elje .QlljarlOtU QDUBtraer. piayingin Philadelphia Monday night, a candle was knocked over and the lace CltAS. It. JONES, Editor and Prop'tor. XHTZBXD A? THB POBT-OTTICB AT CHAKUJTTB, H. 0.. 41 8B0OHB-CLASB marbb.1 SATTRDAY, MARCH 25,' 1882. DQN'T WANT ANY CHANGE. The Republican members of Congress have caucussed upon the question of reducing the internal revenue taxes, and have decided that it Is not advisa ble at present to interfere with the tax on spirits, tobacco, cigars, &c, but re frained from expressing an opinion on the abolition or reduction of taxes on other articles now subject to tax. There are political reasons for this action. The repeal of the tax on these articles would of course wipe out the occupation of the vast number of men who constitute the internal revenue force, nearly every one of whom is a useful agent in carrying out the schemes of the leaders of the Republican party. They are, so to speak, the right arm of that party, and their los3 would be an irreparable one to it. The victories of the Republican party for years past were won mainly through the active services of, and the organization effect ed through the instrumentality of the revenue department, which had its ser- vantsin every locality, and required every one of them to be a worker for the party. In the South they have been and are to-day the main dependence of that party, and if they were legislated out of existence officially, the party would be practically without any or ganization in this section. As the sys tem stands now on the approach of an election for President or members of Congress, when it is thought important to influence results, the. number of revenue men may be indefinitely in creased and where they may be made useful, men are picked up and appoint ed temporarily drawing pay from the government for the political Services they render. This has been carried on to such a scandalous extent in the South that it has attracted the atten tion of the most indifferent observers. We have felt the power of the revenue gang in this State in every general elec tion that has .been held since the war, and whenever we have sustained a de feat we could trace it to the active work and powerful influence of that agency. It is a powerful political ma chine and the men that run it know its power. , The men who sat in the cau cus to which we alluded in the begin ning of this article, know, too, how use ful it i3, and hence were not disposed to favor legislation that would deprive their party of such efficient workers who had rendered such good service in the past and who could be counted on for much good service in the future. Kepublican politicians may favor the abolition of some taxes, but to expect them to disturb the pleasant relations that exist between whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c, and the Republican party, at the present time or in the near fu ture is expecting too much. They won't do it. on a mirror caught fire, creating a little panic, among the audience. Rut Rossi pulled dowii the &cy extinguished the fire, and then stepping to the-front of the stage remarked in a side voice, ap parently confidentially to those on the front seatVeet ees all right; eet ees in ze play," which restored confidence and the play proceeded. Though only forty-five ye;us of age, Jacob R. Shipherd has served an ap prenticeship in m my schools that teach cunning and chicane. He began as a preach, served a few months in the army, was elected president of the Freedman's Union Aid Commission, in Chicago. After the war he founded a religious weekly newspaper called The Advance, which he soon gave up to establish a real estate office in Chicago, and was next heard of at Long Island as a railroad president and land specu lator. Failing in all these pursuits he studied law and was admitted to trie bar. His last venture was as president of that stupendous bubble, the Peru vian Company. inTjongress. THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMING TO THE FRONT WITH A $6,000, 000 APPROPRIATION. Durham is agitating the graded school question. Emperor William, of his 86th year. Germany, is in The Asheville News has a special correspondent at Higashiyama, Naga saki, Japan. President Arthur banquetted Gen. and Mm. Grant at the White House Wednesday night. It is thought by some that the Rev. John Foley, of Baltimore, will be the successor of Bishop Lynch, of Charleston. A ngro was arrested in Macon, Ga the other day while engaged in the peaceful avocation of making coun terfeit nickels. The courts of Ohio do not recognize the grave-yard insurance business which was so extensively carried on in Pennslvania. Hinton Rowan Helper, formerly of this State, now a resident of St Louis, keeps pegging away at his Three Americas Railway project. A misplaced figure in the special from Washington yesterday, about the vote on Cooper's confirmation in the Senate made it read 42 against in instead of 24, as it should have been. The act authorizing the punishment at the whipping post of wif e-Deaters has passed both branches of the Maryland legislature, and only waits the signature of the Governor to become a law. Augusta Chronicle: It will be news, to most of our readers at any rate, that the Pef uvian Company, which so nearly caused a war between the United States and Chili, was organized under a Georgia charter. Shipherd states that they obtained this charter because it offered such extraordinary advantage. A Boston company claims the owner ship of a patent which covers the use of glucose as an ingredient in the man ufacture of candy, and are notifying confectioners to this effect. The con fectioners, however, in some cities, are pot disposed to recognize the Boston monopoly and are going to contest it. The Boston Post grimly remarks that it is a gross violation of property to put the cost of champagne, brandy, cocktails and cigars into a bill for funeral expenses; that they belong un der the head of stationery. The diffi culty was that a stationery establish ment could not be conveniently con ducte'd on a Pullman palace train. A ranchjof 8,600 acres, located near Bexar county, Texas, is used for the breeding of saddle ponies. There are on the ranch forty-five Shetland mares and one hundred Zacatecas ponies, all for breeding" purposes. The Zacatecas spotted Mexican ponies are a small, hardy face, raised ki the mountains of Mexico, and universally good saddle ponies. The Shetland, Arab and Zaca tecas ponies are hardy as goats, cost no more to raise, -and are very gentle. The Senate Passes the Life-Saving Ser vice Bill and Resumes the Tariff Dis cussion. The House Talks Over the Mississippi Improvement and Takes np the Private Calendar. Washington, March 24. Senate. Vest, from the committee on territories, reported -favorably Maxey's bill to au thorize the President, in conjunction with the State of Texas, to lay out and mark the boundary lines between a part of the territory of the United States and the State of Texas, and to complete the survey authorized by the act or 1858. After a speech from Sherman in which he cited the recent decision of the Supreme Court in sugar coloring cases as a striKing evidence oi me necessity for a geneal revision of tariff legislation, an arrangement was effect ed by which the general debate on the bill is to close at 4 o'clock Tuesday, af ter which amendments may be offered under the 5 minute rule for debate. The bill was then laid aside informally. The Chinese bill was received from the House and signed by the President pro tern., the bill having previously re ceived the signature ot tne Speaker of the House, now to the President. After executive session, adjourned until Monday. House Robinson called attention to the rule which provides that a com mittee shall report back resolutions calling for departmental information within eight d;tys and to the fact that the resolution referred to the commit tee on foreign affairs relative to the imprisonment of American citizens in Great Britain had not as yet betn acted upon. How long, he queried, will,we neglect our citizens lying in jail ? Williams, of Wisconsin, chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, said he felt authorized to state that com munication was being constantly had with the government of Great Britain by the State department, and it was un derstood that in a few days the com mittee would be able to make an intel ligent report on the resolution. Robinson: If something is not done and our minister has not demanded his passport, I shall move impeachment. Wilson, of West. Virginia, a member of the committee, stated that the reso lution had not yet been reported back because the committee desired to ob tain all necessary information. There were no laches on the part of the com mittee. Robinson replied that that would make his question of impeachment un necessary. The House then proceeded to the con sideration of private business. The Senate spent a large portioa of t! ie morning hour upon the life-saving service bill. The Florida Senators insisted upon thermovisions for stations at points on tbfl Atlantic coast of Florida as fol lows: Key West, Jupiter Inlet, Cape Can avran and St. Augustine, and one on tb i Gulf coast near the mouth of Apa lach'icola river, five in all. Conger, in charge of the bill, argued that this was unnecessary and Jones replied that the record showed 104 wrecks on the '-oust line just indicated. The proposition was agreed to ayes 36; noes 17. An amendment was adopted limiting the pay of surfmen at $50 per month. The bill then passed yeas 36; nays 8. George asked and was granted an in definite leave of absence. Kellogg, La., from the committee on Mississippi River Improvements, to whom were referred the bill for im provement of the Mississippi and Mis souri rivers, ana tne Dili lor the con struction, completion repairing and preservation of the Mississippi levees reported that the committee had unani mously agreed upon a substitute for these bills. The substitute went to the calendar with notice by Kellogg that he' would ask their consideration at an early day. It is as follows: Be it enacted, &c, that the Secretary of War, with the advice and under the direction of the Mississippi river com mission, is hereby authorized and directed to expend the sum of six mil lion dollars, fivemilion thereof on the Mississippi river and one million there of upon the Missouri river in deepen ing the channels and improving the navigation of said rivers in accordance with plans recommended by the said commission, and said sum of six mil lion dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not other wise appropriated, for purposes afore said, and so much thereof as the Secre tary of War myf determine to beneces sary is hereby made immediately avail able, provided that no part of said sum herein appropriated shall be used in the construction or repair of levees for the purpose of preventing injury to lands by overflow, or for any other purposes whatever except as means of deepening the channels or improving the naviga tion of said rivers. The Secretary of "VUar shall prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to se cure judicious and economical expen diture of said sum, and shall cause to be made and submitted to Congress annual reports giving detailed state ments of works done, expenditures made and the effect of such works, to gether with such recommendations and estimates as may be necessary to pre sent the whole subject fully to Con gress. Garland asked that all three bills be placed upon the calendar in order that there might be a fair fight over them in the Senate. So ordered. At ?:10 the tariff commission discus sion was resumed, and Miller, N. Y., proceeded to give some of the reasons for his belief in protection; reasons, he said, which were held by a ereat ma- improvement of the navigation and commerce of the Mississippi river and the construction of works of improve ment, $4,613,000 to be applied below the mouth ot the Ohio, $1,000,000 between the mouth of the Ohio and "the Illinois river, $500,000 between" the Illinois and Des Moines rapids and $750,000 be tween Des Moines rapids and Saint Paul. Referred to the committee of the whole. : The House then at 1 :10 p. m. went into committee of the whole on the pri vate calendar. ' T wo hours were consumed in the dis cussion of the first bill on the calendar referring to the Court of Claims the claims of the captain of the Ram Albe marle, when, at last, the bill was laid aside favorably. Another debate arose upon the next bill for the relief of the heirs next of kin of James B. Armstrong, the oppo sition to the. measure being based upon the fact that tne heirs were disloyal. tending action, tne committee rose and reported to the House the Albe- masle bill, when it was passed. The House then at 4:30 took a recess until 7:30. the evening session being for the consideration or tne pension Dili on tne private calendar. Popular Education in the South. Washington, March 24. The Senate and House committees on education and labor held a joint meeting to-day to hear arguments presented by the mem bers or the national educational con vention now in session in this city in advocacy of their appeal for a congress ional grant of immediate aid to the Southern States to supplement their efforts to provide for the educating of all chridren within their respective bor ders. Among those who addressed the committee in advocacy of an appro priation were Dr. Dickinson, secretary of the United states board or educa tion, State Superintendent G. F. Orr, of Georgia, O. S. Thompson, city superin tendent of Charleston : Mayor Courte- to exports to con- nay, of Charleston; Mr. Bryan, son of United States District Judge Bryan of South Carolina; Rev. Dr. Porter, of Charleston, and several prominent Northern educators. Senator lilair, chairman of the com mittee in the Senate addressed several questions to the delegates as to the amount of government aid desired, the period during which it should be af forded, and the modes of distribution. In reply it'was stated that $15,000,000 for ten.years would be the smallest sum needed to effectually supplement the efforts of the States. Two Brothers Executed and Die Game. Harrisburg. Pa.. March 24. Frank and Henry Rumbergo, were hanged at 10.40 a m. for the murder and robbery of Daniel Troutmen in November, 1880. There were no incidents or accidents; everything was done with mechanical precision, and there were no leave tak ings or remarks from the scaffold. One of the men closed his eyes as he was led from his cell and never opened them or spoke a word afterwards. The other had his eyes open but said noth ing. Neither showed a sign of fear. Peruvian Shipherd Sick. Washington, March 24. Jacob R. Shipherd sent to the House foreign affairs committee this morning a physi cian's certificate of illness, and the Pe ruvian investigation was adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. The signal service station at Hat- teras reports the schooner Fannie E. Lawrence from Apalachicola for Phil adelphia, lumber laden, ashore on Hat- .teras. The crew was saved. Whittaker Discharged. Washington. March 24 The Secre tary of War has issued a special order discharging Cadet J. C. Whittaker from the Military Academy, on the recom mendation of the admiralty board, te causeof deficiency in studies. Weather. Washington, March 24. For the South Atlantic States, cooler and partly cloudy weather, followed by light rains, westerly winds probably shifting to north-east, higher barometer in the nerthern portion. coastwise Bpintera : extorts to Grwt Britain : to continent Weekly fit rfwtnt i drv cm. n q i- .i 1,176; spinners 1,170: exporte' Great Britain 5 coastwise i continent 243y- llftCi? ffOOQ . ordinal- 1 1 1" mil rcwtolnta 1 OOQ. St) 2J589; safe---!-: stock J 1,245 exports to real Britain rto France . ;- r. Weekly net receiots flf Rftn.- btosh n .ki i s1a ; exports to Great Britain 8.260. WrLMTKGTOH-Oulet: middling 1 ISfee: low mid. ling UMOcr good, ordinary 10 5 16c; .receipts 242; JpoBS ; sales --; stock 6,329; exports cunaiwiie-, to ureal Britain i continent-. ... Weekly-net receipts 't$X7; eross coastwise 775; to Great Britain -; nnent . . m . ... PhiiIdelphia Steadr: loiddilna 12tac. low mMdilns HMie: mod ordlnarr IfUfre: net rauelnta 838; gross 648; sales s spinners : toe :-v exports Great Britain ; to continent WeeMy-i-net receipts 1.083: woss 2.B2A: sales ; spinners ; coastwise - : continent ; to ureal Britain ; stock 20,658. . 8 at AKN AH Dull: mlddllne llc: low mid dling lUfec; good ordinary I03fee; oet receipt 656; gross ; sales 1,100; stock 61,097; exports coastwise : to Great Britain ; to France ; to continent . Weeklynet receipts 5.031 : eross 6.034: sales 6.200; exports to Great Britain ; franco coastwise 5,731; continent 2,041. Nw Oelxans Quiet: middling 12c; low mld- dlng lic; good ordinary llifcc; net receipts 807; gross 1.6)9; sales 4,000; stock 285 035; export to Great Britain : to France ; coastwise ; to continent ; to chan nel . Weekly net receipts 13 148; gross -17.89": sales 21.500; exports Great Britain 12,465; chan nel 8.1R3: coastwise 2,7-ti8 France 13,771; conti nent 8,153. Mobile Dull; middling llo; low mlddlln lltfec; good ordinary 10c: net receipts 782; gross 802; sales 400; stock 2I3.K2U: exports coast ; nance ; r to ureal Britain ; to continent . Weekly net receipts 4.1R4; gross 4,174; sales 2,000; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 4,313; France ; continent r . Memphis -Steady j middling Hike; low mid dling llc; good ordinary 105fee net recruits 47; gross 500; shipments 840: sales 800; stock 65,476. Weekly net receipts 3.061: eross 3.78": ship ments 11,733; sales 6,500- Augusta Quiet; middling 111A ; low rid dling lie: 4fOod ordinary IQim reolptp 274; moments 8,4i: saies ooi. Weekly net receipts 1,238; shipments 3 486; sales 2,464; spinners ; stock - . Chablkston Dull ; mtddllng 12 c; lew mid dling llttc; good ordinary lllfac; net weuu 1,026; gross ; sales 500; utock 36 81H exDorta ooastwlse : to ttreat Britain to continent ; to France ; to channel Weekly net receipts 6.61 6: eross : sales 8.550: coastwise 8. 385; continent 1,440; Great Britain 4,3i5; to France NbwYobk Doll, easier; sale 58:1 mdMngup- lands 12 a-lrw. miaanog oneans 127-loc con sou dated net receipts ; exports 'oureat Britain : to France ; to continent ; to channel - Weekly-net rec'ts 1.517; gross 17.002; exp'ts to Great Britain 16,011; France 735; continent 1,556; sales 5,774; stock 327.315. Montgomery Firm : middling lllAc; low mid dling lie: rood ordinary louc: receipts 5W); shipments 1,414; stock, present year, 9,638; stock; last rar, e,4iu ; saies 1 ,4 1 2. MAOON Quiet: middling lllAc; low middling 1114C: good ordinary 10WC; receipts 505; sales 932 stock, present rear, 6,o62; stock, last year, 4,980; shipments 587. Columbus Firm: middling HUc; low middling 11c; good ordinary )OVfcc; receipts 571; ship ments. 1,526; sales 31; spinners 20; stock 9,506; ex. Great Britain ; coastwise . NASHTHjUt Quiet ; middling llc; low mid- 10c; good middling 10c; net receipts 77rt; shipments 1.907; sals 1.107; spinners 46: stock, present year, 13,215; stock, -last year. 13,614. Port Botal, S. C Weekly net receipts 285; stock ; exports to Ureat Britain ; coast wise 285 to continent ; sales . Peottdkncb. R. I. Weekly net receipts 12; stock y,uu0; Bales 1,100. Sklma, Ala. Quiet; middling 1 lc. Weekly- receipts 206; shipments 1,201; stock, present year, 5,187- Romk, Ga. Steady; middling 1 Hfec; low mid dllug llijfec; good ordinary 10,c. weekly receipts 1,182; shipments ; siock o.ot t. COMPARATIVE COTTOM STATEMENT. Net receipts at all United States ports during week.. Same wek last year Total receipts to this date .... : Same dale last year Export- for the week Same week last year Tot il exports to this date Same d;ite last ear fttock at all United t?tate3 rorts. Same time last ear Sio k at all interior towns Same time last year Stuck at Liverpool Same time last year '. Stock ot American afloat for Great Britain Same time last ye r Ladies, Gentlemen; Msses, Boys and Children OUR CANNOT FAIL TO BE 8UTTin IN STOCK OF BOOTS ANL SHOES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE. S guarantee that every pair ot SHOES we sell shall be lound Just as represented, and shall allow no house to give you better goods than we de for money. Our stock has been carefully selected with a view to the wants of all classes of customers. nni mmnri . ,n . k ... " - uwMimui ana seasonable goods, of the very best quality and all grades, from the finest French Kid Button Boot to the Heaviest Brogan. If you wish to get your boots and shoes suit yoo and at the lowest possible prices, you cannot do better than at our store. Give as a calL A. E. RANKIN & BRO., m Central Hotel Block. Trade Street. sep!3 South Carolina Brown Consols, 1 0 waDasn, l Louis a pactne. hbm Wabash, 8t Louts fc Pacific preferr'd ttOtyj Western union. 814 CITY COTTON MAEKKT. - Office of The Observer, ) Charlotte, March 25, 1882. l . The market yesterday closed auiet at the fol lowing quotations: Good Middling 1 Strictly middling, 1 1$ Middling. life) Strict low middling 1 1 1 low miaouing. . ... 1 07 Tinges. 95k 10 Storm cotton 6a8 RECEIPTS FOB THE WEEK ENDED FRIDAY, 24th. bales Saturday Monday...,. Tuesday Wednesday . Thursday ... Friday 121 90 40 187 94 100 Total bales 632 Charlotte Produce Market. MARCH 24, 18? 2. BUYING PRICES. 8.-0)00 0aB5 Cork, p.rbush'l t Meal. " Wheat, " Bean, white, per bushel Pa.s. Clay, per bnsh. Lady, " - White. " Ploub Family Kxtra. Super Oats, shelled, Dried Fkutt Apples, per lb Peaches, peeled " Unpeeled Blackberries Potatoes Sweet 65a70 Irish 125al.50 B OTTER North Carolina Eggs, per dozen Poultry Chickens Spring Ducks Turkeys, per lb Geese Beef, per lb., net Mutton, per lb., net Pork, " " Death of the Poet Longfellow. Boston, March 24. Henry W. Long fellow died at Cam bridge at 3:15 this afternoon. jOrity Of tbd ueODle Of New Vnrlr Tnomas, I Kentucky, from the com mittee on the Mississippi levees, report ed a bill appropriating $6,863,000 to be expended according to the plans of the Mississippi ri?er commission for the The Publishers of the Hlch ohd, Va., Enquirer neartiiy recommend vr. huh s r Jgn syrup ana say: "It has been well tried la orr office and com posing room, and has cured our city editor of a vary bad case of bronchlt s. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH MABCH 24, 1882 PRODUCE. WnjfiNGTON. N. C Spirits turpentine firm, at 55c. Rosin firm; strained $1.90; good strained 81.95. Tar steady, at 81.60. Crude Turpentine steady, at 82.25 for hard: $360 for yellow dip; $2.80 for virgin (Inferior). Corn unchanged; prime white 87; mixed 80. B altimorx Noon Flonr ulet; Howard street and Western super 83 50S4.75; extra 5.06e- 86.00: family 862587.25; City Mills, super S4.50ftS4.75: extra 84 75255.75: Bio brands S7.iOffiS7 25: Patapsco lamiiy 88.00. Wheat- Southern steady; Western higher and firm, and eloping a shade off; Southern rd $1.351.40; amber Sl.45iZiSl.48: No. 1 Maryland ; no. 2 Western wWuer red, March SlSlVi asked, com Southern easier. Western strong and more active: Southern white 85386; Southern yellow 7ott70. Southern 61 55; Western white 58355; mixed &1&K2: Pennsylvania 52355. Provisions firm. mess pork $17.753818.50. ttulk meats -should ers and dear rib sides, packed 7w3 1 OVt- Bacon - shoulders km: clear nD sides liva; nams ihm. Lard refined 11VV Coffee steady ; Bio cargoes ordinary to fair 9310. Sugar strong; A soft gi; coffee refined i8oi 19. wmskey nrm, at 91.1U. Freights quiet. Chicago. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat unsetifd.. but generally, higher: No. 2 Chicago' spring $1,851381 851 for cash; S1.35JLb381.86 for Anrll: 81.8u4h for May. Corn - moderately ac tive and higher, at 63306 for cash; 633631ft for March; 63 for April Oats fairly active and a shade higher, at 420HVa for cash; 42i42U for April. Barley steady and unchanged, at 81.02. Pork in fair 'demand, and higher, at SI 7.00 for cash; 817.00 for April. Lard-mod. erately active and higher, at 810.65 for cash. $10.653810.67 for ApriL Bulk meats fairly active and a snoue nigner; snouiaers $6.oo; snort rib 89 65; short clear $9.80. Whiskey steady and unchanged, at i.i. New York Southern flour, firm and quiet; common to f air extra S5.20386.65. good to choice extra $d.70HS8. OU. wneat -vbopi&c nigtier, un- settiad and fevensn, and closing nrm witn a por tion of the advance lost; ungraded red 8 1.093- 81.43; No 2 red, March 81.415n3Sl.42sW; April 8l.41tfe38l743Vfc. orn-3nyi higher; ungrad ed 7Hft377; No. 2. March 741A3 75. Oats higher and fairly active; No. 8. 5213525. Bops dull and prices somewhat nominal; Yearlings 12(220. uonee unenangea m prices ana quiet; Rio la cargoes 93 1 1 ; In lob lots 93 1 2 Sugar 'firm and rather quiet; fair to good refining quoted at likCDTig; rennea aoout steaoy; standard A RThfrU. Molasses firm and fair lnaulrr . Rice- steady and fairly active: sales 500 " biks Rangoon at 2Va bond. Bosln-nrm, at 82 35382 40. Tur pentine aulet and firm, at 57. Wool quiet and steadily held; Domestic fleece 84347; Texas 14380. Pork held somewhat higher and closing strong, at 816 503816 62& Middles-quiet and very strong and prices unaltered; long clear W: short clear . Lard opened higher and fairly active, bu closing strong, at $10.95. Freights to Liverpool market dull and weak. Cotton, per sail ippTTOU. Qxltebwb Dull: middling 12c: low mid dling 11 Jo; good ordinary He; net receipts 1.162; gross ; sales 50: stock 50,589; ex ports eoastwlM t to Great Britain : to continent ; to France ; to channel Wmklt net lenatnfai R RAO ormaa K Oft! anUi 2,288; exports coastwise 2,202; to Great Britain 1.715: to continent ranee i to chan nel . ... . . . - - NORioiik -Steady; middling llfec: net Keeinrs ! 2.2B6; gross ; stock 47.808; experts oomN wl ; sales ; exports to Great Britain : tojeoatlnent . Weekly net receipts 11.971: gross : sales 8,591; coastwise 4,284; Great Britain 7,234; channel -1 continent ; France . BlLTHfORl Quiet: middling 12ta: low mid dling 1 1 She ; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 1 9; gross 392. sales 25; stock 87,718: export FINANCIAL Nsw Toss. Kxchn Governments strong and higher. New 5's,". Fur and a half per cents , Four cents, Money........ State .bonds Inactive Sub-treasury balances Gold. " " currency.. 4.86 l.ORlfe 1.14 mi 81 84 95 . 84 m 86( . ni 1.65 1.36 1.18 71 63 1 88 t 187 1.861 182 1.2582.50 90a i.OO 1.50 125 325h3.R0 2.75a3.00 2. 5--aH 00 65.V75 5a6 18a20 7a8 8a5 2P325 Hal2 20a25 15a20 20a25 8 2Ka35 8al0 8a9 SELLING I'hlCES - WHOLE -ALE 61.832 P-1,201 4.207.305 4.U6 4,tK: 7W.K72 iSHo 2.F95 8H4 8.296.MI6 8H8.7 -'K 836.017 125,565 157.597 776,'0 89.000 902.000 273,000 LmtKPuoLr Noon Fair demand freely met at Drevious I'rices: middling uplands 6 il-16d; miu dllng Orleans 6d; sales lO.OOOr speculation and exports 1.000. receipt 9,000; American 2. 1 50 Uplands low mlddllmi atause March de iivsry H41H4d; aiarcn ana Apru r4i-04a; Apm and M y 6 42 6436 43-64d; May ana June H47-64 :rx6 4K-H4d: June and July 6 52-4d Ji.ly and August 6 56-64d; August and September 6 HH)4d; tsepiemper ana vciooer o Me-o-iu. f mures in buyers' iavor. rviRPCOL -5 P. M Sales of A merlcan cotton 6 00 bales. Uplands low .nldol'g clause: March if lvery ; Marcaand April ; April and May 6 42-84d; May and June ; June and July ; July and August 6 57-64d. also 6 56-64d; August and September - ' ; Septem ber and October 6 47 64d. Futures closed duiL Sales for the week 72.000 American 47."no Speculation 2.700 Krnort 7.0110 Actual exports o.ouu fcYirwanrleri from shiDS' Sides Imports 102.000 American 48 000 Stock 770.000 American 537.000 Afloat....... : 411000 American 202,000 LIVERPOOL COTTON CIRCULAR. This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, says: "Cot on was In lair demand throughout the week, and closed steady and unchanged. In American there was a good business after an advance of ll-l6d, which has since been lost, quotations are unchanged. Sea Island was In a fair demand and prices are well maintained. Futures, were dull and Inactive and are generally 1 l-16d lower." London. The Manchester Guardian, in its commercial article, sayx: ' There Is little change la prices. Thera are considerable orders in tne bands of buyers, but Utcrtf egecatton is impractica ble, owing to the insufficiency pt ine prices of fered." , . FUTURE. Nkw York Net receipts "861: gross 963. Futures closed steady; sales 74 000 bales. Harsh 1-2.143.00 April 4 ..i. A !.,. .... .. 12.1F0.00 May: 12.323 33 June...-. .. ...k.-. -pi --.iO$ 1 .L:. 12 51 fli.t.O July. V. . ...... t. VI 683.00 August 12 833 00 September......... : . 12443 46 October 11 77 78 KOvember 11.56a 57 Dectmber 11.68359 January February...... .- The Post's Cotton Report says:- "Future deliver les met with little attention to-day. They were run up and down to make a few points. The de cline had brought prices 8 to 4 points below yes terday's closing quotations, but the loss was rtoov ed. At the third call April was sold at 12.18; May at 12 2; July at 12.65 and .66; August at 12.82 and .81; December 1158." Bulk Meats - Clear rib sld-is lOlAalOSi Coffee Prima Eio 14alfilA tiood 12Uial6 SUQ.R- Whlte.... lOalltfe Yellow 7a9 MOLASSES - Cuba 45 Sugar Syrup 8Sa5 Choice New Orleans 65h75 Common 40a45 Pait Liverpool fine l.r nal.2n pwafSB 85al 00 Whtskut Corn, per gallon $1.7Ra2.00 Bye, " S2 OOaS.OO Apple, per gallon $2. 00a3.no Peach. - S2.50 Wine, Scuppemong. per gallon S1.5Q RETAIL. Cheese 20 Lahd. perrb lcalfi Tallow, per Eb 7as Bacon N. C. hog round..:.- lOall Hams, N. C I4al5 Hams, canvassed 1 5a 1 6 Rick .. 8al0 Frutt Apples, Northern, per 1W 3.2568.50 Mountain. " 3.00 Fish Mackerel-No. 1 . 1.25 -No. 2 1.00 -No. 3 75 Codfish 15 Cabbage, per lb 5a6 IHisccllaucons. BURGESS NICHOLS, ILL IIRBI 61 FURNITURE. BEDDING, &C. A fULL Lm Cieap Bedsteads, Parlor & Chamber Suits. pomm or au. i M. s tot tun iALrr.n.a lotteries. Particular Notice. All the drawings win hewnrtpr hn cluslve empenision and control or GENKRAL3 G. T. BHAURKGAbD and Jlbal a. Karly. A SPLENDID OPPOS TO WTN A FORTUNE FOURTH GRAND D1STRI- WllUPi, ULAbo D, AT NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, 'APRIL 11, 1882. 143rd MONTHLY DRAWING. Louisiana Slate Lottery Company. Incorporated in 1868 for 25 vears bv the Toi lature lor Educational and Charitable Dumnnen wltn a capital of $l,000.00O-to which a reserve rund or f,5U,()()0 has since been added. . By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise W!is made a part of the present State Constitution adopted December 2d. A. D. 1879. Its GRAND SINGLE NUMBER Drawings will take place monthly. U never scales, or pottpone Look at th" 'ollow- lng distribution : CAPITAL PRIZE, $80,000 100,000 Tickets at Two Dollars Each. Half Tickets, One Dollar. LIST OF PRIZES: 1 Capital Prize 530,000 ivauiuij rrize lO.lkMl Hoitetter's Stomach Bitters is the great house hold nit-dlctne ot the American people, and is taken everywhere as a safeguard against epidemics and endemics, as a remedy for dyspepsia, bilious ness and irregularities of the bowels, hs a cure for chills and fever and rheumatic ailments as a seda tive in nervous cases, and as a general iavigorant and restorative. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS GENERALLY. mar J 985,71815 4,326,485 Stocks 11 A. M. The stock market opened irregular, but in the main U life per cent higher than yesterday's prices, 4be Lake Erie A West era, the Richmond A Danville and the New Jersey Central being most prominent in the advance. In early dealings a decline' of 141 per cent was recorded In which the Wabash preferred and com mon, the Union Pacific the Denver He Rio Grande, the Omaha common, and the Central Pacific were most prominent. This was followed by a recovery of ife per cent, the 'latter for the New Jersey Central, Stocks Irregular: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 AXal lama Class a small.... .. Alal iama CT&s B, Alabama-rClass C. 4?s.'...'.. Chicago and Northwestern Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie ... Cast Tennessee......... Georgia..... lumols oenmu. LabaBhore-. - - Louisville and Nashville Memphis and Charleston nasQvuie ana un&aanoog. . . . - New York Central. : ... Pltwtwrg v.. Richmond and Allegheny, 1tr. Richmond and Danville.. KockAsUmd...i HOW TO T L,riR$ OK Sjr.DICliMj Lok for clean neat WHITfi WRAPPER with the red symbolic letter stamped upon it in the form ot a ribbon gracefully - curved ln'o the letter Z embracing the emblems of our tiade, Spatula Monar nd Hradua-e with the words A Q. SIM MONS' LIVER RKGUL ATOR or MEDICI NK there on, also observe the signature of J. H. ZEILIN & CO., in ltd ink on the hide. TAKE 0 TIIKK. Beware of those wb ki-ow notbit g of Medical Compounds who puf ou -xostrpms known to sour, and being analed prpvv.vcrih;es and rnly made to fleece the public, and pit ate on the well earn ed reputation ot JSellln & Co's. medicine these frauds have no lepuatlon to sustain ajjg will cheat you for a few permt js every way they can. See U bo Im.nlrfcai ilic Genuine. Hon. Alex H Stephens, x gt. Rev. Jno. W. Becawlth. Bishop of Go., en. Jno B. Gordon, y. S. t enator, RL Rev. Bishop fierce, Hon. Jno. Gill Shoiter, J. Edgar Thompson, Hon. B H. Hill. . Hon. J. C. Breckinridge, Prof. David Wilds, D. D. Chief Justice Hiram Warner, of Ga. Lewis W under, Assistant P. M. Pnila., Pa., and thousands of others from whom we have let ters of commendation and recommendation. IMs eminently a Family Medecine; and by be ing kept rtaar for immediate resort will save many an hour of suffering and many'a dollar in time and doctors' llls. Dr, Siffimons' Liver Replator; VANUrACTTBSI) ONLT BY J. 11. ZE1L.IN & CO., :' PHILADELPHIA. , Sold by all Respectable Druggists. feb24 . : 3 Cures SYPHILIS in any stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD SORES , PI PLES, BOILS ANY KIN a a CURES WHEN ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAIL?!! " If you oubt, come to see us. and we will CURB YUU. 1 Capital Prize.... 2 Prizes of $2,500 5 Prizes of 1.000 20 Prizes of 500 100 Prizes of 100. 200 Prizes of 50 500 Prizes of 20 1,000 Prizes of 10 5,000 5,000 5,000 10.000 10.000 10,000 1 0.000 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 8300 82,700 U Approximation Prizes of 200 1 800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 'poo 1857 Pr zee. rtjcnounuug 3 110,400 Responsible corresponding agents wanted at all points, to whom Lber .1 compensation will be paid. or further inf ruuttlop write clearly, giving full address. Senu "ofde'-j by express or Heglstered fetter, or Money uruer by u a)!, addreed only to il. A 1UUPH1N, Kew Orieaiia, La. or M A. DTipRiN. 127 La .,iie sheet, Chicago l is., or II. A. fUVPriN H07 s- vei'th street, Wi'hlDgton, D. C. The New Y u ff e is removed to Chicago. N B. Ordnr- do 'essed to New Orleans will re ceive prompt a!'-nt.-m. or charge nothing!!! Write for particulars, and a copy of the little book Message to the Unfortunate Suffering." Ask any prominent Druggist as to our Standing er-$1000 REWARD will be paid to any chemist who will fiud on analysis of loO bottles of 8. 8. s. one particle of Mercury, Ioalde of Potassium, or any Mineral substance. W1FT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta, Ga. (P B BOTTLE.) Price of Sma'.l Size 81 00 Large lze, 1.75 dec31 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Spring Sty Th particular attention -f tha Pub'lo Is called to the fact that the entire number of the Tickets for eh Mo; th Pr. wlnw Is soid, and conse quently all the prizes la ench drawljjg are sold and dr- wn imd paid. mari4 -POPULAR MONTHLY DRAWING OF THB- WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Styles OF In the City of Louisville, op FRIDAY, MARCH 31sti 1882. Jb,ese drawings occur monthly (Sundays except under provisions of aa Aet of tlie Ge,nanU As sembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court on March 81, rendered the following decisions: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Com- Itoqmwings are fair. The Company has now op ba;:d a large reserve fund. Road the list of prizes fur the MlfiOH DRAWINi. 1 Prize 580,000 1 Prise, 10,000 1 Prize, 5,000 10 Prizes, 31,000 each 10,000 20 Prizes, 500 each, 10,000 100 Prizes, 100 each 10,000 200 Prises, 50 each 10,000 800 Prizes, 20 each, 12,000 1000 Prizes. 10 each 10,000 9 Prizes, S00 each, Approximation Prizes 82,700 9 Prizes, 200 " " " " 1,800 9 Prizes. 100 " " " " 900 I ,mo Prize. r. , $1 12,400 Whole flchtts. $3; Half Tickets. $1 ; 37 m SoTlckets, $lp Remit Money or Bank Draft in ' Letter", or seuu by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGISTERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our ex panse. Address all orders to B. M. BOARD MAN, Courier-Journal Build Louisville, Ky., or 809 Broadway New York. marl Native Mineral Water!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ' ALUM W A 33 H -cuaEs- Dyspepsh, Indigestion, Torpid liver, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Ekln Diseases, ocroium, i.n:onic loieumonia, etc It is a powerful Alterative Tonic and is ANTI MALARIAL in Its eflects. Bead certificates from eminent physicians In our pamphlets. NO ARTin CIA I. OASES OR 8A1.XS. Bettled in He natural state, direct from tha 8prlrE8. which are beautlfuily located In Rock bridge county, Vk. and are cpen for the reception vi Tisiiura irum iiunc ii iu uewjuer it l, ViiCU year; caracitr, I.OoO guest". For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Mo ADEN end Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. O. marl 2 ly SWEET POTATOES ! Op hand Floe J,o of EASTERN YAMS, BUCHWHEAT FLOUR AND OAT MEAL, AT ma 22 a M. HOWELL'S. Cotton See Mea 1. I HA YE Just Received a shipment of Cotton Seed Meal from the Charleston oil Mills. A Valua ble food for stock as well as a fine Fertilizer. An alysis shows 41 against 23 for Peas in flesh pro duclng, and 77 against 80 for fat properties. Will sell the Meal at a very low prices, considering its value. J, G. SHANNON HOUSE, AgenL mar4tf : MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties In the MILLINXRY UNB. HATS, BO'ETR, SILK. MCE'. &c In alj &e new titylei, colors and guanoes. 1 Also, all the new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck W'-ar, HoMery. Gloves'; Parasols. &c. the LARGEST and UOdr CQMPLKT STOCK rN THB CTy. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats and On Monday, March 27th, When we will be pleased to show the Ladles th GBANDtST DISPLAY OF FINE MILLlNfhY they have ever seen in this city. Beapectlully, maig2 . P. Query. Royal Baking Powder A ND Price's Yeast Gems and Cream Bak'i.g XX Powdt-r. A fresn supply to De fouml at WILSON 4 BUaWLI.'3 Drug btore, Trade street FRENCH BRANDY, SHERRT WINE, Port Wine, Malaga WJce. Pui Rje Whlskev, for medicinal use" WILSON BUBWELL. Drugglsta. COOK'S EMULSION OF Pure Ncrelgen Cod Liver Oil. with Phos phates of Lime aad Soda. We offer this pre paranon as the best ot the kind now Bold, in aoy quantity both to the wholesale and retail trade. WILSON 4 BUBWELL. VALENTINE MEAT JUICE. Lleblg's Extract Beef, Rpbeis' Mt and Meal, Meier's Julautsr food, iluf dock's Liquid Food, Imperial Hranum. at Drug SU r JLST RECEIVED. FIVE Car Loads ot Corn, two car loads of Kluur two car loads ot Syrups, one car load i f dalt. Sugar, Coffee and Bacon, and Tobacco, now Ur sale at CUTHBERTSON 4 BAKEK'S, North college fciw et, fep)9 Next door to L W. $tivti?.$ FOR SALE. Residence on B Street, be and 6th streets. Is offered for sale, it contains seven rooms and has six fixe places. Mouse and premises in good re pair. Possession given early In ApriL Terms fa voraole. Apply ty W. B. GRIFFITH, marll Imeod At Brown 4 WeddlntjnV. , A Desirable il tween 6th and FOR SALE. I OFFER for sale to a bona fide! purchaser, toJ stock of GROCERIES, In tne store nearly op posite Tax Obsjsvxb building, on Trade street. Charlotte, N. C, to close out business. The bust ness Is well established and will be sold on coed terms. J. W. WIGGINS, JB. marl 8 lw 1

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