. V. Hurt i&a, iV w DOBBINS' STARCH POLISH, An important dis covery, by which every family may give their linen that beautiful fin ish peculiar to fine , laundry work. Ask your Grocer. J. B. DOBBINS, fnuaasipiua, t-a. CO., FOR SALE CHAS. R. nv J. s. SPE:CEtt A: W.W.W0OI),MaiiiiktiirLlffiKtonl.D. .:.. ... ... J Sole Ag't,Charlotte,N.CV $Mscellane0ua. L A. GASTON, DEALER IN Tinware & House Furnishing Goods MANTELS and GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None out first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. oct29 HAVS IN STORE ONE OF THE -LAE61 iT STOCKS- OF GGO RRR OO COO EEE RRR TT 1 .' T . T. CO G GRROOOOK R It II E G RRR O O O EB RRR II EK 8. 'SS, GGGRROOOOE R B II E a GGO R R OO OCO EEB R R II EEB BSS' Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Ever offered in this market Don't buy until you examine our Stock and Prices. CORN 1SE OATS.- 2 CAR LOADS WHITE CORN, Q CAR LOAD 3 YELLOW CORN, 1 QQQBARBELS FL0Uft' OO 8ACK3 WVFER, OjkA BARRELS MO S3E3. 100 100 150 200 200 BARRELS SUGAR, B3XE3 BACON, PACKAGES LARD, BOXES 80AP, PACKAGES MACKEREL, JQQ BOXES CRACKERS, 25 BOXES CHEESE, &d. PATENT fLOUR, J 00 Barrels Just from the Mill. SPRINGS &! BURWELL. feb8 dw CONSULT 111! I! INTEREST x -AND -SAVE MONEY- By making your purchases for cash at the Variety Btore. under TradeVs National Bank. If you want a LAMP, or. a pair of SUSPENDERS, a set of PLATES, or a CORSET, a covered DISH, or a box Of BLUE, a TOILET SET, or a pair of HOSE, a ISA SET, or a TIN PAN, a BOWL and PITCHER or pair of SPITTOONS, or ALMOST ANYTHING COME AND SEE how cheap (hey can- be bougfit. The biggest box of BLACKING for 5 cents In the city, ... ; ;f spectfully, ;. , DISCOVERY! MANHOOP ' RESTORED. , LOST A Tiotim of youthful imprudence causing Prem. tore Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, etc.; haviw? tried in vaia every known remedy, has dia covered rfmpleself cure, which ho wilt stud FKEE to bU fcllow-aufierfrs, address J.- H. KEEVO, ri 'iiia.Ki u. tv. , -, sept 13 . - ' '. - Springs & Borwe PIEDMONT MAKES. Looking Glasses OF., WITH DOBS Fans ELECTRIC Scouring POLISH. Best In the World "ASK YOUR GROCER and FIELttS BROS., Charlotte, N. C JONES, FlTHE ONLY MEDICINE IX EITHER LIQUID OK DRY FORM That Acts at the some time en TEE LIVER, TEE BOWELS, AMD TEE EIDFMTS. WHY ARE WE SICK? Because we allow these great organs to I become clogged or torpid, and poisonous I humors are therefore forced into the blood K4 that should be expelled naturally. WILL SURELY CURE LgKIDNEY DISEASES, H LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, UBIKABT BISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NEKVOTJS DISORDERS, by causing free action of these organs and restoring their power to turow ojf disease. Why suffer Billons pains and aches! Why tormented vrith Tiles, Constipation! Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why en dare nervous or sick: headaches! Use IilDNEY-WOItTiiTuZ rejoice inheaZth. I It is put op in Dry Vegetable Farm, in tin I cans ono package of which makes six quarts of I medicine. Also in Liquid Form, Tcry Concen trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it. ES"It acts with equal efficiency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 WELLS, BICHARDSOS & Co., Prop'., (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCKITSSTO TT. Mire 27 d&fflr 30 DAYS TRIAL ALLOWED. m - J1S,1S7S WILL SEND, ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL, BR. DYE'S Electro-Voltaic Appliances TO M3X suffering from vous Weaknesses, Gen eral Debility, loss of nerve force or vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Othet. Causes, or to any one afflicted with Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spinal Difficulties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, Rup tures, and other Diseases of the Vital Organs. Also women troubled with diseases peculiar to their sex. Speedy relief snd complete restoration to health guaranteed. These are the only lectric Appliances that nave ever been constructed upon ncientlfic prin ciples. Their thorough efficacy has been prac tically proven with the most wonderful success, and they have -the highest endorsements from medical and stclea tiflc men, and from hundreds who have been quickly and radically cured b their use. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, givin? all information free. Address, VOLTAIC BELT OP., KanhaU, Xioh. JnlylS HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, WUl mall FKKK their Cata lORue Tor 1882. containlnc full deacrl- tive Price - Ust at flower, Field and Garden Bulb, Ornamental Grasses, and Immortelle, Gladiolus, AiUes, Roses, Plants, Garden Implements. Beautifully Ulus trated. Over lOOpages. Address , ROCHESTEM.Y. CHICAGO,ILL 179-183 East Main St 200-206 Rudolph St STEEttPENS 8amplebox, & different' styles or1 Perry's Pens aent for trial by man, on receipt ef 25 cents. 8ole.AgeMs, ; ;!f; .:;,or?':; Ivisofiy BiakajiTayfor &i Coy HEW VORKi rs.-;r r.c -.3 Ll: i w m : We continue to act tts Solicitors for Patents! CaVeats Trade Marks. CopynghtSLetaior tne vpwea buwen, Canada, Cuba, England Prance, Germaliy.'eta. ' w have had thlrty-flTO years oipcrienee, ' Patents obtained through us are noticed In the SCT ram lurmniii. Thla lartrd and SDlendid lllui- tratedweeItlypaper,$3.20ayearsriow8tbeProffraa nf orinnw a vorv lnterpstlncr. and has an enormous circulation. . Iddress MUNN ACO, Patent SoHohf tars, PUD'S. 4,t' SCIKNTIFIO AHERICAM, 87 iSXE ,KOW ffewyorK.' Hanaon"gaooui'"imm-irefaf j OLD MADE I SI I1! (iUl RVE&. or & 3L3E c I, in,,, ,4i aiMh a 1 0 6 ' - s ;; " SUNDAY, MARCH 12,'l,82V STATE NEWS. Wilmington Star: A young colored man named SmitlvoflNorfolfc "VCa., in attempting to !swim aanore from a .YTliurlawaaf dr)wtd. J Ureene, living in me lower pare 01 xnis county, recently gave Jjairth to triplets, two DOys ana one gin, au u viug auu doing well. Hickorv Carolinian : We. regret to learn that Thotnag, aiearly grown son of W . U. Morrow, or tnia county aiea last week from the injuries received some days before by being thrown from a running horse, tnac was ingntenea byadog.- . T Salisbury Examiner: Mr. J. L. daub le's little child, 2 years old, died quiet suddenly last Saturday morning. It had been having chills, but was out playing when it fell with a spasm and died before a physician could Da sum moned. ; i :- ; Greensboro Bugle: Alexander Mc Adoo, colored, was tried Thursday for knocking down and robbing, a man name Woods, on the streets, and sen tenced to thirty years at hard labor in the penitentiary. ES ar now plentitul at 12M cents a dozen. . f .;. ;! .. Wilmington Reviews A ciJlored man by the name of Hatcher, a elerk in the post-office at Goldsboro, was detected last nieht about 9 o'clock in stealing money from registered letters, and was locked up in jail to await examination. For sometime past money has been missed from the mails and suspicion fell upon Hatcher and he was watched bv some of the other employes and with the result as stated. No other par ticulars are known here as yet.. . s , Statesville .Landmark: There is a walnut log boom in the mountains. We learn from a private source that a citizen of Haywood county recently sold 100 walnut trees to a Northern company for $4000. A youth from the banks of Hunting Creek sold to a firm in this place last Saturday 75 muskrat skins and 12 mink skins, all of which had been taken since the 1st of last November. The skins brought him a nice little sum of money and besides, the' neighborhood was relieved of just so many destructive pests ; for he said that he had no doubt that those 75 muskrats had last year eaten up al least 75 bushels of corn. NEWS NOTES. Navigation of the Hudson opens two weeks earlier than usual this year. There was a heavy snowfall in Wis consin jesterday, and the railroads are completely hlocaded by tne units. In the Dominion House of Commons on Wednesday night, Mr. Wallace ex pressed himself in favor of manhood suffrage. Jas. Rourke. the business partner of Mr.Eean, treasurer of the land league has been -arrested at Dublin under the coercion act. In the British House of Commons last night, Mr. Gladstone's resolution against the inquiry into the workings of the Irish land bill by the House or Lords' committee was carried by a vote of 303 to 245. Christian Schafer. a soldier who fought at Waterloo under the first Na poleon, died at Mineral Foint, Wis., on Wednesday. Nicholas Reney, another of Napoleon's soldier's, who also served in the war of 1812, and m the late civi war, died yesterday at Ottumna, Iowa. There is considerable excitemen at Omaha on account of the strike on the Burlington and Missouri Railroad. It was feared one time that the strikers would sack the offices of the company and the office of the Daily Herald but better counsels prevailed. The railroad depot is in a state of siege. The Western Association of Window Glass Manufacturers was in session at Pittsburg, Pa., yesterday, and adjourned finally last night. It was unanimously resolved to advance prices from two to five per cent, according to the quality of the goods. The bill requiring government build mgs to be constructed ot materials found in the States where such build ing are located has been approved by the committee on public buildings, and will be reported to the House by Mr Cooke at the earliest opportunity. The woman arrested in Albany, New York, on over 30 complaints tor lai ceny, Droves to be the wife of a former sheriff of Renssalaer county. She says that she has been made the tool of Mrs. Moore, of New York city. The prisoner gives the name of Seymour, but her real name . is said to be Mc Keon. Chas. McCracken committed suicide at.Uniontown, Warren county, New Jersey, on Wednesday, by hanging him self in the barn. He had been a boat man on the Morris canal for forty-three years, and had considerable property. it is believed that the suicide was caus ed by the prospective loss of $1,800 that tne deceased naa invested, in property in Phiiiipsburg, . In the Criminal court atiWashington Thursday, the bail of ex-Postmaster General Brady, indicted for complicity in the star-route frauds, was fixed at $20,000. The other defendants were held to ball in sums ranging from $1,000 in the case of Kate M. Arm strong to $5,000 in the -case of J. B Miner, who is charged with perjury. The record in the Flipper court-mar tial with Judge Advocate-Genera Swaim's report has been submitted to the Secretary of War. General swaim is understood to recommend a mitiga tion of the sentence of dismissal. The case now goes to the President, and the general impression is that the sentence will be mitigated to some lighter pun ishment, Deputy United States Marshal Healy went from Helena, Mountana, to the Indian camps on the Milk river for the nurnosfl ol exnelline smugglers ana il ... 1 a 1 licit traders and was himself captured by the violators of law, alid is till sup posed to be a prisoner in their hands. ftan.Rurarhas sent 400 soldiers from TVirt Assinibone to rescue the prisoner and drive the outlaws across the lintysn line, where they belong. Earnings of the Richmond and Danville r t Railroad. g :'.f NEwBfonMarch ll.Aktatemen of the financial condition of the Rich mond and Danville Railroad Company, covering the six months ending March 81, 1882, shows net earnings (estimating for the unexpired portion of the quar ter ! at the rate of - increase already mad el to be $475,000. with fixed charges amounting to a305J30.1eavlnef ateurblus of $169,870 civet 4 i)er6nte 6vdie tedtfi- pany's capital stock foj. the quarter, an J increase or 65 per cent, over tne corres ponding quarter of last year. Sergeant Mason's Sentence. 4B.w,rpEK.MarcllllT1iesentenfi of sergeant MaspB.wnQea, at uui-f : , teaahas' been approved X3tm Ilait , f y YerVi v a cock'Thesentence isr'tna? he betf '"J - JlAS9 fiL& e honorably discharged with Joss of 4lt fAA wSSJSL pay an allowance WdVtO'be.cptifipci; ;d LivwCuS; 1h nr eueogSSd lnnmSi TU tiiM. wMflrv nft htLtA lahhr'frtT' & ie:oes8 ot twent veari u '" ""J" - J" - years. , f , ,f, u ' ITEMS "OI INT JEKEST. . -. - . ii t i.l: i-.f .... ' A medical - colleim fof.- woman has usfc been, incorporated imBaltimorer :- Jefferson Davis's rdaughter. Varina. has come to be quite. a belle in New Qr- eans society. . . , ; ; , , .. . . : rxhe Xiondon Times expresses the be ief that before the end of twenty veara the export of al ; from the 1 United States to Europe and elsewhere abroad, will f orm asstimportant vf eattrre of shipments-as headstuffs are now. - In 1881 the value bf the ostrich feath ers imported into this country was $5, 403,024.65. Black Algiers feathers are worth from $350,to $600 per pound, and Cape feathers from $30 t $3Q0 . per pound. A native of Cochin. China. Gran Nguyen Hahhy in his thirty-thiM year, has been admitted as avocat at the first chamber of the court of appeal. This novel member of the French bar com pleted his studies in Paris. John B. Goueh's last ' engagement for the present season will befinecTinBalti- more, about the first of next njonth, and he will then, it is reported, retire permanently from the. lecture field, in which he has been so prominent a fig ure for forty years. . The widow of Daniel Webster, until her death a few days ago, received the interest on a fund of $60,000, created as an .annuity by public spirited citizens of Boston after the death of her hus band in 1852.-" The principal is now to be paid back to as manv of the original donors as are living, and to the heirs of those who are dead. Archbishop Corrigan comes of de vout family ; his two brothers, his sister and himself ach nad a comfortable fortune of $50,000 oh arriving at age, which they have sacrificed in good works. The two .brothers are priests. the sister is a nun. Iron slag is increasing rapidly to be a waste product. At an .English iron works it is employed as a non-conduc tor of heat. When it is ground it is molded into bricks of great toughness, which are also impervious to frost and 80 per cent lighter than common clay bricks. Cement, concrete and artncial stone are likewise made from the slag. Higher education among women is making wonderful advance in Russia. Nine hundred and eighty famale stu dents are pursuing the higher courses of study at St Petersburg. Of these 521 study physics and mathematics and 417 literature; 610 are ,of noble birth, and 774 profess the orthodox faith. Among the American things that are acknowledged in England as having a dangerous competition with old Eng lish articles are the American maga zines. "lour brains as wen as your beef," says an English correspondent, wittily ."nave a place in bntish es teem." GEN. GRANT'S CONDITION. A Report that he has Been Rained by Stock Speculation. New York, March 9. It was pretty openly declared on Wall street to-day that General Grant, who has" been load ed up with a'variety of stocks ever since the break of last month promi nent among which are Wabash Pacific and Denver and Rio Grande "laid down" on his brokers yesterday, being unable or indisposed to make good his dissipated margins. The. steadily ac cumulating losses which he has been obliged to submit to is what led him to deed his Long-Branch property to Mrs. Grant a week or more ago. At present it is declared the General is without any personal income worth speaking of. It is even reported that the $250,000 raised for him by George Jones was all invested in Wabash securities which have fallen from par to nearly fifty cents on the dollar. This is doubtful, however, as by the terms of the sub scription Mr. Jones was made the trus tee of the fund and would not have been likely to invest it in a shifting stock like Wabash. Nothing that Gen. Grant has gene into lately has been very successful, and his name at last ceased to be of much importance to big enterprises. In other words he is no longer a drawing card on Wall street. His son "Buck," however, is said to have made a pretty big pile. Gold and Silver. At'anta ConstituUon. The latest census monogram relates to the production of gold and silver, the annual bullion product of the world is put in.this paper, which was prepar ed by Mr. Clarence King, at 182 mil lions, of which North America furnish es 101 millions, or nearly 56 per cent Europe, including Russia in Asia, yield 22 and Australia nearly 16 per cent The product of gold and silver in this country in the census year was in val ue $72,730, 307 of gold $23,293,823, of silver 39,426,484 The . United States produced one third of the year's gold and one-half of the silver. In 1880 there were taken from ourmines and placers five ordina ry car-loadsof gold and enough of silver to have loaded a train, of -109 freight cars enough, all told," to have made a full cargo for a large modern ship. Among the States, California Is still largely ahead in the production of gold. Her pay gravel holds out wonderfully. She gave us in 1880 something more than 17 millions in gold, or 71 per cent of the total product of the placer mines and 51 per cent of the deep mines. Nevadaliolds the second place in the list of gold-producing States, followed in order by Dakota, Colorado, Monta na Idaho and Oregon. The product of Oregon amounted to $1,097,701. The product of North Carolina in the census year was $118,753 ; of Geor gia, $81,029; of South Carolina, $13,040; of New Hampshire, $10,999 ; of Virgin ia, $9,321; of Tennessee, $1,998; and of Alabama, $1,301. The product of the southern gold belt was of course small in comparison with that of the Rocky mountains or Pacific States ; but it is possible that the returns from our scat tered mines and mills are neither full nor accurate. The' present; production is certainly t largely in excess of the figures of the census bureau. ' The leading silver State is Colorado, which gave us 16 millions against Ne vada's 12 millions, Utah comes next, and Arizona, Montana and California. The product of Georgia was $322, of North Carolina $140. and of Smith Car- Lelina $56. 1 Sale of the Catawba Factories. , Statesville Landmark. r The two factories on the Catawba river in which Dr. A. M. Powell, V Ca tawba, owned interests, were sold un der decree bf courton the 6th. The iowell & Shuford factory, about 1,000 spindles, was bought by Mr. J. U. Long, Of Catawba, fnr ; ftO Crjl , P.Mnna J7 Vi ,x had expeeied,tp bid withis . factory did nuu amvo m ume ana ijisoia low. Tne factory of the Catawba Manufacturing' cor$iKwnaE&utr spindles vf a boqghtby Mr. C.E. Graham, of Ashe vlllie, for $14,100. Mr. W.H. H. Gregory, at this place, had an order to run this iacpry up to $144?oq, and did so. t t. -' i" I v ... T ' 1-' Tnousands-of ladles today' cherish grateful re membrances of the hejp derlvk fro m of MrTttdk ' 'IYeW TOIaI,t Bend to wesu5r" " J5?SSJ ?J'?mae borders, and can eheerfur - .ji-,i,ecoiamndU Mrs. k N. Bolton... "Rations for the Flood SnflereVsC Washington. March 1L In replv to ureuuesQ irom uov. Mcn:nerv tne sec retary $f 'War ordered one-hundred thousand rations to be delivered to the commissioner at New Orleans for the sufferers by the oods. It is Curtng Everybody-" writes a druggist "Kianey -Wbrt Is the most dodu- lar medicine we sen.? I should be bf right, lor no other medldne hM'srwh nrwvifin nt inn nn tia liyeri bowels and kidneys. It yon ;haTO those symptoms which Indicate biliousness or deranged Kidneys do not fail to procure it and use faithfully. m uuuiu pc ud uum u u sola dv &u drnee-lata. Salt T nlrrt -- . I City Tribune. IatQrSvedPatt-anaPtot bUleS md6' WILSON & BUR WILL'S marlO Drag store. Electric Hair Brashes. ELECTRIC Flesh Brushes, just arrived, at WILSON Ar RTTRWWI T.'J marlO Drugstore. Cooper's Elixir Buchu FOB all Bladder troubles. Sold by WILSON & BURWELL. marlO WANTED. A RELIABLE business man with smalLcapltal, j-- one inai can start dozens ot canvassers to work up an adjustable feed. Twenty per cent more sawing done with same mill per day. Sam- vus at uipi. w uses' iroundry. T. J. BEAMY. mar!0 2t Charlotte House. FRESH MINERAL WATER Both Foreign and Domfrtfe, Just Received, at Dr.J.H.McAden's Drug Store I ABATOGA ICHY, From Saratoga Springy Y. A new water re sembling the imported Vichy. Recommended as an antacid: cures dysppsiK, aids diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong diuretic Also, Hathora Natural Mineral Water, Bacommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and in ail forms of dyspepsia. ALSO. CASES CONGRESS WATER, 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASKS BUFFALO LITHIA. Ani a full supply of IMPORTED APOLllNfiRIS -AND Hnnyadi Janes Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! H UNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dos: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Zancet "Huny,dl Janos. Baron Liebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." Prof. Virchote, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." trqf. Bamberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Bcemzont, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. D.,F.B. 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them in efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D. F. R. &, Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Fried richshalL" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist North Tryon St, CHARLOTTE, N. C DON'T GO TO SARATOGA . When you can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from tbe sprlug at Saratoga. We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J. H. McADEN, , Druggist and Chemist Prescriptions carefully prepared by experienced and competent druggists, day or night July2S "gov Mzlc CITY PROPERTY FOB SALE. A DESIRABLE residence, three blocks from the public square to Charlotte, will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms to the right kind of a purchaser. Tbe dwelling is on a full lot, has nine comfortable rooms, brick kitchen, fine well of wa ter, etc. The house is admirably adapted for the residence of a lawyer, doctor or preacher, having an admirable library or study room, built for the purpose. For furthsr particulars, price, terms, elo.. apply at this office. " luly20,dtf City Lot for Sale Cheap. t THE Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the jl - north Carolina Railroad, rronting i4U reet on Ninth street and 196 feet on the North Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided intotwo fotsof 70 by 198 feet Suitable either for MULE STOLEN. STOLEN front my farm, three miles North of Charlotte on the night of (he 8rd instant, one dark Bay Mare Mule medium size, age about eleven or. twelve years, with several white snots on the ramp and around the root of, the tail, with boeaftftenlrtinly f i ; A reward of Twenty Dollars will be paid lor the. -delivery of the Mule to me at Charlotte, or Fifty Dollars. lax the mule and thleL " i-s oi'mil marg lw, , . ; GEO. 8. HALL. ,, UJUST REOEIVED I ITivd Car Loads of Corn; two-car loads of Flout A.1 two ear loads of Byrops, one ear load of Bait,' Sugar, Coffee and Bacon, and Tobacco, now for sale at CUTHBEBTSON A BAKER'S, - . Lucca Cream Salad Oil, vj.w x am ooor no i. w. sanaer&v Thil fnllnmln M.m. rected bjr the B&llrostd Of ficlals, svnd ' wh mum wnvci ; Carolina Railroad. OOSDEJTSED SOHEDTJLES. TRA1H8 GOmO SAST. Data, February 19th, 1882. No 51 Daily. No. 53 rmilv. Leave Charlotte, ... " Salisbury, . . . " High Point,.. Arrive Greensboro,. Leave reensboro,. Arrive Hlllsboro,... Arrive Durham,. ... Arrive Raleigh,.... Leave Raleigh, , Arrive Goldaboro'.. 8 66 a in 5.51 a m 7.20 a m 8.00 Am 5u 8.51 10.44 11.20 D m p m pm pm 8.25 a m 11.04 am 11.48 am 1.15pm 1.40 Dm 4 20pm No. 17-Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro., .a 00 p m Arrive at Ralfach,. . ..8.04 a m - Arrive at Gold8boro,..8.00 a m No. 61 Connects at Greensboro' with R ft D. B. R. for-all points North, East and Wet. via Dan ville. At Goldsboro with W. & W a. R. for Wil mington. - No. 53 Connects at Salisbury with W N. C & R. for all points in Western North Carolina; dully at Greensboro with R. ft D. u r. for al points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, February 19th, 1882. No. 50 No. 52 . - ' Dally. Dally. Leave Goldsboro,. 10.20 am Arrive Raleigh 12.40 pm ....'.".i".".;; Leave Raleigh, 4,10 pm Arrive Durham j. 5 23 pm Arrive Hlllsboro 6.07 pm Arrive Greensboro. 8.50 pm Leave Greensboro ... H.lOpm 7 25am A rrive High Point, 9.43 pm 806am Arrive Salisbury .11 .03 p m 9 28 a m Arrive Charlotte 12.50 am 11.20am No. 18 Daily except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro, . .2.50 p m Arrive at Raleigh,. .7. 10 p m Leave Raleigh 5.00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 2.20 p m No. 50 Connects at Charlotte with A. 4 C. Air Line for all points- in the South and Southwest, and with C, C. ft A. R. R. lor all points South and Southeast. o. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. ft C Air Line for all polDts South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C. ft A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. N. XV. N. C. RAILROAD. going west. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 9,20 p m Arrive Kemersjvilie lO.Ur) p m Arrive Salem . 1 1.20 p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. , 8.30 a m Arrive Kemersvllle 9.41 a m Arrive Salem. 10. 15 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem : 5.15 am Arrive Kernersviile 5.50 am Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 53 Dally. Leave Salem 6.00 p m Arrive Kernersviile . H.40 p in Arrive Greensboro . 8.00 p m NT AXE UNIVERSITY IUILKOAD. No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. . . Arrive University, Arrive Raleigh 7.30 a m 8.20 a m 10 16am No. 2. Daly GOING SOUTH. ex. Sunday. Leave RaMh, . . . Arrive University.. Arrive Chapel Hill, 8 30 p m 5. 1 5 p m 6.15 p m Pullman Sleeping Cars WitMt C&ro OA Train No. 50, New York and AManta via Wash ington and Danville, ana between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Charlotte and Washington and Charlotte via Danville. r-Through Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleleh, Goldsboro', Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, Southwest West, North and East. Kr Emigrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, A. POPE. General Pa.seneer Agent feb2S Richmond, Va. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGUE DEPARTMENT. On and af:er March 5th, 1882, the passen- fer train service on the Atlanta & Charlotte Alr .lne Division of this road will be as follows: Mail and Kxpress. No. 50- WESTWARD. Mail. No. 52. Leave Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Arrive Charlotte, M. Gattonin, L Spartaoburg, K Greenville, fl Seneca, G Toccoa. Rabun Gap Junction,. Lula, E Gainesville Atlanta 12.40 am 1.85 am 4.04 a m 5.32 a m 7.15am 8.28 a m 9.82 a m 10.18 am 10.51 am 1.40 pin 11.05 am 12.02 p m 2 85 p m 409 pm 5.64 p m 705 p m 8.00 pm 8.43 p m 9.15 pm 12.05 a m Mall and Express. No. 61. EASTWARD. Mail, No. 53. Leave AtlanjKfii-. Arrive Galnesvlfe, Arrive Lula, K Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa. F ,.. Arrive Seneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arnve Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M 2.15 p m 4-54p m 6.2p m 6 22 pm 7.u6 p m 8.24. d m 5.00 a m 741 a m 8.32 am 9.14 am 10 07 am 11 21 am 1.27 pm 2.59 pm 5 11 pm 6.00 pm 10.08 p m 11.40 p m 2.06 a m 3.15 am CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving tralas of Georgia Central, A. ft W. P. and W. ft A. Railroads. C with arriving tratns of Georgia Railroad. E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C K with Spartanburg and Ashevtlle, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevtlle, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas an Chester. M with C , C. ft a , C C, R. ft D. and A.. T. ft O. for all points West North and East Pullman sieeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. A. PopE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Taloott. General Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent mar 12 C, G. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. tSIn Effect Wednesday, March 1st, 1882.EJ Train Train No. 62, No. 48. Pa9seng'r. Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte 11.80 am. Arrive Rock H1U . 12.35 pm Arrive Chester, 1.28 p m Arrive Winnsboro 2.50 p m Arrive Columbia.... 4.1 8 p m Leave Columbia 4.25 p m 5.45 a m Arrive Lexington, 5 1 2 p m 6.87 a m Arrive Ridge Spring 8-25 p m 7.65 a m Arrive Granlteville,.. 7.40pm 9.12am Arrive Augusta, ..:...f 8.40 p m 9 52 a m Train Train No. 18, No. 20, , Freight Freight Leave Cbarlotte .., 5.40am 5.40 p m Arrive Rock Hill, 8.03 a m 7 32 p m Arrive Chester. 9.50 a m 9 03 p m Arrive Winnsboro, 12.55 p m Urt 7 p m Arrive Columbia, .. 4.18 pm 218am Leave Colombia, ....... . 240am Arrive Leltogton,. . : 3.40 a m Arrive Ridge Spring......... ........... i&47am Arrive Grauueville, -' -.. 7,64 a m Arrive Augttfta.. '. 9.30am Train Na 52, Daily-Connects at Columbia with the 8. C. R. R. f or Charleston and with the "C ft G. R. R. for Alston, Newberry,, AbbevUte, ; ftc. At Augusta 'with Central Georgia B. R, : for Macon, Savannah and Florida points. . ' : ; Train No. 48, Dally-Connects at 'Augusta with the Georgia R. B. and Centrat Georgia R. R, for Mcon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. . Trains Nos, 18 and 20, local, dally except Bun-day.- i. r- ' , ":- , j Trains from the South arrive at Charlotte, pas . senger; daHy, at 5.35 p. m. Freight, dully except Sunday, at K42 a. m. and 4 45 p.m. . . . "ATLANTIC, TENNESSEE ft OHIO DIVISION. j teave Charlotte. 5 45pm , Arrive at Statesviae. 1. . . k.00 P m u pram Ko.$3JaU7 exeept Sunday, . .1 Iave 8esvilW.'..:....:.'-.80am Tickets sold to ail Tiolirtsy rjathsBoTitheastand Southwest - and . baggage.- checked .throueh. , No lay-over allowed on tocaJ tlckets. 4: A. POPE, X. M.R. TAiDOTT, w,.; tieji'l PaMChger Agenk . .. . jBen'l, Manager. .k a . ' ..Columbia, 8. 0, March. 1st, 1882. - i marj.0. j - j r- "wn i 1 i ' We Have added to our Stock a Supply of GUANO. Eauitable and Chesapeake, -ALSO- GENUINE Kainitt, or German Potash Salts. CALL AND 8EE US. A. J.Beall&Co... College Street mar7 Si -I HAVE JUST RECEIVED-- A LOT OF AND - ap Bap. HOI H ATLANTA AND Pill I, VIIM, PHIA SIZE. o One Can Undertl .VI o. mar5 EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT ! We hve ut received and offr for a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts, Mossrose Decoration, 66 pieces, 810.00, worth $15.00. EXTRA FINE TEA ETTS, gold, bird ajd flower decoration combined, 44 pieces, $12 50, worth $18 00. PORCELIAN TEA SETTS, plain white, very nice, 44 pieces, $5.00. PORCELAINS DINNER SETTS. 107 pieces, for $15.00; decorated, 180 P eces, for $35.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a superior quality, complete with shades, at $1.00, worth $2 00. All Other Goods in Proportion. WHOLESALE m$ RETAIL. Aespeotfully, J. Brookfield k Co. feblO DISSOLUTION. THE Beer Bottling business heretofore conduct ed in Cbarlotte by Cochrane ft Munzler h been this day d ssolved by mutual consent W. R. COCHRANE, February 9, 1882. F. C. MUNZLKK. NOTICE. HAVING bought out the interest of Mr. w. R. Cochrane in the Beer Bottling business, I will here after ennduct the business, as agent for tbe Berg nr ft Eugel Company, in Charlotte, and while re turning thanks for past patronage, respectfully solicit favors in the future. Respectfully, feblO r. C MUNZLER Acid Phosphate 400 TONS HIGH GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE, - CootalnlngJ?tp l8 per cent Soluble Phosphoric SAcjd. Analysis Guaranteed. ewabbakted gektjine. aa Just Received. Special inducements to dealers and large buyers. ; CllA.sC SMITH, . Wholesale-' Dealer la Guano snd Conml-sloo , ' ercliamX Wlimtoi afa29 1m i- I HAVE Just BecelMd a snlpment ef Cotton Seed Meal irom the Charleston Oil MWU. AValoa tle food for stock as well n a fro SertlllMV An alysis howa41 agamstaaiorPeaa in flesh pw ductegiand W aBataatrJOforfatproprtteswiii aeU the Meal at avery loin price s, roqnsWertrig 1" value, J, H. 8HANOIUOCJ5. Agenw To ire an Wrapping Paper John II. lios. Cotton Seed MeaL ,Biar4ttr, it,: 1 As i