. t 1 11 1 ' I : "H v 1 t -'' O0BB1HS' STARCH An Important dis covery, by which . every family may gve their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine laundry work, Ask year Grocer. DOBBINS, Philadelphia, Fa. A. 4. GASTON, DEALER IN Tinware & House FuraishiDg Goods MANTELS and G HATES WHOLESALE and BE TAIL. Particular attention paid to -ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first-class hands employed. Call lor the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 & Burwe HAYS IK STOBE 0N3 OF THE LARGEST STOCKS- -OF- GGO RRR OO CCO EEE RRR II FEE II K 11 KE ssss O ORROOOCR R R O RRR O O O EE RRR 5sss a no RROonriK rr 11 E GGQ R H OO CCO EEE R R II EEE SS' Flour, Grain, Provisions, fc, Ever ottered In this market Don't tray until you examine our Stock and Prices. CORN 1SE OATS.- -fj CAR LOADS WHITE CORN, -jQ CAR LOADS YELLOW CORN, 1 nnn barrels flour, 500 8ACK3 COFFEE, 200 100 100 150 200 200 100 25 BARRELS MO 83E3, BARRELS 8UGAR, B3XE3 BACON, PACKAGES LARD, BOXES SOAP, PACK AG E3 MACKEREL, BOXES CRACKERS, B0XE3 CHEESE, &C. PIEDMOJ PATENT FLOUR, 1 00 Barrels j ust from the MilL SPRINGS &' BURWELL. feb8 (Jaw p CONSULT llll AND SAVE MONEY By making your purchases for cash at the Variety Store, under Traders' National Bank. If you want a LAMP, or a pair of SUSPENDERS, a set of PLATES, or a CORSET, a covered DISH, or a box of BLUB, a TOILET SET, or a pair of HOSE, a TEA SET, or a TIN PAN, a BOWL and PITCHER or pair of SPITTOON3, or ALMOST ANYTHING . CO WE AND SEE how cheap they can he bought. The biggest box of BLACKING for 5 cents In the city. Respectfully, C. M. ETHEREDGrE. ' feb22 ' DISCOVERY! net MANHOOD RESTORED. AVlotimof yputMnl Imprndence jilngrrem. tnm Decay. KervOM DebUiry, Zibet Manhood, etc.. eoveml POLISH 'I'lCa IV.'lfa I ' b JSVlTjwlV J. B. f CHAS. R. JOJNES, j II SoleAg't.Charlotte,N.(V j R BIST off triea in wo o rrT yw a eimpJe self cure, ;r-,V,7f.vV. 43 Chatham Wt.vr Sept IS MAKES- TJimnl I MAUL I tt.Xr 1 WITH TaL nnnniflor 7 week UUDDino werfc 5 ELECTRIC Soouring POLISH. ASK YOUR (jROCEKl (Best I a the World. year; IN E1THEB LIQUID Oil DRY FORM That Acts at the same time on TEE LIVES, ffi BOWELS, A1JD TEE EI3SETB. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because wt allow these great organ to I become cloaoed or torpid, and poisonous M humors are therefore forced into the blood M (fiat sfiouldbe expelled naturally. - k-j wiuu a until. I wunfi f1 KIDNEY DISEASES. LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, URIXABT "DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKSESBES, AXB NERVOUS DISORDERS, by causing free action qf then organs and restoring their power to throw off disease. "Why mffer Billons iains and tchel Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! I Why frightened OTer disordered Kidney! Why endure nervous or sick headachei! Use KJOXEY-WORTanci rejoice in health. It U put up In Dry Vegetable Forat, In tin car. 9 one package ot which inakta ix quarts Of medicls. Al.ro in LIqalJ Form, Te,ry Caeen tratt J, Cor tboee that cannot readily prepare It Iflt acts with equal efficiency In either form. GET IT OF YOUR DPXQG13T. T3ICK, $L0 WELLS, EICHARDS05 A Co.,Prop', (Will send the dry post-paid.) BOTX5CT05, TT, Mir2 27d&ly 80 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED 5 rat M Jnel WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' 'TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances TO sufferini; from NfrvoasWikneMeft,6en erl lebllity, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othkt. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief and complete restoration to health guaranteed. Those are the only Electric Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific prln ciplcs. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have the highest endorsements from medical and scien tific men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically eared b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givm? all information free. Address, , VOLTAIC BELT CP., Karshall, Kick InlylH mm$ S!BLE & CO, Win man IT&BK their Cat. loeue lor 188! full deacrlptiri rlptlre I'rlee - Liat l Field and Grdem flower, Bulbs,-. Ornamental Grasses, and InunerteUes, Gladiolus, lilies, Rosas, Plants, Garden Implement. Beawtlfullj illaa tratad. Or ar 100 pages. Address RQCHESTER,N.Y. t CHICAGO, ILL 179-183 East Main St. 200-206 Randolph St . STEEL PE!33 Sample box, 95 different styles of, Perry's Pens sent for trial by nisi!, oa receipt of 25 cents.. Sole Agents, j Ivisory Blakeman, Taylor & Co.,i NEW YOltK. i U iDl U U Wo continue to xt m SoUcltors for Patents, Cfevest, county, H.Yi- -1 Trade Mar ksCopyrighta, ete., for the United, Elates, iji, uca ,v i nj tit i ji'i' cso.lq Canada, Cuba, England, FtanceL craany, eto.' Kti,a 43.T:i taWflKlmMt9t w eiiti t tfrlulS. Idireir MuWXcPa Tmnrt hnot .hont ratents free, - ; bstrotr. 8 j THURSDAY, MARCH 9,T 82i gXATE-JtEWS. Raifiiffh Nflws and Observer: The ret" enhe Collecting in tlnsl district, for the Saturday atoning rurn Bit l l Hkl.ici.i) . 3 Sdme gplei&idBMciMns of itdn .ore from Gen. Hoke s mmes near unapei Hill, are on exhibition at tne express office. They contain 62$ per eenioi iron. . i The following prisoners, aiicoiorea, Rpnttotherjenitentiary from this county ; ElialBullock, intanticide, one year; Mingo upenuren, larceny, uuo hrv. t.n vfiars . A series of revival meetings are bow In nroeress at Person Street MethOdi$t ville circuit, assisting the pastor, Rev. R F. Bumpas. Services are held at 3:30 and 7 50 p. m. daily. -The public nrA invited to attends We had the pleasure of a visit on vAstardav from Mr. E.M. Mansof Mid dleton, Hyde county, and were glad to iam from him that Hvde county is in an ATRnllant condition financially, the crop of last year being good, and a good price realized for their corn, cotton and rice. The culture of highland rice is assuming very extensive proportions in that. Ruction; of the State, and it is an flxPAllfint monev crop. The rich lands of Hyde are admirably Buited to it. Greensboro Patriot: Tor the first time in manv months eggs sold this week at 12W cents per dozen. The bodv of the unfortunate suicide, John Bivins. Alamance county, has been found near Gedar Cliffs. - Jamestown is soon to have a shuttle and spoke factory. The proprietors are advertisine for umber of all kinds. There will be an increased acreage of cotton in this section this year. - We have got good cotton lands, and, when properly managed, tne crop pays. Dr. Smith was called suddenly away Sundav morning to preach the funeral of Mr. John Walker, who died at the home of his uncle, Turner Morehead, in Leaksville, last Friday. Wilmington Star: The horse disease known as "pinckeye" is prevailing to considerable extent in the city just now. Peonle on Market street last nigh were considerably excited over a bright lieht which keDt hashing over tne tei egraph wires on the north side of Mar ket, near Water street. The light was on the electric order, and was no doubt in some manner the product of elec tricity in connection with the wires. Asheboro Courier: The Winston & Fayetteville Railroad company is now organized and ready for work. Messrs. F. D. Thorns and W. J. Page are pushing things at the Jones mine near here which promises rich develop ments. Deputy Stanton has added eight more illicit distilleries to his list which makes 25 he has cut up and captured in this county since January 1st. Mr. Alfred Yow of Why Not has struck a bonanza in the shape of a gold mine on his plantation. It is exceed ingly promising and has created a sen sation in the mining circles of this county. Lumberton Robesonian: Thirty-six couples obtained marriage licenses in Robeson countv. durine February. A pretty good showing for "the dead month." Last Monday's storm played havoc in manv places. Near Allenton in this countv. it was so severe as to unroof and blow down houses, chimneys and fodder stacks. Mr. W. S. Pitman had all his houses and fodder stacks blown down, and his meat and fodder scatter ed all over the plantation. Fortunately none of the famly were at home Who Represent the People. According to the directory of the Fortv-Seventh Coneress. there are in that body 203 members: One hundred and ninety-five lawyers. .Nineteen professional politicians. Three railroad officers. One capitalist One clergyman. There are sixty-five members repre senting the useful employments of the country as follows: Seventeen merchants. Eleven farmers. Twelve editors. Ten manufacturers. Five physicians. Two civil engineers. Two miners. Two mechanics. One metallurgist. The useful employments are still worse represented in the Senate, as the followine shows. There are seventy- six members, whose professions are as follows : Fifty-seven lawyers. Five bank officers. Three railroad officials. Three professional politicians. Of the useful professions there are eleven: Three merchants. Three manufacturers. Two miners. Two general business. One farmer. One editor. . Gelebrating the Re-occupation. New York, March 8. A Charleston, S. C. special to the Times gives ine 101- lowing : "A salute of twenty-one guns was fired to-dav by the liaf avette Artil- lervon the citadel arreen m honor osf the formal re-occupation by the State authorities of the citadel which, since t.hp. war. has served as barracks for Federal troops. A special guard of ex cadets who left this West Point of the South twenty-one years ago to join tne uonieaerate army, noiswju mw otawa banner on the flagstaff from which so lately flated the "Stars and Stripes" in the presence of the State officers and manv other prominent citizens. A sup ner was civen this evening to battle- scarred veterans of the "Lost Cause nv graduates of the Institution. The limited appropriation allowed by the State will not provide a full faculty and only the lower branches will be taught at the re-openmg or me acaaemy on October 1st". Charter Filed. fx a T.TT5STON Texas. March 8. A La redo special says: "The Rio Grande & Peftfia railroad charter was filed last Friday with Gov. Alex. Hunt, of Colo rado, ex-Gov. J. W. Throckmorton and Albert U. Wilcox, or Texas, as incorpo rators. The road is projected from Brownsvillle, near the mouth ot the Rio firandftitoM Passo. on the western boundary. The road ' is contemplated to be built along the valley of the river, and the principal office is to do locaiea at Laredo, where work has already been Degun. ; . - y We would call special attention to the adverUfe ment of in this issue of,; Geo. M Kofi, uwiwu known nurseryman, of Rochester. 9j ju wno w.m I wantot a few more ialtanan Jto lerf i& now fa mous Pockllng ton Grape, andoiner new Bywai- ties In nursery stock. T had tuT it t&Aki Af'imirel&ad kidney trouble Ihi was v unable to fctany'medttjne.tor docwr tocur u VlAsiort Ume.-iA. otmguished lawyer of-Wayne , Hop Bitters, spu "'.vr,"v"3 nihid, grMirjlngfto her menaa. . j NEWS NOTES. The; flddd dn the White titer 5dxyml. caused by backwater from" the "Missis sippi a the- highest eve fcnawiif cans-; dav the house of John T?ar-: teManitofcaMbtf was destrpVed ,4iiihft;inulat 'of a driving and three dauehters- Wene-ffozett to death; and he was badly: frozen ia bands Wflliam H. ifc Gruner, the celebrated German engraver, is dead, at the age of 81 yeajsL.JL . The House of Commons again-de cided not ta; admit Mr. Bradlaugh ta take the oath. , . ,, , The Empress of . Austria) visited Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle Mon day. - : .;; , ; In the court of eeneral sessions at New York city, Monday, Michael Mc- Gloin, Who killed Louis Henry, a French saloon-keeper, was Sentenced to be hanged April 28. Edwin James, ex-Queens counsel. died somewhat suddenly on Saturday last at his residence. Only a few days ago a subscription for his pecuniary as sistance was started among the legal profession. Gen. Zachariah C. Deas, a retired broker, died suddenly of apoplexy in New York Monday, in the 63d year of his age. He was a native of Camden, S. C, served in the Confederate army under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston and Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston, and was made brigadier-geDeral after the battle or Sbiioh. After the war he located in Hew York. The Lake Superior Powder Compa ny's packing-house at Marquette, Mich. blew up Monday morning, killing four men Peter Doyle, Charles Hatch, Her man Erkstrom, and another, name un known. JNOtning remains to show where the building stood. It contained about a ton anda-half of powder. Two pailfuls of the remains of the men killed have been found. The secretary of the Lumberman's Exchange at Chicago Monday reported to the annual meeting that the past year had been one of the most success ful ever experienced in the .Northwest, The receipts or lumber were nearly 2.000,000.000 feet, shingles 866.000,000. laths 104,000,000, while the coarse forest grades by lake aggregated 2,846,000 posts, 4,200,000 ties, and a large quantity of miscellaneous stun. Emigration from Germany to Amer ica this year promises to De very much greater than that or last year. The new bank of Lynchburg, Va. the Commercial, has increased its capi tal to $100,000. About $00,000 has been subscribed. Mrs. Elizabeth McCormick died near Warrenton, Va on the 27th of Febru ary, aged yo years. Her lather was a surgeon in the revolution of 1776, and half brother of Jiishop Claggett, of Maryland. A respectable farmer of Augusta county, Va has been admitted to the lunatic asylum, having become crazed over the developing mineral resources of Virginia. A new bank, which it 13 proposed to form to resuscitate the Union Generale, will have a nominal capital of 50,000,- 000 francs. Bonds, giving the right to a share in the profits, will be allotted to the snareholders and creditors of the- Union Generale as a partial compensa tion for their losses. A plan is under consideration among the Parnellites in Ireland to pay each member elected to Parliament 6300 per session, and to raise the money by a levy of a shilling per year on each elec tor. The land league is expected to contribute in cases of a deficit. Ten ants in Limerick .are making the pay ments of rent conditional on the re lease of "suspects" from prison. The Great Dairy Garden of the Future. The area of territory included within the northern third of Illinois Itftd the southern quarter of Wisconsin and the whole State of Iowa, making about ninety thousand square miles, says the Chicago Tribune, is destined within a comparatively brief term, to become the greatest garden tor dairy products in the world. The central points in this great district of dairy production are Cedar Rapids, in Iowa, and Elgin, in Il linois. So great has the production in Iowa become that a board of trade for dairy products has been established at Cedar liapids, to which the butter and cheese of that State are sent, and where purchasers from all parts of Iowa go as to a central market. Ten years ago the principal butter sold in that market was brought from New York and Ohio. But little butter was made west of Illinois, and a single cow was the limit of a farmers dairy. Now Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin have the command xf the market, and butter land cheese have not only become articles pf export to the Eastern States, but they have done much to build up the foreign ex ports of the country. Henceforth the leafllng 'agricultural- interest, the one overshadowing an otners, in Jxortnern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin and" all Iowa will bd dairy "products. The pro ducts of this immense dairy garden will be of great value to: tne owners, and contribute largely to the wealth of the country. Nor is there any dread of the exhaustion of the land. Self-interest will inspire the preservation of the soil in all its productiveness. As time pro gresses the herds of the dairy farm will be improYedmd the average yield from milk, m the form of butter aha cheese, will be increased by higher cultivation and by the improvement Of the stock. This is the future which all the signs and experiences of the past and present indicate for Iowa, and for the adjoining parts of Illinois and Wisconsin. Reports et the Number of Destitute Much Loss of life Apprehended. Memphis, March 8. The river con tinues stationary, with 36 feet on guage, the highest point reached this season. No cessation of reports of the great suffering by the people in overflowed districts. The reply to the inquiry of the Secretary of War as to the number of destitute , in his State, Judge Mau ffum. commissioner for Arkansas, re plied that be had information of 20,000, hut tne number increases uauy. wm- missioner Hemingway reported 18,000 in needy condition in Mississippi and 5,000 in Tennessee, making 4o,wu per sons whose condition is such as to de mand prompt attention at tne nanas or. the government. The change in tne weather has increased iuo biluciwb iu many lives must be lost irom exposure Gov. Hawkins has appointed H. M. James commissioner for Tennessee, to; receive government suppueu. Mayor Grace's Citizenship Questioned. NkwTobk, March 8. It is rumored; that there will be an investigation jn regard to Mayor Grace's citizenship. The mayor himself admits out rnt naturalization, pap before thelectfotf merely; Mrnftv v.M.aA o a rift . when hoif f otnari iiia ibaiotict. m - & i I ii ' j ... p ' n L- AifeffMsrftnioaTi caWe- gfrnntosst- billty; Uckllng ta the throat, noskness of Toice, vlolenl coughing, etc, are the effects severe eold. Dr. BuU'a cough syrup cures the at once and removef Its serious effects. It Is tkt nirkt mt VMw to wait until yon wiMNi vns f disease yw . ew nwiw sroina vnen you cart do run 'BfttBtontl h Parian j &lB2tf i' fookiF We known the sickliest families made thdhealthlest , by a timely use ot this Pure medicine. Observer. A Good Nnrfe should not h8ltate to wartupon those whom even j B1W.W.vdTT A TtT TTI1TT7V Tar 18SL with Js little to b$ feared by.persons walung ohthe alck ;l If they wlff use DarBJrPrODmrlaotfc IMaireelr In mw nwwt mmvj viv t?im auu cuov unvi , hA Mrav HtA ThOffia srftH aIqa fok W tntiim. - - - t it wdly. 1 14 fdck (poms It should be- exposed on aj jlate or 8aocer, and the .patient sponged off with'l the Fluid diluted with water, and also a.few drops used Internally, it should also ' be useff-about every part ol the house. -:; -ir . l CAtisaa or thebeaddeb. :s Stlnelne, wmartlnK.1 hrlt&tloB of the mlnaTT nu- ssges, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupalba. t Druggists, Depot 3. H. JffcAden, Charlotte. ' MTJRPOCK'S f 1QTJTD FOOD, BobertB, Etract ot Malt and JLd uenk iinnii;nuBU DT LIT. d. jnariuu Cliua. i oinew xors. tsoia Dy wil.hu a avi&n WE HAE IN Store some fine pure. French Brandy. Guaranteed. WILSON & BURW ELL. FOUR AND FIVE T OW English Tooth Brushes of the best Quality. JLV , WILoUN & xiURWEliL, DrSfe. BROWN'S T7SSENCE of Jamaica Ginger. A fresh arrival JM at WILSON & BUB WELL'S Drug Store. HYDROLINE." (HYDBATED OIL.) rpONIC Digestive and highly Nutritive. Sold by LAWRENCE'S FLESH GLOVES, at WILSON & BUR WELL'S febi8 Drug Store. ALWATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received, at DrJIHcito Drag Store S ARATOGA V ICHY, From Saratoga Springs, N. Y. A new water re sembling the Imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dysrxpla, aids diges tion, is a powerful tnnlc and strong diuretic. Also, Morn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES ROCK BBIDGE ALUM, 10 CA9K3 BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED ftPQLUN&RIS AITD Hanyadi Janos Waters. Tl GMT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! JJTUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss. A wine glass full before breakfast. The .Lancrf "Hunyf dl Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses thnt of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious anerient water." Pror. VvrcTuns, Berlin. "Invariably good and DromDt success: most valuable." Prof. Bamberger, Vienna. "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Bccammx, Wurszburg. I preecrlne none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, Jf. D., F. R 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efReacv.'' Prof. Atkent M. D- F. R. 9., Royal Military Hos pital, Netiey. "Preferred to Pullna and Fried- ricnsnau." JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist. North Tryon 8t, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DONT GO TO SARATOGA When tou can aret water lust as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from the spring at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block On reservoirs which we return as soon again every week. a emptied to be refilled i, H. JlCAIUUf, . . Druggist and Chemist. Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July28 ' '-! OX jialc. CITY PEOPERTY TOR SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the pubUc square in Charlotte, wOl be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. The dwelling is on a Ml lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick Kitchen, nne well or wa ter, etc . The house is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built lor the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, etc.. apply at this of itiuk. Iuly20,dtf City lot for Sale Cheap. mHs Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the X North Carolina Railroad, fronting 140 feet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided into two lots of 70 by 1 96 feet Suitable either for building or ractory purposes. Appiy to Jun25.tf VI. 8. PHILLIPS. FtivM -HMrlarriff- Itfltsfs cl FRESH MINER ; am KUtwaiP I ---t-i-! r - '"?r i .-tt-.,:ttt i i ! aice' uipusncss, iviaiana, uos- i the. :!j,-Tv' .1: . . ot a PfestlOTl, StrenjrthenS th& SYStemr' cold. owifWS'f.Jrf.n lfT.. vi fegljJatS5Sth ! IJFpUrifitlie; kW hate. In rob JftiaB Ax.li nRtraoxaTfl. J 'eow'ly !VJ tt - f :k ... - x - 'XXl.AU Xi:J? WAU lili topwred lnter- ? Jie, caienaar. etc. sent to any address on racKiiKi nr cwri 'nrpvnjTtvji wpiuni AriiwoAa. r w"w CHAkLKa K. HIRES. 8ftDefc.war Ave. Phlla. REWARD! iot any ease of Blind Bleeding. Itching, Ulcerated, ' or irotrudlng NI.IR that -nRTM(3S PILE REMEbY fails to cum. Prflnawwl h jV MILLER. M. D. . 9 1 R Arch street PhtladalnhlA. Pa. None genuine without his signature. Send for circular- Sold by druggists and country stores. SI. 810 A5hi IclWork chmpest, MEDAL or. AnoWKTlrl matt M icml Work, w&mutted the beet mad chmpest, indupensable to erory tneotitUdHUtSMneof Life orlfresmtkm bound in nofHcnnoa maaun,mboaaed, fall ciltXI pp.containa beantifa tsel .ncTkTrns, 135 presaripf tiocjs, price only $1.35 sent by nail . Uhutrated asrpla,6ceota : THE BEST GALICO. WM. SIMPSON '& SONS' MOURNING, SECOND MOURNING SOLID BUCKS, ' FANCY DRESS PRINTS The EDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete estab lishments in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A CENTURY has enabled them to attain such perfection that they can with confidence ask you to test trie quality of- their work. They carefully avoid all poisonous drugs, make only fast col ors,which are thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing. Those who buy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, find them superior in dur ability, artistic style and finish. Be sure and ask for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on them. feb21 dkw4w ailroafls. North Carolina Railroad. OOITDENSED SCHEDULES. TRAINS GOING EAST. iiOQO Eddystone Date, February 19th, 1882 No 51 No. 53 Dally. DhIIv. Leave Charlotte, H 65 a m 6 50 p m " Salisbury ,.. 5.51am 8.61pm ' High Point 7.20 a m 10.44 p m Arrive Greensboro, 8.00 ajn 11.20 p m Leave Greensboro 8.25 am Arrive Hillsboro 11.04 am Arrive Durham, 1 1.48 a m Arrive Raleigh 1.1 5pm Leave Raleigh,- 1 .40 p m Arrive GoMsboro', 4 20pm ... No. 17 Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro., .fi. 00 p m Arrive at RaMgh, 3.04 a m Arrive at Goloeboro,..8.00 a m No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. B. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wil mington. Ho. 83 connects ai sansnury wun w. . . n. R. for all points in Weern North Carolina; dully at Greensboro with B x D. R K for a l points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, February 19th, 1882 No. K0 Diiilr. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goidsboro, Anive Raleigh, Leave Raleigh ' Arrive Durtici.i i 10.20 am 12.40 pm 4 10 pm 5 p m ti.07 pni fc.5t p m R 1 0 P m 9.4 p m 11.03 p m 12 60 a m Arrive Hillsboro Arrive Greenaboro,. . Leave Greensb- to,... 7 25 a m 8 06 am 9 28 a 111 11.20am Arrive High Point,. .. Arrive t-atlsLiUiy Arrive Charlotte No. 18-Dally except Sunday, Leave Goidsboro,.. 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7. 10 P in. Leave Raleigh 5.00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 2.20 pm No. 50 -Connects at Charlotte with A. C. Alr- Une for all points In the South and Southwest, and with C, C. & A. R. a. lor an points boutn ana Southeast. o. F2 Connects at Charlotte wltn A. & U. Air- Llne for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, U. & A. R. R. for all points aouth and Southeast. N. V. N. C. RAILROAD. 60ING WE8T. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.20 p ra Arrive Kemersvule 10. 3b pm Arrive 8alem 11.20 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro $.30 a m inlvft Kfirnersvlllft. 9.41 a m Arrive Salem iu.it am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday, Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive Kerneraviiie o.ou a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 am NO. 53-Dafly. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kemersvule 6.40 pm Arrive Greensboro.-. 8.00 p m STATE, UNIVERSITY RAILROAD, ; ' . No.1, GOING NORTH. Dally , . . , : e Sunday Leave Chapel Hill 7.80 a m Arrive University,.... 8.20 a m Arrive RaJelghj.-i : 10.15 am ." ; I No. 2, GOING SOUTH. Dally . . . . ex. Sunday. Leave Raleigh, 3 30 p m Arrive University, 5. 15 p m i Arrive Chapel Hul 6-15 P m FiiDman aeeflsjE Can;WffliaiLt QLanee On-Traln No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danvuie, and Detween ureensporo ana Charleston. On Train No. 52, menmona ana unauoue ana Washington and Charlotte via Danville. t-Throueh Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleigh, Goidsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest West. North and East For Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, a. rurii, General Passenger Agent feb2S Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. ' P AS8EBGEE DEPARTMENT. On and after February 26th, the passenger train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Alr-Llne Divi sion will be as follows: Mailt and Express. No. 51. EASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta. 2.15 pm 4.54p m 5.2pm 6 22 P m 7.0ft pm 8.24 p m 10.08 p m 11.40 pm 2.06 a m 8.15 am 5.00 7 55 830 0.13 10.06 11.20 1.25 2.58 5 10 600 Arrive Gainesvile, Arrive Lula Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa Arrive Seneca. : . . Arrive Greenville. A rxive Spartanburg , Arrive oastonia, . i . . Arrive Charlotte, ...... Mail and Express. No. 5a WESTWARD. Mall. No- 52. . Leave Charlotte,. 12.40 am 11.05 Arrive uasionia,. Arrive Spartan burg, Arrive Greenville, Arrive 8eneca... Arrive Toccoa.. 1.85 am 4.04 am 5.82 am 7.15 am 8.28 am 12.02p,m 2-85 pm 4.09 p m 6.54 pm 7.05 p m 8.00 pm &43pm 9.15 pm 12.05 a m Arrive B " Gap Junction, 9.32 am 10.18 am 10-51 am 1.40 pm A. POPE. Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Taloott, ! ' ; General Manager. 1 mara .- " -.. . v. ; TTUVE car' Loads of dbrh, twr car load i of 1? two car loads of 8yrups. one.car load .of Rnmr. CnffMi and. Baoon. and Tobacco. sate at CCTHBERTSON BAKER'S, t .3' : i .t.Hottn.ixuiegetreei.' febl9 ' ii.l ntoct dpOT.toOW. SanderaS Particular Solace. All the drawings will hereafter be undr rho A SPLEITDID 0PPOETUITITY . TO WIN AFOBTUNB THIRD GRAND DTtdi BCTION, CLASS C, AT NEW (LEANsJ TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1882. 142nd MONTHLY DRAWING. State Lottery 4 , Incorporated In 1868 for 25 years by the Li. tatoeforEducaHonal and Charitable VurDosT" th capital ofl,0O0.000-to which aresarC. fund of 8550,000 has since been added. 6 -oJn,,oyerwllelmlne Popular vote its rmnchi was made a part of tb present State ConaSrnS!?? adopted December 2d, A. D. 187(T v,n8UCutlon Its GRAND SmQLi NUMBER Drawings win take place monthly. wul toJSbSt 01 po,?ponM- toiiow. CAPITAL PRIZE, t30,0(KJ. 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Tickets, One Dollar. Each. Half LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prize 1 Canltal Prlw " 30.000 10.000 2 Prizes of $2.500..".'.'."'.'.'. j" 6 Prizes of 1,000 .'.'.. ' 6.000 000 P.00O razes or 600 100 Prizes of. 100.. ... 200 Prizes of. 50... 500 Prizes of, 20.... 1,000 Prizes of 10....!'. 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES, fl Approximation Prizes of 8300 2 7no 9 Approximation Prizes of v Approximation Prizes of 100 900 185,7 Prizes, amounting to jj 10,40c Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation will be nald Kor further information, write clearly, giving full address. Send orders by express or Registered Letter, or Money Order by mall, addressed onto to M. A. DAtfPHIN, or M. A. DAUPHIN, Orleans, La. 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Els., or M. A. DAUPHIN, OU7 seventh street, Washington, D. C. The New York office is removed to Chicago. N. B. Orders addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt attention. The particular attention ef the Public Is called to the fact that the entire number ot the Tickets for each Monthly Drawing is -sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and drawn and paid. febl2 POPULAR MONTHLY lRiWIAG OF THft -In the City ot Louisville, on FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays exiv! ed) under provisions of an Act of the Ome.- As sembly of Kentucky. - The United States Circuit Cotm on nru hi, rendered the following decisions-. 1st That the CommonweH!h DisrTvaon Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawings are f aif . The Company has now on Band ive reserre fund. Read the list of prizes tor th MARCH DRAWING 1 Prize V),00U 1 Prize 10,000 1 Prize 5.000 10 Prizes. 51,000 each, 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each 10.000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10.000 200 Prizes, 50 each 10.000 000' Prizes, 20 each 12.000 1000 Prizes. 10 each .' .10,000 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prlrefl $2,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,800 9 Prizes, 100 " " " " flOO 1,980 Prizes 1 12,400 Whole TlOKets, 82; Half Ttsfceta. 1 ; 3T Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, 8100. Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. OrderB of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent r.t our ex pense. Address all orders to R. M. BOARDMAN, Courter-JouTOftl Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New YorT marl Wiisczllixnzaxis, EXTRA 1 1 X We hav Just received and offer for a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts, Mossrose Decoration, 58 pieces, 810.00, worth . J15.00. EXTRA FINE TEA ETT3, gold, bird and flower - decoration combined, 44 pieces, 812.50, worth 818.00. PORCELIAN TEA SETTS, plain white, Terr nice, 44 pieces, 85.00. PORCELAINE DINNER SETTS, 107 pieces, for 815.00; decorated, 180 pieces, for $35.00. BRONZE L4MP3 of a superior Quality, complete with shades, at 81-00, worth 82 00. All Other Gods in Proportia JE WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Respectfully, J. Broolifield 4 to. febl9 DISSOLUTION. THE Beer Bottling business heretofore conduc ed ln-Charlotte by Cochrane A Munzler um been this day d ssolved by mutual consent W B. COCHEiAMS, February 9, 1882. F. C MUNZLKR. NOTICE. Cochrane in the Beer Bottling business, I wul nere after eanduct the business, as agent for tne ner & Eugel Company, in cnanoue, uu " , turning thanks tor past patronage, respeciruij solicit favors in the future. Respectfully, .rTT,, feblO jr. u bu'" Icid IPhosphafe a m am am am am am pm pm pm p m 400 TONS HIGH GRADE -ACID PHOSPHATE, Containing 12 to 18 per cent Soluble Phohoric Add, '' Analysis Guaranteed. "f" WARRANTED GENUINE, (y , nst lecelved, am f SralinoWmentsie dealers and largs buyf , CHASl SMITH, hwholesale Dealer in. Guano sna J ! Merchant, wummgion, . v. Jani9 lm ,Tf: HAYS Jrist Received a sMnflieot f OSnr AWArbiD A" win AFOBTUNB THIRD oravt. t, I I Company. 1 i tTFATTiTfrnirmTm 111 llllUl! VUUAJU ...Mon.M Meal - jnAuf' b ble food tor stock eef molt sa nne EertilOff Meal from the vnanewon. w .., -r in- stock as weu a At aoalliat f, oax niTnia shows 41 against 23 for Peas now'foi'.'l duclngi nd 77 s gainst 60 tot fat propertl lM U . t en the Meal it tverf-lefc prtoes, -vgtWSL xalae. .. J,l.BAKNONHOU.- ! mar4 tl t.Ti..ju.,u . . i .-: