:1 SdoV nu& gib grltttit0. Stye Cljartotit fomJiX: SUBSCRIPTION BATES: IaflI,(JpH,aw- $800 Stamontt , 4.00 Three month. 2.00 OntmorMh 71 WKBZLT EDITION: WtMu V tourttv). mdhmtee. .... 82.00 OuieftMeewtg, tartrpafd . 2.10 z month ' ....1.08 gr Liberal Bxbutiomjbr 9tubt, Orrj OSoacls. MARCH 20TH, We will dlspUy one of the handsomest Spring Slocks Bvt r offered In this market are specially re quested to look at ur stock ol ' Bleached Sheetings and ShirtiDgs, -ALSO OUB- While Goods, Of which we have endlens variety. rjgr- cura'oe'i et LA Ed and BOIDERY win be found superior to any In Charlotte, both In price and beauty. Everybody In Charlotte Is Invited to call nod look. Every bod) lo the County Is Invited to call anu look. Everybody In the fctate Is Invited to call and look. Alexander i Harris. mar 19 Boats a?tfl ftocs 1882. 1 882. : o : : Spring Style Hats. :o : : o : Pegraf & Co., Hare (cert red and rf d.l.y receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SGO EKB UN NTTTTeSS, n a n una -n w B vm r hj ic r i 9 GO B N NN GQ KEK N NN S 8SSS Sill, Iff and Felt -HATS.- Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PEG RAM & CO. febW -BOSTON- lETALLORMCAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. Metelargists. Assayes and Analytical Chemlita f.,A.d M(VE HE)FIER8, Frtralcal BlS-Btms f 08 100 lbs. and upwards. KtFIIAllOUY ti K ES THEATEI). furvtys, Mine Examinations, Reports, Sketches aud Maps made. Conf-tructlons of works and supslles Furnished. KA.l4.GKE8 OF Tie Joy England Smelting Works. - .oi.n, sivmeI. COJMT.K and LEAD OH ES STJELTED OJI JIETUHNS . o FUBC3M4SEP COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLI8N Treated on Reasonable Terms. TH BIKN3 JffSTALLCBGIsr. A. O. KIDNEY MINING EKGINKSB. J H.W HiXUDAT..-. ..Foot. CHMrarr. mar8 tf ' STTEEtjPEIJS Sunnt h: s ntrmt styles of Perry' Pen. Mat far trial by jaail, on receipt of 23 3.U.r vison. Blakeman. ;Taylcr,& Co., r; REWTOBIC On Monday Morning VOL. XXVII. -WE- --WE-- ARE RECEIVING --NEW-- -NEW-- QOODS EVERY DAY AND WILL SOON HAVE READY for Inspection the most varied and best sslectef Btock we have ever offered the public All lines o Boods have been bought with care and dlscrtmlna Uon; but especial care has been taken In the selec uvu uj. our WHITE GOODS AND BLACK GOOKS, Both of which surpass in variety and excellence anything of the klndever shown the trade of Char lotte, we ask a tnorough inspection of our stock and comparison of our prices. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. mar8 Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to Amount to much, and If promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect is often lOUowed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and rarely in such cases aa PERRY DAVIS' PAIN JtlLLKIt. The prompt use of this invaluable remedy has saved thousands of Uvea. PERRY DAVIS' PAIIf KIIXER is noA.an eP"tment. It has been before the public tor forty years, and Is most valued where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: fAp.Kri-J-KB has been my household remedy for colds for the past twenty -6even years, and have E ever known it to fail In effecting a cure. u8. Crookeb, WilliamsTille, N. Y. For thirty years I have used Pais Ktiakb, and round it a never-failing' remedy for colds and sore throat Barton Seaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and sore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an to valuable remedy. Gso. B. Everett, Dickinson, -L1? J118 wepvered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time, f could get no rehef until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. years, and have never known It to fail. Ran son uavo usearus filler in my lomuy ror rorty uwis, waynes Doro, ua. I began using Pain Killer in my family twenty, rive years ago and have used it ever since, and have round no medicine to take its place. B. w. Dies, Druggist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and croup it is the best wruonuuu liiaue. w e Would not DO WltuOUI It . Roots. TJbrtv Af v For tWRW t.V-fi Vfi vmn T hava natiA "D.na TTrt T t't. for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best meaicme ever on erea. Ueo.moopib, Wilmington, I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat was -so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton: Your Paw Killeb cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fau in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes : My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold Chilis. 80 many children have died here, I was ftf raid-to cell a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won . derful cure, and I wish, it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many cluldren. For Chills and Fever PAIN KIIXER has no equal. It cures when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house is a safeguard that no family should be without All druggists seU It at 5c, 50c, and $1,00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept dtw sept A oct 1. V. TUTT'S FILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS. CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS QF A TORPID LIVER. IjOM of aprlto,Nan8ea,bawel costive. Pain in theHeaa.with a dull sensation In the back part, Fain under the shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits. Loss of memory, with a feeling of having neg lected some duty .weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering of the Heart, Dot before the eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache. Hestlegs nesB at night, highly colored TJrineT IF THESE WARNINGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TXTTrS FILLS are especially adapted to snch cases.one dose effects sueh a change of feeling as to astonish the suffeMf, b nolfidkbed. and by theiiTronle AetlogQn the Digestive Organs, Regular Stools a (Produced- Price 25 cents. 85 Mnrray St., Bf.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Sold by Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of SI Feby. '23deodAwl Ginger, Buchu, Man drake, Stillingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bbed in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powers, as to make it tho greatest! tvi s Ti ' tVt KsTtteattti StreSIt Ostertr Ever Csfd. It cures Rheumatism, yccpkssness, & diseaes cf the BtomatK, Bowels, Lime. Eiver ft Kidneyi, L farker's na r oauiii samt 1 Jswpi, fciiagce Essences - 'Srr ponies, as U .ricatos, RftC Chcmistt, N. Y. 0e,!U(l- ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQTUETEKS TOE DEJEES. 8TlTESyiLLE,.C. THIS house has been leased for tert ol years Mi Pn-EeeTevwhoBei totenaonM w keeD a strSj first-cJass house to ejea respert kCSiapl room, on first and second SeWtiwofUiepubUete Office, 33 Murray .St., New TorK. Ct)r. TUTT'S HAKl'AL'of Talualilr hIMilln 1 CmAiI Umipto wUl b uiM FKKS aNHttUm.P The Democrats elected most of their candidates at the civy election at Bur lington, N. JM on Tueiviay, aDd secured a majority of two in the counciL- The Pennsylvania De mocratic State convention will be held at Harrisburg, J une 28. The eight hundred persons expelled from Moscow some time since for not having passports were' Jews. - It is stated that the Bulgarian' gov eminent has ordered the disarmament of the militia because of disorders. It is reported that Don PhilliDDe.de. Bourbon, second son of Count D'Aquila,' ts about to marry Miss Mackay, an American heiress. On Tuesday night Wm. L. Valentine, an old merchant of Boslyn, N. Y., was wayiaia and roobed by mgnwaymen and left on tne roadside in a dying con dition, where he was found by friends, There is no hope of Lis recovery. "Within the last three days two trains on the Hudson River railroad have been thrown from the track at High Bridge by misplaced switches. On Tuesday mgnt one or the officers detected wiine Kyle, nine years old, who lives in the neighborhood, endeavoring to turn a switch. The boy was arrested and held lor trial. Over 2,000 representative commercial men of New York city have signed the petition of the New York Board of Trade and Transportation asking Con gress to pass the "Lowell bill," in order to establish a uniform system of bank ruptcy throughout the United States, and opposing the bill reported by the suDjudiciary committee or the Senate. Peter Brown, a tramp, slept in a pit at Thompson & Co.'s steel works at Jersey City, on Tuesday night, and was fatally burned by the molton iron from a burs ted crucible. Roger A. Pryor, of New York city, and John W. Daniel, of Lynch barg.Va., were admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court Monday. A writ of error has been allowed in the case of Martin, sentenced to be hanged at Newark, N. J., next week, and all further proceedings will be stayed until the argument for a new new trial is heard by the Supreme Court next June. The Supreme Court at Providence, R. I., Wednesday approved the proposed terms of sale and form of 'deed pf the Sprague estates, and ordered the trus tees to sell the property on May 4. The contempt case agajnst Wm. Sprague will be heard on Saturday. A resolution was adopted by the Philadelphia Maritime Exchange Wed nesday, in response to at inquiry from Col. Ludlow, United States engineers, setting forth that a bridge across the Delaware, between Philadelphia and Camden, would interfere with naviga tion, and therefore ought not to be built. Gen. Sherman Wednesday issued a general order embodying an order from President Arthur, setting aside the find ings and sentence of the court-martial in the case of Cadet Whittaker. The President is sustained by the Attorney General in the opinion that specimens of Whittaker's handwriting, which were not before the court for any other purpose, could not be legally intro duced for the purpose of comparing the handwriting with the "note ot warn ing," the charge being that Whittaker wrote this note himself. This error the President regards as sufficient to inval idate the proceedings. CHIL1-PE RU. Terms ofTrescott's Protocol, &c. Panama, March 11. The text of the protocol between Mr. Trescott, United States Minister Extraordinary to Chili, and oenor lialmaceda, Chilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, is printed in the official papers in Lima. It sets forth, in regard to the seizure of Calderon, that Chili abolished the authority of Garcia Calderon within the lines held by the Chilian troops, and that he was arrested without any inten tion of offending the United States or any other neutral power, and simply in the use of the legitimate rights of bel ligerents. In the second article the united States eliminate from the discussion the possibility of armed intervention, and will offer their meditation only in the event of the belligerents expressing a desire to obtain it, and when its accep tance would lead to results satisfactory to both. In the third article Chili declares her feelings of friendship and confidence, but, if they were offered, she would ac cept the good offices of the United States in the contest with Peru, if in employing such good offices the United States would accept the terms 01 peace whei Chili is diSDosed to offer tne enemy. it being understood that if the United States should not obtain the consent of Peru to the conditions of peace, which serve as a basis for the employment of the good offices, in such a case the ac tion of the United states between tne belligerents will at once cease. Chili agrees to give every honorable facility to. Mr. Trescott to enable him to communicate with any f eruvian au thorities or individuals, whom he may consider proper, with, the exception only of Qarpia Caldero.n,who is a prison er of wa. The basis upon which Chili agrees to "celebrate peace" is as fol lows : irst. Tne cession to gnni oi an Pe ruvian territory soutn or uamarones Querlrada. Second. The occupation of the . de partment of Arcia and Tacna for ten years, at the expiration of which time Peru will pay $20,000,000. Should said sum not be Daid to Chili at the expira tion of ten years the territory of Arcia -. m . i : -C and xacna win remain, tjjsu juuou, ueu-. ed to and incorporated with the repub lic of Chili. Peru may fix in the terms of peace a longer term than ten years, but always subject to the same condi tions. Should Arcia return to the do minion of Peru it shall never "be fortifi ed. u Third. Chili shall occupy the Lohos Islands "Whilst guano regains on them, an& the net proceeds of such guano, as also of that from the deposita which are known and being worked in Tarapaoa, shall be equally divided between Chili and the creditors of Peru, Politicians in' Lima are reported to be busy, and, as ueual, are more interested in the triumph of the party than in the regeneration of the country jmd mak ing peace with its conquerors, Piero la's party is strong, but the Calderon faction Is not dead or inert by any means. OestrylDsr tba Content oi m hoou used by a small pox jwUlpnt may bo aolded by nslng Darbys Prophylaetie Fluid. It U morally criminal to neglect the use of such a disinfectant and preventive. ; It Iscertalnly best to lentthe spread of disease, and thoso who will use Darbys Prophylactic Fluid freely abopt their houses will besaved from the attacks of all contagioaa dls eases and death Itself. CHARLOTTE, N. a, SATURDAY Our Building Stones. Balslgh News and Observer. We have frquently made mention of tne nne Duuaing stones to be found in our State, as shown in . the Geological museum, xney are unsurpassed mar ble, sandstone and granite. Apropos df this subject, Professor js.err says in nis last .bulletin : "Another illustration of the common and characteristic disbelief in and ne?. lect of our own resources is seen in the monuments in our cemeteries, made of granite irom ocouanu, while we nave just as good within 50 miles of Raleigh. xuo u mien ouw vqubus iju retail nave unaertaxen to maxe a commete cnl an f,tionof buiding stones from all the avauauie quarries in ail tne states, and in connection wun tne smitnsonian in stitution, to dress the specimens in va- ; . . noun ways, anu iu suuject them to all known tests, mechanical, chemical and microscopical, preserving the collection in the New National Museum at Wash ington, and publishing an exhaustive discussion or the wnoie subject. Of course such a publication will be of the highest interest and authority, au over me worio, and probablv . for & generation to come. It will therefore be a very serious matter for anv State to be left out in such a report, and to J. ! 1 it ... iau 01 representation in such a collec tion. And this was fust about tn hannAn tn North Carolina. Being in Washigton recently, and remembering that the special agent of the census for collect ing building stones had failed to apply at the Geological rooms, last summer. for information, direction and assist ance, as he was to have done, I inquired for the Collection from North Carolina, and found nothing but three or four 1 i -i specimens. I had sent them for the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. n representing the case at headquar ters that North Carolina had no proper Bnowmg and mat this state was as rich as tne ioremost ot them an. m this re spect, I was authorized to make a col lection at once and forward to the United States Census office." Prof. Kerr desires, at once, specimens of building stones, from all parts of the &iBte, to De sent to the Geological mu seum. Saved from Savage Scalping-Knives by a Set of False Teeth. Chicago luter Ocean. tkiiue time ago a Philadelphia Qua ker, belungiugio an Indian delegation, was crossing a wide plain in a- hostile country. The driver of the ambulance called his attention to fuur -Indians on horseback, who soon surrounded the vehicle. A young brave in war pamt made unmistakable demonstrations of hostil ity. The interpreter told him they were peace men and medicine men. He Rt plied that they must prove them- seivesJmedicine.men : of peace men thev had had too many already to steal their and and have soldiers kill them. "$e quick, said he: "snow us some wonderful medicine work, or we will kill you," putting action to the word by handling their guns and tomahawks. Here was a dilemma! Pointing to the oldest one, a nne-looking Quaker six feet in his stockings, with white hair. who had been the nrst talker or the par ty, he furiously gesticulated and cried out: "Medicine Man show! Medicine man show !" An inspiration seized him. He had a double set of false teeth on plates of flesh colored material, and pointing at his teeth with his finger and then tap ping them with much grimace and cor rectness, he motioned tor all the braves to come within sight, and when all were intent upon him he deliberately took out st the upper set and then the lower setrof teeth, and made a mo tion toward his neck as if about to sep arate his head from his body, when the braves wheeled their horses and rode furiously away, and the party of peace makers also turned their horses' heads and ambulance fortward, rejoiced at their strategical deliverance. Another Chapter of Mr. Jacob R. Ship- herd's Testimony . Washington, March 22. The exam- nation of Mr. Jacob R.Shipherd touch ing his correspondence with the State Department and Minister Hurlbut in relation to his Peruvian claim was con tinued before the House committee on breign affairs to-day. He gave some account of the compa ny which he represents, which, he said, wa incorporated under the laws of Georgia in 1870. but refused to disclose the names of the stockholders, or the amount of money that had actually been paid in. The witness inadvertently made a statement which pointed to Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, as the gen tleman who, in the capacity of counsel, had brought about an interview be tween Mr. Blaine and Mr. Sbipherd. Ie had accepted a fee. but when Con gress met in December he returned the money and refused to have anything more to do with the claim, because it involved matters that might come be fore the Senate for legislation. Judge Robertson, the present collec tor of the port of New York, was also retained as counsel and had accepted a fee: Mr. Shipherd wrote two letters to Gen. Kilpatrick, neither of which were answered. The examination, wiU be continued to-morrow. Tea Treatment in Cfeina From Bishop Marvin's Travels. Here, for tne nrst time, we were taiken into a "Tea-hong," where they were preparing tea for the foreign mar ket ; that is ruining it It is subjected to a degree of beat as hot as a man can bear his hand in for a short time, for which purpose it is put into iron vessels over furnaces. While in its pro cess of heating it is stirred actively by men s hands, tne changing from one hand to the other at short intervals, the heat being too great to be borne long even by those accustomed- to it. Into these vessels a handful of coloring matter is cast, consisting of what? I do not know what ail. Prussian blue, we were told. enters into the com pound s and, with,our eyes, we saw the indigo neing pulverised for this pur pose. I have never relished tea in America, and L tnins 1 shall never drink it there again. Here in China where it is used pure, it is a delightful beverage. If I can't get it without in digo hereafter I think I shall not take it at all. . You can get no respectable Chinaman to drink it after It has been doctored for the foreign market, etc, Mother ltM Recovered wrote an Illinois old to her. Eastern relatives. '.She look bitters for a long time but without any good, so when she heard of the virtues of Kid ney Wort she got a box and it has completely cured her. so that she can do as-much work now as she could before we moved West. - Since she has got well everyone about nere is owing u." eee adv. Snbllnaelr Superb. A pair of beautiful Sun-Sowers on Zasels wul be mailed free to any lady who win send ten cents in postage stamps or money to Dr. C W. Benson, No. 106 North Sataw street, Baltimore, If d. MARCH 25, 1882. Longfellow Dving. Boston, Mass., March 24. Henry W. Longfellow, the poet, at 4 o'clock this muruiug, was in a dying condition and death was momentarilv ft-mrAr! "Rio bedside was surrounded by his family. xo ii ucbu &iung ior sometime past. veswjruav same vrv ramniv nnri at midnight all hopes of his recovery were auauuuueu. A Toilet Luxury? . 60Z0D0NT is a luxury as well u a necessity. Placed where It should always be nnon thetntiot. it adorns it, and gratifies the taste and senses. " It sends out a delicious perfume, and gives pleasure and health to Its users. Women that have been bedridden for rears haA been entirely cured of female weakness br the om ot Lydla & Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydla B. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass , for pamphlets. eclDlo.N.Y., Dec,!. 1879. I am nastor of the R:intit nhnh . educated Dbislcian. T m nntiiT' rJ!leJamUyphyBlclan a,,d adrtseln miSj" chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommended L ... vreouiieui oi Bix oi a loam 8 besi physicians several years. She has become thoroughly cured of her nrim n,niioS"Jr. fvJhMr use .We both recommend them to -..iZ,: "l wuom nave aiso been cured wj Tuuu3 aumeuiB aj mem. HEV. E. B. WAHBXH. . A CARD. TO all Who AM OIlffArlno fmn t j, ulSOreuOn OI Vimtn. Mrmni SAikrui 1 j 22Lof maSM- c- 1 U1 8end recipTthatrm HonH . luiBaiuuary u- joum America. - - j.. ii.ju.aii, omuuu u, ew rorK city. . "BOUGH ON BATS." , Tae thing desired found at last Ask druggist ; onK 5as- II, J1 out rats, mice, r "loaes. nies. bM-hiiffa. i Ra hnvaa Dr. C. TV. I1EXSOIV. ot Baltimore, IHd. we give above a correct, likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Disease anu the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands In the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned in ntedical pracUce, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile In the shape of Pills. They are usea by the profession at large and constantly recom mended by them. It Is not a patent medicine. It is the result ot his own experieEce la practice. They are a sure cure for the 'following special diseases, and arc worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headache, nervous headache, oj speptlc headache, neuralgia paralys.s, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, and will cure any case. sold Dy an druggists. Price 60 cents a box. De pot. 106 North Kutaw street Baltimore. Md. Rt mall, two boxes for $1 or six boxes for (2.50, to any address. DR. C. W. BENSON'S SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, n DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP. SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLE8 and TENDER ITCHINCSonsUpartsof the body. It makes the skla white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and la tha SEST toilet dressing in THE WOULD. Elegantly jrat up, twe bottles in one package, consisting of both, internet and external treatment. All nret class druggists have it. Prioetl. per package CHA8. N CRITTKN TON. 11K Fulton otreet. New York City, sole agent for Dr. C. W Benson' remedies, to whom ail orders should be ad dressed. marl MRS. LYDIA L PIKKHuM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cure far all tnese Painful Complaints sad Weakness to common to our beat rem ale pepaiauoa. It will ears entirely the wont form of Female Com plaints, all orarian troubles, Inflammation and Uloera tion, Falling and Displacement, and the consequent Spinal .Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change of Life. - It will dissolve and expel tnmon from the uterus In an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there Is checked rery speedily bj its use. It removes f aintness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, anl relieves weakness of the stomach. It cores Bloating, Headaches, Kerrons .Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeliss oi bearing down, causing pam, weight Sad backache, is always permanently cured by its use. It will at all times and under all circumstances act la harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the curs of Kidney Complaints of either sax this Oom pound is unsurpassed. IFDIA K. PIXKIIAM'S V EGETAJB UK COS- POrjXDis prepared at CSS and S3 Western Avenue, Lynn,Xass. Price $1. Biz bottles for to. Seat by mail In the form of pills, also in tha form of lozenges, on receipt of price, tl per box for either. Krs. Flnkliaai freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address ss above. Mention tki Paper. Ho family should be without LYDIA X. FOnCHAlFS LITER FILLS. They ears eaeeslpation, hfflonsnsss, and torpidity of the liver, ts cents per box. - jpy Beld py all imiggisrcs. len LILIE ! LILIE! LILIE! :oso: HAYING now two mora Kilns In addition to our PIHPBTDAX, KILN we are now prepared to FILJL ORDERS PBOHIPTLT, on short notice, and at prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee ouaifty. and make no charge I nnless Lime proves satisfactory. we nave aa agency in unarione ra i u ounr mervlllei who will receive orders for small lets at reduced prices. Reference as to Quality of Lime given on appli cation. . SIMON BBOTHKBS, ' Box Ho. 88, uanney city a. u mar7 8nt ' : NO.4,057. SPEINGr QUB SPRING Q00D3 are now coming in, and In UCovcsi mook oi uoods that has ever been of Goods now in, via: The handsomest Une of BLACK DRESS GOODS To be found, embradng CaSHMIRKS In plain and American, Lace and Plain BUNTINGS. We have a BUNTINGS in delicate shades. We have a handsome can show you the prettiest 4-4 BLEACHED DOMESTIC at 10c per yard, that you ever saw. m and aak to see our NIGHT-GOWN GOODS. Our stock stock wUl be complete in a few days, and if you come and see usrwlll take pleasure In showing you PROMPT ATTENTION TO argraves mar23 AS Suss- sxvj: ait.1 V.i.ffi A BLESSIISG TO WOMANKIND. Relieve all diseases of women pecu Dr. liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, dlsmenorrhsea, aud hysteria also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. Afford promt t relief to those distressing betirli'g down paii s so peculiar to women Price 98 per box. Sent free by mall Clarke's Periodical PUls. on receipt of price. Dr. Ularke Medicine Company, New York city. Scrofula or any Blood Disorder, pr. Clarke's A nil In either stage, whether primary, lecbndarr Oirtlary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fall to euro when directions are followed. Price $2 SOper box. Five b xes$lO Sent by mail prepaid, on receipt of price Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine Company, New Yoik City. Syphilitic PI lie. A 1NTALUABLE JBEiTJEDY. Tor weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. AqulckandeompIeteSMire In 4 to 8 days of all nrinary affec tions, smarting, freqoent or difficult urination, mucous discharges and Er. Clarke sediments in the urine fsom what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient Price 92 Gonnorrhea per box. rnree boxes for So. Mailed free on recelct of Drlce. Ad Pills. dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. IIEBE IS A BALM IN O I LEAD. For all cases of Spermatorrhoea and Impotency, as the result of self- Dr. abuse m youth, sexual excesses in mature r years, or other causes, and d reducing some of the .following effects: Nervousness, seminal emis- I I f 1- - 1 a Clarke ious KMHt" enussuius uy oiesois;, Dimness of Sight,- Defective Mem ory, Phislcal deety, Flirples on race. Aversion toSoclety of Females, Confusion of Ideas. Loss of Sexnu Invtg-ratsDg Power,- 4c, rendering marriage im DroDer or unhaDDr. Are arxwltlve leure In two to 8 weeks.' One to six boxes usually sufficient Rice SL50 per dox. s our noxes 90, sens ey man. prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Cem pany, New York City. - PUle. Afebl9 ddew 13w '-i-e ZHJI OBSXBVSQ JOB DXPABTKXNT Has been thoronghly suppUed with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner ot Job Printing can now be done with newness, dispatch and cheapness. We can fur nlah at short notice, BLANXa,BILL-HIADS, LXTTXB-BXADS, CABDS, TAGS, RICTEIPT8, POST1B9, PEOGBAlOrKS, HANDBTXLa, PAMPBXgrS, CTBCTTLAR3. CHXCXS, 40. stock: & :W:- a few days we win show the Handsomest and by seen in this market We make special mention watered effects. NUNS vfiltno. ... beautiful line of NUNS VF.n tn n vpvKrra line of MOIRE 8A.TIN3 In black nninn. w. of PARASOLS is large 'and handsome. Onr want BaRGaINS in handsome and stylish Good, everything we have. - ORDERS FOR 8AMPLE& . feWillielm . a C. C. D. A.. AND- THAT NORTH CAROLINA -H8 THE LARGEST MIMC HOUSE IN THE bOUTH. The McSmith Music House -SELLS CHICKKRING & SONS, KRANICH 4 BAOiH. MATHDSHEK, ABIUN, bOUTHEBN GEM And other PIANOS. M vSON & HAMLIN, SHuMNGKK. PEL0UBET4CO., bTEBLING. AUD OTHER ORGANS. THE ONLY HOUSE THAT BELLS 6TBICTLT First-Class Instruments. Ask me for prices If you want good work and you will never buj anything but the beet. Address or call on, H. McSMITII. lltsceXlaneotts. Telephones ! Telephones ! TELEPHGHES, THE SOUTHLRN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company, -Is the- -SOLE LICENSEE- of the American Bell Telephone Company Tor 8upplfng Telephones In the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of the B. 4 O: B. B..) North Carolina, Bouth Carolina, Floilds and Alabama. PB1TATE LIKES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented re For parilculars address SOUTHERN BULL TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY. f.,blleod8n 106 Broadway, New York. S3, Ui Baring removed to the shop, on Try on street, over the Independent Hoos 4 Ladder Track House, is now ready to receive orders for HOU8E, SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, such as QXAIKIBQr- . Gaiiding, KaJsominLDg, Frescoing, k -p Even body Discovered h I. It? i f l i fi ! I ft.1 4 f l n V 'r t-1 if. bp Mi j .1 If t'l I; 1 1 5 if Jti'! r. i 1 ! . 1 1 v ! f 1 1 tl I' 1 I iit--. I- If It''; 'I, r

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