- s . - A .as.. - J v - f Stye Cljarbttt bscrotr. . i SVBHORIPTIOir RATS 8! , pafly, on vrr, postpaid, in advcmo 18.00 gix month , .... 4.00 jet montbt. Z 2.00 flwmwitt . ( 71 WBBKLt BDlTWir: WeeMv iin O county), in advance S2.00 Out tftlu county, Po&paid 2.10 xmontht ,. 1.06 jy Liberal Reductionjbr OUOm. -Sri' rA gcrofc auxT tfb Itttttia TEX OBSERVER JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest stjles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nlsh at short notice, T BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, - LETTEB-HEAD3, CABD3. TAGS, RECEIPTS, FOSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CTRCULABS, CHECKS, See. i 3 ill Hi , VOL. XXVII. CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY MACH 4, 1882. NO. 4,040. ft' .1. m mr it Org vC5p otls. ARE NOW OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK -or- White Goods, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and many other linos of Goods AT VERY LOW FIGURES. We have a large line ot -CORSETS- As good and cheap as can be had In this market We will sell $35 VERY CHEAP. ALEXANDER k HARRIS. feb23 oots anfl lucres i mi -:o: :o: ring Style Hats. :o : :o:- Pegran. & Co., Have received and are d dly receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GGO EEB 1TN NTTTT eg mm n cx tf TSIVW T 5 On n nn r ii n x oog GGGK NNNToS GGO BEE K NN T BSS8 Silk. Stiff and Fe -HATS.-: Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PEGRAM & CO. fet14 1882. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY 16 PAGK8. E ulted to Bojs and Girls of from six to sixteen . . jean of age. VOL. Ill COMMENCED" NOYKMBER 1st, 1881. NOW 13 THE TIMS 10 SUBSCEIBX. . The YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful bejond aniktfpatton.--New York Even lug Post ' ..- it bus a distinct purpose to which It steadily ad heresthai, namely, of supplanting the vicious tapers for the young Kith a paper more attractive, as well as more wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and con tents generally, It Is unsurpassed by any publica tion ot the kind yet brought to oar notice Pitts burg wazette. ' . : , its weekly visits are eagerly looked for, not only by the children, but also by parents who are anx ious to provide pore literature for their girls and bo j s. Christian Advocate, Buffalo. New ork. a weekly paper for children which parents need not fear to let their children read at the family nreslde. Hartford Dally Times. - . Just the paper to take the eye and secure the at tention of the boys and girls. 8prlngfleld Union. TERMS: , ' v - HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year, Postage Prepaid, $150. single Numbers Fdur Cents each. The Bound Volume for 1881 was ready early in November.' Price S3, postage prepaid. Cover for YOUNG PEOPLE for 1881, 85 cents; postage VA cents additional. . . Hemlttances should be made by Fostofflce Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, Newspapers are aot to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper Hrothers. Address . ," : , HARPER,, BBOTHEBS, lan26 .,;.f,, -Mew York. 1- B. VaNCb. W. H BaDjIT. V A NGBA-BAliEYy : Attarnrrra a.irr ' (Imrrisellorf fvtv CHARLOTTE, H. a. Pwiice in Supreme Court ot the Dnitad States, Supreme Court of North. Carolina, SedenLC Courts, and. counties -Meeklea : borg.CW)iTus,oi3a i"" L . ;top,BowanaadP) ry- " - PI vtdsotk.-s : ; C Square. ; ISi .IlMar2-tf---: i- fj00 1 Hon and loeelgtirtu4akLi(li : i -- - - - I, -M-irSrri rii.ru u,oTtnj''irtn-ruj-j- j - Wywmta YESTERDAY -WE- MCE I WED a lot of New Fresh OF ALL GRADES AND Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, with Insertions to match. V" Another large Instalment of Ladles Neck Wear, embracing all that Is hew and desirable. Several pieces or Watered Silks and Satin Stripe Moire at prices that must sell them. Also Black Embroidered Brussels, Net and Beaded Lace, the latest and most tasteful trimming out for fine Black Goods. T. L. Seigle & Co. Blcfllcel. Diphtheria. A cold or .ore throat may not seem to amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily- be cured; but neglect is often followed by consumption or alphtherUu No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and curely in such cases as PERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has saved thousands of Uvea. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER la not an experiment, it has been before the public for forty years, and la most valued where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Pain Ktixeb has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty -eeven years, and nave never known it to fail In effecting a cure. L. 8. Crocker, Willi amuville, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Paik Kiixeb, and found it a never-failing remedy for colds and bo re throat Babton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and (ore throat, and consider your Pain Killkr an hi valuable remedy. Gso. B. Evkbstt, Dickinson, I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I nave had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it C. O. Force, Lowndes, Oa. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty ears, and have never known it to fail. Raksox IS- ewis, Waynesboro, (ia. I besran nsinar Path K tt.t.tu in m v f smft v twentv. five years ago and have used it ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dyke, Druggist Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and croup it is the beet preparation made. We would not do without it A. P. Roxrrs, Liberty Mills, Va. For twenty-five years I nave used Pain Killer for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Gjko.Hoopkb, Wilmington, I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Pair Killxh cures diphtheria and sore throat so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fall in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. Bo many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Pain Kn.r.EE. He was taken Wa 8unday, nd on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Path Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. -All druggists sell It at 3c, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. sept d&w sept oct TUTT'S P BILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of apptlte,yantea,bonrels costlyt. PainlnthegeftdVwithaAullMnBAnoyin the back part. Fain under tne ahonlder- blade. fullness after eating, wivn a aiain blade, muness alter eawntc. clinatlon to exertion of body or mind. leoted some anty, wesrmw awuhmi Blattering of the Heart. Dote before the eyes. Velio w Skin. Headacne, Kestiess nesa at night, hlghiyoolored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ASI VTEEEDSB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FILLS e espeelany adapted to acb. case.ne dose effects sueh a change ' of foellna; as to astonish the sufferer. They iHcreaac the Appetite, and cans, the body to Take oa Fleata, thos the system is noarlabed. and by tlrToleAetioon Dtseative Orjrana, HeariU"- sMooto srtPro duced. Price 25 ceota. Si Warray BU, K.V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Hair or Whiskers changed to a Gmmsy Black by a single application of this Dy. it Unparts I Satural coYor.acts Instantaneously. Sold by DruggisU, or seat by express on receipt of 91. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CDr. T11T8 EAJICAL tt VataaMo Irikraathw nl ft Feby. 8deodAwl lite .Goods, Irritability Of temper. JjOW ipinw. aiqw in mumflrt. With a reeling of havingneg- 1 Ginger, Buchu, Man- ' V" drake, Stffliagfa,- and A ??s. X many of the beit medJ f V ctnes known are conv ' bined in Parker' Ginger "Zt Tonic, into a medicine I of such varied powers, ai 1 ... I to make it th. greatest V i I Zl2tJ "Clood Purifier and the V 2&L3fc22r BestnoalthAStreagt" ffS3fi7!r BestererEverUssd. - 5s It enrcs Rhmmatism, PflPkfirS of the Stomach, Bowels, Tf T H I Lung. liver & Kidneys, Hair Balsam, fS jKrUtoerttfc. aeverintoxuatea. lliscox mOnil eotoru gray kain & Co., Chemists, N. Y f B8t,aa4tl riaw. Lwg Stb Bayhis Dollr Sha, - ct22 '- - ' - ' :-'-y-' ST CHABLEli BDTIi. HEADQTJAKTEES TOR PBTJIOIEBS. STATES YLLOjA, ai v. ...... a W.a tUn tsaaad for a term of year ,' I ------ - h intention la Commodious sample rooms on TheiiaaiB ot tne pabUe IsiolleBed. ITEMS OP INTEREST. The finger rings of America are worth $68,000,000. The emigratioa to Mexico Is at pres ent chiefly Italian. "The Southern Mining and Transpor tation Company" has been chartered at Birmingham, Ala., with a' capital stock of $600,000. It is said that Chicago has the largest and wealthiest Jewish population of any city in the country. Many swell New Yorkers are burn ing wax candles instead of gas, think ing it more sesthetic to illuminate in that way. The ladies of Tuscaloosa, Ala., have placed neat headstones over most of the graves of Confederate soldiers bur ied there. m The House committee on invalid pen sions has received a petition askingthat Mrs. J ames K. Polk, widow of ex-President Polk, be put on the pension rolls. It will go to the committee on pensions. It asserts tha( Mrs. Polk is in needy circumstances. The board of trustees of the South Carolina University have decided to have five additional professors at a sal ary of $2,000 each. Excitable people in Belleville, Cana da, are making considerable comment upon the burial of a pet dog belonging to a lady in-her husband's grave in the cemetery. The body of the animal was incased in a handsome coffin. The Bible has been translated into 226 languages and dialects, and in the last eighf years 140,000,000 copies have been circulated. A price is set upon the heads of wild horses in three of the Australian colo nies. They hang upon the outskirts of civilization and are a ceaseless cause of annoyance and loss to outlying squat ters. They are vicious, physically weak, and worthless as work horses. Stalking them with the rifle, or running them down, is a favorite sport. The mortality in New York has' been.; unusually large all winter, though there' has been no serious epidemic, and the Sun concludes that the explanation is the rapid growth of the city in popula tion, which it estimates at a million and a half. Probably the largest hog in the Uni ted States was lately exhibited at Junc tion City, Kansas. His length was 7 feet; girth of neck, 1 feet; girth of cnest, 8 feet ; girtn or center, 8 reet; width across the hips, 30 inches, and weight, 1,532 pounds. Some old French snuff-boxes, which long ago found their way into St. Pe- t-r8burp;, have been purchased bv an English dealer. There were seventy- nine of them, and nearly all are enam eled m gold, or painted by artists who, in their tim, were famous throughout France at that kind of work. They sold for about 8100,000. Some of them may now find their way back again into Paris. Independentism. Wloston Republican. It is somewhat amusing to note the number of correspondents, all from the Western portion of the State, writing of late in the National Republican, the administration paper at Washington, commending the so-colled independent movement in this State and promising great results to the Republican party therefrom. We venture the assertion that the President may rake the West with a tine-tooth comb, and, outside or a half-dozen Sherman officeholders, a baker's dozen of the rank and file of the party favoring the move, could not be found. The truth is, and the truth hurts no honest man, the divisions in the Democratic party are no greater than the dissensions in our own ranks. Uur battles have all been fought under the broad folds of the Republican flag! the flag of the Union. It is tiue victory has not always perched upon our banners, or trie chaplet of office crowned our leaders, yet defeat has only served to mase us stronger and to segregate the true from the false of those who have aspired to lead. Our principles, our honor, our manhood have been main tained inviolable. Year by year, has the constitution of '68 grown in popular favor as its provisions' have become better understood. Year, by year our army has increased and to-day it num bers more than 120,000 strong, it is not leaders, but a fair and an honest count. we need. If indeDendentism means anvthme. it is that this army shall ignore its old leaders Settle, Read, Bynum, Smith, Holden. Keoeh. Wheeler, and follow whom? Gen. Clingman, Gen. Leach, Col. Johnston. Cbas. Price et id omne genus, old broken down, antiquated sore-head, disappointed office-seeking Democrats, in Ttner words aisoana. And damned are we if we do it A.Woman's Whims. The Emnresa Josephene had six hun dred thousand for her personal expens es, but this sum was not sumcienc ana her debts increased to an appalling ex tent. Notwithstanding tne position 01 her husband, she could never submit to either order or etiauette in her private life. She rose at nine o'clock. Her toilet consumed mnch time, and she lavished unwearied efforts on the preservation and embellishment of- her person. She changed-her linen three times a day, and never wore any stockings that were not new. Huge baskets were brought to her containing different dresses, shawls and hats. From these she se lected her costume for the day. She Sossessed between three and four hun red shawls, and always wore one in the morning, Which she draped about her shoulders with unequaiea grace. She purchased all that were brought to her. no matter at what price. The even ing toilet was as careful as that of the morning; then she appeared with flow ers, nearls or precious in her hair. The smallest assembly was always an occa sion for her to order a new costume, in spite of the hoards of dresses in the various palaces. Bonaparte was irri tated by these expenditures; he would tlv into passion, and his wife would ween and promise to be more prudent, after which she would go on in the same war. It is incredible that this nfljurinn for dress should never have ex hausted itself. After the divorce she arrayed herself with the same care even whan she saw no one. She died cover ed with ribbons and pale rosehcolored satin. ..- " : Republican Caucus' in Tennessee. TUAcrrc-rr.T.Ti! "March 3. -The State Be- nhian - aTMntivA . committee and UUMAAMU. VAVWMW . " prominent Republicans met in caucus last night, conttouing;' in. session until after midnight. It was resolved to call a gubernatorial convention to meet a JT-ji iwrtt, ant fatrft t.hA nail nf A enn stitutional convention for August next, rpha Rnr.riHH.nna "will adhere -to the TTawVlna rvlatfnrm Which iS tO SCttld the State debt on the best compromise to whicn tne Donanoiuem wiu buuuuu STATE TJE&. Raleigh News and -Observer: The revenue collections in this collection district for February were $70,243.63. During .February the police made 88 arrests, for various offenses, and since May 15, 1881, they have.made 877 ar rests. There are many visitors to the beau tiful Geological Museum, in which the exhibits are now attractively and con veniently arranged. We regret to learn that Hon. Thos. S. Ashe, of the Supreme Court, was called home to Wadesboro yesterday by news of sickness in his family. Salem Press : Spirit rappings or table turnings now help to while away the evenings with some. Theye is lots of innocent fun derived from it, and the way the girls consult the table about their beaux is amusing. Chicken cholera is playing havoc among poultry in some parts of the Five Forks neighborhood. Joseph H. Reich had several tine fowls to die re cently. Lenoir Topic; A very brilliant me teor, travelling from the west toward the east, in the northern heavens, was observed Friday 7 p. m. Mr. Frank Powell is running tunnels at the Baker gold mine. The general impression is that the result of his prospecting will be favorable to the prosperous working of the mine. The fire in the mountains is not out yet. It has reached the top of Green Mountain and is pursuing its wild ca reer in spite of energetic fighting, and licks. up fences at the rate of a panel a minute. Greensboro Bugle :. Mr, Frank Cava nah returned this morning after a sev en years sojourn in Idaho. Mr. Daniel Faust, aged 94 years, was buried yesterday at Brick Church, in this county. Mr. Faust-was a worthy man and leaves a large lineal descent, of very worthy citizens, to mourn his death. There are very few men of 40 years of age, in Guilford and Alamance counties, who did not know "Uncle Daniel Faust." Watchman: Clarence Scott, a lao, had his hand shot while drawing a load from a gun. Mr. C. C. Krider, told us one evening last week that his wife's grandmother, Mrs. , of Robeson county, is cutting teeth in her ninety-first year. Anumber of citizens having claims against the town and desiring to use them in payment of town taxes, are hindered by the delay of the finance committee to examine and pass upon them. Meanwhile the tax collector is hindered in his work and the hitch is becoming an annoyance. Gastonia Gazette: There are three sets of triplets in Gaston county, all born within the lust decade and doing well, lhf latest rMrn were at (Jiowu- er's Mountain in December last. Gas tonia is ahe.ad on twins. The'latest twins born were at the residence of Mr Jake Weaver, on Monday night. Winston Republican : C. A. Hoge, of the Salem Iron Works, commenced to ay brick for the erection of his new factory and machine shop, on Monday ast. Mr. Gales is the contractor, and will erect the walls in a hurry. This will be the largest iron works factory in the State 130x60 feet three stories high, a credit to the town and a monu ment to what energy, plucfe and print er's ink has done for the proprietor. Durham Plant: The Chapel Hill trains now run to a point beyond the creek, less than a mile from town. Mr. E. W. Mangum died at ins resi dence in Durhano Saturday last of con sumption. Goldsboro Messenger: A survey is being made on behalf or the Wilming ton & Weldon railroad for a road from Goldsboro to Fayetteville. We learn that this is one oi three routes ordered to be surveyed, including the one from Wilson, and that one ot tne three is to be chosen by the road. MINING INTELLIGENCE. Salisbury Watchman. Union Gold and Copper Mine. Situate in the extreme eastern part of this county, on the line of Rowan and Cabarrus, is reported sold to a northern company. The mine has been opened to a depth of 150 feet. The ore is a slaty quartz, carrying brown ore, and sulphurets and carbon ate of copper. It is a valuable property and we hope the report or its sale will be connrmed. Dunn's Mountain. Capt Jas. Mc- Canless showed us last Monday morn ing four buttons and one bar of bullion, tne result of last week s work at tne mine. The aggregate weight of the five pieces was twenty-one hundred penny weights, the Duiiion carrying a percent age of copper. The yield is far exceed ing the expectations of those in charge. Mr. McCanless also informed us that the vein in the office shaft had been cut at 61 feet ; vein 18 inches wide and ex ceedingly rich. Mr. Stewart, the super intendent, is in fine spirits over it and says he now has a bonanza that will yield at least a hundred dollars a ton. He has forwarded specimens for. assay, the result of which we hope to publish next week. Baltimore Women. Baltimore has a high reputation for the beauty of her women. "We live on the zone of beauty," says the American, "and whatever is beautiful in the di verse races of men reaches its ultimate perfection in this latitude. In fact, ug liness can't stand this climate. It has got to die out or immigrate. It is true that mere are some strongly marked families who noia out wonderfully against the beautifying influences of the climate ana nurture, due these are exceptional." The writer confesses, however, that the basis of Baltimore beauty is imported, for he adds : "It is easv to find in this city the finest ex amples of true Celtic Irish beauty, the fairest blonde Saxons and Norse types. the Norman-French type and the Ital ian and Spanish brunettes. Some of the most. beautiful examples of the He brew type that tne world can show are iouhu ui uis mivj. The Ballet that was Intended lor the ; Queen Found Buried in the Ground. TrfwiDON. JSiarcn s. MCJbean was charged at the police station with shoot ing at the Queen with intent to do crrievous bodilv harm. He asked wheth er any one was hurt, but the police se- lusea xo give mm uy iuioruiat.iuu. After searcning tne yarn at tne rail way station for an hour this morning the fjolice found a small bullet imbed- ded in the erround. It bore the marks of having first struck some other object, it was right in the direction of the spot nassinir. havinr probably passed over the horses heads. The Queen andthtf Princess Beatrice walked on the castle terrace as usual, early tnis morning. ' It Is the Height of. Felly to wait until you are In bed with disease you may not get over for months, when you can be cured doting the early symptoms by Parker's blnger Tonic. We have known the sickliest families made the healthiest by a timely use of this pure medldn& Oheerver. Ponder on these rratb... Kidney-Wort Is nature's remedy for kidney and liver diseases, piles and constipation. . Sediment or mucous In the urine Is a sure Indi cation of disease. Take Kidney-Wort. Torpid liver and kidneys poison Abe blood. Kidney-Wort revives them and cleanses the system. Headache, bilious attacks, dizziness, and loss of appcuis ans cureu oj jBjaney-won. See adv. Hein &&vcvtiszmzut&. Dr. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, Rid. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases and the Diseases ot the Skin, and he now stands In the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile In the shape of Fills. They are used by the profession at large and" constantly recom mended by them. It is not a patent medicine. It is the result of fiis own experience la practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache,, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, I0(ftforth Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTER8, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCS cmallpartaof the body. It make, the akin white, aoft and smooth ; remove, tan and freckles, and Is tne BEST toilet dressing in TK3 WOULD. Elegantly put -up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. All first class druggists nave it. Price 11. per package- CHAs. N CBITTENTON, 115 Fulton street, New York City, sole agent for Dr. C-W Benson's remeaifs, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. marl gRS. LYCIA L PINKH&M, OF LYKH, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S ' VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for all lame Painful Complaint and Weaknesses etaaM tosur beat female pepnlatloR. It will cure entirely the -worst form of Female Com. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TJlcera tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness-, and is partieuiarly adapted to th. Change of Life. It win dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus In aa early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes fain tness, flatulency, destroys all craving lor stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility,. Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is always permanently cored by it. use. It will at all times and under all circumstancas act ia harmony with the laws that govern the female sysjtem. For the cure or Kidney Complaint, of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COM POUND i prepared at S33 and S36 Western Avenue, Lynn,lfass. Price $1. Six bottles for S. Sent by mall In the form of pills, also in the form of losenges, on receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address aa akove. Mtntion this Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA B. PINXHAlFfl LIVER' PILLS. They cure constipation, bUlougnMf, and torpidity of th.Hver. ; SS cents per box. 3- Sold by sdl Druggists. -&k mmm FFF OO KRR F O O R R FIT O O RRR F O O R R S OO B B COO - A SSa H H OO AA 8 H H O AA BSSa HHH O O a a a . g H H COO A A S8 H H -:oi :o WE WILL SELL : ODB KMTIBa STOCK Oliver (MM Plows, . Farmers' Friend Plows, BEL ING - AHD : - AT COST FOR CASH. We havB a considerable stock of the above articles and wish to reduce, t&era. 7 grow Is the chance for GOOD BARGAINS. : ' BREM & HcDOWEL, HIBBWaBE DXALXB3, feblO Charlotte, N. C II 'T AT L-AlGJE CXJRTA.IJNTS, We have some beautiful styles, also some handsome patterns In Cretones. We stlU have a few HEAVY GOODS on hands that will pay you to buy lor another season. We have Just received the prettiest and oheapest stock of Ever 03ered:in?hl3 jnarket. "PEABL" H ARGRA VES '9 GENERAL FEED DEALERS -AHD- COMMISSION MEBCHANTQ OMMISSION MEBCHANTO, CHARLOTTE, N. C. HAVE HOW OH HAHQ : i. FULL SUPPLY OF WHITE AND YELLOW CORN, PEARL GRITS, BRAN. PATAPSCO PATENT PBOCESS FLOUB, TIMOTHY HAY, AND HECKEBS' SELF-RAISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUB WILL GLADLY QUOTE PRICES j -10- BOTH THE WHOT.TffULE and RETAIL TRAPS Respectfully soliciting a share ef cuf patronage, we are reectfully, Janl9 1 Pg A. J. BEALL A 00. A. J.Bea ET TO LOOK OUR SHIRT, "EVITTS" SHOES, &6. & WILHELM. NORTH CAROLINA -HAS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House - SELLS CHICXKBING & SONS. KBANICH A BACH, MATHD8HEK, ABION, SOUTHEEN GEM And other PI1N03. MASON & HAMLIN, SHOMNGEB. PELOUBET & CO., BTEBLING. AND OTHEB OBGAN8. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for nrices if yon want good work and you wlU never buy anything but the best. Address or call On, H. McSMITH. fJXiscjeltaujciros. Telephones ! Telephones ! TELBPHOHBBe THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company, -Is the- -SOLE LICENSEE- -of the American Bell Telephone Company Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PSIVATE LINES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented For particulars address - and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, fcbll eod 8m 105 Broadway, New York, Havtasr removed to the shop, onTiron J J SStodependent Hook : Ladder Trock,; GoiI Koinining,' Frescoing,- 4o ao26tf 3 Everybody Has Discovered 1 " - 51 - L t "A it : Ah VI JOlflttL. Lid: trsst

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