J CIIAg. R JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. ' Kmsn) at ram FoerOmoB Caxxuym, N. a, AS 8X00HD-CLAB8 MATOB.1 -. " - -WEDNESDAY MARCS 1,1882. THE STAB ROUTE INDICTMENTS. A "Washington grand jury has found indictments against Dorsey, Brady and others, for swindling the government on the star route contracts, which means that these enterprising and zeal ous Republicans are to be tried, and, if convicted punished. But does not this indictment place other prominent Re publicans in rather an embarrassing position ? The men who hold the high est places to-day in the administration of the government at Washington were among their boon companions, and fellow-workers in the last fall campaign, and not only knew of, but encouraged corruption as wicked and deserving of punishment as the swindling, of the government out of money in the star route contracts. Dorsey, as secretary of the Republican national executive committee, took personal charge and direction of the canvass in Indiana when all the indications pointed to the probability of its going Democratic, and by processes best known to himself and those in his confidence, the tide was turned and the. State carried for the Republicans. He was the right man in the right place for that kind of work. Backed with plenty of money, forced from assessed office-holders, bold in his brazen effrontery, and thoroughly unscrupulous, he did what abler, but less wicked men could not do, he bought the election, -and with dollars and cents carried the State against the honest sentiments of a majority of her people. For this brilliant triumph of bribery and baseness, he was given a grand banquet at Delmonico's, in New York, as an evidence of the apprecia tion of the high-toned Republican lead ersor the gallant and signal service he had rendered the party in the hour of its dire need. Amongst the distinguished assem blage around that festive board was Col. George Bliss, the prosecuting attor ney now in charge of the case. He jol lified with the others over the Republi can triumph and was among the warm est in his commendation of the brilliant achievements of his friend Dorsey. He heard the allusion to the peculiar meth ods by which these gratifying results were secured, and smiled a broad smile when the corruption fraud was hinted at approvingly by no less a personage than the present President of the Unit ed States. He smiled complacently then on the villain who robbed a State and made a mockery of the ballot. Among the guests on that occasion was Gen. Arthur, now President, who, in congratulating the hero of the hour, delivered himself thus: "If you look for the measure of the appreciation of-the services rendered by Mr. Dorsey and the measure of the re gard in which his friends all through this c untry hold him, look around you and y. u will see the most distinguished gathering of Republican leaders and , ltepu Hcan sentiment that to my know ledge, in my brief life, ever met in this city. Indiana was really, I sup pose, a Democratic State. It had been put down on the books always as a State p that might be carried by close and per fect organization and a great deal of - . I see the reporters are present, therefore I will simply say that every body showed a great deal of interest in the occasion and distributed tracts and politicil documents all through the State. The Republicans of Indiana have always said: We have the best organization this year we ever had, and if we nave the sinews of war we will get through all right.' But some how or other the State always turned up bn the other side. My friend here on the other side (Dorsey) asked to go and lead that forlorn hope and undertake the . duty of turning the flank of the enemy. So he came down one day to the com mittee rooms in Fifth avenue, and said that he was going to leave us for some days; that the National Republican committee was ' going to establish a branch offic&out in Indiana. The gen tlemen in New York stood nobly be hind the national committee, and re sponded actively and enthusiastically, but Mr. Dorsey, with his power for or ganization, his tireless energy, his won derful courage and his cool head, was able to accomplish the result which he did in Indiana: and that result saved. more than anything else, New York to the Republican party. And though New York had for years been consid- ered a doubtful State, it was more Democratic than Republican ; but I re peat that, if one thing more than an other secured our success in New York, it was the moral effect and support given to our cause by our success in In diana, which -was more largely due to Senator Dorsey than to any one else." It must, indeed, be embarrassing for these distinguished gentlemen to be now engaged in trying to place prison stripes on the no less distinguished, if now less honored friend, whom they then united in applauding and honor ing. But popular sentiment is a mighty motive power when once aroused, and . it is undoubtedly more in deference to this than to a desire to avenge outraged justice, or to punish arrant fraud, that these prosecutions have been instituted against their whilom friend and co ' worker in the cause of the "God and morality" party. On the 22d inst, the ex-Confederate soldiers resident in Cincinnati, present ed Mrs. Garfield, at her home in Cleve land, a beautiful memorial tribute to her dead husband, 1 was . engrossed on parchment and framed in yari-colored Tennessee, marble, highly polished and cut from a single block about two feet square, with the United States coat-of-arms in Mexican oynx inlaid at each corner. The presentation was accom. panied by appropriate speeches from the committee and a griicef ul reply by Mre.'Qarfleld. L The Emperor of China, according to . a letter received in New York from the - American secretary,, of legation atPe- - kin, has finally given his sanction for an American companny to lay an oc$an cable on the Chinese coast, to connect with the United Statesty ..way of Japan. Minister JSe ward repeatedly solicited , the government to grant this concession . without effect t; It, is understood that 4 the company in question will now push j Ithe work with, energy. ' : : 'The large match manufacturing com v ponies are opposed to the repeal of the l tax on matches. - x ' - There is a rumor in London th&t Gladstone will resign. Gen. Grant denies that he lnd any thing to do v. ith the Peru gtuuo busi ness. . There is a bill before the iuv. legis lature to abolish whippTng in the pub lic schools. The Observer is indebted to Sena tor Vance for copies of his brilliant and masterly epech on the tariff. The last Western political movement reported is a Kolierae to bring Tilden and Palmer, of Illinois, to the front in '84. The Louisville Courier-Journal says that Grant's income before he was put on the retired list was about $40,000 a year. Now let the congressmen who say that polygamous Cannon is not good enough to sit with them mend their morals. The Virginia foreign bondholders protest against the Riddleberger bill, and give notice that they intend to contest it with all the means in their power. t Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, ob jects to the confirmation of Conkling. as associate justice of the Supreme bench. He says "his elevation to the Supreme bench would, be a digrace to the judicial ermine." Philadelphia Record : In sending Ef figy Sargent as Minister to Berlin, Presi dent Arthur has succeeded in getting even with Prince Bismarck. If Ger many makes the United States a refuge for scapegrace noblemen, why shouldn't we send back to Germany our scape grace statesman ? The dozen indictments found the other day against the Star Route people have been followed up by the Washing ton grand jury with twenty bills in the post office straw bond cases. These are a smaller fry of rascals than the others, but they are for this reason less likely to escape punishment. The Supreme Court of the State of Indiana, has decided that a dog is not property, and cannot be stolen. J udge Worden in making this ruling, added : "Dogs are taxed, not because of their value, but as a police regulation, and to discourage the propagation of the spe cies." Since the murder of Mr. Gold by Le froy in an English railway carriage last June the facility of committing theft or murder under similar circumstances has been made more manifest to the criminal classes, and railroad crime is increasing in that country. The use of American cars would put a stop to such lawlessness. The common belief even among emi nent medical men is that typhoid fever arises from bad drainage and the escape of "sewer gas." According to Prof. Tyn dall this belief is wholly erroneous. The disease, he holds, is as much the result of the introduction of a specific germ into the human system as the growth of a crop of wheat is the result of the sow ing of wheat under given conditions. THE GEESCEM CITY. FROM WINTRY WINDS TO BALMY BREEZES. A French Town with American Im Among Tropi- provements Strolling cal Gardens A River that Floats His: ShipsA Visit to Jefferson Davis, Who Pays a Warm Tribute to the Old North State. To the Editor of the Obserrer. A visit to New Orleans, in the win ter, to one who resides in this part of the country, is certainly to be desired, but now especially is such a visit pleas ant during the season of the carnival. A ride of thirty-six hours, from Char lotte, brought us to the city of New Or leans. The change in the weather was so great that winter clothing was op pressive. Keaching Canal street at 10 o clock p. m., we found ourselves in the great city of the South by the side of the Missis sippi, unknowing and unknown. Thousands of people from all parts of the country were crowding into the city, to be present at the festivities, held in honor of Rex, and it was not without some difficulty that we suc ceeded in getting a carriage to carry us to the hospitable house of a friend, who had kindly invited us to make our stay with him. The city of New Orleans is different from any other in the United States. Situated on the right bank of - the Mis sissippi, it extends for thirteen miles up and dc wn the river, with a width of only about one and one-half miles. Its population is estimated at about two hundred and fifty thousand, a little less than one-half of which are French. Ca nal street divides it into two parts, on the one side of which is the French part of the city. It is natural to suppose the French part of the city the most beautiful, but this is a mistake. The streets are nar row, and the buildings dingy. There is also a lack of gas lights, and the streets look dark and dreary, and alto gether uninviting to a stranger, who is unaccustomed to them. The American part of the city is quite different Some of the streets here are beautiful and very wide, with trees on the side walks, and avenues in the center. Here and there will be seen gardens of flowers, with orange trees in them, planted along the streets, and the per fumery arising therefrom is delightful to the passer by, and makes him imag ine that he is walking in the tropics. Handsome and costly residences also adorn the streets, surrounded by large yards and lawns, upon the gates of which you will find a lock and a bolt. In order to be admitted fit is necessa ry first to ring the bell at the gate when a servant appears and takes your card. This was quite new to one who was ac customed to enter the yard first and ring the bell afterwards at the door. The drainage of the city is superficial and in the gutters of the streets is car ried away the offal of the city. These gutters all lead to a large canal, at eith er end of which a steam engine pump is kept constantly at work throwing the contents of the canal into the swamp. The constant suction in the canal causes a slight current, by which the drainage of the city is effected. They do not think the surface drainage unhealthy, and some of 'the physicians of the city even go so far as to say that this system of sewerage Is their only salvation, but npon what principle it is hard to comprehend. . ; The river at this point ,. is about one mile wide and flows due north; so that nn f aai as li vou were on' tne oiner ide in spite of yourself. It li said the river hre has a depth of from ninety to three hundred feet and that since the entrance to the city at the mouth of the river had been deepened by the jet ties the largest sea vessel could come safely up to the city. We were pre pared to believe this from the number we saw riding at anchor on the bosom of the river. Among the number was, the "Kearsage," a United States man-of-war which, it will be remembered. was the snip that sank the "Alabama" during the war. We went aboard of her and were kindly received by the of ficers, and were shown over the ship. Very few of the present crew were on board during the duel with the "Ala bama." We were under the impression that the "Kearsage" was an iron-clad, but in this we were mistaken. It is a wooden ship, but carries a heavy arma ment. Its guns are heavy, with a range of four miles, and its crew numbers about 200 men. We were told that in the fight with the "Alabama" Semmes threw three shells on the "Kearsage," none of which exploded. Had either of them bursted the whole stern of the "Kearsage" would have been blown up. We, for the instant, came very near ex- Eressing our disappointment that emmes's powder Was so bad, but re membering that we were on board the vessel, refrained. This statement ac cords very well with the lecture of Mr. Semmes, in which he stated that he would have sunk the "Kearsage" had his powder been good. One of the institutions of the city is the "Seaman's Bethel," under the direc tion lof the Rev. A. J. Witherspoon. This is a home for seamen when they arrive in New Orleans. Here they have a little chapel with books and station arysomething to eat, and a, place where they always find a welcome". Dr. Witherspoon is indefatigable in his work and is widely known by all the seamen with whom he spends the most of his time looking after their interest, and trying to bring them under religious in fluence during their stay in the city. Among the prominent personages in the city were Jefferson Davis and Gen. Hancock. We had the pleasure of calling upon the former, and paying our respects to him. We found him, together with his wife and daughter, at the house of Mr. Hayne. Mr. Davis received us kindly, warmly, and introduced us to his fam ily. .He looks much older than when we last saw him in Charlotte, but is still straight and erect. He conversed with us freely in relation to his visit to Charlotte, about the close of the war and we found him pleasant and affable. He spoke kindly and affectionately of the people of North Carolina, of their devotion to the lost cause and of the bravery of her soldiers on the battle field, remarking the while that North Carolina never received her share of the praise due her. In striking contrast was the atten tion shown Gen. Hancock to that of Mr. Davis. Hancock was the center of ovation the "observed of all observ ers," and the Southern people were ready to throw up their hats and shout whenever he made his appearance. Not so with Mr. Davis. Here and there some one would call upon him, ex change a few words and go away. Evidently his day has passed. We do not want to be construed as objecting to the attentions given to Gen. Han cock, but we do think our people should remember Mr. Davis more. He was the exponent of the principles we once entertained, and with the downfall of these principles, went Mr. Davis. He may have made mistakes in his public career, but since the war he has been consistent a solitary man, bearing the burden of the "lost cause." His enemies even admit his consistency, which can not be said of many of the Southern men who were high in authority during the late war. We left Mr. Davis fully impressed with the idea that he was a great man, and that he had not received from the Southern people that meed of respect and love which he had a right to claim of them. Mr. Davis makes his home in the country, near Mississippi City, where, surrounded by his family circle, he expects to npend the remain der of his days. May his last days be spent in peace. CONFERENCE AT WASHINGTON. Opposed to Calling the Legislature if it can be Avoided. Special to Tha Obserrer. Washington, Feb. 28. 9.50 P. m. There was no conference to-night. The committee appointed by the conference yesterday is looking up tlfe law on the subject of the election. The sentiment of the members is decidedly against calling the Legislature if the machin ery to elect the extr member at large exists. Weather. "Washington, Feb. 28 For the Mid dle Atlantic cloudy, rainy weather, easterly veering to warmer southerly winds and lower pressure. For the South Atlantic cloudy, rainy weather, winds mostly southerly, sta tionary or higher tomperature and low er pressure. Death of Capt. David R. Murchison. Wilmington, N. C Feb. 28. infor mation has been received " here that Capt. David R. Murchison, president of the Carolina Central Railroad, and a leading Merchant of this city, died in New York at one o'clock this morning. Small-Pox in Galveston. Galveston, Texas, Feb. 28. A case of small-pox appeared on Market street between 25th and 26th streets. The patient is a variety actor from Dallas. The house is quarantined, and all other inmates removed. Invest, round man! Invest! twenty-Ore cents for a bottle of Dr. Bull's cough syrup II jour sweet heart has a cough, and be happy. Wonderful Power. When a medicine performs such cures as Kid ney Wort Is constantly doing it may truly be said to hare wonderful power. carpenter In Mont gomery, Vt., had suffered for eight years from the worst of kidney diseases, and had been wholly In capacitated for work. He says. "One box made a new man of me, and I si ncerely believe it win re store to health all that are stall rly afflicted." It Is now sold In both liquid and dry form. Danbury News. Kidney Diseases. Sidney diseases afflict the greater part of the human race, and they are constantly on the In crease, but where tne virtues of Kidney Wort have become known, they are held In check and speedi ly cured. Let those who have had to constantly dose spirits of nitre and such stuff, give this grat remedy a trial and be cured. In the dry form t is most economical. In the liquid the most conven ientPhiladelphia Press. Colorless and Cold. A young girl deeply regretted that she was so colorless and cold. - Her face was too white, and her hands and feet as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken she was the rosiest and healthiest girl in the town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness of mind, gratifying to her friends. I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney trouble ; was unable to get any medicine or doctor to cure me until I used Hop Bitters, and they cured me In a short time. A distinguished lawyer of Wayne county, M. Y. - . 8KB HXBZ.. . Ton are sick; well, there is Just one remedy that will cure you beyond possibility, of doubt. If It's Liver or Kidney trouble, consumption, dyspepsia, debUity. Well's Health Benewer Is your hope. Si. Druggists. Depot, J-.H. Mclden, Charlotte, N. C. For the delicate and complicated difficulties pe culiar to the female constitution, Lydla K. Ptak hanv'a Vegetable Compound Is the sovereign reme dy. It Mma'at the eause, and produces lasting re sults. Send t4 Mrs. Lydla K. Plnkham, 233 West ern Avenue, Lynn, mass., ior pampnieis. IH CONGRESS THE CHINESE QUESTION IN THE SENATE. . nsir CofleeCampbell vs. Cannon Perso uamnnp.u ma- onnnii.. Kprsn. i nal Explanation and a Big Railroad Snheme Before the House. - WASHINGTON, Feb. 28,-ENATE. Windom, from the committee oh for eign relations, reported an original res olution instructing that committee to enquire into all the circumstances con cerning the alleged loss of letters from the department of State, the alleged ac tion of the diplomatic representatives of the United State3 at the Republics of Chili and Peru in being personally concerned in contracts, &c. The sub ject went went over one day under rules. - The postoffice appropriation bill was received from the House and referred to the committee on appropriations-. Upon the close of the morning hour the Chinese bill came up as unfinished business, but Miller, of California, in charge of the bill, temporarily yielded the floor to Ferry upon the urgent ap peal of the latter, to allow the House post route bill to be considered. Ferry said immediate action on the bill was necessary in order that new routes might be included in the spring let tings. The post route bill was then pro ceeded witb,the amendments of the Sen ate committee being read and agreed, to. No appropriation is contained in the bill. The sections as amended were adopted and the Dill passed. The House resolution tendering thanks to the Hon. J. G. Blaine for the appropriate address delivered by him in the Garfield memorial exercises, was, on motion of Sherman, taken from the President's table and concurred in. The Senate insisted upon its amend ments to the immediate deficiency ap propriation bill, and Allison, Plumb and Beck were appointed conferees. The Senate then, at 2 :20 p. m., took up the Chinese Immigration bill to carry into effect the treaty by suspending the coming of Chinese laborers for twenty years after sixty ,days succeeding the passage of the act. Miller, (Cala.,) who introduced and rerorted the bill, proceeded directly to the discussion of the merits of the meas ure, leaving the amendments for future consideration. During Miller's speech the habitunes of the galleries were astonished by the appearance in tne diplomatic gallery ot four members of the Chinese legation. The strangers had been sight-seeing in the Capitol, and their visit was not pre-arranged, for upon being apprised of the subject under discussion they immediatelv retired. Miller concluded at 4 :05, after speaking for one hour and forty minutes. The bill was informally laid aside to permit action on the House bill to fur nish impressions of the card of invita tion to the Garfield Memorial service, which was passed. The Senate at 4 :15 went into execu tive session, and at 4:25 adjourned. House. Gibson, of Louisiana; intro duced a joiht resolution for the appoint ment of a committee of 16 members, 7 from the Senate and 9 from the House, to attend the celebration of the 200th anniversary of the discovery of the mouth of the Mississippi River by De La Salle, to be held in New Orleans the 9th of April, 1882. Referred to the committee on rules. He also presented a memorial of the Governor and Legislature of Louisiana, on the subject and it received similar reference. Kellv.of Philadelphia, chairman of the committee on ways and means, re ported a bill repealing the discrimina' ting duties on tea and coffee products of the possessions of the Netherlands. Passed. On motion of Reagan, of Texas, the Senate bill appropriating $100,000 for continuing the improvement of the Galveston harbor was taken from the Speaker's table and passed Hiscock, chairman of the committee on appropriations, reported back the immediate deficiency bill with Senate amendments recommending concur rence in some and non-concurrence in others of those amendments. The re port was aereed to Calkins, of Indiana, chairman of the committee on elections, submitted a re port of that committee on the contested election case of Campbell vs. Cannon, accompanied by a resolution declaring neither contestant nor contestee is en titled to a seat on the floor. He also submitted a minority report declaring Campbell entitled to the seat, while Moulton.of Illinois, submitted a fur ther resolution, signed by Atherton, Davis, of Illinois, Moulton, and Jones, of Texas: declaring that Cannon'was duly elected a delegate to Congress. The reports were laid on the table for future action. The House, at 1 :40, went into com mittee of the whole, McCook, of New York, in the 'chair, on the military academy appropriation bill. It appro- oriates $318,857. Speaking to- a formal amendment Atkins, of Tennessee, entered upon a personal explanation regarding the at tack imon himself and several other members in the columns of the New York Times. All the other members named also relieved their minds on the same sub- ieiifc. After considerable time had been consumed. Blackburn called sttention to the bill under consideration and on his motion an amendment was adopted aDDrooriatine $10,000 for astronomical instruments to equip a new observato rv at r.hft Acaaemy. ... . i The comittee then rose and reported the bill to the House when it w,a pass ed. ' , . Robinson, of New York, by request, introduced a bill to organize the Na tional Labor League Railway Company of America for the purpose of con structing, operating and maintaining a railway from the Atlantic seaboard to Ch'goStLouisand CouncilBluffs. It pro vides that for the purpose of establish ing equal rights in commerce among the States and for the purpose of secur ing railway highway under such civil control as to prevent combinations against the public good, acommission under the name of the National Board of Inter-State Transportation ba ap pointed. In the list appear the follow ing names: Francis B Thurber, Thos. Kinsella, A. B. Mullet, J. B. Eclesine, J.Pope Hodnett, Nicholas Muller and Wm. H. Grace, who, with their col leagues, are authorized to carry out the purposes of this act by determining upon the terminal points of the railroad to be constructed, and to issue capital stock to the extent of $40,000,000. It further provides that when the road has been constructed to Council Bluffs it may be continued to San Francisco, and in aid of its construction grants to it every alternate section of unoccupied public lands through which it may pass for 50 miles on each side of the track in order to relieve the wants of labor, depressed by contraction of the cur rencr. The workmen employed in build ing the railroad shall be paid by the government one dollar a day and the remainder of hire wages in certificates of indebtedness redeemable in 865 bonds. The bill waff referred. The Speaker announced Hiscock, Robeson and Cox as the House con ferees on the immediate deficiency bill. Adjourned. A Conch. Cole or Bore Throat requires imme diate attention, as neglect often times results in spp1? incurable Long Disease "Brown's Bron chial Troches" will almost Invariable give relict PLUS 4 MOSQUITOES. tJI Pt'ftough on Bats" will keep a house ifS?-I?m " 18 8 mosquitoes, rata and mice, the en tire season. Druggists. t Ladies, Gentlemen, Missed, Boys QUE STOCK FOIi THE guarantee that every pair of SH0X3 we sell money. Our stock has been carefully selected witn a goods, of ther very best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you "wish to get your boots and shoes to suit yon and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give us a calL seplS It Is the Height of Folly to wait until you are in bed with disease you may not get over for months, when you can be cured during the early symptoms by Parker's binger Tonic. We have known the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure, medicine. Observer. The unpleasant appearance of even the most amiable and Intelligent face, when covered with surface Irritations as from tetter, pimples, or eczema can be dissolved naturally by Dr. Benson's Skin Cure, an excellent toilet dressing. It cures dandruff of the scalp. The leading Scientists of To-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Liver are kept In perfect order, perfect health will be the re- suit This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony without being able to nna rener. The discovery oi War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it con tains just the elements necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these great oigans, and safely restore and keep them in order. It is a POSIT1VK rkmkdy for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the body for Torpid Liver- Headaches Jaundice Dlzzlnes s uravel h ever, Ague Malarial Kever. and all difficulties of the Kidnevs. Liver and Urinary Organs. it is an excellent ana sale remedy ior xemaies during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation ana is invaluable ior Leucorrnoea or jrai.mg oi me Womb.- As a Blood Purifier It Is unequalled, lor it cures the organs that hake the blood. This ttemedy. winch has done sucn wonaers, is nutUDln the LARGEST SIZED BOTTLE of any medicine upon the market, and is told by drugiist and all dealers at 81.25 per bottle. or uiaoeies. enquire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CORE it is a t osixivjs uemeoy. H. a. wakjnek a IXJ., an28 Rochester. N. Y. MARKETS BT TELEGRAPH FEBEDAH 28, 1882 PRODUCE. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine quiet at 50c Rosin firm; strained SI -SO; good strained 81.95. Tar Arm, at gl.OO. Crude turpentine steady, at $Z.Zo ior nam 51 ou ior yeuow mp; 82 80 ftr virgin Inferior). Corn unchanged; prima white 82i&eE83; mixed 7 1. Baltimokk Noon Flour steadr, except for PotaDseo tamlly which 1 25c oil; Howard sreei aihI Western super S3 T&a.To; extra So.Oi'S1 ..85; tamlly StiU0t$.'0; ity Mils, super S4U(eS5 00: extra 5 0 n S?t3 0 i ; Rio brands Sri. 75: Fatabsco tamlly 87. 5 Wheat Southen scarce and Orm: Western hlt-.her; southern d Si.30SSl.K3: amber Ul 3; tZS1.4 ; No. 1 Mary land Si Sr,ai 3; no 2 wester r. wtn-.er red spot. S'.2o'S1.28ii; F-braarySl 2-i-- M,.rchSi 214-. (7 SI 28Vs; Aim 11 Sl-Stos: 3". -; Mai si 3d4 (7S1.3312; June Sl 311 bl.; Ja Si 21 bid. .Xrn-6outhern steridy; Western le;uiy; Southern white 78; Southern yellow 6i. lAiriMuH Night (fins firm; iou'i:ern "47t? 5 ; Western 49351 ; fuixed 4 4S; hnu- i-anla 47350. Provisions firnitr and un ci trrged; mess pork 18 253818.50. nu;k meats - - houlden-and clear rib sides, packed TtsS HHA F. con shoulders 81,1s; clear rib sides IH4; hams 1" ii3 13i&. Lard rehned 1214- Cofl-e steady; h .. cargoes ordinary to fair i-443! 8ut?r quiet; A soft 9 Whiskey dull, at S1.17. eights unchangt d. . -IHCIHNAT1 Floi'r, quiet end unchanged. Vieat-dull, weak and lower; No. 2 red winter $ 283S1.30. Corn etive. but lower; No. 2 ti2V. Oats In fair demand; No. 2 mixed. j. ,347. Pork quiet, at S17. 75. Lard -in good d- uiand. at $10 35(7810 40. Buik meats-quiet; snoulders tofe; ribs V; cl -ar 103. WhlsKey ;teady. at Si. 16; combination sales of finished goods 1.179 barrels on a basis ofSl-16. Sugar quiet and unchanged. Hogs firm: common and light 85.503S7.00; packing and bufcaersSb653 87.50. Chicago. Flour dull and uncliangpd. Wheat unsettled and Irregular; No. 2 Chicago spring 81.2014381 2tt for cash; Sl.2ri9i for February; 81.268 for March. Corn - irregular ann fairly ac tive, at 59360 for cash; 59 for February and March. Oats in fair demand and the market firm, at 43 for cash; 40 for February; 40ffi41 for March. Dressed hogs weak and lower, at 87.50387.55. Pork in fair demand, at 817.00 for cash, February and March; 8i7.003Sl7 25 for April. Lard active, firm and higher, at $1 0 60 for cash and February ; 8 1 0 62Vfe f or March ; 8 1 0- 75 for April. Buik meats in fair demand and prices Irregu'ar; shoulders $6 30; short rib $9 30; short clear $9.40. Whiskey in fair demand, at $1.18. Nkw York Southern flour, steady and demand moderate; common to fair extra 85.10386.7o; good to choice extra $6.75388.00. Wheat-unsettled and opening somewhat stronger, but after wards became weak and declined- t43c. then re covered and advanced 31tec, and closing with less strength; ungraded red $1.19381.34: No. 3 ungraded red $1.26; ungraded white $127; No. 2 red, February Sl.31tySl.32; March 81 3l381.33. torn opened very firm, but sub sequently declined 14tfec, then recovered and ad vanced gityc, and closing quiet and firm, with a moderate trade; ungraded 65ijrt9. Oats 3c higher and more active; No. 3, 5135114 and 52Viffl52; No. 2. February 50; March 5OV2S) 50. Bops dull and weak and prices unchang ed; Yearlings 12322. Coffee quiet and about steady: Rio 8Vfe310tfc. Sugar-fairly active; Mo lasses sugar 6; fair to good refining quoted at 7ife27i4; refined firm and quiet; Standard A 8&k3-811-16. Molasses firm and quiet, 50 test refin ing 34; New Orleans 55375; torto Rico 89360. Rice stead yand in fair demand. Rosin firm, at $2 27tyfe$2 3f. Wool dull and weak; Domestic fleece 84048; Texas 14030? Pork-dull, weak and declining, at $16 50; old fcl7.7538i8 00; new, March $17.803817.50. Middles-flm and quiet; long clear 9tfe Lasd E37tfcc higher and fairly active, and closing weak, at $10,803 $10.82; March $10.77VfcS10.0. Freights to Liverpool market easier. COTTON. GALVE3T0NQu!et; middling lUfec; low mid dling 11c: good ordinary lOic; net receipts 890; gross ; sales 234: stock 70,614; ex ports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to continent : to France ; to "fehannel Noqfqlk Steady; middling lltfeo; net receipts 1,541; gross : stock 41,390; exports coast- wi j gales 600 - eBirt to Great Britain 2,624: to continent 815 Baltekobb Quiet; middling 11?; low mldr dllng 11 1,8; gooa ordinary 10i,fe; net receipts 5 gross oil; sales 800: stock HO 619; exports coastwise ; spinners ; export to ureat Britain- ; to continent . Boston -Dull, middting lls; tow middling llc; good ordlnar? 1015: net reooU'te 447; 08 1,036: sales : stock 9.827: exports to real Britain 5Q0; to France . WujmNGTOH Firm . middling 11C; low mid ling 10 15 Ific; good ord'y iOl Jflc; rec'p's 170; gross ; sales ; stock 7,999; exports ooatwlse ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Philadelphia Firroi middling Uo; low middling II 14c; good ordinary IO140: net receipts 40 srross 240; sales ; spinners : toe 17,406; exports Great Britain ; to continent SAVAKMAtt -Quiet; middling 11 5-16c; low mid dling lOc; good ordinary 9c; net receipts 1 389; gross ; sales 2,400; stock 72,385; exports coastwise ; to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent 50.. New Orleans - Quiet; middling llc; low mldahng HVfcc; rood ordinary lOMic; net receipts 2.545; gross 2,977; sales 4,500; stock 868.4 4f; exports to Great Britain : to France ; coastwise ; to continent . Mobils -Quiet; middling llo; low middling lie: good, ordinary lOUc; net receipts '252; gross 256; sales 600; stock 82.880: exports eoast 800: France ; to Great Britain ; to continent -rr-. Memphis Firm ; middling . 1 1 r ; low - mid dling 11c; good ordinary IOIAc, net rtxitt320; gross 328; shipments 471; Bales 125: stock 87,664. . n . A0GUSTA -Steady; middling llc; low -dllng I0c; good Ordinary JOC; receipt 237: shipments ; sales 558. . r ' Charleston Firm: middling llc; low miduung lifto; good ordinary 10o; net reeMpts 843; gross ; sales 1,000 stock- 61,710: exports coastwise 153; to Great Britain ; t CANNOT FAIL TO BE SUITED IN O F BOO T 8 AND SHOES AriD W1JN TifiK shall be found Just as represented, and shall allow no view to tne wants or au classes of customers, and A. E. - W. T. BLI.CKWELL & Durham, N. C. Manufictnrori of the Original and Only Graulne Mar 22 ly to continent to France to channel New Yoek- Firm ; sales 1 85 : middling uplands 11 11-16C: middling Orleans 11 15-ltic: consoli dated net receipts 8,815; exports ! o threat Britain 3,124; to France ; to continent 60; to channel . Liverpool Noon--Easier; middling uplands 6 9-1 6d; middling Orleans t5d; sales 8,000; speculation and export 50,0; receipts 19,500; American 14,100. Uplands low middling clause: February delivery 6 31-32dffi6 33 64d; February and March 6 31-64d; March and April 6Vfed 6 15 32d; April and May 6 37-64 9 16d; May and June 6 1 l-18dS6d; June and July 6 23 32d Q6 11-1 6d; July and August 6d; August and September 6 51 -6 Id. Futures flat FUTURES. New York Net receipts 698; gross 5,516. Futures closed easy; sales 121,000 bales. March 1 -. 11.733.74 Api it .-. ll.893i.wi May 12.03.09 June 12.253.26 July 12 413.42 Au,ust 12.553 56 Seoiember , 12.1 K3 K) October . - " 11. 03 61 November... 11.443 45 DeceoiDer 11.473.49 Jsnuary February... The Fvening Post's'Cotton Market Report says: Future deliveries yesterday on hlghe Liverpool Quctarions for -pot cotton, dex'infrd to-daj on easier quotations. They have advanttd. but it must be allowed th;v the falling oif in r. ceipts of 52 500 hales In foi.r dais Is c Mediated to c n-tt.ce the most obiu.-e that the crop estimates ot 5.750. 01 0 to rt.nij0.000 bales must be given up. F tu:e3 at the Crt call showed but .ittle change. Aftr ih call they ste dl!y advanced and rule , at 1 .55 p. m.. 1 4 to 1(3 points above yesterday's cioslng quotations. FINANCIAL. Kkw YOtvK. Exchange, Hove) ii merits fairly firm New 5's Foi" and a half per cents . 4 8514 1C2 1.14 1.18 6 plus 1-32 $31,766 4.780 "Kou" per cents, Money, State bonds $ V. and irregular... Sub-treasury balances Gold Currency.. St cks Opene'i s-trong and cos:-d weak at lowest figures of the day: the Alabr.ma C'.ass A, 2 to 5 ... Alabama Class A, small Alabama Class B, 5's Alabama Class C, 4's Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie Kast Tennessee Georgia. Illinois Central... Lake Shore Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston NasbMlle aud Chattanooga New York Central I :ttsburg. Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville Bock Island Wabash, Sc. Louis Pacific. Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferr'd Western Union. Si 1.01 8314 1.30S4 1.41V8 37ts 124 1.67 1.3 114 75V'a 63 70 1 atiA 1.30 24 1.65 1.3 82Ete 5714 79 CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of The Observer, I . Charlotte, March 1, 1882. 1 The market yesterday closed steady at the fol lowing Quotations: Good Middling . 11 14 Strictly middling, 1 life Middling...... 11 Strict low middling 1 03? Low middling. 10 Tinges Qumva Stotm cotton. 5?$S8'& Sales yesterday 1 19. bales. Chnrlotte Produce Market FEBRUARY 25, 1882. BUYTJW3 PRICES. CoHN.ptrbusnn.,.. 90395 Meal, , hs Wheat, " , ' Beans, white, per bushel 1.25a2.50 Peas, Clay, per bush. 90al.00 Lady, " 1.50 White, " 1.25 Floub Family 8.50a3.75 Extra. 8.00a3.25 Super 3.00 Oats, shelled, 65a75 Dbted Fruit Apples, per lb. 5a6 Peaches, peeled 18a20 " Unpeeled ... 7a8 Blackberries 8a5 Potatoes Sweet 70a75 .Irish 1.50 Butteb North Carollra an Bgs, per dozen. 15ai6 POTJLTBY Chickens : 20a25 Spring lRa20 Ducks 20a25 Turkeys, per lb. : 8 Creese 25&S5 Bef, per Tb.. net 5a6 Mutton, per lb., net POBK. ' " , 8afl SELLING PaiCE3-WH0LK3ALS. Bulk Meats - Clear rib sides 1 oy Coffee Prime Bio HalfHfc Good 12115 'w&" - lOalllfc Yellow Molasses - Cuba k . 45 Sugar 8$ rap., r 8Ka5" Choice Nw Orleans... 5a75 Common ' ; 4Ua45 Satt Liverpool fine. lOal.25 L " coarse 85al.00 Corn, per gallon. ..$1.75a2.00 Bye, V $2 00a3.00 BXANDT t Apple, per gallon, .$2. 00a 3-00 Peach, f.. 82.50 Wine, Scuppetnbffir, per gallon......... $1.50 TREES 1 DELIVERY. TITY free are new ready for delivery, "opposite lvl Mr. Allen Crocse's residence; onTryon street between 5th and 6th. A fine lot of Trees, Plants, Flowers and Flower Seed on hand for sale. Any thing in my line furnished on short not'ee. dec3 j : T. W. SPABROW, Charlotte. . M TRAPS MARK, umm nm wmTimri rr n n iti manini mi TOBACCO arid Cv Idren TKADE. house to give you better goods than we do for the comprises a full line of beautiful and season m RANKIN & BRO., v Central Hotel Block. Trade stroot BURGESS NICHOLS, all iihdi er FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. a nrtL lot o Cheap Bedsteads, AHD LOUKQB, Parlor & Chamber Suits. OOFTUOI 00 AU KTOM d MAX. m. t yasn nun mm, x.c Our claim for merit is based upon tlic fact that a chemical analysis proves that ilia tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to make a G OOD.PURE, I satisfactory smoke than ANY iiiitU4 tobacco grown in the world; and being sitnated in the HEART of this fine tobacco section, wxn nave the PICK of preciate this; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALL f the leading manufactories com- fe Bears the trade-mark of the Bull. k Furniture CO,N STANTLY COMING-IN. WHICH I TflLL'SELL CnKAP FOR CAPH, BOTH WBOLESALE and RETAIL. AT WHITE FRONT. feb21 A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbance?, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dismenorrhaea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford promt t relief to those distressing bearing Dr. Clarke's Periodical Uown pains so peculiar to women. Pills. race per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York city. ORSScrofuIaor any Illootl Disorder Dr. In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, sre an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price 82. 50per box. Flveb xesSlO. 8ent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke MediclDe Company, New York City. Clarke's Pills. A INVALUABLE IIEMEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure Itr. in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or dimcuii urination, mucuus discharges and sediments In the urine from what ever cause Induced, whether of re cent or lODg standing, one to three boxes usually sufficient. Price ?2 per box. Three boxes for $0. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Clarke's Gocnorrhea Pills. IS A BALin JN GlLEAIr. vci' all cages of Spermatorrhea! and impdtency, as the result of self, abuse In youth, sexual eicesses in maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following lr. tffeots: Nervousness, seminal emis Clark' sions (night emissions Dy areanisi, Dimness of fcight. Defective Mem ory, Phlsical decay. Pimples on Kace, Aversion tot-oclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss of sxu 1 Powr, Ac, rendering marriage Im proper or unhappy. Are a positive Invlg rutlng cure in two to 8 weeks. One to fix boxes usually sufficient' Price $1 50 perbox. jour boxes Sft rem o mail, prepaid, bn receipt of pHyd. Address Dr. Clarke Medlplue col).' pany, New York City. Pills. ftblO d&w 18w HIRAF.1 SIBLEY & CO, Will mail FREE their Cat, logue for 1882. containing: a lesprlptiye Prtce -List of Flower. TteljL and Garden Bulbs Ornamental Grasses, ':. and Immortelles, ; Gladiolus, .. .. Lilies,. Boses, Plants, Gardea Inrplement. Beautifully illas .' ,' traied.OverlOOpases.AddrM ROCHESTER,!.. Y. CHICAGO,ILL 179-183 East Main SU 200-206 Randolph St JL

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