J SATUB P AY MARQUil' 82. , , 4? COCm DlRECTOaY. puxJkBxJiOD4B AirSTr li ti.1L--ttocnltt meeting every second and fourth Monday nights, i Xxcsxaroa Loom IfoJ 88i; & A. M. Beg alar meeting every lint and third Tuesday nightly autumn C4ab No. 89. &.X 1L fiegoiat meeting every second andfoar Friday pjgiu-., CTABLOTTBCoiotJurDAkT Ro. 2, K. T. Begus meeting every first and third Thursday, . K5I8HTS or HoKoa-Begula meettnc eren second andfoorhnrsdaya y t ,,j K.OFP. ! Khisbts of PTTHUABegular meeting nlghta Brat and tnlrd Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. atMa gonlc TemplaHaUi t.ii.Wt ; ... ' 'OL-tt ;,i;.; : CHAJKLrtm Lose Na 88.-Meet lever Vor 4ny night. HXOKtSltBtntA f0IliBATiOH LODSB Na St Meets every Tuesday night,, , . ... ; . ; . Dins' Lfltopk No. I08.r-Meets,erery Thorsday Bight. --. ',. - ?' ; . Catawba -Bim XNCUEPicnrr No. 21. Meets irst and third Thursday nights to each month. ; gsssai 1 " u . .i . . .. ," Index to New AdrertisemeHts ' Atlanta 4 Charlotte Alr-Llnp Schedule. J. P. Irwin and others- Notice to Trespassers. 8. M. HowcU Extra Sine bams. W. B Griffith-For Male. BUSINESS NOTICES. A CAKD. . To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weatt ess. early decay oss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, PKBB of CHARGE. Thi i great remedy was discovered by a missionary lr Joutb America, send a oelf-addressed envelope, fa? the Kit. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. Premsuure f Barter May be entirely prevented by the use of BUB NETT'S COCOAINB, No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which "' exactly, lulttbe various conditions of tLe uuman hair. It softens the hatr when harsh and dry. It soothes the Irritated scalp. It affords the riehes lustre. It prevents the halt from falling oft It promotes its beaUhy, v corona rovth. It is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It Mils Flavoring Kxtraeta are kown to be tka best A New Feature. The band will play at Brem A McDowell's Skat ing Riok Monday, and Friday evenings, at halt past seven o'clock, and Wednesday Bights at a Quarter past eight o'clock. Doors open at halt past seven o'clock. BXDTORB "ALU AITD IBOH 8PRIHSS WATXB AVD Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains lwloe as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. . Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half, mayll tf Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economlca than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In com petition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In eans. BOYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., nov23 New York. Le y Davidson. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. a CON ST A LY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL1 SILL CHEAP FOB CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AX FRONT. IfcbSl' i liUS K? A remei Stomach r with such a rspotauon as uoswuara ay peptic, rsuri toalady wfu.jeven&iaur yww w w; If you are feebleTlaek fiesh aiKneeTdespondent, It win both build and cheer you vp; if you areewv sUpated, it will relieve, and ttllortthfnllJ stlmolam sout. ir1MespV,PJ lew Furniture NT pmm$ . if If-,'; km , UOlIfi.CHIPLETS. : aAnatofcerof Jmnleri . . Uplift band 'troveal a decided kfc tractioa;t the jdakj a f ,s 1 1 tSConcord U pblng away for the want pf a skating rinlc. - : . - 1 tyTicketa for .-Hani K3rlcdvTiUbe P? 8418 Bom$Z usuaiplaces." f ISTBat one. case before the mayor yesterday morning a plain drank and down. . - . .''taThe telegraph office at Concord has been placed in charge of Hiss Mary Ormandj of Port Mills, a C. OTA trne bill was returned against the young man Swinsoh for forgery. The case has not yet ben set for trial. . Several law suits haye been oroaent about in this 'county by the disposal of mortgaged property. Bfcawssrsnft xney are Having sestn etic con certs in Baleigh. The costume for these occasions consists of a sun flower worn in the left band. , "Solicitor Montgomery wa 8 expect ed to return to the city last nig:ht in or der to dispose of the Emeline Springs murder case, which is set for a hearing to-day. . ESTMessrs. Willis Wilkins on and Robert Gray are filttinfc up a ti 1m lit tle boat which they propose to put on Phifer's pond and go sailing in during the hot months. ' CSTThe only cose disposed of I W the superior court yesterday was tnatof J.M. Jo. Reynolds vs. J. C. and Giwrge timatheraand Oscar Muller, in wl iich the plaintiff obtained a judgment E5T The State press speak very fat 'or ably of the Hazel Kirke company, cmd the prospects are that an unusually good play will be given at the opera house by them Monday night. drCoL Ham Jones, In his address to the jury yesterday in the case of Hall vs. Younts, struck, humorous vein and caused considerable disorder in the court room, in which, bis honor-, partici pated. EF"Capt.T. I Sejgle has returned from the Horth, and says he has pur chased the handsomest stock of goods that he has erer brought to Charlotte. This is saying a great deal, but the la dies will understand -what it means. WThe case of the State vs. J. H. Sutton for tlw mrirder of N. T. Gibson at Fort Mills, South Carolina, on the 9th of last November -will be tried at March term of York court, beginning on the 28th- EfTTJoDcord Sun: Mecklenburg Co. is moving for betUr public roads and it is proposed to issun bonds and raise money to jfive the county solid rock highways. When they begin work, Cabarrus will join hands -with them. t3T A castle of the Knights of the Golden Rule was instituted at Monroe Thursday night, with 24 charter mem bers, 9 of whom were ladies. Dr. T. A Crowell was elected commander, and Mr. W. J. Boylin, secretary. A castle will be organized in Salisbury in a few d,ays. ESFSeveral parties have suggested that possibly we used noughts too lav ishly in giving the pressure to the square inch which it is supposed the material will stand that is to be used for the water .works stand pipe. We said 40,000 pounds to the square inch and it must stand it, that's all. J< has been remarked by one un der whose observation frequent in stances of chicken stealing has come, that the greater part of this kind of thieving is done by servants and others who have had access to the premises that are invaded. An ounce of bird shot properly applied would no donbt have a good effect, as it seems impossi ble to capture the thieves. B-Mr. A. C. Wells, of Lisbon, N. H is in the city for a short visit, and is stopping with Mrs. Bickford, on Church street Mrs. Wells and her father, Rev. Mr. Shipman, who are in delicate health, came South last fall in search of u .favorable winter climate, and have, to gether with Mrs. J. G. Moore, another daughter of Mr. Shfpman's, spent the winter in Charlotte, and are very much pleased with our little city and its peo ple. Cafcarrus Cout, Judge Gudger, after the close of the Superior Court for this county, will go to Concord, where he will open Cabar rus court on Monday, 20th inst One capital case, that of the negro who burn ed Mr. Morris' gin house, will be tried. and the docket is said to be a pretty full one. Court will be in session one week in Cabarrus, after which his hon or will go to Albemarle and hold Stan ly court i IBM as in - Directors Elected. At the annual meeting of the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line railroad com pany, held in New York Wednesday, the 38,166 votes cast elected the follow ing directors : Hiram W. Sibley, Eugene Kelly, Richard Irving, Jr, W. H. Fogg. P. P. Dickenson, Skipwith Wilmer, B. A. Lancaster, B. R. Mc Alpine, James R. Cannisand Robert Stobo. The di rectors elected Hiram W. Sibley presi dent Improvements' to be Made. We understand thitt it is the intention. of the management to make some im- WvemenU in the skating hall in the Sandcrtf and Biackwooa puuaing, oj remoVinff about one-third of the up-: right ptshichYupport hp j-oof, thus idvmsucQmore clear- tdoni in the halL 'Itts deaiguea to ftrtange ie nau, bo that it can be used f or publie mee thafe has lone been needed in the tilTi as on several oooasions great uimcuugr has been met in an attempt to secure a suitable place orsuchmrposes as it is deslmed: to aupply in throwing this lr hall onen TO the PUDUC. jfor Wft purposes indicatea. it iavaeciaeaiy me purposejrweateu. -wJr T! best irt tMeitjaoa, ff . fe Is nnsurDassea.: -V i -Jt.-i .n.,. mm.. tiiirfaM as 40 sraa"" her handi ana iw.wiiiwwrr sa3i s.fttiadftedFlorlda tffcrht before last! Mesnrc. Ml , P. Pe- gnrifi ,and Wi W. Fegram left the- city- or d season vine, lonaa, in response c i m w- J) - ' - to,, a leiegram, so . ue.; rpnner snm-t monidf him; to the a beside: of -' his sick wife, wiio has ;jberVUxiv Jacksbn-i Tille ior a week or so, having gone there inthe hope7 of improving her hea th. Much anxiety wm felt yestey.amd $ the friends ;,and acquamtces,tf Ml . Pegram nntu a telegram was received, $3 the altethoon imonAciD was in no immediate danger: ' Another telegramre Ing stated that Mrs. Pegram wiui much better. - ; Iiibrarr Association. The exercises , at "the vmoeUng of the Library association last night con sisted of rnuaic conducted by Mrs. W: R. Jones, and a dialogue, -The Goddess ofLrberty," participated In by the, fol lowing 9yonng ladies: Misses Lola Wrlston, Cornelia White, Mamie Byer. ly, Carrie Carter, Lula FblSom, Maggie Creswell and Mollie Gray. Miss Lula Mobley, who was assigned a part UQ fortunately, was unwell: and her; part was read by Miss Betty White. All the ladiesgdid very well. Mr. A. L. Butt and wife were called for and responded by the rendition of a very beautiful du et which was highly enjoyed. A Step in the Right Direction. The city council of Atlanta, Ga, has voted an appropriation of $50,000 for the purchase of a site for a city park ror mat progressive and rapidly-growing city. This is a step in the right di rection. Baltimore Sun. . Now, if our county commissioners had power to act for the city, it is be lieved that all that would be necessary to secure an appropriation for a park for Charlotte would be to read the above extract in open meeting. as the board or aldermen are nego tiating for electric lights, and are. en deavoring to have a large' number of the streets of the city paved, it would be asking too much to expect them to buy a park for our city just now. It is little short of desecration to use the city cemetery as a plage of public re sort but this the only place the public can go to, unless they go to the country. With a park Charlotte would lead the State as an attractive city. Lost His Horse. Mr Clark Hall was in the city yester day xooking as bright as a new nickel. He has a suit in court in which he is making an effort to regain a horse which was seized from bim by a North Carolina firm, as he claims, after in ducing him to go into South Carolina, telling him that - he could make splendid trade by going to a certain place. He went and was followed by a representative of the firm, which held claims against him, and a transfer of the indebtedness was made to a citizen of South Carolina, who seized Clark's horse immediately after his arrival at the point to which he was directed by the firm. Instead of making a good trade he lost his horse, and it is said had to walk back home, a distance of some 15 miles. Clark has very strong suspi cions that a big job was put up to catch him, and has brought suit to recover the horse. The case was heard yester day but no decision had been rendered at the time of getting our court report. Found His Own Chickens. Night before last, just after the rain had ceased falling, Mr. C. M. Etheridge closed up his store and started for his home on the west end of Tryon street When near his place he met a man on the sidewalk without hat, coat or shoes, who dodged around Mr. Etheridge, as if to avoid a close meeting. Mr. Ethe ridge paid littlelattention to the matter until he reached his lot, when he heard a noise on the ground inside of the fence, which he supposed to be made by chickens. As it was rather dark at the time he walked upvto the place from where the noise came, and reaching down his hand came in contact with a guano bag with two chickens in it. He carried it into the house and on exam ination found they were his own chick ens', which were no doubt thrown there by the party he . met near his house. The darkness of the night prevented Mr. Etheridge from being able to tell Whether the party was a white man or mulatto, but he is of opinion that he was white. Tracks Were discovered in the yard the next morning, as was also a dirty sock, lost by the thief. . From Camden to Charlotte. The Camden, S. C, Journal has been urging upon the citizens of Kersnaw county the necessity of pushing the cqn struction of the proposed railroad from Camden to Chester, and In comment ing upon the relative advantages of Chester and Charlotte as terminal points, the Lancaster Heview of this week has the following:, - Ever since the project of building this road was agitated, it has been .a source of wonder to us that the citizens of Camden should favor a connection" by rail with cnesteqwnue iwouia De so much better and easier to build a road from Camden to Charlotte, thereby se curing a direct route to Northern; markets.' nature seema w uave ueaigu- ed this route for the construction of a railroad. The formation of the ground is such that very little labor would be necessary to transform it into a level road-bed au tne way 10 uuariOLws. x ue distance from Charlotte to Camden is eighty miles, and from Chester to Cam-T den Dy tne proposea ruubo a veiiwecu fifty and sixty miles if we have been correctlv informed. The Wateree di vides Camden from Chester and the ex perience of eurntue roaa proves tnac t.hft bnildinbr bf a bricfee across a river is no small obstacle to - the completion I 0f a raDroaa, in aoaicxon w wis, wie. probp ta W thu nacpaaitv of. cntting and am, it ra,mriAB tin ma aemrasM or tWtW hersell with I CBeater, this dmira wouia De grawaw-iuiijr as we ; by thr construction ox a raurosa qmm. dindentoCliartotv it would Deny Duuoangi.uouwwv- witbilcastei!, iSSS besides with wjLtUf rhaater and Rfl A WOUIU BtKUTO U1B BU- l if xrif'tnbre expenses man Bnoroajiu nave.-xo rnaAl iTAt th neoelfti el Uamaen' Don - www., --mr " a i ... - I ..7.1 (Mnirrhiivill aeron tne mtBYesaywi- i ; , -inrfrtn that tha road aHaciii MAcon Telegraph and Magsengagyynkfo kur On Monday last the " Free Love1 League of Ne wEhgland held its' aturaal session in the citr of Boston-' - RmuIb. tians were adopted to the effect ' that solution or the poly ra- ujb juurarai uoerty - lTb. ocd vi iih a annMi fof her f berjhonld ;Je :Jed, jkUB camera? tnax nanging GUileau would Dean inexcusable gibbeting of the nation's honorand the hanging of one roKuo uy cowaruiy majoriiy i or rogues; ana una polygamy s prac ticed by the Mormons, should ha in. dowed-'J v7J . . i- a There is this to be said of ' the--rJfew England free lovers f theyspeak'in no uncertain language, and do? not attempt to conceal their real opinions by Cover ing them up with, a multiplicity, of Words. . And the labors of the free lov ers have not been in vain in Massachu setts, a State, which has always .been ready to look ' into . the : morals of th a rest ine woria. . M m. ,. a m ! riT.' " An industriotts statiticiaij has been engaged in comparing the sexual crimes reported in cultured Massachusetts for the four years of 1866-69 and 1876-79. The exhibit is anything but compli mentary to the morality of the Bay State. . Among the tables presented is me roiiowing: 1866 9 1&7A-B Crimes against chastity " to Mass..... Hi. :.... 683 1,537 Illegitimate births... . 2,626 2,766 Divorces .. . r. 1,352 2,255 Marriages, i .:. .... ... 67,651 1 5202 The total population in 1870 was 1, 45700, and was but 1,783,012 ten yeart later. It is observed that the crimes, illegitimate births and divorces increas ed much more rapidly than .did the population of the State during the de cade, while the number of : marriages grew alarmingly less. Claim ing to be a SSs-""- King: Corn. The Indianapolis Sentiuel publishes statistics to show that com and not cot ton is kinsr . . In 1879 there were produced in the country 17,901,790 bushels of corn valued at & L,mzn ; 448,756 J530 bush els of wlfeat, rained at $497)30,142; ane 2674000 p -unds of cotton, valued at $242,140,987. ; The Sentinei uiyg any other year in the decade w ou dshow the same result corn would it U head the list The increased production of corn, from 1870 to 1830. ind cates its great value. The KrpdufUon f for 1870 was 760,944,519 Ushsk. wh le in 1880 it amounted to 1,754,86;, j35 inskcls, a gain in ten years of 993,91', 16 bushels more than 100 per cent ( Cth 'product of 1881 There was expo? ed 1,648,147 bushels, valued at $5l,97i,369, while the exports of wheal rented to $167,698,485, and theexpotts f sotton to , $247,665,746. irarms tne year 1881 about 250,000,000 millions bushels of corn were consum ed in the manufacture of whisky; upon wmcn tne gorernment collected over sixty-seven million dollars revenue, and since 18631, corn; in the way of spir its, has given the government revenue to the amount of more than eight hun dred million dollars. A Powerfbd Pension Firm. Washington Cor. of Baltimore Sun. Some of the letters received at the city post-office for delivery here repre sent a stupidity which would seem to be impossible to any person sensible enough to write or post a letter. A marked illustration has oceured within the past ten . days. Some five or six weeks ago a New York periodical cari catured Mr. Voorhees as champion of pension attorneys in a cartoon, in which one corner showed the United States treasury as an immense safe, upon which was put a fac simile of the en graved letter-head of a leading pension firm, with some exaggerated advertise ment of the skill of the firm in procur ing pensions and charging fees. This was signed "Lyons, Share & Co., Pen sion Attorneys, Washington, D. C." The cartoon was evidently taken by some as an advertisement, and within the past two weeks fifteen or twenty letters nave oeen received at tne post office here directed "Lyons, Share & Co., Pension Attorneys." If any of these letters contain fees the owners will get their money back through the aeaa-ietter office. Educated Women BeOned and educated women will sometimes sutler in silence for rears from Mdner diseases, or constipation and, piles, which could easily be cured by a package of Kidney- wort. There is hardly a woman to be lound thai does not at some Ume suffer from some of the diseases for which this great remedy is a specific. It is put np in liquid and dry forms, equally efficient -Spring Held Union. EXTRA FINE HAMS, FRESH E0O9, OAT UZlL, i - Canned Corn, Fresh Mackerel, Salmon AND coBirtsi BUT, . Also Loose Pickles and Chow Chew, at m&rll ; ' , 8. M. HOWELL'S. ' Notice to tapers. : TBE undersigned again warn all concerned X against flsSlng,. hunting, grazing stock, or otherwise trespasMrig or Intruding on their lands In and near Charlotte. : : Two ot these offenders has- been lately eanght and seterelt ponlahed by the courts, and we now; hopethtt notice will ba heeded, J.P.WTNr ; , D. P, HUTCHISON, B,3ifiBTNOBB, F. . McNINCH, H N. HDTCaiSON, J. K. MILLEB. V. C. BABBINGEB. narll dlt wit fob sale. :. y A Desirable. Besldenca on B Street, be tween 6th and 6tb streets, 4s offered for sale. It eontama seven roonnd has six fireplaces. House and premises in good re pair, possession giTen earrr m aptu. Terms ia ToraDle. App7 ty ' : W. B. GBITF1TH, marll ltn eod At Brown AWeddmgten'a. SALESMEN VANTED. GOOD reliable men to set as Salesmen for the sale ot my NEW GRAPES., and many other NSW 8PECIAXTlXa together with sv full Use of NnrserV Btoclc. Previous experience not essential Live, active men earn good wages Salary and ex penses paVcL . For terms address,; gMng fall name, age, prerleus eccupatlon and references, j", r. . GEO. A. stoneT ' .'. . Continental Nurseries, Bochester, N. x. mar9 zt eoa ,; -;;:. iKfi " hi.i. TO BW . TfeAVE receive X afuli eS ever mMtimfMm 1414 1 1 r s sirfHW if w at ; -mfrrg. 1 .9ifi!mmimmmti i NmMniMHHiilwii.iu rw i-ran will W ton man r4Ubl farjUtit nft r, It n r tar I fiuim.Tr, 111 vein mo ony peneeii , y ooesuon lies in of tfte sexes r that 1 just received FlfU or the anestKentucky Stored o tws nnrkec ' They wui a 18 hands hlffh. and win be ' 1 1 ' If risBrwir Hi ST, 1882. GREAT -OF WILL BEGIN TO-DAY. OVntCOATS ..FOB WINTER WIAB. OTXBOOATS. .FOK 8PRIN9 WEAR, A . Ii it L a a t Is m mm MMMM S aSSg rrrr IMS M M M M Has AV LULL LLLL .1 -B E S O L D.v- A SPECIAL SALE ! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never carry over from Season to Season any Garments that can be spld at the proper . Ume, If a reasonable sacrifice can ecompUsh the sale. IT HAS BEEN A MILD SEASON THUS FAB, AND WE HAVE A Large Stock On hand. If we've erred In judgment as to quan tity or styles, NOW IS THE TIME TO PSI0E MAKES DIFPEBfftOES. The Lower the Pricethe Quicker the Sale. "or three rears our policy has been to close each season's purchase the season bonght, enabling us to. open JBESH KEW 8TOCK3 Our Customers expect W; the reputation of ewHeose demands B If you hare not bought tt will be worth your while to look, for the prices WILL ASTONISH TOU. . OUB S27. S28. S3t and SS2 SILK SLEEVE LINED OVSBOOATS will be sold without reserve at &2Q. OUB $22, $24 and $25OVEBCOATSat$17.50. OTJB 118 anr.t20 OVEBCOATS at 816. This last includes all of our FINE BEVSBSIBUi TJLBTEBSandTJLSTEBETTEa We have some 25 BIVJEB3IBLK OVBBCOaTS In handsome patterns, marked 814, $16 and $i?,60, whleb will be sold at 810. ' OTJB f 10 and 812 OVEBCOATS will be sold uni formly at 87.50. A lot of some 200 OVEBCOATS, embracing the remnants of all lots ranging in price froa eV r $i$9!fSt 0tPOI) 0009 $1 8Sj9B 00 88 80 00 ft S8 MS M I Jt ae etet so It s? eo rsss .se WILL BE SACBIEICBDiAT THE ; .;;-' J.Uf-i'1 : . ! Ti, The vsBtealeiit price fos all only, Sg. This lot la an 2nlii ; Mf MM .-gSSg EES. MMMM mm ?9 : IT Hit, KXE n KIT ; BARGAIN! t-r We Shan mate a this sale the LOWEST prises we hart EVES PfXerMJ(n4 when we i this we MXXXM LOWE33:,Bja-a,EVEB CTlien frwaa 'gjip; axesollcUed, tat tteaamearamtages XOW loea wffl be ctm mm Rectify Mis ales AT COST ! AT COST. HATINQ JUST I TlHD 1 HAVE CP EE J CE STOGB ON HAND, AND IN OBDXB TO XDTJCX IX I WTLX. OXTXB UNTIL TOBTHKB NOTICX, ALL GOODS UNEESERVEDLY AT COST. 8. OCSE', m(L6 . Otrieete dec30 1m DIARY FREE SSJ A est table, calendar, etc. Sent to any address on receipt of two Tbbxx-cssj stamps. Address CHAKLKd K HIRKa 48 N. Delaware Ave. Ptalla. $1000 REWARD! for any case of Blind Bleeding, Itching, Ulcerated, or protruding PILSa that DeBINQ P1LK REMEDY fails to enm. Prensmd h J. P. MILLER, M. D ,915 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nona genuine without his signature. Send for circular. Sold bj druggists ana country stores. Si. cheapest, indupensabU to every aoanntitled "the Sownceof Life finert French muslin, n booed, full sfltJOO ppxontains beautiful ; bound in tMna, pnoe obIv Cl.at sent by mtu . Illustrated t&mple, 6 cent : THE BEST CALICO. WJf. SIMPSON & SONS' MOURNING, SECOND MOURNING S01ID BUCKS, tsfone FANCY DRESS PRINTS The EDDYSTONE PRINT WORKS is one of the largest and most complete estab lishments in the country. THE EXPERIENCE OF HALF A centtjrV has enabled them to attain such perfection that they can with confidence ask you to test the quality of their work. They Carefully avoid all poisonous drugs, make only fast col ors,which are thoroughly washed in hot water and soap, thereby removing anything which would stain underclothing. Those who buy and wear their prints will, they feel confident, find thein superior in dur ability, artistic style and finish. Be sure and ask for their goods, and see that their marks and tickets are on therm feb21 dw4 r We Have added to our Stock a Supply of GUANO. Editable and Chesapeake. ALSO QrENUINE Kaioitt or German Potash Salts. CALL AND SEE US. College Street mar7 m o wmm --I HAVE JUST RECEIVED- A LOT 0F- s Wrapping Paper AND BOTEI ATL.AWTA AItl PHILADEt- PUIA SIZE. J' ICS) One C$m tMoraell He, Eddy km fa M IT i ii Paper Bags. jtjBjsjg AT COST. TAKXN XSTIBSLT LANGE'S PLUGS, . Snbwtltnte tor Toaacco, R. H. JORDAN & CO. MONUMENTAL CUBED CIGAIIETTE3. R. H. JORDAN & CO. FINEST IMPORTED BRANDIES and WINKS,- For medicinal TJe. R.H. JORDAN & CO; BERTRANDS OLIVE OIL for Table Uo. R. H. JORDAN & CO. BAKER'S Chocolate, Gelatine, Xppfc's Cocoa4. Just Received. R. H. JORDAN & CO, -AT- WILDER'S YOU WILL FIND A FULL STCiCK OF Fresh Progs, Toilet Articles -AKD- )ruggists' Sundries. Also, a freshsupply of TOURS TRULY, H. M. Wilder, Ag't, (Wilson A Black's old stand.) Corner Trade and College Streets, Charlotte, N. CI feblS New Books of Great Value AND Sold Only by Subscription. THE Plctoral History of the World, by James D. McCabe: being a full and autbenlc account of every Nation of botn ancient and modern times. a large book equal to 2.000 octavo pages and o72 engravings, v rice so.ou and $0.00. Plctoral Blbie commentator, by Ingram Cobbln. It contains the Lite ef Christ, i t Btratton. 450 en gravings, 8 large maus of the Holy Land, showing tne loot punts 01 cnnst ana his Apostles, l.oito pases and sells tor S8 75 ani 85.00. The agent nas sold more than 500 copies or them. uoiden Tnougnts on Motner. uome and Heaven. This is the contributions or from 800 to 400 of the best talent (as authors) from both sides of the Atlantic a very choice work. By Cuyler, D. D. Price $2 75, $3.50 and 85 00 Precept and Examp e or the Book of Wisdom, by Barber, n-ice $2 75 and S3. 7 5. Lite of Garfield. Dy James i. McCabe. This is the largest and be&t edition yet in print Price $2.50 and S3 00. The Picterai rjew Testament, ooin or tne tie vised of 16 1 1 and ot 1881, with very coarse print and fully Illustrated, having 54 full page engrav ings and maps, with notes by the Abbo'.ts; 975 octavo pages wiin tne oiourapnies oi unnst, nis Apostles and all the prominent men und women mentloLed In the book. It. gives a complete his tory of both versions, and many, very many, helps for both teacher and student, so that it is a com plete treasury of religious knowledge and a sure guide to peace on earth and life in Heaven. It is the cheapest book ever made by man, and sold for the same price. Price and $3.00. jsast Dy wsy oi tne wen or voyage Arouna tne World, by Bishop Marvin. Price $2.00. The agent. A. D. Chllds, has a room and board at i. S. Kelts' bouse, on College street, opposite Ahrens' saw mill, and keeps for sale some' small boolcs tw follows The Better, Lund or the Christian Emigrants Guide from Earth toHeaven, showing the naked ness of the land of spiritual Egypt, the pleasant Journey through the wilderness and the glorious Inheritance of settien in the Celestial Canaan, by Jeremiah Dod worth. Price $1.25. Tne Anxious Enquirer for SalvatiOD, by Inge! James. Price 75 cents. Daily Communion with God. by Matthew Henry, Price 50 cents. Heaven Anticipated, by McLeod Price 50 cents. It, is, L or the Voice of Jesus in the Storm, by Newman HalL Price 40 cents. Henry on Meekness. Prips 50 cents. Life in Heaven. Price $1.60. Meet for Heaven. Price $1.50. Heaven our Home. Price $150 Oar Father's House, or the Unwritten Word. Price $3.75. . Night scenes m tne BiDie. irnce o. Home Life mtue Bible. Price $3 75. From Dawn Till Bay. Price $3 75. irinm nf th H0DK6 of David or Three Tears in the holy Land in the Ume of Christ, or 25 letters from Adlna in Jerusalem to her father in Egypt, to convince him teat lunsi is were, mce The agent is more anxious to get Abbott's Tes tamentfor all m town than any other book, ana has sent for a copy of each style of binding whlcrs ore Landreths Garden Seeds he would like the privilege oi snowing w erer lamlly in the elty. . Also lOitmebooks, written by AnnaEhlptony titles as follows;- . ' Tell Jesus. Price 50 cents. Waiting Howrs. PrieeWeenss. -. The Promise and the Prom tsers. Prwe 50 cents The Secret of the Lord. Price 50 cents. Wayside Service. Pries 60 cents. The Last Blessing. Price 50eents. Asked of God. Price 60 cents. . The Watch Tower In the Wilderness. Price 50 irecloas Gems lor the Saviour's Diadem. Price 5(Tne8ur Mercies of David. Price 60 cents. About 200 pages each. Call on or address through tne Po4toffloe. A. D. CBILDS. ' mar4 ' BK.rzSE?ife.0n Dttroit,xacn. ai ggttene.-; : l R'lli B30,- dee IB lit ' i!. m&rS a art i t-i&Kt nunu, utui t turn - ;.. .-... the e