i - - 11 - - - - . , (Jljariattt b$ner. f inooJtzrrtoir Ring: DaOit WWiPWll"' $8.00 4.00 IM ijck w. S5ooil5 just Recalled bjtAcpres. an Elegant Line of Ladies? Neck Wear, IMBBICINQ ILL LATEST DESIGNS FOB THIS KEA.80N. w mu ta a few days have open and ready for In spection a Stack of woods SECOND TO NONE- IN THld MABlCtT. ps-,AU CordlaUyInvlted to Call on Us. 1 tank $ Harris. : :o:- Pegrao & o., Haw irtna and a dIrj receiving A BEAUTIFUli LINE OF nnn km rTrT ITTITT-8S-' fas sn i nm n if n GO B W BJ AGO ID IT KK BggS Don't Fail to CaS and See Them. PEGRAM& CO. laptt BOSTON METALLURGICAL WORKS, 35 HAWKINS 8Tn BOSTON. flASS. HeMld&U. Asseye and Aealytleal Chemists OS LD atl SI LTEB REsTIM KM. ftefl IE-Run f OwJB 100 lb, and upwards. Rr.rltXCToflY njfE THE' Burvejs, Mine stamMptttoos, Beposls, Sketches and Ifiapa m&da. Coislrutttons of works ad apUes nmtahed. j : . AHi.GER3 0 Trie Jgr b gtai Smelting Works. ptlLl SILVER, . ON UETUBPf r FUBCUASED COPPER ttATTE AND BA8E BULLION Tmated bo Beasona)le Terma. Taopis upiiia,,,,,, ',Mstm9' a. h. UDm. i JOHN HOLLIDAT,. .Pboi". CHwearr. marg tf -- -r . H BAiur. VANCE & BAILEY, P.atslnTrs' o,, s)iS snwt :a is-vdene I SSss east Osuw B t-V SPRING " 1882L NEW and STYLISH GOODS 1882, 1882. Spring Style flats. Sil, Su ail U --HATS Mar- Vol. xxvii. -WE- WE- ARE RECEIVING -NEW-- -NEW- GOODS EVERY DAY AND WILL SOON HAYS READY lor Inspection the most yaried and best mlectet Btock we haye erer offered the publla All lines o gooda hare been bought witb eare and disttlmina Uon; bat especial care has been taken in the selee tlon of our WHITE GOODS -AND- BLACK GOODS, Both of which surpass in variety and excellence anything of the kind ever shown the trade of Char-' lotte. We ask a thorough Inspection of our stock and comparison of oar prices. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. mar8 A cld or more throat may not seem to mount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cared; but neglect la often loUowed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has erer been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely- in such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAJUT KTT,r.HT The prompt use of this invaluabia rtmedp has saved thousands of lives. PERBY DAVIS PAIN KIULKR Is not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and la most valued where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: IAiirKii.ixB h been my household remedy for olds for toe past twenty -seven years, and nave sever known it to fail in effecting a cure. L 8. Cboozxb, WUUamsvllle, N. Y. For thirty years I hare used Pais Kixlxr, and found it never-falling- remedy for colds and sore throat Baktom Beam ah. Have received immediate relief from colds and ore throat, and eonaidar your Paxk Killkb an Invaluable remedy vaxo. . vxkkxt, Dickinson, I nave just rseovwed from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killkb, which reueved me immediately. I will never again be without it O. O. Fobck. Lowndes, Oa. Have used Paw Kn.ui in my family for forty years, ana nave never kuoi LtEwra, Waynesooro, I began using Path! five years ago and j found no medicina DrusnriMt. fte4da. 1 tnun m TTiT rami xuav I it ever since, and have i to 1 Usplace.-a.W,DYKB, , Oneida, N. V For wfiooplnsr-courfi and croup it is the best preparation made, we would not tie without it r. KouTs, 11 Deny auus va. For twenty -fire yean I have used Path Ktixeb for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Qxo-HoorM,Wilm1ngton, N.O. I was mfferhifir severelv with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Paw Kilub, and after taking' a few doses was eotnpletely cured. T. Waimo. Dr. Waitow writes from Coshocton: Tour Paw Kn.i.KB eures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm. here, and has not been Known to instance. This fact you should the world. Mm ir.T.T.n H Mian writes; Mr son wastsken violently sick with dlphthesaVmgh fever, and cold chills. Be many children have died here, I was afraid to eaU a physician, and tried your Pais Killxb. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was dear. It was a won derful ewe, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are kMring so many children. For Chios and Fever PAIH KTXX.ER has no equal, it cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain KnxxKin the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All drugglstaseu It at 5c, 50c, and ti.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A 80N, Proprietor, Providence R. I. sept tw sept out, TUTFFS PDD D INDORSED BY THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUHPH OF THE AGL SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. insation In T ieaMHtw of tempor. iwr spirits. XjQM gmemorf . wi a'feoW of Wing us 1- anml anty, jearinasa, yutmeu, TTTTttertnsr of 4ho Hsart. DoU Deibre the Taltow Bkw"HesSUohe. estlessr nesTat night, bighly oolorsd brine. IF THESI WASNUrOS ABE UITESZSEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTS FILLS peciaiiT .bSTand hvthebrfrottle Aetlonbn tb ronleAeflon alMBtoou axepro- TUTT'S HAIR DYE. a.i J few rswivsrointm. Office. 3o iwurray w fo- TCTFf IAICAI f YaliHrWe lafomatiM aae mJsS&U wul natU B aaspttoatl. ?ebr. 23deodwl mm tlinEcr. Bucko, Man. arake, Stffltogia, and many of the best medl. rin known are conv bUedbParker'Gnger Tonic, Into a medicine fmek varied Bowers, ss to make It the greatest ntj Ttt6 awl tha 1 Tt.tnalthAStrsarth SastenrEverutM. It rarts Rhenmatnitt. SeeplewneM, jk dUeaaa Parker's of tne stoaacn, t av ruhm. flair Dfi Mm. S-! . rmtu-ehr dificrent from UCUOqilll nitterm. GGirer Esienees 522 M4 hw fl!ilc SuAIMwrirfmr Ijuvt t32 SSBOTKt; miDirtStSXSSS rOS DETOKEE8. .. . iMAiwewiT.T.- fL CL ' " "' DiDhthma. X oat Hair or whiskim cnan gwo i JSJOf" T TtVtnvbrm single application of this Dra. It Smarts a SatuS cSSr. acts iMtautMeouriy. . or Hot bv exDreM an wwxm w i. it BMti STOWl 8 OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. RAKING UP THE EMBERS FROM THE ASHES. The Rumpus that Garfield's Letter is Making Rosecraus Dignified and Si lent-Western Republican Senators on a "White Man's Govermment"--The Spoil Truce in North Carolina Mott's Men Still on the Anxious Reach Per' sonal Notes and Postal Dots. Washington, D, C. March 14, 1882. political circles ia tnis city are in a greatly disturbed state over certain dis closures daring the week. A New York paper published a confidential letter of Gen Garfield to S. P. Chase, chief justice at the time of the Su preme Court of the United States. The letter was dated July 27. 1883, and in it the Writer accused Gen. Bosecrans.then in command of the Army of the Cum berland, (now a Democratic member from California of inactivity, and in cidentally of cowardice. The publica tion of this letter, following so closely on the heels of Gen. Kosecrans; denial of that part of Blaine's eulogy on Gar field in which he charged that the Army of the Cumberland was in a demoral ized condition when Garfield was as signed to it, has created a decided sen sation and stirred up military circles to fever heat Garfield's letter is regarded as an evidence of his double dealing, Janus-faced character. He was the trusted, confidential friend of Rose crans, and while occupying that private relation he was stabbing him in the back with letters to the War Secretary. A new light has been thrown on the matter by Hon. Montgomery Blair, at the time postmaster-general under Lincoln. He was a warm friend of Rosecrans and went to the President to prevent his removal. It is represented that Blair said that Garfield spoke in high terms of Rosecrans when the President expressed astonishment at the statement, saying that it was upon Garfield's report that he was removed. To add to the excitement occasioned by these revelations is an attack in one of the local papers on Garfield in which he is likened to Judas in his betrayal-of Christ. The attack is believed to have" been written by one of the Grant me dallion brigade and has caused much comment among Garfield's friends, who have rushed into print in defense of bis character. It is acknowledged on all hands that the last week has done more to injure Garfield's character than all the developments of "Credit Mobelier," "Salary Grab," etc., that was brought out in the last Presidential campaign. The same men who were Garfield's comrades in the Army of the Cumber land were Rosecrans' too, and a number have told me that no such state of af fairs as he states ever existed. It re flects upon each man and officer in the whole army and they are ready and anxious to deny it As a rule no army commander on this side the Potomac was more loved by his troops than "Old Rosy," as he is affectionately called. His popularity is attested by the fact that he was elected to Congress from the San Francisco district by over 1,500 majority in a district that for years has returned a Republican member. More over he is as brainey a man as there is in either House, has been elected chair man of the Democratic caucus, and is a trusted and able Democratic leader. In all this correspondence he has kept a dignified silence, conscience of his own rectitude and trusting to history to vin dicate him which it has already done in the opinion of 99 but of every 100 peo ple here. It is not improbable th at now that the trap has been sprung a flood of light in the shape of confidential letters will be shed upon this subject A matter that should not be passed by unnoticed is the fact that during the debate on the Chinese bill in the Sen ate last week, Senator Jones, of Ne vada, a warm and personal friend of General Grant, set aside the false face he has been wearing forsome time and allowed himself to indulge in some sober truths. And yet, suoh is the fact, strange aa it may seem, and more strange indeed than the truth from that source was the peculiar kind he indulged in. He said, in speaking about the undeserability of Chinese emigra tion, that if the negroes of the South were in the North that he would be in favor of their expulsion anoTthat the North herself would not tolerate them. He went on in this strain for some time, much to the astonishment of both sides' of the chamber. Mr. Dawes, that canting hypocrite, .felt called upon to rebuke the honest expression, and views by the Nevada stalwart Mr. Teller, another Western Senator, followed the same strain. The negroes around the capitol were thunder struck by this at tack, coming from one of the pillars of the party, and one in reply to ques tion aaid. "You know Jones has al- wavs been half democrat" Mr. Jones, however, has taken precaution tore serve his speech for revision and when it appears that part about toe negro will ht Ipro hA entirelv eliminated. It was mentioned at the time that the President had called a halt in tne party warfare in the Republican camp about North Carolina offices. A truce was nathfd un and as a result Seymour rftnrfisentinff the Keoeh wing and Cooper and Pennypacker representing the Mott element of the party have been nominated to office.. So far the Keoeh element seems to be ahead, for, thnnch hut one man of his wing has been put, be has been confirxaed, while rnfl moil will it nave iwu uaiucu iui office with a red-hot fight against Hnoner sending and a slight breeze liable to be raised against Pennypacker on account of that 0100 pei montn par- cain with Mr. Canaday. It seems un fortunate that the Mott wing should miRh to the front men against whom charees are made by their own party associates. Even as WAXupw w J r i -i the South, it is not asserting a falsehood to say that some honest men could be found in it capable of filling an office. There are peiieveo to db sucn iu vrnt.t win or. and onlv on the principle of "birds of a feather," etc., can be accoun ted the men he always pusues w me front It is remarked here that most of his men are quasi lawyers, and tne transi tion into political carrion is not a vio lent step if we are to believe the old ...inir that -the profession of a lawyer has often made a knave of him whom nature meant to mane u ' Both of Mott7s men are now before the Senate, and a few weeks wiU suffice to show what that body will do. His wSmSfa he coroesout, will do so afterhaving been the recipient ' of a heavy party fire. PERS02JAI NOTES. W. P. Cannaday, ex-collector, of Wil mington, is nere. i t.Atiwi AarnA for the purpose or iSTm hU jMXxronta.; or collecting that eiOO per month from Fennypacfc -f. t armour, recently con- a JJI inHonf the Eastern district of of North Carolina, is here. w -" it T. Pennell, a prominent Bepubli CHARLOTTE, N. 0 THURSDAY can of RaleighV jiH 'Cis.her'e taking horoscope of the politieal heavens.' a No city in the gcruntrv is so infested with strolling lunatics as is this. Hard ly a day. passes but what' some "crank" is sent across the river. The latest in this line Iiails from North Carolina and gives the name or wmfleld Scott Han cock. He is cranky on the subject of women, and says he come here to mar ry an heiress. He was sent across the river. . Senator Ransom was a guest at the dinner party given by Senator Brown of Georgia, at the Metropolitan Hotel on Saturday night It is the impression here that the President wiu commute. Sereeant Ma son's sentence of 8 years at hard labor to half that term. . It is safe to deny things at long range but it is equally as senseless in the ab sence of facts.,. It was asserted. in this correspondence that , certain whilom leaders of the Democracy had indicated a desire to go over to the enemy. It was denied and the original charge in the light of facts remained disproved. It was asserted last week that Gov. Jarvis had decided to call the Legisla ture together in spite of the. fact that the entire congressional delegation here, with one exception, opposed it. xour Raleigh namesake denied it and now the Legislature has been called for April I9tn. Next to putting "cranks" into an 'asy lum is to export them. North Carolina seems to be adopting the latter method for in addition to W. S. Hancock, a col ored "crank" named'" Wy lie Dempsey, hailing from Plymouth, N. C has turn ed up in Alexandria and beed locked up. Oscar Turner is a' Democratic mem ber fiom Kentucky. A few days. ago he made an able speech on the tariff, in which he undertook to show how much a man paid in custom dutiesupon the necessaries of life. To do -this he fol lowed the man frftm thatimfl he aroso in the mbrning until he retired at night and mentioned how much duty there was on the towel upon which he wined his face, upon ttie soap, he used,!the forks he eat with, and when he retired upon the carpet he knelt down oh to say his prayers. It was a most pathetic picture, out while the facts stated re main true, Mr. Turner feels like kicking himself, as a member with no regard cor his feelings, arose a few days after wards rtnd showed that Mr. Marshall, a membv i itn yf ars ago, had delivered th$ same speech that,, Mr. Turner had, word lor word, it is not likelv Mr. Turner will be heard from again this session. Reidsville postoffice becomes Presi dential on the 20th instant with a salary of $1,100 a year. There are a number of applicants for the place. R. H. Wray is the present postmaster and stands well with the department ine commission of 1). C. Mangum.as postmaster at Durham, expires on March 20th. It can be authoritatively stated that failing to beat Hubbs in convention this fall for Congress, an independent Republican will be run with the hope of defeating him. The present term of the district at torney of the Eastern district of North Carolina expires on March 30th. The contest for the place mentioned in this correspondence when it began still con tinues. The most prominent now are Judge Russell, and Messrs. Albertson. Robinson and Purnell. The two latter are on the ground. It is thought that Judge Russell stands the best chance. A movement is on foot here to have ex-Gov. Holden appointed collector of internal revehue'in place of Ike Young. it is sec rortn mat women deserves a place at the hands of his party and that as Young has . had his place for some time that Holden should be given it Nichols makes too acceptable a post master to displace him for Holden. ' POSTAL NOTES. Special service from Simpson's Store to Aspen Grovle, N. C, has been ordered discontinued from March 15. Service from. Edgefield C H. to Elm- mood, S. C, has been increased to four times a week from March 0. Change in Stat Service North Caro lina: Dudley to Bentoilville. Leave Dudley Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 p. m. - Arrive at Benton ville by 8 p. m. Leave Bentonville Tuesdays and Fri days at 5 a. m. Arrive at Dudley by 12 m. Picktjp. Bnainesa Yersns. PoiMca in the &qxx A Northern correspondent has recent ly written a letter from Birmingham, Ala- to the Boston Heram. me most striking idea in the whole letter is found in the following bit or conversa tion between the writer and a Northern man who had moved to Alabama: "Arent you afraid to trust your capi tal to the care of the bulldozing peo ple?" I asked a shrewd Pennsylvania iron master whp has put up a furnace near Birmingham, ''Now, that's poli tics, my friend," he answered, and I'm here for business. It's well enough, per haps, to talk about bulldozing barbari ans if a man's up North and wants an office that his brain don't entitle him to, but no business man has ever been, scared away from the South by talK about bulldozing if he could make any money here. I'm just as safe here, be tween you and me, and so is my money, as we could be in Pennylyaniat We business meq are settling that section al question," he continued,. "The South won't quarrel with the men who invest their money here, and the North won't quarrel with the section where it has so large a pecuniary interest. There are certainly solid chunks of wisdom in all this. Murderers .Respited. Cincinnati. March J5. A Lexing ton, Ky., special says Gov. Blackburn has granted a respite of sixty dayB to Neal and Craft, sentenced to death for for the Gibbons murder, Methodist Conference., Fredericksburg, Va.. Match 15. In the Methodist Conference last night the appointments were announced and the Conference adjourned sine die. : The River a New Orleans:' New Oktjeans, March lk-Al mid- nicrht the river was eight inches cerow the rise or loi. -wo.iurmer uisa-juera . - m -n T M i. J! -d to levees reported. . The weather is clear and cool. ; - irNMtit Ditnliff Top the Tfafr. that will otnn ita faiitn. has been lon aonehBfbf. Park er's Hair Balsam, distinguished for Its purity, fully applies tn wauu -, . ' " " .; . i t should not hesitate to wait upoaihoae whom eveii soeh disease as smalt posliM attack ' There is lime to be feared by persons watting on th side tf they will use Darby s Prophy lactte Tund freely m thAwmter tbev bathe with andaalsQ take tt mier' nally. In -sick rooms -a should 1 .exposed bn a plate or saucer, and the patient spongea op wun tne riuld diluted wun water, ana siso a tew arops used Internally. shonkl also be used about every part of the house. i ii 1 ' " " 1 1 1 ' MAROH 16, 1882. We would ean special attention to the advertise ment of In this issue of Geo, A. stone, the well known nurseryman, of Rochester, N. Y., who Is In want of a few more salesmen to sell hla now fa mous PoukUngton Grape, and other new special ties ra nursery mock. Bronehiti. Throat Diseases of tea commences with a cough, cold, or unusual exer tion of the voice. These Incipient symptoms are allayed by the use of "Brown's Bronchial Tpches,,, which it neglected often result In a chronic ATouhle oi tne throat: r. C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, Md. We give above a correct likeness of this wii known and successful physician and surgeon who has made a life long stadv of Nervous Diseases and the Diseases of the Rkin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned In medical practice, viz: a comblnaUon of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large .and constantly recom mended by them. . It Is not a pateat; medicine. It is the result of hf own experience la practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and kre worthy of a trial by all iflUllijient sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick -headache, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia, paralysis, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure any case. Sold by ail druggists. Price oO cents a box. De pot, 106 North. Eutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cur ECZEMA) TETTERS, HU MORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINQSonanpartaoftiis p. body. It makes th akin white, soft and smboth; removes tan and freekiea, and la tha BEST toilet dreaming-la TES WOBXJ). Elegantly pat up, two tetUea ia one- package, oonaisUag af both Internal avd external treatment. All flrrt class drogglsta have It. Prloe SI per package. CHA& N CRITTENTON. Ilfi Fulton street. New York City, sole fieent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedlf b, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. marl . . MRS. LYDIl E. PINKKAM, OF LYKH, MASS., N A a E 9 e SJ c tt E o LYDIA E: PINKHAM'S VEtlBTABLg COMPOU-TD. 1 I a Positive Pure , feraU ikeaa Painful Complaint, aad WeaknawM eeeenuaea toaar beat remaie peaulauan. . It wili core entirely the worst form of Female Opnv plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TJloera tlon, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to tha Change Of life. ! It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus u aa early stage of development. The tendency to eaa eerons humors there la checked very speedily by Its use. It iemovetfahttas, flatulency, destroys all craving for atoftulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, bepreasloB and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, welgnc and backache, Is always permanently cored by its vaa. It will at all times and under all circumstances act m harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the curs of Sidney Complaints of either sax this Compound lannsurpassed. IFDIA E. PIN KII IH'S VEBITABLS COH. POTJXDls prepared at 233 and S3S Western Atkqub, Lyan,Hass. Price $L Six bottles for 5. Sent by mail In the form of pills, also In the form of lozenges, oa receipt of price, $1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkbam freelyanswers all letter of-Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Addles, aa ahOTe. Mention tkia Foper. tfo family should be without LYDIA E. PI5XHAHS I1VEB PILLS. They cure constipation, bfljonsness, and torpidity of "the liver. tS cents per box. tO" Sold by all Uroaaiata. LIME! LIHE! LME! :o-sO:? HAVTNff now two more Kilns In addition to our PJCBPETTJAL KILN we are now prepared to FILL ORDERS PHOHPTLT, on short notice, and at Drfces that defy competl tlon. We guarantee Quality, ;and matte no charge lmlAftB T.lme nmves sausfactorv. . we nave an agency m vuarioiie ui . v. oum mervllle; who will receive orders for small lots at -Kelerence as to quality of Lime given on appli cation. ' SIMON BHOTrlJma, box ho. 88, wanney uny o. u. mar7 8m FRESH . FRESH GARDEN SEED. R. II. JORDAN & CO., TRVON .STREET. , marS CI T Y PRO PERTY FOR SABE.-' - . : a- :-.t;-.:-;- ;i ' ' j -1 -A 8 Asslgaeo ot J, L. Hardin, in bwntorapter, -XV wiU sea at the court house door in Charlotte on Monday, the 1 3th day Of March. 1882, two valuable ettylots, known as Lots 1881 and ' 1883 m the plan of the eltyt-fronting 89 feeton Tnon street and running back, to College.. There Is a eomforiIe'dwemng and outbuUdlngs on said JOtA t-'ul 'n- Ws 5- ' f A i Terrat-4i eatn. and the balanee m 6 nonttas, at 8 pee een mterert. . JBBOWN, - -Assignee of J. U Hardin in Bankruptcy. : febl8tds ' -'"'.I " -' ' aV NO.-4,050. I ... - T af-TIT T FORGET TO LOOK 11 AT LACE CTJRTIJNTS, WKrawaHiv 1" Cretone another season. WS?SM Ever o3jred in this market. "PSAttL" HARGRA VES A BLESSIXti TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. liar to tne appearance ana cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity oi Junctions, witn leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrhsea, and bysteria. also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. - Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down palos so peculiar to women. Price $3 per box. Sent free by mall on - receipt of price. Dr. Clarice Medicine CompHny, New York City. F OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke' Pills In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price 82 BOper box. Five boxes $10 Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine company, new xontwiy. N IN VALUABLE RE 71 ED Y Eor weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure ln4Jte-8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or loog standing. One to three Dr. Clarke'a Gonnorrhea boxes usually sumctent. inee jj per' box. Three boxes for to. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Pill. rjrfjjEJ RE IS A. BALM IN Gl LEAD. for an eases of Spermatorrhoea' and imDotenev. as tha result of self- Dr. abuse in youth, sexual excesses In maimer years, or uuier causes, aim hroduclng some of the following effects; Nersousnese. seminal emls- Uons Cuight eealsstons by dreams) Clarke's uunness oi uigni, ueiecuve jiera- Mrv. Fhlslcal decav. Fimoies on iraee. Aversion toaociery oi jremaies, Confuslea ot Ideas. Loss of Sexuu Pewes. Nbcvieadering marriage im Invigorating proper or unnapprv are a posiuve mn in two tn ft weeks.. One to six IvnM nmAnTHnfflfllfint- Pflce SLftO per box. -jrour boxes .t.-- du uj PUlav mail, prepaia, on rewip w p Address Dr. Clarke Medk'ne Com pany. New York City. febl90Awl8w irt mmm mi$M& , IKE OBSXHYXR JOB DXPABTMEIT Has been thoroughly supplied with every needed wantnd with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispateh and cheapness. We can fur. niah at abort notice, BLANKS, BriX-HJtaJW, ' LKTTXB-B2ADS, CARDS, TAGS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS. PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLKT8; CIRCULARS, CHICKS, Ac. OUR 8 HIST, "EVI rT3",s!HOE9, & WILHELM. C. C. D. A. AND use THAT NORTIJ CAROLINA -HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC BOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSml Music House -SELLS- cniCK BRING & SONS, KBANICH & BACH. MATHOSHEK, ARION, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS. mason & hamltn, SHONINGKR. PKLOUBET & CO., BTEKLING, AiD OTHEB ORGAN'S. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY' First-Class Instruments. t3P Ask me for prices if ynu want good work and you will never buy anything but the beet. Address or call on, H. McSMITH. Telephones ! Telephones ! . TELEPHONES, THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AMD Telegraph Company, is the -SOLE LICENSEE 4 1 of the American Bell Telephone Company Tor supply log Telephones In the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of the B.4U.B. B..) North Carolina, Houth Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PEIVAIELUniS Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented pay- For particulars address SOUTHERN BKLL TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, fobll eod 8n 105 Broadway, New York. Having removed to the shop, on Trron street, over, the Independent Hook A Ider Truck House, is nowieadr to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN andOUNAMXNTAL, PALNTIKG, such as &BAIHI1TQ,-- Guilding, Ksominingw Frescoing, &c Everybody Has Discovered i -ft r . 1 Pi t1 r f ! 'I t , 'I I i ' - r ' m ix, t 1 t i V 1 OhaAoW "-U.K. USB. fl. KC