K : 1 DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An Important dis covery, by which every family may give their linen mm that beautiful ish peculiar to laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, CHAS. B. S S ; TAG 1 1 Sole Ag't, Charlotte 4. 4, MS TOM, DEALER IN Tinware & House Furnishing Goods MANTELS and GRATES S3?- WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Particular att ration paid to TJOOFIXG AN!) SPOUTING. None 't first class bands employed. Call for tne BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 TlXXi IS ST03E ONE THE 182SI SIOCKE--- OKr- GGG RRR OO CCO EEE RRR IT EEE oSS ,soas (i OR ROOCCK. R R G RRR OOO EE RRR O COR RO OO CE R R GGG R R OO CCO EEE R R II K II KE II B o II EEE BSS' Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Ev .r offered In this market. Don't buy until you examine our Btock and Prices. CORN AND AND OATS.- -J, CAB LOAD3 WHITE CORN, CAB LOADS YELLOW CDRN, 1 000 BAREELS FLUB. 500 SACK3 C0FfEK 2QQ BABBEL3 MO S3 S3. JQQ BARRELS SUGAR, 100 B3XE3 BACON, gQ PACKAGES LABO, 2QQ 'BOXES SOAP, 2QQ PACKAGES MACKEREL, 100 BOXES CRACKERS, 25 B0XE3 .CHEESE, &Z. PATENT PUR, 100 Barrels Just from the Mill. SPRINGS & BURWELL. feb8 cIaw CONSULT 111! AND -SAVE MONEY- By making your purchases for cash at the Variety Store, under Traders' National Bank. If you want a LAMP, or a pair of SUSPENDERS, a set of PLATES, or a COR3ET, a covered DISH, or a box of BLUE, a TOILET 8ET, or a pair of HOSE, a TBX SET, or a TIN PAN, a BOWL and PITCHES or pair of SPITTOON3, or ALMOST ANYTHING COJIE AND SEE how cheap they can be bought. The biggest box of BLACKING for 5 cents in the city: ' , Bespectfully, C. M.ETHEREDGE. feb22 ' - '; 1 ' i DlSCDyERYI LOST MANHOOD? RESTORED. ' 'JL ?r; : jSvOTTDebuity. Lost Manhood, ejew f1 ntrt every known remedy, has ts- " 'cwhicThe win rca v iacijatltani fit,. ; . . Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Springs & Burwe PIEDMONT l! INTEREST I -I tin OLD r-J MAKES MADE HEW With DOBBINS' ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best In the World. fin fine ASK YOUR GROCER Pa. !n.c. 1 JONES THE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OB DBI FOBS 1 That Acts at the same time en ' TEE LIVES, TSS BOWELS, AWD TEE KISSEYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs to beams clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefor forced into IM blood PkJ that should be expelled naturally, WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES, I 'LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NEKTOTJ8 DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Billons pains and aches! Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure nerrons or sick headaches! Vze KIDNEY-WOItTand rejoice in health. It ia pat up In Dry Vegetable Form, In tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in Liquid Form, very Coaeea trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. tylt acts with equal efficiency In either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, (l.OO WELLS, RICHAKDSOS Co., Prop's, j (Will send the dry post-patd.) BnaCTOH, TT. HCTON, TT. k A M tnh 27 d&wly 80 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. Jaac IS, 1878 WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, DR. DYE'S Electro -Voltaic Appliances suffering from Nei-vons Weaknemes, Gen eral Iebility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othe Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with nlseasefl peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete- restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only Electric Appliances that have ever been const rnetetl upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giyinr all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BEIT CP., XanhaU, Kioh. ulyl8 -COTTON FACTORY--FORSALE.- Virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Catawba county, made in the case of P. C. Shuford and others, plaintiffs, vs. A. M. Powell and others, defendants, at Chambers by Hon. A. C. Avery, Judge, and dated the 7th day of January, 1882, the undersigned, as Receiver, will sell at public sale at the Cotton Factory of the Catawba Manufacturing Company, on the Catawba River, In Catawba county, on MONDAY, THE 6TH DAY OP MARCH, 1882, ftlA fnllnorinflp VAMinhlA vtwinAvtw in-nit. ThA j Granite Shoals, In Catawba county, and the Cotton factory oi saia uiiawDa joanuiactunng company, located 8 miles from the W. N. C, B B.; 8 miles from Catawba Station on said railroad; 11 miles from Statesvllle, and 5 miles West from Trout man's Depot on the A., T. AOR.R.; mcluduig 87 acres of land on the South side of the Catawba Blver, on which is situated the said Factory, three good dwelling houses containing 6 rooms each, and 12 cottages containing from 2 to 4 rooms each for operatives, a store house, stables and other out houses, bald Factory is a building 60 feet long by 42 feet wide, two stories high, with an "L" 50x20 feet, and another "L" 90x22 feet, a fire-proof Picker House 80x20 feet, situated 110 feet from the main building of the Factory. Also, the following machinery In the said Factory, viz: 1 picker, 1 86-inch double beater and tapper, 7 87-lnch 14-top Jenk's flat cards, 1 Asa Lee 18-lnch delivery drawing frame, 1 20-strand list speeder (9-inch bobbins), 8 spinning frames, 1,056 spin dles (Brldesburg make), also spoolers, warper, qulllers, beamers, 4c, 42 new and most Improv ed plaid looms (80 Brldesburg and 12 Ward's make), with all necessary fixtures and findings, and with warps ready to start up.' Dye bouse and sizing machinery of the most improved style with vats and vessels complete. All puts of the build ing furnished with steam-Dines to warm the build ing, supplied with steam from a 20-horse power Doner. All the property, buildings, machinery, &c, In good condition and in eood reDair. ' - Also, on the Northern side of the river. Imme diately opposite the factory and adjoining the river and the Shoal, which extends across.1 21 acres of land, with a fine water-power with solid rock foundation. The head of the water on the Southern side, on which la the Factory, is about fi feet. - For more accurate and definite description of the property and conditions of the .sale, reference is maoetothe decree in the above stated case.1' The terms of said sale will be 20 Der cent of the purchase money in cash, and the remainder in eaual installments of 00 and 120 days, bond and vood security being required of the purchaser for the installments. - r Also, at the same time and nlace the under signed, as Receiver, will sell FOit JCA8.H. the fol- 1 lowing articles of personal properly, viz: 2 mules, J o nauui auu uwus, ivk ua ujss uiu obuixp, the material how in process of manufacuire. eom- slstlng of warps, plaids and yarns. - Also, a small shoes, dry goods, bacon and such other, articles of groceries anaary goo as as are usuauy. jcepc m country store. , .JQB.IfcCOBar- jaxai tar, ' , ... j.j-;; ' fosses zfA CSSS ' THURSDAY", MARCH 2, 1882., - i '3- OUR WASHINGTON LETTER rir.i THE TUSSLE OVER : THE" SIXTH - DISTRICT. Cooper's Nomination "Drags its Slow Length Along He May Go Through and He MayNotBlaine's Address A Murder Trial That May Interest Some North Carolinians--Postal .and PersonaLNotef! Washington, D. C, Feb. 28. Tbjos. N. Cooper was nominated by the Presi dent on the 7th of Febiuary fpr collec tor of the Sixth internal revenue dis trict of North Carolina. Nearly a month has passed and Mr. Cooper still remains unconfirmed. This is a most remarkable case and shows what in fluence, when properly directed, can ef fect. At the beginning of Congress Cooper was in the field ready to step into Mott's shoes. Mr. Jenkins, to puri fy the Republican party, as he said, be came a candidate. A factional fight immediately developed which was waged with much bitterness. In the meantime delegations in the interest of both parties poured in from North Car olina. The celebrated independent contingent" came here in the interest of Mott, Cooper & Co., and while here al lowed their mouths to "go off" prema turely. The President became disgust ed with the element dunning after of fice and gave notice that a compromise must be effected. It was partly patched up and as a result Seymour was nomi nated and confirmed as judge, with the understanding that Buxton, whom he shoved off the track, should have the nomination for governor again if he wanted it, and it was not deemed ad visable to place an independent ticket in the field. The Democrats here were surprised that Seymour should get in, not that he was not an able and honest judge, but that in taking him out of the held they tooK out a man who oeiore the people could, perhaps, have beaten any Democrat put up. There was, of course, no opposition to bis confirma tion. It is different with Cooper. He represents the basest element of South ern Republicanism. As a disciple of Mott, he would not, it is believed, hesi tate to use the revenues that came into his hands against the Democracy. "It seems to me," said a strong Cooper fol lower the other day, "that your side is making a mistake in your war on Coop er. 1 ou are ngnting mm as tnougn tne success of your party depended upon his k defeat You over estimate his strength." It is, however, an open se cfet that if Cooper is confirmed, he and his crowd are going to strain every nerve to wrest tne two congressional districts now represented by Maj. Dowd and Col. Armtleld from the Democrats. It was even stated that it was their ability to do this that had weight enough with the President to secure Cooper's nomination. As a consequence Senator Vance and Messrs. Armfield and Dowd are taking an active interest in the matter. So far the dread result of his confirmation has been fought off and it may be defeated altogether, but that is a matter or conjecture ana spec ulation. The Senate is Republican with D. Davis, Esq., and Democratic if he deserts them. Senator Mahone, of course, favors all Republicans, and like the Tammany Democrats, is a better Republican than the Republicans them selves. If, therefore, the question can be worked into such interest as to mar shal the parties as foes, all will depend on D. D. It is not, however, likely that this can be accomplished. Looking at the matter in a general way, and recog nizing from the events of the past,4,hat where elections are close the Republi cans are usually successful, I would say that Cooper will creep in. Ulaine s address on (Jar held is the one absorbing topic or conversation to day. Your readers have already pe rused his masterly production by this time and formed their opinion of its menfs. Here it is regaraea as a nne piece of composition, with some sly digs at the Stalwarts, but on the whole a fair, able and concise presentation of his subject. If his vanity was not tick led at the distinguished audience that gave him its attention, then indeed must he be beyond vanity, for a more distinguished gathering of American representative men and women never assembied in one hall before. The toil ets of the ladies were simply superb, while the gentlemen wore regulation dress suits. President Arthur was a study. He sat, most of the time, with his eyes fixed on the speaker. Occa sionally, as if weary, he would glance around the hall at the packed galleries. "When Blaine reached his peroration the President became visibly affected and buried his face in his handkerchief. It took one hour and twenty minutes to deliver the address which in every way sustains the speaker's reputation as an orator, a scholar and a statesman. It has been mentioned in the course of these letters that the trial of John T. Christmas for the murder of his brother-in-law Whitney, would begin in a few days. This trial possesses some interest to North Carolinians, in asmuch as Mr. Christmas for many years was a practicing lawyer in the town of Warrenton, Warren county. Throughout that section he has an ex tensive connection. During the war Christmas, who then was a man of dashing appearance, with the title of lieutenant-general, was on Gen. Wade Hampton's staff. Afterwards he settled down in Warrenton, and it was here that he became acquainted with Miss Gaines, a charming daughter of Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines, the famous litigant, Mrs. Gaines, it is said, opposed the match, but not to be baffled by such a slight obstacle as a parent's objection, the couple ran off and were married. They returned to Warrenton in a short time, the breach was healed and about six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Christmas came to Washington and took apart ments with Mrs. Gaines. In the same house lived Mr. Whitner, a son of Mrs. Gaines by a former husband. Mrs. Christmas died soon after her removal here and Mrs. Gaines became much at tached to the children of her deceased daughter. This is alleged to have an gered Whitney, who was of a jealous disposition, and last summer, after some words, Whitney attacked Christ mas, who in self-defense shot him dead. Christmas has been out on bail ever since and the probabilities are that he will be acquitted. The principal wit ness in the case is the venerable.Dr. Wheat, who for years was professor of logic and rhetoric at the University of North Carolina. His daughter m arried Mr. Shober, now chief clerk of the United States Senate. Distinguished in her youth for her beauty and charm ing manners, her married life seems but to have mellowed both, adding a new charm.- Mrs. Shober fs the life of a large circle of Southerners at the Metropolitan. POSTAL NOTES. Thfl commission of W M. Powell as Ftoostmaster at Powellsyulle, N. C, has Ha on forwarded.- " - ' A new office at Boston, Wayne co.,: N; C. with Chas D. Brown as postmas LCI, Lino j . A change in Star service schedule frnm Marshall to Slackville has been ordered so as to. leaye Marshall Mon Aa Wfidnesdavav and Pridays at 7 a. m and arriye -tvSlackyille by ,13 m,; leave Slackville same aays at A; p. m., and arrive, at Marshall by ,e p. m. , , s :-ZZZ . .PERSONAL NOTES.. tft ;j Senator? Vance ; and i Bepresentative Scales were present, at a dinner given by Senator Brown,- ot Georgia, at the" Metropolitan Hotel last week. 4 Dr.. - Metti -of the ! political firm of Mott and Cooper, has returned home, pending the;ontrotefSfy;over,Gooper'a confirmation. Mr; Coopet ia still here, and if he waits until he is confirmed it la likely that he will remain here for some time. ?' "Pjcktjp. STATE NEWS. Lumberton . Eobesoman : . Several mad dogs have been reported in differ ent sections of the county, ..Up. to this date . no persons . ha been attacked. Several cows, hogs and other nimals reported to have Deen bitten, have died from' the effects of the poiaon. , A good shot gun is the best remedy for a crazy Mpurp." Raleigh News & Observer? There are nineteen life saving stations on the North Carolina coast The colored men of North Carolina will hold a State convention in Golds boro on the 29th of March. We have received here this season 48,158 bales of cotton. Died, at her residence in Neuse town ship, on Sunday last of consumption, Miss Jennie Paschal, aged about 27 years. Deputy Marshal Jenks arrested and Drought to this city Uaston tteorge and Adolphns Burgess, white, who were eaugnt passing counterfeit money in Apex Friday night. They were yester day tried before United States Commis sioner" Purnell and held for further ex amination. Gov. Jarvis has received- and accept ed the resignation of Hon. A, S. Sey mouftas Superior Court Judge of this district It is understood that this week that talented and admired gentleman, Maj. H. A. Gilliam, will be appointed to fill the vacancy. Maj. Gilliam's ap pointment will give universal and hearty satisfaction. Durham Plant: Washington Davis, formerly a resident of ChapeL Hill, but who recently moved near Durham, in the last drawing of the Louisiana State Lottery, drew a prize of $12,000 m cash. He is doubtless happier than he was a few months since. It is better to be born lucky than rich. Greensboro Patriot: Guilford county raises more barley than the whole State of North Carolina. Last week, Mr. Aldrige who lives on ly a few miles from town, came up to get a coffin for the body of a neighbor, Mr. Job. He was driving two horses, and on the way back home they became frightened and ran away, tearing' the waeon and its contents to nieces. Mr. Aldrige received injuries on the back and spme from which he died in a few days. bt Barnabas Episcopal church came near being destroyed by fire Sunday morning last The sexton left a bun dle of -rich pine on the furnace in the basement of the church. The heat from the furnace ignited the pine which be ing only a few feet from the floor of the church, ignited the sleepers. It was dis covered a few. minutes after service commenced by the smoke nassine through the floor of the chancel. It was extinguished without much loss. but broke up the morning service. Ravages of the Woods Fires. Wilmington Star. A large area of country east of the city has been swept by the Ores which have been recently raging in the woods. A good deal of fencing has been de stroyed and many turpentine tree3 burned. We regret to know that the old Mosquito Hall burying ground, lo cated in the midst of a fine grove, some three miles beyond the city limits. has suffered materially from the rava ges of the fire, nearly all the enclosures arid head-boards to the graves havine either been badly burned or totaly de stroyed. We would advise persons who may have friends or relatives buried there and who may desire to preserve from oblivion the knowledge of the ex act whereabouts of the loved ones, to take steps at once to have the burned head-boards re-placed. The locality of the burying ground, which contains quite a number of graves, is now as complete a scene of desolation as oue could well imagine. A Tough Old Tarheel. Alamance Gleaner. Francis Ray, an aged citizen of this county, is in many respects, a remarka ble man. . lie lives at Oaks, near the Orange county line. He is eighty years old and weighs two hundred pounds. lie was never conhned to his bed an hour by sickness. He never took but one dose of medicine, and never failed to eat a meal on account of sickness. When a young man, he won a ten dol lar prize for cutting and splitting three hundred oak rails, in a competitive match, between sunrise and sunset. As soon as the contest was ended, he en gaged in a shooting match with the same competitor, and won ten dollars more. They then shot again for a gal lon of brandy, which Ray also won. He doesn't engage in such contests now ; but he is a hale and hearty old man, with the prospect of living a num ber of years. Office of "New York and Baltimore Transportation Co." f Havlas been troubled for some time with a bad cough, I had occasion to try a bottle of Dr. Bull's cough syrup. In less than 24 hours, I was entire ly relieved. I recommend this medicine to all my friends for I shall not be without it in my family. Ill a A Healthy state. Peonle are constantly chaneinsr their homes from Bast to West and from North to South or vice versa, in search of a healthy State. It they would learn to be contented, and to use the cele brated Kidney-Wort when sick they would be much better off. The whole system can be kept in a healthy state by this slmDle but effectual remedy. Bee large adv. Premature Low of Hair May be entirely prevented by the use of BUR NETT'S COCOAINK. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes f.Yia IrrttatArfT ba.1i, Tf affAivid ftia iHaHaci InatrA. It ww LIVUI f A. QUUlUg IMAV ..www. prevents the hair from tailing off. It promotes its neaitny, vigorous rovth. It is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odof. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are knwn to be the best Attendants on tne Siclt should frennenti mh a row drnna of Darbvs Pro phylactic Fluid on their face and hands, especially when nursing those sick with Infectious diseases. Articles used on or about the sick should be disin fected and the atmosphere oMhe sick room puri fied and vitalized by using the Fluid. Its effect is marvelous in checking the speed of contagious diseases. FOR SALE OR RENT. TH sew -and commodious "residence , JtF by" T, Butler, on Tryon Street, Milf Jusyond . the track of the A. T. 4 O. JR. JJaiL JfcCo, Oood bargain. Appiyto JanlStf .Agent FORiSAEE QRHE3SPT, 1 A Oil TOOm hvna srtth mM nM tint SKiJfi'J?1 wateri nd a two room kitchen ; ten mlnntaa mail. Apply to - , VAT.T1ER . tiu a u. uib iiiiuiin Niniim. fltt - " " -" -EOR llENT, ABIX Boom. House and Base- ; meat. five, mlnnlu ,aiaUr nf i . "3.iuare. Apply to La. IffeeiNN. At Pegram 4008. feb23 8t 7 X .- ; MFRDOGR'S LIQUID FOOD,-Boberts'.Ertract of ftalt and Meat recommended by Dr.r J - Marlon Sims, Of New York. , Bold, by . . WILSON &;B,fJBWLL. WE HAVE ? f N Store some fine French Brandy Guaranteed lpure, . WILSON & BTJBWBLL. FOUR AND FIVE TJOT English tooth Brushes ot the best quality; XV i- WILSON 4 BOB WELL, , . : ; Druggists, - BROWN'S ESSENCE of Jamaica Ginger. A fresh arrival at WILSON 4BDBWELL'S . nn ' ' Prog Store. . fcHYDROLINE." (HYDRA TED OIL.) TONIC Digestive and highly Nutritive. Sold by WILSON & BURWELL. LAWRENCE'S FLESH GLOVE3, at . WILSON 4 BUR WELL'S febl8 . Drug Store. sllNffiufifi Both Foreigu and Domestic, . Just Received, at I j 1 Dr.J.H.McAden sDriiff Store ABATOGA ICHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. T. A new water re sembling l he Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic. Also, Hathorn Natal Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. , ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, 1 0 CASES BOCK BK1DGE ALUM, 0 CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED flPOLLINARI Aim Hunyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT -EUROPEAN NOVELTY H UNYADI "ANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Does: A wine fcl&aa full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hxmjt,&l Janos. Bai m Llebig af firms that Its richness in aperient satis surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi "anos. The most agreeable, safvsst, and most t , .caclous aperient water." Prof. Virchow, Berlin. "Invariably g.d and prompt success; most valuable." rqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have -scribe"?! these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this " Prof. Lander Brunton, M. 7)., F. R ft., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. 'Preferred to Puiina and Xried richshalL" JOHN II. Importing and Dispensing PL -;,ri -owi North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it Cows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. Mca DEN, Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night uly28 FREIGHT NOTICE. IN order to insure, the prompt movements of local freight from Charlotte the following rules wUl.be enforced on and after this date; Freights for the Atlantic, Tennessee 4 Ohio and Richmond 4 Danville Railroads will not be received for ship ment after 12 o'clock, but freight for the Char lotte, Columbia 4 Augusta and Atlanta 4 Char lotte Alr-Llne Railroads will he received up to 4 o'clock p. m. T. T. SMITH, . feb25 lw Agent Acid Phosphate 400 TONS HIGH GRADE -ACID PHOSPHATE,- Containing 12 to 13 per cent Soluble Phosphoric Acid. Analysis Guaranteed. WARRANTED GENUINE, Just Becelved. Special inducements to dealers and large buyers. CIIAS. E. SMITH, Wholesale Dealer la Guano. and Commission Merchant, Wilmington, N. a Jan29 lm DISSOLUTION. rjAHB Beer Bottling business heretofore conduct JL ed in Charlotte by Cochrane 4 Munzler has been this day d ssolved by mutual consent W. B. COCHRANE, February 9, 1882. F. C. MUNZLER. NOTICE. HAVING bought out the interest of Mr. W. B. Cochrane in the Beer Bottling business, I will here after conduct the business, as agent for the Berg ner 4 Eugel Company, in Charlotte, and while re turning thanks for past patronage, respectfully solicit favors in the future. Respectfully, feblO F. C. MUNZLER, CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square in Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the 'right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars; price, terms, etc apply at r . THIS OFFICE. . . lulygftdtf , , , , , , v .0 A T3Lot ifer :SaIe; eap.; ;;; ; ; THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street And the 1 North Carolina Railroad,, fronting 140 feet a Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad; will either be sold as a whole or divided Into two lots of 70 by 1 96 feet ' Suitable either for oiKHng or Jactpry purposes. Apply to : DIARY FREE est table, imlendaii etc..: fient to any address on receipt of two Thbsb-oehx- Stamps. Address ; i , CHARLES B. BlttJES. ;U ; j ,. 48 N-Delaware Ave. Phlla. REWARDJ foe any case of Blind Bleeding, Itching, ulcerated, or protruding LEREMEDYtocr jTFFg ai.iT ,ioin;u street, rniiaoaipnia, pa. None genuine without his 'signature. Send for circular.! Sold br druggists ana country 6tores. si. M ' WEBAl AWARDED the Author. A now and ffreiu Med iml Work, WMTntei the best and cheapest, indispensable to every nan,ent jUed "the Science of life 2r,i"i&e?FTation :" bound in g,?rt.)'h muslin, emboaued, fpU giltOO pp.oontms beautiful Bteel tnmnnn 10 r- . SjR"0 on'y t-S5ent by pul Illustrated sam pla. 6 cents ; i ini .KEE, No. 4-BtilWhBtfB i . . "THE BEST 1 CALICO. WM. SIMPSON & SONS' ; ; Mourning, second mourning ' SOLID BLACKS, Eddy stone FANCY DRESS PRINTS The EDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete estab lishments in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY has enabled them to attain such perfection that they can with confidence ask you to test the quality of their work. They carefully avoid all poisonous drugs, make only fast col ors, which are thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would, stain underclothing. Those who buy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, find them superior in dur ability j artistic style and finish. Be sure and ask for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on them. feb21-rdw4w EXTRA We have just received and offer for a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts, Mossrose Decoration, 56 pieces, $10.00, worth S1&00. EXTRA FINK TEA SETTS, gold, bird and flower decoration combined, 41 pieces, $ 12.50, worth 18 00. PORCELIAN TEA SKTT3, plain white, very nice, 44 pieces, S5.00. POECELAIKE DINNER SKTTy. H,7 pieces, for 815.00; decorated, ISO piece?. for:35.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a s:in'riur uuahty, complete with shades, at S I 00, worth 2 00. All Oilier Goods in Proportion. WHOLESALE aud KETA1L.3 : :-: 'elf i,i!y. U. i'i 'J0f.il IX roads. Koiih Carolina Railroad. 00ITDEHSED SCHEDULES. TR.MKS GOING EAST. Date. February 19th, 182 ! No 51 i Daily. No 53 Leave Chkriotte, -" Salisbury " High Point Arrive Gr-eDsboro h n.i a mi t 5o p i 5.;-. tans! s p m 7.20 a m il' ;4 p m 8.i0 a in;ii.2 p m Leave -reensboix), 8.25 a m Arrive Hillsboro. 1 1.04 a m 1 1 AH a m 1. 1 5 p m 1.40 p ni 4.20 pm Arrive Durham, Arrive KaieigU, Leave Balelh Arrive Goldsboro',. No. 17 Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro. . .fi.00 p m Arrive at Kalplgh, 3.04 a m Arrive at Golosboro, ..8.00 a m No. 51 Connects at Greehsboro' with R & D. B. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan villa At Goldsboro with W. & W. R, R. for Wil mington. No. 53 Connects at Salisi ury with W. N. C. R R. for all points in Western North Carolina; daily at. Greensboro with R. & D. H. R. for all points North, East and West : TRAINS GOING WEST Date, February 191h, 1882. No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Daily. Leave Goldsboro,. Arrive Raleigh,......., Leave Baleigh Arrive Durham, Atrive Hillsboro Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greensboro, Arrive High Point Arrive Salisbury, Airive Charlotte, 1 0.20 a m 12.40 pm 4,10 pm 5.23 p m 6.07 p m 8.50 pm RIOpm 9.43 p m tl.oa pm 12.50 a m 725 a m 8 06 am 9 28am 11.20 a nvj No. 18-Dally except Sunday, t Leave Goldsboro,.. 2.50 p m I Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7.10 p m Leave Raleigh 5.00 am ' Arrive Greensboro,. 2 20 pm No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Alr Llne for all points In the South and Southwest, and with C, C. & A. R R. for all points South and Southeast No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. & C. Alr Llne for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C. & A. R. B, for all points south and Southeast. IV. W. IV. C. RAILROAD. ' GOING WEST. NO. 50 Dal y. Leave Greensboro.... 9.20 pm Arrive Kernersv Hie 10.B6 pm Ainve Salem '. 11.20 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday." Leave Greensboro 8.30 am Arilve Kernersille 9,41 a m Arrive Salem 10.15 a m GOING EAST.' NO. 51 Dailyrexcept Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kemersvl.le..... 5.50am Arrive Greensboro 7.00 am NO. 53-DaIly. Leave Salem .' 6.00 p m Arrive KeiDe-svlilo. ......... ...... 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro v.; 8.00 pm STATE UNIVERSITY-RAILROAD. NO 1 , Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. . Arrive University,.. Arrive Raleigh, ..... 7.80 a m 8.20 a m 10.15 a m No. 2, Daliy GOING SOUTH. ex. Sunday. Leave Raleigh, Arrive University, . . . . Arrtve;Chapei HU1, 8 80 p m 5.15'p m 6.15 p m -PaHiuaii SleeBing Cars Witliont aaiip On Train No.' 50, New York and Atlanta via Wash lngtonand Danville, and between Greensboro and Charleston. . , ' On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington andChartotte via Danville, ; , .; v-. " laThrough Tickets on sale at Greensboro'. Baleteh.'GokterxwoVSattaburrand Charlotte, ana all principal points South, Southwest, West, North ana East. For Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex? as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, -V . A. POPE, ' i : f ' Qeneral Passenger Agent" 1 feb23? yVj. ,. Richmond, 7a, 1000 MO mm ! I . ass DO If Fi TO CALL AT EDDINS' BOOK STOKi BEFOBB YOU MAKE We wl not here attempt . t0 enumerate what we have but if you' will call we will satlsry you that the finest. assortment of we haw -HOLIDAY GOODS- ever brought to this market Call and see our Dianinr mhot. t - , , juu ouy or nd A fine lot of J' of all desclptlons, Just received. RemmJ none can nnrier-hnv i,u h . c"1BmDtt i "o, u uune can under sell us. deel8 Cures that Most Loathsome Disease Whether In Us Primary, secondary, or tertiary st;iga. Remoies an traces ot mercury rrom tne system. Cures ecroiuia. oia sores, rneumatisin. eczema, catarrh, or any b'.ood disease. Hear the Witnesses. CUBES WHE HOT SPBINGS FAIL. Malvern. Ark.. Ma? 2. 1881. We have cases In our town who lived at Hot bprlngs and were finally cured with S. 8. s. McCammon & Muert. Memphis, Tenn., May 12, 1881 we. have sold 1 .iHiit bottles of S. 8. S. in h Tear. It has given universal satisfaction. Fair minded physicians now recommended it as a tiositive spe cific, s. Mansfield & Co. Louisville, Ky., May 13, 1881. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than any medicine I have ever sold. J. A. Flexnek. Dallas, Texas, May 14, 1881. I have seen S. S. S. used in the primary, seenn dary. and tertiary stages, and in each with ibe most wonderful effect. I have s"en it stop tlie hair falliug out In a very short time I advie all sufferers to take it and oe cured W. EL Patterson, Druggist. . Washington, D. C . May 2. 1X81. S. S. S. has given better satisfaction than an; medicine we have eve' sold. fcCKELLER & Stevens, Drupgists. Denver.-Colorado, May 2. 1881. Every purchaser speaks In the highest terms c! S. S. S. L. Meissetkk. Richmond, Virginia, May 11. 1881. You can refer anybody to us In regard to the merits ot S. S. S. Polk. Millek & co. Perry, Ga,, October. 1880 We have known Swift's S. Specific used in a great number of cases, many of tbem old and obstinate,- and have never known or heard of a fail ure to make a permanent cure, when fatten prop erly. H. L. Dennard, Eli Wapren, W. D. , Nottingham, Wm. Brunson, Moore & Tuttle, T. M. Butner, Sheriff. I am acquainted with the gentlemen whose sig natures appear to the foregoing. They are mtD of high character and standing. A. EL Colquitt, Gov. of Georgia IS IfO HUMBUG, If you doubt, come and we cure you, or charge you nothing. Write for particulars, and copy oi the little book. "Message to the unfortunate." ask any leading drug house In the United States u to our character. $1,000 BE WARD will be paid to any chemist who will And, on analysis of 1 00 bottles of ri.S.a., one particle of Mercury, Iodide Potassium or any Mineral substance. 8 WIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Proprietors, Atlanta, oa. Sold by druggists everywhere. r Price of the large or regular size reduced to 81.75 per bottle, and small, holding hall the quantity, price $1 per bottle. Jun26,ly K KDTNN N GGG or DDD A Y V D D AA Y Y D D A A Y Y D X AAA Y . DDD A A Y I K K II NN NO G KE IT N N N G K K Rn NNG GG TUC K K11N NN GGG fit CIGARS. A new supply of these famous Cigarj have Jus been received, at PERRY'S. It is useless to tell those who have ever smoked them why they are called the "KING," and if you will only give them a ferial It will not be necessy TO TEC I, YOU. fet24 LABRADOR HERRINGS, Pickled Tripe, Pigs Feet and Cod Fi Ar S, M ; HOWELL'S. feh21 fUSTfRECEIVED. FVE Car Loads of Com, two car loads of FlDr two car loads ot Syrups, one car load of j": Sugar; Coffee and Bacon, and: Tobacco, now 1U sale at CUTHBSBT80N A BAKEB'S. KextdoortoL.W.Sandei. Your Holiday Purchases INSTRUMENTS This Great Specific

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