ftsk FRIDAY, MARQH 3, 1882. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. phalutx LoDflB Na 81, A. F. ft 4. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Monday nights.. . vzoxlsiob Lodoi Na 281, A. F. ft A. M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday nights. CHXBixnTK Chaptbb No. 89, B. A. M. Regular meeting every second and fourth Friday nighta. csjjturm Oomxakdabt Na 2, K. T. Begular meeting every first and third Thursdays. JC. OF 130. K5I8HT9 or Hocra. Regular meeting , every second and fourth Thursdays. KZ. OF D?- KNisHTS oi Pythias. Regular meeting nights fiHt and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma sonic Temple Hall. I. o. O. F. Charlotti Lod6 Na 88. Meets every Mon day night. MKCXUENBTmS DI0LABATI05 LODSB Na 9.- Meets every Tuesday night Dins Lodgb No. 108. Meets'every Thursday night. Catawba Ritsr ENCAXPimrr Na 21. Meets l rut sod third Thursday nights In each month. Index to New Advertisements. S M. Howell Florida Oranges. Keys Found Apply at this office. Change of Scheiule on the A ft C. Air-Line. BUSINESS NOTICES. A CARD. to all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakness, early decay oss of manhood, Ac , I will send a recipe that will cure tou, KhKE of CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered hv a missionary In South. America, send a delf-addres8ed envelope to the Bsv. jObEPH T. INMAN, 8tatlon D. New York City I bad severe attacks of gravel and kidney troub'e; wh unaule to set any medicine or doctor to cure ms un H I used Bop Bitters, and they cured me in a 9hort time. A distinguished lawyer of Wayne county. N. Y. "jura JVfttJtttifieitteuts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomenesi More econo mica than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or d hos phate powders. Bold only In cats. KOYAL BAJTOtG POWDER CO., nov23 New York. LeRoy DavMsoa. Bole Agent. Charlotte. N. C. The Preacher and Homiletic Monthly, Edited by REV. I. K. FUNK. A CLERGYM-AN'S MAGAZINE Per Year, 2. 50 Single Number 25 Cents. Llmltel Number of Advertisements Inseited at 50 cents per line. It has a larjer circulation than any other Clergy man's Magazine in the World, reaching fully one-fourth of all the Clergy in America. "STANDARD SERIES," Per Year, 52 J ..n jcrs, $10.00. HOME," Per Year, 30 Cents. COiTXiTIENDA riOS. "The editor has undethis monthly a necessity to thousands or ministers." N. . Christian In telligencer 'i furnishes a library of sermons "Howard Crcs'Dy, D. u LL. D , Chanceil r ot the Unlversl tjotNewYo.k. ' service to us alL Am grateful for It." Joseph T. Duivea, D. h, "This periodical pre-ents. from month to month, far the best cOilectWn of sermons that Is publish-td."-Zioii's Herald, Boston. "Ougtit to command the attention of ministers. 8tudeii8 and readers generally who are Interested in the religious discussions of tne day." New York Christian Advocate "A rich treasury of the ripest thoughts and the i he most powerful utterances of tne American and foreign pul pit"- Christian Advocate, Buffalo, N. Y. i "Steadily grows in popularity." Southern Chris tian Advocate, New Orleans. "We have nothing In England half so good In form or contents." John Greenfield, D. D., British ChaDlaln of Rouen. If ranee. "Your magazine is to' the preacher very much what the daily paper Is to- U merchant' Rev. George H. Smyth, Chaplain House of KeXugo, New York. . - - ; "The Religious Newspaper Agenwy Is doings work or universal value to ministers and Students. " -St Louis Central Advocate. . "Bears out its claim to be a monthly invaluable to clergymen and to ail who are preparing to enter the ministry." Religious Telescope. "Must prove most valuable to all ministers and lovers or good preaching. "-Methodist, New fork. "Indispensable to any man who wishes to keep posted on the pulpit of to day. It Is suggestive and helpful in a high degree to a preacher." Chicago Standard. 'Unquestionably of great value to an who search the Scriptures, and particularly to these who are called to divide ibe word of truth.'" 6t. Louis Presbyterian. ''The best of the kind ever published." C. R. Blauvelt, Ka. of the Christian Intelligencer. New York. ' This monthly Is of wonderful value to minis ters xhe suggestions and thoughts are tna flnest of the living ministry to-day." Bt. Louis Ubsewer. . . "The most complete publication of its character u iub country." central Metnoaist. "This Magazine is really the best thing of the him we ever saw." Christian Sun. "in the main admirably conducted." Theodore Ctiyler, D. D. "Tie monthlv 1 on 1ntAiat.lnff that wa clersrv. men cannot help taking and studying it." Justin u-ulton, D. Dr- - t - 'U U lust what clergymen of all denominations wed. It surpasses anything of the kind I know . vf-0" deserve the gratitude of ministers." Bev. Huehes. Your periodical, so far as I have been able to "amine, I think superior to fhe Snglish homlletl- cai serials."-John W. Pratt, D. D., late of Cincin nati. Ohio. . "Winning Its way to a LIgh place In public es teem as a repository of the best sermons'-Zion's Advocate. .."A valuable sermonlo Mlgarlne." Pittsburgh United Fresbrterlan. - . f reighted with the choicest .sermons ot our """Preachers." Rockv Mountain Presbyterian. ue,y valuabta." New Orleans Southwestern Valuable addition to the homiletic literature of iiiues. - unicago Aavance. ( : u rich treasury." Boston GoldeB.Bule, Br. Jturrav'g na Ins the leading peUodieal of Its clast In oar ooiintry,' -Baltimore Methodist Protestant. , uccess unprecedented in the lilstory of Be uiunic pnbiicaUons." New York Church Union. The best ot any publications of current ser nns that we have seen." Ban Francisco Pacific Churchman ...... . "No minister oy lrttelllgent layman can afford to 4 Without It t konn man .hnllt mtt ttttk ilKlous thought of the day." San Fraodsoo Pa- '.'la Its line' it has nothing to eomnare with it in jaw country VRw, Dr. ,8teele, Jiew BronawUk I am acquainted with a good many 'periodicals ot itn kirwi, but I know ot none other wh en la to ,e'tend better alt the time."-Bev. DavW Wla 'ers. Phllndelphla. Ph. r . ' ; i ' I am d-llghted with the neatness. omnactnesa ?"' 'whness of the Monthly. Success to, Ms troth? L. , i60- "ufgestive and cmprebenrive pages." mar2 4t own'' u WMWIi f uPn areJWw ady for delivery, opposite htttvHLan r.'len Crouse', residence, on Tryon street t?ot?S?5 $? 6tnA Trees, Plants, thw f!aJ?.a,?l0,!er Seed on hand for sale. Any mm fio luroiBnea on short notice. n aeca x, W. SPARROW, Charlotte. tSTit was remarked several times Oil the streets yesterday that it was wanrJi tSTMns1. Dr. Btlrkhead. of Raleigh, is visiting relatives in this city. ' Our thanks are due to the young ladies for an invitation to attend their musicale ihia evening. tWA bunch containing four keys was left at this office yesterday. See no tice. KTThe J unior Dancing Club will give a german to-night at the rooms of of the club-mancing to commence at 850 o'clock. ty To-day and to-morrow are ember days. Fresh meat is prohibited on these days in the .Catholic church, an observance which "ig also kept among many Episcopalians. K3T Wilmington Review of Wednes day: Yesterday's Charlotte Observer publishes in full Mr. Blaine's eulogy on the late. President, and thereby shows its enterprise. It took it in with the associated press dispatches. ISPRevs. J. Rumple, of Salisbury, L. McKinoon, of Concord, and S. H. Wiley, Esq, of Salisbury, passed through the city yesterday, on their way from Da vidson College, where they were attend ing a meeting of the executive commit tee of the college. CSTThe management of the new skating rink, in the Sanders & Black wood bnilding, announce in a special notice this morning that hereafter the band will furnish music at the rink on Monday and Friday evenings at 7 30 o'clock, and on Wednesday evenings at 8 :15 o'clock. This is a new feature and will add much to the pleasure of visi tors to this popular evening resort. 3FIt is said that the proposed frost warnings by the signal service, for the benefit of tobacco growers, meets with hearty approval in the tobacco regions of North Carolina. All that is required to make the undertaking practicable and of value to the planter is the inaug uration of a plan by which the infor mation can be promptly disseminated among the planters after it is furnished by the signal service. This will no doubt be accomplished. EST Considering the large number of witnesses examined, the Bob Jone3 murder case was tried in a compara tively short time. Matters were very greatly expedited by the counsel not en tering into any unnecessary haggling, and it is doubtful if a case was ever tried in the county in which there were so few interruptions, notwithstanding the ground on both sides was stubborn ly contested. A fact alike complimen tary to the court and the gentlemen conducting the case. Dr.Boggs Called to Columbia Seminary. A telegram from Columbia wa3 re ceived by a gentleman in this city yes terday bringing the intelligence that the trustees of Columbia Theological Seminary, at Columbia, night before last elected Rev. Wm. E. Bogg3, D. D., of Atlanta, Ga., to a professorship in the Seminary. To what chair Dr. Boggs has been called was not stated, but the election is looked upon by the friends of the Seminary in this city as an excellent one. Executive Committee Meeting. The executive committee of David son College met at the college night be fore last, but only transacted the usual routine business, and appointed several committees for arranging details of the approaching commencement. From a member of the committee it is learned that the condition of the college is highly satisfactory at present, there be ing a larger number of students there now than at the same time last year, and very nearly as many as the institu tion has ever had at one time. Sent to Court. Yesterday the jnayor sent Thornton Smith and Eliza Meeks, colored, up to court on a charge of living in adultery. Night before last Smith and the woman had a fight, and were brought before the mayor for the offense, when the woman denied being married to Smith, while the latter claimed that they had been married, and named the time, of ficiating minister, etc., but an examina tion of the records in the office of the register of deeds failed to show that a license had ever been issued to the par ties, and the mayor turned them over to the court to answer a charge of adul tery. - The Musicale To-night. ' The young ladies of the Second Pres byterian church will this evening give a musicale at the residence Of Mr. D. W. Oates. The programme appended will give some idea of what is in store for those who may attend. After the musical feature choice refreshments will be served, andjwe can give-the as surance that the evening's entertain ment will be in every respect equal to those formerly given by these young la dies, and for which they have become noted. Some of the best musical talent in the city will assist in the music. The following is the programme: Chorus. Instrumental duet Mrs. Dewey and Mrs. Atkinson. Vocal Solo Mrs. Morgan. Gounod Male Quartette. -Vocal Solo Miss Badham. ' Recitation Miss Sudie. Hutchison. Instrumental Solo Mrs. uarpenter. Vocal Quartette Misses Yates, Han nah, Wriston and Phifer. . , Vocal Solo Miss lousie juoreneaa. Recitation Miss B. Query. Voeal Solo Miss Ada Wriston. Chorus. ' . The musical exercises will begin at 750 o'clock, and an admission fee of 25 cents win be charged. Prenssunra Lsm of UsUr May be; entirely prevented by me use oi bu NITT8 COCOAINK. NO met ompouna pos tMaes the oeealtu properties which so exactly iiitthevarloos conditions of the human hair. It nftjKiBthAhsir when harsh and ary. m sooine the Utitated scaip I affordsjhe is Jnstre. It prevents the batt from lainng.oiL, w prwnowe u lelhTrvlg6rous rovth. K to not greasy nor mh' ft iin4a no disagreeable odor. It UllS Burnett Ifiavormg Xxtracts aro knwo to no we best'. .,.;.. .... v-r,A.-M" M tt tmnnuible lor a womau after a faithful inr f treatment with Lydia K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, to eonunoe to snnerwiui weakness ef the uterus. noiose a suuuy w lydla JL Pirikhanv 233 western Avenue, Heaik iteneflt to ft Good gartaritafl The beneficial depaftment of the or det of Good Samaritans, of WUming tan, the other day paid a $200 benefit to the heirs of a deceased member. We note this fact as being the second in stance in which a colored benevolent so ciety in the State, so far as our observa tion goed, has ever paid a death benefit, and it is creditable to the order that it can give such tangible proof of Its ben eficial feature. The order has a large membership in this city, but to what ex tent the members here are interested in the beneficial department We do not know. Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Greenville county (S. C.) Bible Society, held last Tuesday, the fol lowing action was taken in relation to the death of the late J. J. Blackwood, a member of the society at the time of his death, and a former esteemed citizen of Charlotte: The board take occasion, at this first meeting since his death, to place on record our senseof the great excellence of character of our Brother, Mr. J. J. Blackwood, a Vice-President of this Society, who was suddenly summoned, from this life into the presence of the Master on the evening of the first Lord's day in December last, being the 4th day of the month. In all the relations of life, as a .man and a Christian, his whole influence was such as to secure the confidence and esteem of all who knew him. "He walked with God and he was not, for God took him." x Report of Road Supervisors. The road supervisors for Charlotte township yesterday made the following report to Judge Gudger on the condi tion of the public roads in this town ship: The undersigned, chairman of the board of supervisors of public roads in Charlotte township, respectfully sub mits the following report in behalf of the board, viz: That the continued and excessive rains during the winter, and heavy wa gon travel on the roads, have rendered them at times almost impassable for loaded teams. The means and labor under the control of the board, as pro vided by law, have been used by the overseers under the direction of the board of supervisors to repair and as far as possible keep in order those por tions which were becoming dangerous and impassable. While the board and overseers have done all in their power to keep the pub lic roads under their care in traveling condition for the public, they are constrained- to say they are far from being what the public necessity requires, and beg to add that the means at their con trol, under the road laws of the State, are totally inadequate to make and keep them what they should be. Bespectf ully submitted, R. P. Waring. Chairman of Board. In the Superior Court Yesterday. The morning session of the Superior Court was taken up yesterday in hear ing argument in the Bob Jones murder case. Mr. Covington for the defense, opened with a speech of considerable length, which has been complimented by those who heard it for the masterly and ingenious manner in which he pre sented his client's case. The solicitor closed the argument, and at 12 :30 Judge Gudger began his charge to the jury, which, with a rehearsal of the evidence, consumed nearly an hour. The case was given to the jury, which, after being out until half-past five o'clock, came into court and an nounced that they had not agreed, and asked for additional instruction as to what constituted murder and what manslaughter, under the laws of the State, as several jurors were unable to hear the distinctions pointed out in the original charge. After receiving infor mation on the points named, the jury again retired, and had not at a late hour last night agreed upon a verdict. The general impression seems to be that the verdict will not go beyond manslaughter. Of course these opin ions are founded on the evidence as heard in the court house. The afternoon session of -the court was devoted to trying the case of the State against George Stewart, charged with setting fire to the truck house of the Hook and Ladder Fire Company. The defendant was represented by Messrs. Jones and Johnston. The jury promptly returned a verdict of not guilty. Not Near So Bad. . A rrfVii naahior ironn wrnnc." Thin time nearer home. It is Ii. J. Ross, rafthiftr of t.hA Traders' National Bank. nf r.hArlnttA. N. C. The defalcation is supposed to be due to speculation. Ross has absconded; Tne Danit win lose nothing, W. J. Yates, the father-in-law of Ross, and another wealthy gentle- mon on mvul fnr fha smAiinr. whtah in $30,000. The default became known on Saturday. Augusta jsews. The above is far from correct both as to the amount of the defalcation and the absconding of the cashier. The amount of the shortage was 016,500; which was adjusted before the resigna tion of the cashier was announced, and there existed no necessity whatever for his absconding, which he did not do, but left the city several days after the defalcation had been made good. And now a word of explanation: The fact of this defalcation has been known in Charlotte ever since it occurred, and many inquiries have been made as to why the affair has been kept out of these columns. The transaction was reduced to a pfl vate one, by its proper adjustment be fore the defaulting cashier left the city and simply from a business point of view it was deemed roper to not give the matter pubbcity at the time. A very large proportion of the depositors in our city banks reside outside of fiharlotte. and the public can wellun HftrHtand the propriety of withholding any matter that might tend to create distrust of our banks-UHad the matter in the, least degree affected theinterests of depositors it wouki nave oeen given to the public on the very day that it be Mm known! aS THE OBSERVER Wll Waver be slow to give any information that may be of benefit .to its readers. The affair is only alluded; to now iri or der to correct' erroneous stetemots,as several papers havd had iomethingto av about it. and in almost every- xn stance have given versions different from the facts, but no deubt ins most correct that could be ascertained. The Chamber of Comnierc and Public - v vK, Improvcants. w',?-. (:' In the issue of the Home 'and Demo crat Of to-day we . find the following fling at the Chamber of Commerce.' ' "if or good reason ; tne regular montn v meetinsr of the Chamber tf Com-1 merce, which should have been held to night, has been postponed until to-morrow (Friday) night At that time the "road" question is to be .discussed and all who have been invited are requested to attend. Charlotte observer 2U aSt. H :: How is it that the discussion and con sideration of matters that are import ant to all the tax payers of the city and county is to be confined to the "invited'' zew f it tne so-caiiea unamoer oi com merce is to legislate for the whole peo ple of the city and county, it would be well to Dublish the names of the legisla tors. Home and Democrat. The "so-called Chamber of Commerce is composed largely of , our merchants, bankers, cotton dealers and large real estate owners--organized for the good of the city. Many or tnem are tne pa rous of the so-called Home and Demo crat, and this fling is an evidence of gross ingratitude on .the part of that paper. The Chamber or commerce has never arrogated to itself the right to legislate. nor the exclusive right of discussion and consideration of matters that are important to the public, but as a repre sentative body they have aight to dis cuss measures that they may tbipk of interest to our people, sucn as improve ments upon our Streets, and work upon our public roads, and recommend such action to our board of aldermen and county magistrates and county commis sioners, as they may think best to pro mote trade and add to the material benefit of our eity and county, and they have a right to petition these same bodies to adopt some plan for the pub ic good. If the Home and Democrat was gov erned by broader views of public policy. more than by narrow petty personal spite, it might be tinsrumental in aid ing some little in the development of our city and countv. If the Home and Democrat desires it, the names of the members or the Chamber of Commerce shall be published for its gratification. Thev do not presume to legislate nor dictate, but claim the right as a body, of originating, recommending and pe- uuomug ior wnatever iney may minx win oenent our little city. "Cease viper, you bite a file." Member, . Marriage at Davidson College. Editor Charlotte Observer: Although the editor of the Salisbury xaminer did think that the Washing- on correspondent of the Observer was .a woman, he may know that your Davidson correspondent is not, or the following would have been reported astweek: At the residence of the bride's broth er at Davidson Colleee. oh the 22nd of February, by Rev. J. T. Harris, Mr. C. w. Johnston, or Cabarrus county, and Miss Jennie Stough, of Mecklenburg. iiad you not been "banqueting down in the Crescent City you might have been at the "marriage feast," which was equal to that of Cana of Galilee, except tne wine. W. March 1st, 1882. A New Feature. The band will play at Brem & McDowell's Skat ing Rink Monday aDd Friday evenings, at half past seven o'clock. ahd Wednesday nighta at a Quarter past eight o'clock. Doors open at half past seven o'clock. FLIES 4 MOSQDITOES. A 15c box of "Rough on Rats" will keen a house free rom tiles, mosquitoes, rats and mice, the en ure season. Druggists. tvo &&vzvtlszmcnt$. FRESH FLORIDA ORANGES Pickled Tripe, Pigs Feet, Cod Fish and Big Hemlny, at mar3 a M. HOWELL'3. Tj,irTTM''P-Bunch of four Keys three J? J U if flat atid one apparently be longing to an organ or piano. Call at mara xnia ujt uyis. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSEHGEE DEPARTMENT. On and after February 26th, the passenger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Alr-Llne Divi sion will be as follows: Mall and E 1ST WARD. Express, i Hall. ho. 51. I Mo- 53. Leave Atlanta 2. 15 p ml. .00 a m Arrive GsnesvUie, : 4 54 p m 7 55 a m Arrive Lula 5 20 pm 8.80 am Arrive Babun Gap Junction, 6 22 p m 9.18 a m Arrive Toccoa, : .'. 7.06 p m 10.06 a m Arrive Seneca, 8.24 pm 1120am Arrive Greenville- 10.08 p m 1.25 p m Arrive Spartanburg,....... 11.40 pm 2.58 pm Arlve Gastonla, 2.06am SiOpm Arrive Charlotte...... 8 15am 6.00 pjn Mall and WESTWARD. Kxpress. Mail. Mo. 60. Ko. 62. Leave Charlotte, 12.40 a nf 1 1.05 a m Arrive Gastonla lJStm 12.02 p m Autre Spartaaburg,. ., .. 4.04 a m 2.85 p m Arrive OreenvlUe, 5.82 am 4.09 p m Arrive Seneca, 7.15 am 5.54 pm Arrive Toccoa,. 8.28 am 7.05 pm Arrive Babun Gap Junction, 9.82 a m 8.00 p m A tiveLula,.. 10.18 am 8.43pm Arrive Gainesville........... 10.61 a m 9.15 P m Arrive Atlanta 1.40 pm 12.06 a m A. POPE, General Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. B. Taioott, General Manager. mar3 IMPORTANT TO -GOLD MINERS. Improved Double Actiog Cencentrator. WILL work a larger quantity of palp and save a larger per centage of SOLPHURTd than any other known device, or devices, costing double the money.' For further particulars, address, at Washington. D. u, bhxah tijjojm. fg seven years experience in uauromia. mar2d8twit STEEL PENS Sample box. & different etyles of Perry's Fens sent for trial by mail, on rectipt cf i"- oeala. Sole Agents, Ivlson, Blakeman, Taylor & Co., NEW rORK. decSO 5 DIRECT FROU TE& FARM WinniiipnnitiilrinaB. FtTEX AKD 600U.OB MOHXT BBrUNDXD. Catalogue ior lsa wsmm.rioaa jnd for K. A ress doaarn suuuws. dec3UW4t More ion farm, uocnesver, a. a. FEBRUARY 1ST, 1882. mmmn -OUR REAT GREAT c to OF OVERCOATS WILL BEGIN TO-DAY, OVERCOATS .FOR WINTER WEAR. OVERCOATS FOR SPRING WEAR. a r. MM MM U U 8BSR TTTT MMMM U U 5 T it L A A L L L MMMM AA I A Jj M M M U U A A LLLL LLLL M M M UU DSS' SeoS -B E SOL D.- A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never carry over from Season to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time, if a reasonable sacrifice can ccomplish the sale. IT HAS REEN A MILD SEASON THUS FAR, AND WE HAVE A Large Stock On hand. If we've erred in Judgment as to quan tity or styles, NOW 13 THE TIME TO Rectify Mistakes. PBIOE MAKES DIFPEBENOES. The Lower the Price the Quicker the Sale. For three years our policy has been to close each season's purchase the season bought, enabling us to open FRESH NEW STOCKS Our Customers expect it; the reputation ot, our House demands 1L If you have not bought It will be worth your while to look, for the pi Ices WILL ASTONISH lOU. OUR til, 928, S50 and $32 SILK BLXXVI LINED OVERCOATS will be sold without reserve at 820. OUR $22, S24 and 525 OVERCOATS at $17.50. OUR $18 and $20 OVERCOATS at $15. Tula last includes all of our FINE REVERSIBLE ULSTERS and UL8TERETTES. We have some 25 REVERSIBLE OVERCOATS In handsome patterns, marked $14, $16 and $17.60, which will be sold at $10. OUR $10 and 81 2 OVERCOATS wtll be sold uni formly at $7-50. A lot of some 200 OVERCOATS, embracing the remnants of an lots ranging in price from 000009 000000 77 s ax W eo oo eo oo H f i W 68 00 00 00 I $999999 0000000000 77 77 77 ! UU UU 00 w 00 CO 00 00 WILL BE SACBJFICEDAT THE f 1 ILL IK a, The convenient price tot ail ' only So. This -lot Is an TI MM MM HK HH m S 8SSS BEK II MMMM H MMMM MUM E UN 888a SB I MM M JtK jew: M M M. MiM M B H BJS i- M M M M. MX H KM- - DO BARGAIN ! tar; We shall make : In tola sale LOWE3T prices we have EVER offered, and when we assert this we MEAN the LOWEST pHe; 1VIB , Wtttt by anybody. : . ., , ,. . t ..x i?W Orders from distance are, solicited, and the same advantages LOW prices will be given as If purchasing in person, fbe opportunity IS a ram one. X. D. LATIA bbo. febl osing On A.T COST ! AT COST. AT COST. HAVING: I FIND I HAVE ENTIBSLY TOO EIUJCEI S'TOCH OH HAND, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE Vt i WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST; 8m WWmm Me itseeie. dec30 lm BATOR Only Vegetable Compound that acts directly upon the Liver, and cures Liver Complaints, Jaun dice, Biliousness, Malaria, Cos tiveness, Headache. It assists di gestion, strengthens the system, regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. A Book sent free. Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, N. Y. .FOB SALE BY ALL. DBUGaiSTS. am 18 debd eow ly.' CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. AS Assignee of J. L. Hardin, in bankruptcy, will sell at the court house door In Charlotte on Monday, the ICth day of March, 1882, two valuable dty lots, known as Locs 1881 and 1838 in the plan of the city, fronting 99 feet on Tiron street and running back to College There is a comfortable dwelling and outbuildings on said lots. Terms 1 eash and the balance In 6 months, at 8 per cent. Interest J. K. BROWN, Assignee of J. L. Hardin in Bankruptcy. febl8 tds oiUxizs, .a Particular Notice. 411 the drawings will hereafter be under the ex clusive supervision and control of GENERALS G. T. BEAUREGARD and JJ8AL A. EARLY. A SPLENDID OPPOETUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE THIRD GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS C, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1882. 142nd MONTB1Y DRAWING. :' aisiaaa State Lottery Compain. ncorporated in 1868 for 25 years by the Leg s-u-e for Educational and Charitable purposes n a capital of $l,000.000-to which a reserve f I id nf nOA hso clr.n Kaon .HHa V V.J.V.VrW uu WUVW WUU UA4.CU. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise nao uiouo a ymi vi iuo yresHUi oime VOnsutUUOn adopted December 2a, A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. It never scales or postpones. Lopk at the follow ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, $30,000. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars. Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 880,000 1 Capital Prize m nnn 1 Capital Prize 6,000 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 000 5 Prizes of 1,000 6,000 20 Prizes Of 600 10 000 100gi"of 100. 10.000 200 Prizes of 50 m onn 500 Prizes of 20 10,000 10 10.000 1,000 Prizes of APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8800... 82,7(0 M Approximation Prizes of 200 l,8fO 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to $1 10.40C Resnonsinle corresDondlns agents wanted At all points, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. or further Information, write clearly, giving full pddress. Send orders br express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mail, addressed only to M. A. UAUfUlN, New Orleans. La. or M A. DATTPHIN, 127 La Salle street, Chicago, Bis., The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention of the Public la called to Ure fact that the entire number- ot the Tickets ior eacn Montniy Drawing Is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. leoiz :4rSnd: POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THE . In the City of Louisville, on Monday, march 31st, 1882. These drawines occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions of an Act of the General As- aemmy oi a.entncKy. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That me commonweaun uumonaoTi un- panylalegaL za us drawings are nor. The Company has now on hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for the MARCH DRAWING. 1 Prize,. ... $80,000 10,000 6,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 1 Jrrlzs, .-.--.. , 1 PrtML. 10 Prizes, Sl.000 each, 20 Prizes. 500 each. 100 Prizes, 100 each,.. 200 Prizes, 50 each,.. 600 Prizes, 20 each,., innn Prizes. 10 each... i2;ooo 10,000 fl Prises. S3 00 each. Aonroxlmatlon PrizeaS2.70O 9 Prizes, 200 " u " " 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 ? " " "900 l,f30 Prizes,. .$112,400 Whole Tickets, $2; Half Tickets. SL; 27 Ticketa, $50; 5 Tickets, SI 00.' 0 Remit Honcv or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OB POSTOEFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at oar ex pense. Aaaress au oraers v R. M. BOARDMAN, Courjer-Joomal Build Lomsvllie, Ky or. ap9 Broadwar New loflt. marl ! EARM FOR SALE. I Will sell my farm, containing 127 acres, lying four miles north of Charlotte, cheap to bona fide purchaser. ; On the premises is a good dwell ing with five rooms, good well, barn and other out- Duuaings, ana nine acres m cnoioe iruii trees. The land-la adanted to cotton, corn, wheat, oats. Ac., and some fine specimens of gold ore have Deen picxea up on u. Apply to me at Huntersvllle, or to my sons bn Or-SIIuFOBD'S INVIGO the piantaaon. : ts. v. numon. dec30w4m ; -is r I . i .1 JUST TAKEN grogs mifi dictnss. IMPORTED- kfe u -FOR- MEDICINAL USE, RECEIVED TO-DAY. R. H. JORDAN CO., TRYON STREET. feb25 -FRESH GARDEN SEED RECEIVED TO-DAY. EVERY PAPER WARRANTED FRESH AND NEW. R. H. JORDAN & CO. feb25 --AT WILDER'S 1 YOU WILL FIND A FULL STOCK OF Chemicals, Toilet Articles -AKD- Also, a fresh supply of Landreths Garden Seeds. YOURS TRULY, H. M. Wilder, Ag't, (Wilson & Black's old stand.) Comer Trade and College 8treets, Charlotte, N. C. febl5 HOW TO TELL GENUINE SI.TIITIONS LIVER BEGl'- I.ATOR, OR MEDICINE. Look for clean neat WHITS WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon It In the form of a ribbon gracefully curved Into the letter z embracing the emblems oi our trade, upamia, Mortar and Graduate with the words A Q. SIM MONS' LIVER RKGULATOR or MEDICI NK there on, also observe the signature of J. H. Z&ILIN & CO., In red ink on the side. TAKE NO OTHER. Beware of those who know nothloe of Medical Compounds who put out nostrums known to sour, and being anal? zed prove worthles and only made to fleece the public, and to pirate on the well earn ed reputation of Zellln & Co's. medicine these frauds have no.ieputatlon to sustain and will cheat you for a Hw penneys every way they can. See Who Endorses tne Genuine. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, RL Rev. Jno. w. Beckwlth, Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gordon, U. S. fcenator, RL Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Shorter, J. Edgar Thompson, Hon. B. H. Hill. Bon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. David Willis, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga.( Lewis Wunder, Assistant P. M. Pnila., Fa,, and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. It Is eminently a Family Medeclne; and by be ing kept ready for Immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar in time and doctors' bills; Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, VAirrjf ACTUBXD OHLT Bt J. H. ZEIL1N Sc CO.. PHILADELPHIA, Sold by all Respectable Druggists. ' feb24 we continue to act j Mnt Trade Marks. Cpyrlgh Wortha Uait stat Canada. Cuba, England, Frce. GeJ.ettV W have had thirty-flTe years experience. Patents obtained through us are noticed in the SCI nnwM iwmriAir. This lanre and splendid mils' trated weekly paper, $ 3 .2 O a yearhows the Progres of Science, is very Interesting, and has an enormous circulation, lddress MTJNN it CO, Patent Boocf tors, Pub's, vi SciKimno Akektcak, 87 Park ow ewYork. Handbook about Patents free. . Wines NewDragS rresta Progs, Druggists Sundries. Mass., for her pamphlets.

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