i lIlslsslllllsllSsS 1H. W: O if Stye l)arl0ttt ,)b0tn)tr, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j)at,m$vw-,potvM,inada $8 00 Umontiki ,,. 400 rftrw motdM. -N2.00 OmwmM 7 W ft BELT EDITION: WHV ( MMty), fMM( 82.00 Outtfitl, rattr&Md 2.10 tmotUTa 1.05 IJberal BschtMjbr Wtutx. MARCH 20TH, We will dlspl iy one ol the handsomest Spring Stocks Ever offered In this market are specially re quested to look at ur stock ol Bleached Sheetings and Shirtiogs, -ALSO OUB White Goods, Of which we hare endl& s variety. our toc'c or LA S and ROIDERY will be found superior to any in Charlotte, both In price and beauty. Everybody in Charlotte Is Invited to call and look. Everybody In the County Is Invited to call ana look. Everybody in the frtate Is Invited to call and look. Alexander & Harris. marl 9 Boots ana tiroes 1882, 1882, :o: :o:- :o : : o : Pegraiu & Co., Hkvo teeetved and art d dy receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF eoo keb if 5 snTrfiss,""" 8 K N W T 2 B" " KB N N B T SSS GOB NNNTgS GO CSX N NN T 88 Silk, Stiff and h -H ATS.- Don't Fail to Call and See Them. PEGRAM'& CO. febtt ---BOSTON--- METALLDRGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. MetaUurg'sts. Assayew and Asalytlcal Chemists 0hl.lMidMLVen HEFINERS. PrMtlcal XiB-Rims ft Ores 160 lbs. and upwards. HtFH BY OKE TREATED. purvf , Mine ityaanattons. .Beports, Sketches and Maps made. Constructions of works and Supplies Furnished. MAvaGEBS of Tie Saw England Smelting Works. GOLD, LVEK cofpeif a? LEAD )U SpEL,TED OH BETURWI or PURCHASED COPPER MATTE AND BASE BULLION 't - Treated on Reasonable Terms. ' T fl mas BINN3 . ..MxTAXuraoisr. x n. KIDNEY,....- Mining Inginkbb. J Hil HOLLIDAY.... PBOF. CHEMIST. mar8 tf REUS Sample box, different styles of Ferry's Peu wnt for trial by, mall, on receipt Of fi '8le Agents, f Ivison. BlakeftiaJlaylor & Ci friSW YOKE Spring Style VOL. XXVII. SB (goods, ffilortbttjfl, Ac; -WE- -WE- ARE RECEIVING --NEW-- --NEW-- GOODS EVERY DAY, AND WILL SOON HAVE BEADY for Inspection the most varied and best selectef Stock we have ever offered the public. All lines o goods have been bought with care and dlfcrlmlna Uon; but especial care has been taken In tihe selec tlon of our WHITE GOODS AND BLACK GOODS, Both of which surpass la variety and excellence anything of the kind ever shown the trade ol Char lotte. We ask a thorough inspection of our stock and comparison of our prices. T. L. SEIGLE & CO. mar8 Diphtheria. A cold or more throat may not seem to unount to much, and if promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect is often followed by consumption or diphtheria.. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts so quickly and sorely in such cases as PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. The prompt use of thi3 invaluabU remedy has saved thousands of lives. PERRY DAVIS' PAIN KILLER Is not an experiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued where It Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read as follows: Pain Kim-kr has been my household remedy for oolds lor the past twenty -seven years, and have Eever known it to fail in effecting a cure. u 8. Cbockeb, Willi amsville, N. Y. For tolrty yer I have used Pxrw Killer, and round it a never-failing- remedy for colds and sore throat Barton Seaman. Have received Immediate relief from colds and ore throat, and consider your Pain Killer an tn valuable remedy. bo. B. Evzrstt, Dickinson, K. Y. I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pain Killer, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it C. O. Force, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty rears, and have never known it to XaiL Bansoic Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using Pain Killer In my family twenty, five years ago and have used It ever since, and have found no medicine to take its place. B. W. Dyer, Druggist Oneida, N. Y. For whooping-cough and cronp it la the best Preparation made. We would not be without it 1. P. Routs, Liberty Mills, Va. For twenty-five years I have used Pain Killer for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. GecHoopkr, Wilmington, N.O. I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat waa so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Killer, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton: Your Pain Killer cures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fall in a single instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mason writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to call a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He waa taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday -his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else fails. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer 4n the house is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell It at 25c, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. TUTT'S POLLS INDORSED 2Y PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TBlUfJIPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. IiOBg of appetitg.U atfea,bowel8 costive, Pain in theHead.with a dun sensation In the back part. Fain under the Bjwnlftgr blae,fttlWs after eatiofctBdMcA- Flattering of the Heart. Dots befor the eyes. Yallow Skin, Headaohe, Heitleasr new at night, highly colored Urine. XT THESE WAEirrwc; Ajug UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTTS FTXLS are especially ad,apt?g to such cases.one dose effects suffcactiango of feeling as to astonish the snflrerer. They fnra the Appetite, and causethe bridV trf aike on Flea, thus the system is nourished. and by theirTonleAetlonon the IleatiTe Organs. 'Vv duced. Price 25 cents. 45 Hurray St W.Y. TQTT'S HAIR DYE. iSAT HAIR 0 WHISKERS cnaji iy lack oy a single appncuuu" It vrn u nQtnrsLi mior. acta IiistantaneQufliy. exDreis on receipt of II. Office, 33 Murray St:, New York. CD-. TrTTB HAKCAL of VlHbl Inforaiatloa ft tletul Receipt, will k-aulled rREK m apjllaUD. Feby. 23deodwl , (Wnwr Riir.hu. Man drake, StiHingia, and many of the best medi cines known are com bined in Parker's Ginger Tonic, into a medicine of such varied powco, a to make it th Breatest DcstHoalth Strength XiOSlort r xver ti- T. .1UVM TJ kifnarisnL Parker's Sleeplessness, & diseaess cltne Momacn, oottos, T T tvr-r Sr KidnevS. Hal air Ba! sam. J I V -1 J, ' - ' . F' ; -. entire! v different from Bwt, Cl-v 1 :-.er-. ' Tonics a U M?ii JE?wsm!c"' ' yKfiU color 1 3 He. and f' liemtstt, XH, x. f PollwBhs. st charles'botbl. HEAD0UAETEES FOI DEUJJ1IEES. . . . t tx ta n . . STAT AO IUUH LI . :L...-j kL.t..uut for a term of yean nepfl Of tnsWi0 li ted, July Mtf. OUR WASHINGTON LETTER. GOLD AND SILVER PRODUCT OF '80TO 'SI. Huge Figures to Grasp North Carolina Takes the Lead in the Southern Divis ion, --The Colored Question Coming to the Front ALeadingQuestion by a Leading Colored Organ Personal . Notes, Patent Dots and Postal Items. Washington, D. C March 24. 1882. There has just been issued by the census office a supplemental report of the census by Clarence King, contain ing statistics relative to the production of the precious metals of the United States. Under the head of precious metals are included only gold and silver. The total production for the census year 1880-81 is stated to be $74,490,620. Of this no less than 55 tons 724 pounds (1,614,741 and 3-10 ounces troy) was gold and 1,090 tons 398 pounds (31,797,474 and 3-10 ounces troy) was silver. These huge figures may be better grasped when it is stated that the gold would fill five ordinary cars, and that it would take 149 freight cars of the usual capacity to transport the silver. The production is shown in geo graphical sections and by this it is seen that the Pacific division yields $46,405, 719 of precious metals, the Rocky Mountain division $27,794,675, and the Eastern and Southern divisions only $289,226. In this latter division North Caroli na outstrips all her neighbors, yielding $119,093, or within a fraction of one half of the entire amount. Of her total of $119,093 $118,953 is gold and but $140 Silver South Carolin yields but $13,040 gold and $56 silver. Colorado leads the list of States in precious metals, producing $19,249,172 while California which has long held first place, drops to second with a total production of $18,301,828. Tennessee occupies the lust place among the precious metal producing States, yielding a total of but $1,998, being thus over $4,000 in yield behind the Territory or Alaska. To carry tbe matter further by a ta ble it is shown that the average pro duct of gold and silver per square rnile for the whole United States is- S9 31 gold, 11.44 silver; per capita for same $0.66 gold, 0.82 si ver: for the United States including only States and Terri tories producing gold and silver per square mile $14.63 gold, $18.02 silver; per capita for same $2 60 gold, $3 20 sil ver. Of States and Territories Colorado produces the highest average to the square mile, her yield being $18522; Alaska the least with $0.01. Nevada produces $278.14 per capita which is head and shoulders over all the States and Territories, while Vir ginia averages but $0,006 for every man, woman and child in her domain. In this table it is seen that North Carolina averages $2.28 to every square mile of her territory, and South Caroli na averages $0.43; North Carolina pro duces $0.0S for each of her inhabitants, while South Carolina's soil turns out but $0.01 for each of her children. In rank of production of both gold and silver per square mile Colorndo takes first place and Alaska last. North Carolina secures the ninth place and the Palmetto State has to be content with the sixteenth position. North Carolina ranks No. 14 and South Carolina 19 in the per capita table. The Sunday Item is the colored organ of this city, and is edited with more ability than organs of the colored race usually command. Among its contrib utors and supporters are such well known colored men as Frederick Dou glass, ec-marshal of this district; Prof. Greener, of Howard University ; John F. Cook, collector of taxes of this dis trict; Dr. Purvis, in charge of the Freedman's Hospital, one of the largest institutions of the city; William H. Smith, librarian of the House of Repre sentatives, and scores of colored, men, equally well-known. The utterances of such a journal must be taken there fore aa an index of the sentiment of the people among whom it circulates. In view of the remarkable speeches of Senators Teller and Jones, the follow ing article from the Item is significant: WHY SHOULD WE ADHERE TO THE RE PUBLICAN PARTY ? The fact that the mass of the colored people are dissatisfied will not be hid mnrh isnger ; if a break is made, it will create a sensation ; the colored element, like other elements, must have reasons fr remaining attch.ed to. any party. What reasons? are given by the party to which they are allied why they should remain attached V Is it not snubbing us on all sides V Listen to Senator Jones' speech in the Senate to his unjust and unfeeling speech. Is not the party pro posing to proscribe us in the manage ment of public instruction in the dis trict V In fact, i3 it no$ re sponsible for the proscription, we are now suffering UI1UCI P AO 1 v UUb nvyvain n , i, v anew, by legislation, this proscription ? Did not a prominent member of the party tell us, when we waited upon him in a respectful manner to beseech him not to favor the ingrafting into legisla tion in 1882, any recognition of a differ-. ence among citizens because ol race, that "it was onlj a. sew years ago wueii it waa affirmed in Supreme Court that black men had no rights that white men were bound to respect, and that we were asking too much? An action has been had which we do not at pres ent intend to fully ventilate ; it ia of such a character thftt we deem it pru dent to wait for a step f urther of devel opment. . In the distribution of patronage we are treated as though we were aliens to our party. What has been doled out to tbe colored people in Louisiana is tbiough the exertions of one Senator and because its colored people have had aggressive leaders, and only exhibits what may be done ; it shows that where there is a will there is a way. Are there no intelligent colored men in other States ? How is it that all colored men are passed by in the North V Is this not drawing the color-line by the party in that section ? This matter is being re garded with some considerable concern. Fortunately, the day is near at hand when the colored man can feel that he is free to form new political alliances if old ones shall not merit his support. Ik may as well be known that we are being approached, and that it is not demand ed of us to abate in the least our Re nnhiiiin demand for eauality before the law. for protection in our civil rights. Is it just and politic for the TJiTMihHrym nartv to treat the colored mn t.h the indifference it is mani Aatn9 Tt. the tocsin be rung gene rally that we are not cared for, and Kaf- ni hft finch a consternation in the camp as will paralyize the efforts of any few who might toe induced to quiet the same. PERSONAL NOTES. Gen. Grant and wife are here, the guests of President Arthut at the White House. They are both meeting with CHARLOTTE, N. C, BPNTJAY MARCH 26, 1882. much attention and no t a night goes Dy dui a dinner pany is i yen in their honor. Gen. Grant is as plebian as ever and a few days ago emr jrged from the White House, took a 3 f jent car and rode to the capitol. It is thought that at least 8500 has been subscribed in tb is city for the re lief of Sergeant Mason. About $10 000 is the total amount raised throughout the country. It is a miataketoBuppose that Senator itansom nas remained inactive in the fight against Cooper's confirmation. He He has been doing some very effective but very quiet work. It is reported that as Cooper satin the Ebbit House last night after the fight in the Senate for his confirma tion, that he looked so blue that he was taken by a peripatetic vender as a genu ine sample of that article. A closer in spection, however, showed signs of red ness, and the vender, seeing his mis take, departed. This story is most probably a canard. Patents nave been granted as fol lows; Chas. P. Dickert and E. M. Hel ler. Walton. S. C. for sidine and thin ning Cotton ; Rose H. Goldsmith, Charleston, S. C, for cotton whipper; Wren C. Penland, Ashville, assignor of one naii io j. m. urooKsmer, .buncombe co., JS.C, for prumng-kmfe; Lewis S, Hefner, assignor to himself and E. O. Elliot Spankhn, Catawba Springs, N. C, seea-pianter, coverer, tina fertilizer distributor; D.L. Shoemaker, Washing ton, D. C-. assienor one of third to J. Hughes, New Berne, N. C, machine for cleaning and scouring rice, etc. POSTAL NOTES. Star service has been ordered increas ed from April 1st, between Burnville and Ashville, N. C, to six limes a week. Postmasters' commissions sent : John G. Clifton, Fort Lawn, S. C; Henry L. Shore, Salem, N. C. ; Geo. N. Swindell, Swan Quarter, N. C. A new office has been established at Ingram, Northampton, N. C, and John R. Valentine appointed postmaster. Mail messenger service has been or dered discontinued at Wildwood, Carle ville co. N. C. Pickup; The Shipherd Investigation Letter to President Garfield What Collector Robertson Says. Washington, March 23. Mr. Jacob R. fchipheid began his testimony before the House committee on foreign affairs to-day oy volunteering the statement that the Senator to whom he alluded on the preceding day as his counsel was Senator Henry W. Blair.of New Hamp shire, but when asked whether Mr. Blair was employed simply because he was a lawyer or on account of his relations with Secretary Blaine, Mr. Shipherd re served his answer. He also declined to give the name of the member of the House who had been approached on the subject, but had declined to accept a retainer as counsel. After examina tion had gone on for some time Mr. Shipherd said he had been "engaged in a lively flirtation with the neuralgia, which had deprived him of rest and un fitted him for the fatigue of further ex amination, and he Avould therefore crave the indulgence of the committee, and ask to be excused for to day." The committee excused him till 2 p. m. to morrow. A copy of the letter addressed to Pres ident Garfield by Mr. Shipherd May 20, 1881, was received by mail "from Mr. Shipherd's son and turned over to the committee. In it he gives an outline of his project. -He estimates the value of the guano on the island claimed by his company at a billion of dollars. The presidency of the company had been offered to Gen. Grant. In telling the President who he is he says: "During Gen. Garfield's first term in Congress I resided at the capital as the chief exec utive of the American freedmen's aid commission, sustaining intimate official and personal relations to Gen. Howard, then at the head of the freedman's bu reau, and to leading members of both houses of Congress, and having a pleas ant personal acquaintance with General Qarfield himself, Gen. Howard, Presi dent Patton, of Howard Uuiversity; President irohild, of Oberlin; Hon. James Monroe, Mr. Whitelaw Reid.Mr. Albon P. Man. of this city, (brother-in-law of Hon, Hugh MoCnlloch,) one of the most eminent members of our bar, and scores of equally eminent gentle men known to me." Collector Robertson, of New York, said to a reporter to-day : "I have read the testimony given by Jacob R. Ship herd yesterday before the House com mittee, and so far as that testimony re lates to me Mr. Shipherd has stated facta, tersejy and fairly. I was employ ed by the Peruvian company to exam ine a question affecting the company,, and to give a legal opinion. This I did, and was paid for it, and that comprises my entire connection with the com pany. The question that 1 was asked to examine was concernipg the title of the company to the claim made against the Peruvian government. Further th,a.n this t have nothing to say .M He Thought Morning was Night. Americas (Georgia) Recorder. Americas has a blind neero wood saw-. er that has been a walking wonder to us since we came here. He can walk the J -1 Jl I. - 1 .3 J aiuewaiKS as Kiraignii as auyuuuy, aim eyen follow the slighest deviation of the walk; can tell you at any time what'street nelson, and whose residence he is passing, and what time of the day it is. But on Friday night the old man got sold out badly, as at two o'clock in me morning lie va iounu sawing wuou for Mr. J. L. Price. When asked what he was doing there at that hour he an swered that he thought it was about supper time, Mr. Price;heard him saw ing, but supposed it was some cats in the yard. Dropped Dead. Coltjmaus, Ga., March 25.Mr Downing, a prominent lawyer and United States .commissioner, dropped dead about 9 o'clock last night. Women that have been bedridden forjears have been entirely cured of female weakness by tbe use ot Lydla K. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs. Lydla X. Plnkbam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pampnlets. . A CABD. wn -11 .m anffAtinir fmm tVi ovwum mnA In. A. V Oil W. V " vau Mv www " " discretion of youth, nervous weakc ess. early decay oss of manhood, kc. , I will send a recipe that will cure you. f BSB of C&AB6B. Thl i great remedy was discovered by a missionary lr jouth America, Sena a 8en-uurcou euvtuupa - u? me iucv. JOSEPH T. IN MAN, Station D, New York City. "BOUGH OR RATS." The thing desired found at last. Ask druggist for Bough on Rats. It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bed-bogs, 15c boxes. ITIotber has Recovered wrote'an Illinois etri to her Eastern relatives. ' She took bitters for s long time bat without any good, so wben sbe heard fr the virtues of Kid ney Wort sbe got a box and it has completely eared hoi- mn that h can do as much work now as she could before we mowd West. Since she has got well everyone about here is taking it." Bee aav. - ii Sablimelr Superb . A pair of beautiful Son-flowers on Easels win be mailed free, to any lady who win send ten. cents In postage stamps or money to ur.u. w.nensou, nv 106 North Sataw street, Baltimore, Md. Br. 3. W. BETVSOKT, of Baltimore, RM. woirj aoove a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases na me diseases of the Skin, and he now stands inthehUthestrank, as authority on those special uu stressing diseases. In (he course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned in meaicai practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. They are used by the profession at large and constantly recom- menaea Dy mem. T t . . ... u ib uui a paieni medicine. It is the result of civeneucw in practice. They are a sure 2JSi!2r,tne0,11?wln,g 8peclal diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all intelligent sufferers. They . u j c-t,coD' wj cure sick iteadacae. nervous headache, djspeptic headache, ueurakia ptt?i?.8, 8leePle8s, dyspepsia and ne vousness. and will cure any case. 1 . ina'iT' J"181- race 50 cents a box. De "'VPJ 1jrUl ?u4.w stret- Baltimore, Md. By DR. C. W. BENSON'S S3 4 SKIN CURE E4 P. s 14 Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DI8EASE8 OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaJlpartaortha body. It mokes the skin white, soft and smooth; removes tan and freokies, and Is the BEST toilet dressing ia TEE WOHLD. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting ot both internal and external treatment. All first class d--aggistB have it. Price SI. per package. CHAS. N CBI TTRNTON. 11K Wnltwi cHnot New York City, sole agent for Dr. c. w Ttmann'a remedlts, to whom all orr.ers should be ad dressed. marl MRS. LYDIi E. PINKHaM, OF LYNN, MASS., LYDIA 5, PINKHAM'S VECrETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cs,re. fer.aU Ikose Painful Complaint and Weaknesses so common, tqou best ffeaaale population. It Till cure entirely the worst form ot Female Com. plaints, all ovarian troubles, Inflammation and TUcera tioa. Faffing and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the Change ot life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its use. It remoTes faJntness, flatulency, destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression, and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing dowm, eansmg pam, weight and backache, is always permanently cured by Its use. It will at U times and under all circumstances act in harmony with the laws tbat govern the female system. Tor the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA E. PIXKIIAH'S VEGETABLE COM POUND Is prepared at 233 and tSS Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Price $1. Six bottles for $5. Sent bj mail In the form of pills, also in the form of loscnges, on receipt of price, (1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry. Send for. pamph let. Address as above, Afmrion thit Paper. Vo family, sfceald be without LYDIA E. PINK HAM'S I.TYXB PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness and torpidity of the liver. 25 cents per box. tg- Sold by all Praggists. SM Native Mineral Water ! ! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ALUM W A T 15 XI -CUHKS- Dyspepsia, Indigestita, Torpid Liver, Chronic Diarrhea and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, A Seroiula, Chionlc Pneumonia, etc. It is a Dowerfol Alterative Tonic and Is ANTI MALARIAL in Its effects. Read certificates from eminent physicians In our pamph ets. NO ARTIFICIAL. GASES OR SALTS. Bottled In its natural state, direct from tee 8prlogs, which are beautifully located in Rock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each rear: eanaeltv. 1 .Oftft attests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Mo ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, jn. u maria ly FOR SALE. A Desirable Residence t B street, be tween 5th and 6th streets. Is offered for sala. It contains seven rooms and has six flte places. House and premlst-s In good re Dalr. Possession Riven early in April. Terms fa vorable. Apply ty W. B. GRIFFITH, marll lm eod At Brown a weaoingion'a. SWEET POTATOES ! On hand Fine Lot of EASTERN YAMS, BUCHWHEAT FLOUR AND OAT MEAL, AT mai22 & M. HOWELL'S. LILIE I LILIE ! LILIE ! . -:o-M-- ' ;; -' HAVING now two more Kline In addition to our PERPETUAL KILN we are now prepared t . FILL. ORDERS PROMPTLY, on short notice, and at prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee quality, and make no charge nnlnaa T.lnui nrovmt aaflsfaxtorv. We have an agency tn Charlotte of A. C. Sum merville; wbo will receive orders for small lots at reduced prices.- . Reference as to quality of Lime given on appli cation. Bijnuri nnurnnna, , Box No. 88. Gaffney City B. C. f mar7 8m NO. 4,058. I -:H: & Wye SPRING GOODS are now coming In, and in uie way. cneapest Stock of Goods that has ever been of Goods now In, viz: The handsomest line of BLACK DRESS GOODS.. Tobefouno.embracmgCASfflhTREginp, and American, Lace and Plain BUNTINGS. We have a BUNTINGS in delicate shades. We bare a handsome cad show yon the prettiest 4-4 BLEACHED DOMESTIC and ask to See our NIGHT-GOWN GOODS. Our stock of PARASOLS is large and handsome. Our stock will be complete in a few days, and If you want BARGAINS in handsome and stylish Goods come and see us; will take pleasure In showing you PROMPT ATTENTION TO ar graves & Willielm. mar23 OH! IE OF pr m h m MASON & . . -. rvit. r.'iai. n 9 WPSfRi ii I S55tesS. .IBM ' " lit I I i-FWlMi-A. t SHONINGER BELL CHIME, PELOCBEf &X0. OKGllSf. Eight of the Leading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Insfrnments in Stock. PLXKTY CF XOniEY ON OUB LEFT, PLttnTlf f t EAT ON OUR RIGHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Don't Pot Ten Dollar Gold Pieces on Every Stop OF OUR ORGANS, Neither do Wc Throw in a But H. McSIVTITH, Charlotte, N. C. BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Believe all diseases of women pecu Dr. Clarke's liar to the appearance a d cessation of the meDses, uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhoea, disjnenorrhaea, and hysteria, also in melancholia and other men tal derangemeats. Aff rd prompt relief to those distressing bearing down pilns so peculiar to women. Price S3 per box. Sent free by mail on receipt of price. Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York nty. Periodical Pills. OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Dr. Anti- In either stage, whether primary, 41-condarr or tertiary, are an Invalu able remedy. They never fail to cure when directions are ionowea. Price S2 Bfroer box. Flveb xesSlO Syphilitic Pilla. Sent by mall prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine company, Mew York City. A N INVALUABLE BEMEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine from what ever cause induced, whether of re cent or long standing, one to three boxes usually sufficient. Price 82 Dr. Clarice's) Gonnorrhea per box. Three boxes ior so. Mailed free on receipt of price. Ad Pills. dress nr. ciaiae Medicine company, New York City. rHEBE IS A BALOT IN G I LEAD. (For all eases of Spermatorrhoea' Mod impoteney, as me result or seii (abuse In youth, sexual excesses In bnaturer years, or other causes, and broduetng some of the following Effects: Nervousness, semrnal emls- riWk Mons (night emissions by dreams), Clarice's hDimness of Jlght, Defective Mem ory, .rniaicai occsy, nirptea on race. Aversion tosociety oliremaies. Confusion of Ideas. Loss ofSexail In vlgr rating Power, Ac, rendering marnsge im proper or unhappy. Are a positive cure in two to 8 weeks. One to six boxes usually sufficient- Price $L 50 per dox jrour ooxes en oy mafL nrenatd. on recelotof Drice. Pill. Address Dr. Clarke Medkine Com pany, New York City. fcfebl9dwl8w TBM OBSXBVXB JOB DIPABTHXRT Hu been thoroughly roppiiea with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job. Printing oad now -be done with neatness, dispatch and cheapness . We can far nlsb at short notice, BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, LET TXB-BXADS, CARDS, TAOS, RECEIPTS, FOSTERS, PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, & stock: i :W: a few days we will show the Handsomest and, by seen In this market. We make special mention -S3 watered effects, nuns veiling, w mJ beautiful line ot NUNa veil .n, line of MOIRE SATINS in Mlu at 10c per yard, that you ever saw. w. . everything we have. ORDERS FOR SlMPLEA T) n 1 un mini. Front Fox ward to the L.r, DOUBLE-QUICK! Mmhii Music House, TKK- I i irlb ng l epot for the Carolluas -Fi B- CHIC KERlN(i. MATH USEE K -AND HiliierD Gem Piaaos. HAMLIN Honse Lot or a Railroad, We Boat That all to Pieces, TTTF 1ST CALL AND SEE ME. -gc Will Guarantee 10 p8r cent on all Moneys In ved. W For Parslculars call on or write to ftisccXlan eons. Telephones ! Telephones TELEPHONES. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPBOKE Aim ' Telegraph Company, -Is the- -SOLE LICENSEE- -of the- American Bell Telephone Company For supplying Telephones In tbe States of Virginia, vinrfnl. osiiitli nt tha n A (1 P T North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PEIYATE LINES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented ty For particulars address SOUTHERN BELL TELFPHONB and TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Liblleo4Sm IQ5 Broadway, Mew York. Having removed to tbe shop, on Tryon street, over tbe Independent Hook ft Ladder Truck House, Is now ready to receive orders for HOUSE, SIGN and OBNAMKNTAL PAINTING, such as jGuildiDg, Kaboniining; Frescoing, k Ti;. fsf t ?l I i i !!'::: ,1. ' if " - s a i I V? 11 v V 4-: W v; f I 1 1 ' . f I . t "it It i r fi i 1 t 't I.';' 1 I -0 in 1i tl' t ! f !I S l i f t' d I hit r' - i if 4 ft - 1 1! ' t : r "r i ; Ii i ,,Ui i ''i , ii 4- J t M i 1 "f i ii i

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