CllAS. R. JONES, Editor and PropHon Srhbmd at tbb Fcsr-omoa 4V N. C as aaaont-CLASS mattbb. SATURDAY MARCH 11. 1882. CHINESE IMMIGRATION. ; , Ttis beeinninz td look as if the Chinese question "was to be 4ecided to the satisfaction of the people on the Pacific slope after alL . The bill prohib itnigthe coming of Chinese laborers to this country for a period of twenty years which practically means for all time passed the Senate Thursday, and The Memphis authorities 'arerenforc ing the law against carrying deadly weapons. ' .. s ' . . New Orleans lsdlsoussiDgtha subject of haviug schools .r fturies similar txy those ia New ItorkV.- . ' -0 President Arthur has nominated the notorious mulatto Pinchback as collec tor of customs at New Orleans. the Senate chieflV Occ Wied IN DISCUSSING THE I liQVOR TRAFFIC ? COMMteSION i BULL, The nomination-of Conkling is giving the Republicans trouble in Ohio, the Garfield men construing it as an affront- Dr. Gross, of Philadelphia, under whose treatment Senator Hill, of Geor- will undoubtedly pass the House, where I gia, has been, says that the Senator Is it will not encounter even as much op-1 entirely cured. position as it did in the Senate. There may be a difference of opinion in the Atlantic States as to the proprie ty of passing such Exclusive legislation as this, but in the Western and Pacific States there is very little, and they, especially the Pacific, are the most in terested: we mieht. perhaps, without impropriety, say the only ones interest ed. The only real opposition the bill met in the Senate was from New En gland Senators, who did not discuss the question on its merits but "viewed the act as a violation of the existing treaty with China. They overlooked the fact if they cared to see it, that the importa tion of Chinese laborers into this coun try was not immigration in the proper sense of the word, but a system of coolie traffic differing but very little essentially from absolute slavery. The imported hordes do not come as other aliens do, bringing their resources and their wives and children with them to become a part and parcel of our popu lation, and make their future homes here, to work, fell forests, make farms, build cities and assume all the duties and responsibilities of citizenship. This the Chinese don't do. They bring noth ing with them but their vices, the scanty clothes they wear and rice enough to last them until they can send back to China for more. They don't become land owners, nor land tillers the extent of their agricultural ambi tion being confined to the cultivation of i a few rods of garden near some town through which they peddle the vegetables they raise. As a class their inclinations and aspirations are meni al ; they have no ambition to excel in the honorable avocations, nor to elevate their condition above that of mere drudges or menials. In the camp they herd, in the cities ' they congregate in hordes in forbidding quarters woich become the festering places of vices in which they stand pre eminent. They have no respect for the laws if they can evade them or violate them undetected, and as for the courts of justice or the sanctity of an oath they have no regard whatever. They have nothing in common with our peo ple, and a thousand years of inter course could not assimilate them. Practically speaking they are of no benefit to the country where they settle, engaging in nothing that developes re sources or produces wealth, or adds to the prosperity of the land they live up on. Their great hope is after paying the transportation they obligate them selves to pay the company which ships them and holds a mortgage upon their earnings until paid, to save something and return to China to enjoy it, and if they should die among the outside bar barians, to have their bodies shipped back to China, that their souls may rest in peace. Their religion, habits, training and tastes preclude the idea of their ever becoming a part of the permanent popu? lation of this country, which they never intend to be and which never was in tended should be. We are speaking now of the class of Chinese which infest the Pacific States and against whose importation this act has b en passed. Of course there is a .bettter class of Chinese, but few of these have made their way to these shore, so few as to be not worth count ing. It is well that this Mongolian tide is to be stopped, for if -continued it would at no distant day result in a clash be tween the races on the Pacific that would be terrible in its results. It is better in this case that the law do what the mob and force would inevitably do before long. What exception the Chinese government can take to it we can't see, for there is no earthly reason why this country should become the refuge for- hordes of paupers, the very worst elements of Chinese society, who are picked up and shipped by the thou sand by companies who engage in the business for the money they make out of it. That government may be glad to get rid of such surplus population, but should not find fault if this govern ment objects to their coming. Sergeant Mason has been found guil ty, and has been returned to the cell to await sentence. It is rumored that his punishment will be three years' im prisonment at Fort Leavenworth, Kan. He will remain in the same jail with Ouiteau until Gen. Hancock approves the finding of the court martial. The Chinese minister at Washington enjoys society much, while his wife re mains at home shut up in her room and busies herself tackling theftintricacies of the Melican language. i i i The Atlanta PostAppeal publishes the statement on what it calls reliable authority that Hon. A; H. Stephens will retire from public life at the close of his present term in Congress. A prominent citizen of Salt Lake as serts that Brigham Young is still alive, and that his pretended death was a trick to impose upon the faithful, it being the intention to raise Brigham from the dead when the anticipated crisis arrives among the brethren. Tke Honsc takes up the Private "Calen dar, Passes the Senate Bill for the use of Government Vessels to Distribute j Rations to the Flood Victims, and hears a Report about the Arrest of American Citizens in Mexico v ? . Washington, March iqenate Brown, of Georgia, presented a me morial from the merchants, bankers and other prominent citizens of Atlan ta for an adequate appropriatin for im provement or tne narnor at oavannan. He subsequently introduced a bill ap propriating $850,000 for this purpose. . He briefly urged the commercial im-: rjortanee'Dr that port and its ' oattrral advantage as an outlet for the products Ar4T23:tha"geha wfitif inf M . uve session ano; soon after, adjourned until Monday, i: g chairman of the appropriation commit tee,! reported : joint ; resolution ma. king appropriatioriv.of;$iaj)00 to be Hnmediately available to " enable the ght house board to meet extraordina ry expenses consequent on the flood in the Mississippi riser Passed. The House at 12:55 went into veam. Jmlttee of thTB Whble.; DaVls, of Illinois. .On-r private calendari Pendinar .the discussion of a relief tbfll the commit-: mjc xuao luwimauj sna' ioe iiouse passed the joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War ; to use govern ment vessels for transportation and distribution of rations furnished bv the United- States to sufferers bv the Mississippi overflow7 .The committee tnen resumed its session.- ' - . The Speaker laid before the House a Senator Brown, of Georgia, don't be lieve Chinamen ought to be deprived of the privilege of coming to this country by the thousand or million. Perhaps if Mr. Brown represented one of the Pa cific States he might hold different views. NO ABATEMENT. ANOTHER BREAK INUNDATES MORE LAND. Railroad Travel Stopped and Hnndreds of Families laving on Rafts- Watch ing the Levees at New Orleans. Batou Sayba, La, March 10.-t-Point Coupee crevasse has not affected the stand of water here yet, although there is a fearful mass of water escaping from the river at that point. The levee is still giving way rapidly as it is all of green earth and crumbles as fast as the water pushes against it. The gap is now about 1,000 feet wide, and the wa ter, as it goes through, is about ten feet deep, but is rapidly digging deeper and Lspreading far and wide over the coun try ana will overnow a pare or mis parish and all of West Baton Rouge and portions of Assumption, Iberville, St. Mary, Iberia and Terrebonne, the richest sugar district in Louisiana. The False River and Gross Tete country will be soon inundated and the loss of property and suffering of the people will be terrible. Maj. II. C. Brown, State engineer, says it is useless to at tempt to stop the crevasse. The people of Bayou sayra are maRing a nooie ngnt against the flood. All the stores are closed and every man is at work upon the levees which protect the place, while the draining machine is working against fearful pressure. Passengers from below report a break in the levee eleven and a half miles above Friars Point, Miss. The break occurred yesterday, and although Friars Point will be overflowed from the break the town will not Buffer by the river rushing through as at Austin. New Orleans, March 10- The New Orleans, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad is again submerged and is impassable in the neighborhood of Water Valley, Miss. The overflow has assumed alarm ing proportions, inundating all that' section of the country. The trains are unable to proceed further north than Coffeeville station, this side of Water Valley. Capt. Richard Sinott, just ar rived from Red River, reports 250 fami lies below Alexandria living on rafts and in a deplorable condition. He thinks the State should send them ra tions at once, or that some private pro vision should be made to relieve their great misery. The levees along the New Orleans city front are inspected daily, well guarded, weak points strengthened and. every precaution taken to prevent a crevasse. The same precautions are taken all along the line from Baton ting a report from the - Secretary bt State touching ; the imprisonment in Mexico of Thos. Shields and two other American citizens.' The report states ;thatf the resolutions of thS House call ing ,ror-information relative thereto was transmitted to Minister Morgan, whom, it was alleged by Shields, took no steps to: procure their release, and the f ollowuig telegram was received in reply : "The statement of Shields with regard-to me is false. Hearing they were arrested I brought the matter to the notice of .the Secretary of State for foreign affairs. They were released and were re-arrested a few days since for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Particulars by next mail." The House then, at 4:30. took a recess until i,S0, , . . ' ; The evemncr session is to be for the consideration of. pension bills only, ' ; FOUB LIVES SAVKD. . 1 Dr. liulPs cough syrup relieved lour of nay chil dren of a most alarming attack of Whooping Cough, from which their throats and necks became 00 swollen as to prevent them from swallowing. Nothing would give mem even temporary reuer, until this syrup was tried. One bottle, In one night, Baved their lives, I verily believe. Captain of Police, Baltimore, Md. Mllflo'nsbf mb.inlM,' cats, bid1 bags.' rdaeheft lose their lives by collision with 'Kougti on Bats." Sold by druggists, 15c m mi i - ' C1TABKHOF THBBLADDBH. Stinetne. imjrHn. Irritation of the urinary pas sages, diseased discharges, cored by Buchupalba, Druggists. Depot J. H. Ifcldeo, Charlotte. It Is the Height of Folly to wait unta you are in bed with disease- you may not get Over for months, when you can. be cured during tne early nymptoms by Parker's blnger Tonic. We have known tne sicKuesi iamiiies maae ine nesiunen ty a timely use of this pare medicine. Observer. I had severe attacks of gravel and kidney trouble: was unable to get any medicine lor doctor to cure ms unill I used nop outers, and tney curea me in a abort time. A distinguished lawyer of Wayne county, N. Y. Rouge to the Gulf. In the House of. Commons last Friday bight Baron Henry. DeWorms spoke of the outrages upon the Jews in Russia, and said that 201 women had been vicn lated, 58 Jews killed and 70 wounded, 20,000 persons rendered homeless and property wrecked to the value of 16, 000,000. As an illustration of an impossibility, in a case before a Brooklyn court, last week; a lawyer said: "It would be as eafy for Mr. James G. Blaine to start a Peruvian guano company with a single sparrow on the highest peak of the Rocky Mounteiris ' T - Charles W. Havenner, a real estate broker", in Washington,, attempted to commit suicide ' by -shooting himself last Monday. . He succeeded in knock ing one.eye out. He is & Virginian by birth; will connected and went through the war in the Confederate -army., H - Abeokuta. the Dahomey giant, teet arid brie' inch iri height; who has figured extensively! Iri". inuseums and somewhat in public courts, is a mulatto, named James GllberC' a'nd ia native of Moors county, in this State. . ' : ' Favoring a Redaction of $70,000000. Washington, D. C- March 10. It is understood that the sub-committee of the House committee on ways - and means have virtually agreed upon a bill reducing the internal revenue tax on whiskey and tobacco, and removing the tax entirely from a number of arti cles embraced in schedule "A" - , The total amount, of the reduction in internal revenue to be effected by the bill is estimated at about seventy mil lion dollars. The bill will probably be reported to tne iuii committee next Tuesday. Secretary Folger contemplates issu ing Friday next a call for Donds, con tinued sixes, to the amount of $15,000, 000, payable in three payments of about $5,000,000 eachon the 8rd, 10th and nth of May next of the South and West. He gave ho- message rom the President' transmit- tice or a nut appropriating uio amount asked for this year to continue improve ments. Morsran. from the committee on for eign relations, reported a concurrent. resolution requesting theJf resident to bring to the attention of the govern ment of Nicaraugua the necessity of arranging bv a convention for the final settlement of all unadjusted claims ex isting between the government ot the United States and the government of Nicaraueua and claims of citizens of the United States against the govern ment of Nicaraugua, The resolAtion was adopted after an explanation by Morgan in reply to Mor rill that the amount of claims in favor of citizens of the United States, ranged from $3,000,000 to' $6,000,000, and that the resolution did not cover counter claims of the citizens of Nicaraugua. Vest offered a resolution directing the Secretary of- war to use steamers and other vessels belonging to or now employed by the government on the Mississippi and its tributaries in the transportation and distribution of ra tions and supplies furnished to sufferers by the recent overflow, and providing for the necessary expense thereof. Vest explained that there was difficulty in getting supplies to points in the interior remote from Memphis and pointjs on the Mississippi, and that small boats were required for this purpose. Hun dreds of sufferers were on the point of starvation and the people of the West and Southwest were generally respond ing for their relief. The object now was to render certain boats under con trol of the government engineer corps available. Cockrell had read a telegram from the Merchants' Exchange of St Louis, urging that the assistance of the gov ernment be continued in view of the discouraging reports received from the inundated districts. The resolution passed. Dawes reported back the fortifica tions appropriation bill without amend ment. Bills were introduced by Brown, ap propriating .$350,000 lor the improve ment of the narbor of Savannan. Jonas,-6f Louisiana, offered a resolu tion calling for an estimate of the ex. pense of permanently closing what are known as Albans, Herveys, Sale, Mur phy's and lyountjt- canals, bing outlets of Red River 4bove Snreveport, La. Adopted. . . ; .. . . "N The bill for a commission on the ah coholic liquor traffic which again came up on the calendar "was diseussed upon pending amendments Bayard said the suppression of pure alcoholic stimulants would increase the use of opiates and drugs ; that such had been the experience of the medical pro fession, tie moved an amendment to include an inquiry on this point among others to be assigned to the commission Being interrupted by the expiration of his five minutes, he insisted that the question wag too large to be considered under the five minutes rule, and he ac cordingly claimed precedence forthe tariff commission bill. Conger moved to proceed with the li quor commission bill. Adopted. Yeas 26, nays 24. A party vote, except that Maxey and Davis, of Illinoisy voted aye with the Republicans. Mahone also voted aye. Morrill voted no With the Democrats. The liquor commission bill was then proceeded with and the pending amendment offered by Bayard was lost bv a party vote aves 24. noes 25. Cameron of Wisconsin, and Davis, of niinois, voting aye with the Demo crats. The bill was then reported to tne senate from tne committee of the; whole and Jones, of Florida, argued against the power of congress to regu late or interfere with the liquor traffic ox tne states. Sherman Teplied that the bill did not propose any interference with theli-! cense or sale in States, but merely m stituted an irianirv as to the best moda of dealing with the evils growing out M.AEKETSBY TELEGRAPH ui we utuiii;. xie muugub i( a sumcieni CURE Sg oitm salt you arid at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Ladies, Gentlemen, -Miss'e$,BdyalfrCKidrelf VI . . .'mi vAHNOT fm.TOBSUIfI0iN I - SXUUML im m. jBiPWB IA.JX J SHO E S "TE rintee that every pair ol 8EOtat:01 shaU be found Just as represented, and shall allow no bouse to grw you better goods than we a money. Our stock baa been carefully selected wltb a view to the wants of all classes of customers, and oomprlses a full Une of beauttful and goods, of the jreiy best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Braan. If you wish to t . 1? . " ; --ivui uvuva uuu BUOeS t0 Give at a5 can. A. E. NEilSPfiiK)- BEDDING, &c! l tin o Bedsteads, sep!8 ports eoaitwise eonttnent ; . ; to. Great Britain to France '; to -;to channel Weekly-net recelote JLEMt: ftUu K ras- naw 6,156; exports coastwise 2.806; to Great Brttain 1,889; to continent 1,960; Jrance ; to chan- nel 8,215. . -. , ; TfoXTOLi Firm: mlddttrw 1 1 a-i Rj; 1,625; gross " n : stock inort imnit. wise. ;: sales : exnorta to Great Britain : to continent . ' . y. , Weekly net receint in.nKff- trrnaa i -iir-' snia 8,518; .coastwise 8,937; Great Britain 5-444: GJoannei' ; continent Franoa . " BAIATKOBS-Ilrm: middling 1 1 S&a; nm mM. dllng 11 Ui ; good ordinary iOfe; net receipts 611; gross 788; sales : stock' 86,231; ezpona aoastwlse -; splntieri ; exports to Great Britain ; to continent Weekly net TeoelDts.7nR: stoss R.11S! nalna 1,125; spinners 6O0; exports Greats Britain ; coastwise 150; continent 3,227. Boston Qalet: mlddtlns 12s: low middnna llc; gooa ordinary: 10e; net receipts 670; fobs 1,523; sales : stock 10,827; exports to reat Britain ; to France . Weekly net receipts 8.779: erciss 6.450: sales -r-ri exports to Great Britain 4,467. Wilmington Firm ; rniddllnjj lllAc: low mid- Una 11 116c; good ordinary 10 8 16c: recelDts 234; gross sales ; stock 5.065; exports coastwise j to Great Britain ; to continent . "Weekly net receipts 1 428: sross : exnorts coastwise 463; to Great Britain 2 825; to con tinent . Philadelphia Firm; middling 12U)C; low middling 1 Hfco; good ordinary lOVfcc; net receipt , gross B2j sales - ; spinners : utoek ; exports Great Britain ; to continent The leadlnr scientists of To-day agree that m8t diseases are caused by disordered Kidney and Iiver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Livers are Kept in perfect order, perfect health will be thetre- suit This truth has only been known a short tfnu and for years people s une red great agony wi nout being able to find relief. The discovery of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value. It con tains Just the elements necessary to nourish and Invigorate Nth of these great organs, and safely restore ana Keep mem ra oraer. it is a ruom v s BKMKDY for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of tne body for Torpid Liver MeadacDea J aunaice tnzzines s uravei ever, Ague Malarial Kev'er. and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. it u an excellent ana saie remeay ior iemaies during Pregnancy. It will control MenBtruaUpn and la Invaluable for Leuiwrrnaja or falling of the Womb. As a Hood Purifier It Is uneoualled. r It cans the organs that haxb the blood. This Kemedy. wnicn has done such wonders, is put up in tbe LaBGKST 8IZKD BOT1 LK of any medicine upon the market, and Is told I . druggists and all dealers at 81.25 per bottle. For Diabetes, enquire for WAKNKB'3 BaFX DUBJtTJS CUBE. It ia a POSrriVK Bern edy. H. H. WARN KB CO.. Jan28 : Bocbester, N. x. A Georgia Railroad Decision. . Atlanta, March 10. The Attorney General's decision as to the validity of the Western & Atlantic lease bonds is based on the fact that the Railroad companies signing had no right to en dorse under their charters except by the unanimous consent of the stock holders. President Wadley, of the Cen tral Railroad holds that his road is not bound by the signatures, and protests have been made by stockholders of each road. The shares in the lease are held by various parties and the total amount of value one million dollars. About $600,000 of income bonds based on earn ings of tne lease are yet outstanding The lessees will contest the Attorney General's decision in the courts. Weather. Middle States slightly colder; fair weather, higher barometer and north west winds. South Atlantic winds shifting to to northerly with rising, barometer, slight fall in temperature and fair weather. Gulf northeast to southeast winds and partly cloudy weather, local rains on the coast, ruing followed by falling barometer, and slight changes in tern perature. , answer to the objection to sav that in formation was needed to enable t!orw gress to deal with tbe District of Co lumbia and the Territories, and to reg mate tne revenue. Maxey corroborated and elaborated the view. expressed by Sherman. The number of the commission was fixed at 7 in order that diverse senti ments on the temperance issue might be sufficiently represented, and the time; within which the commission shall re- Dort was fixed at 18 months. ; After some further' disctfssi&ri; the bill was passed, ayes 34 noes 14. The following is the vote, yeas : Ald-j rich, Allison, Blair, Coke, Conger. Da vis, (of 111.) ' Dawes, - Edrriunds, Ferry : Frye, Garland, George, Groome, Hale, Harrison. Hawley, Hill, (of Colorado) Hoar, Xapham, McDill, McMillan, Ma hone. Maxey, Miner, (or California) Mitchell, Morrill, Piatt, Plumb, Rollins, Sawyer, Sewell, Sherman, Teller and Walker 34; nays: Bayard, Beck; Hampton, Harris, Jonas, Jones, Mor gan, Pendleton, Pugh, Ransom, Slater, Vance; Van Wyck and Vest 14. Kellogg, Jones, (of Nevada) Windom, Cameron, (of "Wisconsin) and Teller, in favor of the bill, were paired with Far ley. Williams, Davis, (of West Virgin ia) against. Brown was paired with Sanders. The bill provides for the appoint-1 ment oy tne jfresiaent ana tne confir mation by the Senate of a commission nr BPVfin nersons not more man ronr on whom shall be of the same political Ma&SH 10,1882. PRODUCT. Wnjaserojr. N. C Spirits turpentine auiet at 49a Rosin quiet; strained S1.87Vh; good strained SI .92' Tar steady, at $t. KO. Crude turpentine steady, at 82 25 for hard; 83 50 for yellow dip; 82-80 for vlndn (inferior). Com steady; prime white 83tf84, mixed t . .. Balttkom Noon Flour steady and In fair de mand: Howard street and Western suner S4 80- 84.50; extra S4.75SS5.85; family $8.0087.00; Citr MlllssuDer 88. 50S4.50: extra 88.75384.75: mo brands 86.75; Patapaoo family 87.75. Wheat souinem scares ana nrm; western nigner; Soutbem red 81-800)81.83: amber 81.88S81.42; No. 1 Maryland ; NO. 2 Western winter red spot, $1.81iA313Ui. Corn-Southern higher; Western higher; Southern white 81; Southern yel low 70. Bautixobs Nteht OaU higher: Southern 52Q- 56; Weatsrn white 64ffi 56; mixed 5a 54; Penn- syirania oatroo. rroTisions quiet; mess porK 817.50QiS18.00. Bulk meats-shoulders and clear rlb-sldes, packed 7Ui0. Bacon -shoulders 81A ; clear rib sides 10; hams 124iaiaii. Lard- refined 11SA. Coffee strong; Bio eargoes ordln art to fair 9310. Suimr very firm; A soft Mh, Whiskey firm, at 81.17S81.18. Freights dull. CiHonraATi Flour. finner:famllTSi.eoas5!80: fancy S6.35SS7.00. Wheat-stronger; No. 2 red winter 8 1.27 S1.28. Corn active and firm and higher; No. 2 mixed, 64ti. Oatt -stronger: No. a miiea, 40i&o47. roin nrmer, at $17i5U. iATQ demand acure. at 810. 25. Bulk meats- quiet and firm; shoulders Stt.25S6.50j ribs Sd.05S9.85. Bacon-stronger; shoulders S7-62; ciear nossiu zo; ciear810.75. wnisKey-steaoy, atSl-16; combination sales of finished goods 540 barrels on a basis of 81. 16.- Sugar firm and un changed. Ho8 firm: common- and light 85.25- SS5. HO: packing and butchers S8.25S7.00. Re ceipts -; shipments . Chicago. Flonr rtnii' vrhemteMvei. firm and higher: No. 2 Chicago spring 81.28Vk81.29 for casn; vi.vv ior marcn; 8i.0UO9l,ot4l io Apni. Corn-moderately active and higher; Regular 59; mil soge oiyg ior cash; bVVb tor Marcn; om ior Weekly net receipts 294; gross 1,546; sales : SDinners -: eoastwlse : continent : to Great Britain 2,000; stock 14,111. Savannah Firm : middling lltfec: tow mid dling lie; good ordinary lOVio; net receipts 1.310: gross ; sales z.ioo; stock rJ2,l4; exports coastwise ' to Oreat Britain . ; to France 1 to continent -. Weekly net receipts 8,603: gross 8,752 ; sales 10.400;. exporta to Great Britain 4,587; France ; coastwise 1,275: continent 2,481. Nsrw OBLXAHS-Flrm: mlddllns 113ic: low midahns 1 ltec: eood ordinary lOakc: net recelDts 2,180; gross 2,980: sales 6,000; stock 814.718; exports to ureal Britain ; to France ; eoastwlse ; to continent ; to chan nel . Weekly net receipts 14.027; gross 18.646: sales 8.850; exports Great Britain 40,097; chan nel 2.280: coastwise 4,182: France 6,931; conti nent 4,250. Mobilx Firm ; middling llc; tow middlini tl!Ac; good ordinary lOl&c; net receipts 402; gross ; sales 700; stock 81,149; exports eoAst : France ; to Great Britain to continent . Weekly net receipts 3,830; gross 8,832; sales is.Hou; exports to ureat Britain ; coastwise 8,804; .Trance - ; continent , . - MxxFHiB-Hardenlng;mMdUngll;lowm1d anng l ic; gooa oramary mjiac; net reoetois 1W; gross 241;, .shipments 1,765; sales 1,400; stock .Weekly net receipts 2,424; gross 2,731; 'ship ments saies w,32o. , Aubdsta Firm; middling ll.c, low mM dltng 1014c; eood -ordinRry lOc; -recetrt 245; anipments saies 8o. Weekly net rec'ts 1.562; shipm't 2,223; sales z.ywo, spinners ; sioc CHABLBsroii--firrn; middling lllic; low mid tlna 11W5; good ordinary 11c; net rueolot 2 423; gross ; sales 1,000; stock 46.790 Lpni-M coastwise ; to Great Britain to comment to Franoe ; to channel Weekly net receipts 6,426; gross ; sales 8,800; coastwise 8 429; continent . ; Great Britain 6.804; to France :. Nsw York Firm; sales 1,428: middling up lands 11 15-16; middling Orleans 12 8-16 consoli dated net receipts r exports 1 o Great Britain : to France : to continent : to channel Weekly net rec'ts 3.024; gross 17.128; exp'ts to Great Britain 8,397; France 5U9; continent 1,683; sales 0,684; stock 388.670. Montgomery Firm, in good demand; middling llic; low middling lC&cjeood ordinary 9tyc; re ceipts 645; shipments 887; stock, present year, 10,452; stock, last yar, 9,140 ; sales 887. Macoh Firm; middling lOTfcc; low middling lOtfec; good ordinary 934c; receipts 212; sales 1,188; stock, present year, 7,964; stock, last year, 6,662; shipments 1,262. CoLDMBta Quiet; middling 10i4c; low middling 10c; good ordinary 9c; receipts 525; ship ments 2,819: sales 842; spinners ; stock 13,055; ex. Great Britain ; coastwise . Nashttllr Steady; middling lUfec; low mid 10c; good middling 9Hc; net receipts 67rt shipments 1,276; sales 1,579; spinners 578; ock, present year, 10,605; stock, last year, 16,119. Pobt Rotal, S. C Weekly net receipts 622; stock 4,s81; exports to Great Britain ; coast wise 20. Bales . Providence, R. I. Weekly net receipts 890; stock 6,000; sales 800. Sklma, Ala. Dull ; middling 11c Weekly reseipts 265; shipments 627; stock, present year, 6,481: . Bom, Ga. Steady; middling 1114c: low mid dling 10cf good ordinary 10c Weekly receipts 880; shipments 1,053; stock 5,958. New OKLkAira.-H. C. Parker, secretary, yester day made bis report to the National Cotton Xx ebange. showing; the mofement for tM month of February: Port receipts 4.004,412 bales; last year 4.682 213; decrease 577,801 bales Over land to the mills direct 355,013; lastyear 874.626; decrease 19k613 Shipped to Canada over and 22,918; last year 17,626. Overland to the mlUs during February 19,536; lat year 40.159; de crease 20,623. Northern mills taklmre for Febru ary 65.229 bales; last year 187,918; decrease 122,689 bales. OOXPAEATITX OOTTOM 8TATSMKNT. Si6.6081B65 for cash: S16.55S16.57 and mner, at 81 Senate Confirmations. ; . . Washington, March 10. Thefeate; td-day confirmed f the tollowinj? nomi-i nations: Knf us Ingalls, to be Qnarter- mii8ir uenerai ; waiter t. Jonnson, Dartv. nor be advocates Of prohibitron. lAPril 0ts moderately acdve and higher, at to hold .office not eneJE, jffMtfi SKWSfS liquor traffic, its relation to revenue and! taxation ana its general economic, criminal, moral and scientific status in connection with pauperism, crime, . so cial vice, public neaitn ana general welfare and aa to the practical results of license; and prohibitory legislation. The commissioners are to serveiwitn- out salarr. and- to report withjtrris months .after the passage lot .tne ;act. An appropriation of $10,000 is made foi; tneir expenses. v A pro tracts struggle to? precedence of consideration for nehdincr measures. . ... ? . . . - . . - 1 omuD, in. . wuiuu. merits 01 lub TMnmm .r.u .tiff CornrnJssin blUJabanesfl indejnk-1 tod'pttce without .marked change; 816.55 for March; for An, 11. I rd active, firm 0.87JA fox cash; S10-B7U for ADiUi Bulk meats fairtr active and a snade higher; shoulders $8.25; short rib ,89. 85: short A'h.U8ooaiMli;feiir.: sletidVjn fairly active: common to fair extr 85.1O086U5U; good to choice. xtra 4t8.70S8 00. Wheat unsettled, and ODenlna iaitt hiirhAr. but subseauently be came weak and lost most of the advance, then re- . ocvea atraui, ana croslngwtrong at 1 dpi 340 over i last evening's comet ratesigifided red Sl-05-1,88: Nr i white Sl.81S1.82; new and old, Pril S1.83iaai HiKTAlXSined hfehef and filositaa vert nrm- anruu na AOMhi Nou 5. Marh J0fl.7flWll RiL iWbQftVk,. OiUs-lo.wer.aad less active; sua. , h, ou. Hnns-unchanged m prices aoa anaamet, o,i)nasr. nity fund and presidential count ; -HBSftiMjaH f jwewbei Bominai; measures-weirft'tietanetl' fciaenfeth and i Ofifinnifirl thfk rAmainrifir nf th Awr I Tlard A 8a 'v r ATchaue vby . Beck that.the;protee- "liiJ'rm heWafid demand j tlonistcl were l aeeklnflr xodfelaT adtioii I nnl1.fyM. nfAn.f1 1Z-A A-. I rtn tV, f o Tof fho Tr,n o 1 a I rtn U T..i, Steau7,a OliVJ. WOOI-, trict of Georcia-,.. . owned by ; them , had inade avowals ta rrS5S?Li80.r. Potfc-4eid a, shadet hurher sSd r- ' 1 . - .1 . w. . s .1 - s k . ; anus in if irrinn m. .x - jr-r Meeting ofOUkak sbinners. M irrSVS 'lUAatta-M: jkli:uau.-a.k yesterday a i-jn i uiwiv,,mituio .truuiuoo : w- 1 ketdnii . tK. :irn.A. d2JLl ' I JiUk ,Atl,anMaaittarifll niUhf vomoin. I .T coaler. elation it wa3 stated that it -was likely that the short time movement In East guments Lancashire- wouia De aDanaoneQ4-ana repeal of the India Impdrt dhtTes will have an influence on production.., , .-. - f bpinallv th tariff bill .wasstaketttun r1 and tnformany iaia asiae s.-unniiisnea business for Monday." " ' : j M..-.i dllns ITuZr Jrf mwQuptTri0 lew. jnld-; SiiSw 1 1 WO:. snaH ,ordinWJ flit-. m LIt. 1 . IIP!. X 1 " I UTS LOUKSia. I COlTUnOsT AU.1 1 Kin. n, wan team nan, W. T. BLACKWELL & CO. Durham, NC. HianfMtnran of Ui Origlnl azl Oay Bcnulns TOBACCO Our claim for merit fa based! 7V7u vuo law tuai a Rhemical I analysis proves that the totiacco grown in our section i better aclaptccl to make a GOOD JTUE, satisfactory smoke frhan ANY OTHER tobacco siovn in the world: aud being situated in the HEART f this fine tobacco oco-nou, v x'j nave fie PICK of the wfTerings. Th,c jinblic ap preciate this; hence our sales ySXCEED the products of ALLi the leading manufactories com bined. BSFNone gaiuine unless it bears Cm trade-mark of the I?ul, Mar 22 ly l8Ut etr3 S76.fl32.910 4.301.214 to 10 points. At the third call March brought 11.8H; Apru ia.07; nay 12.2&; June 12.44; July 12.60 and 12,69; August 12 74; October 11-77; November 11.58. Futures doped strone. and 1 1 to 13 points higher for the leading months than yesieraay. FINANCIAL ... KkwY0:ul. Exchange, .......I Oovernmehts--unchanged. New 5's, . ...-..:.....-......;;..., Four and a half per oQntSu.. .,, Four per ceqts,.... staebonds-rill and lrregulaj. . Sub-treasury balances Gold,. " ", Currency, Stocks.'-11 A. JL -The stock market opened strong at per cent higher thah yesterday's closing prices, the Richmond Sc. DawviUe, ttae Nashvilloat Chettarioo,' the Terre Haute pre ferred, the Cast fennessee and the BleJimondSt AlleghCHy bel g- prominent Id trie advance. ln early dealings the general market advanced t 3 per cent, tbe Louisville & Nashville, the Memphis & Charleston and the New Jersey Central being most conspicuous to the upward movement. Fol lowing this- was a reaction of 442.1A per cent, the Louisville-fc Nashville and the NaehvMe & Chatta nooga leading the decline. M 1 1 .o'clock, there was a fractional recovery In the general list and an advance of 1 &er cent In the Missouri Pa cific ; . :-r " : - Stocks Irregular aii closing weak: Alabama Cla Av-2 te S Alabama Glass A, small Alabama Class 8, 5's Alabama- Glass C. 4's.-. Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Brie Kast Tennessee...: Georgia,. . ... Illinois Central Lake Shore . ;, -. v. Louisville and Niwhvllle , , . . Memphis and Charleston,,,, Nashville and CUattanooa. New York Central Pittsburg..'... : Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville Rock Island n ,.. Wabash, St'Locis Prtflc.. ........ . Wabash, St Louis & Pacific preferred Western Union. 4 ' jura 1 r I iT J mm'BBmvntHsvaf ss j IS curhfssiil k fe"Q II V M lit Z Net receipts at all United States ports 58,588 ,.17,755 4,080.49 '4,753,957 101.476 0,056 2,431,232 8,054.678 985,51 904,571 156,662 1K3.884 784,000 728,000 216,000 836,000 punng wejK.,.v.,,.....i F".ji-- Same wek last year Total receipts to this date Same date last year Exports for the week................. Same week last year... Total exports to this date. . . . Same dale last year Stock at all United States ports....... Same turn last year Stock at all interior towns. Same time last year .. Stock at Liverpool Same time last year Stock of American afloat for Great Britain... Same time last year LnnKFOOL Noon Good demand freely met at previous prices; middling uplands 6d; middling Orleans 6 18-t6d; sales 15,000; 1 speculation and exports 2,000; receipts 19 400: American 13,100. Uplands low middling clause: March delivery 6 19-82d; March and April 6 19-82d6 87-64drH-619-32d. AprtlandMsy843-64d; May and June 6 23-32drt 47-64d; June and July 6 25-32d-6 51-64d; July and August 6 55-64d; August and September 6 29 82dffiB 59-64d; September and October ; ' Futures steady. v trvBhPOOi.-5 P. K Sales of American cotton 11,900 bales. Uplands low mlddl'g clause: March delivery ; March and April ; April and May ; May and June 6 47-64d; June and July 6 51-(54d; July and August 6 55 64t: August and September . : Futures closed dull and easier. ... 9 . 91.000 61,000 8.600 2,600 6,300 io;ooo 64.000 734.000 585,000 431.000 ?1 6.00 Sales for the week American Speculation. .... . Export Actual exporta. Forwarded from ships' sides. . .. . ImDorts j.. Amerieari. . Stock.':;:.; .4 4XMpaQ..vv, AJnerteap. .. , rprooi coti.cculab.. .ThU'week'ftclroular.of: the Liverpool Cotton Brokers'. .Association,-says: "Cotton has been in extensive demand, with a hardening tendency. Amerieatrwas 1W Increased' demand! mM tmnk. ary to good .middilngls idaBdmlddrlmr fair t lBd jiuiuer, oo;ittui was u somewnai improved i xcviucdl. nut il whs neeiT met. 11 mnna mxii inn. te Futures hardened and are generally 1-I6d iniSl'jClt: The market forVantii n'nd.fuhrt 6f. . An sjayancB Is demanded, which ber ln&V L tpBk--Ket ;TBcerbti ; 6i gross ? f ,14CJl auire: closed ittoagi iaieg;i47J00O bales. 1 oJ Aprrl.c;. . .i.-n, .,wvJ.iai.v.-i'J. ia,10il 1 eeptenrbet.s., . . 4 , . . t 4 , 1 5.86 J ' in ui buw uciuu.u ana auvauca at 9 "'urn isflnti reiuaa. 8U4 81 99Vt . 1.2xA 1.38 35V6 11 1.67 1.84 1.1 55 1.30 134 21 1.29. 82 55 7T1 CITT COTTON MAEJP5T. OrnCI OP THB OBSEBVHsi, t CUAKtQTTK, Hareh 11, 1882. f The market yesterday closed steady at the fo! lowing quotations: Good Mlddllns.... it Strictly middling 1 1 ia Middling. IIV& ocnci iow mwaiing. , ji Lowmlddllna..... , ... 10 Tinges 9tt Btorraeooon eey KKCKIPT8 FOB THB WKKK ENDED FBJDAT, 10th. Saturday. ....... 200" bales Monday-:-..-...-.. 79 " Tuesday 152 " Wednesday 71 " Thursday.;.... , 2T9 ' Friday........:.......,,:, 177 " Total bales. '8.98 5 i V i IN THE GREAT COMEDY DRAMA, K I R Nearl y 1,500 Consecutive Represent- tioia Tbrbughout ibeXrnlted TBE XOIVGESTI.ltUN ON i " 1 i. I' J 't it eco no. THE GREATEST PLAT. . TaE.eREATE3T-8UCCKS3. ' 'f. BRILLIANT OVATI0N3. ' DAZZLrNO TRIUMPHS. THiWHQIfE COUNTRY ELECTBIFlEI). rrBTBaPAtBo TO THB,xxJ9Barr, SYPHILIS in any Stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA,. OLD SOBEVlM- PLE3, BOILS, or ANY SKIN DISEASE. S w J w o c a tr1 CURES WHEN" ALL QTR VA REMEDIES FAILU! If you doubt, come to see us. and we will CURK U. or charge nothing! !i Write jof particulars, and a copy ot the little book "Message to the Unfortunate 8ufferiog.'' Ask any prominent Druggist as to omi Standing. -$1000 REWARD will be paid to any wno mil noa on analysis oi ioo bottles ol s. 8. s. chemist Iodide of Potassium, or one particle of Mercury, SWlf T SPECIFIC CO.. Prota . Atlanta, Ott. (FXR BOTTLK.) Price of Small Size 81.00 Large 61ze, 1.75 dec31 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, liiiii BOW TO TUl . . ; " i f ; GENUINE SITIMOWS XiVeiI KECC- LiTOR, OR MEDICINE. Look fof idean neat WHITE 'WBAF"PEB with the red symbolic letter stamped upon it In the form of a ribbon gracefully curved into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade, Spatula. Mortar and (Graduate with the words A. f. SIM MONS' LIVER REGULATOR or MEDICINE there on, also observe tbe signature of J. H. Z EI LIN 4 CO., In redjnk qalbe bide. . ., , . , TAKE NO THEK, of Medical log known to sour. Beware of those wb know nothlp ComDounds who nut oi nostrums s and being an alt zed provv worthless and only made to fleece the public, and U- pirate on tbe well earn ed reputation of BeUtn. A Go's, medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you for a few penneys every way they can. See Who Endorses tbe Gen aloe. Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Rt Rev. Jno. W. Beckwlth, Bishop of Ga, Gen. Jno. B. Gordon, U. S. tenator, BL Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hon. Jno. GUI Sboi(er, J. Kdgar Thompson. Hon. B. H. HU1. Hon. J. C Breckinridge, Prof. David Willis, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. ' Lewis Wunder, Assistant P. M. Pnlla., Pa, and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. It Is eminently a Family Medeclne; and by be ing kept ready tot immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar In time and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, - " V ARTTr ACTCKED OHI T T 3. II. ZE1XIN 4c CO., PHILADELPHIA. Sold iby ail. Respectable Drogglsts.. . ren4 t: H A Zlfi t R IR .KE GOES HOilK TOjEEX HXABT CATHAKTIO .Jljl AJ ETI VF, Is a well known speol&e 4or CONSUMPTION, IX - f plOESTIOrT, and all disorders of the STOMACH, s J caii ;bj secured at the umial tiftcai L1VEB and KIDNEYS. BrveTeaLOp.- . ' ' .'.. I 5 NlNEf tEAB'o)ar iKe'4tesls.ts pari..-., ,n... ... ? . T.T.-l-J lafety and supe'rloTtttb all' ware rs ol thl i ','- JTnPxKr: .ri' A Sr 'H tJ 1 Tl Jtoid all ooasEe, Irritating waters, forels T. jAM reflblrMLy th Board of Aider men to sake X' settlatneut of Taipjdu lha dtr. for the Tear 1S8L at once. Dellnooanls are herebr notified that nnitss they call and wujJe at once their prop ertywtThbe adieitlsed TOtneglst-dRy-or-MereBY -nJy. -r t-8JI COlleeteilr-!- .tiiA n: tfWRTT m at m iA'i i Si FLORIDA- ORANGES 1 ' ; Pickled Trlpe,rpig9 Feet. Cd Fish: ik buw . - -aca nig cmior M t JO.-'fr.t mar3 ,y.fci"i t tTKj-; SB CONGRESS WATER. itfurlt, lelais. Avoid ail coose, Irritating waters, foreign ana domestic; yjr lrhpalf: the digestive organs and kldnaysaibereduciag irreparable nesuluv . ! re:':..; .i S marl 2meol : .-s.,!,!' ..?.'., v.; IMPOHTANT T0.G0t.? MINERS. , any other iuitwndelir devicea, easldwible thOTwone?.-' . Jfior' further rrtlcuiara,i aoress, at fta hmba waom .mvtnM In fbiltrarill& S.'ttpELLf "II maradWldt w r-crru i '

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