 209,000 326,000 Liverpool Noon Fair demand freely met at nwvloiis Drices: middling uulands 6 7-lta; mid dling Orleans 6d; sales 10,000; speculation and inort Mm: reoeinis zz. uu: Ameni-au iouu. U pianos low miaaiing Clause: jeuruarjr ueuvrry 6 l3-82d; February and March 6 l-32d; March and AprU 6 13-32d36 27-64d: April and M y !5-32dS631-64d; May and June 6 !7-32d3- 6 9 16d; June and July 6a; Juiy na August 6 ll-16d; August and September 0 47-6 Id. iru tures quieter. Liverpool -5 P. M Sales of American cotton 7.350 bales. Uplands low middling clause: Jfeb- rnarv delivery : February and March March and AprI1629-64d36 7-1 Bd; April and May 6 83-64d: May and June 6 3 04a; june and July : Jul? and Ausrust 6 45 64d; Aug- us: and September 6 49-64a36d. Futures clos ed easier. Sales for the week 06.OOO AmiM-lcan 42.U0U Speculation - 1.180 Esport H.100 Actual exports o.ouo HYirwarrtfid from shins' sides.' Imnorts 1UZ.UUU American iouuu firnck 742.000 American 526.000 Atioat aei American 209,000 LIVERPOOL COTTON CIRCULAR. This week's circular of the Liverpcol Cotton Brokers' Association, says: "Cot on has been firm, business moderate ai.d prices, after nuctuat- lng, closed unchanged. American aavanceu i-jnu which was s bsequently lost ai.d vil&s closing Arm and unchanged Sea inland was in moaTaie demand at rather easier rates. Futures advanced l-irtd3.-l-H2d In the early part or tne wees, du later on there was more disposition to sell and Drlces declined Ud. end closing l-dMtci-loa lOer." W. T. BLACKWELL & GO. Durham, N. C. Manufacture of the Original and Only Gcncine Mar 22 ly upon tlic fact that a chemical analysis proves that tha tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to mate aGOOO,PURE, satisfactory smoke than AXY OTHEIt tobacco imov.-n In th world; and being situated in the HEART o this fine tobacco section, "WE have the PICK of the offerings. The public ap preciate thi 8 ; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALLi the leading manufactories com bined. JSjjVone rjiTiuine unless it bears the trade-mark of the BvM. JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. oiiiiii FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. FUTURES. In connection with the publication of The Ob server, and the establishment of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thorougiiiy equipped Weekly-net rec'pts4 878; gross 5 672; sales 2.01 ; exports coastwise 2,848; to Great Brit in 2.962; to continent 3,570; Krance ; to chan nel . Norfolk -Steady; middling 1 1 7-1 6c; net reo'ts 1,422, gross ; stock 49.275; exports eot- ; sales : experts 10 Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 8,914; gross ; sales 4.199; coastwise 8.765; Great Britain 8,253; channel ; continent ; France . Balttmors Quiet, middling lHic; low mid dling 11; good ordinary 10IA; net receipt 27; vtom S.8B: sales : stock 86,356; export ooAstwim ; spinners ; axports to ret Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 220; gross P.433; sales 585: sninners 565; exports Great Britain 234; coastwise 120; continent 2, 100. RnrmR-null, mlddllnn ll&C; low mlddllrtK lltoc: (rood ordinary lOlfec; net receipts 1,493; itroM 2.145; sales : tock 9327; exports to ereftt Britain : to France . Weekly net rec'ts 5,086; gross 7,470r sales ; exports to ureal janiaiu o,uo. Wilmington Steady ; middling HViC: low raid' Una 10 1H-I6c: Eood ord'r 915 16c; rec'pts 148 gross ; sales ; stock 7,691; exports no a. t Winn : to Great Britain ; to continent . Weeklv net receipts 1,044: gross : exports coastwise 1.292: to Great Britain ; to con tinent . PnTT.ATTtLraiA Steady: middling HSie; low middling HV&c; good ordinary lOo; net receipts 1 irrnaa 9ftf: HAlea : snlnnoTS ! "toek : export Great Britain ; to continent Weekly net receipts 1.572; gross 2,663; sales ; spinners r-r ; coastwise -; continent to Great Britain 8,190; stock 17,719. Sat ann u Steady ; middling imc; Jow mid dling lOo; good ordinary 9o; net rwelp 1.11O: uross : sales '2.500; stock 76.14, axports coastwise ; to Great Britain to France : to continent 866. Weekly-net receipts 6,942; gross 7,021; sales 9.500: exports to Great Britain 6.329; Franca ; coastwise v.iwo; continent odd. Unn nuTniufl-BtagrtV. mlrirlTTne 119hC! lOW mlddhng lie: good ordinary 10c; net receipts 8.232: uross 4.111: sales 6.000; stock 870,310, exports to Great Britain ; to France coastwise ; to continent Weekly net receipts 16,341; gross 19.108 iic ri(n. nvnnrfo nnni TtiHtaln 12.646: Chan nei : coastwise 2.744: France continent 2,304. Mobile Quiet ; middling llo; l0W,mW211Ln Ha, mnm muA, nut rAcelDCS Hon, timoa aaa. cnn. tnek 83.232: exports coast ; France ; to Great Britain to continent : Weekly-net receipts 8,408; gross 8.427; ies a.urtu; exports 10 ureal Britain i.oo. z,63&; trance - (.continent a.iuu MKHPH33-Qulet;: middling lliAc low dllnir 1 f)Tbe: trnod nnllniin xnihn nat recelDH Wrt gross 1,126; shipments 695: 'sales 100; stock 88.829. "Weekly net reeeinfa a oak- cross 5 250; shln- luouio 0,010; sates tj,ioo. AucrosTA Steady: miririiimr 11e: low rad dling IQt&o: fc-ood ordinar ite: reoelpt 225 shipments 1,728; sales 4,00. . weekly- net rec ta i ork- ahinm't 1.038: salas Nkvt Tork Net receipts 828; gross 1,573. Fu ures closed steady; sales 196,000 bales. February ll.52ff.54 M roh ll.54ff.55 Airil 11.74ff(.u M t 11.923 9- j ,e. 121 off .00 Jr. t 12.56ff.2tt Auznut jzoau1 -v St itember 1 .wg ktnlr J141ff4'! N.,ootnhr U.ll'OI Dreembsr Il.3lff.ii3 January The Evening Post's Cotton Market Heport says: iTiitiir rtolivpri-s at flr.t calr enlned 8 to 10 points. d-cllnd subsequently 4 to 10. but advanced atrain and ruled at Z 4ft P in. 10 10 IS poim - uiguer ' . . -1 ... . 11.... ..W .. ..-. riitpnnn nf a tf k mints, i ut iinces ralliec agin. and at the third cail Marcn Drouyni 11 ; pru 75: May .94; June 12.11; ."JS: August .4 ; ucio- ber 1 1.41. FINANCIAL. Nkw York. Exchange to ii...iim ..itiI. ilrnncr Naw FVs r 1.U1 w Four and a hall per cents 1 1 4Vi Vitir rAi OAnLQ l.J ' V , . . . rvrt Houey aito ana i-;.3 -Hte bonds generally nriti . . aiiif poAsnrv halannpm-Gold S83.4T7 441 w r. a t a.... " currency.... t.oo-i.ou m RTnr.KS 1 1 A. M. The market opened irregu lar hut 1 he seneral list was 1RffiD Per cent lower than wmt-rri.ii' nslnz Drlces. the latter for the Klet.mona a uanviue whiib mo jinuunfau no vated opened 2VS and the Chesapeake fc Onto 114 pr cent higher. From the opening up to 11 nV'iicit th market has continued rregu'.ar and uasettled. The most lmpon ant change occurred in thA LnniavlHe rasbvll.e which oecllned2i nor wnt. th Char eston 1. me rorvueru rac.uu r.of itpH 1 1 and the Union Pacific 1W, while tuo St. Louis & San Frand-co preferred fe 1 off 1 and ice2, and the Kichmond k Alleghany declined I14 and recovered 1 Pr cent .""P CK3 Irregular and opening weak and lower, and closed strong: Charleston idj 700; gross low miajung lltyoi good ordinary 10e; net receipts siock du.uu; Britain channe Steady; middling HVa; a ordinary 10 sales l,800t r.alpnrlr. At 4:30. the committee rose,' and after passing a number of bills of a private exports wwtwfse'-7tb' Great Brit nature, adjourned. to eontlnent to France --; to Conlcling Nominated as Associate Jns- ''fice ofthe Supreme Cbnrt4 WashtngtosT ."r.e.b. 24. The Presi-. dent to-day sent to'thlr Senate the fol- lowing nominations: Roscoe Conkling, to be Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, and A. A. Sar trant. tn he Minister to Germany: wai ter H. Johnson, collector of internal' revenue, second district of Georgia; TTarry T. Griscom, postmaster at Chat tanooga, lenn, . weekly net rpyuinf j - vwuauua a . A ; n uoii i a uaauuu 2-!9M continent 2,819; Great lands 115fec; tnidrttino- Aina nth. MnW.fi. 1 , , . - l.vaU0 aVALTa dated net recelnu ! iitO Francn channel . -; exports to Great Britain to continent . , j; ;p toSS ttoaaiSMU 945rii3.'.54: France 180; continent )7WV1woa Oa.Oj O stock 643.847. MOHTGOAJUtT-TnAoni a-. .1.1111 n,n, i-d 10c; good .ordinary fllAa: Yaneints 'Mli shlri mentS (WlO: alwlr nnunt .... It onn. o.rJlr ""'"i iu,uuo; wues voy. JOB PRINTING HOUSES 1 the South, the proprietor has juat atfded aoom ieie BOOK BINDERY AISD Ruling Departiiieiit, Capable of ex utln the very best class of work at short notice. Old magazine, newspapers, law or other books rewound in handsome sila, and at very low figures- Alabama Class A. 2 to 5 .... 4 PH4 Alabama Class A, small 8 iittamft-Class B. fi's 99 Alabama-Cla9aC.4's.. AW Chicago and Northwestern I.rfHa Chicago and Northwestern preferred, 1.4ii Krle - Bast Tennessee . 1 "Vi Georgia. J-67 Illinois Central. J-iW& T.alrn Rhore 1-11 Louisville and Nashville . 731 M-mphisand Charleston f Nashville and Chattanooga fi93fc New York Central l.HOiA Pitrahnrz 1.30 Richmond and Allegheny '. 24 Ttifhmond and Danville 1.B0 Bock Island 1.801! Wabash, St Louis Pacific bOVs Wabasli, St Louis & Pacific preferr'd fi7 Western Union. 78 : CITY COTTON MARKET. Oftice op The Observer, Charlotte, Februarj 25. 1882. r The market yest9rda7 closed quiet at the follow ing Quotations: tood Middling...: 1114 Strictly middling, , . lUe. Middling II Strict low middling ' 10 : Low middllne ...... 1 0 Tinges m mVa Storm cotton : - - 5tl 8 BECEIFTS TOK YLiZ WBEK EKDEQ FBIDAT, 24th. SaturdftT... loO bales Monday 107 Tuesday.., 122 Wednesday 140 Thursdays 128 Friday... BLANK BOOKS, ACCOUNTS CURRENT, And work of thi3 class, ruied and bound to order We are prepared to furnish close estimates on every description of LETTER TIIESS PRINTING. A FULL SUPPLY OF WOOD TYPE FOR POSTER PRINTING. Theatricals and other exhibitions can get the! DATES and POSTERS printed here in as attractive a manner as in Mew xork. -We have 'a very full supply of type for printing, at short notice and in nrst class style, BRIEFS FOR THE SUPREME COURT. And lawyers desirous of presenting their argu ments in good shape will do well to give us a trial. We have the most accurate proof -readers, and our work is as free from defects as it is possible to make it. LETTER HEADS, Statements, ' - Order Books. Viiltiiig Cards, tfauuaras, Pamphlets BILL HEADS, Deeds, receipt hooks, Business Cards. Programmes Magistrates' and Court Blanks In tact all kinds oi printing done at short notice Special attention given to Railroad Printing." BOOK WORK' NOTEs HEADS, Circulars, , Snveiopest Handbills, Invitations, Checks, Labels Total bales. 100 756 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Having a larger supply of type than most Job es tablishments, BOOK WORK has been and will continue to be a specialty with us. Address THE OBSERVER Charlotte. N. C Charlotte Produce market FEBRUARY 21, 1862. gUYTNG PRICES. (ST Cobh, ptrbusM Meal. . " Wheat, " Beams, white, per bushel Peas, Clay, per bnsh. . . . . Ladyr " ..... White, " JFtiiiXiilfk f sxua. -Snner...... OATS.sbeHedi ...r. Dbieti Fanir Applea. pstilb.;.. Peaches, heelijd ....... - Unpeelpd. ,. Blackberries. PotATSiIS-T-: : 8weet. . Irish.". . rv..; BtrrrxB , North Csu-iUit.., ...... Ducks : Turkeys,, pa lb,... iteese..... ........... Bbkt, per ib net Mutton, per lb., net . . . . ruttx. , . . .-ff 9095 95 1.25a2.50 90ai.0O 1.60 1.25 3.5Qaa75 3.00a3;25 .1.-00 6575 18S20 7a8 8a5 ;7Ca?5; 1.50 ,20 ,18 20a25 lBa2 20a25: ! 8 "25a35 '5a8 FOR SALE OR RENT. 'pHE new and commodious residence built by H. T. Builer, on Tryon (treet, jU3t beyond the track of the A.,' T. Jc O. R. it. co. Goea Dargain. Appiy to F. H. GLOVER, 3anl2tf .Agent FOR SALE OR RENT. V git room boose, with good yard and jfcx- well ot water, and a two room kitchen; ten mlhutea walk of the ntiblie snnare. Apply to WALTER BREiL a. decixu tr. - - SEND CATjJBi TO x; DAVlO.LANDRETfi &S0NS. PHllA- IMS rlAltl. ONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. n if H i U, ill, Andrews, AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of fuDCtlons, with leucor rhosa, dlsmenorrhaea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Aff rd promut relief to those distressing bearing down p-flus so peculiar to women. trice 93 per box. sent free by mall on receipt or price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York f'lty. Scrofula, or any Blood Disorder, Dr. Clarke's Anti- Syphilitic Pills. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fail to cur when directions are followed. Price $2 50per box. Five b xesSlO. Sent by mall prepaid, on receipt of price Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, Mew York City. A INVALUABLE BEMEDY. Dr. Clarke's Ponnorrhear Pills. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure In 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or dlfncuit urination, mucuus discharges ana stdlments inihe urine from what ever .cause Induced, whether of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sumcient, rnce a pet lox. Three" boxes for $.V Mttlledlree on receipt of price. au: dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. UEttB Dr. Clarke's IS A BALRI IN GILEA. Tor all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and lmpoteney. as the result of 3elf abuSe In youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of bight. Defective Mem ory, Phlslcal decsy. Pimples on face, Aversion tosoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Los? of Sexuil n ..... . j.. MnH.,(no mapHnfiu 1m- invigorating ororror unhappy. Are a positive cure in two to 8 weeks. One to-Mx boxes usually sufficient Price SI 50 per box. Four boxes S5. Sent by moll nronnM on rAfVlnt nf nrice. IUls. UrWrssT)r. Clarke Medicine Com- paby. New Yoyk City. ftbl9 H&h 18w HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, WUl BksJI FREB! their Cataw loroe fop 188!),- eont4nlnK a full deneriptia'e Prle - IAst of Flower,; Fiekl and Garden 8a9J declO.weowly Bulbs. - Ornamental - Grasses, and Immortelles. Gladiolus, , Lilies, Roses, Plants, Garden Implements. Beautifully-lllus . . trated.OTerlOOpaga. Address ROCHESTER.N.Y. & CHICAGOJLL 179-183 East Main SU 200-206 Randolph St

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