"VJjaswQaJi . . iff n. 27StODS. 10 Sets Reeds, $90 Beattv BEETHOVEN Organ contains lOfnlleets oMen Tongue Reeds, 87 STOPS. Walnut or Ebonised -Cue, 6 Octaves, Metal Foot Flates,UnriKht Belkmg, Steel Springs, Lamp Stands, Pocket for Music, Handles and Boilers for moving, Beatty's Patent Stop Action, a MEW AND NOVEL R ED BOARD (patented,) ENORMOUS SUCCESS. Safes over 1000 a month, demand increasing, ty Factory working DAY and by S EdiaonElectriotighta at NIGHT to fill orders frlee. Boxed. DcUvered on board O Car here, Stool, Book, Ac, gnlrVH9U If after om year'turn vou an not atUfad rvn Orpam mi in mmfhf rtfuud tt montf with tnkrtd, nothing can be fairer Cone mad examine the Instrument. Leave N. Y. City, Barclay or CunstophcrSt. Ferries, 8.30 a. m. or 1 p. m. , excursion only $2.85). K Ltiave vvasaxngxon as i or at 3.30 or 9p. m. same day(f or .p. m. arriving in W. V. at S.30 or vp. routes from Chicago. Richmond. Phfla. Jcturo. RictunODd.iuIa.. Boston. &c.aee "Boatty's Excursion Route Circular,") taallo wed to pay expenses If you buy; come anyway, you are welcome. FreeCoael Otherftrara: en with pome oxtenganu meet Ail trains. I 30, 10, S0up. Hanoi ortes $185 tolHM. BcsatinU UlutnUd Catalogue few. Address or coll upon DANIEL F. BEATTY, WaaUngton, Ncjw Jersey ForBraftVWalL an Ceinzceof lasterTS DteB and catalogue mailed free, w. H. FAT.CtmdsnJU r-nTinPC IMPROVED BOOT BEER. 25c. f M I n CO package makes 5 gallons of a de-. n i.t oDs. wholesome, s Darkling temperance X JL beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mail for 25c. C s. HIKKa, 48 N. Dela. Ave., Philadelphia. SI 000 RBWAPD! for any case of Blind BleedlD?. itching! Ulcerated, or protruding nuts that JDeBiiNua PILE REMEDY falls to cure. PreD88d by J. P. M(LLKR.M. D .915 Aich street fanadelDhla, Pa. None genuine without hU 'signature. Send for circular Sold by druggists and country stores. SI. 0 0 IB MEBAL AWARDED' theAQthor-Anowandereat fcled Ical Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every man.entitled "the Scienoeof Life oreU-Preserratkm ; bound in finest French muslin, embossed, full pHOO ppxnitaina beautiful steel angrkTinn, I2S prescrip. tionftv Price only f L25 sent by ouu v uiuatrasea mpia.ecents s THYPT V Si Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR. llll Qbhl KER, Na 4 Bolfinahct.oaton L AND PATENT PENSION ATTORNEYS Laud Patents obtained, and special attention giren to contested Pre-emption, Homestead, Mineral and Timber Culture Entries. Highest price paid for Land Warrants and Scrip of all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCURED for soldiers and sailors dis abled in line of duty. Pensions increased if rated too low. Bounty, back pay and new discharges ob- ta'ned sena iwo ac stamps ior Diamu and "Cir cular Information." Aildress N TOO DART dc CO, 413 G 6t. N. W , Washington, D. C, GEORGE. PACE & CO. ManTifkctorcrs) ox Patent Portable Oirculur SAW Also Stationary ud ForUUs STEAM 5 K. SCHE0EDEE ST., SALXmOBE, MX). firfHt and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working Md Barrel Machinery, HMtisrle Mills, Circular Saws, toll SaxmUeB eta TANITK EIrERT WHEKLS ana tK,ircinji llXAUil ! l.ltr, Send for Cataloarae. Agricultural Lime AND Carbonate of Lime BEST 4 CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS BUILDING LIBIEfflKS ALSO FRENCH BROS., mar21 d&w-iw Rocky Point, N. C. Springs & Bum ft HAVi tN STOBB ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCES-t OF GGO RRR OO OOO EEB RRB UKKOOOOR R SI E 11 ALXUXItf g3 G RRR OOO KB RRR II EE D8Sa X tt ttU OU UE K K II K a a GGO R R OO OOO KEB R K 11 EKE SS Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, E?er offered In this market. Don't buy until yoa examine our stock and Prices. CORN iSS OATS.-- CAB LOADS WHITE CORN, CAB L0AD3 YELLOW COBN, 1 000 BABBKLS i008 JQ SACK9 COFFIE, 2JQ BARBELS MO S8E3, 100 BABBEL3 8UGAB, 100 BOXES BACON, 10 PACKAGES LABD. 200 BOXBS SOAP, 200 PACKAGES MACKEflKL, 100 80X13 CBACKEB8, 25 B0XE3 CHEESE, &0. PATENT FLOUR, 100 Barrels lustjfrom the Milk .SPRINGS &BURVELL. feb8 dw , ,, . HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. ' WIH mall FREE their Cata, . ; legue for 1882, conUlnlnr m 3 fall descrlptiye Price -List of Xlower, field and Qardea 1 TtntHa. Omamontal au immortallM. m.Ji.i 1 1 w..,.r,,ip. ROCHESTER.N.Y. CH1CAG0.ILL . 179.123 atl Main SU it 200-206 Rmdotnlitt f-econtrmifttaactaJ, fWde Mark. Cpyrignj-' fortheTJnli la, cu nul,'u '""tiri v, (orMt(niii. ana uu an vuunuuus 1 ra..t.n ' OyrVar-FrvTsT JLIMK KnwyoTk. -Hand vf Pafree.- , mm mis BaMaBnBBv-nn-r m n ma ENGINES H ! P W Win III PIEDMONT ml I (In I. full IH II'. foOdton for Patent, vayeats, r the TJaited States. tiTTT, .-. i i i t T11IIIJR BUMS $ I if Ft o ulBtfir lIcdiciNe 15 I1THSB LIQUID OB DBT FOB ThajA$tcu.thea.ine tbne on j T3S LI7Z3, TSSBOWSiS, WEI 81 CX 'if mm. m ,rfc ' t jfcBM' et r-a beeoaU-zetogged oA'tdrpiS, md humnrtnr therefor forced into the bltt M ttO --f!-!- ij2Wl! BMM niJ SMS J WILL SURELY CUE Ikidney diseases,- ' 'iLi LIVER COMPLAINTS. PILES, CONSTTFATIONi rSHTAST DISEASES, FEMAXE WEAKNESSES, , . AND XEBVOTJ0 DISOBDERS, . by causing fee actkfy q Aw oriWJami restoring their power to threw, off dittatt. , Why suffer Billons pains and aches! i ( Why tormented with Piles, Constipatioaf Why frightened orer disordered Kidnsyfl Why endare nervous or sick headaches t Use KIDNET-WOIITanf rejoice in health. It Is put up In Dry Vegetable Form, intfa cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also in I J end d Form, very 0aeea trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it tylt acts with equal efflciency in either form. GET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.0 WELLS, UCHA&BSOX 0M Prop's, fWTll send the dry post-paid.). BtJBUHi Marctt 7 AStnif FOR COTTON. , P1EDM0ST SPEtML tilltiR.-- WE give below- Official Analysis of ioar oods now offered tathe.PiaDtar, of NrthOaro- nna; they am welf,know throughout ihejstate and we-refei jiittx confidence to all who Have given tnem a iair trial in previous seasoasi j , They are carefully compounded of tn best ma terials. In the.proportlonrshown by experleiyce as requisite fer the successful growth and nnaforlng of the Cotton Crop, ana we do notf ear acmfparl son, quality and results' consldped, aS'to cheap ness, with any brand on the market, iThtiy are offerad bv our Apenti at tna lowest nrlUB the cost win allow, but we do not undertake to compete IdVI; price per ton. with any and everything offered f6r sale as a fertilizer. Buyers should consider' that the Freight and Charges' on Ion ot inferior goods, are the same as on those of high value and for this reason II no other , THE BEST ARE THE GHEAPES't. . Analysis No. 1 524. Raleigh, N. C, March 10, '82. Water at 2 12 deg. 1&68 pr ct , Soluble Phos. Acid 5.90 Bever'dPhos, . Acid : 4:99 Total Avail. Phos. fqulv. to Acid 10.89 prct Bone Phos.23 77prct Insoluble "Phos'c. " Eqo3v." to ' Acid ,,2 20prct BonePhos. 4.80 prct Nitrogen ; 1.60 prct Equtv. Am. 1.04 prct Potash v. "ft36 prct Commercial Valoeper ton (2,000 lbs,) $38.07. (Sd.) Chas. W. DABNKT, JR., . Dlrectoi. For Sale by our i gents Throughout the State. PIEDMONT etJANQ"& MT-'G CO, 38 S. Cbarles Street, Bait more, Sd. marl 7 61 borate CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL.- AT "WHITE FRONT. feb21 A. 1. MM, - DEALER IN VVfti-aVq )g bOOQS MANTELS and GRATES WHOLES A LS nf 'RETAIL. ' Particular attenUon pal4 to ROOFING AND SPOUTING. None but first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF, STOVE. ; . ., AND .'1 I WILL offer for sa-atpabllc outcry, at Oro, Chesterfield county, & CT, on the 2nd and 3rd DATS of MAY. NEXT. If notrSopner sold, Valua ble Lot of 'Engines ana other machinery belonging to the Bicks; Sold Mlneat Oro, vl? - '"hi i-'.. One 40herse power engtoea'flitrifrtwwl2r norse power engines, noisnng anaenments and fixtures; one 10 borne power engine, hoisting at tachments and fixtures; one 10 stamp battery; one plaining machine and. edger; one numrj and at- tachments: one lot sheet copper, amalgamating pan, assaying furnaeei-One ht chemicals; one lot wibqow weignu, one iix rope; one lot macmnuts' tools: one lot cruciDies, ana sundry other arucl TEEMS. All I soma underi Twenty 11 vet boh, Cash; aimm iovet rthaf tmofi4f op lhrt or tlx months UpoM tt PwrOTea,raarMc4ty. " . - USUI marl? eod Ull may 1 sr m EQJt TrV a A S i :-r lew !A XJ.11U1 V !! Ml Stoves, s Ueaters,' Ranges, .- . : .V ' ' 1 . J. '- J . , fT!i.- tt -Li "n rvr iiuwarenouse rurmsiiii valuab 1 ir leMin are E Becelver. ' I 4Av ' .. J Raleigh News and Observer: ptsiiS&--SWSSJii are some rears tnat tne rrosta nava donoJ wheat and oats", too. rapidly adv -4.- A -!Ji j some damage. i The boys are killing English sparrows. with rifles and bean shooters. These spwowsitfw.47ettin4Lauitanumerous. ? MMOIdirtiiksympleUd the roster oCaJiaKiiiirrfm the "Bethel' regiment, xnorth C5arblin troops, and says they alone aggregate1 80,000 men. j -r Some people appear to be pretty I blue about the faint prospects of getting a water supply for the works which have' been talked about. They say there . is no place from which water can be ob-u tamed, within a reasonable distance.pf fcHJ Wilmington Review : Capt E. J. Pen- nypacKer, me newiy appointea collec tor of customs at this port, will assume charge of the duties of the office on the first of April. We are giaxf to learn that thusar: the Hatf3ffrodtp.hai Itrrdtruckilig; rdsbects in thisi Hdcinilv. The cold nights baYe, ihdwfev'e, retard ed the growth, but a change of weather. with ram, would set everything right again in a few days. Thus far the fruit has escaped Asheville CRfzen: Dr.J.F.E. Hardy, a highly esteemed citizen or .Buncombe county, died at his residence near Ashe ville, Sunday, 19th inst, in his 80th Ma$f!i Gilifarn.hil doie muchrif just- t Vsevefe puhishmelits.'in break iKing np the nefarious practice or carrying con ceaied weapons, ny such an adminis tration of the laws as has characterized the action of the new judge, society is protectodr.and Jthe jeyiL-minded made narrniess.1. 1 n f ? - f . ITEMS OF INTEREST. A $60,000 statue to John C. Calhoun will soon be greyed in Charleston. Mrs. Colonel Ingersoll is tall and handsome, with bright eyes and smooth oiacK hair. 1 The cable motor svstemr for street eanjto-be aef won'; tbeTJnJpji Pas-" SwDgeniiftiiway 01 01. uoais. t. The army of the United States is not attractive for enlisted men. About 1-1 per cent out of the whole army deserts every year. ; The site of the ruins of the palace of the Tuileries, which are now being de- 11 i 1 . 1 moiisnea, is wnere once tne uies ior I'ans were manufactured. Hence the tato'ettrtlerfesortfle sfftrps? ls It is a fact-not eenerallv known that by an act of the New South Wales Par liament, approved by the Queen on December 0, 1881, the immigration of Phinpaa ia virtually prohllii tA in tjti f-uTW ' f t 1 i Krfcpith Gerriarf' froVt King has fiirft.fl k iiHir rpriiiEa tri ma lnriiiAm! I kroay fli riuinber nbw MQ000. i Krnpp is JuUJiU.irgt't uigla ui) ploy er of labor in the world. . : Agriculture is taught in 27,000 of the 40,000 schools of France, which have gardens attached in which practical in structiana can be given. - James Gordon Bennett gave a ball in Paris recently that cost him about $1, 500. The dancers tarried until 6 o'clock. . Tjje Chinese had circulating libraries sixteen centuries ago. agents traveling around to distant points .leaving.-lhe books, and later collecting them. There are in the world not far from 225,000 miles of railways; of this amount, as stated above, this country possesses about t 00,000 a little less than half. New York state has almost as many miles of roads as all Asia and more than allr South America, while Massachusetts has more than all Africa. The Great Desert. Philadelphia Record. It is only a few years since a wide ex panse of the American continent was laid down upon the maps as "The Great American Desert." What was then sup posed to be a barren waste, incapable of supporting, either vegetable Or animal tile, Has aineadx grown into a populous country, traversed by lines of railway, dotted with flourishing towns and cities, teeming with new-found wealth, rich farms, immense herds, and supplying the comforts and luxuries that civiliza tion carries in its train. As the Great American Desert was formerly looked upon, so hitherto has the Great Sahara been regarded ; but Dr. Lenz, in a recent lecture, at j.Paris ombia Journey- from M6rbcw"to"TimlDuc1rnas'Deen cor recting some of the popular notions as to the condition of that section of the African continent. He says that the Sahara is not one dead sandy level, but is really greatly varied in its aspect. Rocky spaces are interspersed among the sandy plains, and here and there are 1 jaases QVfira with alia grass anttshal wfafctfi Jef ater4lreRjlyy$rms foWgreat plateau about eleven hundred feet above the level of the Atlantic, in no part of which is there a depression below the level of the ocean, as shown on the maps of 6ertain geographers, and which has led to wild schemes oC converting the desert into a crreat in land sea. Nor is the temperature so hot as has been represented, nor, lndeed'as; .mignt pe, expeewg. rora tV rom rDz dei6firjtibti! t UMijtae'Kanarm is not so 'of jafiesat as tias'bedn hetetoforkkbe neved, tlWughhe points oulVotfoThglo mcmce any expectation that it will ever become a populous or flourishing coun try, befitting the residence of any higher noTMaSftft! ma7?PiWl3! Th0 Buncombe Superior Court. Asheville Citizen. The following is the disDosition made of parties convicted under indictments found and tried : T -.Robert. Lisenbv, white. malicious in, jury to buildings, twelve months in the county jail ; James Massey, James Hall and Lof tin Murphey, all colored, carry ing conceaJedywaarKmsiAriTstor. months in county jail. 3layt0nSprouse and James Morris, white, assault with dead ly weapons and resisting officer, each 12 months in jaifor oije offense .and six montnsror trre otrrer; 1 m an thestfeases of committal to the jail the Judee di rected the parties to be hired out to public work until both costs and fines had been paid by thelr work. The following were sent to the pen itentiary, all for larceny: dames ,w. raine, white, 3 years, John Carter, colorejd, 3 yearsi Jam& Daniel, coloredVf year &orLisenDy,cdroTed, a year, iuiu vv 111. y mie, coiorea, 0 years. Jason Williams, colored, was convict ed of breaking into the office of the Clerk of the Superior-Court, with a view to robbery, and has 2 years in the peni tentiary. latiamiiyti Lfes. upjer narjaMaE reaol .od Bitters to my invalid :ta ahs tmmodlcal treaUnent ot atx of iAlbatn's best Sbrclans several years. She-'hss beeomo loroughly cured of her various complicated dls-esses-by their use. We both recommend them to vu. 1. f, vi jiauD usye 1 two Deen enred of their various ailments I b r uiois. - iy-tben BET. B. B. WiBBBH. supplies this want Lena's kniich res ana & edneat telbataiA myi si fti man invnennVa vour b A.. Agrerabie Dreaiiiw Tor the Hair, thnivin m mmm. A iiimh VHliy( IUiiy The 8mibttltukkii6n'iSrke Soutli' ,djGrenvLUe.1MissiasiBBi.s?;ft? nr .7Z-iiyT "rVM "SWP? JimiiACurc3DM iTMsT inonanirni t rt.rttAi mtanfinrr www 'UVIM VUIV AU VUV ilMlVlUg .obcrn ineaoutn; wnica-it ia: Deiiev will work thorough ajeyplation in old ana accepted methods Its snccess- iui projectors are Patrick Calhoun and John C. Calhoun, Jrittns'of ittfe great ssoutn Carohna statesman. With the latter genUemanRyouf -crtpondent of a a.ionpr 'and intereating&interview Mr; J-)erbr Wheeler James, partner in a JMew xorK Dankinc house, and Mr. J-j-P. Doche, attorney of the Same '"company; fcom Is a practlct.1 plahter : and owner tniles- DelGreenVirlei in Chicot coa n ty.i Arkaqias?'- He is a clear-headed, en terprising gentleman, highly educated, nd bears opon his .features and in his commanding Btature unmistakable marks of descent from the great nuli fler. : : - - . , ' ' ' ' A GiaATlO SCHEME. ' Foi the last ten vears. Col. Calhnim told your correspondent,, he badVbeeh satisfied that the present system is al together wrong and calculated to de base instead of elevate the negro labor er, and ruinous in all respects to the agriculturists, who have become as mucn the; helpless victims Of New Or leans factor as they were before the war. His idftaa,seem to have been well and thoroughly .conceived, hut the or pprtunity to put them into effect was lacking. Just after the war he was the first to introduce labor from the At- Jantic States to the more fertile regiohs of ta joxissisgipi aiiey, ana with; con mensurate success. Last year the Jong do vted opportunity presented itself in the Dew lines of railroad projected by the east;lo tap the valley. -He referred particullarily to the projected line of the Illinois .Central, f rom,Jackson. Miss., to Arkansas CitVrto a line from fhni latter- city to- Delta, cOnbeincr with Little Rock to the Georgia Pacifio project, atid otners.)-ran J uiy .-.asx-.Jie-. left for the north and laid his proiect before leading capitalists of New1 York and Boston. A private banking house teok hold i Af it, andin Qctoblr a company was form ei and bonds . and stocks iwere issued: Since , then; wide .purchases havo been tnadei' and td-dav the last navrhnti ia beitigf made at the bank of - Greenville: Suunyside, ,'Hyners, Hebron,- "Fawn- wood, .Luna, patriae and Latrobei and most . fertile plantations . in . fhirtrrr. coa'nty,:with ah. aggregate acreage of 12.000 acrtS; ave been purchased for AnnA AV AA AaV fk wA AAA I 1 1 a r aisw,uwiau; ouasjv naa aireaav Deen invested,, .in agricultural i m plements, anq an agamooai large amount will be devoted to supplies. The' lands are to be leased to the laborers at a rental of 100 , pounds of . lint cotton dr $io eash per acre., The company is already ne gotiating for the purchase of 20,000 ad ditional acres on fi ve Other well known Viauiauuua uu me uppusite OcUlK, ana the negotiation has every prospect of reaching a satisfactory conclusion. lyOi. Uaihoun s ideas as expressed are broad and somewhat statesmanlike, but too elaborate for discussion here. He has opened successfully and the plan seeiris destined to be extensively fol lowed throughout th-South. Item- braces the advantages of buvinc land selling it to the laboref,.at the very low est rates. Corporate capital can com mand means of wiping out the heavv exactions of the factors and merchants in the way of exorbitant discounts and interest. It also embraces a sort of commercial and co-operative service. dea, and in its execution, the elevation f the negro laborer is the aim' most joked forward to. Stihools and church 's are to be built and a sort of patriar chal protection is to be extended over the negro in order to fit him for the du ties of citizenship and raise him out of the questionable position be has occu pied since the war. How far these ob jects will be attained remains to be seen : but one thing is certain the Dur- chase has already raised the demanded price of property in the vkinitv fullv 20 per cent , and, it is the prominent topic of conversation In every locality visited by Vour correspondent since leaving Vickaburg. It seems to have already, added . a new and unfamiliar impetus to those usually apathetic peo ple. OVERFLOWED COTTOIf LANDS. The Acreage Now Under Water and the Amount of Probable Damages. The New Orleans Picayune, makes he following estimate of overflowed cotton lands i& thetioutii : . Cotton Mississipi. 1880. 1SS0. Acreage Cotton NcbalesOverflown County. Acreage. " made. Per cent Tunica. ; ; w . . . t .1T.0OO 10,700 75 75 00 .60 ' 50 15 20 ,75 q .60 Goapma. ,33,000. t Bolivar.... 43300 . Washington'. . . . ,63,4o6 .38,300 6,400 54,800 ,:1B,100 saquena. ... . ...isfjrr Warren .04,100 . r' 22,000 Haibome . ,&X 100 uhflower . . .., ,, 7.100 . ',700 ieflere.'... .17.700 J .'li.cUO Holmes . . . I . 62;6w ' WAm YazoO. '.:.. 4. ;vu8,290! 48,800 Tallahatchie. . . .22-.400 ! 1100!; Tdtai:1. -435iiOt) "29000 Average per cent. . . .'. . . ...... .-f'.- - :; Louiaiana - ; , t.-; last Carroll....,, 40.100,. 38ioo - no 50 90 60 CO GO Richlhd . . . . . . : 15,800 , IlcoO' " Madison v.'.-28jboo Morehouse-, i.-' Oaa6hita,.:l.;: Tehsas.'f,..... 28,600' 2306 129,000' 18,700 .WJOO- 41'00 1 . 42,000 !i 83,100 ' . 23,700 '18,800 .-24:i0fr "18.900 iDoncbrdfa.'.v'. . . 60 Avoyelles 50 90 50 40 25 20 Point coupee.: . Rapides. ........ . '25.600 ' 18.000 Natichoches. . . . . 26.800 15,300 11:,600 25,000 ' Red River 19,200: Bossier. . . . : . ; . ; S7.ioo Total.. Average total.. .S90.6C0 297,200 .52 Arkansas. i - Mississippi ... UfiCti 16,400 75 MjWZeJM "75 7,m; 4,700 50 ...".11,800 ' 6,000 75 . 33,O0C:: 2,000 78 rr;.22;oou ,i4ioo. .40 ;v'..609,J29Tooo;,'' so U I ; 21,100 -18,000 60 Crittenden Cross. . .4 . St. Francis. 1.. Monroe... MUins.-. . :. Desha......... 12,600 8,50O 40 26,900 ' 25,300 , 75 Chicot..'.':;.. Ttat......4jy.v215;80O 15300 Average-per cent x . - - - - - 5 Misrissijppt-Nhmbtjr Of ?.cx!S ofCottbn anus. oyernDwed. . -.woo Louisiana. ....;..........;. 2soy.ooo Arkansas. . . . ...wi-.-ivt ' ...386.000 sippirtTerend alt itsribHtarleSieai the 00OntlMril trnrrohPS alViWft-mprl Desnroyljig Med r mrK)at, joajE, be. avoided by using Darbys? i)Dhslactlo VluliLii It Is moral W crimlnPe4Jto njpiiijc)isa.lnfeetant ??d PTf nUva. It to oertamly bestto prevent the Su, disease, gbd lhwe who wUl.use Darbys Pyhyl&ctJc Fmwitroeiy abbot TheuJhonSrwui Bf.ii01 tn Mtacka of all contagioss dls easwn4eathaalLi m w 'ja V0ivu 8rfJI to'GAwiZi 5.r2iSSa iasjvaTa..-"fi.5.?.f v 7 - v""di d, as them -mrr -tWmBnrfal f iwy women's OiTtotlanemDetaria mm . ' BllQi SB . . WW m A ULiliKK. . ' Ltd.w.HrfnH?rpjrfsr tram tha Jia. i,i ntikattajdranthd ttekf-ot inaWlal Ir will Deeauy ease yon. It l natam'a. f for oonstipatkn,4and for all kidney ana remedy, Mr ma- wbk.'Jh pcqnipTixon inese great sand au repwjion uobuu, girenstin ana visor. - Ian -.- "uv-au uuutu cauu ui aurais. mmr nsr.ertv anrir n ami m i -in uuutu aua urr iorm. DO .ITfTfy"" if- fV? "V f - )Wy , Wy Y ITER Both Foreign and Domestic; T?! Just Received, at JTrom SaratoBa Springs, N. T. . A new water re. 'iW ch- Amended as an antadd; cures dyspepsia, aids dlges . Uon, Is a powerful tonic and strong diureUc Also, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative, and Cq all forms of dyspepsia, ALSO, ' : CASES CONGRESS WATER, Q CASES ROCK BBIDGE AXUJdr. JQ CASES BUFFALO LITHIA; - And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLIflARlS Hanyadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY ! pjprjNYApi JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: rjosx.- A wtoa glass full before breakfast The Lancet "HnnVadl Janrwi. flrma that its richness in ArvariAiit suata that of all other known waters." Tf jtrmsn uetHcai Journal "Hunyadl Janoe. The most agreeable, safest, and most efficacious aperient water." ' rroj. vircnoxB, Benin. "Invarlablj' good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Hamburger. Vienna "l have urescrlbed these writers with remarkable success." rvy. tScaratmi; WurszbuTg --I prescribe none but this.'.' Prof. Lander brumtan, M. Ii., K R 8., London. -r-"More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. Atken, M. D. , P. K. 8., ' Royal Military Hos pital, Netley." Preferred to Pulina and Frled rtchshalL" JOHN H. McADEN,; Importing and Plspenslng PbarmaolsU N6rth:Tryon St, - - CHARLOTTE, N.:C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Just as fresh -and spark ling as when It fluws from tbe spring at Saratoga We receive this water in large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. Mca DEN, ' Druggist and Chemist Proscriptions carefully prepured by experienced and competent dnu&tsts, day or night July2 The leading Scientists or To-day sgree that most diseases are roused by disordered Kidney and Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Livers are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be thetre suit This truth has only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony wl bout being able to find relief. The discovery of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era In the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value. It con tains just the elements necessary to nourish and invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them in order. It Is a POSITIVE REMEDY for all the diseases that cause pains in the lower part of the bodr for Torpid Liver Headaeues Jaundice Dlzzine b Gravel Fever, .Ague Malarial Jfever. and all difficulties of the Sidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. . it la an excellent and safe remedy for females during" Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and Is invaluable for Leucorrhcea or Falling of the Womb... . ,. f . . As a Blood Portfler It ls uneaualled, r IT cures the organs that mam the blood. . This Remedy, which has done such wonders, la putupto the LARGEST SIZED BOT1 LB of any; medicine upon the market and isholdl ... druggists and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle; For Diabetes enculre for WARNER'S SATS DIABETES CURE. . It Is a POSITIVE Remedy. , - . . Jan23 , . Rochester. N. Y. 'WE ARE NOW OPENING OUR NEW OF . Includjrg.all the latest novelties in' the BTLLiNEBY LINE. put:; t r, . .. '' : FI.ltMES, :'' ' KlIIHOtS, ' ' i '- ' '' SILKS, " '-t; ' . . Ij A d E SzCi '" la'ailthe new styles, colors andliuaHtles. ' ; 'Had. afr&e riew sbles and analities of LACES, embracing White Goods, Neck iWar, Hoiery" J7J oj ;j ir 1 .-i j.;: i I ' i i. '. U-. ri ..'; .t): tiili &i. y.Uii, Ui 1'. r WW ftj When we will be o show tha UuaNPIST -dj y -"IKS MIL' they have eyejj seen to this cifcje BiS .b.Vi J-X.5 Dp.J.n.McAden'sDrugStore . gABATOGA 7-ICHY, , Spring and Sammer Styles MILLINERY V liIn Schedule me jr- MMmmwmw aw0 nBllflMl Bn EfAanl :A1ramJl North Carolina Railroads tkatks eonte aot. Date, Fehruary "ith, 1882. No 51 Dallv.' No.68 Daily. Leave Charlotte,.... " Salisbury, v" High Point,... . Arrive Greensboro,... Leave, greensboro,... Arrive HUlsboro,.... Arrive Durham,...-. Arrive, Raleigh, Leave Raleigh..... Arrive oldsbor',...! - 8.66 a Ui 6.S1 a m t 6u y ui RSI nra 7.20 am 10.44pm lL20Bm 8.00 am 8.25 a ml 11.04 am 11.48 am 1.15pm 1.40 pm 4 20pm Jfo. 17-Daily except Saturday, i.eave Greensboro. . .6.00 p m Arrive at RalHirh 8.04 a m Arrive at GoWsboro,.,8.00 a m No. 61 Connivf.a mint Goldsboro with W. & w. a R. for Wil, Kreewnsi. D. R R. for ail pouTts TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, february iom, 1882 No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Dally. Leave Gokisboro,. . Anlve Raleigh, Leave Raleigh,..:.. Arrive Durham Arrive Hlllsboro,... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,. Arrive HighPohU... Arrive Salisbury,. .. Arrive Charlotte,.... 10.20 a m 12.40 p ml 410 pm 5 28 pm 8.07 pm .asnpmi 9.10pm 9.4!lpm 11.03pm 12 50 am 7 25am 8 06am 9 28am 11.20am No. 18 Dally except Sunday, Leave Goidsboro. . . 2. 50 p m Arrive at Baleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh. BOO am Arrive Greeasboro, a.20 p m l' 0- Rfrailpoinlsra Southeast. No. 52 Connorts C Alr- Chftr- a.i . Will US iSOUI point8 &outh and W. W. C. RAILROAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Dally. lesve' Greensboro...... oon nm Arrive Kernersvllle.. ..'.1086 n m Arrtw Salem. Atao p m NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro : sqn.m Ar.lve Kernersvllle o ai ? m Arrive Salem.: 10.15 a m GOING EAST. NO. 51 T -Dally, except Sunday. Arrive Kernersvtle '.'.I'."" RAna Arrive Greensboro.. 7. a m NO. 5.'l-rallj. ' Leave Salem 00 n m Arrive Kernersvllle ftin K S Arrive Greensboro. 8 00pm STATE UNIVEKM I V K A I L.KOAD. No 1, Pally ex Sunday. GOING NOBTH. Leave ChaDel Hill.. Arrive University,.. 7 HO a m 8.20 a m 1015 a m arrive Ka.eign,. ... No. 2, Daly ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Leave RaWtih. . . Arrive University,. . Arrive Chapel Hill... Si HO p ui 5. l5pm H lo p m PaHman Sleeping Cars Without amB On Train No. 50. ew York and AManta via wan- lngton and Danville, aua between Greensboro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, fclchmonrt and Charlofe aDd Washlngion and Chariots 1 la Danviiie. tl hroueh Tickets on sal, at r.n.n.iu. Baleleb. Holdsboro'. SHllnhnrv :mrl nharlAho anil all principal points South, houthwest. West, North and East. Ki r Kralgrant Bates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address. A. POPE, . Genernl Passeneer Agent felj2 r BlchMond. Va. RICHW0N0& DANVILLE R.R. PASSENGER DEPAETMEUT. WT On and af ter March 5th, 1882, the passen ger train service ou the AUar.ta & Charlotte Atr Llne Division of this road will be as follows- Mall and ifxpress. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No, 52. Leave Chariotte, M Arrive Ga-tonia, L Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive (ireenville, H Arrive fieneca, G Arrive Toccoa. K Arrive Babun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula, E Arrive Galnseville Arrive Atlanta, 1 '2.40 a m l.S5am 404 am 5.32 a m 7.15 am 8.28 a m 9.32 a m 10.18am 10.51 am 1.40 pm 11.05 am 12.02 p m 2 85 p m 4-09 pm 5.54 p m 7.05 p m 8.00 pm 8.43 pm 9.15 pm 12.05 a m Itiall and Express. No. 51. 3 Man. No. 53. EASTWARD. Leave Atlanta Arrive Gainesville,... Arrive Lula, k Arrive Babun Gap Junction, Arrive Toccoa, V Arrive 8eneca, G Arrive Greenville. H. Arrive Spartanburg, K. . . . . . Arrive Gastonla, L Arrive Charlotte, M ....... 2.15 pm 454 m 5.2fl m 6 22 p m 7.06 pm 8.24 p m 10.08 p m 11.40 p m 2.06 am 8. 15 a mi 5.00 a m 7 41 am 8.32 a m 9.14 am 10.07 am 11.21 am 1.27 pm 2.59 pm 5 1 1 p m 6.00 p m ' CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P Railroads. . - B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A 4 W. P. and W & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. . E with Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. " F with Blberton Air-line to and from Elberton. Georgia. . . G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, a c. , H with Columbia, and Greenvilie to and from Oolumhla and Charleston. S. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alstofr and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. . M wlth UjC. & A. C. C.,B. A D. and AJ, T. 4 0. for ail points West North and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trams Nos. 50 and 51 daily, without change between Atlanta and New York. A PoPE, - 'G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T, M. B Talcott. General Manager. 'XT. SAGE, Superintendent marl 2 C., C. & A. R. E. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. s71 Train Train No. 82. No. 48. Passeng'r. Passeng'r. Leave Chariot to H.aOam Arrive Bock Hill 12.85 pm Arrive Chester, ,.. 1.28 pm Arrive Winnsboro, 2.50 p m Arrive Cola u.bla,.. 4.18pm Leave Columbus., 4.25 pm 6.45 a m Arrive Lexington 5 1 2 & m 6 87 am Arrivt. Ridge St ing,.... . 25 p m 7 55 a m Artlve uranlte lie, 7.40 p m 9.12 am Arrive Augusta, 8.40pm 952am Train Train I No. 18, No. 20, Freight. Freight Leave Charlotte, ..t 5:'4i '"a ta 5 io p m Arrive Bock Hill 8.03 a no 7.82 1 m Arrive Chester, -9.50 am 9 03pm Artlve Winflsboro,.... lz.55pm lH7 pa Arrive Columbia...... ...... 5.05 pm 2.18 am Leave Columbia,. kv. ..... T . .-. .. g 40 a w ArrlTe Lexington, SAO a mr Arrive Ridge Spring;. ...... ........... 5.47am Arrive Granltevule,. ........ y.. a . . J.. i 7.154 a m Artlve Augusta... . ,,t 9.80am Train No.. 52, Daily- Connects at Corumbia with toe 8.C. R. R.lor Charleston, and with the C. k G.BiH. for Alston, Nawberry, Abbeville, tco. At Augusia with Central Georgia R. R for Macon Swannhh ahdTlorida potato. ' ' - Traln-J SvPaUjr-ConMota at Augusta with the Georgia R. R. and Central Georg . R. R, f or Mjeon. AUanU; Savannah and Florida belntsi" aSE.. 'Ojlouaalix.eianta Ti.frpm the RjuttAnive at Charlotte pas-i Benger. dally, at fi.85 p. m. Freight dally except 8naay,- at 8.4 vrt. A 4 45 p. ' " 'ATLANTIC -rariNESSEE1 OHIO DIYI8ION. Train No, 58, Daily. . " , it "'iJ8aveJCharlofterr .i." J;ArrlFe-at6tatesville;v I. .600 pMJ l;...8.12pm' Leave Btatesvflle 7. OO a m Arrive at Charlotte, .-.i 15 sea' -1 - Tickets sold to all pmtrf'SWttf, 4 Southeast and PouUiwest sndjbaggBge , checked through. Mo lay-over anoea oirlfflcketa. A. POPE, ?i M. TL metrm fcflea'i Passerger isent;- Olnmbta&ara1are1i lBt,1882.!t 1 i t sW: Ifflfllll)! ouf Slock a Soppfy 0f Ie and Chesapeake. -ALSO- GENUINE-- Kainitt, or German Potash Salts. CALL AND BEE US. . A College Street mar7 To s. 4 HAVE JUST RECEIVED -- A LOT OF r-AND- BOTH. ATLlSTA Alt Plrf,(OK,. -. PHI A SIZE. INo tnr Can t7tiderr II ,M. msrS EXTRA We have just received and offer r a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Sells, Mossrose Decoration oLpleceat 810.00, worth , 815.00. EXTRA FINE TEA ATTS, gold, bird aad dower deoratlon combined, 44 pieces, JI2.58, . r ' v?orut$18m POBCELIAN TEA SETTS, plain white, yery nice, 44 pieces, $5.00. PORCELATNE DINNER SXTTsi ie? pleees, ftr 815.00; decorated, ISO peces, fort35.0a BRONZE LAMPS of a superior quality, eompleio .... . abadesj atljDO,irbith 82 p. All Other Goods io Proportion. OLESALEand RETAIL.! Respectfully, J. BrookfieJd k Co. .fei19 --AT WILDER'S TOU WILL FIND A FULL 8TOCK OF . Chemieals Toilet Articles -AWD- r t. ' m si iT., , der.i Ag ti Comer Trade ao4 Qpl Btreeto, Charlctte, V. Weffayeadfeille GUANO J.M wrapping Paper ohn I Mm. TewDrugStore ; I . Mi I'll I