JSUBSOBIPTlOir KATES: S8.00 4.00 2.00 Thru month. On taouOk. , . . WMtmXLT BDITIOJf: fft$m ifn tb feunty). In mlvnce $2.00 OutfOtttmmtg, ta&paia . ...,; ... 2.10 xrmmtit 1.05 MARCH 20TH, We will display one of the handsomest Spring Stocks Ever offered In this market You are specially re quested to look at our stock of Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, also oua White Goods, Of which we hare endless variety. tS Our stock of LACKS and EMBBOIDERY will be found superior to any In Charlotte, both In price and beauty. Everybody in Charlotte Is Invited to call and lootr. Everybody In the County Is Invited to call and look. Everybody in the state Is Invited to call and look. Alexander & Harris. Soots -:o: :o: :o: :o: Pegraos & o., Harra BBeetvcd and atf dally receiving A BEAUTIFUL LIKE OF ago kss my i w rp o or KB N N N OO H N NK sss8 8ss8 GO EBB K HN Sift, Stiff and -HITS.-: Don't Fail to Calhnd See Them. PEGRAM & CO. fetn -BOSTON- 1TALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists. Assaye and Aajytlcal Chemists f.mt.Q egft U'veH IHRF1NERS, Practical l!1-ttn8 ot Oks 100 lbs. and upwards. Hr.FU ACTOKY tf R1 'PLEATED. Survers, Mine Examinations. Reports, Sketches and Mpe mida. Constructions of works and applies Furnished. lUWaOKBS OF The Ncy England Smelting Works. oopEK ana , v .EA OHfl 031 KETVBNS r PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treated on Seasonable Tetms. TBOMAfl BQJNS, Mjctallubgist. A. H. KIDNCT,. MXNDSO EHSIMJUS. f ns HOLIDAT, ...Pbot. Onxias; l B. T4JC, . . ' W. HBAJLT. VAXCE & BAILEY, Atomeri ad OounselloM r . CHAlLOTlXK.a Prd -tic in feorene Conrt of the .United States, f BuprenW Court of North Carolina, Fed CcurU, and eonnOef of Meeklen burgVCabamis, Onion, Gas veaera ; ton, Bowan and D- WTVO two doors saat ,of Indcpendeno ; msyad-tl OO. D; GRAHAMv i -I 8UBB and Unite States Comta. Coll ee torn. Home and Fonlgn, - solicited. AD rs of Titus, Survers, &c. furnished for eom entatlon. - .wrio! --N. K. comer Tr 1 Tnron . nwa On Monday Morning Spring o I fits. VOL. XXVII. -WE- -WE- ARE RECEIVING --NEW-- -NEW-- GOODS EVERY DAY AND WILL SOON HAVE BE VDY iur inspection tbe most varied and best selectef M Jr we nave ever offCTed e public. All Hoes o- suwjuo iwen Dougni witn care and dlscritnlna uon; but especial care has been taken In the selec uon 01 our white goods AND- BLAOTC a O O F Q rjl1u IV UUU1J&, xjoin oi wmcn surpass In variety and excellence arjy thing of the kind ever shown the trade of Char lotte. We ask a thorough Inspection of our stock anu comparison ol our prices. T-L-SEIGLE & po. mar8 Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to mount to much, and If promptly attended to can easUy be cured; but neglect 13 often rouowed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which JXi""1 m such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluabl remedy has saved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Is Bowan experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and 13 most valued Where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: PiiN KrLijtB has been my household reia for k tor ma past twenty-eeven years, and fc" jjuwu it 10 iau in eQecuaar ve cure. or, thirty years I have used Path Kam, and nnd it a never-failing- remedy for colds and sore throat Babton Seaman. Have received Immediate relief from colds and tore throat, and consider vour Pain Killer an mvaluable remedy -iBo. B. Evsasxr, Dickinson, -J?"? J08 wcpvered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. If could get no relief until I tried your Path Killeb, which relieved me immediately. I will never atrain be Without it-O. O. Force, Lowndes, Oaf - Have used Path Killer in my family for forty years, and have never known it to faiL Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Killer In my family twenty Bve years ago and have used it ever since, and have J?2SLn? mediciiie to take its place.-B. W. Pyeb, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough, and croup it is the best preparation made. We would not he without it A-P. Bouts, Liberty Mills, Va. For twp.Tl t V -tl Vfl v-An.ro T nnva noAil Ditw Wtt r m for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. CffioJloopEB, Wilmington, a. u, I n I wag suffering1 severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamerl ' any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses waa completely I could scarcely swallow curea. r. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Pain Killer cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly -prevalent here, and has not been known to fail m a single instance. This fact you should. make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes t My son was taken turn fever, and cold have died here, I was rifl tvitA vrmy Pint 1ULLEB. Me was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer in the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. AU druggists sell It at 25c., 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept d&w tfept a oot. TUTT POLL INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiobs of appetlte.NattBeft.bovyels ooatlye, Vain in theHead.with a dull sensation in the back part, Pain under the shoulder- blade, fullnt ell nation" IFnUDllllTUl b31XX UDi . UJ of memory, with a feeling of haying ne"g leoted some duty,wearines8, juiagtness, Muttering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes, yellow Skin, Headache, Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. " TF THESE W ASKINGS ABE UHHEEDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS PILLS are especially adapted to such cases, one dose effects such a change -They faervaae the Appetite, and caps the bod to take oa Fleato; thuff the system Is Moprlabed.and by theirTonfe Action on the Dlseetrve Onra Murray St., M.T. .re or duced. Price 26 cents. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hair or Whiskmjs changed to Gwasr Black by a single application of this Dyb. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or tent by expreas on receipt of 1. OfTlc6, 35 Murray St., New York. CI. TCTT8 HAHCAL of Valmbla Infbrlilo aad k rsby. ggdeodawl . . Ginger. Buchu, drake," StilUngU, and ihaoy'of the 'best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicme of such varied powers, as to make It the greatest Ytlfwl Pitrififfr and the PestrfsalthAStresfth liesierer ver uu. It cures Khjumausm, Sleep lessnes, & dlseaesa ofthe Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, liver & Kidneys, &is entirelr different from Parker's PRair Balsam. Tat Bed, CUsnwt, and ";7. . Man EeeaomW Hair ."""Tr 1.. wr hiu u mtora tk never intoxicate. Hiscox oothfal color to pay oatr. & i Uta. ml S! thM. tanteSwli Coy Chemists, N, Vt ring Buying Deity Sta. oct22 ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADV-IAETEES JOE DBUMMEES. mmtf bouse h been leased for jaterA of years T bf MiDrTBeeTes, whose IntenUonta to kieD- sWctly first d&sa house In every respect, of mSous sample rooms on tot and second X h patronage of the pnbHc ! solicited; B9 after eating, with a CBafflr fa exertion or body or roma, NO EXT A The Council of State, at Its Meeting Yesterday Declines to Recommend, a Call of the Legislature in Extra Ses sion. Raleigh News and Observer, 18th. The Council met yesterday at 11 a. m., pursuant to adjournment, Dr. Worth, chairman, presiding. Present: Secretary of State Saunders, Auditor Roberts and Superintendent of Public Instruction Scarborough. The resolution pending when the Council adjourned on the 7th was con sidered. This resolution, offered by Col. Saunders, was as follows: Resolved, That in view of the opinion of the Attorney-General that no ma chinery exists for the election of the additional member of Congress provided for this State in the recent act of ap portionment, trie council Hereby advises the Governor to call the legislature to gether in extra session at such time as to him may seem expedient. Dr. Worth moved the following sub stitute: Whereas, There exists a difference of opinion among the members of the bar as to the authority of law and ma chinery in this State for the election of a Representative to the United States Congress for this State at large; there fore, Resolved, That "this Council, having considered the question occording to the information to be had, upon exami nation or tne law and precedents of iormer times, and in other States, is of the opinion that the Dresent law recm- iaung elections is sumcient for such Representative at large, and advise the Governor that the necessity does not exist for convening the General As- semoiy in extra session. i i . U pon the adoption of the substitutp. Messrs. Roberts. Scarborough and Worth voted in the affirmative, and Col. Saunders in the negative. Col. Saunders, while the above resolu tion was pending, offered the following: Resolved. That the oninion of Messrs. Armfield, Cox and Scales, Representa tives in Congress, respectively, tfrom the 7th, 4th and 5th districts, contro verting the opinion of the Attornev- General, touching the existence of ma chinery for the election of the addi tional Representative assigned to North Carolina in the recent annnr- tionmentact.be read for the informa tion of the Council, and that the secre tary bo directed to spread the same on the minutes of the Council. This resolution failed to Dass. Col. Saunders voting in the affirmative and Messrs. Roberts.- Scarborough and Worth voting in the negative. ine secretary was instructed to trans mit a copy of the resolution, concern ing the call of the legislature, to the Governor, in reply to his communica tion of the 6th instant, asking the con sent and advice of the Council to "call the legislature together in extra ses- ion." It was agreed and understood amone the members of the Council that each of them dhould have the privilege of setting forth his reasons for his action in run upon the minutes of the Coun cil. PKOTEST OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. The right of the people of North Carolina to send their full quota of representatives to the Federal Congress is not limited by or dependent upon the discretion of the Council of State, but is an" absolute and unqualified right. not to be abridged or denied bv anv 1 ower whatever. The act of apportionment under the last census gives North Carolina the right to send nine representatives to ngress. The preceding act cave us 1 my eigne representatives. T he Attorney-General of the state, whom the constitution of the State ex pressly makes my legal adviser.declares that the State election law provides only for the election of eight represent atives; that the act of Congress giving the additional representative provides no machinery for his election, and that any election, so called, held for choosing such additional represtntative, will be null and void. The Federal Congress, therefore hav ing failed to pass the aot of apportion; men t, as it might have done, in time for the State legislature, at its regular sion, to make provision for the addi tional reoresentative, and having also failed itself to make provision for such election, as tt might have done, the al ternative is now presented to call an extra session of the legislature or to compel the State to go without its full representation in the next Congress. it is true the Council, by the letter of the law, ha3 the power to deny to the people the enjoyment of their right in this matter, but the power is an inci dental one, and in my judgment its ex ercise was not intended by the framers of the constitution, Indeed, as if to prevent the possibility of such an exer cise, they expressly enacted in our bill of rights: sec. 0. All power of suspending laws or the execution of laws, by any author ity , without the consent of the repre sentatives of the people, is injurious to their rights, and ought not tQ be exer cised. With this constitutional declaration staring me in the face, I feel that though the Council may have, under the letter of the law, the power, in ef fect, to suspend the execution of the law giving to North Carolina nine rep resentatives in the next Congress, it is a power that ought not to be exercised. In view then or the lacts and or the law thus presented, and believing it is ray duty, as a councillor or state, tnat is to say as a servant of the peoile, to further the people in the enjoyment of their rights and.not to obstruct them, I feel obliged to advise the call of the legislature in extra session as the only constitutional way cow open to secure to the people of the State the enjoy ment of their unaouDtea constitutional right to send a full delegation to the next Federal Congress. If the call ot the legislature in extra session were made and should involve expense to the people, the responsibility therefor, would not be upon me, but upon the Federal Congress that failed to pass the apt of apportionment, as it might very well have done, in time for the legislature, at its regular session, to provide the machinery necessary to se cure our full representation in Con gress, where it is so important that the State BnOUia De iuuy auu aviy icyre- HATifAfl- , Th nraotical difficulties that, in view of the opinions of the Governor and Attorney-General, spread in foil on the records of the Councilmitst arise from the failure of the Council to advise the raiinf the extra session? asKea.Dywe Governor in his letter of the 6th to the Counoil, I do not propose here to advert t0Regretting the necessity f os differing from thfi other members of the Coun cil, for whose opinions I entertain the highest respect, . . I am, very respectfully, W. L. SAUNDERS, " Secretary of State. ah Agreeable Dressls ft the Hair, thatwOl at in ifofoiiino- tin hAen lone sought for. Park er's Hair Bftlsam, distinguished for Its purity, folly supplies this want. : tfiffl If CHARLOTTE, N. $4 TUESDAY As Revealed by a,Ramble through Geological Museum The East the and the West Rivals in Resources. Baleigh News and Observer. iesterday we paid a pleasant and profitable visit to 'the admirable Geo logical jsiuseum, now thoroughly ..ar ranged, and which is one of which every citizen of the State ought to be and can well be proud. Over the front door is an arch, composed of the lower jaw of a whale killed near Beaufort, while on each side are sections of wal nut and poplar trees, each fire feet in diameter, with fine specimens of white pine and cypress shingles, talc, brown stone, fire stone, mill stone, etc. The museum is a room 100 feet 4y 40, "two stories, having a graceful gaftery.jThSre are two tiers of windows. r.hirv-fct in I all, and the light is ample.? The ceiling tinted, as well as the columns and wood work ot toe gallery. -On the main floor; uuo DyoutimjuB itio aovra in large standi ing glass cases, in threffxpws alon? the room, rormiDg alcoves on witn a row along the centre. The mm erais proper are on the left side as one1 enters; the rocks on the right, the wooas, etc., m the centre. Most of the' large specimens are placed on the floor, around the cases of the class to which tney Deiong. First in place and importance we no tice me iron ores, or wmch there is large exnioit, both m variety, quality and number of counties represented. x me specimens or mas'nptir.p.s hums. SSlfS11 wlI1' ?r,ke' Madison, Buncombe, i v w ni,NUM iroo irunrrn i im - Watauga. Stokes. Orano-e. Omlfnrrt T.inI coin, Gaston Chatham.. Catawha. Har nett, Kanaolph and Davidson. Mady or tnese ores are of exfientinnnliv fin a 4uun,y anu m targe quantities. Next VITA .-V Vl n 1 . . t j. , r." J nouuBciveaiarge case or gold ores, uulu suiDnureta' ann -rrpA" nroa Many mines are represented by fair , vv.w aye ageBpecimens, rrom iiurke, Cald- weu, M.ecEienburg, Montgomery, Da vidson, Cabarrus, Stanley, Guilford, Gaston, Rovan, Rutherford and else- wuere. some. very nne gold in quartz and nuggets is shown. The third case contains the coDDer ores, with manv fine specimens from a dozen localities. Among tr.e best are ores from Ore Knob, Guilford, Chatham and David son. Wake county shows some good copptr. iwuii? two dozen Anommcno silvt'r ore are shown, among them a fine an vtr anu ieaa ore irom the Silver Val ley Mine, in Davidson county, which is now extensively worked. Of graphite and plumbago we see many specimens from Wake, Stokes aud elsewhere, with bituminous coal from Chatham, Stokes and Granville. The Egypt coal is said to be of first-rate quality. The mine will soon be re opened. A fine display of white and colored maroies, both rough and polished, is shown. They are from Cherokee, Ma con, day, Graham and Swain counties. The supply is said to be inexhaustible. ihese will find a ready market when the Ducktown branch of the Western North Carolina Railroad is completed. Of kaolin or porcelain clays there is a laTge collection, many of them as white as snow, and of the best quality. There is enough in the State to Supplv the world, and yet there is not asingle'man ufactory of porcelain ware in North Carolina. Of mica we have almost a monopoly, as we furnish nearly all that is used in this country. Many fine sheets are shown from Yancey, Mitchell, Macon, Haywood and Buncombe. Some of, these sheets are over two feet wide. Ou a large board are shown all the differ ent sizes, trimmed to suit every pur pose. These pieces are from two by three to ten by fifteen inches. We no tice large pieces of asbestos, of superior quality, from Catawba, Caldwell, Rock ingham and Mitchell. TM3 substance is largely used in making fireproof cov erings for steam boilers and pipes, roof ing and paint, filling for safes and other purposes. A' great many specimens of marl from the eastern counties are shown in glass boxes and jars. These have all been analyzed, and show the exact com position of each lot. Some of them have over fifty per cent, of carbonate of lime and other ingredients, which make them valuable as fertilizers. Of talc and pyrophyllite there are many fine examples. Cherokee furn ishes the finest talc and Moore county the pyrophyllite. The ratter substance resembles white soapstone, and is large ly used in a powdered form to adulter ate various good products, as soda and baking powders, candy, oream of tartar, etc. It is also used in soap and paper. Granite from about twenty-five lo calities is shown in square blocks, some of them nicely polished. A beautiful mottled Scotch granite from Wilson county attracts much notice ; also the "leopaidite" from Mecklenburg. Sand stones, both brown, gray and yellow, are shown. Some very fine brown stone from Anson, Chatham and Moore, is in cut cubea, to show the finished appear ance. In woods, as well as minerals, our State beats the world. We have 112 different varieties, growing between Currituck and Cherokee, and along the centre of the museum we see them at tractively arranged and properly label ed, both with the common and botani cal name. Each specimen is two feet long and shows the bark, sap and heart of the wood, both in the plain and var nished state- This exhibit is very com plete and attracts much notice. Among the most handsome we observe the curled pine, curled walnut, cherry, white ash, locust, cedar and holly. They are all well worth inspection.. Our woods are already attracting much at tention abroad, and in many places in the western counties the walnut and cherry are selling at high prices. The skeleton of a whale, 65 feet long, is arranged along the centre of the mu seum and under some of the cases. The whale was killed near Beaufort, in 1874, and produced 2,000 gallons of oil and 700 pounds of commercial whalebone, netting in all about $1,500 to his cap tors. In this hasty glance we can only briefly notice the most important and well known minerals of the 178 varie ties found in this State, and we are not sufficiently posted in geology to say anything about the many rare ones pos sessing much scientific interest. We are greatly indebted to Mr. Thos. C. Harris, the capable assistant of Prof, Kerr, for information concerning the museum. Mr. Harris is fully informed and shows visitors every courtesy. Unanimously Favored. Washington, March 20. The Senate judiciary committee to-day unanimous ly decided to report favorably cn the nomination of Judge Blatchford to be Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court . era made Beyond Expression. Hampton, C H., SL a, May 1881. H.H. WrrnerACo.: Sirs The result of jot Safe Kidney and Liver Cure In my case has been astonishing, so much so that I can find nd words in which to express my indebtedness to yon. Key. W. EL PbxhtiSS. MARCH 21, 1882. Tobacco in Western North" AshevP.'eCJtlzer. , As showing the true Value of-lands in Madison county, which a few and very iew years since were- of dul aam at uity cents an acre, but which now move on rapidly at from $5 to S25 no Kivo me luiiowmg items.or sales wuacco, me product or such lands , -LU a recent instance , 1,127 twunds nrougbt $289.12 ; in another; the prod 2v: uyL74 acreB orougnt 551,155, and mac or one acre $533. j-iuBwomiuocuuiuy cultivated m ujui;co produced less tban $100, in 1831 ports, ran from 30 up to $50, crop J. ooico ui mi. am. wRsr. n re auva agricultural revolu tiuu nas taKen mace in anv nart. nf i,a u j. j fwuvv. JMttJ. XJ.lt. Krvan. Of Swain onnnfn sold in the Pioneer Warehouse on Sat urday oo pounds ot tobacco at an av erage of a fraction over fiftppn per pound.- ' . iiDUicuuouim?, not ior tne price, tut as evidence of tiio ari wird of the tobacco crop. The farm each flideiJ enfer miles west of Ashevifte. and is trie second shipment to this place from that section, the first coming last year ou wniK raised Dy tne same party . C. W. BEXSOy, of Baltimore, Md. Te give above a correct likeness of this wn known and successful physician and surtrenn. who has made a life long studF of Nervous Diseases ana the Diseases of tbe Skin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special aad distressing diseases. Invthe course of his practice be dlhcovered what now are renowned in medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and -.momlle in lhe shape of Pills. They are used by I ne profession at large and constantly recom- m nded by them. s is not a patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience la practice. They are a sure cure for the foliowlne sneelal disp qp.a anel nro w jriny or a trial Dy all intelligent sufferers. They oio yiciimcu c.iresijr u cure sick neadacue, nervous headache, djspeptic headache, neuralgia paraiysis, sieepiess, dyspepsia and nervousness, a:;u win euro niiy case. soiu oy an druggists. Price oO cents a box. De pot. 106 North Jfiutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By m -.11, two boxes for 1 or six boxes for $2.50, to" any auuress. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIM CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartaof the body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth removes tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing in THE WOHLD. Elegantly put np, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal and external treatment. AU first class druggists- have it. Price? 1. per package. CH13.. N CBITTENTON. 115 Fulton street, JMw York City, sole agent for Dr. C. W. I;en9cn's r-medtes, to whom all orders bould be ad- or-"sea. ' i arl KRS. LYDIA E. FiHKKS.M, OF LYHH, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure for alt tboie Painful Complaints and Weaknesses soeommon teeur best female population. It will core entirely- the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera tlon, Falliug and Dlsplaoements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of life. It wiU dissolve and expel tumors from the n terns In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its use. It removes falntness, flatulency, destroys all craving' f or stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous .Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. . That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weight : d backache, Is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances aot In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either aez this ( mpound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COM i JTJNTJ Is prepared at 23S and 135 Western Avenue, Lynn, Haas. Price tl. Six bottlesf or S5. Sent by mail In the form, of pflla, also la the form of loxenges, on receipt of price, per box foreither. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as above. Mention tkit Paper. No family should be without LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S LI V.E11 PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. SS cents per box. g3- Sold by all Dmgfflsts. - LIME ! LIME ! LIME ! , --:o: :o: TTAVING now two more Kims in addition to our j-i .raarsTPAX. KILN we are now prepared to '.FILL ORDERS PHOxTLPTLY, on short notice, and at prices that defy competi tion, we guarantee quality, and make no charge unless lime Droves satisfactory. We have an ageseyin- Charlotte of A. C. 8um- memlle; sfbo wlU receive orders f or small lota at reaucea prices. . . Reference as to Quality of Lime given on appli cation. SIMON BROTHERS, ' Box No. 88, Gaffney City H. C mart 8mr " We continneYo act asSollcftors for Patents, Caveats, Trade Marks. Cnprrigrlts, etc, for the United States. CanadavCnba, England, France, Germany, ete. We have bad thirty-five year experience. y ! Patents obtained through us are noticed in tbe SCt trrnFic AiiKRlCAK. This large and splendid Illus trated weeUypaper,$3.X0 ayearbows the Progress of Science, Is very interesting, and has an enormous circulation, address MTJNN ft CO, Patent Solici tors, Pub's, oi Scientific ahxbicak, 37 Parle Sow. New York. Hand book about Patents free. "- V- y ilf Jv NO. 4,054. Is! of - raraso WE HAVE JUdT RECEIVED A HiNDSOME STOCK OF IF JL IE& rrom Ui. Cheapest So n Teo Fines! t& BE SURE AND LOOK AT TH argiwes marl 8 BIESSIXG TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrbsea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down paiDS so peculiar to women. Price 83 per box. Sent free by mall Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. on receipt or pace. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. ?OR ScrofeUa or any Blood Disorder. lr. ;in either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure wben directions are followed. Price 82 50ber box. Five boxes $10. Clarke's Ami- Syphilitlc Pills. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. A rNYALVABlE REMEDY. For weakness of tbe Kidneys aod bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting,-frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine from what ever cause Induced, whether of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient Price $2 per J box. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. r. Claritc's Gonnorrhea Fillav J1IERE IS A BALM IN QILEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and lmbotency, as the result of self- Dr. abuse in youth, sexual excesses In maturer years, or other causes, and produclmr some of the following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis Clarke's sions (night emissions by dreams), Dimness of sight, Defective Mem ory, Phlsical decsy, Pimples on Face, Aversion toSoefety of Females, Confuslen of Ideas, Loss of Bexnu Invigorating fowr, dee, rendering marriage im proper or unhappy. Are a positive cure In two to 8 weeks. One to sis boxes usually sufficient- Price SL 50 per box. jrour boxes 9a. aentby mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Cobs- PUIaV pany, New York City. . leblti diw 18w Sit J - m gcujlV and gotr grtglittg, TBI QBSmttP JOB DPARTITtoj Eta beta thoroughly tnppUed with every needed want, and wtth the latest styles of Type, and every manner, ofJob Printing can now be done with neatness, UsDatcli and ctoeatmaa- w m fmv ntoh at short notice, BIUJOC3, BILL-HEADS, ' LXTTXB-HXABS, CABDS, TAQ8, BXCETPTS, POSTXBa, 'PBOaBAMMXa, HAMDBTT.T PAMPHUT8, CTBCTJLABa, CHUCKS. Afl. 0 ILn On.,, anioni: .met, are some h&n&ome M BEFORE YOU PURCHASE. & Wilhelm. AND Everybody Discovered THAT NORTH CAROLINA -HA8 TBE- ARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. ml Music House -SELLS- CHICKERING & 80N3, KEi. ICH BACH, MATHUSHEK, ARION, 80UTHE&NGRM And otber PIANOS. ilASON & H 4MUN, SHUNI NtiF.rt r'KLOL BET A CO., 1TERLINQ. AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instromenb. 13W Ask me for prices if you want good wort and you will never buy anything but the best. Address or call on, II. McSMITH. pUststlattjejDtts. Telephones ! . Telephones 1 TELEPHONES, THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company, ' Is the SOLE LICENSEE of the American Bell Telephone Company For supplying Telephones tn the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of tbe RAO.B. P...) North Carolina, Sooth Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PRIVATE LDTES Constructed, eqnlpped with Telephones and rented Fori artlcnlan address JUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, f obi 1 eod 8m 105 Broadway, New York. W Or 4U Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook A Ladder Track House, is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGH and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, such as Gmlding, Kaknining, Frescoing, &t Tk

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