fiBtrottr ari ... AW avaaoxtPtioN junta: Dotty, em t, jxwtaiH, ti cuboaix.... tTtWOt0trf4 mM y S8JD0 -4.00 .2.00 JKMXLJ MD1TWN: WV to A,... ...i....f2.00 outy wri fopata 2.10 ...... ....... i.ot MARCH 20TH, We will dial lay one of the -handsomest Spring Stocks . - -in.. ' ' .t; ..; ' Ever oflered in this markeCi are specially re questedto look at 'ur stock of also qua While Goods, Ot which we have endless variety. Our toe LA It and BOIDERY will be found super W to any In Charlotte, both in price and beauty.-; - '. Everybody In Charlotte Is Invited to call and look. Everybody In the County Is Invited to call anu look. Everybody In the State is invited to call and look. marl 9 jSouls anfl lx0s 1882. 1882. :o:-:o:- :o:- Pegras! & Co., Bare woelved and Mb dlly receiving A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF SB H K W KB N N N GOB N icw etOO KSB If KB -HATS.- Don't Faii to Call and See Tta. PEGRAM & CO. febl -BOSTON- METALLDRGICAL WORKS, 83 HAWKINS 8T.f BOSTON, MASS. Metallurgists, Assayeaa and Analytical Chemists &m.fwd KILTER BEFINEBS, Practical MlM-Boas ot 10 lbs. and upwards. H IfUAItoaY ORES TBEATED. - .- i w ' Survey, Mine Examinations, Be ports, Sketches ' and Maps made. Constructions of works ; and. Supplies Furnished, i HKAGEBS OF The Ky England Smelting Work r.otn, silver COPPER and , JLEAD ORE ... MELTED , : OH RETURNS r PURCHASED COPPER WATTE AND BASE BULLION .. i - . : . Tieated aa Seasonable Tenna. THOMAS BINNS,... A B. ilDKlT,...''' JOHN HOLL1DAY... marS tf ,w...Mjwaixcbgist. Peu sent for Mai by maiL on reoslfiol 22 eeiita- 5 lvlon,J Blakemari Taylor &.ovi u x.r MEW YOBIC ; f T ': ' l.Jft. ,;l (, -1 " ' "i ..if 'i On MoMay Morning Alexander Harris Spring Style Hats. VOL. XXVII. Srjj 0ofls, lolbtug, Ax; AND COUNTERS RS Laden with FRESH and STYLISH GOODS In great variety, and we ask you to diamine our Goods and co are oar prices, with the full as auranoe that yon will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary interest The public has already voted 81101X8 GOODS the HAND80MJ3T and BEST SELECTKD in the city. Every Novelty of the Season in TBIMJffilfGS and in NECK WEAR. All should come and see for themselves. WAB- NEB'S CORAL ENE CORSET onlj 97 cents. T. I.. J J Mil, & CO. war28 Diphtheria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to mount to much, and if promptly attended to can easily be cured; but neglect Is often followed by consumption or diphtheria. No medicine has ever been discovered which acts SO qntcltl inicKijr ana rarely m such cases as r DAVIS' PAIN KILL Kit. The Use Of thhl invaluable remain bast PKIIRY prompt saved t thousands of lives. f KIIKY TJAVIS PAIN KILLER is T. wperiment. It has been before the public for forty years, and Is most valued where it is best known. A lew xtracta from voluntary testimonials read jkibllows: ym iauBi hal been my household remedy for duos ior me past twenty -eeven years, and nave E ever known it to fall In effecting- a cure. u 8. Orockzb, Willi amsville, N. Y. For thirty years I have oaed Paik Etixzb, and rouna it a never-f ailing remedy for colds and sore throat Babton Skaman. Have received immediate relief froracolda and Sore throat, and. consider your Painkiller an myalaable remedy GJto. E. Evxaxn, Dickinson, N. Y. I have just recovered from a very severe cold, which I have had for some time. I could get no relief until I tried your Pair Killeb, which relieved me immediately. I will never again be without it O. O. Fobois, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Pain Killer in my family for forty years, and have never known it to fail. Ransom Lewis, Waynesboro, Ga. I began using' Pain Killer in my family twenty. Bve years ago and have used it ever since.and have found no medicine to take its place. BAY. Dtjcr. DruKgist, Oneida, N. Y. For whooDiwr-cous-h i and croon it is the beet preparation made, we would not oe without it . r. uon' . Bouts, Liberty Mills, Va. m or iwenty-nve years i nave usea fah killtb for colds and chapped lips, and consider it the best medicine ever offered. Gzo-HoopiWlliniiie-ton, N. C. I was stuff ering severely with bronchitiB, and my ' throat was so inflamed I could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pain Wtt.t.-th, and after taking a few doses was completely cured. T. Wilkinson. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton: Tour Paw KTT.TiTr.TS eures diphtheria and sore throat, so alarm ingly prevalent here, and has not been known to fau in a single instance. Ibis tact you should make known to the world. Mrs. Ellen B. Mabon writes: My son was taken violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. So many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Pain Killer. He was taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday his throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are losing so many children. For Chills and Fever PAIN KILLER has no equal. It cures when everything else fails. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Killer in the house is a safeguard that no family should be without. All druggists sell it at 35c, 50c., and $1.00 per bottle. PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence. R. I. sept dtw sept & oct TUTY'S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AN THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPT0MS OF A TORPID LIVER. Iiossof a Pain in tl ipetlte.If ausea.bowels costive. eBaad.with a dull sensation in the back ni. Pain under the shouider ess after eating, with a disin- Had lected lome duty, weariness, Ulaglnesa, ETutTarlng of the Heart. DoU before the eyes. Yellow Bkin, Headache, HeatleM pess at night, highly colored Urine. U THESE WAENI5G5 ABE UHHEEDEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. T If IT'S FILLS especially adapted to such caaes,one dose effects aueha change of feeling as to astonish the safferer, They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on Fleah, thus the system is nourished, and by thelrTonie Aetlenon the mMiin . Beralar Stools are pro- duced. Price TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Grat Hair or Whisk itis changed to aGLossT Black by a single application of this Dv. It Imparts a natural color, acta InstenUoepMly. Sold bv PrucgisU, o,r hy eznres cnvrtcftrpl'of 1 1. tittce, 3B Murray St., Now York. ICmAjI iUMifM wUI S nalM S1UC uHmUw.I Veby. '28deod4wl - CONGRESS WATER. CATHARTIC AND At EBATJVE. Is a wen known specific for CONSUMPTION, 1N DKJK3TI0N, and all disorders of the STOMACH, UVKftandKroNSYS. ' NINXTT TfABS' popular use attests Its parity, gaiety and superiority to, all . waters ef this class. Avoid an coarse, irritating waters, foreign and domestlei they Impair tbe digestive organ ajid, kidneys, Ureby Inducing irreparable fesqlta None qennlne Bold on Drain gbt ; -ST CHARLES HOTEL. HEADQU ARTEBS FOS ;DSijlO0BES. , "aTATfiYlLLB.'H.fef xv ; .off-.- Jt , by , Mrs.- Dr. . Bm. JJSSFL XfZZZZ on nrst and'second he patronage of the public 1 oUotted, Oi'll SHELVES clination toaxartipn of body or mina, Irabtr of temper. Low apiriia. Asa m.mnn: with a feeUnflc of bavinc neg Sic Grocer, Sic Groceri Pun New Ha' en Begister. John Henry was a grocer's clerk, And loved the trade full well ; And yet his work would often shirk Through love of Anna Pell. Mo 'lasses did he know than one; Hominy more could tell Of raisin hopes, yet was there none Could matobes Anna PelL Her eyes were of best laundiy blue; Her teeth Lke grains of rice; Her hair of best shoe-blacking hoe, And every breath allspice.' An apple of his eye was she; This best soap of his heart; He thought how sweet oil-ways she'd be And mackerel good wife. But stm his suit did not go well; His syrup-chewed heart would squeak; And why ? there's none butter could tell, And shevrould never speak. Oh! Anise-seed how bad I'm hit, He kindling-wood oft say, 8he mace how I long to sit Be cider all the day. Oh! canister that stony heart! Meal odious he cried; It yon sago I will depait - ' " And crush-sugar dead pride. Then was she cut in bias salt; Tomato her haa he tried; It never had bananas fault That she was not .a bride. To church and indigo at last; Before the altar stand. John Henry has his Anna fast, Herring is on her hand. KEVVS NOTES. John Lewis, a prominent politician of Scranton, Pa., was instantly killed on Saturday morning, while firing a blast in the Hampton mines. There will be a large emigration from the Clyde this season on account of the depression in business. It is reported that ex-Senator Dorsey nas sola nis ranches, ranges and brand in Colfax county to an Eastern company for about $600,000 or $700,000. The rumer that Senator Teller is soon fo succeed Secretary Kirkwood is again revived, and that Mr. Wm. E. Chandler will succeed secretary Hunt. Col. A. N. Fryer was found dead in bed Saturday morning in Milwaukee, Wis. It is supposed that he committed suicide. Friday, thirty miles south of Knox ville, Tenn., near the mountains, Hobt. Flannagan killed his son-in-law, Joseph Nichuls. The jury in tbe case of Crow Dog, on trial at Dead wood, D. T., for the mur der of Spotted Tail, rendered a verdict of guilty. .Lizzie Steigerwalt, a young la'dy of Lancaster, Pa., was fatally burned Fri day night. She was about retiring, when her clothing caught fire from a candle, and she received fatal injuries before the flames could be extinguished. James J. Clyburn, sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Alexander Sheorn, of Camden, escaped from Ker shaw (S. C) jail Friday. Rev. H. W. Beecher, preaching on em igration in Plymouth' church, Urook lyn, Sunday, called the present Con gress the "fool Congress," for cutting off the immigration of the Chinese, who, he said, were necessary to do the 'vulgar" work. A memorial signed by two thousand of the leading business firms of New York, protesting against the passage of the bakrupt bill reported by the Senate judiciary committee, and asking the adoption of the .Lowell bill, will be pre sented to the two houses of Congress. There was an exciting scene in tbe St James Hotel, Jacksonville, Fla., last Thursday, during which W. W. East man, of Minneapolis, Minn was cow bided by Dr. F. F. Fales, of New York. The affair grew ojit of an alleged act of gross discourtesy towards a sister of Dr. Fales by Eastman, on a" sleeping car between New Orleans and Mobile, Ala. The Murderous Rage of a Jealous Hus band An Atrocious Crime. Boston, Mass , March 2p. A murder occurred n the town of Dedham, ten miles from this city, to-night, which in atrocity exceeds any crime of a like na ture committed in this vicinity for years. John Sullivan, aged 85, who is an operative in one of the mills there, and who has been considered a steady man in comfortable circumstances, quarreled to-night with his wife, Bridget, aged fifty, in their home. He had been drinking slightly, and as the dispute heightened he became enraged and seizing a razor savagely attacked his wife with it, cutting a deep gash in her throat, severing the jugular vein and carotid artery and inflicting other wounds. The woman, despite her ter rible and fatal injuries, rushed wildly from the house into the street, followed by her husband brandishing the razor, and inflicting at every step ghastly cuts with the weapon about her head and shoulders. She got away from him for a short distance and ran to the house of a neighbor,, but while endeavoring to obtain an entrance was overtaken and seized by the hair by her husband, who immediately renewjed his attack.. The woman then started and ran again, tbe husband following, still clutching ber hair and slashing at her with the razor. The horrible chase was then re-enacted until the woman had reached her own doorway, where she fell dead. Sullivan was shortly afterwards secured by the police and lodged in jail. After he was satisfied of his wife's death he attempt ed to cut his own throat, and succeeded in gashing his windpipe, but the wound will not prove fatal. The immediate cause 6f the crime was an admission of infidelity of his wife. Sullivan says he has nothing to regret, and would do the same thing again. A Louisiana HnrricaneMqck Proper ty Destroyed and Several Lives Lost. New Orleans, March 28. A special from Monroe, La., to the Times-Demo crat says: "A violent hurricane swept over this place on sunaay evening, xc took an easterly course through the Desiard settlement, doing much dam age. At McGuires' place six cabins and a portion of agin house were blown down. On the Cooper plantation all the houses, including the dwelling house, were destroyed. J. "W. Scar borough lost a gin house and two cabins. On. the LudeUng place two cabins were blown to atoms. Qn the Oliver plantation all the hpusea were destroyed. The Carpenter ; plantation lost a gin house and two cabins. The total loss in buildings is estimated at twenty-five thousand dollars. ' An old colored woman on the Ludel ing place was blown away and her body has not yet teen found. Several negroes are reported killed. p - ; DeattTOylBr tit : Content f a Room nsedby a small pox patient may be avoided by using DarhysJ Prophylactic. Fluid. 1 Is morally criminal to neglect the use of toon a disinfectant and preventive. ; It Is certainly best to prevent the s Dread ot disease, and those who wlU use Darbys ProDbylactle Fluid freely about their houses will be saved from tbe attacks of all contagiosa, di eases.anddeat Itself. ; -t ? . - . CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MARCH 29, 1882. . STATE NE VFS" Wilmington Star: Two colored men, whose names we have not ascertained. got into a fight in the neighborhood of the corner ot Sixth and Castle streets, yesterday afternoon, as we understand, ana aunng tne aimcuity one of the par ty beat the other very badly with i buck, mulcting serious wounas upon him. The receipts of cotton at this port for tne week ending yesterday footed up 1,649 bales, as against 970 bales for the corresponding week last year. The receipts for the cotton crop year up to date foot up 120,713 bales, against 113,470 bales to March 28th,l8Sl, show ing an increase in favor of 1882 of 17,243 bales. Goldsboro Messenger: The Toisnot Home learns that Mr. P. H. Bunn, who was accidentally shot, has grown con siderably worse in the last few days, and fears are entertained as to his re covery. ; .Mr. Aug. Strouse was on Friday last knocked down by a runaway horse and buggy, lie was painfully bruised on tbe left shoulder, but his friends will be pleased to learn that he is able to be up again. Other evidences of Jim Hatcher's postoffice robbery were discovered by Mr. Smith last week, among them an empty box postmarked at Snow Hill and addressed to J. L. Ballard at Green ville, which had evidently contained some jewelry. The new gas works at Newbern ' is giving universal satisfaction. The light is cheap, clear, free from bad odor and has an illuminating power of twen ty candles. Miss Alice Johnston, a young lady of humble but respectable parentage, and residing in the family of Kitchen Bail ey, a prominent and influential citizen of Bailey's township, in Nash county, was found dead on Friday morning, in a small pond near her home. It is sup posed she drowned herself, as her hand kerchief, tied to a tree near by, was dis covered and led to her discovery in the pond. Buying Bottom Lands. . Detroit Free Press. A year or two ago a Michigander, who was in Nw Orleans, thought it would be a nice thing Ll own some real esta't- in the South, ana he wasn't long in discovering a Mississippian who could accommodate him. For what he considered an extraordinary cheap price the Wolverine took in 500 acres of what the other called rich bottom lands, and came home with his hat on his ear. The last winter he found a Detroiter who was going down that way and asked him to run over the farm and see what sort of property it was. A ietter was received from the traveller the other day which read: "I didn t run over your purchase, but I did the next best thing 1 sailed over it. The name of the lake is Lake Despair, and your bottom lands are. at the bottom of the lake. Didn't see any signs of a crop on them, but presume you win nave no trouble in growing al ligators twenty feet long. If you want the other 22.000 acres I think they can be had at the same price. Please write at once." Fire in the Woods. Wilmington Star. The dry windy weather of the past few days has resulted in serious fires in the woods in every direction. A gen tleman who came up from one of the sounds yesterday says the roaring of the fire as be passed along tbe road was fearful. Several of our conntry friends who were in the city yesterday, says that they wfcre fighting the tire all Friday nii?ht to keep it off their fences and other DroDertv. A Daitv went ud on top the bank of New Hanover build ing with a spy-glass, yesterday after noon, to see if they could make out the location of a heavy volume of smoke they noticed suddenly appearing, and they were of the opinion that it came from Wrightsville Sound and were ap prehensive that some building was burning xhere ; but others supposed that the fire in the woods bad got into some bay" in that direction, where the growth was very thick, which caused the thick black smoke, feo tar, we nave not heard of .much destruction of prop erty in that particular direction. i i i sm ' A Virginia Town Destroyed by Fire. Ltnchbtjeo, March 28. Intelligence has been received here to-day of the almost enthe destruction on Saturday night by fire of the town of Grundy, the county seat of Buchanan county. The court house, clerk's office, jail, two hotels, two stores, and many dwellings, in fact all the heart of the town, was consumed, leaving but a few houses on the outskirts. Two Big Fires London, March 28. A Pesth dis patch reports that 60 houses and 50 out buildings at Boeszanf a and 248 houses at Parks, have been burned and several hundred families left in a destitute condition. Mr. B. B. Askew, 'ate Assistant Postmaster at Baltimore, said some time ago: "Having bad occasion to try Dr. Bull's cough syrup, I unhesita tingly pronounce it the best remedy I have ever used. A small bottle relieved me cf a severe cold. Women that have been bedridden for years have been entirely cured of female weakness by the use of Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Send to Mrs.Lydla E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. A GA$p. To all who are suffering from the errors and In discretion of youth, nervous weakr ess. early decay oss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE of CHARGE. Thl i great remedy was discovered br a missionary lr Jouth America, Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rxv. JOSEPH T. LNMAN, Station D, New York City. Klother has Recovered wrote an Illinois grti to her Sastem relatives. ' She took bitters for a long time but without any good. So when she heard of tbe virtues of Kid ney Wort she got a box and it has completely cured her. so that she can do as much work now as she could before we moved West. Since she has .got well everyone about here is taking it," Bee adv. Sublimely Superb A pair of beautiful Sun-flowers on Easels will be mailed free;, to any lady who wttl' send ten cents In postage stamps e money to Dr. C. W. Benson, No. 10ft Horth Xatav street, Baltimore, Md. F, C. MUNZLER, ;,- ; A CENT FOR r ' lie BeppJ:M Brewery Compj's tOf hOadeiphta,a 0 ' : Celebrated Lager Beer,! jl y In. Eega and Bottles.' '- -:' - 'ROTTLED BEES A SPECIALTY. ' IVHave Just received a small lot oi BOTTL1D ALE and PORTER, which I offer to the public at a reasonable priee. Address , ."Tr- --t FBXD CL MUNZLER, t- ' ,-, Lock Box 266, Charlotte, M.C. , mhr28 , , ; ' . , . j . iff Dr. O. TV. BENSON, of Baltimore, Rid. We give above a correct likeness of this well known and successful physician and surgeon, who nas maae a uie long study of Nervous Diseases ano-the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands in the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of his practice he discovered what now are renowned in medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Pills. TBey are used uj uuj yruuHHuun ai large ana constantly recom mended by them. u is not a patent medicine. It is the result of his own experience ia practice. They ate a sure cure for the following special diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all intelliirent sufferers. Th aic yioiioreu eAuresHyr w cure sick neadac&e, uervous headache, djspeptlc headache, neuralgia paralyse, sleepless, dyspepsia and nervousness, aud will cure a fly case. doia Dy au druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De- doi. iuo norm iiuiaw sox-it ha if in r ma maU, two boxes for $1 or tx boxes for 82.50, to DR. C. YY. BENSON'S SKIN CURE la Warranted to Cure v ECZEMA, TITTERS, HUMORS, INFLAMMATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, . DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, PIMPLES and TENDER ITCHINCSonaUvartaoffhe body. It makes tne akla white, soft and smooth removes tan and freokiaa, 'and la the BEST toilet dressing in THE WOELD. Elegantly put np, two bottles in on package, consisting of both Internal and external treatment. All first claas druggists have It. PrlceSl.perpackage. CHAS. N CRITTKNTON. 11K TTiilfnn errAt New York City, sole agent for Dr. C. W Bensi n's iwmeaws, .to whom all Traers should be ad dressed. " marl MRS. LYDIA L PINKHAM, OF LYNH, MASS., LYDIA . PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnre fmr all thtwe Palnftil Complaints and Weaknesses so common to our best 1 cnialo population. It wul cure entirely the worst form of Female Com- plaints, all ororlan troubles, Inflammation and Ulcera Hon, Filling and Displacements, and the consequent Spinal Weakness, and Is particularly adapted to the Change of life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the nterns in an early stage of development. The tendency to can cerous humors there is checked very speedily by Its nee. It remove f alntness. Satulencv. destrovsall craTino for stimulant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. It cures Bloating, Headaches, Nervous Prostration, General Debility, Sleeplessness, Depression and Indi gestion. That feeling of bearing down, earning pain, weight and backache, la always permanently cured by its use. It wul at all tunes and under all circumstances act In harmony with the laws that govern the female system. For the core of Kidney Complaints of either sex this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA K. PIXKIIAITS VEGETABLE COM POUND is prepared at 23S and S35 Western Avenue, Lynn, Haas. Price SL Six bottles for $5. Sent by mail in the form of pills, also in the form of lozenges, on receipt of price, 1 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters ef Inquiry. Send, for pamph let.. Address as above, iltntion this Paper, No family should be without LYDIA B. PIKEHAlPfl UVZB PILLS. They cure constipation, biliousness. and torpidity of the liver. St cents per box. ay Sold by all Druggists. Native Mineral Water!! ROCKBRIDGE (VA.) ALUM W ATT 3B 3R, -CUBES Dyspepsia, Indigestien, Torpid Liver, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, Skin Diseases, bcroiuia, anionic pneumonia, etc. t Is a nowerful Alterative Tonie and is ANTI- MALABIAL In its effects. Bead certificates from eminent physicians In our pamphlets. NO ARTIFICIAL, GASES OR SALTS. Bottled in its' natural state, direct from the SpriDgs, which are beautifully located in Bock bridge county, Va., and are open for the reception of visitors from June 1st to October 1st, each year; capacity, 1 ,000 guests. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr J. H. Me ADEN and Dr. T. C. SMITH, Charlotte, N. C P mar 12 ly FOR SALE. A Desirable Besldence on B Street, be tween 5th and 6th streets, is offered for sale. It contains seven rooms and has six nie places. House and premises In good re pair. Possession given early In April. ; Terras, fa vorable. Apply ty W. B. GRIFFITH, marll lm eod At Brown A Weddlngton's. ' SWEET POTATOES ! On hand Fine Lot of EASTERN YAMS, BUCHWHXAT FLOUR AND OAT MEAL, AT mar22 S. H. HOWELL'S. LILIE ! LILIE ! LIIJE ! HA vTNG how twojmo Kilns In addition to PEBPKTUALKILN wearenow prepared to ' FIEilr ORDERS PROMPTLY, on abort noticeand at prices that defy competi tion. We guarantee quality, and make no charge unless Lime proves satisfactory. ; We have an agency In Charlotte of A C Sum BervUle; who will receive orders lor small lota-at reduced prices. ,..? u.Mf- Beferenee as to quality of Lime glvenon appli cation.;, ,, , SIMON BBOTHEBS, ' , - i BoxNo,88,GaffneyClrS.& marX'Smv . '.- t ' - NO. 4,060. REMEMBER ! WE HAVE -:H: & 'Tg4H EARNHARDT" KIDS, at FINE HOOK LOCK KIDS, at A Job Lot of KIDS, at All-woor BLACK BUNTING, at til ? S5SNTINJ. W at 1.50 S1.25 25c and 85c 12o and 15o 15o VAAUWAO, Bt An Excellent Quality of 4-4 BLEACHING, at 10e . fc It will piy you to examine our stock of Black Dress Goods, Watered Siiks, Cretonnes, LACE CURTAINS, CLOTHING, GENTS' STRAW and STIFF H ITS; and in fact you will save money by examining our stock before purehas'ng. "EVITTS" LADIES' S H 6 E S , "TURNER'S" GENTS' SHOES. argraves & Wilhelm. mar28 MASON & SHONINGER LI3HJBEI & Eight of the Leading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instruments in PLENTY CF MONEY ON OUB LEFT, PLENTY TO EAT ON OUR RIGHT. 7 OE! IE i LITTL lj ml JMorbahsi Hill gT' MAT AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. We Dotft Put Ten Dollar G OF OtFR ORGANS, Neither do We Throw in a H. McSIYllTH, Charlotte, N. C. BLESSIING TO WOMANKIND. Believe all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation ofthemei , uterine disturbances, torp.dlty o! unctions, with leucor rhoea, dlsm- norrhsea, and bvsteri. also in melancholia and other mea tal derangements. Aft rd prom; t relief to those distressing bearing down pains so peculiar to women. Price S3 pet box. Sent free by mall on receipt of . price. Dr. Clarke Medlcloe Company, New York city. Dr. Clarke's Periodical PUls. OR Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. Tr. CI ar He's) AntU In either stage, whether primary, secondary or tertiary, are afriuvaiu- able remedy. They never fall to cura wnen directions are ioiiowea. Price 2 50Der box. Five b xes S10 Sypbilltic Pills. Sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aderess Dr Clarke Medicine company, New i org city. AN INVALUARLE REMEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys and bladder. A quick and complete cure in 4 to 8 days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, mucuus discharges and sediments in the urine from whatr Dr. (ever cause Induced, whether ot re cent er long standing, one to three Gonnorrhea boxes usually sufficient Price S2 per box.; Three boxes for $5J Pills. Ai&uea tree on receipt oi price.: . Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, New York City. pBERE IS A RALiM in OILEAD, For alt eases of Spermatorrhoea' nr. and im potency, as the result Of self abuse in youth, sexual excesses in maturer years, or other causes, and producing- some of the toQowmg leffectst Nervousness, seminal emis sions (night emissions by dreams), j Dimness ef Sight; Defective Menv fory, Phlslcai' decay. Pimples on , Clarke's race; Aversion to8oclety-of Females, Cbnfoslen of Ideas. Loss of Sexu u Power, Ac, rendering marriage im proper or4 unhappy.-': An a positive cure In two to 8 weeks. '-One to six boxes usually sufficient-' Price SL60 oer box - Four boxes 15., . Sent bv Invigorating ,j- (mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. pany, New York City. - . - Bfebl9 diw 18w v. XUBOBdZhYJUt iOh UaPARIKXNT Has been thoroughly' supplied with every needed want, and with the latest styles of Type, and every manner of Job Printing can now be done with neatness, dispatch and, cheapness. We can for nlakalaiimt uOtb,' - ftT.trprg, nTXTwi,iril - LSTIHIADS, CARDS, , . TAGS, RECEIPTS. POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, llANDBLLLS, PAMPTTLHT9, CIRCULARS, CHECKS, Ac. -WE HAVE :W: BUNTING LINING, all colors, at SUMMKB SILKS, from MOIBS SATINS, all colors, SATIN SUBAHi at TUCKING, at 15c 60c to S1.25 Si. 00 75c and 81.00 50c to 81.00 The Best GOaSKT ever offored. at VSSt Mil ! Front Forward to the Bear, !f: DOUULE-QUICK! McEHih Music House, -THE- ..-Lbtrlbuiitig Depot for the Carolina -FCB- OH I CKE RING. KRAXICK A If 1C1I, II US H E K, -AND- Southern Gem Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CH GO. ild Pieces ea Every Slop House Lot or.a Bailread, But Wo Beat That all to Pieces tW CALL AND SEE MB. fitl Will Guarantee 10 per cent on all Moneys Invested. HT" For Parslculars call on or write to Utisccllancjotis. Telephones ! Telephones ! TELEPHONES. THE SOUTHERN BEL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company, Is the -SOLE LICENSEE- of the : American Bell Telephone . Company For suppling Telephones in the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of tbe B. A O. B. B..) North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama. PEIVATE LUTES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented ' For particulars address f - . . SOUTHS BN BELL TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY, fsbll eod 3m . L 10& Broadway, New York. rr . ... ; , i . " Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the Independent Hook A Ladder Truck House, is bow ready - to receive ' orders, for HOUSE, SIGN , and OBNAMkM TAL PAINTING, such as , . s Kaispiiiinii!g, Fmceing, fa i P " I? ! J O i l m i N 4t 1 ' V1 - i t. V nil . i i i-lt-n ! 1 1 H it iu i if 4 I 1' u 4 (t-i .i , 1 I" 'J ' J it" M ! i if 1 W t f it Si III it i 8 1 I, li ' f f i I? It j It 11' jl p T' ; '.5 'I 4 I. - fi i

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