' . , !' -' :-.J.. : - - . .t .... .... . ;v . . ; - " .-i...-.-'u- I lli o ivL-I ll t' I jl 'L J nil In H fll HMtthdwuihlj itrrelled wtth every needed . . ' S rr y manner ot JoB Prlnttot'ean : now be done with h -- . . ... - :. . , ne Htncaa. dlapatch and cheapoees. we on far. Ji .' 8VB80BZPTlOirJUTEBl tK,Myear,jpdrV 88.00 Sixmonfis 4.00 Three wowWfc-'ii,,,,? B.00 OMiMMf i.-.:..'..-...-.;.:..:-...;."1 W IMXL7 MDITIQN: - WttMv sweaty), in atJtunem. S2.00 0MrkMii4r. w4XKI . 2.10 tmMOi.,-.. , .....-1.05 1 IMmi BaOmthu Jbr not. Urg (Scads MARCH 20TH, We will dlspl y one of the handsomest Spring Stocks Ever offered In this market Ton are specially re Quested to look K our stock of Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, -ALSO OUR White Qoods Of which we have endles variety. ry Our 800 ot LA Ed and ROIDERY will be found superior lo any In Charlotte, both In price and beauty. Everybody In Charlotte Is Invited to call nod look. Everybody In the County Is Invited to call anu look. Everybody In the etate Is Invited to call and look. lexander S marl 9 Boots itmT JU0jcj5 1882. 1882, :o: :o: Spring Style Hats. -:o : :o: iPcgraR & Co;, Harve secetred and tit dt',y receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF OG KKB HI? NTTTT.8Sm, SO E IN N KB N N N GOB N NN 6G6 BBS N NN i BggS Si, Sti :-H .VTS.-: Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PEGRAM & CO. febW 'BOSTON- ITAUORGlCAi WORKS, 83 y AWKIN3 8TM BOSTON, MA58. Metuilorffsts. Assayes and Analytical Chemists Ml ttMi4HLVEU KEFINERS. PrtWlcal m-Riw t 08 lftO lbs. and upwards. lUriUilWRY OltEN TREATED Surveys, Mine Examinations, Eeports, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions of works and wupflles. Furnished. tti.w4.GEHS OF . . ir t Kef Endanl Spltjng worf. lOLft, RIL.VBIC COPPER and LEAD ORES ' SSELTED OI RETURNS r pwrcoased COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION X ' . X A ' Treated on Beaaonable Terms. TH(.MS BINN9, .-..v' 1. H. KIDNEY,.. .V;;-. . . , 4 ... Metallurgist. Pof. C8W3T. marg tf ' aBl Jpte box. different yjFVZS:A Ivison, BlakemanTayror& 'Co. t flnliifirniDg Hams and Fe pens VOL. XXVII. Srjj (goods, lotltiufl Ac. -WE- WE- ARE RECEIVING NEW- -NEW- GOODS EVERY DAY AND WILL 800N HAVE RBADT for Inspection the most varied and best salectef Stock we have ever offered the public. All lines o goods have been bought with care and dtscrtmlna lion; but especial care has been taken in the seleo tlon of our WHITE GOODS AND BLACK GOODS, Both of which surpass in variety and excellence anything of the kind ever shown the trade of Char lotte. We ask a thorough inspection of our stock and comparison of our prices. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. mar8 . Diphtheria. A cold or ore throat may not eem to unount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect Is often rollowed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely in such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has saved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. 13 an experiment. It has been before the public for tforty years, and 13 most valued where It is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Pain Killer has been my household remedy for colas for the past twenty -seven years, and have never known It to fail In effecting a cure. L. 8. Ckocker, Willi amsviUe, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Paw Ktixkb, and round it a never-fading remedy for colda and aore throat Barton Seaman. Have received Immediate relief from colds and ore throat, and consider your Paiw Killkr an to valuable remedy. Geo. B. Everett, Dickinson, N. Y. JJh?P,Just recovered from very severe cold, winch I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in mc family for forty yeara. and nave never known it to fail. Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Killer In my family twenty, five years ago and have used it ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dyes. Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and croup, it Is the best preparation made. We would not be without it A- P. Bouts, Liberty Mills. Va. . For twentm.fi ve years I have used Path Killer for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best meaione ever onerea. G0 Ini JKO.HoopxB.Wilnuiigton, N.O. I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton: Your Pain Killer mires diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fail in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes : My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday?, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer in the house Is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell it at ii3c, 50c, and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept d tw sept A oct. TUTT'S POLLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IiOM of appetite.NanBea.bowel8 costive, Pain in tneHeaa,wlth a daU sensation in the back part. Pain under the honider blade. fullness after eating, with a dlsin- fl-ino.Hnn tA AT.rtion of ody or mmat Irritability of temper. Low spirits, loss of memory, with a feeling of haying neg- A intnn diitr. weariness. Dizziness. FTntter&g of the Heart, iJots before the eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache, BestlesB ness at night, highly colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS A&E TNHEEDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTT8 PIU8 "E7 WffiKS " rh fLms. tb pwete, and cause the bod to Take on FImU, thus the system is DtgeeMve Organs Bmtcnlmr Stoota arepro- -duoed. Vrice as cents. 35 Wnrray Bit-, a. . TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gbat Hair or Whiskers changed to a.QiM&r Black by a single appl cation of this Dye. It taartfl a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sola by Druggists, or 4en hy express on receip. Y. Jifflce, 39 Murray St., New York. BVr1 m w w w- w m w v . -; m . m sr. a Ginger, Buchu, Mas drake, Stillingia, and manw pf fhe bst rnedfc rine? loiown are com- binea m Parlcer' GingerJ Tonic, into a meaione oXsuch yaricd powers, as to make It the greatest wood Funfiar ana u Dpstlloal th AStrength Bastortr Erer Used. 4 cures Rheumatism, Sleeplessness, & diseaess cfthe Etomach, Bowels, Luoss, Liver & Kidneya, Clin entirely difierentfrom Parker's Balsa U.lt 1 : :rrs Cincer Essences " r Tonics, as it !.....Ticates. Hiscox Tln Bett, CI Vott Eeonamlcu'i J lat Never fail- ' yotxtafar color t-j SOeandfl Chemists, N. Y. i Dollar Sin. octa ST CHARLES HOTEL. JiLi. dniMau bouse in eVerr respec. K ZZSEZXXZSi brooms on first ; and second patronafe of the mblle li iollcltea; lull lrdtl. EWS NOTES The President has approved the joint resolution appropriating $150,000 for the benefit of the sufferers from Missis sippi floods. The board of aldermen of New York yesterday passed a resolution asking the President to remit the penalty lm posed upon Sergeant Mason by the mil itary court. Queen Victoria has asked Parliament to make suitable provision for Prince Leopold in view of his approaching marriage. Last evening a canister of powder was dropped into a house on Nelson street, Dublin, where several detectives are living. Much damage was done by tne explosion which followed, but no body was injured. Mr. Smyth, (home rule.) member of Parliament for TfDperary. writes to the Freeman's Journal announcing his In dention to support; tne cloture resolu tions. He hopes independent members will do likewise. The Prussian "Efinnomlri finnnnil Tuesday, by a vote of 33 to 31, rejected the tobacco monopoly bill, and after ward, by a vote of 48 to 14, adopted a resolution in favor of a higher tax on tobacco. The Quebec steamship Company, wnicn nas been running a line of ves sels between New York and Porto Bico and carrying the United States mails, has notified the Postoffice Department tnat it is about to discontinue the ser vice and withdraw its vessels. The board of managers of the Pro duce Exchange of New York Tuesday approved of the passage of the bill by the Legislature to allow the negotia tions of loans of money in sums over $5,000 for periods not exceeding sixty days at more than current rates of in terest. E.6. Cowles, commissioner to take testimony in the Christiancy divorce case in New York, Tuesday examined Henry Huss, a restaurant keeper, who testified that Joseph J. Barnum, one of Mrs. Christiancy's witnesses, is a man of bad character, and he (the witness) would not believe him on oath. The findings and sentence of the court-martial in the case of Cadet C. Whitaker, tried on the charge of muti lating his own ears, have been set aside by the President on account of techni cal informalities and irregularities, but he will nevertheless be dismissed from the military service because he has been found to be" deficient in his stud ies. The Marquis of Huntley, against whom a warrant was issued at the Mansion House for obtaining a large sum of money under false pretenses some time since, surrendered- himself atrthe Bow Street Police Court Tues day. He was admitted to bail in 2,000 but on leaving the Police Court was re arrested on two Mansion House war rants, and was held to bail in 15,000 to appear Appril 14. In the Supreme court at Providence, R. I., C. B. Farnsworth, custodian ot the Quidnick Company's property, took out a writ against Wm. Sprague and Superintendent Corey, of the Arc tic Mills, for contempt of court. Ic is alleged that Sprague and Corey denied Farnsworth admission to the mill for the purpose of taking an inventory, 8praguthreatening to throw Farns worth into the river. The passenger rates from points in Missouri were demoralized Monday, tickets to New York selling from 616 to $18 a direct cut of $10 to $12. The fare to Chicago wedt as low as $2, and $3 was the general rate, except at the Chicago and Alton omce, wnicn. unaer orders, maintained the rate at $7. The existence of 200 of the old Wabash cheap fare unlimited tickets in the hands ot scalpers was tne cause ot tne difficulty. A Year in New York. N. Y. cud. During 1881. S8.624 deaths occurred in New York city, and 35,000 births were reported. For the education of children some $4,000,000 was expended, while the drinking places, of which there are 9,125, absorbed, it is estimated, the enor mous sum or $p60,uoivwo Of the army of wine bibbers who cast their substance into this pool 32,391 were committed to the Tombs. j The amount expended in public amusements of all sorts amounted to $7,000,000. In the police stations 120.0S4 persons asked for and were furnished with lodgings, and 21,000 outdoor poor Were relieved- In the' police stations' 67,135 persons were arraigned. Crimes of violence were committed by 5,819 persons. Charity sent to the almshouses hos pitals, nurseries, schools and asylump, 131,765 persons. Of the immense population of a million and a half, 172,777 are females between the aees of fifteen and vears: 80.000 of whom are domestic help. A Child Demon. Cincinnati Enquirer. EdHallen, a five-year-old negro boy residing near Woodlawn, Texas, ten miles north of here, went into the house of a neighboring colore woman during her temporary absence, and taking her infant from the cradle carried it off to ward the railroad depot. On the moth er's return she gave the alarm, and be gan pursuit. The child was finally founa in a fence corner with its eyes punched out, in a dying condition. The young demon) not old enough for legal Eunisbment, was caught and carried ome to his mother, who said the boy had a penchant for putting out eyes: that if be got hold of i chen;hisrsi act was foVnbh owfc weyes. A flog ging within an inch of his life by hi mother is the only punishment the ju venile cut-throat is likely to receivB for his murderous deedt Speaking by the Card, Galveston News. Several gentlemen were standing on the corner of Galveston avenue when one of the most fashionable ladies of Galveston passed on the sidewalk "Oh!" exclaimed one of thegentle mAn. "what a complexion I There is nothing to beat it in Galveston. I am proud or tnat woman, x uu. "Are you her husband? stranger. "No, sir." asked a "Her father, wen f "No. Iam the drtnrsrisl it myself :; Fatal Boiler Explosion. . PHiLADEUPHTAi Pa, March 23.--The tug boat Henry G. mtVljiiwrat the DieWthe foot of Walnut street, ex Dloded her boiler this morning, killing .four men. v i nearly tftlrtv .sir 1 1 am no relation ni out S A I 1 A. proud of ner compie.iuu. ui b that sold it to ner., x mate CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY MAEGH 24, 1882. The Most Beautiful Woman to the World. GlariBelL , I saw last evening the woman, who,1 in my cnuuai opinion, is tne most Deau tif ul woman in the world. If there is the shadow of a fault in her face or rorm it nas escaped my discovering eye; i. iunneu mis conviction years and years ago, when I first saw her as a frisky burlesquer on the stage. I held to it. , against all competition, when, later on, sue ptayea semi-tragic roles quite badly; and new that she is doing a comedy part happily in "Divorcons at the Park Theatre, I am fixed in it for life. She is an ideal Venus or would be, but for the restrictions of propriety. One of the dresses she wore last night was as near the bounds as possible without going beyond. Her graceful arms were bare right up to the top of her shoulders. Her smoothest of necks was uncovered, and a wedge-shaped strip of her skin was visible half-way down to her belt, while the edges of the: covering of her upper bodice were in no hurry to become opaque. She was truly lovely, and I had only one fault to find. She was outrageously white washed. Some powdering and coloring are necessary behind the glaring foot lights, but Alice DunniDg Lingard (she is the ereature that I am ravine about) doesn't need to be swabbed all over. When will actresses learn not to over do the use of the brush and rag? A second of her costumes was a dark brown satin, so cleverly draped that it was as nttie a detriment to the sunnrh figure as it is possible for skirts to be. it was brocaded with leaves and blos soms of pale gold. There was a oetti coat of brown satin covered with white lace flounces, the designs bemsr out- nnea witn gold tnreaos, and the flounces reaching from belt to helm. The tunic corsages -were figured with gold, and the elbow sleeves and the in side of a high ruff were trimmed with gold lace. She earned an oval fan of s jf t white feathers, bordered by bright ones from the breasts of tropical birds. ier reddish golden hair was brushed back and tied low on the neck ; then di vided into two plaits, while the front hair formed a low ridge over her low forehead, One tif the plaited strands encircled tne brow asm the pictures of 5appno,and the other was arranged in a low knot behind. This is the newest fashion in hair- dressing, A:d pearl beads are usually woveu into the plaits ; but Mrs. Lingard wisely trusted to the suitableness of the Grecian style, and was a high-headed goddess to gape upon- As 1 sat looking at her, In rapt admi ration, I suddenly recalled her husband. the serio-comic William Horace, trot ting to and fro behind the footlights and singing, "Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines." and the vision made me sick. Not that any other fellow ev er has, or ever will, sing and prance Captain Jinks as funnily as he did i but the idea of a clown marrying a god dess was retched if you will allow me the hrst pun 1 ever.put into my letters. An Appeal in Behalf of the Flood Suf fers, by the Red Cross. Washington, March 23. The fol lowing call has been issued to the American people: The President hav ing signed the treaty of the Geneva Conference and the Senate having, on the 16th instant, ratified the President's action, the American Association of the Red Cross, organized under provi sions of said treaty, proposes at once to send its agents among the sufferers by the. recent floods with a view to am ilorating their condition so far as can be done by human aid and the means at hand will admit of. Contributions are urgently solicited. Remittances in money may be made to Hon. Chas. J. Folger, Secretary of the Treasury, chair man of the board of trustees, or to his associates Hon. Robt. T. Lincoln-and Hon. Geo. B. Loring, Commissioner of Agriculture. Contributions of wear ing apparel, bedding and provisiors should be addressed to "Red Cross Agent" at Memphis, Tenn., also Vicks burg, Miss., and Helena, Arkansas. Signed; Clara Barton, Bancroft Davis, Frederic Douglass, Alex. Y.P. Garnett, Mrs. Oman D. Conger, A. S. Solomons, Mrs. S. A. Martha Canfield, R.' D, Mus sey. - --x A Scientific Destroyer. Mezzerhoff. a Russian chemist? ecently appeared before a Fenian meet ing in New York and thus stated what he could do : He had made a study, he said, of war and of instruments. At a cost of $150 he would annihilate an English, war. vessel that had cost $11,000,000, and was coated with an iron armor twenty two inches in thickness. He would go into London, Paris, Berlin, Constanti nople or St. Petersburg with twenty men, none of them burdened with any thing more bulky or weighty than an ordinary satchel, and in twenty-four hours would destroy the city. He could not then explain tne means he would use, but there were others present .who understood and who,, could tell how effective they were. He could, for a few thousand dollars, stretch a double line of dynamite torpedoes tefore every harbor in Ireland and so make a worse than impassable barrier to every Eng; lish war ship. He could stand in outskirt of Constantinople, in a space rae-fourth the size of the rooia in which' he was sneaking, and witbmeans nowat his command destroyhe entire city, "Bulls' and "Bears." . The terms bull and bear, as applied to stock operators, are probably quite two centuries old. A correspondent of the Wall Street Daily News finds in the London Tatler of April 26, 1709, the following definition: "Stock jobbers who contract for a future transfer of stock which they do not possess, are called bear skins and universally, whoefer sells what he does not possess, is said, proverbially, to sell the ojar skin while the bear runs in the woods. In the language of Ex change Alley bears signify those who buy stock whiph they cannot receive.or who sell stock which they have not Those who pay .money for what they purchase, or who sell stock which they have, are called bftUa " . A New Use for Gnano. Early Coaaty, Ga., Newa. , : One of our gardeners has found a new use for guano. Mrs. Col. Buchan non was much annoyed by rabbits cut ting down her garden pease, and as an experiment had guano sprinkled over them. The experiment was a success, and "cotton tail" has gone in search of more pleasant pastures. ; ; Gratitude Beyni Expreaatea , . . . Hampton, a H., 8. C, M17 2, 1881..' v H. H. Werner Cat Blrs The" result of jour Sale Kidney and Urer Cure (a my case has been astonishing, so much so that I can find no worts In which to express my IndebteflneM to oo. Eeri W. H. PKurnss. "';;,'SnMIsil'opiW -A pair of beautiful 8un4owers on Baielsirttt be mailed free to any lady who wm send ten cents in postage stamps or money to Dr. C W.Benson, No. 106 Norm Bataw street, Baltimore, Hi Jrof X . ' - - , Another Murder in Stokes. Winston Sentinel. : On last : Wednnndav. nnar WootfinU in Stokes; countyr Eph. Moore, colored, w we uuuae ox xncexiapies, col ored, when he was ordered off by Brice. Moore drew a pistol and shot him in the uBttu, jsuniDg mm instantly.- Although .uvuia juicb a masiHcrsM . nnr. rnr rrnm the scene, of killing, and told him he had killed Staples, we learn that no warrant, was issnert nnr.ii nvr. rtaw ni oy tnat time the mnrdftrr maHa guou ms escape. One Of the rlrn whnrlr a Afnm.4 H.a f "l "fo uaes. iror a coia or conga you cannot Bad a better remedy than Dr. Bull's cough sjtud. .neariy ail pnysidans DrescrlDe it and nn famii Women that have been bedridden for ream haa peen entirely cured of female weakness br th no or waia e. - pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Krs. Lydta S. Pinkham, 238 Western Avenue, ijnn, Mass., for pamphlets. Sclolo. N. Y.. Dec 1 . 1 R70. I am uastor of thn TbinH.f fhnivti edneated pdysldan. I am not to practice,' but am my sole family physician, and advise in many your Hop BItterrto ray invalid wtfe. who has been under medical treatment of six. ot Albany's besi physicians several years. She has become worougniy cured of ner vartnna mmMti.ot.rt ji. r w j own recommend them to XJfK ; . ulauJ"1 wuum nave aiso been cured vm. uiou isiivnin niimenia oy mem. BET. K. B. WiBBBH. 1 m-1. m i tarn A CaBD. , Toail who are sufferingrom the errors anffn- "a'u "i youm, nervous weakr ess, early decay oss of manhood, Ac, T will send a recipe that will fSiun SWS nvelopa to the Bsv. " " LiimiLn, aiauon u, ew York city lew dtuerttsjenijetita Dn C. W. BENSON, of Baltimore, Itld. we give above a correct likeness of this well known and successfuf physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases anu the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands In the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of bis practice he discovered what now are renowned in medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Fills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recom- mendedJiiJthem. It is note, patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience la practice. Tbey are a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all Intelligent sufferers. They are prepared exuressiy 10 cure sick neadacue, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia paralys s, sleepless, dyspepsia .and nervousness. aud will cure any case. sold by ati druggists. Price 60 cents a box. De pot, luo North Kutaw .street. Baltimore. Md. Bv mail, two boxes for 31 or six boxes for 82.50, to any aaaress. DR..C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE le Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, OISEA8E8 OP HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITpHINCSonanpartsofthe trt o a body. It makes the skin white, soft and smooth.; remove, tan and freckles, and is the BEST toilet dressing In TUB WOEXJ). megantly pnt up, twe bottles in one package, consisting of both, lnteraai and external treatment. All first class druggists have It. Prioe$l. per package. CHAS. N CBITTKNTON. llfi Fulton street. New York City, sole sgent for Dr. C. W Benson'' romeaits, towuom ail orders should be ad dressed, marl MRS. LYDli L FIHKHAM, OF LYKN, MASS!, ti tt O e a o X 9 LYDIA E. PINKHAIYTS VEGETABLE C6MP0U1TD. . . Is a Positive Cure fWrsJI taesw Palarul Caaiplalats mi WeaknsiISS so eesssaoa t ear best fessnle pepalstlea. It wnl core entirely the worst form of Female Com plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Uleera ttoa, laUlng and Displacements, and the coniens Spinal Weakness, and is partlcularty adapted to the Change of Life. : ' It will dlssolva and expel vajsorsfroBitkentsmsto an early stage of development, The tendency to can cerous humors there la checked very speedily by its nse. It removes faintness, flatulency, destroysaU eraving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. . It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General PepOity, Sleeplessness, Depression sod Indi gestion, - ' ' . That feeling of bearing down, causing pain, weighs and backache. Is always permanently enred by Us use. : It will at all times and tmiUr'aU circumstances act to harmony with the tows that gorern the female system. Tor the cure of Pdney Complaints ot ettaer sea this Compound is nrisurpassed. ; LYDIA E. PDTK30A1FS TESITABUE ICOM POTJXDJs prepared at SS and B3S 'Western Avenne, tonm,UsJS. Price L BJibottlesforlS. Sentbylnaa in the form of pills, also In the form of locenges, oa reeeiptof price, il per box for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely anrwers all letters of inquiry. Bend far psmh let. Address as above., MenlUm Uti f9fr, ' Kofamfly should 'Jola5SiU IirKHAlPi LITXa PTU4L The ease eossmpauoa, and asxddtty e the Bw.- H cents per boa. '. S3- Sold by nil Drwggietn. ' IILIE! L1UE! LIQE! 5t:3:ba-.n:n ioti iot-fc.t .1 4 ' TTAVrNS now two more Xlm In eddtUoD to our JJk P&PKTCAJi KALN we are now .prepared to '-.a FIJLIi OBDEB9 PUQnBTl.r, - ; on short notice, and at prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee quality, and make no charge unless: Ltme proves satisfactory. -. ; r W have an agency in charlotte of ACSunv mervUle; who will receive orders for small lou at reduced prices. : v .-"..vw..,.. 1 Beferenoe as to aoalirjr of Ltme erven on appli CaSon. , SIMON BBOTEttES, BoxNa 88, Gaflney City 8. C mar7 8m . . . - '''! fib! 1 m. x m a i o 7 O NO. 4,057. -:H: QTO SIQ:QOOMarenowoornlng in,andin theway,CheapeatofaoodthaAhMeTer of Goods now in, viz: The handsomest line of SPRING- BLACK DRESS GOODS To bemunembracmgCASHMmita inplam and American, Lace and Plain BUNTINGS. We have a BTTHTrVOQ In , . "-u-uoa. ne nave a nandsome can show you the rrfittit aa - - wjuaoiiu iu j.uc per jara. mat jou aim oo& iu bw wur iuuTHiOWN GOODS. Ourstocfcof PABA80L3 is large and handsome. Our stock will be complete in a few days, and Jl you want B1RGAIN3 In handsome and stylish Goods. come and see us; wlU take pleasure in showing you PBOMPT ATTENTION TO ar graves mar23 1 BLSSIG TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and eess&tton of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leuuor rheea, dismenorrhsea, and hysteria, also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford prompt relief to those distressing bearing down paina so peculiar to women. Price S3 per box Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, NewYork city. Dr. Clarke's Periodical Pills. ?OR Scrof ola or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Clarke' Pills. In either stage, whether primary, n-eondarr or tertiary, are an invalu able remedy. They never fall to cure when directions are followed. Price S2 BOoer box. Ftveb xessio Sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine company, Hew xorguty. 1 If I ft V A 1AJ A B LB BE31EDV. For weakness, of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to S days of all urinary. aStee Uons, smarting, freauen or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the vine fipm what ever eane induced, whether of re- Dr. Clarke ,., teent orlBgstandirtt One to three Gonnprrnea Kxes usually, siifftafent Price 82 ner : box. Three boxes for $5. IMalledfreeon receipt of price. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. Fills. HEBB IS JL BALM IN OIL.EAD. ITor all cases of Spermatorrhoea' and bnpoteney, as the result of self abuse in . youth, sexual excesses in Dr. i maturer years; or othereaases, and t ., riroduclng some : Of tne following effects: Nervousness, seminal emts lous (night emlaatons by dreams), Clarke's Dmne8S of peiectlre Mem- fc ory.jPhlsical- deesy,TPlBiple8; on ; r, ?aoe, Averelen toSoclety of Females. -Contusleuoljdeas. Loss ofSexnu InTifftating , power, r4BBi renaenng mamage im Ipropexor unhappy. Are a positive , leure in twotd 8 weeks. One to six ooxes usuauy sumoem raw 91.au per box. "Tour boxes 15. Sent by mall, prepaid, ion reeeiptof price. Address Dr. Clarke .Medicine Cont paBr, New York City. ' ' 'jPflla. ' avfebladbvl8w sum oBarayjta job jDiPAKnuarr Huoeen thoroughly nrppDed wtth ereiy needed wantaOWSa thelatest stylej of Type, and erery manner of Jot Frlntint ean now be done atui nestrioas. dispatch ana cheapness. We can for niahaiahort noOee,, , BLANX3, BIIJHXADS, UTTXB-HXADS, CABDS, : TAQ8, RXCHPTS, POflTX&a, . PBOGlUliSnCa, HANDBELLS, PAHPBXXTS, CmCULABS, CHECKS, fte. & - :.W: - a fewdays we wmshowtheHahdsomMtan., k. been seen in thia market We make special mention watered effecte, NUNS VEILING, French 'and beautiful line ot NUNS ytl m nnn rmnu line of MOIRE SATINS la black colors We ever saw. Be sure everything we have. ORDERS FOB SAMPLE. &d Willielm. NORTH CARaDLINA Has the- I AUG EST MUSIC HOUSE IN THE bOUTII. The McSmith Music House SEJ.LS CH1CKERING d: 80NS, KEANIOH BACK, MATHD8HEE, ARION, SOUTHERN GKM Auo other PIANOS. MASON 4 HAMLIN, 8HONIN(iKR. PELOUBET & CO., STERLING. AND OTHER ORGANS. . THE ONLY HOUSE THAT SELLS STRICTLY First-Class Instrnments. Ask me for prices If you want good woTk and yon will nevr buy anything but the best. Address or call on, H. McSMITH. Telephones Telephones ! TEluEPHOHEB THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AJTD Telegraph Company; Is the -sole; licensee- of the Ameriean Bell Telephone Company For supplying Telephones in tbe 8tates of Yirglnfs, West Virginia, (south of tbe B. x U. R B..) North Carolina, Bouth Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PEIVATE LUES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented . 0 For perflctilars address SOUTHERN BKLL TELEPHONE . and TELEGRAPH COMPANY. teblleotfSBt ' 105 Broadway, New York. "WUs'fCTfHXt; Hsvtag remered to the shop, on Tryon street, over tbe Independent Hook dt Ladder Track House, is now ready to receive -orders for HOUSE, SIGN sndORNAMiNTAL. PApjIJING, such as . Guilding, EalsoniM Frescoing, Everybody HasDiscovered Kr ' 1 1 " 1 1 - t; 11 i it..- "If V'l " t ji- : ! 1 1 1 i ) ' 1 f 5 4 . 'r; 1 J 4f 1 I 1 ' ' lift i P4i 1 - 5 1 f I M .iifi r If I, . h J j 4t V' : i

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