irirmrriTiiiiiftinMrfM CIIAS. 11. JONES, Editor and PropHor. Iimra at ruM vonr-omc t J&uMjvni N. 0.. as SmoomhChAaa hattxb.1 - .FRIDAY MARCtf 3, 1882. THE SIXTH DISTRICT INVESTIGA TION. Some time ago Senator V-wci intro duced a resolution in the Sanate asking the Secretary of the Treasury for certain information in reference to the administration of affairs in the sixtn collection district of this State. In pur suance of this resolution certain cor Jrespondence between Dr. Mott,collec- Sir, in reference to transactions .be ,n 'tween him and some of his deputies, was sent in to the Senate, but it did not meet the case ; did not bear on the in formation sought. Shortly after this, Mr. Armfield, in the House, offered a resolution asking for the appointment of a committee to investigate the al leged charges against the collector of the district, which was violently op posed by Mr. Houk (Republican) of Tennessee, and it was thereupon refer red to the committee on ways and means, to be buried, no doubt. In the meantime the contest over the collec torship, waxed hot; these charges were repeated and reiterated by the op poneuts of Mr. Cooper, for whose nom ination Mott was using all his influence. The nomination of Cooper, notwith standing the vigorous opposition to him, has. transferred the contest from the audience chamber of the White House to the Senate, where a strong effort will be made to prevent Cooper's confirmation. Yesterday in the Senate Senator Vance introduced a. resolution similar to that of Mr. Armfield. in the House, to investigate and establish the truth or falsity of the malfeasance al leged in the administration of that office under Collector Mott. It must be remembered these charges emanate not from Democrats, but from Republicans, men who claim to know what they say, some of whom have acted in concert with him and helped him to win the victories of which he boasts, and per haps helped him to invest some of the funds which they now charge were corruptly applied and dishonestly ap propriated. With all the clamor that has been raised, with these repeated demands for investigation, by a member of the Sen ate and a member of the House repre senting a part of the district in ques tion, who certainly have the right to make that demand, we do not see how it can be ignored or refused. As Houk opposed the resolution of Mr. Armfield in the House, so Sherman places him self in opposition to Vance's resolution in the Senate, because the parties in volved were supporters of his in his candidacy for the presidency, and in his interest it is alleged much of the cor ruption was practiced. It is natural, under the circumstances, that John Sherman should oppose the investiga tion asked for. Senator Vance ins ts on his resolu tion au i the Senate must give those w?io make the charges the opportunity t establish them, or prove that for fac tional purposes they h.;ve slan lt red in nocent men. In tin; meantime, should the commit tee be appointed, the pr babilities are that Mr. Cooper's confirmation will hang until the result i3 known. Goose raising is becoming one of the industries of Texas. The poet Longfellow is in declining health, suffering "from a cancer on the face. From $20 to $25 was offered by some parties tor tickets of admission to hear Blaine's eulogy on Garfield. The importation of foreign potatoes, beans, cabbages, &c, is redi cing the price of those articles in the northern markets. Hon. Charles Stuart Parnell has been solitarily confined for trying to smuggle a letter from his cell at Kilmainham. He denies the charge. Utica Herald (Rep.:) "Prizes in the lottery of assassination" wa3 not a good phrase. It was not a lottery, but a dead sure thing for the stalwarts. There is a rumor in Washington that District U. S. Attorney Corkhill will be removed, as it is alleged that he is on too intimate terms with the star routers. Mississippi is to have her first nation al bank at Columbus. Out of the 2,000 national banks Mississippi was the only State that had none. Judge Gilliam has been appointed to the vacancy in the Superior court, see- on 1 judicial district, to succeed Sey mour, appointed United States district judge. Mr. J . W. Floyd has assumed charge , of the local department of the Lumber ton RoDosonian, which will give friend McDiarmid more time to devote to ed itorial work. ConkliDg because he prevented the con firmation. of Hoar's brother to a place on the Supreme bench during the ad ministration of Grant, after he had been appointed by Grant. Richmond State: John A. Logan has toot only put Grant on the retired list, but he has now got his son-in-law made paymaster in the army with the rank of major over the heads of a host of grayheaded veterans of many wars and ' scars -V " bare settled in1 Florida, and more are on the way; Many of them are pro prietdrs of large orange grove, and ore Mli$&&$&frt intelligent, hard-working people "- - fea savannah KetysrThe speech of Hon. Zebulm Vncerj.5w' vuvia, : .. ti..".nWMt of a; protective tariff, ' which was delivered by him in the Uni- , led States jtp w,vhvw. t --- w to one of the finest, and most ex- iauTtive replies" 'to ' the' fibphistrles oi theSvocates cf; f? icfc .lias 'ever been uttered. ; John B. Weaver, of Ttforth Carolina has been ppointetl Co'nsul to Rflivia. It may bo confessing ig:soranct .? rit who is John H. Weaver? , k ' The speaker oi iho Kentucky House of Representatives Is not a 1 ver cf Bourbon, and claims never to have tasted a drop of the ardent in his life. Mississippi wants railroads. The Leg islature bus passed a law exempting all that may be constructed from taxation for a period of twenty,an(rantB charters to ail that want them. ' . Atlanta Constitution: Silk culture is one of the industries that is steadily forcing its way to the front and attract ing the attention of enterprise. In many sections of the South the subject is being practically treated, especially in Mississippi, where it promises soon to develop into large proportions. We have received the card and busi ness circular of Messrs. Johnston & Miller, of Bichmond, Va., who an nounce to the public their readiness to fill orders for anything in their line. These young gentlemen left Charlotte but a short time ago, and their many friends here will be pleased to know that they have so soon entered the field! Success to them. IN CONGRESS THE SIXTH DISTRICT INVESTI GATION AND THE CHINESE QUESTION IN THE SENATE. The House Considers the Consular Ap propriation Bill, listens to Speeches on a Vigorous Foreign Policy in which a good deal of Politics was Min gled, and Concurred in the Senate Amend ment to the Post Route Bill. Washington, March 2. Senate Butler presented a petition from all the bank presidents, the president of the chamber of commerce and a num ber of leading business men in Charles ton, S. C, asking a modification of the treaty with the Hawaiian Islands. Gorman offered a resolution direct ing the Postmaster General to transmit a statement giving the amount expend ed during the fiscal year, ending June 30, 1881, for special facilities for fast mails, the list of railroad companies re ceiving the same and the amount paid to each company, the additional service furnished by each company, if any, and to what extent the service has been ex pedited, also a detailed ' statement of contracts made for the special fast mail service during the present fiscal year to date, the amount to be paid to each rail road company, and the character of the additional service to be performed by each company. Adopted. Kellogg, from the committee on com merce, reported favorably a bill recent ly introduced by him to extend the lim its of the port of New Orleans, and for other purposes. He offered a resolution which wa3 adopted directing the secretary of war to transmit an estimate of the cost of removing wrecks and other obstruc tions from Bayou La Fourche, Louis iana. Vance offered a resolution reciting that the cost of collecting internal rev enue tax in the Sixth Congressional district of North Carolina is nearly six ty per cent., being greater than that of any other district in the United States, that many and serious charges against the officials are openly made in news papers and elsewhere, and are general ly believed, and providing for the ap pointment by the president of the Sen ate of a committee of three to investi gate the charges and complaints, with power to compel the attendance of wit nesses, etc Sherman regarded the resolution as extraordinary and in nature of an exec utive order. He supposed it referred to matters pending in executive session and before the committee on finance. He would not object to calling on the treasury department for information, but he certainly objected to a recital about which the Senate could know nothing. Vance said he had twice applied for information he desired ; once by a Sen ate resolution and then by letter to the commissioner of Internal Revenueand in each instance had encountered slow and unmistakable evasion of his de mand. He read from a letter of the commissioner to the secretary a state ment that the reports of the examining officers in the district were not includ ed in the response to the Senate resolu tion because these did not contain charg es but were criticisms of agents of the jdepartment on the current work of the district and their suggestions fdr an improvement of the service. These reports being those of special agents Brooks and JKellogg. Vance said these were matters which he had specifically called for. Tiie mat tar had been a public scandal in North Carolina for ten years, and as he want ed to get at the truth of it, he would in sist upon a vote on the resolution, at the earliest possible moment. The matter wa3 laid over under objection. Conger, from the committee on commerce reported favorably, with amendments, the House bill to promote the efficiency of the Jife saving service and to encotfrage the saving of life from shipwreck. The amendments consist of two sections of the Senate bill which provides a pen sion for two years for the widows and children of keepers and surfmen who may lose their lives while in the service, and for the payment of salaries to keep ers and members of crews during the time of sickness or disability resulting from wounds or disease contracted in the line of duty. Placed on calendar. At 1 :40 the Senate took up the Chi nese bill . Grover, of Oregon, took the floor in support of the bill. He was followed by Farley, of California, also in support of the bill, who consumed the remain der of the afternoon, yielding finally to the executive session. The executive session consumed an hour and twenty-three minutes. Adjourned. House. There was a good deal of confusion in the House this morning, owing to the fact that a number of the members were demanding recognition of the speaker, but Aiken, of South Carolina, declared his intention of ob jecting to everything until order Was restored. Harris, of Massachusetts; chairman of the committee on naval affairs re ported a bill, authorizing the construc tion of vessels- of war for the navy ; printed and re-committed. The morning hour having been dis pensed with the House at J.2.45 went in to committee of the whole (Bice of Massachusetts in the chair) on consu lar and diplomatic appropriation bill, which appropriates $1,198,350, being 912,000 less than was , appropriated last year, and $15,000 less than the esti- Ellis said he Intended to sneak in fa. vor ofamore vigorous foreicm nolicv than had prevailed during the last ten years, but Would wait a more favorable occasion. ' - mu., '' Whittehorne, of Tennessee; followed In advocacy of a vigorous foreiorn noli. cy, particularly . commending J;he , atti tude of the late ' administration regard ing inter-oceanic canal, the South American tfepuDiics ana xne Clay ton -Bulwertreaty and declaring that the proposed "Peace Congress of the South tod Central American Govelin1eflt3,, was not only proper tut vitally im portant; but Garfield was dead and Blaine was no longer secretary of state. The great West and the enterprising East did not govern. It was the shadow or waii street's speculative capital through fear of offense to foreign na tions which withheld the brave words which the representatives of the power, energy and honor had spoken. The United States wonld not move when her honor, commerceand trade demand ed protection lest jealousy and ill will of some foreign powers should be created. Was there a lower depth to be reached ? Let it be said : to the honor of the late administration that it seem ed to have been imbued with the doc trines of the old patriots whose deeds illustrated with lustre the greatest and brightest pages of American history. Hewitt, of New York, was the next speaker. The people of this country, he said, had arrived at two conclusions in reference to our foreign policy: First, that citizens, whether natural ized or native, should have full and complete protection at home or abroad : second, that the Monroe doctrine should be asserted and maintained at every cost and hazard, even to the issue of the cannon's mouth. In the course of his remarks, Hewitt alluded to a former speech of Orth, of Indiana, and brought that gentleman to his feet, followed by Holman and others ; finally Kasson re called the House to the bill under con sideration, but his own remarks were somewhat extended and directed prin cipally to a defence of the present ad ministration from the criticisms of Whittehorne. Other speeches were made, nominally upon the subject of the bill, but all of a political character. The committee rose without action. The, Senate amendments to the post route bill were concurred in, and then, at 4:50, the House adjourned. The Queen Shot at. Windsor, Eng., March 2. This even ing as the Queen was entering her car riage, a man in the station yard delib erately fired a pistol at her. The man who was a miserable looking object, was immediately seized by several policemen and taken to the Windsor police station. No one was hurt. The man gave his name Frederick McLean. The Queen drove off to the castle im mediately after she was fired at The miscreant was followed to the police station by a large crowd of people from whom he was rescued with difficulty. The Queen arrived at Windsor ataijout 5.25 p. m. The Vote on Conkling's Confirmation. Washington, March 2. The vote on Conkling's confirmation is understood to have been 39 yeas against 12 nays 8 Democrats and 4 Republicans, namely : Hoar, Dawes, Morrill and Hawley. Sargent's nomination was confirmed without division. The Senate also confirmed Wm. F. Poston United States attorney for the Western District of Tennessee. Conkling and Sargent Confirmed. Washington, March 2. The Senate confirmed the nominations of Conking to the Supreme bench, and Sargent, German mission. N The President nominated Cornelius A. Logan, of Illinois, envoy extraordin ary and minister Dleninntpintiarv nf th United States, to Chili ; John B. Weaver or JNortn Carolina, to be United States coasul to Bolivia. Weather. For tllfi MidrilA Atlantic Kr.ntpa "Pair weather, northwest to southwest winds. stationary or a sngnt rise in barometer and no chancre in temneratnrA. For the South Atlantic States Slight ly warmer, fair weather, light variable winaa ana stationary or rising barom eter. Sore Throat, Congb, Cold and similar troubles, If suffered to progress, result In serious pulmonary affections, oftentimes Incurable. "Brown's Bronchial Troches" reach dtrectly the seat of the disease, and give almost Instant r Het Life is not really lived that cannot be enjoyed. The nerves must work harmoniously or there can not be happiness. In Dr. B ns n's Celery and Chamomile Pills, the nervous iady finds certain relief. They cure Indigestion, flatulence and neu ralgia. Office of I "New York and Baltimore Transp rtatlonCo." f Ha vine been troubled for some Ume with a bad co gh. I bad occa-lon to try a bottle of Dr. Bull's cougn sirup in less than 24 hours, I was end e- 17 renevea. i recommend this medicine to all my lueuua lor x suau 1101 oe wunout 11 in my Tamny. S. W. bXEXVKK. A llealthy Ktate People are constantly changing their homes from Kast to West and from North to South or vice versa, in search of a healthy State. If they would learn to be con ented. and to nae the cala brat :d Kidney-Wort when siek they would be much better off. The 'whole system can be kept in a neauoy siatj oy mis simple out eneetaai remedy. oee large uuv. Vhat Did It. lrxvFHiB, TeniL, Aprfl 20, 1881. H. H. Wabkeb & Co.: Sirs I hare been a suf- lerer from infancy with a diseas of the kidneys. which yielded neUher to doctors, medicines nor mineral springs. A few bottles of roar Safe Kid ney and Ltver Cure, however, restored me to per- ieci neann. uabi a. boots k. BXDFOHD AlXm Aftl I BOH 8PRIK8S WiTItt AHD Mass. The ereat tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum man any -atum ana iron mass" Known, lust the thine for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. riusoa reaucea vwa aau. may 11 tf SKBHKBK. Ton are sick; well, there Is Just one remedy that wiu cure yon oeyona possibility of doubt, lilt's Liver or Kidney trouble, consumption, dyspepsia, debility, Well's Health Benewer Is your hope. $ I . Druggists. Depot, J. H. Mclden, Charlotte, N. C. The leading: Scientists of To-flay agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidney or Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Livers are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be thetre sult This troth has only Deen known a shortUme and for years people suffered great agony wl hout being able to find relief. The discovery oC War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treatment of these troubles. Made front a aWple tropical leaf of ran value, it con tains Just the elements necessary to nourish and Invigorate tooth of these great organs,, and atniy restore and keep them in order, it is a poslTi y BEMEDY lor all the diseases -that cause pains ia the lower part of the rbodr-for Torpid Hvei Headaches-rJaundipDlzzlness 3ravel Ifeviw. AguejMalarial Vever, and aU. difficulties of the Kidneys, Liyer and Urinary Organs,. ; ... . It Is an excellent and safe -remedy fdr femiflMi -dmlng Pregnane. It. wluonrUenstraation ana is wvatuaow tur uuwqw or jb aiung or je - At a Blood Partner it is unequalled, to tt euras the organs that Xiuthe blood. ?: Tnjs Bemedy. which has -done, such wonders, ia tot up in tneiLABGEST 8IZSDBOTTLK of any, medicine upon, the market, and is t old by druggists and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for-WARN SB' 8 SlfX XIABgT34)QK. ItI..3mVBemedk WAteH ; Jn2 , Rochester. N.T. ' a2S2 CURlfi-.M .in. tnui JL?,?66 tnat terrible disease MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MABCH 2, 1882 PRODUCE i - - uyuua HULnuuus uuu fSlHV Knflln firm, rtnfauii o . 1.95. Tar firm, at 81.90. Crude turpentine Sol?; , 2-25 for Hard: S3.60 for yellow dip e.9fP.r, y???11 Inferior). Com steady; prime wim ozwutto; mixed 77. . S?oWe8i?m.,8u -50284.50; extra $475 . 85; family . J6.00$7.00; City MUls, super 88.75; Fatapsco family 87.75. Wheat-Southern uxBuw. wwjjern iairiy active and closing steady; BpuUiem red 81.80Q)$1.87: amber 81.88081.43; 2 LWo?,l.bWi No. 2 Western wlnier iff&XfP?'' May8l.8Se81.847june 1.80f2i$1.8ai; July 8lJiOa81.21i Corn- ?. "rr YTeoierii quiet auu sieaay; Southern white 78; Southern yellow 6& Baxotkor Night Oau quiet; Southern 48- anW4a)51. Provision nnnhn.nsel:Tnniuinnrtr S17.75f281&25. tfulk meats-sheuTderB and clear ,T i . -w vwu uivowniuv wuvib uuu view rib aides, packed llkQiMflb. Bacon-shoulders 8U1: refined 12 waiiuisiueia nams lawiaw.. juara-.- to fair ma9ik. Sugar- quiet; A. soft 9. Whis-key-dull, at 81.17 Freights dull. . , craorraATi-Flour, easier; family 85.85aj6.20; fancy 86.60ffi87.25. Wheat-steady; No. 2 red winter l Hn rtn. nin o ni. 62ffi6m Oats-steady;No.2 mixed. 48ffi48Vi. Bye-quiet, at 94. Barley-steady, at 99ffi1.00. ifniM n't1'''0, Juaiu ami ana tower, as St" f x:. D. easier; snouiaers tm; wear ribs 10Ui; clear sides 10. Whlskey-in good de- uianu.av 91.10; cumoinauon saies 01 nmsnea goods 680 barrels on -a basts of 81.16. Hogs quiet; common and light 85 507.00; packing and butchers &R ftnfti7 ok Pouint. cqr. ,nr ments 295. Nrw Tobx Southern Bour, dull and declining; common to fair extra S5.15ffiS6.60; good to choice extra 88.70. Wheat heavy, unsettled and VQ)ViC loner, and closing firm at vffic over the Inside rates; Ma 2 spring 81-82; ungraded red 8l.12ffi81.85: ungraded white 81249)81.8284; No. 2 red, March 81.3UfcffiS1.82; April 81-884ffi-Sl-85. Corn opened iffic lower, and doslcg with rather more strength; ungraded 64ffi69; No. 2. March 67ffi67t; April 69ffi69 Oats ViffiVc lower and more doing; No, 8. 50; No. 2 March 50ffi51; April 49ffi50. Bop dull and unsettled, and unchanged; Yearlings 12S20. Coffee In fair demand and stronger; klo 8ffi 10 Sugar quiet and held very strong; fair to good refining quoted at 71; refined strong and In better demand; Standard A 8tyffi8. Molasses aulet and firm. Bice steady and la fair demand. Bosln teady and firm, at 82 80ffiS2.874fc. Tur pentinesteady, at 521&. Wool dull and In buy ers' favor; Domestic fleece 84ffi48; Texas 14ffi30. irorK onerea as looizoper parrel lower, heavy and very dull, at 816 50; old S17.87ttffiS17.50; new, March 817.25 asked; April 817.8a Middles dull and a shade lower; long clear 914. Lard -7ttffil0c lower and closing weak and unsettled, at 810 57ffi$10.60: March S10.50ffi8lO.55; April tl0.57lfeffi8l0.67Vfc Freights to Liverpool ma, et dull and weak. Cotton, per sail 8-16dffiUtd; per steam 8-16;iaH4d. Wheat, per steam 3tid Q)3WL . COTTOX. Galvbstom Firmer; middling llc; low mid dling lie; good ordinary 1044c; net receipts 1,456; gross ; sales 680; stock 51,636: ex ports coastwise 1,886; to Great Britain 2,916; to continent 8,039; to France ; to channel 1,667 Noktoli Steady ; middling 119 16c; net rec'ta 1,261: ross i'tock 42,816; exports coast wise 452; sales 566: exports to Great Britain ; 10 continent . BALTDfOBS Quiet; middling 11;; low mid dling 111; good ordinary 10i; net receipts 19; gross 92; sales : stock 85,487; exports coastwise : spinners 175; exports to Great Britain ; to continent . Bostoh Dull; middling lllAe; low middling llUbc; good ordinary 10&o; net receipts 286; gross 720: sales : stock 9,827; export to Great Britain ; to France WrxjnHQTOM Quiet ; middling llc; lowmld llng 10 1516c; good ord'y 10116c: rec'pt8 217: gross ; sales ; stock 6,583; exports ooaatwlse ; to Great Britain 1,405; to continent . Philadelphia Firm; middling 11 3)0; low middling 11 le; good ordinary lOiAc: net receipt 28: gross 48o: sales ; spinners : toek 18,878; exports Great Britain ; to continent BAVASHAH Quiet; middling 11 5-1 6c: low mid dllng 10c; good ordinary 9c; net receipts LfiHiS; gross : sales 2,000; stock 67,052 exports coastwise 1.272: to Great Britain to France ; to continent 2,671. Nkw Ohlkass-Steady; middling lllc: low mid 1 1 Vfec: good ordinary QVgc; net receipts 1,382; gross 1.832; sales 6.500; stock 858.459 exports to Great Britain 455; to France coastwise ; to continent 6,820; to chan nel . MObilb Quiet; middling llc; low middling 11c: good ordinary 10lc; net receipts 240: gross 241; sales 700; stock 82.501: exports ooast 123: France ; to Great Britain to continent . Mxmfhis Quiet: middling 11; low mid dling 11c; good ordinary lOUic. net reoi(.u2H2 gross 450; shipments ; sales 450; a toe 87.115. Augusta Quiet; middling' 1 lio. low win dllng 10E&C; good ordinary 10c; receipts 163 shipment ; sales 232 CHAHLK3TON Steady; middling llt&C: low mid ling llt)C; good ordinary 10c; nei iwrt' 786; gros : ales 8.5M; stock 56.671 exports eoAAtwiftA 551; to Ureat Britain to continent 8,754; to France ; to channel Nxw Tobx- Quiet: sales 471 : middling uplands 11 11-1 6c; middling Orleans 11 15-16c: consoli dated net receipts 7,o44; exports to I? rest Britain 10,676: to France 401; to continent 2,339. to channel 667 Liverpool Noon Fair demand freely met at previous prices; mlddllog uplands 6Vbd; middling Orleans 6 11-1 6d; sales 10,000; speculation and export 1,000; receipts l.l 00: American Uplands low middling clause: March delivery n 1 7-82dt2)o 33 04d; March ana April 017 32dffi 83-64d; April and May 6tfedffi6 19-82d; May and Juneo 11 looeso 43-04d; June and July eda 6 47 64d; July and August 6 18-16dffi6 51 64d; August and September 6 55-64dffi6 27 82d. Fu tures flat. FTJTTJBES. ' -Net receipts 887: gross Nxw You Future closed bales. March AprU May June... July August -. September October.. November December....... Januaiy Febiuaiy....... quiet and steady; sales 100,000 11.71 .72 ll.8flffi.87 12.04ffi.(H) 12.2lffi.22 12.87ffi.88 ia60.51 12.12ffi.18 1 1.57ffi.59 11.42 44 ll.45ffi.46 FINANCIAL. Nkw Toks. Exchange, i Governmeats Irregular. . New 5'a Four and a hall per cents, Four per oents,;.' Money,. State bonds Inactive. Sub-treasury balances Gold- " Currency... J 851,4 1.02 6 plus 1-32 S84.014 4,4y4 Stocks Generally firm: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Alabama Class A, small Alabama Class B, 5's Alabama Class C 4's. Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie East Tennessee Georgia. Illinois Central. Lake Shone Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston Nashville aad Chattanooga New York Central. Pittsburg Blohmoodand Allegheny Bichmond and Dan villa. Bock Island Wabash, St Lords A Pacific. Wabash, St. Louis Pacific preferrd w.etueru union. CITY COTTON MARKET. Offtcb of Thb Obsbbvsr. I Cbabottb, Mardb 3, 1882. ( The market yesterday closed steady at the fol lowing quotations: Good Middling.. 1114 11 10 105fc Strictly middling,... Middling..... TT.... Strict low middling.. Low middling.. xtnges.- 9I4ffi9 Storm cotton 58 Sales yesterday 183 bales. Obartotte lrodtte JOarket. t fvs AUyja0s Wbiiat. ..,.. l1"" 90al.O0 White. ''"r.v.rv-fcy ' JflXmrnT Smw I ;..f.f,.f..n..,,; 2.75a3.Q0 OATsTsheUd.";?;VVVV S-P'Sggi vomu auir ! ------ . BlherriMPM ' "i"'- '8 Ladies, Centtdmen, IVIissGSpBoys OUR STOGiEIQB BOiOTS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER-TRADE. guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shall be found Just as represented, and snail allow no House, to give you better goods than we de for the money. , Ota stock haa been earefi sele'wltlt a view to the iraAaaetassea of eostomera, and ' e9mnrlses a full line of beautifnl and seasonable goods,olthe wrybest auallty and all grades, from the lmestFiencsh KM Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes " emt you and at the lowest possible prices, yoacannottotettef thaiiateutstore. Give usaoall - . ...... V : ; A. E. MMwMMnMMMMMMMaawwasMM-. sepl3 Potato: Sweet... Irish 65a70 1.50 20 lOall 20a25 15a20 20a25 8 25&35 5a6 BUTOCB North Carolina. ....... Eggs, per dozen. POtJXTBY Chickens.-..- 8pring Ducks...- Turkeys, per B. ..... . 1aaoa nmsu Cl Lr Urn na net Mutton, per lb., net. , : PQgJ . . SELLING PBICE3 WHOLESALE. 8a9 BULK Mkats Clear rib sides COFFEK Prime Rio 14fl,lfii Good ,12al5 SUG.B WWte .... lOalUfc Yellow . 7af) Molasses Cuba .... .45 Sugar Syrup 85a5r Choice New Orleans 65h5 Common 40a45, Salt - -Liverpool fine 1.00al.25 coarse 65al.Q0 Whiskst Corn, per gallon.... I..$1.7fia2.00 Bye. " ...i..$2.O0a3.00 Brandt Apple, per gallon $2.00a3.00 Pju.h. o Krt Peach. Wikk, Scuppernong, per galloa . . RETAIL. 81.50 Chkbsx 20 15al6 7a lOall 14al5 15ai6 8ali 8.25a3.E0 8.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 5a6 Labu. perlb. Tallow, per Jt.: Bacon N.C. hoe round Hams, N. C Hams, canvassed. Biok Fbutt Apples, Northern, per bbl " Mountain, " Fish Mackerel No. 1 " No.2 " -Na 3 Codfish Cabbasx, per IB. qa-l Alum a 1 liAbS TO THEE I GH'E IliiLTH. "Excellent Tonic, Alterative and Diuretic" Medical Association, Lynchburg, Va. "Used with great benefit In Malaria and Diph theria." S. F. Dupon, M. D.. Ga. "Successfully used In dyspepsia, chronic dlar- rnoea and scrofula." Prof. a. Jackson, M. D. Univ. Penn. "Invaluable as a nervous tonic." Hon. L C. Fowler. Tenn. "Recommended as a prophylactic In malarial districts, 1. a, airex. m. i., o. "Restores deblhtated systems to heal'U." T. C, Mercer, M. D:, Ind. "Adapted in chronic diarrhoea, scrofula, and ayspep8ia." ueo. x. uarnson. xlv..& X. "Successful In diphtheria and neuralgia." J. P. Ktese, m. v., is. u. "Kxceiient ior certam diseases peculiar rowo- mc n." Prof. J J. Moorman, M. D.. va. "Prompt In relieving headache, sick a: rner- vous." Kev. K. J. Dodson. "Used with great benefit In dyspepsia."- I. Mc Ralph, M. D.. Pa. "Suited to bronchitis and diseases of digestive organs. J. nougnton, m. u., Ala. "Most valuable remedy known for female dls eases." Jno. P. Metteaur. M. D., L. L. D. "Of great curaUve virtue." Thos. F. Rumfold, tt. D.. Mo. "Beneficial in uterine derangement and mala rious conditions." - a. m. van. jh. i., onio "Charming on the complexion making it smooth, cienr, sou and rosy." Mit-m 31 . of s. G. "The prince of mineral tonics ' I'm Gil Ham, M. D., N. C. "Inestimable as a tonic and ai-rHv.-: un- ter Mctrulre. M. D.. Va. "Fine appetizer and blood purifier " II Kisher, M. D., Ga Very beneficial In improving a reduced sys tem. Bisnop uecKwnn. or ua. "Invalids here find welcome and health." Rev John Hannon, late ol La., now of Richmond. Va. "Has real merit. soutnm Med. journal. Pamphlets free, upon application. Water. $4 case. Mass and Pills, 25, 50, 75 cents. Sent post-paid anywhere. Summer season of Springs begins 1st June. $35 month. Address A. M. DA VIES, Pres't of the Co., 78 Main St., Lynehbuiy. Va., P. O. Box 174. 8' LD BY WILSON & BURWELL, J. H. McADEN, and L. R. WBISTON & CO., mar27 "... CbarloUe,.N. C. . NOTICE. BY Virtue of the power granted la a mortgage given by Jonas Hoffman, James D. Moore arid L.P. titowe. trustees of the "tiaston High School Company," of Gaston county, N. C. to secured- Donu given rjy tnem Apni iv, to rne under sUned for Four Hundred Dollars', on which bona there is a credit for Sixty Seven Dollars and Nlpe- jy uenia, given jeenruary 1, jbz leaving a oai ance still due of about Four Hundred Dollars. which mortgage is recorded In the Book of Mort gages No. 1, pages 517 and 518, la the Register's office, at Dallas, N. C , we will sell for cash. at the court house, at Dallas, N. C, on the. 25th day of March. 1882. to the highest bidder; a lot or parcel ef land on the suburbs; of Dallas, N. C. containing three acres, more or leM, being the .same upon. wmcn is tocaiea me dtick omiuing oeiopgmg to said "Gaston High- School ?C&." including -said buildings : : L. A. THQaNBUBG CO., . Mortgagees. DaHas. N. C, February 28th 1882. mar3 W4t FFF OO RRR OOO A o a AA H H H 11 ORB TV O O RRR O O R B OO R R O A A 8, 'SS0 r F OO AAA a g -:o :o:- WE WILL SELL OUB ENTTSX STOCK I 0 Farmers' Frieui! Plows, buNs AT COST FOR CASH. We bare a considerable stogk ottKe above articles and Wan ' td ' reduce tnem.' Now "la the f111?6. GPPP' BAEGA'NSi , L ".: ; ;';BBB ,;i J!eD0 ,.:, declO.weowly m 01M Plows, CANKOT FATi tO BE SUITED IN W. T. BLAGKWELL & 09. Durham, N. C. Mancfacturer of tte Origin! and Oaly Gennlae TOBACCO Mar 22 ly JOB PRINTING. BOOK BINDING. STEAM POWER. FAST PRESSES. GOOD WORKMEN. In connection with tte publication of Tkk Ob Sesvu;, and tne establisiimeiit of one of the larg est, most complete, and most thoroughly equipped JOB PRINTING HOUSES In the South, the proprietor has just added acorn pleie BOOK BINDERY AN Ruling Department, Capable of executing the verr best class of work at short notice. Old magazines, newspapers, law or other books rebound iaJhandaome siyleand at ACCO-QiJJUEN, And mfptt lte tt0ea;.ant9r (oTordef We a remI .1 irtanlsaTlose, estnates on every e8aslptioa-9f . wr. r.tim sect A n) ' LERrPfaSlilTTr. i .ffgf t :;"r c. r- ' ' ' . ": 1 1 r . . POSTER, PRINTING. - . ti V f , . .. .t : . Theatrtsals and other exhibitions can get theL DATEa and FQSTEBS prlnte4 bare la as aUxaetlTo a manner aa Jnxew xerie ; . -.. . : We'av a very Jfun suppjy.of type Jar." printing, at short noWce and fti nrst class style. -- And lawyers desirous of Dresentbnr tbrelr rdtti ' ments la eftJdfifiaDe will do well to dva na a tri.L" n e uavo mo moai occunue prooi-reaaer? , and ojir work is as. Stfpa.piqM delects it is possible-to i. ,t t IaETTEIHEADS Statements, ,; . Order.Books, VlslUng Cards. . v BeJfCards, Pamphlets Ejeeds;-:-. - . . . ? ; Beceipt Books. " - itraies' and , w"i!'-iVjrat.'filftV' ii,ai( .iuu3g priuuiigvaon. snort notioe i Spig attention; glvep tp Bailroad Printing. V-.I'Ij-!.-. 3 I 1 1-4 . -. , ... J 1 ' J. I jr.,-..- tU .- 4 NQTE..;I ifitob 1 13B SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. a Having a lanaufjply oltype tban iaosifob febltthtneBts, BOOIWOltK; mvs''beea ndr wWL consume to be a sMclaltr wnhusT "r .f I . R O. Box 182. ! Charlotte, Nj.ft , and ftldren A.N TV STTOPu RANKIN & BRO., Central Hotel Block. Tra de Street. SUEGESS NICHOLS, ALL KIND! f FURNITURE, BEDDING, &C. A FITLL LOB 09 Cheap Bedsta&ds, ANBLOUNGB, Parlor & Chamber 8uita. 0OFJWO AUUKUriMMIKAJTB. ML S WX8T TSAM mm, uur ciaira I or merit is based rf ttpon the fact trmt a chemical analysis proves that tho tobacco grown in our section is better adapted to make aGOOD.PtrnE, satisfactory smoke than ANY OTHEIi, tobacco gvoivn in the wonu; ana being situated in the HEART cf this lino tobacco section, WE liavo the PICK off the offerings. The public ap-$j predate this; hence our sales EXCEED the products of ALL M the leading manufactories com- j bincd- Ei&RiMUi genuine unless it bears the tradc-vnttrk of the Bull. lew Furniture CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. IM Andrews, AT WHITE FRONT. Ieb21 BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. BeUeve all diseases of women pecu liar to the' appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity ol functions, with leueor- Clarke's Periodical Pills. rhoea, dlsmenorrhsBa, and hysterl. also Id melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing benrine down pains so.' peculiar to women. Price tf3 per box. . 8ent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Meaicine uompwny, new York nty. Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. In either stage, 'whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu Clarke's Ami . Syphilitic Pills. able remedy. They never fall to cure; when directions are followed. Price 82. SOper box. Five b xes 810 Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine (company, New York City. 7f INVALtTAUL-E HEM ED Y. For weakness, of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure In 4 to 8 davs of all nrlnarv affec Dr. tions, smarting, frequent or difficult Clarke's; unnaiiuu, muciras discharges ana sediments' In. the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price $2 per ' box. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City.. Goanonhea Pills. 1HEKC 15 eA BAUI IN C ILEA P. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and lm potency, as the result of self- 1r. abuse, lrt' youth, sexual excesses In rmatuwr years, or other' causes, ard producing some ol the following effects : Nervousness, seminal emb Hlons" (night emlsslohs by dreams), Dlmiitess of 8lcht.' Defective Mem 'Clarke' ory, ;PbisIcal dcr. Pimples on flace. Awrslon1 tofrocietr of Female. Confusion of Ideas. Losi of 8f xu 1 Powf rrftc" renaertrjg ftjarriage tm, proper or unoappy. -Are aposniw r I Pills'.' cur ia f we to a weeks, one to fix boxes usually sufficient- Price Si 50 per .pox. c our Doxes so. t-eux uj mftU, prepaid, on receiptor price. Address Dr. Clarke Medloloe com pany, few Yerk City. feb!9dAw I8w- HIRAWS1DLEY&C0, , Wills rtiattiTBJCE; tI Cstai ' ' loemm iUt Jt880u otiilnlB' - ' full deserfptivePrtIJsi Of ' Flower, Field. .'and; Clavdea' .:vi-" BnbfefnMeatal aadU ImmaatallM. .-i - i AdileS. BflMC PIA.IIU. CSktmI A! T, I ' 1 AmiMememta. iteanl I runvarti. :,t. (nOmloOniwAdcnts'a . "s-iMtw main $b xuu-zoe Rindolf h $t

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