. .... . ! MBBBBBnSSnnnaBai "Fia '' - ' ' . ' ninwinaStiBiBi ' ' , BVBSORIPIKlf 1UTMB: gixtnontls .y"","1 xsrsv months ? mu Out fnenSs. ... WBMKLT BDITZQlTi irmMy ( "), Xs S8.00 ' 3.00 ..V 7i 12.00 Ouif"rit tmvoUL zmontts ..... w- IJkeral BtitMiicnJbr 04. 2.10 l.Oi Or8 OSiorofls. MARCH 20TH, We mill display one of the handsomest Spring Stocks Brer offered In this market You are specially re quested to look at our stock of . Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, ALSO OUR White CnOods? Of which we have endless varltsty. OurB?oc of LA Id and ROIDEBY will be found superior to any In Charlotte, both In price and beauty. Everybody In Charlotte Is invited to call and look. Every bodj In the County Is Invited to call anu look. Everybody In the fctate Is Invited to call and look. Alexander t Harris. owl 9 Boots and froes 1882. -:o: :o: Spring Style :o : :o:- Hare leeetred and afj dully receiving it BEAUTIFUL USE OF G KHENN NrTTTSS-m n. m v www T 2 b or rim n 11 m SSS, OO H N NN s eOO EBB N NN Boos ill, SI ait k ATS.-: Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PEG RAM & CO. febW -BOSTON- METALLURGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. MetailEst3, Assayeai and Analytical Chemists (WMlMlrlU'ER KCriNCBS, Practical em-Bars f Wfes 100 lbs. and upwards. H fc ril AC'TOUY OK EM Til BATED. Purveys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches and Hups mad. Constructions ol works and Supplies Furnished. (AA. WAGERS OF The Key England Smelting Works. c;i.i, sii.vh&, CUPPER and LEAD ORES snELTEO OW BEI'DBNS or PURCHASED CpPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION Treatejl cuEeamable farms. Tii -Mas binns,... jsxtiuxm. A. n. KIDNEY,.... .MmiBQ SHIWP JwHsf HuLLlDAY ...... ..PWW. CHMOarr. marg tt STEEL PEI3S . Saasple box, K differed stylos tf Prrry en Bent for trial by BoaiS, oa reooJrt c i- cpts. IvIsohBJakeman, Taylor & Co., WEW VOIKK. 1882. flafe Peffra & o., VOL. XXVII. -WE- -E ARE RECEIVING -NE VV- -NEW- GOODS EVERY DAY AND WILL SOON HAVE BEADY for In SDectlon the most varied find hpt eaiaMaf Stock we have ever offered the public. All lines o goods have been bought with care and dlscrimina Hon; but especial care has been taken in the seleo lion oi our WHITE GOODS -AND BLACK GOODS, Both of which surpass In variety and excellence anything of the kind ever shown the trade of Char lotte. We ask a thoroueh lnsneetlon of our stock and comparison of our prices. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. . mar8 Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to mount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect is often followed by consumption or dlptitliN-la.. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and surely in such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy haa saved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Is not an experiment. It haa been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Pain Killeb has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty -seven years, and have Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure. 8. Cbockkb, Wmiamavfllo, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pais Ktixeb, and found it a never-failing remedy for colds and sore throat Bartom Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and Bore throat, and consider your Pain Killek an Invaluable remedy. Qko. B. Evxkett, Dickinson, I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Ktlleb. which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Klllkb in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Raxsoh Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Kiuxb In my family twenty nve years ago and have used itever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. V. Dies, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough- and cronp it is the best preparation made. We would not be without it a. jr. itpuTS, juDerty muis, va. For twenty-five years I have nsed Pain Kiixeb lor colds and cnaDDed Hds. i medicine ever offered, Geo.Hoop iat, Wilmington, N.C. I wan KnfTArlnff omrnmlv with Timnnliitta. and mv throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Fain Killeb, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton : Your Path KniEB cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fau in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: wy eon was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to call a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For CMtfs and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else fails. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell It at 25c., 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVSS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept : t. TUTPS PALLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRlUMfH QF THE A6E. SYMPTOMS Of A TORPIDXIVER. loss of a; Uansea,bo-weU costive. Fain in the aeaq.witha.dviU sensation in okanb ma:: Pain under the shoulder- blade, fullness after eating, witn a aiiET- MlmHnn t.n fiXArt.inn Of "bodT Or mind. Irritability of temper. IjOW spirita. Iiosa of memory, with a feeling of naying neg lected some duty, weariness, Dizziness, Flattering of the Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Bkin. Headache. Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. LP THESE W ASKINGS ABE TTWHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUIT'S PILLS are especially adapted to sach cases.one dose effects suehachange of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. mi.- w , a nBatKA. and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the system is nourished, and by theirTonie Action on the m.iA mM. Kivular luwn axe pru- duced. Price 25 cen Mnrray St ff .Y. TUTT'S HAIR OYE, Grat Hair or Whisk km changed to aGtossT Black by a srngle application of thl iDint It imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt or II. Office. 33 Murray St., New York. M Br. TCTTS A!ICL of Vslnahto UfonaatiM aad k Feby. gflrleodaw " - -Ginger, fiuchu, Man ." drike, Stillingia, and manyottne est zrteqi cmcs known ' are ' cotrj." tlncd la IVker's Ginger Tonlo, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it the greatest Tttnnfl Pinifiw 9Tld the BestHealthAStreBgrth Bosterer ver usea. It cures Rheumatism, m i Or Parkers s,t?mac- t rMbte TMtoWth. nwermtoxicates. Hiscox jSu&bSul color to grmjr aair. & Co. , Chemists, N. Y, jOo. sna Si PS "" 8 nn?i o22 ST CHARLES HOTEL. wPAWmATlTEES TOE DEUMMEBS. OT ATBSVILL. N. G. THIS honse ha been leased for a term f yean hi Mrs. Dr. Beeves, whose tatentton to to keen I BtrfcUy flrstSass house to every nm.. cSmrSis sample room, on fust and aeeonfl Xhe patronage 'of Uw'ruMi OUR WASHINGTON LETTER THE TOBACCO MEN IN COUNCIL,. They take Positiou against 'I,ree Lieai" and a Reduction of the Tax Tobacco Culture in France Postal Notes Personal Items Cooper and Mott Look Blae Jenkins may Come to the Front Jooes, Speech Minns the Anti-Negro Section. Washin&ton, D. C, March 17th. A convention of tobacco manufacturers have been holding a couple of day's session at the Ebbitt House in this city, commencing on "Wednesday night. It was in all respects a representative garnering or representative men. xne president, Mr. Helme, is one of the old time types of men, large, broad and brainey and the body of the convention was such to impress one with its intel ligence. Among the delegates present were Julian uarr, or Durham, jxortn Carolina. J. E. Boyce, of Henderson, North Carolina, and H, A. Whittaker, F. L. Vaugh, of Winston, North Caro lina. The three former were made merhbeis of the executive committee of the National Tobacco Association. It was early developed in the. convention that the prevailing sentiment was against what is known as the "free leaf t-bill and this opposition found ex pression in a resolution asking qpngress not to pass the measure. The conven tion was also decidedly opposed to the reduction of the tax on tobacco, unless the whole tax was wiped out and reso lutions to that effect were adopted unanimously. At 10 o'clock Saturday the convention, in a body, called on the President of the United States and paid their respects. It has, ever since thia government es tablished consulships, been the practice of the consuls to make reports to the State Department of matters in the countrv in which they were located, but it has been only of recent date that these reports, really valuable, have been published. From the February num ber just out Consul Rosevelt, at Bor deaux, France, treating of tobacco cul ture in the department of the Gironde, says: The department of the Gironde is authorized to plant tobacco in 1S82, for the sXipply of the state factories, to the extent of 2,500 acres, in the districts of Bordeaux, Bazas, Libourne, and Reole. Said department is expected to supply for said year a contingent of one mil lion five hundred thousand kilograms (3,000,000 pounds) of tobacco. The number of plants to the acre mu3t be from 16.000 to 20,000. The prices will be fixed the following rates per one hundred kilograms: Higher grade, first quality, 145 francs ; second, 112 francs; third, 90 francs. Lower grade, first quality, 70 francs; second, 60 francs; third, 44 francs; fourth, 33 francs ; fifth, 22 francs ; sixth, 10 francs. The prices stated for first, second and third qualities, shall be paid only for fine, light and combustible tobacco; to baccos which are coarse, mixed, and non-combustible, must be rejected in all classes. - For superfine tobaccos, a premium of 10 francs per 100 kilograms will be al lowed above the price of first quality, according to the law of 1816; those of lower grades will be paid for according to the appraised value granted by a commission of experts. The above will show the method adopted by the French government, of apportioning among the various depart ments the production of sufficient to bacco to supply the state factories. It is thus that the large tobacco monopoly is niaintained, and that the results shown by the following figures have been reached : In 1815, the amount derived by the state from this one article was 33,872, 000 francs. In 1853 the amount had risen to 193,000,000 francs, while in the latest return given it was 313.546,000 francs. This represents an average of nine francs per head of the population. POSTAL, NOTES. A special service has been ordered established form Boyetteville, Hertford county, N. C, to Murfreesboro, a dis tance ot tour miles. New offices: Scalesville, Guilford county, N. C., Finckney Wall, postmas ter ; Roberts, Madison county, N. C, J acksfln D. Roberts, postmaster; Chop ree, Georgetown county, S. C, John W. Doar, postmaster; Praters, Newberry county, S. C, W. H. Ramseur, postmas ter ; Parters, Pickens county, S. C, J as. E. Borrouehs, postmaster: Gray, Alle ghany county, N.C, Dav's F. Long, postmaster cases, itocKingnam coun ty, N. C, James HighfilL postmaster. Postmasters commirsions sent: John F. Cobb, Cobbs, N. C; James R. Little john, Ashebury, 8. C. ; Mrs. Sallie P. Marshall, Salem Chapel, N. C. ; Thomas A. Hobbs, Warrensville, N. C. j Thomas C. Worth, Creston.N, C; Frank Hawes, Reedy Creek, N.C; Miss Sarah Stew art, Wolf Creek, N. C. ; Judson J. Ed- Sards, Ivy, N. C; John J. Younginer, akville, 8. C ; James H. Thompson, Mt. Mourne, N. C ; W. J. Y. Thurston, Clayton, N. C; W. M, Jones, Caray N.C; Lewis B. Pennington, Rocky Mount, N.C; Wesley S. Dixon, Barn well, S. C; John II. Moore, Lick Log Creek, N C. ; Miss Flora B. Cates, Rock Springs, N. C ; Samuel Brooks, Brooks N. C; Mrs. L. F. Edney, Bat Cave, N. C; John B. Harrill, Forest City,N. C. Change in Star schedule North Car olina: Jamesville to Hamilton. Leave Jamesville daily except Sun days, at 8 a. m. Arrive at Hamilton by 4 p. m. Leave Hamilton daily except Sun days, at 8 a. m. Arrive at Jamesville by 4 p m. Raleigh to Averysborough. Leave Raleigh Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 am. , Arrive at Averysborough by 5 p m. Leave Averysville Mondays and Thursdays, at 8 a m. Arrive at Raleigh by 5 p m. Reidsville toJUinsaaie. Leave Reidsville Wednesdays Saturday?, at a m.. A rrivn at. TnllsdaTfl bv 11 a m. Leave Hillsdale Wednesdays and Saturdays at 12 m Arrive at Reidsville by 9 :36 p m Lexington to McKee. Leave Lexington daily exeept !Sun days at 10 a m. Arriye at McKee by 12 m. Leave McKee daily except Sundays, at 3 p m. . . . Arrive at Lexington by p m, Change in Star service j Hillsborough to Roaporough, From March 20,1888, embrace Bushv Forks and Long's Cross Roads, next af ter Hurdle's Mills, increase distance 6 miles. -Hillsborough to Milton. March 20. 1882.- embrace His- stnre between Ridgeville and Leasburgb, increase distance i mile. Leasburgh to Leasburgh. i?rnm umh 19. 1882. chance service so as to run from Roxborough, hy Wi stead, to Leashorongh, and .back, two times a week, omitting Hester's Store, Bushy Forks antt Aiongs jross xwaua, aecrease uisianoo a tuw. CHARLOTTE, N. C, TlltTRSDAY FEBSOKal. NOTES. . , - Col. Keogh, of Gf eensbofo, was" here Col. L. W. Hnmphrey, of Goldsboro, is here again on a short visit. Mr. D.Curtis, of Greensboro, passed through here a few days. Senator Hampton has introduced a bill for the relief of Mrs. H. M. Jones, widow of M. V. Jones, collector of cus toms in Wilmington in 1843 It is alleged that when he died $1,566 were due him by the government, and the bill now appsopriates it to his wid ow. A bill appropriating $5,000 a year salary to Mrs. M. P. O'Connor, wife of ex-member O'Conner, has been intro duced into the House by Mr. Evins. Friday Jones, a colored politician of Raleigh, now here, occupied a bed in the night lodging house a few nights ago. He said he hadn't mosey enough to get home with. Cooper and Mott are both here, but since Jones and Ferry, both Republicans on the finance committee, voted against Cooper, both look blue. This action is thought to kill off Cooper. Mr. Jenkins may now step to the front. As was intimated in last letter, Sena tor Jones prints his speech with all al lusions to the negro left out. Fortu nately for the Democrats they have a verbatim copy as it was delivered and win use it in the coming campaign. The council have done for the State what the Governor was not willing to do for it, namely, save the State the ex pense of an extra session of the Legis lature, xms uecision meets with unr versal approval here. Pickup. FISH HATCHING. Carp, Shad, Salmon and Trout Carp Ponds at Raleigh Preparations at Avoca, &c. Persons who have applied for German Carp will please note the fact that every step has been taken to secure from the United States Commissioner at vv asnmgton, jd. u., a sumcient num ber to furnish their ponds. Recent let ters from the Commissioner indicate that there will be another shipment madefy us, but the time is not specified, and it may be sometime in April before they arrive. During the past three months twenty-five hundred have been received and shipped by express to all parts of the State. The next lot we re ceive uviti Washington Will be the last lor this season, and no further cam may be expected till the last of Novem ber. The Board of Agriculture, at the last meeting, favored the construction of suitable ponds for breeding the carp .at home. Much care has been taken in the selection of a site for the ponds near Raleigh. We propose to build breeding uonds and hatch sufficient quantities annually to supply any ponds throughout the btate. The chier teature of the present month in fish culture is the refitting of the shad hatchery on the Albermarle Sound. Such changes and improve ments are now being made that we hope to do a work double that of any previous year. The hatching capacity, which is now tour million, will be in creased to nine million a week. The additional space added will be occupied by hatching vessels on a new and im proved method, the eggs being hatched in glass bottles. Fifty thousand eggs are to be hatched in a bottle of one gal lon capacity, and during the process everything can be seen, and ever dead egg removed without the stopper. For j this improvement the country is indebt-! ed to Col. Marshall McDonald, of Vir- j ginia. I he method heretotore toiiowed con-! sists in placing the eggs into large cones, three feet high, (the large end turned upward), and applying a con stant jet of water in fromelow. The apparatus of this kind being yet on hand ana m good order, will still be used, the glass bottles being added to afford greater capacity. This addition, with such other improvements as are now beieg added, will place North Car olina on a par with any State, and I hope that results will prove us even in advance. V e shall be more complete ly equipped than we have ever been,and with a strong purpose, we confidently expect to double the catch in our waters in a tew years, with native hsh.introduc ing at the same time such other fish as are considered of value. No hatching of the land-locked sal mon or caliiornia trout was under taken the past season, owing to the fact that they were adapted to a rather re stricted class of streams, while the German carp will prove more valuable in the same localities, and in the whole State besides. The German carp will suit the western counties, and will at the same time do equally well in every other quarter of the State. While the land-locked salmon and California trout already Un trod uced are most excellent game fish, we have considered that but a secondary matter. While they suit the cold mountain streams, they do not suit the middle or lower streams ; and while the cam cannot be recommended especially for mountain streams, there is not a mountain tarm mat aoes not possess every facility for raising them, and in quantities to supply a family. We therefore deemed it better to sus pend the salmon and trout work for one season, at least, and make necessary ar rangements to propagate the carp at home, and in larger quantities than we could hope to procure them trom the United States Commissioner at Wash ington. For the information of those who do not know the facts, I would state that the demand for carp in the State is far beyond our present ability to sup ply. This is not surprising when it is known that they grow from minnows to three and four pound fish in one summer. And this is not all. They do this without being artificially fed ; and if it should for any reason become desirable to feed them, they will eat grain and vegetables freely. Names are daily added to the ist of applica tions. It is a great pleasure to note this fact, but we beg all those who applied later than January 20th not to expect any fish before October or No vember, for it is impossible to supply them. From many sources I learn that dams have broken, and that the carp have escaped, and as a general thing the ap- Elication is renewed. Now, it cannot e expected that we should furnish such'ponds with another shipment'the present season, until we haye sent each applicant one lot. This we have to re fuse, for we cannot get fully around the first time with the short stock at our command. The dams should be packed down and built at least two feet above the level of the water, and as a rule, the waste wa ter should be carried around one end of the dam. through the hill-side. No time should be lost during the present spring season to introduce wa ter plants into the pondstoontaining the carp. For this purpose the water lilies and cresses are excellent, and in no case should the ponds be left unprovided. S. 6. WORTH, SupLFish and Fisheries. March 8, 1882. . MARCH 23, 1882. Millions of Codfish Eras. A New York paper states that Prof. Ryder, of the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, who for the past four or five weeks has been conducting a series of experiments at Fulton Market, New York, in the transportation of impreg nate coansn eggs rrom that city to Washington, on behalf of the United States Fish Commission, has concluded nis laoors ior tne season and returned to Philadelphia. About 10,000,000 fer tilized eggs have been forwarded in all. The experiments have been very suc- cessiui, ana it is thought that the best and cheapest manner t propagating me uuu nas at last Deen arrived at. The nrst eirort to attain this result in cod hatching was made at Gloucester, Mass, in 1879, when it was found necessary to transport all of the hatching apparatus to that place. The most successful ex periment was the one which has just been completed the transportation of the eggs of the fish from New York to the District of Columbia, where they are hatched out and turned into the waters of the Chesapeake. Prof. Ryder has now turned his attention to the study of the reproduction by artificial means of the oyster, and has great hopes of carrying it to a successful termina tion. APirf M "rasing for tee Hair, that will stop its falllne, has been long sought lor. Park er s Hair Balsam, distinguished lor Its purity, fully Qnnnllao this " A CA D. TO all who nrn anfforfTiir fmm i aiscretion of youth, nervous weakr ess. early decay oss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FKEE of CHARGE. Thl great remedy Bin i. ' missionary ir xmia America. Tnai.TSr ria,SS8ea envelope to the Biv, JOSEPH T. IN MAN, station D. New York City &eto JUittjertiscmjeiits. Dr. C. W..BEJTSOIV, of Baltimore, IHd. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases anu the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned in medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in ihe shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recom mended by them. It Is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of his own experience la practice. They are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy-of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headacue, nervous headache, djspepUc headache, neuralgia paralyse, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure tiny case. Sola by an druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Kutaw street. Baltimore. Md. Bv mail, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for $2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUCH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, 8CROFULA ULCER8, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUpartsofthe body. It makes the akin- white, soft and smooth ; removes tan and freckles, and is tha BEST toilet dressing in THE WOE1D. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both Internal and external treatment. All flrst class druggists have it. Prioetl.perpackag-e. CHAS. N CBITTEKTON. 11 K Fnlton street. New York City, sole sgent for Dr. C. W. Benson'" remedies, to whom an orders should be ad dressed. ' marl KRS. LYDIA E. PIHSCHAM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PIN (CHARTS VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ib a Positive Cure for all those Painful Complaint end Weaknesses so common to enr best female pepnlatien. It will care entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TJloer tion, Falling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and la particularly adapted to ths" Change of Life. It will dlssolre and expel tumors from the nterni In an early stage of derelopment. The tendency to oan oerons humors there is checked Tory speedily by its use. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroys all crarlng for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Kerrous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weighs and backache, is always permanently cored by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstance act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PrKKltAJPS VEGETABLE COM FOUND is prepared at 833 and 35 Western Avenue, iynn,Haaa. Price . SlxbotUesfor t& Sent by mail in the form of puis, also In the torn of losenges, oa receipt of price, tl per box for either. Kr. Pinkham freely answvn all letter of inquiry. Send for pamph let Address as abore. Mtntion thi Paper, Ro family should be without LYDIA IS. FISKBAsPt IXVER PILLS. They cure constipation, billon in ssr and torpidity of theliver. cent per box. tfST Sold by all Druggists. "S , LIIiIE! LILIE! LIME! :0r ;o; HAYING now two more silna m addition to oor PERPETUAL X.ILN we are now prepared to FILL, ORDERS PHOMPTTLY on short notice, and at prices that defy compete tion. We guarantee quality, and make no charge unless Lime proves satisfactory. We have an agency in Charlotte of A C. Sum mervUle; who will receive orders for small lets at reduced prices. - - Reference as to quality of Lime given on appli cation. SIMON BROTHERS, , BoxNo.88,GafmeyCltya.a mar7 2m I ? NO. 4,0561 :H: & QUR SPRING GOODS are now coming In, and In the way, Cheapest Block of Goods that has ever been of Goods now In, viz: The handsomest line of BLACK DRESS GOODS To be found, embracing CASHMKRKS In plain and American, Lace and Plain BUNTINGS. We have a BUNTINGS In delicate shades. We have a handsome can show you the prettiest 4-4 BLEACHED DOMESTIC at 10c per yard, that you ever saw. Be sure and ask to see our NIGHT-GOWN GOODS. Our stock of PARASOLS is large and handsome. Oof stock will be eomplete In a few days, and if you eome and see ua; will take pleasure in showing you PROMPT ATTENTION TO argraves mai23 BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, ut-rine disturbances, Dr. Clarke's torpidity or junctions, wun leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrhsea, and hysteria., also in melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price $3 per box. Sent free by mall on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Periodical Pills. ?OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. . Dr. Clarke' Anti- In either stage, whether primary, Htcondary or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Syphilitic Price 82 50Der box. Five bxes 810. Pill. Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarice Medicine Company, New York City. A N INTALCARLE HE .71 ED Y. For weakness ef the Kidneys and Dr. bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smaruag, irequent or oimcuit urination, mucuus discharges and Clarke sediments In the urine from what ever cause Induced, whether of re cent er long standing.- One to three boxes usually sufficient . Price $2 Gonnorrnea per box. Three boxes for $5. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad Pills dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, new xotk city. ftlERE IS A BALM X If G I LEAD. For all eases of Spermatorrhoea' Dr. land lmpotency, as the result of self- anuse in youin, sezoai excesses in maturer years, or other causes, and DroduclrnT some1 of the followlnsr effects: Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), Clarke' vimness oi eignt, veiective mem- Dry, fhisieai decay. Pimples on race. Aversion toSocletv of Females. Confusion of Ideas. Loss ofSexnd Invigorating rower, &c, rendering marriage im proper or unhaDDV. Are a positive cure la two to 8 weeks One to six boxes usually sumcieot Price nm) per dox.1 jrour Boxes 9a. cent or matt, prepaid, on-recelpt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. Pill, IkfeblUddtw 18w J m -I -s iJINLf Everybody Has Discovered TlJt uBSiHU job UXPa&TKDrt Has been thoroughly supplied wltl) every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing ean now be done won neatness, dispatch and cheapness. We ean fur nlsh at short nottoe, KLaKlCB, BTT.T-TTT A TM, LXTTKB-HXADS, CARDS, TA83, RXCXTPTS, P08TXSS, PBOeBAMMia, HANDBnxa, PAMPHLgT8, CIRCULARS, CHEC13, Afl. - :W: - a few days we will show the Handsomest and. by seen In this market. We make special mention watered effects, NUNS VEILING, French and beautiful line ot NUJiS VMLING and frkncr line of MOIBB SATINS In black colors. W. want BARGAINS In handsom. and stylish Goods. everything we have. ORDERS FOR SAMPLE3. & Willielm. NORTH CAROLINA -HAS THE LARGEST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE SOUTH. The McSmith Music House -SELLS- CHICKERING 4 SONS, KRANICH & BACH. MATHOSHEK, ARIOM, SOUTHERN GEM And other PIANOS. M ISON & HAMLIN, 8HONINOKR. PELOCBET & CO.. BTEBLING, AND OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instrnmenfe, ISsT" Ask me for prices If you want Rood work and you will never buy anything but the best. Address or call on, H. MCSMITH. Telephones ! . Telephones ! TELEPHONES, THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company. is the -SOLE LICENSEE -of the- Americaa Bell Telephone Company For supplying Telephones In the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of the RiO.B. B..) North Carolina,. 8outh Carolina, Florlca and Alabama. PEIYATE LDTES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented ' tW For particulars address SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, fob 11 eod 8m 105 Broadway, New York. Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook Sc Ladder Truck: House, la now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN v and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, such as - laJLEOTGi KakomiDing, Frescoing, to. 1 GnUding f 1 'SKt f S m h t. irK,:, lit-. 1 r 1 1 e tt 1 u 1 hi, j . i 4 11 i 41 14 r 1 1 1 HI! f V 1. '1 I 1 1 1 - t t i" l "'I 't it 1 'i;t 1 21 I t " (ttf I. 'li a 1 m 1 If 06k:. ; -." Sr .