4 , ..P.. S"-i. 3-. Tji- Ji-'rfc'. " THUKtipAY MARCH 1?. 1882- phIlaki Lodgk No. 81, A. F 4 A. M.f Regular rree tinge very second and fourth Monday Bights. - irxoKLaiOR Lodos Na 261, A. F. & jL M. Reg ular meeting every first and third Tuesday ntghta. rnksurm Chaptsr No. 89, B. A. M. Regular nieethigevery second and lourtli Friday nlghta. : PH ARLOTTK COKM AJTD ART NO. 2, K. T. Regular meeting every first and third Thursdaya, knights of Honor. Regular meeting every ,eeond and fourth Thursdays. SZ. OF JP. Knights ob PTTHiis. Regular meeting nights Brat and third Wednesdays, 7 o'clock p. m. at Ma cule Temple HolL : y . O. O. IF. ' CRARLOTTK Lotos Na 88.-r-Keets every Mot jay night. Mkcklbnbubo Dbclarattoh Lodgk No. fS Meets every Tuesday nlghL . ' ; Dnra Lodgk So. 108. Meetsferory Thursday ciguu . , . ; ': i ; Catawba Ritkr Encampment No. 21. Meets Irst and thlrdThursday nights In each month. Index to New Adrertisements. ODera House Ble 4 jMinetrels. r H Jordan A Co-Mineral Water, &c. j B Biossom & Kvans Kinplre Easier Mills. a J Voyel- Fresh Beef. Pork and Sausage. Latta C. Johnston Strayed BUSINESS NOTICES." " S'o all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous wnafcr. ess. early decay os's of manbood, Ac, I will send ft recipe that will cure you. FREE ol CHARGE. Till J great remedy was discovered by a missionary lr Jouth America. r,n(i a seif-addwssed envelope to the Bxv. J06EPH T. INMAN; Station D, Wew York aty. . . Frematnre J,o of Ilalr May be entirely prsvenied by the use of BUB NF.TT'S CCCOAINI. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which exactly suit ttie various conditions of the nuinan hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes th Irritated scalp. It affords the r:ches lustre. It prevents the hair from falling oft It promotes Its healthy, v corona roth. It Is not greasy nor sticky. It leave no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. Burnett's Flavoring Extracjs are knwn to be the Jbest. ' A New Feature. The band will play at Brem & McDowell's Skat ing Rink Monday and Friday evenings, t half past ?even o'clock, and Wednesday nights at a quarter past eight o'clock. Doora open at half past seven o'cloilt. Bedford Alum and Iron Sprjkgs Water and Mass The gTeat tonic and alterative contains Swice hs much Iron and fll'ty per cent, more alum inum tli;in any "alum and Iron mass" known. -Just the U.lng for the "spring weakness" now so .'iit-ral. Sold by ali druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. marl 1 tf ltxv dw t xtist m cuts. Absolutely Pure. nils powder r7ervarlea Ama.-vel of purtty si D;t!i and iioiermeness. Mors econo mica tln me ordinary ' ids, and cannot be sold in cimDeiit'on wltn the multUude or. iw test, short wrnnt, alum or phe ipfiate powers. '8old only In ns. KU i a ti BAKING POWDFB CO., NewYDrk. LeRiy Davldi.m, Sole Agent. Charlotte, N; C. CONS T; A N T LY COMING- IN. WB;cn I WXLL BELL CHEAP FOR CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AT WHITE FRONT. f-bai AT- WILDER'S YOU WIIiTj FIN I A TOLL 8T0CK OF PresriiiiitDf S Ch?raicals, tojet Articles Also, a IreBh ilpplj bi t"11' i ii ; Fern nre I M. Andrews, ore ill HOME CHlPLfiTS tiXftimot has been afloat oti the streets for the past two days, that Capt. Jam&B M. Davis was killed on Monday oemg mrown irom a nofse. The rumor is evidently a mistake. ; IW Mrs. M. P. Peprram -was yester day removed from Jacksonville, Pla, to Augusta, Ga whither Dr. Graham, of this city, has gone to render her profes sional service. Her condition is regard ed as critical. t"The bicycling at the skating rink Tuesday night proved quite an attract tion. Over three hundred people wit nessed the race, which was participated in by sixteen riders, using bicycles the Wheels of which ranged from 28 to 56 inches in diameter. Another race will take place soon. tJT Turner Jamison, colored, was be fore the mayor yesterday morning to answer to a charge preferred against him some time ago of disturbing reli gious services at the colored- Second Presbyterian church. He was fined $20 and costs for the offense, and in default of cash payment was sent to the rock pile. ESFConversation at the skating link: She ''What a horrible noise the band makes." He "I beg your pardon." She "Excuse me." He "Pardon me; did you speak V" She "I didn't catch your last remark." Then they both silently skated away, each wondering what the mischief the other was talking about. tip At a meeting of the Hornets' Hest Riflemen night before last steps were taken with a view to inaugurate a movement for the proper celebration of the approaching anniversary of the 20th of May. . An executive committee was appointed with instruction to map out a line of procedure and report at $he next meeting of the company. The prospects for a worthy celebration are fair and with the a id and co-operation of the cit izens the Hornets anticipate much suc cess as the result of the undertaking. Tenant House Burned. Last Monday a tenant house wa3 burned on the plantation of Mr. J. C. Cochrane, near Harrisburg. The occu pant lost his household effects, amount ing in value to about $fT0. Mr. Coch rane's less is not know, but supposed to bes mall. Important Mectm?. A meeting will be lielJ at half past sever: o'el-ick this eveningat the Cham ber of CViurcieree room., to which all the business men of Charlotte fire in vited, to h:ar i!ie. report of committee on roads aioihled at the meeting on 3rd inst , und to take such further ac tion as may 1 uecess.-ir)' The object is an important one to the tax payers, property holders and btHincss men of Charlotte, so if is hoperl that there will be a good turn out to consider it. Fi re in Monroo. A letter from Monroe t Col. J. L. Brown, of Ihis city, stales that dny be fore yesterday a fire occurred in Mon roe by which the warehouse of Messrs. Schute & Son was destroyed. There were 100 bales of cotton and a small quantity of fertilizer in the warehouse, all of which was burned. The loss is about $8,000. No particulars as to-the origin of the fire were given, nor was it stated whether any othpr property was destroyed. Morton's Big Four. Mr. Sheppard, the advance agent of Morton's 15ig Four Minstrels, was in the city yesterday and made arrange ments for his company to appear here on the evening of the 21st. It has been a long time since the company was through the South, and we have no doubt the lovers Of fund will give them a heaity welcome on their appearance, here. The company has mads a fine reputation for itself, and will give a superior performance of the kind. KILLED IN ATLANTA. Sad Fate of Conductor Bob Griffith, of Charlotte. A telegram was received from At lanta yesterday morning conveying the sad intelligence to his relatives and friends in this city that Mr. Bob Griffith, passenger conductor on the Air Line, had met with a teriible accident in At, lanta while coupling cars, by which he had one of his legs crushed off and the ot&er foot so badly mutilated a3 to ren der amputation necessary. His father, W.H. Griffith, in response to the tele gram, started to Atlanta on the 11,20 train yesterday, but soon after his de parture another telegram announced the death of young Griffith, which oc cured shortly after 11 o'clock. A tele gram reached Mr. Griffith on the train informing him of his son's death, and he returned to the city yesterday even ing.' The remains $ere expected to reach this city at 3 o'clock this morn ing, and thg funeral will be preached at the First Presbyterian church this af ternoon at 8.30 o'clock. Young 'Griffith, before entering the service oi the railroad, was a clerk in the shoe bouse of Pegram & Co., of this city, which place he left in Sep tember, 1880. -Few young men of Charlotte were more popular and universally liked than he, and his sad death was a shock to all who knew him. He enter ed railroad life in a subordinate posi tion, but soon met with rapid promo tion, ana at the time of his $eath was running as. ciouuuclui special passenger tram between Gainesville and, Atlanta. If is fiaia tllat he was. the best man on the road, considering hia experience, ana was held in very high esteem by the oi ficerf of the company. His father, sisters ana Drotnera win rfedeivfe the sympathy of the entire com-. munity iri their sad bereavement. : ; 12 r Iwny leer. " . . .. , HempnlB, Tenn -ipril i .1881, AttTarnet 4-Bi turned Tr 'l 4- t,0 itH ond sittVi Wells' health B4flewe; fK Sm! SI - THE T fdSB THAfcJSPY. Beit Withers' Victm Dead The Coro Jux -f past upon the Case. Hiss Sallie Moose, the lady assaulted &y ijen vvitner, lo .Lemley township last Sunday, dijd Monday, 4 few hours alter ur. wimer reached Jiex.i She was conscious up to, the Ume'of fcor death, and when told by Dr. Wilder that she could not live,; she replied that, she knew it. She was" asked by several parties who assaulted her; ana implied that it was Ben Withers, and he had attempted to rape her, failing in which he knocked her dowir and cut her throat. , The coroner held an iaquest yester- aay, the toiio wing gentlemen acting as jurors: R. F, Blythe,WV A. Alexander, i. j . vv . Howard, L. O. Holler. D. M. Howard and M. M. Blythe. A verdict was rendered charging Ben Withers with causing her death; by a blow on the head and cutting her throat The post mortem, held by Dr. Wilder, showed that Withers had cut - his vic tim's throat in three-places; a blow had been dealt across the nose, and one also over 'the. right ear, which broke the skull. Coroner Alexander came to town and took the shoes of the prisoner back to the scene of the tragedy in order to .compare them with the tracks. Withers had been tracked from Hampton's place, where he took a short cut through the low-grounds and ran to intercept Miss Moose; he was also tracked for half a mile in the direction of Squire R. A. Torrance's. The track made by the left foot showed a heel run down on the inside of the shoe and six nails of the toe of the shoe plainly and on placing the 'left shoe of the prisoner in the track it fit it in ev ery particular. Blood was found on the upper of the left shoe, which looked as if an effort had been made to wash it off. There were also marks of blood on the right shoulder of his shirt which he had also attempted to wash off, ap parently with irty water. The coroner also found a club, the limb of a dead tree, as thick as a man's wrisf, broken in two, with blood on it, and threads from the garments of the victim. The vail she wore was also found at the place where her body was found. When arrested Withers denied hav ing anything to do with it before the murder was mentioned to him. Bicycle Club. The bicyclists of the city met at Mr. J. C. Weaver's office yesterday after noon for the purpose of forming a club. Mr. Weaver was called to the chair and stated the object of the meeting. A permanent organization was effected and the following officers elected: President, J. C. Weaver. Captain, T. T. Gilmer. Sub-Captain, H. H. Allen. Secretary and Treasurer, W. E. Shaw. Members: O. M. Coxe, Frank Coxe, M. P. Pegram, Jr., Jno. Davis, Caswell Tate, Harry Watts. A committee was appointed to draft by-laws, rules and regulations, with in structions to report at the next meet ing. A motion prevailed that The Char lotte Observer be requested to pub lish the proceedings. New Chnrch to be Built. To the Editor ol The Observer. The members of the church and citi zens of the community five miles east of Charlotte, met on the 10th inst., ac cording to appointment made at a pre vious meeting, for the purpose of con sulting over the propriety of organiz ing a Presbyterian church to be situa ated near J. M. Campbell's on the old Patters public road. Rev. C. D. Parks having acted as chairman in the former meeting was continued in the same position, and C. H. Wolfe elected secretary. The meet ing was opened by an appropriate pray er by the chairman. The committee ap pointed at the previous meeting was called upon and reported first, that they procured three acres of land of R. B Wallace, embracing the building site selected at the former meeting free of cost. Second, that they have procured the names of forty-two members of the Presbyterian and other churches as pe -titionere to the Mecklenburg Presbytery to organize a Presbyterian church at this place, to be known by the name of . Moved and carried that the report of this committee be approved and that the same committee continue to solicit other names for the same purpose. Moved and carried that we build a house of worship immediately, of the following dimensions and specifications, to-wit: 20x30 feet, weatherboarded horizontally and placed in a suitable position upon the building site,; so as to be convenient for a session house in case a larger house should be built at some future time. Moved and carried that a building committee be appointed consisting of the following named gentlemen: J. Lee Allen, S. W. Alexander, J. L. Campbell, C. B. Davis and John Glenn. Moved and carried thtf a eommittee be appointed to solicit material, labor and money for the erection of said house, and that the following named gentlemen compose that oommittee: R. B. Wallace, J. P. Alexander, C. H. Wolfe, C. N. Brown, P. C. Harkey and and Wm. N.Walker, Moved and carried that Dr. E. D. Parks and Jo. Lee Campbell be appoint ed to nrncnra a title for said plat of land, and that a vote of thanks be ten dered to R. B. Wallace for his liberal donation of land, the editor of the C harlotte Observer was requested to publish the minutes of this meeting. Adjourned to meet again on Satur day, the 18th inst.. at 2 o'clock p. m. JXEV. JS. U. JTABJiS, KjlXm II. C. H. Wolfe, Sec'y, Difficulty in paving Gold. To the Editor of Tbe Observer. ' Gold mining in Koirth Carolina is getting to be an important branch of industry, but owing to the primitive mode of mining ana xne reiraerory na ture of the ores much of the gold has been lost and continues to be lost Sul- fhur ig the mother of gold, consequent v sulphurets are generaUy found in all auartx mines, uuuy wiuuicuvuis about the water lme (necessary depth for a well) and creasmg in quantity, that, ripnih downward. Devices that wUl rendrgbod seryica in savhig raa nA win not answer after sulphu- f&t bavfl heenencountered;. The ;.con-a sequence is Uiat,,.actuaUUestsihaye- - '. ' j...AHttv aitaf hair tnA Snown inat irequeuui rrnl haa ttAAn 6tT fOrlSCK Ota proper device for takink S sulpbqtetsi , After usual moue ior hoot i.om in l fnrnace to a red heat to Washington, D. 0, March 11, 1882. t q is fhheraiv" H0TICE4 Th faneral 'sermon pf the' late. Vr. Brbert Griffith, wlU be pmaehed tcPday at theTirst Pre- i&muy an mTuetLio attend' -, , i By oontracOnff a Berere eouob and bold. I onrjeUd to srrt to tn ; dally work afed km io the hooae. - AaelSTlibor. reoeinmenddkM to try a. Dome 01 nr. sou's cougn yrup; it waa procore and nsed; to my astonishment rtllef waa ntonti neoua. xaw. W. Clayton; Waterly, Md. jii tin ; t. ri : .' TttrlaaaSeBel87'a. Sirs I haye taken Hop Btttera and reoommend men w ouers,asi soona tnam rery Denencial. - Z f-.t MMl J. W. TtTLTjBB, Sec'y Women's Ctetettan Temperanoe yalotu Balmy odors from Spice Islands, : " ' ' ' '! Wafted y the teoptobreese; ' ' SOZODONT In healthful iragranee. Cannot be surpassed by these. Teeth H whitens, purines; Yoa win use It if you're wise. : Edncatted Woaaen.. Refined and educated women wni kimHimi autcar In alienee tor rears from kidney diseases, or constipation and piles, which eouid easily be ured by a package of Kidney-Wort. There Is liardly a woman to be found thai doea not at Mime time suffer from some of the diseases for which mis great remeay u a specinc. It la put up In xiqum ami U17 wnos, eqoauy enacienk--cspnng 1 "iiaai 1 sail 1 ' rt fldpto, N. Y., Dee. 1 , 1879. I am pastor Of tbeBaDuat ehnrhh hem.' and an educated physlclarw I am not In practice, but am my sole family physician, and advise in many chronic eases. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop Bitters to my Invalid wife, who has been under medical treatment of six of Albany's best physicians . several years. She has become thoroughly cured of -ber various eom nitrated dis eases ey weir use. we ooux recommend tnem to our friends, many of whom have also been cured 01 weir various auments Dy tnem. 1 HBT. JS. R. WABBXN. Mtxo &8bpiextissmzutB. FRESH BEEF PORK SAUSAGE. KEPT ON HAND CON stanUy. Lot of FINS CATTLE lust received. Customers served at lowest marKet prices, in quantities to suit. All orders promptly attended to. Market opposite Charlotte Hotel. inario n A. J. VUUHL. STRAYED I7BOM my premises at noon on the X1 14tii InsL, a Red Brlndle (without noios) Cow, with some white spots and aavKft-A Vifnrf s lAnkvA. wuiro uiuu iOC7Lf uou uu a ItKlulVr UOllr m M T wfffll KMBaWl onv yvrtA m fin uftim M anl A n.i& ailj IVI UIO 1VJVU1X1 VI DOIU Cow or lnf ormaUon that may lead to her recovery, marl rt it t.itti r Tfinx:cTAC WE HAVE Jn Received Ik Stock of FINE TEAS fer tile Retail Trade. R.H. JORDAN. & CO. " "ALL COLORS Ready ITlIxed PAINTS, la 1 and 2 Ponnd Cans R. H.JORDAN & CO, A FULL LINE -Faint and White Wash Brushes," Jntl Received, R. H. JORDAN & CO.' WE HAVE THE BEST 5c and 10c CIGARS SOLD. R. H. JORDAN & CO. A FRESH5UPPLY - Of rrilNERALi WATERS, all Kind. R. H. JORDAN & CO. SELECT SPICES And Flavoring Extracts. R. H. JORDAN & CO., TBIOX STREET. marl 6 . OJ3"3 HVS2STIUO-. Taesday, March 21st, 1882. MORTON'S BIG BIG -AKO, .sarx. END MEN tsJ They will produce the largest P II O N O G R APH ., -BVXB tfABS.- .u:.. Reproduce Cornet Solos and XveTy Bound mad In : iv as uie-uKeaa natnre nseiz. ar" Admission 50o and 76c: Reserved Seats 81.00. Beamed seals at Mcfimlth Music Bouse. - j. o. euarranu, aianager marie . - - j .. i geationrstren; resrulatesthej blooi-AiiBookiSentifiree. Dt- Santord 1.62 roadw?y N. Y.s an)18-deod eon 1. itfuiSOifOB; act? diecify uvoh tHb Uverl" apil turs sLiver .Cornplaiots, ijswa- bcrwelsDunnes the ' I . 1 l-.Ji ? .Fl .a - -1 r-rn mm GBEftT GREAT 8 or- OVERCOATS WILL BEGIN TO-DAY, OTXSCQATa. OTEBCOATS. .FOB WINTER WZAB. ..FOB 8FEINQ WEAR. A L I. A A 1 L m a L l A.A&. L T. mm n tr M M M H hum tr u 2 SODS n T T .T A A T T.T.T. LLLL M M U U . -BE S OLD. A SPECIAL SALE! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never earry over from Season to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time. If a reasonable sacrifice can ccomplloh the sale. IT HAS BXSN A MILD SEASON THUS FAB, AND WE HAVE A Large Stock On band. If-we've erred In judgment as to quan tity or styles, NOW IS THE TIME TO PEI0E MAKES DIFFEBEIfOES. The Lower the Price the Quicker the Sale. For three years par policy has been to close eacb season's pnrohase-tne season boncbt, enabling as to open FRESH NEW STOCKS. Our : Customers expect it; the reputation .of our Heme demands it If yen have not beught it will be worth your while to took, for the prices WILL ' ASTONISH TOU. . OUR $27. 828. S89 and $32 SILK SLEEVE LINED OVEBCOATS will be sold without reserve, at 820. OTJB $22, $34 and $25 OVEBCOATS at $170. QUft $18 and $20 OVERCOATS at $1& This last Includes ail of our FINE REVERSIBLE ULSTERS and ULSTEBJSTTXa We have some 25 RBVEE3IBLE OVERCOATS . In handsome patterns, marked $14, $16 ' ' and $17.50, which will be sold at $0. OUB $10 and $12 OVERCOATS win be sold unl. formly at $7.50. tf A lot of some 200 OVEECOlTd, embracing the remnanls of all lots ranging in ' price front. M M SO 00 MOO 00 5 W WILl BE 8ACB1PICEDJAT THE TneeetwenlsBtprieefef aU only $5. . This lot la an li nrjate,&rtXT ared, anawoeniw tkU welCEAS f FIST pcs JCTJ3I WurbMy ,f mHmt. Hi i.-.rfc1 a aa u purenasin in persor. xae. oppcroouiy rase one. E. a LATTA 4 BBO, fStebl MAM osw Out Sa Rectify Mis akes. n It M M K M. U U IT Mr :W : LOOK-ODT--FOR--OUR- -ADVER. w: OUR- -SPRING--STOCK- IS NOW IN- -AND DURING--THIS WEEK--WILL BE--ARRANGED TO- BE DISPLAYED.- -:w: -IT IS OUR- -INTENTION--TO LEAD- -THE TRADE,- -HENCE SPECIAL--AND BIG DRIVES--WILL BE OFFERED- -BY US.- :W: - marl2 SPRING WITTKOWSKY k BAH IS NOW COMPLETE. Wholesale 3 Retail Buyers Invited to Examine it Before Mating their Parchases. HANDSOMEST STOCK OF Mew Carpets, Oil Clotlis logs. HotrsE rmsssm goods a specialty. The largest and Cheapest Stock of Embroideries in the City. ELIA8 &d COHEN. maris lm ' JBdDdDIPS 1 SIHKIDIBS A.T COST ! AT COST. HAVING I FIND I HAVE T O O EI UC ON HAND, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT ALL GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. dee8Q 1th A- CONGRESS WATER. CATHAKTIC AND AL ER1TIVE, Is a weB known specific for CONSUMPTION, IN DIGESTION; and all disorders of the STOMACH, LIVER and KIDNEYS. NINETY YEARS' popular use attests Its purity, safety and superiority to all waters of this class. Avoid all coarse, Irritating waters, foreign and domestic; they Impair the digestive "prgani and kidneys, thereby inducing lrre parable tesiilSf None GemnlMo Sold on jftratrgbt marl 2meod 5 V HAVING associated ourselves together for the purpose of doing a general vlslUnz practice, Vf tender oor services tetheeWssna f - Charlotte pud surrounding country. All call? rptty re pon3d to from oor officer W - - -Aden's -ug store day or night. f . ma12 lit . jl Drs. GATCHELL & PUQH. ? IMPORTANT TO GOLD MINERS. TLL work a larger a1ctJS a lanrer ner eentaae of 8ULPHUBETH than Iwasbtogton. Di aTTT ' BRYAN TYSON. : Sr Seven years experience in California. I mar2d3twlt Co-Pawip - & :B:- TISEMENT- -HEREAFTER--iN T1IIS- -COLUMN.- & :b: & :b:- & :B: AT COST. JUST TAKEN ENTIRELY HI STOGB I WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ptisjcjeIIauje0tt. Native Mineral Water!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ik-LitJM WAT B it -CURES- Dyspepsia, Indigestien, Torpid Liver, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, scrofula, cnronio pneumonia, eic It Is a powerful Alterative Tonic and is ANTI MALARIAL In its effects. Read certificates from eminent physicians In our pamphlets. - - f NO ARTIFICLAX GASES OR SALTS. y. Bottled in its natural state, direct from the Springs; which- are; beautifully located in Bock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors from Jane 1st to October 1st, each year; capacltr, 1,000 guests. For sale.'wholesale and retail, by DrJ. H. Mo ADBK and Dr. T. C SMITH, Charlotte, H. C. To Contractors and Eiders, THE toUowtog inrprorements to bejet entattlk (fcmity Poor Housei One new building 17x41 feet; also, estimates taken e the cost upon a bunding 26x86 feet, either m wood or brick. Also, repairs upon old bunding. For Informa tion apply to either of the building committees. Sealed proposals receive until Baturdayjthe 18th inst. J. M. DAVIS. A. r. YANDLK. J08IAH ASBUBT marl2 Xw B.M. WILDER, E. STOCK ftbld