- ' . v ' T . ' '"-v.. :JS .-a --.7 'V, -r.-- . r.; t . - afe : . v. . ." DOBBIN STARCH POLISH, An important co very, by-which every family may ive their linen that beautiful fin i ish peculiar f o fine Uundry wort. r Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBDsa, rauaaeipnia, xr FOR SALE IIY 8, SPEflCEH & CO.t rx fill tuuiiy W.W.WOOll.ManiiitnrfiLlMoD.' U : V " CHAS. R. JONES, Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.C fXisccnaneotiB. DEALER IN Tinware & House Farnishins Goods MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and BETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first-class hands employed. Call for the B1RLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 HAV3 IS STOBE ONE OK THE -LARGEST STOCKS- OF GGG RRR OO CCO FEB RRR II REE aSS, O ORROOOCK RR G RRR O O O KB RRR OGGRROOOOE RR 5 GO R li OO CCO EES R R II E tt tprm aSSs XI K a a flour, Grain, Prfiisions, k, Eve r offered In this marfcet Don't buy until you examine our Htock and Prices. t CORN iSB OATS.- CAB LOADS WHITE CORN, CAR LOAD3 YELLOW CORN, 1 000 BAEBELS FLOUfi, '500 8ACKS coivex 2()Q BARRELS MO S3ES. JjQ BARRELS SUGAR, 100 B3XE3 ACON JQ PACKAGES LARD, 2QQ BOXES SOAP, 2QQ PACKAGES MACKEREL, QQ BOXES CRACKERS, 2 BOXES CHEESE, &C. .. PIEDMONT pATENT pUR, 100 Barrels Just from the M11L SPRINGS & BURWELL. feb8 g&w " CONSULT -AND-: SAVE MONEY- By making your purchases for cash at the Variety Store, under Traders' National Bank. li you want a LAMP, or a pair oi SUSPENDERS, a Bet oi PLATES, or a CORSET, a covered DI8H, or a box of BLUE, a TOILET SET, or a pair of HOSE, a TEA SET, bri TIN PAN; a BOWL and PITCHES or pair of SPITTOONS, Of ALMOST ANYTHING . ,-;,Vi T ';;t' i'J-i ' : ' '. ' W cheap they ean be pfhit ..The biggest box - C-.: oi pLACKtNG Ipr;5 cente he cjty. . : u; spectfotty, C. M. ETHERED.GE. 1. ... . . ,...1 . - ,J' .. LOST MANHOOD' RESTOKfcP. tun W. Nerrou. Debfiity, Ixst MwhooLet, 5nSnsrid in vain every known remedy, SveS " rtmp aeirenr which he w liiT feUow-aiifrerert, addreia J. H. B.'.' t C"'" ! N - ,i' . fcJ'C ''''" " .eptl8':. i, ' -r - - ' '' t.-'j.i OLD MADE WITH-, i ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best Intlrt World. " and FIELDS BBOSH Chltf -C PCTMOHMKMWINSCar THE ONLY MEDICINE 1.1 EITHER LiqCTD OR DRY FORM That Acts at the 89 mc time en TEE LIVSB, THE BOWSLSA AI?D TffE KIDFSYS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because its allow Vies great organ to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humor are therefore forced into the Mood h that should be expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE MMunti uiocmoco, R LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES. COJfSTIPATIOX, UKINAltT DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AiU NKRVOC8 DISORDERS, bv causina free action of theft organs audi restoring their power to throw of disease. . Why suffer Bilious pains andchesT Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened oyer disordered Kidneys! I Why endure aerrous or sick headaches Use iUDXEY-WORTarwi rejoice in health. It is out up in Dry Vegetable Form, ia tin I cans one package of which makes six qparta of I medicine. Also in Liquid Ftrn, Tery Casteest-1 trated, for those that cannot readily prepare K. I tSTIt acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. TRICE, tLOe I WELLS, RICHARDSOX A Co., Prop'i, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCTtUMGTOH, TT. Marc 27 l&ly 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. JaatS,lt WE WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, Electro-Voltaic Appliances Buffering from JifrTonsWeaknesses, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Oth kt Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma-. turn, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Bpinal Difficulties,; Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Specdji Telif and complete restoration to hcakh guaranteed. These are the only. Kleotrie Appliances that have ever been constructed upon scientific prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has peen prac tically proven with the ;inst wonderfal success, and they hae the Jiig-lieat endorsements from medical and scie4 tillc men, and from handreds who have been qstickly and null eaUy-cured their nse.' ' - . Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, glvirr all Information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT CP., Marshall STich. 3ulyl8 HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, Will mail FREE their Cata oeue ior X882, containing a ' foil deserrptive Prloe- list of i .Flower, Field and Garden f Bulbs, Ornamental Grasses, and Immortelles, Gladiolus, Lilies, Boaea, Plants, Gardes Implement. Seautifally illnsv trated.OTerlOOpages.Addree , ROCHESTER,N.Y. CHICAGO, ILL 179-183 East Main St. 200-206 Randolph St sim. mm ople box, 2$ airTereritWlei oVr ' Sample box, aifferent style j or Perry's Pens sent for trial by mall, on receipt of 25 cents. ' Sole Agents, IvisonBlakeman,, Taylor Co. Wo continue to act as Solicitors for Patents, Caveats, iFniio Marten. CnnvriirhU. etc. tar the United States, fanarla. Cuba, England France, Germany, eta. Wo '"Sf.-lwiSSl thrnftcrhiu are notklS thSCt- mnr AuttBTRAid i This lanr wd splemdid lllus. ,trivnari'.ft3.20ayearjmowstllue) rfScTenee,lVerylateresttng,andhaahir tJSSSS: f ISfres. HUNK A;COrTpateDy Solici tors, pub's, vi Scixirano Akkricaw, 87 Park iw, rz . si 1 1 i li ill T" i t until w TVtfi NeWYOrg. tianu mmnnuu" y "..w DOBBINS '1 llftUUDftl n o I if f I ,f SATURDAY, MABCH 11, 1882. f iual STATE NEWS. y Watchman: The tenant Si la?tf um fan ha'Tarff 0: Salisbur; mi ia$v we 4 last tfnndfl to the amount oi about 8100. were stolen irom ine awio vt-. W xuuxxf fnnntiVemon. Rowan count? consists ine of pant goods, prints, sheeting, hatsy snoes, cotwn piaias, etc. . ; - A naorjLTlms l Mf. JVMianLPervis, of Moryen ta fwi asmp, hlkd-the misfortune to lose bis dwelling bouse by nre on ine 25th ult. .. We learn that Mr. w. a. jjoyinzpon. of Galledge's township, killMfVild turkeys at one shot a few days Bracer ; Tnoir TodIc: We learn that the case so many, witnesses were stimmtbed has been coating it Catab mdrrj i jTti4 jurveyail?qie ttilWp feWigl rafl- rd&f trotn Widtaraga'grDenT" Forge on the Imboden line bas been ' completea ana tne crops or engineers has been aisDersea. Flocks of crows in innumerable num bers are now hovering over the bottom lands, and the farmers say they are just XDB DOUT. ui ouewi jr eiuoucwiiioi, wasbrfttrtrhtbere from Tarboto Mon day evening, and interred in the Jewish, cemetery at this place. It wUlbere-I ffiSlS be found of htm. The body was found. on Sunday last by some fishermen in, the Tar river, a mile ana a hair Deiow thaMown g I BaleieK News and Observer: There are man complaints of the depredations of flower thievesrto whom no man a premises are sacred. vve were tola yesteraay tnacocoiii Partin, the notorious murderer, waisin Rajteighjust three weeks ago, and-was at the Central depot, coming in oh one train and going out an another. The Late Dr. Brantly. Rev. Wm. T. Brantly, who died in Baltimore Monday, was a son of the distinguished-Rev. AVm. T, Brantly, D. D and was born in Beattf ott, s. U, May 1, 1816. At the early age of nine years he removed with his father to Philadelphia, where in 1826 the father became pastor or the jj irsc uapusc Chnrch of that city. The deceased en tered college at an early age and re ceived his license to preach in the year 1838. He afterwara enterea mown University, from which he graduated in 1840. The same year be was oHered and accepted the position of pastor of the First Baptist Church of Augusta, Gaz. which position he held with marked success fdrreight years. The congrega tion uouDiea in numoer. ana ic was found necessary to enlarge the church to accommodate the increasing mem bers. His varied culture and polished scholarship attracted the most intelli gent of the community to his ministra tions, and soon the authorities of the University of Georgia prevailad upon him to take the position of professor of belles-lettres and evidences of Uhns- tianity and history in that institution. This position he also tilled with great ability until the year 1856, when, being anxious to engage again in the active and to him congenial duties of pastoral life, he accepted the pastorate of the Tabernacle Church, on Chestnut street, Philadelphia, During, the time he was in charge or this cnurcn ine member ship increased both innumber and ef ficiency. In 1861 he became pastor of the Second .baptist Uhurch at Atlanta, Ga., where he remained, with the ex ception of an interruption occasioned by the troubles -of the late war, until the spring of 1871, in which year.uwing to a large number oi the members ot the Seventh Baptist Church of Balti more, and Rev. Richard Fuller, pastor, withdrawing to constitute the -buiaw- Place Baptist Chhrch, Rev. D Brantly succeeded to the pastorate, where he was engaged at the time of his death. He was married twice, his nrst wue being Miss Mary Anne Turpin, daugh ter of Dr. W. H. Turpin, of Augusta, Ga., whom he married in 1841. This lady died in I860, leaving two children, one son, wm. T. urantiy, J r., a member of the Baltimore bar, ana a daughter, Mrs. Louisa D. Morehead, wife of Col. John L. Morehead, of North Carolina. In the year 1870 Dr. Brantly married Mrs. Martha Mareton, of Georgia, who. together with three chilaren, survive him. As a preacher he was earnest. graceful and instructive; as a pastor, genial, loving and companionable, and was ever a welcome guest in ine nouses of his congregation: He was 'eminent ly a preacher of the gospel,' never hav ing turned asiae to sensational topics or pampered to a taste for novelty. Vet that gospel, presented ih Its simplicity, had power to draw large assemblages during his ; pastorate and his church wasalways crowded to" Its utmost ca pacity. His style was clear and con cise, and he aiwaysrspoKe wtn earnest ness and force; and it can truly be said he was an indefatigable worker And a learned and highly esteemed minister. :. ' r 7T s i A Terrible Qrime. . , A servant eirl at Stargard. in Germa ny, had in course of several years saved a .handsome sum or money, wnicu sue, deposited in a savings bank Onieday, a few weeks' ago, she drew the money and took' the train for '"the 'town of Schneidemuhl. a few miles from home. She visited an acquaintance, a butcher ii;o, uuwucu and told hinf in course: of the cOnYersai: tion of the monev she had irrrxer tock i in her pock - t. The batcher advlsea Her xo wrap ud the money and fasten it on her head . . . . . m, ' 1 l buried in ner nair. ine gin ioiioweu his advice and left for home,' the way taking her over a deserted heath. Meet ing a policeman she begged him to ac company her on account of her money. The policeman compueu, auu acuowpa- Hardlv. however, - had- be left her and turned back when he heard a piercing shriek. Hastening. back, he round the girl Jying in the street witnout her neaa, wnicn nau ueeu uamcu uu. apuw. girl, had , told, the policeman : of . the; butcher whom she had visited his ifs-. picions were-' at - once aroused; and he hastened to the butcher's house. After waiting half an hour the butcher came in with a ba under biff ErofPiTo the question what was in it he replied that it was a sheep 8 neaa, ana tnrew it un der the bed, The policeman left, and returried i'nfc few minutes! witttsoibe ChsacltwaderjawdealiA. WaaAiriiton S jettertd ,:Ua New caUeaguesiVTba! aAdM beMrf-openeof wsmnfrt& con tain the murdered girl's head. lorari o-irrs nfiaa. A NitroGlTcertneEiTloioii. VictoriI. Bc Marcfi' iri: A terri ble explosion of nitro-glycerine occur red yesterday on the Gale Savona rail- 1 19? fiVm jowb yfJUy uiwi uhs inrruei wneie wasistofedjtojwt. tremendons exDlosL i for miles. Craig was blown to pieces. Thomas WllMama, .ataBdinsri 150 feet away, wad fatally injhrdd k$bhn Law son and James Dagan were slightly Id lvet-Cure. ilr se, wetf a-(rrheSi kteesroeiwfWmrayjtueite then jemfay jut u t iwtain iwrueni. ana can eoear jy recommouu u Mra. R N. Bollpnr: INTEREST. u cnaxacter f,. t r. .j.. ? ITEMS OF ..,,'3' -r.,,r -ir.?-.V (-41 - . f :iiit4stooMihadorfabl fcj iffoeate,1, ttr ,ainttharitb0as1rf dlriSto JfJ vltls Wonderful howsUnt 3 ratrn ian be. whefl he kmnrs his cause is just, and how lQisteriOus: he becomes when he knows heisinthe wrong. ' ; - 1 i upBQ to opr. ej?a wa jentirely lose .sigbt , ot ; great.. aeax o. .comtorr. . Deyena T OniT two ontot t dflrteeri raUrbacla in l:rth Caronn pa? ;4i tfrlends. Thbse wurcuuu not,' fO,04a,WU Hams, of Indiana, is to. have a granite monument twenty-eigbt feet nine; inch es high, to cost $2,000. : . . . :; n.. : The obnfectidners df ew York are filling orders for molasses and sugar candy In as condition to be used f of candy-pulling parties for children, and those of older growth. The fever has becQme fashionable. The best receipt for going through, life in an exquisite j way. witk. beautiful manners, is to feel tat eyerjbody,:no ; blatter how rich or poor, needs all the' Kinaness tnev can set from others in 1 ttUWOrW. : ;;. :. r. ; : i ,tn rQ 6l0 UA AAA i .nAJ3 ( railroads in Gaiifornia. ortlv one road. thCentral Pacific pays. This, with its 07800; 1 leaving;- llo;282,OOQ; yielding nothing to the shareholders. Ltl. Missouri, e2l5,055,00Q haye been jiVested, in twenty-nine railroads, ex clusTve of the St. Louis bridge, and a dividend is only tpid on one of then, costing $34,412,000. According to the statistics furnished by the Census Bureau, the bine forests of the lake region are fast disappearing, and the reserve in Maine, Pennsylvania and the Southern Statesls being drawn upon. Speculators are taking advant age of the opportunity arid, investing heavily In limber tracts. Cultivation of , trees, if properly encouraged, will sup ply the coming deficiency in the lum ber supply; but not in time to prevent cne scarcity ana ine certain advance in prices. J Experiments have been made with an electric lamD for. locomotives on the system of Messrs. Sedlaczel and Wiku lillonthe North of France Railway. The experiments have shown that it burns steadily, even when the train is .gOlhg at express speed ; that the light ?oes not intertere with the visibility or he distinctive color of the signals, and that neither the engine drivers nor of ficials of the train carrying the light; nor of other approaching trains, are dazzled by it. The drivers are able to see the line distinctly for a distance of 300 yards, ahead. , Arkansas and North Carolina. Chiejgb Herald. One North Carolinian got after the Arkansan hot and heavy. With other yarns, he told the following: An emi grant preacher went into the Boston mountain region on a prospecting tour. Coming to a four acre corn-patch, he fought bis way through a dozen or more hounds and curs to a windowless cabin in its centre, and entering, he com menced a conversation with the lady of the bouse by inquiring into the state of society thereabouts. The woman did. not seem to understand his general inquiries, so be began to particularize. "What religion ia most eommon around here?" Still she did not seem to un derstand. "Are there many Presbyte rians around here T he asked. "I don't know," she said. "My man John has hunted around here right smart for nigh on 16 years, and I don't reckon he's killed ary one." "Ah, madam," said the good man, "I am afraid you live in darkness here." "Yes," she replied, glancing at the unbroken log walls; "yes, but John alio ws to cut out a win der next week." This was received with applause, and a true blue Arkan san had the floor for reply. "I was traveling once in the Old North State," he began, "and as I was riding across an opening like, I saw a man some little distance ahead of me, pointing, as I thought, a long gun at something up in a persimmon tree. I reined up my horse to wait for him to fire. After waiting some time and no firing done. l noticed the man uia not seem to be takint? anV. sight, but aDDeared to be shifting his piece from time to time, so I hailed him and asked him what'he was up to. "Raising pork for market," answered he, jwiinout turning to me. I rode up. and that tar-heel had. a little. spotted shoatr tied to-" a pole, holding it up to eat persimmons." T .' 1 "' a i' " " ' , W. N. C. Railrdad, Mountain Division. From the Stateatllle American, i . : Notwithstanding Maj. J. W. Wilson's attempted explanation in the Charlotte Observer, March '2d, the following facts seem to remain: . 1st, The State appropriation after the war was sufficient to build the Road to Paint Rock, and leave a surpulus, over. 2d. The peculiar financial operation with the New York Warehouse and Se curity Company, and Lancaster, Brown & Co. absorbed these funds. 3d. The road was mortgaged for &L- ,1X); No part of this fund ever built a foot:o road or an inch of track. 4th, A fradulant claim of over $300, 000 ; vras; aid the contractors on the mou'Titain division, which together with i , .,ii . , 1 r Security" Cow and Lancaster, Brown & Co.; and the still more "peculiar finan cial operations" with Sibley through the uanK or. atatesviile, and others, by which these mortgage bonds were ma nipulated, resulted in the State's losing her stock in the road1, as also the most of the private stockholders. , 5th, Maj. J. W. Wilson did publish a a mapt not yet suppressed which claims that the surveys were made under his .supervision. He now gives the greater part of the "credit" to B.C. McCalla, and only jetains tbe gmaller. Perhaps is happy! faculty ofVlplanation;' will enable mm to locate the operations in the above transactions in Tennessee; if jso' the public will W more of less, in terested in sucblocations. i Hoping the above is not slanderous, I amjirul ; f- WiA- ELiAsolT, .v .: . : Civil Engineer. Blaine on the War Path. LorK saB.ciaimiti Blaino nopes to m.uiv otiuuBL nitiiui iu vu - spainnt A rthnr ngres8,aad addsxr.:miatne's coirvfe- W-WrtflS- destined .to, reaqh , Uio, conooeneeisenturft: stHaiias ooiivincwi jhina&felf that his plans are sufficieiat. :Vt a qdVo tr Kn ; a 1 a., v.. : i j PJ forteavCwork intUe; field. ' 1 ' u ... i.ii,... i nr iiinuMii.inn - . mm on a f parties, andm ll rtfa iimumM nw ihis msrs uuiai ! .riiii to SOWMiscord "-r !;: J:Y?h: ! AnicA hAngeiVfceBanverate-llfe ! 83 W-Mi eoosh arroD will always Ihre-i, ;yeara" i I Charged with flfehTreftsdri. !' I " '' i ::UW&V& VJ . -i t s-.S"? f t . n h .MO-u . . . , . O - " . WW .1 DuiMinoBt '".mvuailis coaca ttiid." wun prudence. Ha bad lost been I ruirt nM . . ... . ' .. .). . '1 d ! ! Cut EverrlMdT. yntB8 a druggist - "Xidnev-Woit U tbe most popu lar medicine we selL" Jl8honld be by right, for iw otter nedjdne Jtas nch spectflo action on the "Jr' ela and Wdnejs. If too have those mptcta which lmfloate-hfllousaesa at deranged :a.iuiieB uu xwixou to procure u ana ase launiullr. to Hqald oi dry trom it Is Sold br an drugglats. flaltUtoCUarXrlbuBe, ,.;f. ,,., ,;TT-- grog and gXcAiciues. N 1 quart, 1 pint and l& pint bottles and flasks. Just receive WILSON ft BURWELL8 Drug Store. , mar 10 Electric , Ebir Brushes. ELECTRIC Flesh Brasbesl Just arrived, at WILSON ft BUBWBLL'S , marlO ,. , , Drugstore. ' Coopers Elixir Buchn IpOH-fell Bladder troubles. Sold by ' w : WILSON ft BTJRWILL. marlO WANTED. A RELIABLE business man with small capital, one that can start dozens of ' canvassers to wont up an adjustable feed. Twenty per cent mure sawingaone wim same mm per aay. sam ple at Capt-wUkes' Foundry. ' T. J. RVAHT. rnarlQ2t k Charlotte House ERALWATER Both Fon iga and Doniet:f) Just Received, at .'s Dm Store. s ARATOGA V ICHY, From Saratoga Springs. N. T. A new water re sembling ine imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid: cures dyspepsia, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and stroDg diuretic Also, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in all forms of dyspepsia. ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LIT HI A. And a full supply of IMPORTED APGLLINARIS ASV Huayadi Jaoos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H TJNYADI J AN OS. THE BEST MATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss: A wine glass full before breakfast The Lanorf "fiunyedl Janos. Baron Lie big af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters. The British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janes. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious' aperient water." ' Pro.Ttrcftow, Berlin. "Invariably gooff and. prompt success; most valuable." ; .- . . . t ; ; Frcf. Bamberger, Vienna. "I hare prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scaaeoni, Wuraiburg. I prescribe, none but this." " ' Prof. Lander Brunton, M. 2)., P. XL JS., London, "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses Prof. Aiken, X. 2)., F. R. Royal MlUtary-Hos-pltal, Netley. 'Trefened to Pullna and Fried richshau." . -1 ' ' JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist . rTorth Tryon 8t, CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON't GO T( SARATOGA When tou ean set water lust as fresh and s nark- ling as when ft flows from the sprtng at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADEN, , irraggisi and gnemiat Prescriptions care fairy prepared by experienced . and competent drugglsta, day or night, ' JWT28 . -.).. CITY PROPERTY; . . FOR SALE.; A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the pubrlo souare in Charlotte, will he sold chean and on reasonable terms to , thp right kind of a purchaser.. . The dwelling Is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine' wen of wa ter, etc. The house Is admirably Adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor jireacher. having an admirable library br study room, built tor th purpose. - For furthsr particulars.1 .nriee. terms. etc- appiy at .i . . xuta OFFICE. tWSXUem.. , t, . jhjsa L'. 'V;&:ftiX? 1 r. , . - wif ;ur OttlC;leau,. 7f i .r.-; aHE Lotoihaoarnerof Ninth sfeet and the ' -a-i . KnrtK oW,iir.o BoiT- Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Oarbnoa nnM. ;LMiiv;k. ..Mur..j' "T. Tu"r " " V"",'" tnwiwioueimby iBttfeet -jsanawe eiihecioc mSr4acto pluppaf t TTXiratY.IT ' . w wh 1,1. Ml Mara Mhle" medium 'aizelaire leved ertweive-feats.'witb, several white spots on thaamD and around the. xooC el; the taiL. vftn B4?ttie.aHo el! the tai.wrth: ' snoes a rjeninuniy..-;i A reward oi twenty jpo fhtet-i -w6Ti.-1 f " Sib: &ajBE-BcflALi. Si ijwm iwruw iWawmuavusb-i .rjwvt 11 f Lncca Creain Salad Oil, T a. FRESH 11 Dr.J.H.McAden ws .JAaJLJLy JJVJMi V iJUAAJt.illi hAaaMnllnnlna.OnlK..Batd1iaaat.Bn1 TIVXCay toadg Corn, t ear load of FWtrr' Pouth west, and ,bac ,chd abrh.1 No i h Byrapfc obomt loadoatjeaiki laMvertewe on. locUqkewo UUWPA a '9ug,uia-nq Bacon. amUTobacoo. nowfor 1: ,X.:M. Ja isaieat,- ; CCTHBERTSON ft. BAKER'S. " i '.u i't t Lubiiiiflt eKcrthCollse8treetit lama Hboaf Iebl9 Next door to L. W. Sanders-v; " ' -r-,- s , ULLFrTPB " ' Tbe ffAllbwfnl itebedUtea Am ""j w Aeiica on m luvrrect i JVorth Carolina: ftailroad. OOITDEITSiBD fiOtEDTJXES. tsaqis poam lUBtA DaieV Februarv 19th, 1882 No 51 No. 53 Pally. Dally. " 'Satlsbnry, :.T...... " High Point, Arrive Greensboro , Leave reensboro-j . . j ; u. Asrlve HUlaboro, . Arrive Durnam:. 866 am 6.61 am 7.20 a m &OQam ttRODm 8.51 d m 10.44 m 11 .'20tm &26aml..;..w....L 11.04 a ml !1.4nmF....:".... Anlve Raleigh, Leave Baleich.... 1. lop rni.. , . . ,i. . . f 1.40DmT Arrive GoldaboroV . 4 2Q p raj ...... . No. llx-Daily except Saturday, . - , , . . Leave Greensboro.. . 6 00 p m ; Arrive at RaieiKh,:... 8.04 am , f Arrive at Qold8bpro...8.0P a m No. Kl Connects at Greenshom' with R n. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan- vuie A uoKUboro with w. ft w. K b. for Wii- mlDgton. Ho. 53 Connects at .Salisbury with W. N. C. a B. for all points m Western Norih Carolina; dally at Greensboro wfth'R. D. H U. for a 1 points North, Xast and West TRATH8 6QINQ WESfT. Date, February 19th, 1821 No. 50 No. 52 ' . f i Daily. Dally. , Leave Goldsboro...... ....... 10.20am Arrive Raleigh. . . -.' : 12.40 p m . . '. . Leave. Raleigh; 10pm , Arrive Durham 5 23pm Arrive Hillsborot 6.07 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.50 p m Leave rreensboro,... ....... W.fOpm 7 25am . Arrive High Point. 9.43 pm 8 OS am Arrive Salisbury,.' i 1 .03 p m 9 28 a m Arrive Charlotte, F12.50 a m 11.20 a m No. 18 Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro... 2 50pm Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh. . .-, . .5.00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 2-20 p m No. 50 -Connects at Charlotte wlth:Aft G. Air Line for all points rn the South and Southwest, and with c c. ft a. B. R. for alt points South and No: 62 Cohneebi t ' Charlotte with A. ft C Alr Ltne for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C A A. R. tt. for all points isouth and Southeast , ; rf W' IV C RAILROAp. NO.: 50 Dairy. Leave SreensbOTO.... 9.20 p m Arrive Kernersville., , 10.86 p m Arrive Salem-. .;. . . . . .11.20 p m . Na 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave GreensiXiro......:. . 8.30am Arrive Kernersville......... 9.4l am Arrive Salem... ....10.15 am GOING EAST. - : NO. 51 Dally , except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 a m Arrive Kernersville 5.50am Arrive Greensboro 7.00 am . . NO. 58-Daily. Leave Salem.... 6.00 pm Arrive Kernersville 6.40 p m Arrive Greensboro 8.00 p m STATE UNIVERSITY RAILROAD. No 1, GOING NORTH. Dally ex Bunday. Leave Chapel HiU 7.80 a m Arrive University, $-20 a m Arrive Raielgh,.... 10.15 am No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Daily ' . pgx. Sunday. Leave Raleleh, 8 80pm Arrive University 5.15 p m Arrive Chapel Hi ft fl.15 p m Pullman SleeM Cars WlUiont nans; On Train No. 50. New York and Atlanta via Wash ington and Danville, and between Greeiibboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52. Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte la Danville. Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro. Raleigh, Goldsboro'. Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South. Southwest. West, North and East -K r Kmigrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex. as, Arkansas and the Southwest address. A. POPE. General PaKsenner Agent feb2 Richmond. Va. RICHMOND & DAHVRLF fi. R. PASSlfQE DEPARTMENT. ' On and afer March 5th, 18S2, the passen- fer train sefvloe on the' Atlanta & Charlotte Alr ,lne Division of this road will be as follows: Mall and WESTWARD. tapress. Mall. .. . No. 60. No 52. Leave charlotte. 4t. .....- 12.40am ll.05am Arrive Ga.tonia, L . . . . 1 .35 a m 12.02 p m Arrive Spartanburg. K 404 am 2 85 p m Arrive Greenville, H 5.32 am 4.09 pth Arrive Seneca, G 7.15 a m 5.54 p m Arrive Toccoa. F 8.28 am 7 0Spm Arrive babun Gap Junction,. 9.32 a m 8.00 p m ArriveLula,E . '.v. 10.18am 8.43 p m Arrive Galnseville 1 0.5 lam 9. 15pm Arrive Atlanta. 1.40 p m 12.05 a m- H - Mail and EASTWARD. Express Mall. No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta, 2.15 pm 5.00 am Arrive Gainesvilie, - 4 54 p m 7 41 a m Arrive Lula, ft 1 5.2rf p m 8.82 a m Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 6-22 pm 9.14 am Arrive Toccoa, K . . 7.06 p m 10.07 a m Arrive Seneca, G...;.... v.. . -8.24 pm 11.21 am Arrive Greenville. H... ...... 10i)8pm 17 pm Arrive Spartanburg, K.":.. V.. 11.40 pm 2.59pm Arrive Gastonia, L ......... 2.06 a m 5ilpm Arrive Charlotte, M 3. 15 a m 6.00p m CONNECTIONS. ' A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W.P Railroads. i;; ' 1 - B. with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. ft W: P. and W. oVA. Railroads. " -,G with arrivinjt trains ot Geonzia Railroad. B with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. , F with Elbertoa Air-Line to and from Elbeitarv Georgia. . G wlih Columbia -and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. ! H with Colnmhia and GrennvillA tn and fmm- Columbia and Charlestons C ' K with Spartanburg and Ashevllre, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and A8hevttle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from' Dallas ana Chester. : M with a. C. ft A. , C. O, R. ft D. and A., T. ft Cv for all points West North and East PuHman sleeiiimfcar. service on trains Nos. 50 and 511 ally, without change Detwen.AUanta and New York. ' a. PuPB, G nel Passenger ana Ticker" Agent T. M. B. Talcott, : - Gene, al Manager. -i L T. SAGE, Saperintendent raar-12 - . - C, C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. t-In Effect Wednesday, March 1st l2.4H i. Train No. 52. Passeng'r. Train . No. 48. I Passeng'r. Leave Chariot l.BOa m Arrive Rock Hi 12.85 pm Arrive Chester,. ..... . .. Arrive Winhsboro,. . : Arrrre Columbia ........ Leave Columbia,... Arrive Lexington, v.'. Arrive Ridge Spring, .i . . . Arrive GrahitevIUe, ........ Arrive Augusta, . ". i ... 1.28 p m 2160 pm la 4.18 pm 4.25 pm 5.12pm 5.45 a m 6 87am 7.55 a ra 9 12 am 952am 8 25 pm ,7.40 p m 8.40 pm Train No. 18, Freight Train No. 20, Freight Leave Charlotte,. v. Arrive Rock Hill,... Arrive Chester, .v. :. Arrive Wlnnsboro... 5.4a 5.40 pm 7:32pm w03rm 8.03 a m 9.50 am 18,55 I Arrive Columbia. . '. .: 4.15 jm a 18 am 2.40 am M Leave. Columbia.. . Arrive cexington, S.4Qam 47 a-m .7.54 am 9.80 am AirtveBMge Bering: '.l.J.....l Ajrlse GrsnHerihe, . .. . ., iArrive Augusta.. ..-.I. Train No, 5' re 8. G. ft R. i2. Dailv Connect at Coiirinhia with the 8. C. ft H, for Cheston; And wlthhe C.7 . . JWrJU8WewOTO,yAWevUl& KAtf :S"1"K "iX J-i?' r .f. 1UI W-' SavaxmaA anallonaa Dolats. ! ;'r. ii . - i Tnln Nn Alt Tloll- r . I .!., li Train No. 48, 'ally-Connects at Amrusta with ueweergwK. . I!- ""-TaaEV faw l-C 9WWm IWIHMW' I ! ' H ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE ft OB 10 DlVtSIDN. Tram No,62,T)dlly: excepl Shndax,11 j lu:k " except ouaooy, Arrive MACaarlorM.i-K n..uiA a m. .XAUvrr, R.i'LjpaseengerwnrtS li iCTObiaUWiC.ilrehlatx188 .s oi a it marlO -atn 4 w ni?iaw8 rLAM Partioular Hotioe. " Alt the drawinas will hmH.. i . ' .. teire ropervlstonand TSXTZs'ZXSS m - T.TOUBKGARD and JfJBAL ERLY. A SPLEHDID OPPOETTJHITT TO Mc-irRi. TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1882. 142ni MONTHLY. DRAWING. State Lottery Company. InoorDorated in irhb fn. or . lature for Educational and CharJSJr18' with a caDltal of i finn , J1? fWpose- fund of SftSaoOO has iiDMrn added adopted December 2a. A. D. 1878 a8UtuaD ing'Sunl " DM0nefc 'ou.. CAPITAL PRIZE, 30,0Oa 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Tickets, one Dollar. Each Half ' LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize.. 1 Capital Prize """ 1 Capital Prize 2 Prizes of 82.500 J Prises of 1)0oo 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of , ioa. . aoOPrteesof ' 50.." 500 Prizes of 20.. " 1,000 Prizes of . io...".".'.;!"...;;;;;; APPROXIMATION PRIZass. 9 Approximation Prizes ot 1300. H Approximation Prizes of 200 9 Approximation Prizes of foo J30.00O 10,000 5,000 R.000 5.000 10,000 10.000 10,000 10,000 10.000 S2.700 1.800 - 900 1857 Prizes, amounting to. . S110.4OT. eaponslble corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom liberal compensation wUlbe m fOTfurmerlnfomaao8.wrltoXjly.gTU address. Send orders by express or Reelitered Letter, or Money Order by mail, adclresSd RnSto M. A. DAUPHIN, erM. A DAUPHIN, New Orleans, is, 127 La Salle Street, Chicago, Els., or M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh street, Washington, D. a The New York office Is removed to Chicago. N. R-Orders addressed to New Orleans will re eelve prompt attention. . .Th'e particular arfenHoB of the Public is called to the fact that the entire number of the TlckeU r each Monthly Drawing is sold, and cons dSarfd KcT68 to are sold ant febl2 POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF TUB ,.In the City of Louisville, on Friday; March 3ist, 1882. These drawings occur monthly i Sund.iy ptceiit ed) under provisloris-of an Act of ' the Hem-rni a8. sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Conn oi iirU, n rendered the following decisions : IswThat the Commonwealth Dimniuitum oin pany Is legal. 2d Its drawingb are fair. The Company has now on ha:d s large rne fund. Read the list of prizes for the MARCH DRAWING. 1 Prize - itfO.UOU 1 Prize 10.000 1 Prize, 5,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10.000 100 Prizes. 100 each, 10,000 200 Prizes, 50 each,. 0,000 600 Prizes, 20 each i 2,000 1000 Prizes, 10 each 10.000 9 Prizes, 8300 each, Approximation Prizes $2,7oo Prizes. 200 " " " " i,8i 0 9 Prizes, 100 " " ' " 900 1,960 Prizes, $112,400 Whole Tickets. 82: Half Tickets. I : ?7 Tinhetn, $50: 55 Tickets. 8100 Remit Money or Bank Draft In Letter, or send by repress DON'T. SEND . BY BEGI3TKBKD LETTER OH PC9T UCE ORDER. Orders ot 85 and upward, .'xpress. ! w sent at nr ex pense.. Addre, j iU lri to R. M. BOARDM-J OTt : mh LouisvUKv. Kj.. or 8(im S-.Jw.i "NV ToiV marl ,. fc . ., EXTRA NCEMENT ! We have ast received and offer for a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea SettSj Mossrose Decoration, 56 pieces, 810.00, worth ; i5.oa. ETRA FINE TEAITTS, gold, bird and flow?r v decoration combined, 44 pieces 8 1 2. 50, worth $18 00. PORCELIAlf TEA -SETTS, plsrh white. Ten nice, 44 pieces, So. 00. PORCELAIN E DINNER SETTS, 107 pieces, for 815.00; decorated, 1.80, pieces, for 835.00. BRONZE LAKPiof astfperlor quality, complete with shades, at 8100, worth 82 00. All Other Ws in Proportion. 83- WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Respectfully, I BrookfleJd k Co. feblfl DISSOLUTION. THE Beer Bottling business heretofore condacN d in rhariotte bv Cochrane ft Munzler hai been this dsy d Rsolved by mnm'jent February -9, 1882. F. C. MUNZLKR. NOTICE. : HAVING bought out the Interest of Mr . w. R. Cochrane in the Bear Bwttltog business, I will here after canduot the business, as agent f or tt Be ner ft lueel Company, hi Charlotte, and while re- turning thanka for; past patronage, respecuiui I solicSnavott In the future. uespecuuitf, fablO V. C. MUNZLER. Acid Phosphate 400 tons maH BAXX 1 CorttimU i2 to 18 per cent 8eluble Phosphoric ?M Aett ijialytto Guaranteed. -JmiiBeeetred.- V.: dealers ana' large buy -rs. SMITH, WHtiMde7 (saler attifaani and Cdmml-skm f i&ereaant, ftifmau 1an29 lm" fci r.-'Zii & 's, :J at U iur Cotton Seed f hai frfim ti6 Charleston Mluji A .Valus- ki s. jt n.a.tuvdJa.11 mm mt Karuuzer. alysls shows 41 tgatnrtforfsaam marJtf hid iwu iw Bfcwa. oa oui . . 4Snd I I .111 Hill AVPI 1WPHI iruLi.uit vi.nyuu uivuk OIL 1 "Si -

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