. - t . - - - ' hi, .11 i STtje l)arbttt bscrocr. TflZ OBSERVES JOB DIPABTKKKT Eu been thorougbly ravpUed wttji even needed want, andwttb the latest stylet of Type, ud nur manner, ol Job Printing can now be done with nffttntffl. tf1ffiftfrt "d cheapness. We can tar nish at short notice,. BLINKS,' BILL-HEADS, LZTTXB-HKAD6, CABDS, TAOS, BXCXIPXS, POSTXBS, FB06BAMKXS, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CHtCOLABS, CHECKS, . BVBSOBlPTlOir BATES) -' i2ma 1 -00 rmemontM ......v 2.00 nnemonih 75 5 i -f' - rtr; . - r 1 WKBKLY EDITION: weekly to V mty), in advance. $2.00 OuttftheeewtV, Poetvctd ..." 2.10 xmontht 1.06 gp- literal Btctuctionjbr Club. VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE; N. C, TUESDAY MARCH 1, 1882. NO. 4,037. gru i&oo&s, WLrfhivLQ, DEATH OF BISHOP LYNCH. WE-- ARE NOW OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK YESTERDAY THE GOOD AND LEARNED PRE- IATE GONE TO HIS REST. OF AVE White Goods, DRESS GOODS, EECEUMP EMBROIDERIES and many other Jlnas of Goods AT VERY LOW FIGURES. a lot of New Fresh White Goods We have a large line of -CORSETS- As good and cheap as cm be had In this market. We will sell OEFITS VERY CHEAP. ALEXANDER k HARRIS. feV2:l Mi mi OF ALL GBADE3 AND Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, with Insertions to match. OF- Anovher large Instalment ol Ldles' Neck Wear, embracing nil that Is new and desirable. Several pieces ot Watered Silks and Satin stripe Moire at prices that must sell them. Also Black: Kmbroldered Brussels, Net and Beaded Lace, the latest and most tasteful trimming out for fine Black boods. T. L. Scigle & Co. nacfltcai. Diphtheria. :o:- Style Hats. :o: Pegraso & (Co., Have received and are dally receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF A cold or sore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured ; but neglect Is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely In such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has "Baved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KHiLER 13 not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and la most valued' where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows:- Paiw colds for ripvpr Vn t a fDrwn Wllli.mavlllA V V For thirty years I have used Paiw KrLLXR, and found it a never-failing remedy for colds and sore throat Babton Sbamah. . . , . Have received immediate relief from colds ana ore throat, and consider your Pain Killeb an invaluable remedy. Oko. B. Evebktt, Dickinson, NY I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. X could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killeb, which relieved me immediately. I will never again D without it O. O. Fobck, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killeb in my family for Jorty years, and have never known It to fail. Banbok Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. , . . I began uMng Pain Kiixcb in my family twenty five years ago and have used it ever since.and have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dtcb, For whooping-cough and croup it is the best preparation made, we would hot pe without it i. P. Routs, Liberty Mills, Va. GGG KEE NN NTTTT i.i. v T V ff if r. n n r, G GG E N NH T GGG EBB NN T S S tt n SSo 8sss For twenty-five years I have used PArw Knxirci for colds ana cnappea nps, ana consiaer it ukuot medicine ever offered. aEO.HoorWllmington, I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killeb, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. 'Wilkin sou. . ' - t irTrnti xnriifa trrtm fVmnnctfln: Your FABf frrr.T.vn cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm- nere, ana nas noi ueeu jjuti w Ingl faH 'ly prevalent . in a single instance. make known to the world. Si (, Sti ana Fe t -HATS.-: Don't Fail to Call and See ta. "-" Xlxifl fact you elioulil violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Paw Killeb. He was taken- on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothera who are losing' so many children. - For Chills and Fever PAIN KIIXER has no equal. It cures when everything else rails. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle ol Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. J All druggists sell It at 5c., 50c, and 51.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. Details of His Last Illness The Long Death Vigil A Profession of Faith and the Final Benediction The Re mains, Robed in the Episcopal Vest ment, Borne to the Cathedral -Arrangements for the Funeral, ore. Charleston News & Courier. The announcement in the Sunday News yesterday of the extreme illness of the Right Eev. P. N. Lynch, the Ro man Catholic Bishop of Charleston, was followed very closely by the announce ment at the Masses in the Catholic Church of the death of the distinguish ed and beloved prelate, and the sad news was soon known throughout the city. While it was generally known that the Bishop had been suffering very much from an old complaint, no fears had been felt of a fatal termination of the disease until a late hour on Satur day afternoon, and hence the news of his demise came with a shock upon a community in which a long life of use fulness had been passed. In 1877 Bishop Lynch underwent a surgical operation in Boston from which he experienfced only temporary relief. The troubles began to return within a rear or two bv degrees, and he only realized the fact that it would eventually end bis life. His physicians advised him to lead a quiet and more sedentary life as the only means of pro longing his days; but what Bishop Lynch deemed his duties to the diocese demanded almost constant travel' and labor, and these duties he declined to give up. -In December last his visita tions to the'upper-Tsart of the State in volved severe suffering, and upon his return to the city, about Christmas time, he was prostrated with an attack which nearly resulted fatally. rom this he never entirely recovered, al though his indomitable will kept him up in the discharge of his official duties despite the encroachments of disease. About a fortnight since he had de termined to visit St. AugustinP, Florida, in the hope of recruiting his health and strength somewhat, but the visit had to be given up at the last moment in consequence of his sufferings. Since then he had been gradually growing weaker and weaker, although only those in immediate personal contact with him realized it. His brother, Mr. Francis Lynch, arrived here in the early part of last week and was with him until the tnd. At about 5 o'clock on Saturday after noon the disease from which he had been so long a sufferer culminated. He fell into a coma, from which it was found almost impossible to arouse him, and his physicians, Drs. Chazal and Geddings, were at once sent for. Upon their arrival a surgical operation was at once performed, but failed to afford any relief, and all hope of prolonging life was abandoned. The Bishop was in a dying condition. His brother, Mr. Francis Lvnch; the Very Rev. D. J. Quigley, the vicar-general of the dio cese ; the Rev. P. L. Duffy, his secretary and confessor, and the Rev. E. Chapuis, of the Cathedral, remained with him all night. A day or two previous the Bishop had received the Holy Com munion. On Saturday afternoon he re ceived the Holy Viaticum and Extreme Unction, previous to which he made a profession of faith. His words'ere as follows: , "I have lived a member of the Holy Catholic Church, I believed all its doc trines and have tried to the best of my abilities to obey her precepts. I die a Bishop of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and, in dying, profess my faith tie-Telegraph office at 11 o'clock this morning, and has been the subject of f;eneral comment during the day. His oss is regarded as a public calamity, and I have beard-nothing but the deep est expressions of regret at , the sad event. Father Fullerton, of St Peter's Catholic church in this city, will go to Charleston to attend the funeral ser vices. - J. O.H. NEWS NOTES. Ber7egovinian2refu2ees are nocking into Montenegro. A Vienna dispatch reports the explo sion of a coal mine at Leoben, in Sty ara, and 150 lives lost. The English Cotton Masters' Associ ation is receiving favorable replies to the short time proposition. Thirtv-four farms were sold in Ire land last Saturday for nbn-payment of rent. , Disgusted With the West. A letter has been received at Macon, Ga., from a certain point in the West, where are about one hundred colored men who left Georgia some time ago, lured by the brilliant but empty induce ments of emierant- asrents, and who have experienced enough of the hard ships of the emigrant to beg to return. They express great anxiety to return w Georgia, and efforts are being made to raise money to send them to pay their passage back. They were omt walking; it was cold, and he was coughing. She banded htm a bottle of Dr. Bull's Aough syrup and said: "Here's a little thing that I think will help you," Els cough was cured in a short time. Utxr gitXiaeicttsjcmimtB. DBffT FORGET TO LOOK AT OUR The Liverpool cotton men New York cotton men to PEGRAM & CO. febU 1882. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGIS. Suited to Boys and Girls ot from six to sixteen rears of age. yOL. HI COMMENCED NOVEMBER 1st, 1881. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. The YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful beyond anticipation.- New York Kven- 1Uftsa distinct purpose to which it steadily ad heres that, namely, or suppianung we papers for the youDg with a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and con tents generally, it Is unsurpassed by 7 Publica tion or the kind yet brought to our notice Pitts burg Gazette. . , .... , it weekly visits are eagerly looked for, not only by the colidren, but also by parents who are anx ious to provide pare literature for their girls and bojs. Christian Advocate, Buffalo. New Vork. A weekly paper lor children which parents need not fear to let their children read at the family nreslde Hartford Daily Times. Just the paper to take the eye and secure the at tention of the boys and girls.--Springfield Union.. J $150. TERMS : HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year, Postage Prepaid, single Numbers Four Cents each. The Bound Volume for 1881 was ready early lu November. Price 83. postage VTtpa.ld. Ciei tor YOUNG PEOPLE for 1881, 85 cents; postage 1 8 cents additional. . WftnBT Hemlttances should be made by Postoffloe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are wot to copy this advertisement without the txDtess order of Harper Brotners. A ddress HARPER BBUTtiKtia, Jar,26 New York. . B. ViHCK. W. H BklLlT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attorneys and Gouniellori ' CHARLOTTE K. C. pr .,.n in nnwn ram of the United 8tata. Supreme Court of North CarolJeden" Courts, and counties of Mecklen " burgCabarrus, Union, Gat- ton. Rowan and Da-; - EK(;1P?;GRAHAMV" I N the State utat United 0oSSfL.CoU2 X tinna - Rnmi .uut ' VftMum. solicited. AD ratoWTitte.8antYAcli turnlsaea.foi torn TUTT'S POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Jjoss of appetite,ITan8ea.bowels costive. -Pftin ntheHead.with a dull sensation in Wk part, fain onder the ahoulder Uiu4e. fullness after eating, witn a disin clination to exertion or body or mind, Irritability of temper. loTPtr m ftmory. with a feeling of haying neg WtA some duty, weariness. Dizziness, m,TSrT-nf thffHeart, pots beiore the yA,r V allow fekin. Headache, aestiess ness at night, highly cokreaUrine. IT THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTrTT8 PILLS arte especially adapted to .nS!SS?doM e&ru.uchachnge of feeling at to astonish th sufferer. They Inlue tta Appetite Mdcnse the tvirtV toTakc on 1'lesli. thus the system Is MihedTand by toelrTrol Aetloon the dncedTPrice a cento, fe Mnrry at-, y.Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whisk ms changed I to l"wsy BolS by Druggists, or ent by expre. on receipt ot 1- Office, 33 Murray St., New York. m t- ti ri"g MANUAL T Valuable I.tonuttoe aad Feby. 28deodwl EnaMMMMlrMMIIiKIH Ginger, Buchu,- Man drake, StnUngia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest ri.,t PimfiM and the BcstllealthAStreiigtlJ Bosterer ETer din. Tt cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, t T Xr Kidnevs. Hair RfllftniTt. &isenne!ydinerentlroml l mi i titters, (Jinger jjsence u2JSS ISM! and otherJHjt ?r? irZZ. f.u. in tha never intoxicates, tliscpx TOriMol color to gray hair. & Co., Chemists, N. Y. ti. mid H 1zet. UreoSrptPnylDf Dollar SI. Pafker's oct'22 Densanon. n Ornc N. X. Cotnef Tr V Charlotte, N. CL ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQTTABTIeWoB DBtJMMEBS STATESVILtS, N. C . i fn atArmof rears rnHTS honse nasjwen wi' . to MS? SSSXSSSSSkm Tflrrtand second r- ffjuiusyuAvw sr- toon. . nnhita unlieltef xne psuvuwio v v in ail thft truths taueht by the Church I ask the forgiveness of God for all my shortcomings, and trusting in God's mercy, I resign my soul into His hands . . ... Through the long death vign, wnicn laafpd nil n erht. the Bishop remainea conscious. He spoke frequently, took the medicines that were administered to him, and while listening to and par ticipating in the prayers for the dying, which were recited at intervals during the night, professed his entire willing nfwa t.r nhp.v the dread summons. At about half past 6 o'clock yester day morning the Bishop began to sink rapidly, and it was evident that the end was approaching. The prayers for the dying were repeated, and the dying Bishop, raising his hand and making the sign of the Cross, gave his last bene diction to the clergymen who knelt at his beside. . ... Later in the morning a number of his personal friends, including the mem- bersoi-nis vestry anu uie owwia vi Mercy, visited his death-bed. Although in the throes of death he seemed to recognize them all, and until the spirit winged its way to its home in the skies, with the last breath this servant of God continued to lift his hand in benedic tion, even after all power of utterance had left him. At half past 10 o clock yesterday morning the soul of a good man had departed to rest. After death the remains were robed in the vestments worn by the Bishop during his life in celebrating Pontifical Mass, and the body .was laid in state in the parloof the Episcopal residence on Broad street. A telegram announcing the death was sent to Archbishop Gib bon at Baltimore, and to Archbishop Corrigan. , , As soon as the news became known throughout the city there was a general expression of sorrow. The Vesper ser vices in the various Catholic churches aura dionenapd with, and from 2 P. m. Tf V vWSwe-.ww - - 7 p until long after dark a long line of per sons of all sexes and classes, including many of his school mates and pupils, i thronged to the residence of the late Bishop to take a last look at the re mains. ' At 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon the remains were borne in procession, the clergy of the Diocese arrayed in sur plices, proceeding, and chanting the offices and psalms, to thte Cathedral Chapel and placed within the sanctuary, where they will lie in state until the conclusion of the funeral services on Wednesday next, a guaru or noHor, under the charge of Messrs. E. F. bwee- gan and J. H. Devereux, will be con tinuously in the church, which will be open all day to-aay ana wmonuw. The ftequiem mass w m uo tokwiowju on Wednesday at 10 a. m., after which the remains will be interred in the cemetery adjoining the Cathedral, where the remains oi uisuupa Lwyuvmo and England now rest. Last night invitations were sent by telegraph to all the prelates in the pro vince, including Archbishop Gibbons and Bishops Keane of Bichmond, Gross of Savannah, Moore of St Augustine, Kane of Wheeling, Becker of Wilming ton, Del., and Northrop of North Caro lina, and to a number of distinguished prelates eisewhere. Cardinal McClos kev. who was a warm personal friend of Bishop Lynch, has also been invited to attend the funeral, and will probably be here. ' , r THE SA1 NEWS JK COLUMBIA. Special to the News and Courier. rwTT.rA Feb. 26. The news Of J Bishop Lyncb's death was bulletined at want the investigate the cotton "sanding business. It is reported that both Germany and Austria have given orders for the strengthening of their eastern for tresses. Eight persons have been indicted at "Vienna for contributing by their negli gence to the loss of life at the burning, of the Eing Theatre. Eussian officers are to be restrained in the future from discussing questions of state policy on their own account. Arrangements are now in progress in San Francisco for a grand demonstra tion in favor of the anti-Chinese bill now pending in Congress. Hon. Eobert H. Pruyn, minister to Japan under President Lincoln and a candidate of Lieutenant-Governor in 1865, died at Albany, N. Y., Sunday. Wm. Leet, 12 years of age, was cut in two at Wm. Crab & Co.'s needle fac tory at Newark, N. by a wire which he was passing through a set of rollers. The wholesale dry goods house of Menken Bros., in Memphis, made an assignment Moifday morning. Liabili ties estimated at half a million dollars. At Channiug Memorial church, in Newport, It. 1., Sunday evening, Rev. M. K. Schermerhorn lectured on civil service reform, and announced the in tention of starting a civil service re form association in that city. At the suggestion of the Secretary of War the sovernors of-Arkansas and Mississippi have appointed commis sioners to receive and receipt of com missary stores for the relief of the flood victims in those States. Jodack's jewelry store, in Mobile, was entered by burglars Monday night, and a safe robbed of $3,000 worth of jewelry. Another safe with $50,000 worth of jewels proved too much for them. One arrest has been made and the police hope tu capture the gang. Ex-Senator Sharon lost his eldest daughter, Mrs. F. G. Newlands, of San Francisco, about ajweek ago. She was a brunette, slight in figure and winning in mauner, of a retiring disposition, shunning rather than ceveting display. An investigation into the condition of the two banks which recently sus pended at Macon, Mo., shows that the depositors will not get more than 15 per cent, of the amount of their claims. The officers of the banks have been threatened with personiJ violence. Six inmates of a house of ill-fame in Providence, E. 1., were Saturday pois oned by arsenic put into their coffee by the housekeeper, Dora Avery or Ilig bee, who has escaped. Mrs. Turner, the keeper of the house, and one of the girls remain in a dangerous condition. The other cases are more hopeful. At a meeeting of the directors of the Aucient Orderx)f Hibernians in Brook lyn, N. Y., Sunday, it was decided not to parade on March 17. but instead to give a public entertainment, the pro ceeds to be sent to Ireland for the ben efit of the needy there. The bodies of the family swept off by the snow-slide at Big Cottonwood, Utah, have been recovered under forty tons of snow. They were not frozen, but lying naturally in bed. The hus band, wife" and infant in one bed and two boys and two 'girls, the eldest 11 years old, in another, it it supposed that they were smothered instantly in their sleep. LACE OrTRTAIJNTS, We have some beautiful styles, also soma handsome patterns In Cretones. We sUll have a few HEAVY GOOD3 on hands that will iay you to buy for another season. We have Just received the prettiest ana cheapest st ck of zz:- D IE& SEs EES TP s Ever OBered In thls;market. "fEABL" 8 HIST, "EVITTS" SHOES, Ac. HARGRAVES & WILHELM. Dr. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, Sid. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life lone study of Nervous Diseases and the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile In l he shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recom mended by them. It Is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of his own exDerlence In practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, djspeptlc headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for 31 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S i H Ml H SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA. TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND 8CALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER TCHINCSonallpaofthe body. It makes the skin white, ion ana imooui, removes tan and freckles, -and la the BEST toilet dressing In THE WOULD. Elegantly put up. two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. Ail first class druggists nave it. Price $1. per package. pwas w' prttttsxton. 1 1 K Fulton ftreet, Vow VnVt fMtv snlfl Bcrcnt for Dr. C. W. Benson's rmi!s. to whom all orders should be ad-1 dressed. marl ' MRS. LYD1& E. PIKKM, OF LYNH, HaSST, -D .JLL- wS Everybody Has Discovered c S STATE NEWS. Greensboro Bugle: Dr. J. K. Hall, Sr., and wife and Mr. Will Porter, leave to night for an extended trip to Texas. Dr. Edgar Eggert, who resides near the city, was seriously burned yester day, from an explosion of chemicals which he was compounding. He added through mistake, an ingredient which produced the explosion. A freight train off the track near Ruffin, delayed the 7 5 Northern train this morning until the hour of going to press, 3 p. m. We are unable to learn particulars, but hear of no personal ac cidents. Winston Leader: Two assignments have been made in Winston within as many weeks. Gen. M. Rucker & Co., Buxton and Stephen Neal, trustees ; B. Rose, Joe Jacobs, trustee. Mr. John - Watson, an esteemed citi zen of this county, and father of our townsman, C. B. Watson, Esq., died at his residence, near Kernersville, on Wednesday last. Northern Publishers in the South Baltimore Sac Mr. R. M. Pulsifer and his two part ners in the Boston Herald are building a railroad 84 miles in length in Florida, commencing at Sanford, having pur chased a large quantity of land in the Flower State. They also own a con trolling interest in the Marietta ana North Georgia Railroad, which will pass through the' best grain-growing and mineral regions of Georgia. One firm, the owners or the DucKUwvn mines, have announced their purpose to put fifteen hundred men at work in tlie mines as ouuu as mo iuu 10 mkjlu." pleted from Marietta to that place. Mr. Pulsifer, who has just passed oyer the line of the GeorgiaToad, is mudh en couraged at the outlook, claiming that it will not only be a great developing agenj, but will prove a very valuable property. ThjBcOneraToTpas the faro-pjitcircUlaucT-aiidJaind&ubtedly the most powerful paper in New Eng land. Its proprietors are cautious, con servative business men, and the enter prise that they nave shown in putting farere investments in the south, and in giving it proper credit in their columns must nave great influence. rn&ehed the conclusion that American ladles are the best vocalists. 8 trakosch. Its no I wonder, isn't Dr. Bull's cough syrup manufactured to uuscounHyr--JkTwj ouuuar. Deserrlaff Articles" are Alwwppratei. tv. a ntinnal cleanliness of Parker's Hair i Balsam makes tt popular. Gray hairs are lmposi tfbiewltauBOCcasiuseoiuu , , ; , LYDIA E. PINKHAm o VEGETABLE' COMPOUND.. Ib a Positive Cnre for all tneae Palnrul Complaint, md WealnMSM o common to our beat female population. It wiU cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, aJl ovarian troubles, Inflammation and tncera tton, Faluns' and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumorrfrom the i terns uv an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily Dy ra It removes falntness, flatulency,, destroy sail craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous .Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness.'SJepresslon and Indi gestion. That feeling- of bearing down, causing pain, welg-no and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It wiU at all times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sea this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PlS tllAM'S VEGETABLE COM POUND la prepared at 83S and S35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. 81 bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also lntho form of lozenges, on wWnt of mice, tl oer box for either. Mrs. ITnkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention (Ms Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA K. PINKHAW LIVER PILLS. They cure constipation, luno and torpidity of the Uver. SS cents per' box. JO- Sold by all Druggists. "S 3 For You, Whose complexion betrays some humiliating imperfec tion, whose mirror tells yon that you are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured in countenance, or haye Eruptions, Kedness, Roughness or unwhole some tints of complexion, we say use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. Itisadellcate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entranc ing tints the artificiality of which no observer can detect, and which soon becomes per-' manent if the llaguolia Balm: isjudiciouynsed. THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC BOUSE IN THE SOUTH. Tk McSmitli Music House -SELLS- CHlCKTtRING & 8OH8, KBAN1CH 4 BACH, MATHOSHEK, AEION, SUUTHF UN GUM And other PIANOS. mason & hamltn, 8honingkb. tKLPUBET & GO., bTEBLING. AND OTHKB 0R8AIW. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask mn for nrtees If T0U want KOOd WOlk and you will never buy anything but the best. Address or call on, H. McSMITH. lite GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AND- 08S5xil8SSSi85iSSS, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE HOW OH HAHG: A FCLL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW COBN, PEARL GBITS, BRAN, PATAPSCO PATENT PROCESS FLOUR, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKERS' gELF-BAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUB WILL GLADLY- QUOTE PKCES Telephones ! Telephones ! . TELEPHONES. THE. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE " AND . Telegraph Company, -is the -SOLE LICENSEE- -of the American Bell Telephone Company For suppljlng Teiepnone VfKrOi PRIVATE LI5ES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented Forparticulaa4dress aind TELEGRAPH COMPANY. bfleod8m 105 Broadway, New Yorlt -TO- BOTH THE WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. 1 Hartag removed t the M'Ke?" toe IndependentLderx8QN SnuWuT--vimjmG. as Jan, 22 patronage, we are refectfully, janl9 - " OUT l ljmiUlllg, lAiaUUUUlUUgt iw-Qj J Jan28tt . - 4t KM' IH vie ii t it : " 1 - '1 1 1 til i 'I i V"' - H ' ! r'L' A r 4 tt -j 'J M i 1 .7 3 -. fi 'i 'V K Hi, 1 it a i Jit an. d. ...... Sj .. .. . v . . .J . . TT. - .;j.,..

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