' '-. V, 'v '.. v. i ? -i-i-Tf-r:'- : f i 5-. if t 1 ' !' t -I J- 2Tl)c l)arbtte bsmier. 3 ii SUBSCRIPTION RATES." Daily, one year, post-paid, in advance. ., $8.00 gixmonthx....... 4.00 Three months. 2.00 One month 78 WEEKLY EDITION: Weekly in the county), in advance. . , 82.00 Out of the county, Post-paid . 2.10 xmontht ; 1.06 ty Liberal Reduction Jbr Club. TEX OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with erery needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short notice, RT.AKira, RTT.T-TTTt ATfl, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac. U M VOL. XXVII. CHABLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY FEBRUARY 26, 1882. NO. 4,035. j,1 WE- ARE NOW OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF White Goods, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and many other Unas of Goods IT VERY LOW FIGURES. We have a large line ot -CORSETS- Si good and cheap as cm be had In this maiket We will sell VERY CHEAP ALEXANDER k HAIUUS. feb'23 Harris at a jilx0jes 188-2, 1882. -:o: Spring Style Bats. :o : : o : Have received and are dally receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GGO F.KE NN K TTTT ,SS5 w O OK NN N T 5 s" " O KE N N N T S8 G GO K N N N GGG EEE N HN 8 Ssa8 Silk, SI and Fe -HATS.-: Don't Fail to Call aod See Them. PEG RAM & CO. febU BUsceHaneotts. V'o continue to act a Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, ;: a ie Marks. Copyrights, etc, for the United States, ! anada. Cuba, England, France, Germany, etc We Lave had U.irty-five years' experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed In the Sci entific American. This large and splendid Illus trated week 1 y paper, $ 3 . 2 O a y ear,slims the Progress ' f Science, if very interesting, and has an enormous fireulation. iddresS MTJNN A CO., Patent Solici tors, rub's, bi Scientific AMERICAN, 87 Part Cow, KewYork. Hand book about Patents free. DIVIDEND NOTICE. NORTH CAROL INI RAILROAD COMPANY, Secretary and Treasurer's Office, Company Shops, N. C, January 31st, 1882. THE Directors of the North Carolina BMlroad Company have declared a dWdend of 6 per Cent three per c nt payable 1st March, to stock holders of record on 10th February next; and three per cent on 1st September, to stockholders ot record on 1 nth August next. The stock books will be c osed from 10th February to 1st March, and from lOtn August to 1st September. 1882. P. R BUFFIN, febl lm Secretary. NOTICE. PURSUANT to a decree of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg, I win sell at Public Auction at the court house in Charlotte, on MONDAY, TLB 271H OF FEBRUARY, 1882, (being the week of Superior Court) that valuable lot or parcel of land lying between the intersection of the North Carolina Railroad track and Trade street, adjoining the P. M. Brown lots and others, now known as the Butler property. Resold because of purchaser at late sale falling to comply. Terms Vs cash; balance on 3 and 6 months credit, with interest. Title reserved as security for balance. B. BABdlNGER, dec24 d oaw tds Commissioner. cafes sternal B. Vance. W. H BAILIT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Counsellor! , raABLOTTB.ir.c. Practice In Supreme Court of the United States, . Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da : - . vtdson. , - fcsT Omoe, two doors east 9t ; Independence 1 N the Kate aod United 'States Courts. Collee i.Soniv Home and Foreign, solicited. Ad rof Titles, 8meys,furnjAB4 for com mHSI2,sr- Comer Tr ' Xrfon streets a, c Han. a grg CS0os, glutting, Sec. YESTERDAY AVE RECEIVED a lot of New Fresh OF ALL GRADES AND Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, with Insertions to match. Another laree instalment of T.adtaH' Neck Wear, embracing all that Is new and desirable. Several pieces or Watered Silks and Sattn stripe Moire at prices that must sell them. Also Black Embroidered Brussels, Net and Beaded Lace, the latest and most tasteful trimming out for fine Black Goods. T. L. Seigle & Co. HUflttat. Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured ; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely in such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has Baved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KIIXER 13 not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and is most valued Where it Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows : PAiKKrLi.EB has been my household remedy for colds lor the past twenty-seven years, and nave never known it to fail in effecting a cure. L. 8. Cbockzr, Willi amsYille, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Paik Kii-LKR, and round it a never-failing remedy for colds and sore throat Babton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and Sore throat, and consider JEour Pain Killer an Invaluable remedy. Quo. B. Evkoxit, Dickinson, ; N. Y. s. I have just recovered from a very severe cold, r which I nave had for some time. I could get no relief tintfl I tried vonr Paiw Kilul which k relieved me Immediately. I will never agaia be witnout it u. o. Jb OBCK, ixwnaes, us. Have need Pain Killeb in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Hansom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Killer in my family twenty, five years ago and have used it ever since, and have louna no medicine to t&Ke its place. u. w. jjyeb. Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and croup it is the best preparation made, w would not be without it A. P. Routs, Liberty Mills, Vs. For twenty-five years I have used Pain KrLLra for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the beet medicine ever offered. uxo.QooPKWilmington, I was suff erlng severely with bronchitis, and my " throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killeb, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Paw Ktt.t.kb cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fall in a single instance. This fact you should' make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes : My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Paw Killxs. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAT3T KHXER has no equal It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Paw Killer tn the bouse Is a safeguard that no family should be without All druggists sell It at 85c., 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. ! sept dAw sept a oct. POLLS . INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of s,pretlte.KauBea,bowels costive, tneHead, lected some dutyweariness. Dizsiness, FTutteTLng of the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache, Beatless ness at night, highly colored Urine. IP THESE WARNINGS ABE TJlfHEEDKD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTTS PILLS especially adapted to nchcases,one dose effects such change of feclins; as to astonish the sufferer. Tbey Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, and by theirTonle Aetlonon the Digestive Organs, Secular Stools arepro duced. Price 25 cento. 35 Murray St., N.I. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hair or Whisk ebs changed to a Glossy Black by a single application of this Dyk. It Imparts a natural color, acts Instanteneousiy. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of 1. Office, 33 Murray St., New York. CDt. tCTTS BUNEAL r Vsloablc Ifonaitlo tm tieM Hetxiptm -111 be Mailed HUB fpU-Um.W Feby. 23deo04wl oinger, cucnu, juaii drake, Stnlingia, and many of the best medi cines' known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine f such varied powers, as to make it th greatest ft T.J 1 H UIUUU X U1UIV1 iun a BestHealth AStrsBgtli lyiA-J uaHnrisaai aB an-. Tim liestorer ver usea. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver & Kidneys, &is entirely different from I Hitters, Giacer Essences and other Tonics, as it never intoxicates. Hiscox Parker's flair Balsam Tlw Bast, Cleaimt, and Uoft Eeononlol Ilmlr Drew. lag. Krrcr taili ts mton ta yoouiliu color to g'j juur. Kc and 1 iiw. Lrg oct2'i ST CHARLES HOTEL. BJADQIJABTEBS J'TOB DEUTIMEES. 8TATSBY1XLX, N. a rrHia house has been leased for a term of yean - I kTmm nr. raas. whose Intention Is to keen a strictly flret-oJass house in every respect., mmua sample rooms on tot and second Tbe patronage of the pubUe Is solicited. Jolylrdtf. fie Pain in theHeadTwith a dull sensation in the back part. Fain under the shoulder- 1.1-J- Al 1 n.-inr ritVl m. rHaln. clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper. Low spirits. iJosi rf mmmnrv. with a. T AAlinff of haVinS nen- Kissed His Mother. She sat on the porch in the sunshine, As I went down the street A woman whose fair hair was silver, But wbose face was blossom sweet. Making me think of a garden where in spite of the frost and snow Of bleak November weather, Late, fragrant lilies blow. I heard a footstep behind me. And the sound of a merry laugh, And I knew the heart it came from Would be like a comforting staff In the time and hour of trouble. Hopeful and brave and strong, One of the hearts to lean on When we think that things go wrong. I turned at the click of the gate-latch, And met bis manly look; A face like his gives me pleasure, Like the pages of a pleasant book, It told of a steadfast purpose Of a brave and daring will A face with a promise in it That God grant the years fulfill. He went up the pathway singing; I saw the woman's eyes Grow bright with a wordless welcome, As sunshine, warms the sklea "Back again, sweet mother," He cried and bent to kiss The loving face that was lifted For -what some mothers miss. That boy will do to depend on; I bold that this is true From lads in love with their mothers Our bravest heroes grow. Earth's grand'st h-arts have been loving hearts Since time aod earth began! And the boy who kissed his mother Is every Inch a man. OBSERVATIONS. Oscar Wilde feels disappointed that he has seen no ruins In thlt country. He should get Mr. Robe son to show him the American navy by moonlight. Boston uiooe. Another Democrat zone wrons-1 Green, tax col lector of Kansas city. Inter-Ocean. Another Re publican gone right to State prison for fifteen years Baldwin, auditor of Newark. -Boston Post Of the thirty Inebriate asylums established in this country during the past twenty five rears, but four have gone out of existence. This would s-em to prove something, but lor the lite of us we don't know what Oil City Derrick. 'Let's 'Iustrate It," hiccoughed apolitical orato It's beautiful. Tou see, an old farmer comes to town loaded with new wheat, an' he goes home loaded with old rye." New Jersey is trying to claim Noah because he was a New-ark-man. l ei, but toi know he look ed out of Ark-an-saw-land tflvs the South a fair show at this thing. - Wluston Lead-r. Have you rooster .with double heads down your way?" was asked of a Southern negro who nad been boasting ol the remarkable productions of "his country." "Oh, y-e s we habs urn, but day are berry rar, berry rar." Mary Swain had her "spine twisted" in a crowd ed car of the Continental Passenger Hallway, at rnuadelDhia, and a court awarded her Si 2,000 damages. This is probably the largest back pay ever drawn by a woman. Louisville Courier-Jour nal. Several years ago a Methodist clergyman of Washington, a man of blunt and outspoken tem perament, announced as his text "An honest man s the noblest work or mod." Me looked over the congregation a moment and then ejaculated with impressive fervor: "But God Almighty hasn't had a Job in this city for fifty years." But I pass." said a minister recently in dismiss ing on theme of bis subject to taka up another. Then l make it spades," yeiiea a man irom tne gallery, who was dreaming the happy hours away in an Imaginary gune of euchre. It is needleis to say that he wnt out on tne next aeai, asstsrea Dy one of thu deacons Milwaukee Sentinel, It Is relate t tht while preaching from the text. 'He eiveth his beloved sle-p," a Toledo minister stopped in the middle of bis sermon, gazed upon his sleeping auditors and said: "Brethren, it is bard to realize the wondrous, unbounded love tne Lord appears to have for a good portion of this congregation." He bad been the boy of the office; the lowest one In raik about tbe concern, and when he was pro moted a notch he was as pleased as an actress with a bouquet she didn't pay for herself. They asked him about the change. "NO," said he, ' my work isn't easier. It's meaner, too, and the salary isn't raised any to speak of. But, by hokey, now I've got some one under me that 1 can suck around. It's a heap of comfort !" "Can oa make a circus, ma?" "I don't know. Johnny; I suppose he could if he had a great deal of money to buy horses and wild ammais. am why do you ask. Johnny?" "U, nothing much. Only I saw that Gaston fellow that you told Sis to have nothing to do with standing with his arm around her at the back gate last night, and he said to Sis, 'I s' pose if yer old man came along now he would make a circus,' and Sis laughed and said, 'Tou betr " ITEMS OF INTEREST. In DroDortion to population, Italy has, strange to say, more shoemakers than any other country in Europe. Sweden has fewest. The ratable value of London is just twice that of Ireland. ' A rnmnanv has been organized in Snrinorfild. Mass.. for the manufacture of various articles from clay. The pecu liarity or tne association is mat it is formed exclusively of negroes. The snow storms of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton during the past three toapIts havpi not heen eaualed in inten sity for many years. Snow banks twen- ty-nve ieet nign are met wun in many places. A swarm of bees in Sweetwater val ley, Cal., settled on a rattlesnake six feet long, twelve inches in girth, with rattles, and stung it so that it was blinded and afterward easily killed with a spade. K,rr.nrl marriftffft bv Hindoo widOWS are ateadilv increasing, two ot these ceremonies having been celebrated last month in Bombay and Calcutta, while tiiirri will tair niace mis moDtn in Lahore. At the Calcutta wedding the bride had been married at 7 years oia, and become a widow six months later A Detrified alligator is said to have bftpn found imbedded in solid rock twenty feet underground, in a quarry two miles from Saratoga springs, it is five feet seven inches in length, and measures, two feet back of the head, nine inches in diameter. A corresDondent writing from Jama ica to a leading London paper says that the hill climate of J amaica is almost perfect. Society is very sociable, and living, except butchers meat, excellent; and very cheat : servants tne same, viz. a really good cook, $2 a week, waiter ditto, groom ditto. Imported articles from England are sold very low. A iailor says that there is a class of nmman nhn am fascinated bv anv fiend ish r.riiAltv to one of their sex. and who become infatuated with the criminal. The number of persons who have a onootinrr oHmirat.inn for nntnrions cri minals he Unas to De. very large, ana ne wouia maae it uimuuit xui mciu u into a jail to gratify their prurient tastes. Professor Packard, of Bowdoin Col Iao-a vnnches for the storv that Tallev rand detested Aaron Burr, and that when the latter sent his card request ing an interview the French diplomat Birt ' "The minister of foreign affairs will receive Col. Burr at such an hour, but a miniature of Gen. Hamilton al ways hangs over his mantel." Col. Burr did not call. . Loss by the Wheeling Fire. Wheeling, West Va., Feb. 25. The loss by yesterday's nre is u,uuu. in aurance, $21,000. . Kidney blseasee. human race, and tbey are constantly on the in- erease. but where the virtues oi sooney- w on nav hivfthld tonstamiv dese spirits of nitre and such stuff, give this great I iDimui a hum ' . . . rz-- - T mAMAjaw m Mai inn n raimu. ui uic un imiu i. la most economical, in tne uquia we most conven 1 lent Philadelphia Press. NEWS NOTES. A steam flonrinc? mill in nrniAr.t.firl at. Luray, Va., and $11,000 of the necessary $ 16,000 to inaugurate the enterprise has oeen suDscriuea. It is stated that M.Bontoux. of the Union Generale, will be arraigned for trial in March. Jacob "Whitmore was convicted at Bellefontaine, Ohio, on Wednesday of poisoning his wife with strychnine. The Pennsylvania State Democratic committee has been called to meet at Harrisburg, March 22d. The San Francisco corn exchange has inaugurated gambling in wheat after the fashion of Chicago, in spite of remonstrances from farmers and mill ers. T. J. Thompson, section master f he Richmond, Fredericksburg and Po tomac Railroad, was found dead in his bed at Ashland, Va., Wednesday morn ing. Me retired Tuesday night in ap parent good health. At Bridgeport, Conn., yesterday. Patrick Haley, while suffering from delirium tremens, fatally stabbed Mi chael Corcoran with a pocket knife. Haley had come to Bridgeport to attend the funeral of a friend, and was stop ping at Corcoran s house. Mass meetings to denounce polygamy in Utah Territory and memoralize Con gress to take effective action in the matter were held at Chicago. Milwau- kie, Keokuk, Minneapolis and many other cities, on .Wednesday night. The steamship Illinois arrived at hiladelphia Thursday, bringing 325 Jewish refugees, mostly from Kieff. Warsaw and Odessa, who have left their own country to escape persecu- ion. Most ot them are tradesmen, only a few being farmers. Samuel H. Owens, past grand master of tbe Masonic Grand Lodge of Mis souri, grand high priest of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons, and grand treasurer of the Ancient Order of Uni ted Workmen of Missouri, died in St. Louis on Wednesday. In the United States District Court at Philadelphia yesterday judgments aggregating 818,700 were entered against Legrand Ensign, and $10,000 against Christian Price in favor of the government. Ensign and Price were sureties on the bond of Ben. B. Wiley, star-route mail contractor. Lieut. Harber and Master Scheutze. of the United States navy, left St. Petersburg Thursday for Irkutsk via Owenburg. They will proceed down the river Lena in M. Siberakoff's steam er, and along the coast to the East, in search of the Jeannette's third boat. jieut. Danenhower will start from rkutsk for St. Petersburg in a few days. Stat; News. Salisbury Examiner: The report from the Dunn Mountain Minn rpnrp- sents the yield as increasing and most prontaoie, Mrs. "Rllpn Ovprp.ash. wfffl nf Mr Miller Overcash, died iu Atwell town ship on Tuesday, 14th inst. She was aooutao years or age ana leaves several children. Durham Plant: Col. D. C. Parrish, for a number of years mayor of Dur ham, announces in a card that he will not be a candidate for re-election in May next. Six persons were baptized at the Bap tist church Wednesday. A large num ber of persons have connected them selves with that church since the begin ning or tne recent meetings. Gastonia Gazette: Mr. James An thony, of Gastonia township, mended a pair of Smith s bellows last week.which were made in 1831 by Gideon Black wood, living near Crowder's Mountain. Tbey were made for Mr. Anthony's father, and this is the farst time they were ever mended. A mountain wagon loaded with a jug, keg, two bushels of apples, half a bushel of onion sets and a quart ot cab bage seed, drawn by two very slender horses, accompanied by three men, four "do res" and we don't know how many pistols, passed through Gastonia Thurs day en route to Charlotte to barterfor a barrel of tar. It is com du ted when they return home corn will be coming up, gardens planted, and tneir tar near ly all wasted over the rocks they will have to encounter. Such is life. Off for Albany. Greensboro Bugle. To-day Deputy Marshals J. B. Gret-. ter and S. L. Trogdon, with Wm. G. Welker, W. J. Watson and W. E. Holly as guards, left, for Albany with nine prisoners, who were sentenced to terms in the penitentiary for violations or the United States laws in the Western District of this State. The following are the names, resi dences and terms of sentence : Jack Thompson, of Forsvthe county, counterfeiting United States coin, three years. Jack Jackson, of Forsythe, passing counterfi it money. 5 years. jonn M. Kyme, of Kandolpn county: robbing the post office building, three years. Robert Booth and Robert Allen, of Moore county, robbing post office and burning the building. Booth 5 and Al len 3 vears. J. B. Fuller, Wayne county, eighteen months. . Ja H. Price, Wayne county, eighteen montes. John Hornby, western part of the State, 18 months. J. L. Dickson, Morganton, N.C, twelve montns. The last four weie sentenced at tb.e Statesville and Ashevule courts and their offences are unknown. A Fatal Mistake Death from Taking Morphine for Quinine. Wilmington Star. A gentleman from Columbus county, informs us tnat a Mr. .rearce, of that county, sent to Whitevule a few days ince for some quinine, being troubled with a light fever. He received what he supposed to be the medicine sent for and took a doa of it the same night, after which he went to a neighbor's house, where he soon, complained of feeling sleepy, and was shown to a bed. About 12 o ciock tne ramuv were arous ed by bursts of laughter apparently is suing from the visitor's room, and, up on entering to ascertain the cause of the unseemly and unseasonable mirth, Mr. Pearce was found in the agonies of deatn, ana was soon atterwards a corpse. Upon investigation it was found that ne naa taken morphine in stead of auinine the result of a terri ble mistake somewhere and by some one. i i i Report from a Baltimore druggist: I have sold ail of the best cough remedies for the last 15 years and hare found none to approximate the ex ceedingly large stue oi isr. onu s cougn syrup. W. L. Keltjsr. Cor. Penna, Ave. Blddle St The Nihilist Trials. London, Feb. "25. A St. Petrsburj? dispatch says in the trial yesterdy Is nief declared he prepared the dynamite used in tbe mine of the winter palace, but did not know for what purpose in tended. - , EmilianofE declared all statements of the deceased Goldenberg untrue, and that General Melikoff when at the head of affairs was in direct communication with the Nihilists through a lady. ; Hereupon the minister of justice or dered a protocol drawn upon this im portant point. The Mississippi Levees. Skip with, Miss., Feb. 25. W. F. An derson, who has been working for the last few days repairing the worst places in the levees, reports that they can stand all the water coming. The re ports of high water and the condition of the levees on this part of the Miss issippi bottom are partly - unfounded. The Burlomond levee often reported broken is still intact. If the worth of anythlDg is proven by its results, then surely Dr. Bull's cough syrup Is pre-eminently the best cough syrup now extant DON'T DIE LN THE HOUSE. Ask druggists for "Bough on Bats." It clears out rats, mice, bed bugs, roaches, vermin, files, ants, insects. 15c per box. IT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE that a remedy made of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buchu. Mandrake, DandeUon, c, sDould mai-eso many and such treat cures as Hop Bitters do; but when old and young, rich and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all tes tify to having been cured bF them, you must be lieve and try them jourseil, and doubt them no longer. grugs and tt&icXms. MURDOCH'S LIQUID FOOD, Roberts' Extract ot Malt and Meat, recommended by Dr. J Marlon 81ms, of New York. Sold by WILbON k BOBWBLu WE HAVE "N Store some fine French Brandr. Guaranteed pure. WILSON & BTJ SWELL. FOUR AND FIVE R OW Eng l-h Tooth Brushes of the best quality. WILSON & ' Druggists. BROWN'S ESSENCE of Jamaica Gineer. A fresh arrival at WILSON & BUBWELL'S Drug Store. fcHYDROLINE." (HTDBATED OIL.) ''ONIC Digestive and highly Nutritive Sold by WILSON & BUBWEL L. LAWRENC FLESH GLOVES, at WILSON & BUBWELL'S febl 8 Drug Store. Til Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Becelved, at Dr.J.H.McAdensD Store gABATOGA -yiCHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling tne imported vicny. ttecommenaeo as an antacid: cures dyspepsia, aids dlges- Uon, la a powerful tonic and strong , diuretic. Also, RQlnnrn MqIupqI f in Aral WflfpT UUUIUIU 11UIU1U1 111111 VI Ud MIUU1. Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, -Q CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 1 A CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLINARI AHD ' Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY JJTJNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dosx: A wine glass full before breakfast 21s Lancet ''Htmiadl Janos. Baron Liebig af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical journal "Hunyadi Janos. Tbe most agreeable, safest and most efficacious aperient water." rw, vircnow, uerun. "invanaDiy gooa ana Dromnt success: most valuable." Prof. Bamberger. Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success. Ptafi Scanzoni. Wurszburg. I presence none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. v., F. B. S., iionoon. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efflcflcv." Prof. Amen. At. D.. F. R. itoyai military Hos pital. Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried- rtchshau." JOHN H, McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C DONT GO TO SARATOGA When von can get water lust as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J a. moadju. LTUggisi ana uneuus. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 DISSOLUTION. THE Beer Bottling business heretofore conduct ed in charlotte to Cochrane & Munzler has been this day ttssolved by mutual consent w. a. iwnnin., February 9, 1882. F. C. MUNZLER. NOTICE. fWhMiia In tha laaa -DAfrHmcr hnilnAM. T Will hM i iwuiauv aaa sw aawi ivmws artwuvwuf . after conduct the business, as agent for the Berg- na Jar YtmtoI Vmnsnw In r!hJtrtnttA. and WtlflA TV- turning thanks for past patronage, respectfully i . , . i solicit lavurs in we tuuire. uespecouuy, . feblO F.. a MUNZLEB-. PRESH MINERAL WATER DOIT FORGET TO LOOK AT LACE CTJRTAIJNTS, We have some beautiful styles, also som's handsome patterns In Cretones. We still have a few HEAVY GOODS on hands tbat will pay you to buy for another season. We have Just received the prettiest and eheapest stock ot Ever o3ered In th'Smarket "fi 1BL" HARGRAVES GENERAL FEED DEALERS -ANB- COMMISSION MERCHANTS OMMI8SION MERCHANTS, CHARLOTTE, U. C. HAVE HOW OH HftHG : A FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, i PEARL GRITS, BRAN, PATAP8CO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY? V AND HECKSRS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. Respectfully soliciting a share ef our patronage, we are rer "ectfully, an!9 A. 3. BEALL CO. Go, Mm aMea OUR SHIBT, "EVITTS" SHOES, &J. & WILHELM. C. C. XX A. AND- Everybody Has Discovered THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. -SELLS- CHtCKKRING & 80NS, KRANICH BAH, MATHDSHEK, ABION, . BOUT HE &N GEM And other PIANOS. MASON 4 HAMLIN, 8HONINGKB. PfiLOUBET & CO., STEBLING. AMD OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buy anything but the best. Address or call on, H. McSMITII. pUscjenaujerms. Telephones ! Telephones ! TELEPHONES. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE -AKD Telegraph Company, is the sole licensee of the American Bell Telephone Company For suppljlng Telephones In the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of tbe B. A t. R. B..) North Carolina, south Carolina, Fioilja and Alabama. PEIVATE LINES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented For parilculars address ' SOUTHEKN BKLL. TJCL.irrrUMMJS and TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ' fsbll eod 3m 105 Broadway, New York. Wi He BMMMt, Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the independent Hook & Ladder Truck House, is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, such as GBAIHTH'Gj Grilling, Kabomining, Frescoing, fa. jan26tf TREES DELIVERY. MY Trees are now ready for delivery, opposite Mr. Allen Crouse's residence, on Tryon street between 5th and 6th. A fine lot of Trees, Plants, Flowers and Flower Seed on hand for sale. Any thing in my line furnished on short notice, deca T. w. sparrow, charlotte. The McSmith Music House ' ' J H, r r t 1 s" 5 i. i -!' .lit' r t , i , i ' . (?, i ' ! i 1 t 1 1 1 i i 4 .1 I f : I- ' -. ' . r i i i t ! . 1 1 ' i , r, .1 f J1 ,'i I S it ft I ' f( 1.','. t . J .. ; 'J -i i t 1 ' t ' f V 'f ' I i : f A .A . '( ? f -Mr ' J . 1i i ,i 5. if 4 i I-' 1 ?! I; ; n 7 1 ."A

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