VP? V 4 ??r ti-K'-1--'-" CHAS. It. JONES, Editor and Vi op' Wf . XVnBXD AT TH. JrtWI-OFFICB ATC8ASUWT". N . C.i is aOoiro-ciAaa kuTrs.l THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1 82. UNREST IN EUROPE. ThQ fiery Speech of Gen. Skobelefi in Parish where it seems. lie had been im bibing pretty freely of Freneh wines, in which he declared that an alliance between France and Russia to check the progress of Prussia to European dominion was a necessity, has drawn the attention of. the world to these two nations, Prussia and Russia, as rivals for European supremacy. Notwithstanding the fact that the Czar is reported to have reproved his general for his hasty and ill considered remarks, the impression prevails tnac Skobeleff, whether under the influence of quickening French stimulants or not, simply uttered the sentiments of the prevailing powers of his country. Prussia is not entirely satisfied that the soldier was not talking not only his own sentiments but also the sentiments of the Czar, who, though he declines thus far to father them, has not manifested either grief -or anger at the utterance. However tire respective governments mav view the situation it i3 evident there is great unrest among the masses, who have come to the conclusion that the clash of contending armies is only a question of time, and may be precipi tated at any moment, by even so small a thing as a few minutes after-dinner speech of a boozy officer. With the immense standing armies of Europe, the proximity of nations jealous of each other, the rival inter ests to be guarded, and the mutual fear of hostile ascendency, leaves peace al ways precarious and war always possi ble. And war between two of the leading powers may at any time become general, for the mightier can force the lesser in and make them parties to the conflict whether willing or not. It is this feeling which swelled the tide ofim migration to this country the past year to the amazing figures of nearly half a million, and it is thought will nearly double that number for the present year. Aside from the individ ual liberty which men enjoy in this Republic, the dread of war and invad ing armies does not come to mar the day's enjoyment nor the night's repose, nor the dread that the accumulated earnings of years may be destroyed in a day. There Hie subject belongs to the government and may at any time when the emergency arises be summoned from his peaceful avocation and his fireside, be mustered iuto the army and sent out to the field to be shot at by other subjects, in a war in which he has not a particle of interest and in the making of which he had not a word to say. It is simply for him to obey, march out and be shot at in obedience to the men who claim the divine right to rule him. No wonder the toilers want to get from under the dumiuion of such gov ernments and make their homes in a land where men have some rights that rulers are bound to respect, and where life and property are reasonably secure, where men are men and children are raised up to be men and women, not the mere chattels of despots who sit upon thrones, declare wars and seldom or never go within reach of the missiles that slaughter by thousands better men than they. The Independent party of Georgia has constructed its platform and set it up for the public to gaze upon. It is composed of eleven planks. The first ignores the binding authori ty of king caucu3. The second goes for a free ballot and a fair count. The third for an honorable payment of all hoaest debts.- The fourth for gold and silver as the proper money of the people. The fifth favors a repeal of the in ternal revenue laws when the reduction of the national debt will permit it. The sixth advocates a liberal system of internal improvements. The seventh declares the supremacy of national authority. The eighth favors popular education. The ninth opposes monopolies. The tenth objects to the present sys tem ef hiring the State convicts. The eleventh protests against party proscription and sectional prejudice. THE GUANO INVESTIGATION The Senate committee has at last suc ceeded in getting Mr.hipherd.jQfPe-' rnvian Gaan4 Scheme notoriety, iro. Hand have elicited someiutereaung in formation. .Thti inabilities- are the. full story 13 told it Wilt be still more in teresting. We clip the following from the results of the investigation last Monday, by which it will be seen that Minister Hnrlbut was to be bribed into non action against the promo'.-s of the scheme, white Secretary Blaiue took an interest in it that smacks,cprriderably of business. After describing an interview with Minister Hurlbut Snipherd continued: "Peru ought to have help at the ear liest moment, and I hope you will press your plans as rapidly as possible." Shipherd then made a general state ment to the effect that he (Shipherd) never imagined that it would be neces sary to buy any man, and never intend ed to do so. He did, however, feel that it was necessary to prevent Hurlbut from taking any position which might be violently opposed to their company. Shipherd was asked : "Did you think Hurlbut could be purchased V" and re plied: "Most emphatically " The Chairman "And you proceeded to purchase him ?" Answer -"No, sir ; simply to prevent him from settling nimselt viciously anu aefceruniieuiv against us. I recognized the fact that it would be necessary to assure him that it would in the future result ad vantageously to himself or friends if he did not oppose us." Shipherd was then questioned in re gard to his interview with Secretary .Blaine, and replied : "The interview took place at Blame s residence, in this city, on the evening of July 25th. It lasted until a late hour, and was resumed next morning." When asked who was present at that interview, Shipherd said a United States senator whose name he did not feel at liberty to mention, because ne had been informedthatin an investiga tion of this kind it was necessary to be very careful about mentioning the names of members of the house or senators. He said further that this in t.rviAw was brought about by the kind offices of the before mentioned senator. The chairman suggested that Shipherd give the features of the interview with Blaine, and for the present waive the question of what senator was present. At this interview Shipherd gave Blaine a full statement of the claims of th Peruvian comoanv on their merit. The secretary listened with what seem ed to Shipherd a great deal more than merely courteous attention, and now and then interjecting questions, show ing that he was following every point with care and precision. He suggest ed some difficulties from a legal point of view, that we Americans had pur chased a claim and expected the United States government to enforce it against Peru. After a full discussion, the Sec retary asked Shipherd to suggest what was wanted from our government. To this Shipherd in effect leplied : "At present we can ask almost noth ing. We cannot go into court down thereuntil Peru denies the claim, and until this is done we have no right to ask our government to interfere. We can only ask a provisional remedy. Peru is now shipping our guano and is about to make an "arrangement to pay her war indemnity with our guano. All we de sire is that an official notification be sent to both Chili and Peru that there is an American title asserted to that guano, and that whoever takes it will do so with a notice of that assertion. The secreta ry replied: 'That is not asking too much.' Alter tins matter naa oeen fully and thoroughly discussed and it was made plain to the secre tary that the company was not asking the Uuited States government to assert its claims, the conversation took some other turn, and was finally closed with the remark bv the secretary: 'Now, what do you want me to do? Shipherd replied in substance, as before stated, that the government should send noti fications of an American title to the guano, and the secretary replied that he would do so at once. In further reply to questions, Ship herd explained that the employment of the Sentor in question as attorney was not because he was a senator, but be cause he was known to be a particular friend of Blaine. Shipherd stated that he had several other interviews with Blaine after the one described at the State department. THfi NATIONAL SOLONS." Mian's I Take a IMao Fill i The Senate Postpones the. Tariff Dis eases, It acts promptly on thR ere at oreans and bo restores health, strength and vigor. K is put op to liquid and iry form, both acting with equal efficiency. Price $L See adv. Sublimely Superb. . A pair of beautiful Sun-flowers on Easels will be mailed free to any lady who will send ten cents In postage stamps or money to pr. C. W. BensoriNo . 106 North Eolaw street. Baltimore, Md.' ". Women that have been bedridden for years have been entirely cured o female weakness by the use ot Lydla E. Plhkham's Vegetable Com pound. Send to Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham, 233 .Western Avenue,. Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets, ', 'SKINNY MEN, ' (" '' Well's Health Rehewer. Absolute cure for ner vous debility and Weakness of the generative func tions, $1 at druggists. Depot J. H. McAden, Charlotte. MAKKETSBY TELEGRAPH No, don't taks It aad run th lis of mercurial poison, but when, bilious and constipated get a nnuinn Pd,aP, K ' rnnsnlnr llnnrn- iSlrr0 Z. celebrated. Kidney-Wort, and cussion, Fosses the Consular Appro- speenjy cure yoo. u ii naiwe'ff great remedy priation Bill, and Discustfes -Uie Life I ?T consOpaaon, and for all kloney and liver dls- &aring Service JBill, While the House Spends the Day in Grappling with the Chinese Question. Washington, March 23. Senate. Bills were introduced by Kellogg to in corporate the Atlantic and Mississippi Kiver canal company, with a' capital pf $20,000,000 The route to be from St. Mary's BiYer in Georgia through Oke fenoke swamps westward to St. Marks, Fla., and along the Gulf coast. The tariff commission Dill, tne regu lar order, was temporarily laid aside after an announcement by Bayard of t.hft sudden illness of Garland from whom a speech was expected, and the Senate took up the consular and diplo matic appropriation bill. The Senate committee amendments were read and agreed to, and the bill passed. The Senate then took up the House life-saving service bill which was dis cussed and amended in respect to the salaries of superintendents. After a long and desultory debate in which Brown contended for a uniform salary of $120 per month, the salaries of superintendents in districts covering the more dangerous lines of coast, and reported in the bill at$2,5'X) were fixed at $1,800, and those in districts reported at $2,000 were graded to $1,500. Uoon an amendment offered by Brown for a slight increase for the Flor ida coast district, Jones, of Florida, said the losses from wrecks were great er there than upon any other portion of the Atlantic coast line. .Morgan said that but 6 of a total of 293 stations had been given to the dan gerous Gulf coast, and spoke of the val ue ana importance or me uuii com merce. The bill was finally laid aside without action, pending the motion for an ex ecutive session. Adiourned. House. On motion of ling, of La., a resolution was adopted calling on the Secretary of War for information as to what further relief is necessary for sufferers from the overflow of the Mis sissippi ri er and its tributaries. The morning hour having Deen dis posed with the House at 12:30 resumed consideration of the Chinese bill. The debate on the Chinese bill was continued to the close of the session. The House at 5.10 took recess until to-morrow at 10 o'clock, Page giving notice that he would at 2 o'clock de mandthe previous question on the bill. Ladies, Gentlemen, Missies, Boy6 and Children J i : .y l. . - CANNOT FAIL TO SUITED IN W0 GOO of boots; and sh o e s ? FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. "yy E guarantee that every pair of SHOES we sell shell be found utt &s represented, and shall allow no house to gtre you better goods than we do for the money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to tbe wants of -all classes of customers, and comprises a full line of beautiful and seasonable goods, of the very best quality and all grades, from tbe finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes to suit jou and at the lowest possible prices, you eannot do better than at our store. Give us a can, a; e. KANKIN & BRO., senlH ; " Centra) Hotel Block . Trn de St reet. Trying to Suppress a Scandal. Wash. Cor. Baltimore Sun. Eepresentative Page, of California, was entrusted as a sub-committee or the committee to audit the expenses at tending the illness and death of Presi dent Garfield, with the bills and vouch ers for the expenses, accidental and in cidental, of the funeral train to Cleve land. Mr. Page said to day that he had collated and aggregated the bills in one lump account, and then had destroyed them all. He considered that was the best thing to do, as he did not think it was the,,, thing to have a scandal over such a matter. Opinions may differ as to Mr. Page's right to take this course, but opinions will concur that it was the worst possible course to take to prevent a scandal. GRATUITIES TO SENATORS. The Senate passed to-day a resolution to pav Mr. Kellogg, of Louisiana, $9,550, and Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, 3, 500, for expenses incurred in maintain ing their rights to the seats they hold. There is no precedent for this action. Contestants have generally been paid their expenses, but sitting members have not. Mr. Butler is a Democrat, and Mr. Kellogg is a Republican, which explains why the two resolutions were made dependent on each other. The practice of the Senate in making lavish donations of the public money for the use and convenience of its members is growing to such an extent that sooner or later it must be put a check to. MARCH 22, 1882. PROnUCB. Wilmington, N. C Spirits turpentine firm, at 53a Rosin firm: strained Sl.bft: good strained 81.90. Tar firm, at $K75. Crude turpentine firm, at $2.25 for hard: $3 50 for yellow dip; $2 80 for virgin (Inferior). Corn steady; prime white 87; mixed 8a Balttmobs Noon Flour firm for high grades; Howard street and Western suDer $3 50- 84.76; extra 84.75085.85; family 86 5087.2o; dtyMill8uper83-50Q!$4.75;extra84 75a$5.75; Kio brands & i.uuo!87 25; ratapsco ramuy a iu. Wheat Southern higher and firm ; Western higher and inactive; Southern red $1,350:81.40; amber 81.440)81.48; No. 1 Maryland ; No. 2 West em winter red spot, $1.38 SI .88i4- Corn South ern steady; Western quiet and firm;- Southern white 86; Southern yellow 7d. Balttmobs Night-Oats quiet and steady; South ern 51 55; Weem white 62a55; mixed 5152; rennsyivania 2U)bt. trovisions nrm; mess pork S17.75818.50. Bulk meats sheulders and clear rib sides, packed 73)10. Bacon -shoulders 8; clear rtb sides HVa; hams lHVa. Lard refined HVa- Coffee firm; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 90)10. Susar higher and strong; A soft 91&; coflee refined 181 19. Whiskey steady, at 81.17SS1.18. Freights duU. Chicago Flour steady, with a fair demand. Wheat unsettled, but generally higher; No. 2 Chicago spring Sl.aBaffl-SoifcforcashjSl.aote for March; 81-86 for April. Cora -unsettled, but generally Jower; Regular 62W; Fresh 65 for cash; 6262Vfe for March; 62263 for April. Oats easier, at 429)44 for cash; 4242'48 for March; 42Qi42 for April. Barley steady and unchang ed, at 8102. Pork In fair demand, but at lower rates, at 818.65$l8.85 for cash. 8 1 8.658 1 8.85 for Aorll. Lard-active, but a shade lower, at 810 65 lor cash. 810 65 for April. Bulk meats easier; shoulders S6-H0; short rtb 89 55: short clear S9.b5. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at 81.18. New Yobk Southern flour, stronger and rather quiet, common to fair extra 85.20SS6.65, goi'd ui choice extra 86.708)88 00. Wheat -unsettled and opening 14c higher, but afterwards lost th nrimnce ai.d declined ViQiiXkc. and closing heavy at the lowest rates; No. 2 Spring 81.84; un graded red 8l.la1.44; No. 2 red i.4ivsa 81 42; ungraded white $1.35381.40; No 2 red, March 81.4HAa81.42; April 8l.HAS$1.42i. orn o; ened V01c higher, but anerwards io? tho arivanm and closing weak and declining; un orartAfi 75)78: Southern white : Nd. 2. March -7412.74 : ADril 743sffi75Ua. Oats -IA Site high er and more aalve and closing weak; No. 3. 50&fc- 51: do white 53i; No. 2, April 50.- . Hons uncharged and dull; Yearlings 12a20, (Yiffea-unsettled. low grades firm, others weak and dull: Rio in cargoes 9!!: In lob lots 9 12 Sugar-very firm and quiet, the firmness checking business; fair to good renning quetea at vvice refined falrlv active and firm: standard A 69 Molasses firm and in better demand Bice firm nd fair inoulrv. Bosin oulet and unchanged, at 82 860:82 37VS. Turpentine firm and qutet, at Rrtua57. Wool firm iorcholce gradi-sano trace nnlet: Domestic fleece 8448; Texas 14230 Pork-aulet and held very strong; old m-ss spot 81rt 371&S316 rt2te; nw do 817 37SS17.H2Vfe Anrli$l7 800817.40. Middles- strong and oolet lon clear 9; short clear . Laid unsettled and onfliiine about 7iM5 higher, but subsequently lost the advance, and closing dull and weak, at 5Sli).Bnffil0.95: April SUi.8Sfr810.92. Freight to Liverp ol market dull and lower. Cotton, per sail 5-32dffi7-82d; per steam 11 (Haa lo-tJ4d. CITY COTTON MARKET. Office of Tint Obsebveb, I - CaAsuorm, March 23, 1882. The market yesterday closed quiet at the fol lowing quotations : Good Middling. Strictly middling, . . . Middling... Strict low middling. . , Low middling. 11 HVi ltife 11J& 10 Tinges 910 Siorm cotton 6?g8?B 8ales yesterday 187 bales. Charlotte Prodnco Ulnrkri. MAHCH 23, 18K2 BUYING PRICES. 85fl0 90 1.25a2.50 90a 1.00 1.50 1.25 3 253.B0 2.75a3.00 CaKK.ptrbusD.'l Meal. " Wheat, " Bkanjs, white, prjr bushel Picas, Clay, per bnsh L.aay, White, " FLoua Family TCxtrv Super. 2 5oa3 00 Oats, shelled. boa75 Dried Fkcit Apples, per n 0 Peaches, peeled 18a2Q " Unpeeled 7a8 Blackberries 8a5 Potatoes Sweet na,tu Irish t 1.25al.50 Bdttxk Ncnn Carolina Bassrper dozen POULTKY Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per lb eese Bkkf, per lb., net Mutton, per lb., net - POBK, " " SELLING PRICES WHOLESALE. Bulk Meats Clear nb sides Coffee Prime Rio iwnvs Good 12J&al5 SffG'B- Wblte 10alli& BURGESS NICHOLS ill XIX Dt 99 FURllTUilE, BEDDING, &C. a raxunof Cheap Bedsteads, Aire Lociren. Parlor & Chamber Suits. cotojui 00 iunmMMfi K. 8 WTBT ntAJM SffBER, X.& 20 llal2J 20a25 15a20 20a25 8 25a35 5a6 8a9 IOV2 Particular Notice. All the drawings will hereafter be under the ex clusive super ialon and control of GENERALS G. T. BiiAUBtGAhD and JL'BAL A. EaBLY. IKtsceXlancotta A SPLENDID OPPOE X U Yellow M01.AS3KS Cuba Sugar Syrup Cholc New Orleans.. Common Sait l.ivf rvto-1 !":)- oy:r.-: W'UIallKY Corn, per ga!lo;i .. Bye. " Bkandt Apple, per gilion Peach, Wink, Scuppomons:, per gallon. liETAIL. Cheese. 7a9 45 35a5" H5a75 40a45 . 1.- Oal 25 . Hf.al.00 .S1.7Rh2.00 S2 O0a3.00 ....S2.0Ca3.no 82.50 8150 East Tennessee is going to solve the immigration problem in a practical way. About 300,000 acres of land have been purchased in East Tennessee, and in th8 fall twenty families of Germans and Canadians who have had some ex perience in American farming will be located on the tract. After they have tested the productive capacity of. the soil, immigrants will be brought there direct from Europe. The Senate was very liberal with the people's monev when it allowed Kel logg, of Louisiana $9,500, and Butler, of South Carolina, $3,500 to defray ex pense incurred in maintaining their right to the seats which they hold. This allowance is unusually large and is ex plained by saying that they had to es tablish the legality of the State govern ments by virtue of which they held cer tificates of election, and the getting of proof of this involved unusual expense. People are getting an idea somehow that the gentlemen at Washington are becoming rather liberal, if they have not been so far a long time, with the people's money. James A. Lee, of Johnston county, left for parts unknown on the 3rd inst., in company with a girl named Helen Carroll, taking with him his two chil dren aged nine and eleven years. His wife whose address is Elevation, John ston county, wquld like to have infor mation concerning him.. Advices from the St. Francis river, Arkansas, overflowed district, repre sent the people as in a starving condi tion, living upon carcasses of drowned animals, and the stench arising from decomposing '. bodies of , animals and vegetable matter as'sickning and horri- The city of Charleston is excited over an assault by two foot pads last Sunday evening upon Mr. Paul C. Trenholm, near his residence an Washington street. They knocked him senseless and were in the act of robbing him when the alarm given by some little boys, who happened to be near, alarmed them andhey escaped before the police arrived. The mayor has offered a re ward of $500 for their arrest. The Galveston News remarks: "Now that the Republicans are divided on the Chineselquestion, New England Sena tors are denouncing the negro, and the stalwarts and half-breeds are at war over Garfield's dead body, it does look as if the Democrats might flip in and take possession. Yes, if the Demo crats themselves don't get to squabbling, over the tariff or something else. The damage caused to plantations, in cluding the loss of stock, provisions and other perishable property, by the. Mississippi overflow, is estimated at $25,000,000; but if to this is added the prospective loss of a crop, the damage is simply fabulous. The Edison Electric Light Company has run its wires into nearly 1,000 houses in New York, and has erected over 14, 000 lamps. Work will soon begin on the apparatus for six other districts. The wires are run under ground. . The Rochester (N. Y.) Express, a Conkling organ, gives notice to the Re publican party that "the party which excludes ex-Senator Conklinsfrom its ranks excludes the President of the United States and his Administration." The Situation at Lawrence. Lawrence, Mass., March 22. This city is very quiet. At the Penobscot mill3 only the printing and dying de partments are being operated. The work of changing machinery and re pairing the buildings has been begun in earnest and a large force of mechanics are engaged. The spinners' and weav ers' union had a meeting this morning, at which it was decided to canvass the city for financial aid. Agents from other cities are nere ottering employ ment to the strikers and others who are out of work. All the other mills are running with a full compliment of hands and no disaffection exists among their employees. Jas. B. Christmas Acquitted Washington, March 22. James B. Christmas, indicted for the murder of William G. Whitriey, in June last, was put on trial in the criminal court to day. Both sides were ready. A jury was promptly procured and after hear ing tne testimony ana snort aaaresses from counsel the court directed the jury to return a verdict of not guilty on the ground or seif-deience. This was done and Christmas was released. Whitney was a son of Mrs. Myra Clark Gaines, and Christmas is her son-in-law. Mrs. Gaines was in court as a witness for Christmas. COTTON. Galybstok-Q;iifrt; niicdling 12c; t.,w mid dling llVs?: good ordinary He: net receipts 614; gross : sales 283; stck 50,142: ex ports coastwise 2,176; to Great Britain ; to continent ; to France ; to channel NOBFOI.X Steady . midUliri 12s: ntff rccelp s 2 280 ro8s ; '.ock 48,259: espor.s - i 351; "dies 443 expnts 10 Great Britain 10 continent . Balttmobs Steady . micd ing 12tfec 10 lfc-n-dllng llfic; good oniioarj ltgC; net reeip;- 48; gronB 603. sales 500 sicca 36.K08: espon- ooarfrwise : spinners : x"!" to Gnt Britain : to continent . TtosTON Steady u.lddline 12c; iow tv-i-i'ir.- Ilc; trood ordinary lie. nt-i rpiiifc 1,601; groa 2,110. sales stock 11,245 Maoris rtreat Britain ; to France . Wilmington-Quiet; middling 115ic; low mi i- tlna il5 16c good ordinan 10 7 16c: reoelp's 413; urosc ; sales ; sfoe fi,8ti2; axivr's cotwiM 553: to Great RrUaln ; to continent . Phtladelphia Steady; Middling 12 Vic low idling 1 lift' good ordinary lOSic. nei recU'i 300 trroes 9y05;-,ales .spinners : r - 1U 135: export lireat emam ; 10 conuneni -AT ANN AH Quiet ; middling 11"; low mid dling HVfic; good ordinar: lmsc; net rceip's 811; gross - sales l,4uU; stock 59,589; exports coastwise 741: to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent . Nicw Orleans-Quiet, steady; middling 12c. tow mid.il.ng 1 liftc; eood ordinary lllgc; net receipts 2.RS3: iiross 3,273; sale 3,500; stock 2t!H 41 3; export to Great Britain ; to France 5,663 ; coastwise 2,948; to continent 1,741; to chan nel . Mobile Dull; middling llc; low middim? MVac; good ordinary lOtBc; net receipts lhd; gross 163; saies uu; biock 20,101; eiiurus coast 211; B ranee ; w ureai diiwiu ; to continent . Mmrais Firm : middling llfac: low mid dling 1 1 i&c; good ordinary 1 Oc; net reoeirw 827 : gross 46tl; snlpnienU 2,452; sales 1,550; stock 06,331. AnonsTA Dull: middling Illa?, sow tnt' dHnsr lie; good ordlnsrr low; recruits 298; shipments ; sales ddi. ChaRLKSTON-DuII; miodllne 12c; low mid rtllnn llJac: good ordinary liiAe. net receipts 1.385; gross ; saies iuu; mocK oo,o.J4; exDorcs coastwise : to ureal Britain to continent ; to France ; to channel 20 Lard, per 3 15al6 Tallow, per In Bacon N. C. hog r..':;v1 Hams, N. C- Hams, car.-asve-i Bice Frctt Apples, Northern. ; -r Mountain. ' Fish Mackerel No. 1 -No. 2 -No. 3 CodSsh CABBAGEper lb 7as 9 lOall 14al5 15I6 8al0 3.25E3.50 3.00 1.25 1.00 75 15 5a6 TO WTN A FORTUNE FOURTH GRAND DISTRI BUTION, CLASS D, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1882. 143rd MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana Slate Lottery Company. Incorporated In 1888 for 25 years by the Legis lature for Educational and Charitable purposes with a capital of $l,000.000-to which a reserve fund of Sn50,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchlHe ! wi'8 made a uait of the present Sia:e Const itutlon adop'ed December 2a. A. D. 1S79. j Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBiB Drawings will ! take place montruy. It never scales or postpone. Look at the .'o'iow Ing distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, 30,0 . 100.C00 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 130,000 1 t apitaj Prize 10,000 1 Capital Prize , 5,000 2 Prizes of $2 500 B.OOO 5 Prizes of 1.000 5,000 20 Prizes of 5)( . 1 0,000 100 Prizes of 100.. 10.000 200 Prizes of 50 10,000 500 Prizes of 'JO 10,000 I, COO Prizes of io 10.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. DTP A S .y,,., - v - - . m Cures SYPHILIS in any stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PI PLE3, BOILS ANY SKIN 9 Approximate Prizes of 8300 ... H Approximarion Prlre.s of 2'T:. . . y Approximation Prlzf a of joo $2,700 1-.800 900 CU RES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL!!! If you oubt, come to see us. and we will CURE YOU. or charge nothtngl!! Write for particulars, and a copy of tae little book 'Message to the Unrortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Drugglbt as to our Standing E&$1000 KKWABD will be paid to any chemist who will find on anaiysu of loO bottles of 8. 8. 8. one p;-rtlcle of Mercury, Iodide of Potassium, or any Mineral substance. . WItfT SPECIFIO CO. Prop , Atlanta, Ga. (P R BOTtLE ) Price of Sma1! Size 31 00 Large t-ize, 1.75 iU'tsctllancotts. WATER. CATHAKTIC A I A I, EUATIVT Is a well known specific for ONSUMPTION, IN- DH?EsTION, and all disorders cf the STOMACH, LlVEft and KlDNKYS. v NINETY YEARS' popular ire attests its purity, Hfety and superiority to a.l wat' rs of this class Avoid all ccarie, irritating waters, foreign and domestic they impair the digestive organs and kidneys, thereby Inducing Irreparable results Heavy Snow Storm. A heavy storm of snow and winds raged for two davs alone the entire line of the NorthernPacific Railroad n Dakota Travel wag suspended from Sunday until to-day. An engine and two cars filled with construction laborers went through a bridge over Hart river, but none were killed. The storm has abated and traf fic is resumed. Rations for the Sufferers. She secretary of war has orderen 300, 000 rations issued at New Orleans for Louisiana : 200.000 at MemDhis for Mis sissippi ; 500,000 at Helena for Arkansas, and 10,000 eacn at unaneston, JNew Madrid and Gayoso, for Arkansas. These are the first rations issued un der the last appropriation of $150,000. Confirmations by the Senate. Washington, March 22. The Sen- ate confirmed Samuel BlatcbfordAsso- ciate Justice of the Supreme Court, B. O, Duncan, of South Carolina, Counsul at Naples, and the following postmas masters: W. E. Harrison, Florence, Ala.; J. R. Banks, Forsythe, 6a., H. H. Andrews, Mexia, Tex.: J. L. Edwards Ennis, Texas. The River Falling:. Vicksbtjbg. March 22. The river is falling at this point and also all along Yazoo, Sunflower and Tallahatchie. At Cbatbard. nearly opposite Alsace Crevasse, the water has fallen about IS inches. . - The laws'; 'Pl'i Maryland 'punish gam- The Attorney General of Georgia . Mine with a fine of $500 and impj ison- has rendered an opinion, in compliance ment in jail of from six months to one with a request frpm Gov. Colquitt, that war. An eflort s : n0W: being.made there is no legal obstacle in the way of inspired by the gaDlers' no doubt to electing a congressman at large in that amend the law sqas to imyuso uuw fine or, Im'prlgonmenVnot both.,;. : i . . Chicago has presented; a, petition to K' 'iieri MhmnAeavh6 the President for the pardon of Mason hAintr GoTemordf Massachusetts, with 120IO0 names appended to it. It tt u fixinizthe wires "for a nomina- only took 2,400 feet of paper to string -..:'.. i t rt'-iu'-: 'em on. Jim i ' Weather. ' Washington, March 22. For the South Atlantic fair weather, higher barometer, north-west winds becoming variable in tne nortnern portion. Feorte who cannot . spend the season of winds and cold rains in sunny Florida, should keep Dr. Bull's cough syrup in tbe house. It is the best remedy for colds and coughs and will relieve sax- lerersatonee. 4 HOsrord, Massj Sept 28, 1878.t 8lrs I have talten Hop Bitters and recommend tnem to otnex s, as t ioana t Rem rear nenenciaL ,Mrs. i. w. Totks, Sao"? Women's Christian Temperance Union.- Nsw York Firm: sales 1.886: ralddlina up lands 12 3-16c: middling Orleans 12 7-loc. consoll dated net recelDts 10, 1 H8; exports 6 Great Britain to France 0,00a; 10 comment 10 channel . LiTKRPeoiy Noon Steady; middling, uplands 611-16d; middling; Orleans 6?fed; sales 12,000; speculation ana ex pons i.uuo; ieo-inis iu.uuu; American P.100. Uplands low middling clause March delivery 6 41-64da6 42-64d; March and April 6 41-64da6 42-64d ; April and May 6 44-64d. 0 4a-o4dap0 44-040 j may ana dun n48-o-air HAA-fttd: June and July 6 52-H4dS8 53-6 Id July and August ; August and September fi fi0-64d: SeDtember and October . i'utures firm. LiTKBPOOL 5 P. M Sales of American cotton 8,700 bales. Uplands low mlddl'g clause: March delivery : Mach and April ; April and May : May and June : June and July ; July and August 6 57-4d; August nd September ; September and oc.ooert 4 old, Futures closed dull and easier. FDTUEES. Nkw Yoek Net recelp's 110; gross 6,968 Futures closed dull; sales 60,000 oa.es. March..... 12.00a.10 AnrH 13.1UC0.17 Mi... 12.3435 June 12.fi3.f4 July. August September October November December January February ..A 271.7 2Am 00 11 78ffi.74 1 1.5R0) 57 1 1.6631.67 FINANCIAL KW YOBK. Kxchange Governments generally higher New 5's Four and a half per cents Four per cents, Money, State bonds dull Sub-treasury balances-Gold " " Currency-.. Stocks Opened strong and closed weak Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Ala lama Class A, small Alabama Class B, 5's Alabama Class C, 4's. Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie... Sast Tennessee.............. .. Georgia.. Illinois central..... Lae Shore Louisville and Nashville...... Memphis and Charleston.. .......... NaBbvUte'Sad Chattanooga. . 1 j New York Central... pittsbur........- Richmond Bnd Allegbenr--,,. ;- - Richmond and Danville t Bock Island.-, j:-, i Wabash, St. Loois 4 "PaWiflc ....... Wabash, St. Louis & Facinc preferr'd Western Union. .;-' 1.035fe 1.14t 1 -im 6CC4 6S3.462 ' B,943 1 02tfe K4 1.41 1.36 1.18 03 64 1.82 1.8H 28J4 1.83, 1.83 80 Mime fic-ninc Svld on r.arl 2m eod 1857 Pr zes, tj;.r-imtn,B U; $ 10.49C j Resprn!5i"le corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom 1 ber-'-l compensation will Le paid. For further lnt rmatiop, write clearly, giving full address. Her.d "rdc.. by express or Keglstered Letter, or Money oruer by i nil, addressed only to M. A OaUPHTN, New Orleans, La. or M A. D.O'PniN. 127 La -. le Street, Chicago, I. Is., or M. A. PAUPf IN. 6o7 seventh stre-1, Washington, D. C. The New Y -Sf CP e Is reinovtd to Chicago. N. B. - Order addressed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt Hitention. The particular Httr-ntion ff tli Pablia is called to the fact thtit U e entire number ot ihe Tickets for ech Mo th!y Dr--jins is sold, and conse quently all the prizes in each drawing are sold and dr-wn aau paid. mari4 dec31 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Soring OS WE ARE NOWIOPENING OUR NEW , Spring mi Summer Styles OF- 11, POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THS : MILLINERY, IOW TO TELL GENUINE SITIMONS LIVER UliOr- L, A. TO II, oie Mdione. Look for clean neat WHITK WRAPPER with tbe red symbolic 'letter stamped upon it in the form ot a ribbon gracefully curved into the letter Z embracing the emblems of our trade. Spatula Mortar and Hraduaie with tne words a u. biai- MONS' LIVER RKGULATOR or MKDICIN 15 there on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN &. CO., in ted ink on the bide. TAKE NO TIIER. Beware of those wh know nothing of Medical Compounds who put ou nostrums known to sour, and being analvzed prov. vonhle-s and only made to fleece the public, and to pirate on the well earn ed reputation of Zellln & Co's. medicine these frauds have no reputation to sustain and will cheat you lor a few penneys every way they can. SreWlio Endorses tbe Genuine Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, Rt. Rev. Jn. W. Becswith, Bishop of Ga., Gen. Jno B. Gordon, U. S. benator, P.t. Rev. Bishop Pierce, Hen. Jno. Gill Shoster, J. Kdgar Thompson, Hon. B H. Hill. Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, r Prof David Wll.is, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis Wunder, Assistant P. M. Piiila., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. It is eminently a Family Medeclne; and by be ing kept ready lor tmmed:ate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many a dollar In tlaie and doctors' bills. Dr. Simmons' Liver Regulator, E.'ANTJf ACTT7KED ONXt BT 3. II. Z ITI I. IN Sc. CO., PHILADELPHIA. Sold by a'l Bespeeiable Drugg'sf; feb24 In the City of Louisville, on FRIDAY, MARCH 31st, 1832. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays except ed) under provisions ot an Act ot the General As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on Mhrch 81, rendered tbe following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Disui&attoc Com pany is legal. 2d Its drawines are rair. The Company has now ou hand a lirge reserve fund. Read the list of prizes tor tao MARCH DRAWING. 1 Prize 30,000 1 Prize,.,. 10,000 1 Prize, : 5,000 10 Prizes, 81,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each,. 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 20n Prizes. 50 each 10.000 600 Prizes, 20 each, 12,000 mnn Prizes. lOiaach 10.000 9 Prizes, 8800 each, Approximation Prizes 82,700 Q Prima. 900 -... . 1.8CQ 9 Prises. 100 . ". ? " f . ' 900 1.960 Prizes. 77. 11. ,.?112,400 Whole Tickets. S2; Half Tickets, $1; 27 Tickets, $50; 55 Tickets, 51 00. Remit Monev or Bank Draft in Letter. otsend bv Bxnreas. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of 85 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex pense. Address all orders to B. M. B&LRDMi N. Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway. New Y rk. marl - SWEET POTATOES ! Cn hand Fine Lot of EASTERN YAMS, BUCaWHEAT FLOUR AND OAT MEAL, AT Including all the latest n; veltles in the MILLIN5.RY LINK. HATS, f'LOWlIll, PLUMES, KinUONS, Si A CE , t., In all the new stjles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and qualities of f.ACES, embracing White Goods. Neck W-ar, Ho-iery, Gloves, Parasols, &c. the LARGEST and MOdT COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Bats and Bonnets Oa Monday, Ma,?ch 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladies tue GUANDEST DISPLAY OF FINE MILL1NKHT they have ever seen in this city. Respectfully, . P. Query. mar22 AND - mar22 S. M. HOWELL'S. Z. B. Vangx W. H BsXLXt. mmm sibley & co. Will mall FREE their CatA . locue for 1882, containing full descriptive Price - List of Flower, Field and Garden VANCE & BAILEY, Astescsieys aad Counsellors CHARLOTTE, N. C. Practice in Supreme Court of the United 8tates, bupreme uoun 01 Nortn Carolina, federal Courts, and counties of Mecklen burg, Cabarrus, Union, Gas ton, Rowan and Da- vid8on. IW oaice, two doors east of Independence Square. may29 tf Bulbs, Ornamental Grasses, and Immortelles, Gladiolus, XJIles, Bosear Plants, Garden Implements. BeantUnllytllaa tra ted. Over lOOpages-AddraM ROCHESTER,N.Y. CHICAGO, ILL 179-183 tut main u zuu-ZUd Kandolph St ValuableiMiaing Machinery FOR SALE. t . M. n ft U-k I WILL otTer for sale at pudc w;. Chesterfield county, H. C, on the and and 8rd DAYS of MAY NEXT, if not sooner sold, a Valua ble Lot of Knglnes and other machinery belonging to the Hicks Go'd mine, ai uro, . One 40 horse power engine and fixtures; two 12 horse power engines, hoisnng aitoCDmem auu fixtures; one 10 nor- power engine, hoisting at tachments and fixtures: one 10 stamp battety; one plaining machine and edeer; one pump ndjHt fachmefits; one lot piping and connect ug rods; one drag mm. amagauntune "'' " taohmer.ts: pne i i sneei S'iJ?" nan. assaying lumce: one lot phenilcalsi one lux window weleht: one lot rope; one lot Ecacm u;-ia tools; one lot crucibles, and sundry other Brieve. TBBMS. All sums nuurt x nouij "- Cash: all sums over that amount on three or su months time, If preferred, wl b approved ecurity marl 7 eod till may 1 Receiver. RO. D. GRAHAM, T N the State and United States Courts. Collee X. tlons. Home and Foreign,- soltcited. Ab Cotton Seed New York Life Ids. Co. GENERA l AKD SPECML tT ANTED. AOETS tracts of Titles, Surveys. &c., pensatipn. Ofzics t3 Cwt Tr .Charlotte. N. O " furnisired for com .Tryon streets' fjan. 6. City LoU for a!e. Cheip. ' nPHi Lot on the corner of Ninth street and the x Nprth Carolina Railroad, fronting 1 40 feet on ssmio. street na ivo reel on tne. aonn Carolina Railroad, will either be sold as a whole or divided lntotp lots of 70 W 1 Oft feet Suitable either for fuur ujg or lictory purposes. Apply to ' J. 8. PHILLIPS. T HAVB Sunt Received a shipment of Cotton Seed X Meal from the Charleston Oil Wills. AValua-l Die iood ior stock as well as a fine Fertilizer. An alysis shows 41 egaluet 23 for Peas In flesh pro duclng, and 77 agalnsit 60 for fat DroDertles. Will sell the Meal at a very low. prices, considering its yaiue. ...... j, . suAfiJMUMtiuu&JSI agent. mot m LAUiiwi aesinng to ream, ktih t js.auttuii. l"""uJ ZZZ ls7,in rema srtde- ERING (specimens of which can be seen ffll?!5iJS,S2? The New York Ufe Insurance Company, wkh cash assets of more than W7.(W0.oaind a four per cent, cash surplus exceeding $7,809,000. de sires to secure the services of a thorowthJy respon sible and competent General Agent 'or the State of North Carolina, who will undertake lta. proper organization and guarantee a satisfactory amount of new business. ' , . . . Active Special Agents wanted also lor all sec tions of theltate, with whom UberaJ contracts will be made Nohehnt entirely1 responsible patflef. Mrs. Query's) are reqoeeted to app'y at ooce on 6th street second door from corner of B street A class is now being organized to commer.ee April isu mar2 2t sired. Address, by mail, stating ponsieie rei" ences, jljacohs. General Manager, Southeastern Department. . 3. South street, Baltimore, Md. mar21 d3t wit - " ' . . .

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