-VeFnESDAV MARCH 22. 188 T i ii.ll SiL&adute tit mm. K Query ew HP-tag Styles . M Howell-awfrt Potatoes. BUSINESS NOTICES. wnmen ore Everywhere using and recommend? ,ni Parker's Ginger' Topic., itci XW , barf S?med from experJeiicS thfcW ipeedily ovftroomes inonderjcr. Indigestion, pain or weakness In the hkand klinT8,na other troubles peculiar to U set-Home Journal. See adv. preiu&lwe IMf Dajr Mht be enrel yfcventefl ! y ftn uie of BUB pjBTT'8 OOCOAIWKjt Ro other compound os sesses the peculiar properties which exctlj gult the various conditions of the iiuuian hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the irritated scalp It affords the rjcheB lOstre, ri prevents th Unit Wro tailing bff. It promotes Its healthy, vgorpus rowth. It Is riot greasy toor sticky. leave n0 disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. J '. Burnett's Fiavortug Extracts are knwn to be the best A. WewIVatiire. The band will pHy at Brem McDowell's Skat ing Ri'i Monday and Friday evenings, at half n ut seven o'clock, and Wednesday nlgtya at a quarter pat e'Rbt 'c'f- Do rs open at hair nist seven o'clo :K. - J i i DKI)roRn Itcu aitd l6w fiPHisos Watkh ksx Mass The great loulc and alterative contains ivric" ns much iron and, fifty per cent, more aluia fnim than ny "alum and iron mass" known. ,,t the tiling for the "spring weakness" now so Sonera'! Sold by all dreggtata o any standing. Prlcrs reduced oo half. 1 marl 1 tf s " fltxo dtrcrtiscmetxts. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomness. Mom economies than the ord inary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the mu!tl:ude of low test, short wrbht, a um or phosphate powdwrs. Sold only In nns. BOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., nov-23 New York. Le of Davidson, Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C PARLQx Beatty BEETHOVE? Opmb contaiiM 10 full sets tJolden Tonsrae Reecto, ? STOPS. Walnut or Eboniz Case, 6 Octave, Metal Foot Plate,Uprigrht Bellow, steel Music, Bandies and tollers for moving, Beatty'g Patent 8 too Action, a flJ-W An AOVEb KEEDBOARB friatented 1 t.OKMOl8 Kite ESS. Sales pver WOO a month demand increaRin(r, tyXWEdison'iEW Electric lights at N KMT So 111 orders t IT Factorr wnrlrlmr nAT nrf fIMoe, Boxed, Dellrered on board OtCkf p3 Car here, Stool, Book, Aeonlj nPIU 1J JT Durciay or uuistopuer Bt. tlenies,&3 a. m. or 1 p. m. 6.30 1 1 are, excursion oruy a&s&L . Leare Wasnintrton at 1 lor vmtei from CW m. same dayf or ptmty-s Kseu allowed to y gtpengeg tr FrceCoaoa rce Coach wlthbollle BtWuiMaMTliaH tnh. lillVI comaiuivirAir. van m waWuiui IMherOrsrans 30, $40, M no. Hanbfovtea B185 to s.1600. VMBtinu Ulutntcd CaUtogae Itm, Address or call upon JAHEL P, BEATTY, WftBhlnbm, Unw Jersey hot ttooia, w aiiB and (Jetlmgn in place or plaster, tsam cleeandcataloKuemailediree, w. H. FAT.CamdanJU ID PC IMPROVED BOOT BEER, 25c In CO papkagp mkeafi gallons of ft de licious, wholesome, sparKllng temperance beveraee. Ask tout dructrlBL or sent tar mall lor 26o. C. K. HIBE3, 48 N. Dela. Ave., Philadelphia. $1 f f t REWiBD! for any case of A I 1 1 1 1 1 Blind Bleeding, Itching, 11 II II I Ulcerated. Qr protruding FiLK HWMEDY falls to eus. Prepared by J. P. Millkh, M. D , 915 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Nunn genuine without his signature. Send for circular. Sold by drugglsfa and country stores. $1. 0 OLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A now and great Med ical Work, warranted the bast and cheapest, indispensable to every manntitled "the Scisnce of Life orelf-Preserration ; bound in fall siltOO pjuxntains beantifnl steel sunTiiut, 126 prascrip- T tioria. prica cm It 1,j5 sent or ZSijjf- jWB in1T' lusaaWtop1),TPntr; sninw,AdareMP&&MedI WtlflW TTTVQrT V leal Institute or Dr. W. El. PAR mill illlUliiir.kER,No.4Balfiochst.Bo8toa. I AND PATENT AND Land Patents. t0 Contested V Timber Culture EnMefc BUgheat price ia!d for Land Warrants and Scrip oL all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCURED for soldiers and sailors dis abled in line of dutr. Pensions increased if rated w low. Bounty, back nay and new.dfe charges ob- "H.i Sgnd n&o Be stamps fpr Wankarid;"'jQlr !iiir Information.?5 Address ! ' 8TODDART 4c CO., 413 Q Bt.. N. Washington, D. C, GEORGE Patent PortbledbreTilur SAWMILLS aiso BUttoirr m rorubu STEAM EKGIIIES 5 H. SCHBOEDEB ST.. BALTIMORE, MP, ana W Catalogs Agrjclal tlirrie AJfD I. " BUILDIIIG LIMEKS FRElf CH BROS., UockT Point J i i i ; i 1 1 z r&fiiehfehtsi ; ' amw. Bum. i.aojuorvn. rston uaate Oireular.'1) PFNCIOM ATTflRHFY. obtained, and special attention given M-amr1nTi VtnmaatnaA' Ml n Ami stntfi PACE M r ll)t owWia,.rate Wlwfe W4 Work? 1 HOME CHIPUETS. iv.J.Lowrie Wilson will nraar.h at the Second Preabyteriaa church to night . 1 tWRev. Mr. Carter, the newly elected pastor of theBaptist chmrch, in this city, is expected to arrive here to-morrow. Mr. Jas. ITartv ia havincr th brick store house on Try on street, op posite the Second Presbyterian church, remodeled and improved, and when fin ished it will be a comfortable and con venient dwelling house. "Elsewhere will be found an ad vertisement proposing to teach ladies the art of embroidery, and those inter ested in such matters cannot do better than consult the advertiser. Specimens of work have been exhibited at this office, and while not a judge of such matters, we' have the opinion of a lady of .taste that the work shown was of a most excellent character. Pink Eye. A number of horses in Wadsworth's stables are affected with the disease known as piuk eye, but so far there have been no fatal cases. The disease, which has existed for a week or more at these stables, threatens to extend to all the horses in them. Several have about recovered, while others are just taking it Pounding the Paupers. About the most sensible and com mendable thing that we have seen sug gested recently by colored people, is the idea conceived by the Good Samari tans, of Wilmington, of giving the in mates of the county poor house of New Hanover a "pound party." This may be called genuine philanthopy, and there is a splendid lesson in it which might be learned by the white people, who are generally in the habit of giving where it is least needed, and letting the more urgent appeals go unheeded The Big Four Last Night. The lovers of fun who were at the opera house last night no doubt met their ideal of a minstrel show in Mor ton's Big Four. Taken throughout it is the best minstrel show that has visit ed Charlotte for a long time. The musical feature of the performance was mueh above the average, while the specialties of Morton created much merriment. Tim whole performance is so superior to the ordinary minstrel show that it U decidedly refreshing to witness it. Scarcity of Horses and Mules. There is said to be considerable scar city of horses aud mules among the far mers of the surrounding country not exactly a scarcity, but a demand for all that can be had and when an animal of good qualities is found for sala it i3 held at a figure w hich last year would have been considered a fancy price. We understand that the same condition of affairs exist in thB turpentine districts along the line of the Carolina Central railroad. The cause of the high prices is unknown, us there sctras to be no great demand. Southern. Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist convention will be held in Greenville. S. , on the 10th of May next. The Greenville Daily News says the Richmond and Danville Railroad so far has failed to answer let ters asking for a reduced rato of fare to delegates attending the convention, and says it is feared that unless special rates are made many will remain away from the convention who would ether- wise nttpnd. If this company fails to make special rates it will ba the first time so far aa we know where it has re fused to give reduced -rates for similar gatherings. Supreme Lodge Knights of Honor. The Supreme Lodge Knight3 of Honor of the U. S. will meet in Balti more early in May next It will be composed of the officers, and two repre sentatives frorn. each State in the Union. The order ia now in every State except Delawnro, and the body will be a large and representative one. The presiding officer ia Judge W. B. Hake, of Louisville, Ky., Supreme Di rector; Vice-Supremo Dictator, Judge K H. Cochran, of Wheeling, West Vir ginia; Supreme Reporter, J, C. Plumer, Wooster, Ohio; Supreme Treasurer, JudgeR."B.Br6ckenridge:Springfleld, Ky. There are now 125,000 members in the order in this country, and 2,700 lodges, of which Maryland has 85 lodges and over 3,000 members, and Virginia 56 lodges with 8,300 members, and $4, 000,000 has been paid to the representa tives of deceased members in the last eight years, since its organization. Death's Doings. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Joshua Trotter, of this city, which occurred yesterday morning. Mrs. TfQtter, whQge maWeR name was Graham, was born in Scotland, and w&s brought to this eeuntry in early childhood. By far the greater part of her life was spent, in Charlotte, where she made a large number of friends who sincerely mourn her loss and will cherish her memory. At the time of her death she was 78 years old, and was, with two or three exceptions, the Qld: est member of the First Tjesbyterian chufch, of which she had for a long period been ftfl honored and ngefvrt member. The funeral -will be held at the First Presbyterian church thia morning at 11 o'clock. . Mrs. Ella Nixon Butt, wife of Mr. Frank L. Butt, died of consumption yesterday morning at 2 o'clock, at the residence of Rev: J. F. Butt, on untircn street Her husband, who had been ab sent from the. city, prily reached fier bedsidf? a few hours before her death. She was a consistent christian lady. tiU funeral will take place at three o'clock this afternoon, from the resi dence of Bev: J. F. Butt. Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited tn attend. . Mm. Marv A. Harkey, of this city, died yesterday morning at- 6 o'clock. -Th funeral will take place this morn ing at 9 o"clocj af - the residence or ner brother, Mr. C. I Adams. Friends and acquaintances are respfec. tf ully invited THE PITH OF PROGRESS. DO WE GO -FORWARD Oil WARD! BACK. Some thonsrhtti that Suggest Them selves on the Jfecessities of the Hour, and which Charlotte People Ought to Profit by Years agone Charlotte had a railroad "boom," and if we were asked to-day to give a reason, why she has prospered more than many of her sister towns and cities we should unhesitatingly an swer that her railroads did a large part of it. We should go further and say that the four hundred thousand dollars the city and county have subscribed to these railroads, which put new life into the veins of the people, has been return ed to us again and again already, and the probabilities are that we cannot measure the importance of our railroad investments in the future. "Like bread cast upon the waters it returns to us after many days." But it is not of this particularly that we desire to speak this morning. For the past year or two it has looked to many of us like Charlotte had reach ed the period of her existence when she would cease to grow. But just now, notwithstanding the bad crop year of last season, she is beginning to take on a new lease of life. The people of the city have been penned up for three months within our corporate limits by the wretched system of public roads in vogue, which permitted the mud to be come bottomless, and thus prevented our country neighbors (not only of Mecklenburg but of neighboring coun ties) from having intercourse with us. The goods of our merchants have laid upon their shelves, while country peo ple, until the last week or two, have been unable to get to town to buy them But a spirit of improvement is abroad and public sentiment has been aroused until we are satisfied that some thing will be done. Although the reso lution has only passed the Chamber of Commerce, we are satisfied that an ef fort is to be made to re-enact the "Alex ander" road law, and that its exactions will be met in a liberal spirit by the people of the .towns as well as the county. Not only so, an effort is to be made to carry an appropriation of $100,000 in bonds to be used in addition to the funds raised, and the labor pro vided for under the aforesaid road law. Our people are too progressive not to look the matter squarely in the face, and for them to will is to do. Then Charlotte herself is moving still further in another direction. Thirteen thousand dollars has just been appro priated out of the city treasury, and every dollar of it is there now, to im prove her own streets and sidewalks. Her municipal authorities in this mat ter are alive to her interests, and while the tax may in some cases be hard to pay.it will return to her merchants and business men a hundred fold. It is to be spent right here among us, and the business man who can't gobble up his share of it, as it passes along, had bet ter close up his shop and move into a ess enterprising community. Again, Charlotte looking to her in terest in another direction, under the auspices of energetic men, is soon to have water works not in name only. but in fact. Her streets are to be lined with hydrants from which a stream of water can be thrown over our highest buildings, the value of which in case of i fire, cannot be estimated. Then, the water works" will call for a system of sewerage, which will make us, already healthy, the healthiest ity in theSouth. But this is not ail. We are taking steps to introduce the electric light for the purpose of illuminating our streets, and it will probably be introduced into many of our private buildings. A com mittee representing the city have the matter in hand, and are negotiating with the Brush Electric Light Com pany. Uetore anotuerrear it is to be a fixed fact All these things give evideuce that there is renewed life and confidence among the people. As if by their in spiration the Metropolitan Hotel is to be added to, remodeled and refitted. Col. Johnston will shortly tear away the old rookery at the corner of Tryon and Fourth streets and erect thereon three magnificent; stores, whljjh have already ben rented. Gratz Springs will probably pull down those old wood en eye-soreaon Tryon street justbelow the Central hotel, and in their place erect nevv and handsome buildings. Mr. Carson will remove the old wooden buildinsp corner Tryon and 4th streets, nearly opposite the Opera house, and put up a large fine building in fts stead. Further down Tryon street Mr. Harty It is said, will make some perma nent improvement and Dr. Gibbon will probably erect a handsome building on the lot opposite the Second Presby terian church. Besides, these improve ments on the rnahi "streets there are very many smaller ridenees to be built in different portions df the city the coming building season. We have alluded to these evidences of our progress to say there is just one more step to be taken, and to say which we commenced this article, and that is that we need and must have a flrst class graded pol, Wha we have now is much better than none; indeed it is a step forward, but it must be built up, supported and maintained until it shall become the best in the country. We have the law to make it; we have the means to build it up and support it; we have the children to educate in it. Our people have said by their votes that they are willing to be taxed to maintain it, and we have only to move forward to see it done. And we must move on. No progression' is virtually retrosression. 1 w e do not go forward we must go backwards. But the spirit of enterprise that ia in our people makes us firm in the conviction that we shall move out on the plane of pro gress. We already have two good cot leges male and female but we want a rood high grade preparatory school, open to the masses, equipped and offi cered with the best school apparatus, and the most efficient teachers obtaina ble.- , ' . We only sound the notes of prepara tion to-day. but we want it understood I that the people of the city need and will have such a school. Injunctions have lost their grip, and whoever stands' in the way will be mowed down like grass before the sickle. It Is one of the ne cessities of the hour, and ite consumf mation cannot be much longer de layed. Short of Rill. ' The paymaster of the Richmond and Danville Railroad (Atlanta Division) passed down the road some time ago, expecting to return over the road last week and pay off the employes of the. company, but was delayed in Atlanta on account of a scarcity of paper cur rency. Before leaving Richmond telegram was sent to the Atlanta banks asKing if they coma rurnisn paper money, and on receiving an affirmative answer the pay train was taken to that .point, when it was found that the paper money could not be had, and a tele gram was sent to New York, which caused a delay in paying off. The At lanta diyision jequires about $50,000 per month to meet the pay rolls. The company had all the cash needed, but it was in gold and silver coin, and as the envelope system'is used in paying em ployes, it can readily be seen what a disadvantage the paymaster would labor under to fyave to handle the amounts. Of the $50,000 paid out monthly by the company a good round sum is left at the Charlotte office. Accident on the North Road. The Danville Register of Monday has the following account of a remarkable accident that occurred on the Richmond and Danville Railroad, near News Ferry, Monday morning: Mr. .rat Dacey. tne engineer on a freight train Coming South, became paralyzed, ills fireman was outside of the cab at the time and did not observe that the engineer was paralyzed until he noticed that he failed to. blow his whistle on aDDroachinc the station. He then went to him and found him sitting aown, paraiyzea ana unconscious. Tne fireman in great alarm closed the throt tle and jumped off the locomotive re ceiving some slight injuries about the breast The engine rushed at its own will without guidance and presently ran into the rear of another freight train coming this way. The collision threw several cars (said to be eight) from the track, doing considerable damage, the extent of which has 'not yet been ascertained. The paralyzed engineer was put on anotherStrain and brought on to Dan ville where his home is. He was not injured as far as known by the collision but he remains unconscious from pa ralysis and lies at his house here in a critical condition. It is Said-.- That there were quite a number of country wagons in the city yesterday after family supplies. ' That $3,000 ought to make a fine showing on the section of Trade street between College street and the. rail road. That yesterday was the last day of grace for delinquent city tax-payers and that the marshal intends advertis- ng the property of those in arrears. That the city tax books show ar rearages to the amount of about $3,000. That the stand-pipe is the only at raction about the court house. That the contract for building the extension to the Metropolitan Hotel has not yet been given out. That the man with a good brick machine might get a large contract to furnish the paving brick for the city. That it is easier to manage a nom nating convention than an ordinary church choir. That the Lutheran choir is practic. ing special music for Easter services. -That the Big 4 band is the best that has been to Charlotte in a long ime. That Capt. Spraggins'has his hand in a sling. . That a large sum of cash is annual y sent out of Charlotte for clothing made to order, while we have merchant ailors who carry large stocks of goods. Ietu tltrjertisemeixts. WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Styles OF- MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties la the MILLINERY LINK HATS, BONNETS, FLOWEIU, PLUMES, HlHBONSTt " SILKS, In all the new stales, colors and Qualities. Also, all the new styles and Qualities of L1CES. embracing White Goods, Neck Wu, Hosiery, moves, rarasois, sc. me .uA.tra.sai: ana uur COMPLXTK STOCK IN THE CITY. V WILL OPEN Oar Pattern Hats and Bonnets Oa Monday, Harck 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles the GRANDEST DISPLAY OF FINK MLLL1NJKRY. they hare ever seen 1b this city. BespectfoDy, Mrs. P. toy. mar22 SWEET POTATOES,! On hand Fine LM of EASTERN YAMS, f BUCBWHXAT FLO UB AND OAT 1CXAL, A? naraa J a IL HOJTXLL'a T ADFKS deslrln to learn ABTTSTiC XlfBSOIIV vnrkfn f sr. nns Msf sssfKssSsH fcawk," ' ' jm-M ftOIHV UyOVUinsWva wws mmw w Mrs. Query's) are maaefited V? P'T 5th street, second door from comer of B street, A elan is now being organized to eommeneo April mar22 21 Spring roideriag f0 - : I Ill I (1 III -J . -OUR-- GREAT GREAT c OF WILL BEGIN TO-DAY, OVERCOAT , FOB WIM WXAB. OVERCOAT" FOB SPRINt WEAR. A L L MSI MM HIT A k. Li Im MMMM U U S " T A A T. r. v xru xJ tt tt San m Al E L M M M ft TT 3 4. M MM M A A LIXL LLIX li K H UU B8SS T BE SOL D. A SPECIAL. SALE! A POSITIVE SALE ! For we never carry over from Season to Season any Garments that can be sold at the proper time. If a reasonable sacrifice can ccompllsh the sale. IT HAS BEEN A MILD SEASON TH US FAB AND WE HAVE A Large Stock On hand. If we've erred In judgment as to quan tity or styles, NOW IS THE TIME TO akes. PEI0E MAKES DIFFESEN0ES. The Lower the Price the Quieter the Sale. For three years out policy has been to close each season's purchase the season bought,lenabllng us to epen FRESH NSW STOCKS Our Customers expect It; the. reputation of our House demands 1L If yon have not bought It will b worth your while to, look, for the piVoes WILL ASTONISH TOU. OUR S27, $28, $89 and 832 SILK ALSSYS LINED OVERCOATS will be sold wltbout reserve at 820. OUR $22, 824 and 825 OVERCOATS at $17.50- OUR $18 and $20 OVERCOATS at $15. This last Includes all of our FINE REVERSIBLE ULSTERS and ULSTERSTTES. We have some 25 REVERSIBLE OVERCOATS In handsome patterns, marked $14. 410 and $17.60, which, wl! be sow at $10. OUR $10 and 812! OYSRCOATS will be sold uni formly at $7.60. A lot of SQrjje $00 OYEBCOATS, embracing the remnants of all lots ranging la prlQfrom .. "oooo'V m torn oo -M MOtt ,00: f ft Vr 00 to 90 SO H tji-oseo,, 1 ft ; WSJ. BX SCrFICDit THE O IL L I K (B, The convenient price for all only &. tbis we ts aa ITII KM MMMM IBl' im H sSSa Kst M MM. M -u n w w w DHfl n M M II M U U XXX. H W "SB UB ; BARGAIN 1 - ;: tT? We anaa vak M mm, sals the LOWEST nrleeawa loKw irEBereA and when we assert this weltElt ovt6irX3TrWoea m tf rinxhssttr torersor. th' oppottonttr h a- meono. X. P. LATTA & BBO, Mini I m Ml It I' ll 1M osmg: Out Sa OVERCOATS Rectify Mis m in i) $50,000 CASH ! CASH ! CASH! "HOW TO GET IT?" To eet it We TlaCfi DTI Halo iha T-. A uooas, at Prices that will expenenced buyers, and . ta buy at once. M at These Prices lO.OOO YARBS a.WlTS 6ic - 6Jc - 6ic REGULAR GOODS 1,000 2EPHYR 12ic -12ic - 12ic PQ 0 M H H 5,000 lards Best 44 10c - 10c - 10c - 10c - 10c - 10c "WOBTH ZFTJ-LIZ- 12 1-2 CENTS. 5,000 YARDS BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, 8c - 8c - 8c - 8c - 8c 500 Yards ALL WOOL BLACK BUNTING, at 12Jc - 12Jc 12c - 12c - 12Jo 500 YARDS BEST ALL-WOOL BUNTING, 25c - 25c - 25c - A full and complete every description, and a wonderful variety of GLOVES, HOSIERY, WHITE GOODS, FANCY GOODS, Para X o M U). all at proportionately low and we will make things lively regardless oi the APPARENT DEPRESSED TIMES. Corsets ! Corsets ! Corsets ! SEE THE GOODS AND PRICES. Our Unique, at 48c; Coraline and Juno, at 98c; Com bination, at $1.10 ; Albena; at $1.22; Imperial, at $1.98, HANDKERCHIEFS ! HANDKERCHIEFS ! HANDKERCHIEFS ! SPECIAL Children's Linen Fancy Linen Corded and Hem MILLINERY DEPARTMENT - IS COMPLETE And there also we will desirable HATS and TRIMMINGS, and RIBBONS, with an endless assortment of Laces, Ties, Tissues and Novelties, all will be offered at once at figures that will sell them. Carpets, Mattings, tains and all othet nice things were looked after. We invite you to THIS FEAST OF LOW That's ihe Way we Propose to Realize the Desired : $50,000. NOTICE. Only limited quantities will be sold to each customer, sow that everybody shall have a chance at THESE BARGAINS. RememlH the TIME DRY GOODS WAITED vuxo IT vxv tile TV LLIJi will induce EVERYBODY to Strictly Cash Buyers: . -AT- - 6ic - 6ic - 6 AND FAST COLORS. DEESS GI1TGHAM3, AT - 12ic - 12ic - lc BLEACHED SHIRTING, at 25c - 25c - 25c - 25c Line of DRESS GOODS of prices. We purchased heavily BIG DRIVE. Border, at 9c j Ladies' White fotitched, at 9c, lzc, loc. Uc. make things hum. New and Mats, Rugs, Lace Cur PRICES. at ONCE, the PLACE EMPORIUM. s and Dink Jjjo attend." mar21-d4w4w

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