, "V " j 7j V- ..- Stye Cljarlottt temjtr I So rt atrd Son gvtttitwfl BVBUCBlPTlOn SATKSi posy, ont vatr, pottvaid, in advanei 18.00 gixmonth . ........4.00 Three mcntht.. . 2.00 One month ,. 1 WCXKLY MDJTTOlf: ' r WeOv (in tht xmty), in advance. .:...... .$2.00 Out eft? county, Poti-paid . 2.10 xmontht..:.:.. ...i.. 1.05 flf- Lbenl Btdvetionjbr Ohtbi, . V- TflXOBSXBVSB JOB DIPABTMXRT Has been thoroughly supplied with erery needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and ereiy manner of Job Printout can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short noUoa, BLANKS, BELL-H1UDS, UTTEB-BZSA-Dfl, CAHD3, Ti.63, BECKTPT3, FOSTXBS, FBOGSllQIXa, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIBCDLABS, CHXCXS, VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE; N C FRIDAY MARCH 3, 1882. NO. 4,039. - n t -jit awSssasasasssssssssasassaaBaiBanSjsaas ..... " 'It. -' - ' ' """" T'i'l'""' " . ' ' , .- ... ., ...,. t t . . i - , - - ; ' III ' , 4 1 ' : I t 4i i . V "i - . " 1 H- I": rftlf - ifl " ' id id 1 DO; 4 i Ef ARE NOW OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF White Goods, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and many other lines ot Goods AT VERY LOW FIGURES. We have a large line ot -CORSETS- is good and cheap as can be bad In this market We will sell VRHY CITE A P. Ai ; vih;k & HARRIS. 1882. 1882, m: :.:- Spring Style Eats, -:o: :o:- Pegram &.o., Have received and are dni'.y receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF OGO KEK S N TTTT cSSa " m G OF NS N T g a" " O r'R N N N T B8Sq GGOE N NN Too OGG EEE N NN T BSSS Sill, Stiff and h -HATS.-: Don't Fait to Call and See Them. PEGRAM & CO. lebU 1882. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUsTBlf ID WEEKLY 10 PI 01 8. 8iflted to Boys and Girls of from six to sixteen years of age. VOL.111 COMMENCED NOVEMBER 1st, 1881. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUB8CBIBE. The YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful beyond &nUalpaUoo.'New York JSven liigPost. - - U has a distinct purpose to which tt steadily ad heresthat, namely, of supplanting the vicious papers ior me young wun a paper more auracuve, us well as more wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance- of engnmiigr-aod con tents generally, It Is unsurpassed by any publica tion ot the kind yet brought to our, notice Mtts burg uazette. lb weekly visits are eagerly looked for, not only by the children, but also oy parents who are anx ious to provide pure liters tore for their girls and bo) s. Christian Advocate, Buffalo, New Y ork. a weekly paper tor children which parents need not fear to let their children read at the family fireside. Hartford Dally Times. Just the paper to take the eye and secure the at tention of the boys and girls. Bprlng&eld Union. TERMS: HABPEB'S YQUNO PEOPLE, Per Tear, Postage Prepaid, SlnalA HnmhaM Tnnr Onta AACh- $160. T ha TbHinri Vnlnnut ' fnP 1 KM 1 WSJ TOAdr early In November. Prtee S3. oostaM prepaid. Cover w YOUNG PEOPLE for 18tfl, 85 eenis; postage 171 Aanl. hemittances shoutdbe made hyPostofflce Money Order or Datt, to avoid chance of loss, Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement wauoui ine exDcess oraer 01 uarper s novnen. Address HABPEB BBOTHER3, an28 ' . -lf i , ' New York. Z B. V4MCX. W.H BAIXJIT. VANCE & BAILEY, Attomer and Ootmsellori " ,-J C-ii CHABXOTTZ.N.CX Practice nn SuoremCearfr ot the TJnltod; States, supreme Court of Norm carouna, reaenu, Courts, and eountie of Mecklen burg.OAOftmnnlorvflasn. - too, Bowaaandl)- j . ' t V. - i .Ttdana. In w-i-i-- Jr-s a tW Offloe. t0 doors eat- Independenet Square. xS . t'i. i vT c j . .. rar2i-tf - P.jerB&EAM1,- we state and iualtec fltates coone.1' votwe Home randiowlgnisonette; Aft suofiuelfluneys, 4e.fcfunilsfca. for wm pensauon.' ? . u l . - n& tH.1t. Corner .Tr j Tryon. treets" yo wvwai wuiu)im. vu . i i r iinnTi YEST .AVE EIiElIVE a lot of New Fresh OF ALL GBADES AND Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, with Insertions to match. AhoihAP Inrra Inafalmanf nf T.aaa Ksi4r "Wer. embracing all that la new and desirable. oevenu pieces ot watered Bilks and Satm Btripe Auire m prices max must sen tnem. Also Black Embroidered BnutHAiR. Nut uui RAariui 1ju th latest and most tasteful trimming out for fine T. L. Seigle & Co. BVefltcal. Diphtheria. Aold or or tluroat may not seem to tmount to much, and' II promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely in snch cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN ktt.t.ttht The prompt use of this invcUmbU rtmedy lias Baved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Is -not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued Where It Is best known. A tew extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Pact Kjuxb has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty -seven years, and nave Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure. b a Crocker, Williamsvflle. N. Y. For thirty years I have used Paw Krixnt, and round it a never-failing- remedy for colds and sore throat Babton Sxamam. Have received immediate relief from colda and ore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an to valuable remedy. Jw. B. Eykbstt, Dickinson, I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I nave had for some time. could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it C. O. Fobck, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killxb in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Baksom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Kiixkr in my family twenty five years ago and have used it ever ainceand have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dteb, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough' and croup it is the best preparation made, we would not be without it 4. P. Bouts, Liberty Mills, Va. For twenty .five years I have used Pain Killer for colds and chapped hps, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Qeo-Hoomcb, Wilmington, N. O. I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Kii.i.kb, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. 'Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Paw Kit.i.ib cures diphtheria and sore throat so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fail in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: My son was taken Violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to e&li a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It -was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to tha poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chins and Fever PATJf KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of. Pain Kiixkr 4n the house Is a safeguard that so family should be without. All druggists sell it at 25c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietor, Providence, R. I sept d&w sept A oct TUYPS . POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetite, Wattsea,bowels eostiTe, Pain in theHeadywith a doll sensadonto the back part. Pain nnOer the shoulder blade. fulfaess after eating, with adTjjrT- ilination to exertion of body or mind, i i a . 1 m 1 i . -r lected some duty, weariness, i;innw, yinttering of the Heart. Dots before the X eUOW Pkin. ncautcuo, Apourena- nir,i i,irM nlnrad TTrlna. IT TEZSS W ASHI508 ASZ UlTEZZOZB, SERIOUS DISEAStS willsuum bc ucvcLurLw. TUTI'S PILLS are eipecially adapted to inch cas,one dose effeeta such a changa of feeling as to astonish tha offerer. Tnsy InercnM tb Appetite, and cause the body to Take on fleah, thus the system is MesirlsliTMi, and by thelrToate Aetlaaon the IlgaUve Orjraaa, ttejralarStooto arepro duced. Price & cents. S3 Marray h TUn'S HAIR DYE. Ghat Hair or Whiskers changed I to n lOmssy Black by a single applicaUon of this Dry. It imparts a natural color, acta InstanUnepusly. Bold by Druggists, or Mot by express on receipt of f 1. Office. 35 Murray St., New York. Cn- TinTS MAStAL ef Valaabte htanuttea sad h Feby. "2Sdeodawl EHUSMiHinaHMMnuilH oinger: oucnu, ww drake, SuQlneia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Barker's Ginger Tonic, Into a medicine nf u-Jl varied rjowerf. SS v.- w , . to make it me rreatert Illood 1'unner ana im . BestnalthStrBrth Bostorer ever usee. It cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess r" Parker's. of the stomach, xioweis, t i K liver aiUdneys, Hair Balsam &s!$fiZ ThsM, Vlwswi, s , -w It Kmr telli t rtor. the aevermtoxicates. giscas ahnaMtavtograyhaib . & Co., Chemists, N, Y. lOl. SM SI MWfc lJwmjWgLSZS oct22 ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUABTEBS I0E DSTJIOIEBS. THIS honse has been leased for a term of years W SrsT Dr. Beeres, rh0fe JntontiOTls to U.BI strictly first -class house In every rePf . mSous sample rooms on first anrfsecond rr& patronage of the public Is solicited. , Julrlrdtf. . ' Goods, Irritability oiwmper. jjowiiiinm. x of memory, with a feeling of having; neg f o The governor of New Jersey has set theCOth day of March as the day for the execution of Martin, the Newark murderer. - The President has positively declined to interfere in the case of the three In dian scouts sentenced to be hanged at San Carlos, Arizona Friday next, and the sentence will be executed. A freight car loaded with brick was thrown into a ditch, eight miles from Jolliet, Illinois. Ten tramps were se cretedin the van at the time, two of whom were killed outright, and the others so badly injured that their lives are despaired of. Their names are un known.. Ten of the Nihilist prisoners at SL Petersburg on various charges, includ ing one woman, have been sentenced to death. The other eleven will be sent into penal servitude. 1 1 was decided at St Louis Tuesday that a note given in consideration of a difference in an "option deal" is not void in the hands of a bona fide holder, the note having been acquired before ma turity, and without notice of any ille gality. Yesterday the striking laborers at the Union Iron and Steel Company's works, Chicago, attacked a number of men who had been encased to fill the places left vacant by the strikers. The police were called on to quell the riot, dul were not in sufficient force to pro tect the workmen, who were hooted and pelted by the mob. It is reported that the Central Coun cil of the Irish National Land League of the United States has called a gener al convention of that body to meet at Lincoln Hall, Washington, D. C, April 12,1882. Each branch of the league, numbering fifty or more members will De entitled to one or more delegate Rev. Laurence Walsh, treasurer of the American branch of the land-league, reports the total receipts from January 13, 1881, to February 14, 1882. at 8161,- 898.08. The Norfolk ami Western Railroad Company Tuesday, by its agent, Col. noyce, paid into the State treasury $400, 000, being the remainder of the $500,000 for which the State's interest in the At- antic, Mfssissippi and Ohio Railroad was sold to that company. The money realized from this sale is to be placed to the credit of the public free schools, to replace in part moneys heretofore di-1 verted thererrom. The seat of government of Louisiana has been transferred from New Or leans to the new capitol building at Baton Rouge. Valley Mills, a little'town in Texa?, was almost swept away by a cyclone on the night of the 27th ult. Cincinnati slaughtered 384,878 hogs the past winter, 137,547 less than the winter before. The night clerk of thellarnettHouse, at Savannah, disappeared Tuesday wity S500 belonging to one of the guests. A Democrat has been elected to the State Senate in New York to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Wagner, Kepublican, Dy one thousand majority, a large gain. The President has nominated L. L. Lewis as attorney for the Eastern dis trict of Virginia. Geo. B. Wall, a native of Newbern N. C. but for the past twenty years a resi dent of New York, was shot by his wife at Ulncht, L. 1., Wednsday, it is thought fatally. Monday was a stormy day in Texas. Much damage was done by the blow ing down ot houses, trees, iences, c- and a couple of mail trains were nearly blown away. An independent Democratic ticket has been put in the field for Kentucky STATE EXPENSES. From the Auditor's Report. Raleigh News and Observer. We are indebted to Gen. Roberts, our very efficient Auditor, for a copy of his last annual report. We collect some interesting figures from it. The general taxes amounted last year to $203,297.38. insurance compa nies paid 8l0,964r arummers S5i,suu; merchants S28.350: railroads $8,830.55. aawino- machines 82.200. bank Stock $3.- 630.Of the liquor tax, three-fourths goes mm I 1 . . J A - A. A to tne puouc iunu, amuuuuDg u 910, 987.64. The income tax netted $250. The fees from the Secretary of State were $6,694.70. There were abput $5,000 of small items. The MnnrAmn Court Reoorts sold for fti on Rnrl tht Rtationerv for $3,138. The entire amonnt of public moneys for general purposes was, men, aoout $345,000. For the asylum $91,134 was raised ; for the penitentiary tne same amonnt. The . fertilizers tax, for the AiminUnrfll flAnnrtrnftnt was B29JS00. The Western North Carolina Railroad Company paid into the treasury $59uu, their Aon tract to Dav interest on their bonds, and this was paid but for that purpose. The amount paid for the hire of convicts up to JNOvemuer av, lfi.e.1 to no 7Q Aft2 10. ?" ' . ... . The chief items .01 disbursement were? Interest on d6Dt 8Ntt).0&3: ueneiai . . - n 1 Assembly $56559: Judiciary $37,920? public printing $12,763; treasury ae nartment. srr 9in? State department $3.' snfl auditor's deoartment $2,858 rexecu . 1 aj nmt - n: nr. dfeci, OIK TKfl expenses of the government, leaving out the agricultural department, the oavlnm Anrl the Tjemtentiarv. were about $275,000, ana leaving out mwresi, was less than $i90,oou. xne Morgan trm A avium drew $30,000: the Golds Hmv fAlnrutt Asvlnm $15,599.19. The Kwy , - - -.-- - - -. , penitentiary costs ns $oz.wu. rv iniujt this is as creditable a showing as any Of of a nan moVo an the mnninor ftl. UUW KHA tMWv a nt tha ernvArnment are less than $190,000. The Republican Legislature uvuuvm va pk w - alone tor tne year ending oepiemoer 30, 1869, cost, regular session, $19100, and the special session $78,000, making $269,000 for tnat year, xne same ex noniM that mat 11 a last vear less, than ftiononn in 1869 cost $505)00. and in iR7o $475-000. The expenses ior the nraooTi t voar i P we have no extra- ses sionof the Legislature, will be much 1688, Only aOOUt liW.UW x ma io tucio- nf tha two narties. The whole cost of administering the government of t.h State Heaving out interest and .minixi and nenitentiarv. etcV wil Kio a,. na i-crmlarlv-onlv about $135.' Ann ti TLTntf. enent in his district alone $269X00 last year. Actions speak louder than words. Who wants to see the Democratic : party put aside that the Repablicans may be restored to power .ana waauo wwiwvb uvuvj Honoring their Cptaiiu Ji. '.tiicw. OtttkAJsk IMarebJ ; 2. Captain tvim. woa ; fnr n manv vears oast commander of the Continental Guards, last night declined a re-eiecuon imm.nifur -jinn tn nnsitlon of first honorary-captain was specially created to whicji lie was unanimously eieciea. In Memoriam Peace to a Good Man's Ashes. . Norfolk Landmarlc.',. The death of our esteemed towns man Major Baker, which took place Friday evening, of pneumonia, at his residence in this city, fell with a pain ful shock xm this community. Yester day the flag on the City Hall was at half-mast, and to-day at 11. a. m., there will be a meeting ot the bar to pay a tribute to his memory. Maj. Baker oc cupied a prominent and honorable place among us during his life, and it is fit that there , should be a biographical sketch of the deceased to chronicle his career and his virtues. Wm. J.Baker was born in Gatesville, N. C, on the 20th of June, 1815, and was the son of Dr. John B.Baker, a practitioner of medicine of celebrity in those days. He was educated as a liberal man, and con cluded his studies at St. Mary's College in Baltimore. In 1842 he was married to Miss Sarah F. Collins,of Portsmouth, and his widow survives to mourn his loss.- He then continued to practice law in the Eastern counties of North Carolina, where his integrity and mod est worth made him many friends.. In 1855 he became a member of the bank ing firm of Hodges & Baker in Ports mouth, and he was successfully en gaged in this business when the war, which desolated so many homes, broke out. He at once volunteered, and was appointed on the general, staff of the Confederate army, and assigned to duty at headquarters in this city. He subse quently reported to Gen. Martin, and later served with Gen. Pettigrew until the death of that officer. When the grand downfall of the. army of North ern "Virginia occurred he was post com missary at Raleigh; and at once repair ed to Greensboro, where Gen. Joseph E. Johnston headed the only organized force then in existence this side of the Gulf States. At Greensboro he sur rendered with that army and later came to Norfolk, where as a lawyer, and bus iness man, he steadily enlarged his cir cle of friends. As an evidence of the esteem of his neighbors he was almost always in the councils, and was a mem ber of the select branch at the time of his death. In all the relations of life he. was exemplary, and it may be tiuly said of him that bis chief fault was a greater regard for others than for him self. Generally deplored he leaves an honorable name to his family, and a beautiful example of modest virtue to msirienas. Judge Seymour's Successor. Raleigh News & Observer. As we have heretofore intimated would be the case. Hia Excellency Gov. Jarvis has formally tendered the ap pointment of Superior Court Judge of the second judicial diatrict to Major Henry Augustus Gilliam, and Judge Gilliam has signified Jus acceptance. Judge Gilliam was born iu Gales coun to about 1821 and was educated at Princeton, a college whose graduates take higher rank than those of any similar institution in the Union. He studied law under Judge Augustus Moore, who was in his day and genera tion esteemed second to no lawyer in the State, and came to the bar at an early age, not only equipped with the rich gifts with which he was naturally endowed, but also deeply versed in the abstruse doctrines of the law. He lo cated at Plymouth and pursued his pro fession with vigor until the breaking out of the war, when he promptly rais ed a company, which became a part ot the Seventeenth Regiment, of which he was elected the Major. He was with his command tken prisoner at the fall of Hatteras and suffered a long and painful imprisonment at Governor's Island, in New York harbor and at Fort Warren. On the return (? peace Major Gilliam removed toEdenton and resumed the practice of his profession. About tour years since he lormed a partnership with Major Gatling and opened an office at Raleigh, while re taining much of his old business in the eastern counties. Major Gilliam has been essentially a awyer, devoted to his profession and seldom being drawn from it by the blandishments of political station. He, however served in the Legislature as a member from Washington county in 1854 and 1856. and accepted a nomina tion for Congress in 1868, when no hope or expectation, was entertained of an election. In 1872 he was nominated as a candidate for Superior Court Judge Of the first district by the Democratic convention at' Edenton, but declined, and Judge Eure was thereupon nomi nated and elected. Judge Gilliam brings to the bench a ripe and varied experience, deep learning, an astute legal mind, rare powers of unravelling the intricacies of the law, and a sound and discriminating judgment. A Small Pbx Preyentivo. The Louisville Courier Journal re lates the following: An instance or the emcacy or cream tartar as a prophylactic against the in fection of small pox has been recently demonstrated in a prominent family of Louisville. Several weeks ago a case of small pox was developed In. the house, and was sent to the eruptive hospital promptly as soon as the nature of the disease was established beyond a doubt, but not before all the members of the family had been exposed to the contagion for two or three days. By the advice or a mend, the family was induced to drink freely1 and often of Cream tartar water; in the proportion of an ounce to a pint or water. Every member of the family has so far escap ed, while the coachman, -who waited occasionally on tne sick man, ana who did not drink the cream tartar, contrac ted the disease, and is now a patient at the pest house. All fear of the re-ap pearance ot tne disease in tne iamny has been dissipated, and the use of this 8imole remedy as a prophylactic and a modifier or smaii pox is recommended. Conference Between the Press and Western Union. New Yobe1, March 2. An important conference has been in session in this citv for two days between -trfc Western Union Telegraph Company and the various press associations of the coun try, respecting the relations subsisting hetweenthe press and the company. On the satisfactory conclusion of nego tiations the executive committee of the telegraph company invited the repre sentatives of the press to meet them at dinner at Delmonico'qlast night. -The relations between the press -and tele graph company were-recounted by gen tlemen of long, experience in both ser vices and the universal satisfaction ex pressed at the harmonious relations which have resulted from the present conference. A Vessel Wrecked and Twenty-Three jjives jjosi 5 TJnkcss. March 2. The Collier has been wrecked off Yarmouth, and twen ty-three persons arownea. . . . . The honest public sentiment ot the people of the United states is unanimously in ravor oi at. Bull's eough syrup. The druggists pronounce It to be the only standard cough remedy. GalvestqS, Texas, March 2. A spe cial to tne iMewa trom JNavasita, says: "The storm Mondav nieht did material damage in this neighborhood, uprooting trees, blowing down fences and houses and demolishing two large gin houses near town. A special from Dodd City says the town of Codova, 14 miles south of this place was visited by a severe cyclone Tuesday which inflicted considerable damage. Many buildings and residences were torn trom their foundations. The Baptist church was completely demol ished and a two-story frame house of Mr. Trave was destroyed. Several mem bers of the family of the latter were in the house St the time of the storm and were seriously injured. The Reason Why. Raleigh Farmer and Mechanic. Senator Vance is on four of the stand ing committees of the Senate: a larger number than any other Democratic Senator. One of these committees is the important one of "Privileees and Elections." Another is on "Naval Af fairs." The Speaker in selecting his committees doubtless had in mind the fact that Charlotte, Vance's home, was a noted naval seaport during the war. Or he may have assumed that the Gov ernor became familiar with naval mat ters during the years he resided at Blacknall's Landinsr. on Favetteville street river. "Speaking of cod some wUl eouch t ghin?," sars Mrs. Partington, hin?," sajs Mrs. tin tbelr la.ee gees black and blue and never think or buying a bottle of Dr. Bull's cough syrup, It IS the Helsrht of Pnllv to na.1t until vnn Am In bed with disease you may not get over for months, when you can be cured durtre the early symptoms by Parker's tilnger Tonic. We have Known tne sickliest families made tr e healthiest by a timely use of this pure medicine. Observer. Ponder on these Troths. KIdaey-Wort is nature's remedv for kldriev and liver diseases, piles and constipation. Sediment or mucous in the urine is a sure Indi cation of disease. Take Kidney-Wort. Torpid liver and kidneis DOlson the blood. Ki i- ney-Wort revives them and cleanses the system. Headache, bilious attacks, dizziness, and loss of appetite are cured by Kidney-Wort. &ee aav. fctrj Q&vzvttscmtmta. Dr. C. W. BEXOiV, of Baltimore, Rid. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervou3 Diseases ana the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands In the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of bis practice he discovered what now are renowned in medical practice, viz: a com oination of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recom mended by them. It is not a patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience in practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all lntaliigent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headacne, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for 82.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE U Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINOSonaUpartsof Oie body It make th skin white, soft and smooth; removes taa and flpmdues, and is ths BEST toilet ili imnliiii lii TBB WOBXD. Elegantly jrat np, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first clasdrugiBta have it. gripe $1. par partraga. CHA8. N CRITTKNTON. 115 Fulton street. New York City, sole sgent for Dr. C W. Benson's remeaws, townom an orders snouia oe ad dressed. mail HRS. LYDIA L P1KKHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINRH ALTS TE&ETASLir CCaaPOUND.-, Is a Positrve Cure for ah tfcstt Palnftil Cossplaiats and 'WeaMessM mwuoi to ur best f emmle ppmltln. It wiH our entirely the worst form ot Femsie Oot plaints, all ovarian troubles, Tnflarnatlon, and UfcSra Hon, Falling Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of life. It win dissolve and expel tumors from tha uterus la an early stage Of terelopmen. The tendency to oaa oerens humors there is checked very speedily by Its nae. It removes falntness, SatnlBncy, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness pf.the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, . Nervous Ftostratlon, General Debility, SlspJeasnevIeia m Ind jisstloa.- j ;.- ..-. .wt That fsallnr ot bearing dowa, causing: pam weighs and backache, to always permanently earsdrttsasa, J Itwfllatallgmesand aatoaneireiiiiistaiirsaBeMa barmony wiUi-Oje law that Severn the femssyateiB. For tt care tfWa Cn Oompovnd Is unsurpassed '.. - t' vomnila orecared at S3S and t3 Western Avenvsy Jiyim.lfn-1, r6tl.;Slxottkfor$. Statbylasn Uthe form of pfUs, also la she foms oflosaages, sv reoeipt of price, 1 per bos or stthscv JH mmornm freelysasweraaUletteisof-tnqmrr.'Bforpamph. lac, Address, as above. MmHo tMl wt HofaaOty shotild be wiUiout tYDUIHarijrS UVXK PILLS They euro constipation,; bfilnntnssj sad torpidity of the Hver. ' esnte per box. 49- Said by all Draa;gista. -l v '--'7 ''jftV' AT LA.CJE CURTA.IJNTS, :; We have some beautiful styles, also some handsome patterns in Cretones. We sail have a few HBaVY GOODS on hands that will parVou to buy tor another season. We have. Just received the prettiest and aheapest stock ot Ever o33red lu.thls market "PBIBL" HARGRAVES&WILHELM. UMlCo. GENERAL FEED DEALERS AHD- COMMISSION M E BC H A N T Q OMMISSION MSECHANTtJ, CHARLOTTE, N. C. mvB how oh mm : A FULL SUPPLY OS" 3 WHITE AND YELLOW COBN, PEABL GHIT3, BEAN, PATAP8CO PATENT PROCESS IXOUB, TIMOTHY HAY, ANDHKCKKBS' ; : ' 8ELF-BAISING , BUCKWHEAT ' ' - : ' , TLOUB : WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES - . ; . . t- I!.' V: .-, - ;: ' , 1. ; ,--.: ..." . tJSTJBXWHOLXSALS And BESaTL TRADE. 4 f A: Or-Bespectfolly sollcitmg a shaie et our patronage, we are rerectfuDy, ' - anl9 A. J. BEA1L A CO. FORGET TO LOOK OUR SHIRT, "EVITTS"'SH0SS, && THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS TBK.- LARGEST MUSI f HOIS 8 IN THE SOUTH. The McSmlth Music House -SELLS- CHICKKRING & SONS, KBANICH BrH, MATHUSHEK, ABION, SOOTHE UN GKM And otner FIAN03. MASON & H1MLIN, SHONINGKB. PKLODBKT 4 CO., bTEKLING. AMD OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT 8ELLS 6TEICTLT First-Class. Instruments. Ask me tor nrlces if you want good work and you Will never buy anything but the beet. Address or call on, H. McSMITH. pXiscjeHattjeotts. Telephones ! Telephones ! TELEPHOrigS. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company, Is the -SOLE LICENSEE -of the .American Bell Telephone Company For suppljlng Telephones In the 8tates of Virglala, West Vlrglola. (south of the B.4U.B. B..) North Caroiiua, b'outh Carolina, Florida and Alabama, PEIVATE LUTES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented tW For particulars address ; SOUTHERN BULL TELEPHONE and TELEGBAPH COMPANY, f.bll eod 8m 105 Broadway, New York. Having reineyed" the bop. onj IrE and OBNAMEN1 j Goilding, Kalsomining, Frescoing, to I an26tf 5 Everybody . Das" Discovered I H J i t) r. V - 11 'A "HI4 - i 1 .' I , 1 i I s, 1 u S . 1 UU f m f s ( i 3 ' - r f : i ; f lit fc It 1 ! 5 i : it t :' tr, . .