BVBacxapTioir UAxmkt poOy, w' ixt-v&l, in advomof 18,00 tozmadl , 4.00 rMwmonMc. . 3.00 THE OBSERVES JOB DEPARTMENT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nish at short notice, BLANKS, BELL-HX1D3, LETTER-HEADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, did. OmimmM ;. 7 WKBKLI MD1TIOIT: WeeUv (in tto tattaty), to advance S2.00 Outtfthetevntv, PntrvaU 2.10 x months 1.06 VOL. XXVII. rw Liter UedueUonJbr Out. CHARLOTTE, N. 0M WEDNESDAY MARCH 8, 1882. NO. 4,043, Art, S0aas --WE-- ARE1N0W OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF White Goods, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES and many other lines of Goods IT VER LOW FIG DUE. have a large line of -CORSETS- As good and cheap as can bo hod In thta market We will sell VERT CHEAP. ALEXANDER & HARRIS. 2, 1882. -:o: :o: Spring Style Bab. :o: :o: Pegrani & $o., Have received and are dally receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GGO EKE KW WTTTT.SSo O OB NIT N T S""" O KK KID T B8Sa O GO K N NH T S OGO SKK M KIT T 8SH SI, SI and Felt -HATS.- Don't Fail to Call and See ta. PEGRAM & CO. febU 1882. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY-I 8 PAG 18. Suited to Boys and Girls of from six to sixteen years of age. VOL. PI COMMENCED NOVEMBER 1st, 1881. NOW IS T HI TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. The YOUNG PEOPLE has been from the first successful beyond anticipation New York Even ing rose It has a distinct purpose to which It steadily ad heresthai, namety, of supplanting the vicious papers tor the young with a paper more attractive, as well as mom wholesome. Boston Journal. For neatness, elegance of engraving, and con- eui3 generally, it is unsurpassea oy any yuuuw Hon oi the kind yet brought to our notice Pltts- uurg uazette. . Hs weekly visits are eagerly looked for, not only or me cuiiHmn hut kIui hf nAiwnta who are aox- lous to provide pure llterttture for their girls and wjs. enrunan Advocate, tsunaio, new sura. A weekiv nuiwr for nhiidren which narents need not fear to let ibelr children read at the family nwside. Hartford Dally Times. 4 Just the paper to take the eye and secure the at tention of the boys and girls. Springfield Union. TERMS: HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, Per Year, Postage Prepaid, J S'ne numbers Four Cents each. The Bound Volume for 1881 was ready early in November. Price S3, postage prepaid. Cover tor young PEOPLE for 1881, 86 cents; postage 13 cents additional. ttemlttanoes should be made by Postofflee Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lost. Newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address New York. IPx&ttszioxml. B. Vahcb. W.H BULK. VANCE & BAILEY, . - Attorney, and Ootmsellori CHAJtLornt.N.a Practice in Supreme Court of the United States. Supreme Court of North Carolina, Federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg. Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, BowanaodDa- B Office, vwe doors east ef Independence U). DT-GRAHAM, I "SL8 United States CoariJoUet Hons. Home and Eoretgn, ; soUssted, AO: Denmlm 1 S8 oo0s, Clcrttotta, YESTERDAY WE me En ve 10 a lot of New Fresh OF ALL GRADES AND Hamburg and Swiss Embroideries, with Insertions to match. InnilhdV lflvrnttnatoliMAnr a T sHas VmW avsva UULO IUOUUIUOUI VL AitMUW t aUWEfc wear, embracing all that is new and desirable. Moire at prices that mnst sell them. Also Black Embroidered Brussels. Net and Beaded Lace, the "Mi auu moat tasiemt trimming out ior nne Black uoods. T. L. Seigle & Co. SUefttcat. Diphtheria. A cold or .ore throat may not seem to amount to much, and if promptly attended to can easily be cured ; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and sureljr in such cases aa PKRRY DAVIS' PAIN KILXJSR. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has Bared thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KHXER 13 not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and la most valued Where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Paih Kbllkb has been my household remedy for eolds for the put twenty -seven years, and Lava Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure, l 8. Cbocxxb, WiUlamsTlUe, N. Y. For thirty yean I have umd Pair Ktixxb, and round it a never-f ailing- remedy for col da and sore throat Baxton 8kamak. Have received immediate relief from colds and Sore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an hrodueltte remedy. CJjto. B. Ktxbitt, Dickinson, I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some tima, I could get no relief until I tried your Patm Killxb, which relieved me Immediately. I will never again be without ita O. Fobck, Lowndes, Qa, Have used Paix Eilxxs in my family for forty years, and have never known it to falL Bamsok Lewis, Waynesboro. Ga, I began using Pain Krtxxtn my family twenty five years ago and have used it ever since, nd have found no medicine to take its place B. W. Dtkb, Druggist Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and erotrp it is the beet preparation made. , We would not be without it , f. Boots. Liberty ICills, Va . For twenty-five years I nave used Path Ktujob for eolds and chapped lips, and consider it the beat medicine ever off ereLGxo3oorx, Wilmington, 'l was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my . throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Paix Killeb. ad .after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wiunrsox. Dr. Waltoh write, from Coshocton : Your Pats? Kn.i.XB cures diphtheria and sore throat so alarm Ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fall in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Eujk B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and eokl chills. Bo many children nave died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Pain Killkb. Be was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing o many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN K1X1VER has no equal It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pad Krmntn the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell it at ase 50c, and H.oo perbotOe. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. L sept &tw septa oct. THJTT'S FILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE, THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AG EL SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Tjqss of appetite J?ansea,bowels costive, fain in theHsad.with a dull sensation in, the back blade, fu: ack part. Pain under the shouider . fullness after eating, with a flialn iion to exertion of body or mind. ilinnn Irritobilityof tem r. JUow spirits, ajos. x ' wltV m. fM)liw of having neg lected some duty, weariness. Dlsslness, ITutterint: of the Heart. Pott Before the eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache. Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. u these WAJurnros ass uithzedeb, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TU TT'8 11X18 re especially adapted to nch eaa.a.ona dos effect, such a change of feeling a. to astonish the sufferer. xn.y ufrsate "rjV.Tr i-Ti- satnd laTriios. tenlmr UU are pro duced. Price a cnta. SS Nirrajr 8)t H.. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Obat Hai or WHiskkbs changed to iOmmt i .MMliAatlAn nf trill TlVsl It Office. 35 Murray St New York. CD TTJTF8 bUSTAL ef Valsskk IsDsnBStiea am Feby. 28deodawl Ouiver. Rurkn. Maa- dndce, ShUinrJa, and many of the beat medi cines known are com bined la Parker's Ginger Tonic, Into a medicine of such varied powers, as to nuke it the greatest I f IHfnM lUatlV easwast weans' I BestnealthAStnarth justenr Jtrer vs.. It cures RhsumatuM, SleeplessBess, & diseaess of the Stomach, Bowels, Lunrs, Liver & Kidneys, ParV: pr1 iDils Dnlenm. I Hail UOIOUIIII es. ciEaenees Be. ii en amy Cinereei trots t? r- r. IT . v.uu. mtmik. aever intoxicates. Hisos Mtkfclwkrtogmyksir. & Col, Chemists, N. Y. oct22 ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQUARTEE8 FOE DBTJMMEB8. 8TATESYILLE, B.C. THIS how to beea for . termof year. &pDismynYst nimodlous sample rooms on first and econd noprs, r.m wwMH la anUettad. lite Goods, AN APPALLING CALAMITY- THE HIGHEST WATER EVER KNOWN. Laborers Having: Lost Everything- are ; in a Panic Stricken and Demoralized Condition. New Orleans, March 7. A special from Greenville, Miss says: The back water is still rising and spreading. It is now from six inches to a foot higher than in any overflow since the country was first settled. There will be very little land above water from the river front places to the hills beyond the Yazoo river. Greenville is secure from any possible overflow, though the low points were at one time threatened. Ref ueees from the overflowed planta tions are congregating here, and our resources to feed and shelter them will be severely taxed. So far the relief agents have not communicated with our local authonties. Our . board of Supervisors has asked that some gov ernment rations be sent here. The need is immediate. The sheriff of Bolivar county has lodged his prisoners in the jail here, fie reports very few planta tions in his county with even a strip of land above water, consequently the loss of stock there will be almost total. The levees are thronged with negroes and stock, whose condition is most de plorable. As its extent becomes known this calamity begins to appal. A tax sufficient to rebuild the ievees above would be almost insupportable, but that is only an item. The laborers have lost their stock and movables and are panic stricken and demoralized. Could transportation be secured there would be an exodus from here to the hills. The despondency of planters and merchants is deepening. At first this blow was regarded as a disaster involving losses and hard times, but now it is assuming graver and greater proportions. The most thoughtful as well as most sanguine look upon it as a disaster greater than has ever leiare befallen the bottom country. It will almost destroy the feeling'of security with which our lo cal capacity to hold the levee was be coming regarded. Upon this reliance was based railroad and other move ments of capital toward the Yuzoo Del ta, and it it goes ail possible prosperity of this section goes with it." The correspondent does not believe that confidence or hope can be restored without national help to rebuild the levee. EADS'S SHIP RAILROAD. The Bill in Aid of the Scheme which will be Reported to the Senate. Washington, March 5. The Senate committee on commerce this afternoon completed their consideration of the bill introduced by Senator Vest to in corporate the Inter-Oceanic bhip Rail way Company and for other purposes, commonly known as the Eads bill, and authorized Senator Vest to report it to the Senate with a recommendation for its passage, with sundry amendments. The bill as amended provides for a uarantee by the United States of a ividend of 6 per cent per annum for 100 years on SSO.OOO.OOO of the capital stock of this company, (the total stock being $75,000,000,) and stipulates that in return for this assistance the company shall transport gratis for 09 years the mails, war vessels and all other proper ty of the United States, and shall trans port American merchant vessels for one-half the rate charged by the com pany on all other commerce except that of Mexico. It is further provided that for any advances made by our Government under its guarantee the company is to give its bonds payable in fifteen years, without interest, which bonds, in the event of their non-payment at maturity, are to be receivable for tolls on any American vessel, with 10 per cent, add ed to their full value. The guarantee is to attach to the extent of $5,000,000 when ten miles of the ship railway and the terminal works connected therewith shall have been completed and tested in presence of government engineers by the safe transportation of a loaded ship weighing 2,500 tons from the harbor to the terminus of said ten mile section and back again at an average speed of six miles per hour. Another $5,000,000 is to be guaianteed when another ten miles section with necessary terminus work shall have been completed and tested in the same manner at the other end of the railway. The commission of engineers appointed by the President of the United States is then to examine the intermediate portion of the route and report whether or not the comple tion of the ship railway oyer it is en tirely practicable, at a cost not exceed ing $60,000,000. If the commission re ports in the affirmative the Government cnarantee is to attach (for the remain ing $40,000,000 of the $50,000,000 of stock to be guaranteed) in accordance wiin the successive completion of the inter mediate, sections of the line. If the commission, howejrer, reports in the negative the bin provides mac no iur ther guarantee shall attach until a ship weighing 4,000 tons shall have been safely transported over the entire line from ocean to ocean. The bill also pro vides that in determining the amount for which the eovernment shall be lia ble under the guarantee, one-half of the cross revenues of the company snan do considered as net profits. On the mo tion authorizing the bill to be reported favorably no negatives were cast, but some of the memoers reservea me ngnc to offer amendments to or to dissent from certain portions of the bill when it comes up for action in me senate. Senator Hill Missed. Washington Correspondence Constitution. Rpnatnr Hill -came home he has sVlUW WVMwva eVinnrn trreat. imr.rnvp.ment. He IS fast regaining his strength. On pleasant days he walks freely. The last opera tion took out all the glands on the left side of the neck, the surgeons feeling .nn that, thov havfl aradicated everv trace of the cancer, and that as soon as the wound heals the senator win oe Viimaaif ncain. Ha is the recipient of the kindliest solicitude from Georgians at the capital. In the Senate he is miss ed by his peers, while the galleries are deprived of one of their favorite themes innnirv is heard from AV Ulviv w 1 - 7- a person looking for the first time on that august body than, "Where is Ben Senator Hill, to-day, was well enough tn co to the capitol. In the Senate cloak-room he received the warm con mfniotiAiis nf his friends of both par ties, but was advised not to take his sAt nnHi more fully restored. He is id fine spirits. Pander en Uaeee Truth. KMney-Wort Is nature's remedy for kidney and "EdSSsTOSuoo a indi cation of disease. Take Bdney-Woit. 1 Torpid liver and kidneys i poison the blood. Kidney-Wort revives them and cleanses the system. Headache, bilious attacks, dizziness, and loss of appetite are enrea oy aionei-ww. ITEMS Of INTEREST. At least three influential Mexican statesmen have American wives Ro mero, Meriscal and Trevino. A Kentucky married woman is only fifteen years old and measures six feet five inches in height "Naomi, thn rlancMfir nf TCnnr.h. wan 380 years old when -she got married. Take courage, ladies. It is estimated that thern ara K 000 vairrant children, mostlv bova. livincr in the streets of Chicago. No wonder that city has a reputation for wicked ness. It is estimated that the overflows in the lower Mississippi valley will de crease the cotton acreage of that sec tion by 20 per cent. On all the submerg ed lands planting will be delayed Six weeks. In 1879 in Boston 989 women regis tered and 934 voted ; in 1880, 772 women registered and 683 voted; in 1881,748 women registered and 640 voted. Sunlicrht has an imnnrfcanr. hp.arirnr UDOn health. Introduce, it freelv into the house, and particularly into your steeping rooms. Bread of unbolted wheat flour is. for making superior bone and muscle to the growing child, far preferable to bolted flour, and oatmeal is fullv eaual. if not superior to it. Tannic acid will stop bleeding at the nose. Take a pinch of the powder and snuff it up the nostril. It is an astrin gent, and, as it lodges in the throat, will prevent bleeding from the back of the nose. A good story is told in connection with the recent Parisian escapade of General SkobelefL After his inflamma tory speech he was summoned to the ministry of the interior and reprimand ed by Ignatieff. "How can I help my self?" he is reported to have said in re ply. "1 am neither politician nor diplo mat. 1 am young and must have some outlet for my energy." To this curious plea General Iffnatiefl: replied: "surely you don't expect me to" invent an expe dition for you every year?" Skobeltff is one of the ablest as he is one of the bravest generals in the world, atid it is quite evident from his recent perform ances that he regards himseli as the "coming man" in the Russian army. Rearing and Training of Children. Every mother should bear in miud that it is easier to keep the children well than it is to cure them after they become ill. A few simple rules, faith fully and unflinchingly observed, woud banish nine-tenths or the sicknesses among children that too often lead to fatal results. Give them in the first place plenty of love expressions of love! Of tentimes fathers and mothers deeply love their children, yet show such little evidence of affection that the children are apt to have a furlorn feeling that it doesn't exist at all. An occasional word of praise, a caress, an expression of sympathy these are as necessary to healthy and happy child- life as summer showers to the vines. Especially bear this in mind they should never go to bed cold, or hungry, or unhappy. Let them have plenty of healthy and palatable tood, at regular hours. Small children should have a slice of bread and butter, or an apple, orsomesimpie "bite, halt way between meals, and nothing more in the way of lunches. It is the constant nibbling and "piecing" that does harm. Never force a child to eat anything he has a real dislike for. When plain food is de clined because of the more tempting dessert ahead, it is a different affair ; but 1 have seen little children com-' pelled to eat anything, when every moutniui was swallowed with tremend ous effort and genuine disgust. Some of us have an utter abhorence of onions or tomatoes, or codfish, or some article of food that ought to be relished. How would we like to have some mighty giant put such food on our plates, and compel us to eat it amid wild flourishes of his knotted club ? Would we sweet ly feel that the dear giant knew what was best for us, and proceed to swallow every mouthful ? or would we say to ourselves, "we'll eat it because we must, but we hate it all the same, and we hate you, too I" Children have as much right to their likes and dislikes as we have to ours. Death of Judge French. Wilmington Review, 6th. It is again our sad province to chron icle the death of a very prominent citi zen of Wilmington. Judge French, who, as our readers are aware, has for many weeks past lain afflicted on his bed, died an 2 o'clock to-day. The shock is not so severe as it might have been under the circumstances, for the reason that his death has long been expected, and it is for him beyond question a happy release from pain, however much his departure may be mourned by those who loved and honored him here. Robert Strange French was born near Hampton, Va.. and was 66 years old. He was first cousin to Judge Strange, of J? ayetteville, the father of our de ceased Col. Robt. Strange, for whom he was named. He received his collegiate course at William and Mary and when a young man removed to Mississippi, where be entered upon the practipe of law, and there he became an intimate friend of the famous Mississippi law yer, S. S. Prentiss. He removed to North Carolina about the year 1846,and settled in Robeson county, where he re sided up to the close' of the w,ar. For many years previous to the war he held the position of clerk and master in equity of the Superior Court of Robe son county, ana was universally com mended as an exact and competent of ficer. In 1860 Judge French was appointed by Gov. Ellis a judge of the Superior Court in North Carolina, which position he filled most worthily and satisfactori ly until October, 1875, when he was re moved by the mandate of the military authorities. . Not Long after Judge r rencn removeu iu w ummgton wnere he associated himself in the practice of law with the late Judge Samuel S. Per son. The partnership was dissolved bv the death of Judge Person and ever since Judge French has continued the practice alone. Judge French was an excellent law yer, a judge or proDity, uprightness and integrity and great discrimination. and a lawyer whose mind was thor oughly versed in the lore of his profes sion. He was one of whom North Car olina had reason to feel proud and his name will hereafter be enrolled among those of the honored sons of our good uid .North state. Montgomery's First Cotton Factory. Montgomery, March 7. "Work was started by the Adams cotton factory yesterday afternoon. This is the first cotton factory venture in the city ' and caused great enthusiasm. The capacity of the mill will be about 1,500 bales or cotton per annum. Democratic Ticket Elected in Mobile. Mobile. March 7. At the municipal election yesterday the straight Demo cratic ticket was successful. The Dem ocrats elected a mayor, municipal board, and probably their tax collector. Fire at Jackson. Jackson, Tenn. March 7. The fire yesterday which originated at William- ouu d gji uvvi j Dwjie, uuiiicu nits xajuiu. oiocK together with several stores ad joining. The loss about $40,000. Beecher Taken Suddenly 111. Chicago, March 7. Henry Ward Beecher, while lecturing last night, was taken suddenly ill and the audience was dismissed. A Healthy State. People' are constantly changing their homes from East to West and from North to South or vice versa, in search of a healthy State. It they would learn to be contented, and to use the cele brated Kidney-Wort when sick they would be much better off. The whole system can be kept In a healthy state by this simple but effectual remedy. See large adv. It Is Impossible for a woman after a faithful course of treatment with Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, to continue to suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Enclose a stamp to Mrs. Lydia E. Plnkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for her pamphlets. Dr. C. XV. BENSO.V, of Baltimore, JTld. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Disease ana the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he dlscovtred what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recom mended by them. It Is not, a patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience la practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure any case. Sold by aU druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonsllpartsof the body. It make, the skin white, sort and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THE WOULD. Elegantly put tip, two bottles In one package, ormiiintiTig; of both internal and external treatment. Ail flmt nlMsdrnggists have It. Price $ 1 . per package. CHA8. N CBITTENTON, 115 Fulton street, New York City, sole sgent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedlt s, to whom all orders should be ad dress e a. marl HRS. LYDIA E. PINKRAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAIWrS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Ctire for all those Painful Complaints and Weaknesses so common to oar best female population. It "will cure entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera Uon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by its use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomaoh. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, cansmg- psin, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by its use.. It wUl at all times and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sax this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. pnfKHAJTS VEGETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at SSS and 136 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price SL Six bottles for SB. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also in the form of losenges, on receipt of price, f 1 per bo for either. Mrs. Plnkham freelyanswers all letter of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention thit Paper, So family should be without LYDIA B. FTNTCHAirS UVXB FILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness, and torpidity of the liver. V cents per box. MO- Sold by all Druggists. v LIME! LILIE! LILIE! - :o: :o: H A VINO now two more Kilns in addition to our PERPETUAL KILN we are now prepared to FILL ORDERS Pit OJIPTLT, on short notice, and at .prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee quality, and make no charge unless Lime proves sansisctory. We have an agency in charlotte of A. C. Sum- mervWe; who wul receive orders for small lots at reduced Drices Reference as to quality of Lime given on appli cation. BlJUUf JWUTIUUU), Box No. 88, Gaffney City B. C. mar7 8m Dill T FORGET TO LOOK AT LACE CTJRTAIJSr, We have some beautiful styles, also some handsome patterns in CretOnes. We still have a few HEAVY GOODS on hands that will pay you to buy for another season. We havj Just received the prettiest and cheapest stock of Ever offered In this market. "PEABL" HARGRAVES BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhcea, dismenorrhaea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangemeuts. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down p:ilns so peculiar to women. Price S3 per box. Sent frfe by mail on receipt of price. Hr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York city. ?OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke's Pill. In either stage, whether primary, .secondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fail to cure when directions are followed. Price 82 50Der box. Five bnxes S10 Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aaeress ur ciarse Meaicine tympany, New York City. A N INVALUABLE BEHEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine from what Dr. Clarke' ever cause induced, whether of re cent or long standing, one to three boxes usually sufficient Price 82 per , box. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad Gonnorrhea Pills. dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. iJJHEHI? IS A BALM IN I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and 1m potency, as the result of self abuse In youth, sexual excesses in Dr. maturer years, or other causes, and producing some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of Sight, Defective Mem Clarke' ory, Phislcal decay, Pimples on race. Aversion tosocletr of Females. Confusion of Ideas, Loss of Sexuu Power, &c rendering marriage im Invigorating proper or ounappy. Are a positive cure In two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient- Price $1.50 per box. Four Doxes . bent dj mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City Pills. feb!9 dw 13W OUR SHIBT, "EVITTS" SHOES, &a. & WILHELM. C. C. 13. A - AND THAT NORTH CAROLINA HAS THE- LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. 1C -SELLS- CHICKTCKING & SONS, KRANICH & BACH, MATHOSHEK, ABION, SOUTHERN GEM Ana other PIANOS. M4SON& HAMLIN, 6HONINGER. PELOUBET & CO., bTEBLIKG. AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICT LY First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If you wtlnt good work and you will never buy anything but the bebt. Address or call on, H. McSMITII. Telephones ! Telephones ! TELEPHONES. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE THE AND- Telegraph Ceinpan, Is the SOLE LICENSEE of the American M Telephone Company For supplying Telephones In the States of Virginia, West Vlrglola, (south of the RiO.B. B..) North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PEIVATE LUTES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented For particulars address SOUTHERN BKLL TKLKFtlUNK and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, febl 1 eod 8m 105 Broadway, New York. W lie SI6H9 Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook & Ladder Track House, Is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, such as GEAIMIHGj Goiluing, KalsomiDinjf, FrescoiDg, &c. Jan26tf hrTATmhnrhT Has Discovered VC1JUUUJ Te McSmth Ik House wo t n. l ClWlOtte,N.C. aav. ljeo.0. xnepeowaBv w w Julylttf.

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