It s 1 .If 1 : : -t,MI",,l,,'1'M,,,ll'lllll'MM""M""""" " ' 4 ! !1 it:- I df&JSl PiTRT.fVR 1 1 I3T KITHSB LIQUID OB I4 FORM I THEMLYTaEDfClNE I3T EITHER LIQUID OB DljY F0BH fthat -Acts at the same time en M IMS ill V&B, AUa.ev wrti WHY ARE; WE SICK? f &cauk M vtowithe fyrht organ to VA humors are therefor forced into tht Hood Bt4 that should be expeuea naiurauy. 27 Stoos. 10 Sets Reeds, $90 Beatty BEETHOVEN Organ mtatas I KSS 5oSKMSt &SSSMi TBellows. Steel vvnr Avn NOVEL R BNORMOrS SUCCESS. xed, Dellrered on board CQA e, Stool, Book. Ac, only Oly i tnfnii wts Walnut or Ebomned Patent Stop Action, a by aaoEdiaon'a Cars BOARD (patented,) Bales over 1000 a month, Factory workim? DAY ana n X w till wwra f"ZZi. i-, nothing cant fairer i nnmlne the InatrmneBt. Leave N. Y. City, ft n nfromCUeaiUchinondPln. "Beatty's Excursion Route Cirwlar,")&auowea roy eroenaeaifyoubuy; come anyway, you are welcome. VjTrwiph wilanolltc ottend auto meets all trotna. &K9W fe8MuV Pianofortes 125 to S1600.'ogne Vr. Address or call upon PASTEL P. EEATTT, Waehington, Hew Jersey 1 WILL RU RELY' CURE j KIDNEY DISEASES; I "LIVER COMPLAINTS, pits, coirsMPATioir, urinary , DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, j f AKliTBKTW,M8EDEB. by enfretctUn & &t organ rutoring their power to throw of dlsetu, j IThj mffer BillOM pains and Aciesl , Wnj tormented Trith Piles, ConatlpatIol Why frightened over disordered Kidneyt! yfkj endue nerirons oi sick headaeheil Use KJCDXEY-WOBiTand rejoice in health. It is put np In Dry Vegetable Fona, Into cans one package of which makea Hi quarts of medicine. Also inLiftnidEoriu, very Coneen. trated, for inpse tiat cannot readily prepare it tylt acta with equal efflcioncy in either form. GET IT OF TOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, $1.00 TfTttS, A Co., Prop's, . rwill send the diT post-paid.) :"BT!HIISfOH, STATE HEWS.;.. wnfninirton Star: The rain ofiyesteri: day ffectually put an end td tfce fires tik tnewooas. . . l t .,tu.u,5 Very little business is Dejing aonen crude turpentine in this market just now. that peribd having been reached &Mihar iWdf BroW has about been ex- liMtgaArM dealers' areaituag tor trv r7irgmilijr to ccmimefice corig Aiu, , a rflipnnonic ure aiaiui uaa uccu f aoriori t.n thft-ftrurine room of the vrtit$f works at Hilton, so that'MRJohn: Sweeney, the engineer in charge, is in v formed-o a fire the instant an, alarm is? given, when he can immediately puison the necessary pressure. Lumberton Robesonian : A few of out farmers are planting corn. - -"A.1 small child of Alice Black, at Shoe Heel,i was burned to death on the 2lst inst., by being left in house with other children while the mother went to a neighbor's on an errand. TJaiaSo-h -fafews and Observer: The reveAtie collections in th?4 district ; f or the j week 'ending , Saturday evening were iowR. v u a Henry Jett, coiorea, ana dih wub ma- klhef SoutlkoriBiderAblej) intelligence A smaller Area in f mtinn., una mmtsbt I TXAUAaia. rr cio wujuk huoluo AV A ' UWi. totteipan,otflual timefor such . information fhet poprietraAfc: longpolifcioiataiharidltseina Bradstt-es'Joutnitia.f 'me, g5th ,nsL j Uhonly30cial?amnsement to con haw cbflectM ttom Various "parts or oider nolitrcal teverieea'and ! chances. as Ck)nklLnff Ivad, froneoip-fitaixsat the Vic- jSSMB&A'td fcali'orririS frenchman,; jomri'Tsnryth. uonkiinggoes exciusi T i. t" m A. ' ' T J I The followlnsr Scbedales jb -Car rectcft? ilM RAlIrocUl Official, ud. jnm,Y b Relied on tu Correct V-.JMJ Thfi miafirahlfi man'trt.hrhWfi',Hwav & tothe,exntDf.thej)laMing;for : we 101 Uiecourtesie9,an4,-consbrts df'ttfe coming year ana ine, proDaDie area 10 i,f0r. politics, and.apes fnot taiow what De given to cOTton ana gram. -else to do. th'oneh' He cuts on a little of as tRygmvJtware, or now cowon. being 'a 'lawyer, 'Itier apparehtto any ana gram uunrrg-jne -paac : vvwsvu: x juai maft wh0'1tpatcaes him that his heart in (EstaMlsfced IUiiAfi V nil h fi.n n rtm iflfl and catalogue mailed free. 315 .lmmiin rtifLPAnr nlUHTiP. nt-O TmPHOTKD KOUT BJtt, -aoo. I li to package makes 5 Kallons of a de- I1C10US, WuOieHome, oyaiauuR Kuikw. beverage. Aak your druggist, or sent Dy mail for 2So U it. nlBW, mau lor .jsc. r pgia. Avb., Philadelphia. REWARD! for any case of Blind Bieearos, iicuiub. Dic3rat9d, or protjudlng PILK3 that uemrnj-o tu". ui irnuvnv fails tn onrn Prflnarefl Dy J. x . MtCLKB. M. D , 915 Arch street Vnliadelphla, Pa. None genuine witnout nis siguttMu. c' "cular Sold by druggists and country stores. H1 $1000 for $1. SiaAuther.Anewanureat SfcP tcal Work, warranted the beatand cheapest, indispensable to erery tnan.entitled "the Science of Life orelf-ri erratjon bound in finest Prenoh muslin, embossed., full giltOO pp.contains beautiful steel esfcTaroiM, I prescrip tions, pnoe only f 1.35 sent by m.n . TlntpsiAr) aamnle. 6 cente : send now.Adaress Peabody Med. "JTJVCrT V leal Institute or Dr. W. H. PAK iUI pr.lir .K.ER, No. 4 Bnlfinchst. Boston Wf7 gfcljtidSB. l rui CONS TINT LY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOB CASH L AfN D PATENT andPFHSION attorneys Laud Patents obtained, and special attention given to contested Pre-emption, Homestead, Mineral and Timber Culture Entries. Highest price pa d for Land Warrants ana scrip oi mi . SION9 PKOCUHID for soldiers and sailors dls- abled in line of duty. Pensions Increased It rated too lo w. Bounty, back pay and new discharges ob Uned Send wo 3c stamps for blanks and 'Cir cular Information." Address NTOItDART & CO , 413 Q Bt N. W , Washington, D. C, GEORGE PACE & CO. Mrninfarfomri OX Patent Portable Circular SAW MILLS STEAM ENGINES 5N.SCHE0EDERST., HIT .TTMO'R'BL MD. . Grist and FIout Milla, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery, tMnrle Grcrfar Sawi Mill 8nppUee.etc. TANITE EIrEIlY WHEELS and GEEOMNG MACHrNERT. bend for Caialogaa. AgHcultural Lime AND Carbonate of Lime BEST & CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS, BUILDING LIBII?yasffi Rocky Point, IV. C. BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. iriyen this matter, more than usual im- .portance, ftief acts.ietaared possess cbh-" Biueraoie.intereBiiituuuKiA' yoiiuu is rather early to iiosittvely " indicate a certain? course Of events.. ft bears out the Drevkma renorts in reference to an increased acreage and aiore attention to food products, which is'now "of lead ing value throughout" the' South. ' L i In relation to cotton! the reports from South Carolina say that much . of the .weather since January 16th was rainy and unfavorable, which i$ the tenor of thirty-twer replies from twenty-nine counties, -while f 6urteen repliesv repre sent the .weather as fair and not unfavorable. Twenty-three correspondents report VhQ outlook in acreage ap favorable as at th same tiinejast year and twenty six anticipate a decrease of ten to twenty per cent. iu politics; and. he has cowardly hopes now -flushed,. nojw flatr- of beepming Senator aeain bv some miracle, or arbv- ernofof the State, or any thin e to keep him in the notoriety he has had in the past. f : ' ;:!:r',: . f. F1SHI11HAT1 Both Foreign and Domestic, ; Just Received, at tilda, are, perhaps, the oldest couple in , The replies show that more corn will De DianLea. iuo iuuiBao vat vinti uum this citv. their combined ages being 182 years. He is one month over 91 years of age while she is just that age. He was the Doay servant oi wi. yy ui. i um, in tne war oi 10121. no v"1" were married at the age 01 ana nave therefore been man ana wiraror a vears.i They bavealways made Raieigh their -noma, ana nave ucio .-uuuumui grandchildren; great-grand-children, ana great-great-grauuumiuicu. Oreensboro Patriot: Mrs; R. K Greg ory is very ill with phneumonia. . - Wheat ana oats are looKiog uuo promising. . aA t.'Ma lien. BCaies naa ueeu uuuuucu iu uw bed by an attack of rheumatism for one ten to twentv per cent., and that au in nreased acreasre has been given to wheat. ' There is a general, disposition tare thirtv-three cbrrespondentSi mentioned that les3 fertilizer would be used, while fourteen sav that the amount will prob ably be the same, as last year. Tne filantine of oats is generally stated, - to be very large. .-- ... . Tbe information from Georgia is verv much the same as the - above re- Vnrf.: frnm Rn'nth Carolina, and these conditions apply to nearly all the south east Atlantic. States. The larger area devoted to the planting of the food - m.u.u.iuuau .etfsDfiM :gABATOGA. v TICHY, Not th Citroliii9 Railroad. ,., OOJDEiTSED SOHEDULS, --j tea tub aonra iar. Date Febiuai y 18th,' 1883. Ko 51 Datlr. Lea d Charlotte, ... " BansDury, ... " Hleh Point... Arrive Greensboro,. Leave Hreensooro, . Arrive HUlsboro.... Arrive Durham, Arrive Baieigo,.... jueave Baieigb Al lTH GoUUOO'.O',. tt 60 a in R.ftl am 7.20 am a.t)0 a m &25 a m 11.04am 11.48 am 1.15 om 1.40 p m 4120 pm 'No. 58 twiit. 0 60 p ui 8.51 p m 10 44 p m 11.20 pm Ko 17-DaIly except Saturday, 1 ; '' s . Leave Greensboro.. .6.00 pm Arrive at RaWsh, . . ..8.04 a m Arrive at Goldf boro,..8.00 a m - no. 61 OonaeetB at GreensborA' with R D. B. B. lor all points North, East and West, via Dan vlllff. At Goldsboro with W. & W. K. R. for WU- mington. No. 83 Cosnecta at Salisbury with W. N. C. R. B. lor .ell points in Western North Carolina; daily at Greensboro with R. & D. B R. lor all points norui, embi anu west. From. Saratoga Springs. N. Y. 'A Dew water Te nded sembMng:the Imported Vichy. Kecqmrne: as an antacid; cures.dyspep-da, aids aiges- tlon, Is a powerful tonic arid strong qluretio. Also, TBATH9 GOING VfB3T. Date, Ffbruaty 19th, 1882. No. 50 No. 52 ' : Pa'ly. Dally. Leave. Golf sboro,. 10.20 am .' A- Ive Pileigh 12.40 pm Leave Haleigh 41 Opm A) ilvt Durban, 5 23 p m Airive Blllsboro 6.07pm Ai ''ive Greensboro, 8.60 p m Leave G reerisb :rb U. 1 0 p m 7 25 a m Arrive High Point,....:..... 8 06am Arrive Salisbury ll.upm 928am An ive Chariot" 13 50 a m 1 1.20 a m f M Supplj t! GUANO. Epitabie and Chesapeake. ALSO- Mim -'Natural Miner 1 Recommended very highly, as a cathartic and al terative and ia all f orni of dyspepsia. we3&. . .. -' ' I cfanlaa find thft imnprifit.rvfl dftmand that If A field of wheat a tewmiitt an ample supply of pro visions, should O iwn is heading up beautifully. . It will an pi ' . fliminish thfl I UC OO'jUlVyU TV AAA A. y A wj..w - labor that will be given to the cotton crop, mating a decrease 01 tnatcropin some sections almost certain. The sea son, however, has not vet sufficiently advanced to say what the result will be, , . ALSO, CASES CONGRESS WATER, No.' 18-Dally except Sunday, i Leave Goidsboro... 2.50 D m Arrive at Raleigh,.. 7 JO pm Leave Baieigh...... 5.00 a m j Arrive Greensboro,. 2. 20 pm No. KO-Connecta at Charlotte with A. fr. C. Air. Line for all poiuts In the South and Southwest, and with C, C. &.A. R. R. for all points South and Southeast. No. 62 Connects at Charlotte with 4. fi Air. . Line for all points South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C4A.E.B. for all points aouth and Southeast. --GENUINE Kainitt or German PoM Sail Ef CALL AND 818 TJ8. College Street mar7 f rkTOn lshpaninc nn be ready for scythe by the middle of Greensboro is to have an independen dent republican newspaper. Its publi atinn will hpcin about the 1st of May. cemetery nas ueeu W. N. C. RAILROAD. 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE ALUM, COING WFST. 10 CASSC eJFFALOLIT''!A. lThe new oiyww u- and unU1 months of April and May SraS work puUing have passed and theevents during that And a full sup of the grounds in shape. After every thing is completed and the sale of lots .be gins, it is proposed to reserve a plot and erect a monument to the memory of Gen. Greene. AT WHITE FRONT. feb2l it. ri, GASTON, HA DE T.KH ALSO FRENCH DUOS., rnar21 dw4w Tinware &Honse FurmshiBg Goods MANTELS and GRATES S3?-WHOLES ALE and BaVIAIIH Springs k Burwel HAVE IN STORE ONE OF THE -LARGEST STOCKS- "Iimkiss Supreme Court. Balelgn News and Observer, 28. " Court opened at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. . . Appeals from the seventh judicial district were callbd and disposed of as follows: ,, W. W. McCanless vs. H. W. Reynolds, from'Davidsoir; continued by conaent. O G Williams et als vs J W Williams et ala, from Yadkin ; motion by plaia tiff for reference ; argued by J M. Clem ent and W H Bailey for the plaintiffs, and D M Furches and Reade, Buabee & Busbee tor the defendants. Jonson, Clark & Co: vs C H Beniheim, from Rowan ; heretofore argued ; cimrt took the papers. W A Poston vs John Rose from Row an ; put to the end of the district. A W Robertson vs v an x an, irour Stokes; put to the end of the district; two cases. t , J J Howell vs W T Ferguson et als from Wilkes; put to the end of the dis trict for absence of counsel. R F Hackett et als vs- Quincy Shu ford et als, from Wilks; argued by J M Clement for the plaintiffs, and G N Folk and D K Furches for thetlefen dants. , , , , Court adjourned until 10 o clock this (Tuesday) morning, when the consider ation of appeal from the seventh judi cial district will be resumed. ' The Justices delivered opinions yes terdays, in causes heretofore argued, as foilows: , m ' " . Charles Malloy et als vs T J JJreeden etals, from Richmond; no error ; judg ment affirmed. : . J P Allen vs Giikey & Gilkey, admin-, istrators, from Rutherford ; no error- judgment affirmed, j William Gilchrist vs Mary A Kitch en, from Robeson; error; further pro- fififldincrs to be Bad, below. State vs Willis Hughe Particular attention paid to ROOFING AND SPOUTING None but first-class hands employed. Call for the BARLEY SHEAF STOVE. -OF ,-Awr. n KEB rue 8SSS OGG RRR OO OOO EEK RKB n ORROOOOR R O RRR OOO EE RRR 11 KB OOGR RO OO OE R RIIK SS OOO B R OO OOO KEE B R II EEESS ssfl Val nable Mid Huh lnery Flour, Grain, Provisions, k, Ever offered In this market. Don't buy lunttl you exaro'ue our Stoc'i and Piices. CORN SS OATS. CAR LOADS WHITE CORN, CAR LOAD3 YELLOW CORN, 1 000 BAEBKLS 1'L0Ua' 'QQ 8ACK3 COFFEE, 2QQ BARRELS MO SSE3, BARRELS SUGAR, JQQ BOXES BACON, PACEAGE3 LARD, " 200 B0XS8 BOAF' 2QQ PACKAGES MACKEREL, -JQQ BOXES CRACKERS, 2 BOXES CHEESE, &C. n i rrmTm hi attti mi fAiMi flLVUty 100 Barrelsfjust from the Mil). SPRINGS UBURWELl. f eb8 dw HIRAM SIBLEY & 00, trill mall FREE their Cata losrae for 1882. contAlnlns; a fuU descriptive Price'. IJst of fiei I WILL offer for sale at public outcry, at Oro, Chesterfield county, 8. C, on the 2ndand8rd DAYS of MAY NEXT, 11 not sooner sold, a Valua ble Lot of Engines and other machinery belonging to the Hicks Gold Mine, at Oro, viz: One 40 horse power engine and fixtures; two 12 home nower ermines, hoisting attachments and fixtures; one 10 Hhorse power engine, hoisting at tachments and fixtures; one 10 stamp battery; one plaining machine and edger; one pump and at tachments; one lot piping and connecting rods; one drag mill. 20 Ama'gamating bairels and at tachments: one lot sheet copper, amalgamating San, assaying: furnace; one lot chemicals r one lot indow weights; one lot rope; one lot machlniste"; tools; one lotracibles, and sundry Other articles. TERMS, All sums under Twenty five Dollars Asft: all sums over that amount on three or six months time, if preferred, with approved security. E. N. BEDFBARN, mar!7 eod till may 1 -r.Becei,ver, state vs Willis Hughes, from Vance: error; judgment reversed, etc; ' . Thomas W Kendall vs W K Brjley et alsrom Anson; no error; judgment affrflled and appeal dismissed. State vs James M Massey, from Rock ingham; errror; defendant gjanted a new trial. , . va Robert Boyd, from V ance-, -ernudnted. jonu xwjau vo " " jv., Wavne; report to referee confirmed, with modification. . E Murrill et als vs H H Sanderhn. et ala; from Onslow; remanded to the court below. A J Cottlngham & Bro vs Sarah A McKay et ala, from Robeson, no error; judgmn4; affirmedr-v. - - feT Morn, idmSni8tratoj, ys J s Bunting et als, from Wake; error? ver dict below set aside and a venire ae novo awarded. James McLeod vs C W Bollard et als from Richmond ; petition to rehear ; former judgment affirmed. ; time ascertained, an intelligent judg ment can hardly be formed in reference Wthe area and prospects of cotton, In ahout four or si weeks the fate of the nat p.roo will be known, and the result of the corn planting may not be cer tainly tiscertained until July. ';' i The Western North Carolina Railroad. A Raleigh correspondent of the New York Times, in announcing that the Western North Carolina icaiiroad is nftarlv finished, sives his views in rela tion to that work as follows: "The Richmond & Danville Terminal ttailwav com pan v have at last complet ed the-Western North Carolina Rail road to the Tennessee line. Within the. npxt thirtv days trains can pass from Morehead City, on the ocean, through the whole lemith of the State to the Mississippi river. 'There is less than one mile in Tennessee to be completed,, which, although delayed by heavy rains, will be ironed by May 1st. There is a short link thai is tinder contract to 1p completed by July next that will bring about through connection between Chi cago and Cincinnati over Uih Knoxville and Ohio and the Kentucky Central Railroads to Paint Rock and on through North Carolina. This then will be tne shortest possi ble line between the cotton States east of the Blue Ridge and the Great West. The chain of mountains extending from Lynchburg, Va., to Atlanta, Ga., a distance of 700 miles, cannot be crossed at any other points than down the French Broad river and through Paint Rock without tunneling, and that the cautious railroader is afraid to under- This makes ioei line,, of this great highway nearly 200 miles shorter than any other possible line, and promises benefits to the State which- in a few vars mav not be measured by seventy limps the ten millions which the State anpnr. nnnn it. Wonderful development is already shown alone the lino of the road in the production of bright tobac o, for which Riinp.nmhfl and Madison counties are noted, the opening of mines, the start ing of enormous lumper, enterprises uy rnmnanies from Cincinnati and Cuica- r - - r . . . il. nri the immense increase m uie IMPORTED fiPtLLINSR S NO. E-Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.20 p m Arrive Kernero lie.. 10.86 p m Ai.ive Salem.. 11.20 pm NO. C2Dall7, except Sunday. Leave GreeDsboro 8 30 a m Arrive KemersvLle 9.41 a m Arrive Salem 10. 15 am To Ire Ian I HAVE JUST RECEIVED- AND GOING Bunyadi 3aaos Waters. ME GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Doss: A wine glass full before breakfast. The Lancet "Hunyi.dl Janos. Baron Liebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that nf al! other fenown waters." The Brutsh Medical JuuiimI -"itunyaaj janos. The most aeree.nbie. saf jst, and moat efficacious unprfnt watt-r." rror. i ircarne. eeruri uivMiaui, suuu aim nmmnl silfps : mo3t aiUHl-ie. Prof. Hamberatr, Vienna "I If-ve vrescrlbed these writers with re ir.;trkai 'e suwkss. Pntf. Stvmzrrru. vmrszDurg i prpscrv-e none Prof. iMJtdcr iiruM'm. .- . v., . h .v, i.onuon. "ait're t'l a-ant than Its rivaii. and surpasses Hiir. It. i'MoCW' Prof Atkcn if. P., F. K. wjyui Jiir.iary nos- nirai. NfltiKv '-Pieierred to Puiina and Irted- ricushail" NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15am Arrive Kernersvl le -5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 5it fHv L ive Salem .fl.00 p m Arrive Kernersville fi.40 P m Arrive Greensboro 8 00 P m A LOT OF SI'ATK UNIVERSITY RAILUOAD. Last Words from Longfellow A ladv at Newport;: R.I., sent Mr TniDrfftUow "some flowers two weeks ago, and he now contents himself . with as- berof tuhpsJ, TlriV letter written he- . ... . rn.iiHd the comple- fore his death, and among tne iTmi mi trn viitufi nf the land, much of that on the line of. the roadTiaYingtrebied in val Consequently a new order of things now exists in the Old North State. The oam influences which have made the otr West are beginning to -show re- anHhere. The new activities of the day are impelling the people to meas- UT ailfquesiiuns uy tueu yiaiaj. y th rift tvfinmmunities or to the State. The fact that the Richmond and Dan THllfl Terminal Rail way company now nropertv-i that cbat them less thah One bundr,ed thousand dollars, and UDOn wnicn iori.U . aroiiua peiiu iu A . Hlf J - A Train more tnan ten minion,, ooes-uou frouble the. people at all : in tne- ngnt that this fowwhich ffas been on hand for thirty years, is now completed, ana I fired fact in the railroad system ot thfi State; - - - : . . , Thftraforft it is that Senator Vance announces that his fight on the Rich mond ftndPanville company is at an end. With the locomotive at Paint Rock the Senator's occupation is gone, fto 1, GOING NORTH. Dally ex Sunday. Leave Chapel Hill 7 30 a m Arrive University, 8.20 a m Arrive Ra.eigh ! 0 15am No. 2. GOING SOUTH. Pal y . ex. S'intiay. Leave R-jl'-Uh. a o0 p in Anive University 5 . 1 5 P m Arrive Chape- Hiil rt 15 i ni Wrapping Pa) AND D JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and N-'rth TryonSu, L.-ii;'eas!nK Pharniscist. . CHARLOTTE, N. Polliffl Secpiai Cars Witbont Cliaiie On Train No. 50. New York and A'UntavIa Wash ington and Danville, ana bt-tween Greensboro and CLiarlestcin. On Train o. F,?, i:icbnon1 and Charlot'e and Washlngron and harlot e ia Danviiia. tSf-Throufjb Tickets on sale at Greensboro', Raleteh, bold'boru'. Salisbury and nharlotte. and ill principal points South, southwest, west. North and East. r E migrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as. Arkansas and the Southwest, address. A. PUl'E, . ienerl PaEsenser Agent. feb2S ' " KichMOnd. Va. aper Bap. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA wnan vnu ran eret water Inst as rresn ana spara- h...t si v.-hn it tiowR from the surinn. at Saratoga. revive this water in large diocs tin res.ervoira which we return as aoon as empuea to oe repuea again every week. J, H. mc Aur.x, Pre-crlrtlon8 carefully preparea by expeneuceu j and comixjir.T drvjgglats, dnj or night Jniy28 . RICHHIO:- D & DANVILLE R.R. PASSEj gee depaetment. HOt II .TIJ,T AND PHIM0EL PHI A IZF. On- Can irnde- n n. -John H liiiiis, fciT" On aad March 5ih. 18x2, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta & Cbarloue Air Li ue blvls!uu of this read will be as follows: Mail aad WESTWARD. Express. Mail. . No. 50. No. 62. Leave l handle, A, 12.40 am 11.05a m Arrive (iastonia, L 1.35 a m 12.02 p m Arrive partauburg. K 4.04 am 2.35 pm Arrive -ireenville, fl 5.32 am 4.09 pm Arrive .'.tineca, G 7.1 5 a m 5.54 p m Airive i occoa. r 8.28 a m 7. 05 p m Arrive H abun G ap Junction,, ft. 32 am 8-.00 p m Arrive Vula, E 10.18 am 8.43pm Arrive alnseviiie.. 10.5tam P.15pm Arrive tlanta. 1.40 pmll2.05 a m Mail and I ZiTWARD. Express. Mall. No. 51. No. b3. Lt wt Atlanta... I 2.15pm 5.00 a m AiTW Gainesville, 454 m 7 41 am Arrive Lula, S , 5.2rt in 8.32 am Arrive Rabun (iap Junction, 6 22 p m 9.14 a m Arrive Tococa, K 7.06 p-m 10.07 a m Arrive Seneca. G 8.24 pm 11.21 a m Arrive Greenv ille. H 1 0. 08 p m 1 .27 P m A rrive Spartanburg, K. 11.40pm 2.59 p m Arrive Ga stonta, L 2.06 a m 5 1 1 p m Arrive Charlotte. ST-. . 3.15 am 6.00 pm mar5 EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT z.;curc nTrmiiATm Slower, and Garden a rY7 w Cures . SYPHILIS in any stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLD SOR 3.PI ' PLE3, BOILS ANX, - 81IN PIS .AS ;i -j Bulbs, ; Ornamental 'Orasse'i. ' nd InrmbrteUes, Gladiolus, IAUea. Roses. Plantn. on!m - - '.ImplettMntA. Beavtlfall7 nina- ' trie1.0Ter lOO pages. Address) , ROCHESTER,H.Y. CHICAGO JLL y-179483 EutVabi Sb 200-206 RtndolpVSt y CURES WHEN ALL OTHER if yoti aonbt, come to see tas,'and wa wlll CURE YOU. or ehargejipthbiKni oootlnue to act as Solicitors Ibr Patents, CaTeats, n .Issue Marks. Copyrights, etc, lor the United states, uuuoa uuoa,'s,ogiana, r ranee. ve naa inirxy.nTe yeans experience , Germany iny.ete. We . i ktc mou tuiriiuf f hub exuflnf ) :.'.;,('.' rawnisoviamea uirougn vs are noticed in the SCI ji.a AIiiricah Thia large and aplendld illus- Sfw6 14 57Jnterestlrie,tod bat an mormous :AlnC 2 xWir CO, Patent ttollcl- ir.XI.r . " vi miuuiurm AMSK1UAH, OI m AMW. toMLYorfc. HBdraboutPatenW Write f or mractaara; and a oopy ot the . lltge boot ""Mc?8age to toe Unfortunate $j(t!f$dg, lflk any prominent DraeglM; btrr Stani which he wrote, having used ari "aman uensis for ten days past, ne gays . , T have been arranging these wpnder- f ufftowf H M lamP Ln m,y hbra" $V t AorTvSliirikof the floral games of ' Toulouse in the times of the trouba i doure, and were 1 agopo; irouDaaour x romiiri writfl vou a.letter in yerse to night; but I am worn and weary, so that I find it difficulty to write even : prose." , - 41t '.' Th handwritinff showed greatly in-: creased feebleness. 'In this same letter ha gods . "Thanks is a little wof d, .but it has much meaning when there is a heart behind it,,and thus I send you mine for these Newport fiowers." Mr. Longfellow loved Newport, and nairi not lonff affo to this lady: "'' v.- ?I would choosa-Pelham street could Tlivfl in Newport. I like that street very much, but in the Newport air 1 should want no worKto ao. Anavis the climate to be idle in." Two Hundred More Square MileS, wejjt by the looa. -ir , . Detudcratrrespondent reports from Musson, La., that the beautif drTdrda- che, Marin grain and Grdsstette country is desolated by a vast iBheet of water pouring over it from f ourmvasses The Key and Trinity siSfeplantations; also went under from back water. Sun- day night Pine Tree ; leveey on the Mound plantation gave way and the Weijrfesaa f olMmngthe Marengo back , - J , I lOVQtJ ,VTfV3 uiusco iu cure utoca. vuust: JII brMiar:a reTdttedOahd heiosa W 35? cr6rJaiJnf winxtWd half a milliop. dollars. Two hundred square miles ot A Little Too Bad Chicago Inter-Ocean. ' . . It is -related -of an absent-minded young lady that, having been duly mar ried, she started off on abridaftour. The party stopped at a western city. So far so good. Sometime in the night there pame a succession of - terrified shrieks f rom the room occupied by the brida-and groom, and . the clerks; por? ters and employes generally rusnea up stairs, only, to meet a frantic female figure,Mad in white, fleeing in desper ate haste from her apartment, crying: "nh: there's -a man in my room !" L .The clerks rushed , in and found the groom half disrobed standing in. the middle of the floor, one boot on and the other ia his hand, the picture of amaze ment. He explained ' that he had just come f' urK stairs, -and was in the-act of imrrfARfline (his wife bad previously? re tiredVwben she3.uddenly awoke.wiCh' a' AhriA&f and flea. ' i " '.' 1 ,;"v7riat was the w alter f asked th6 -amfino," said the husbaad. . Jtistftheli xhe nrmej enveloped ma huge bedspred, procured f or neri&y .a rhamher maid.-came baCld'oMffffVerv red and foolish; arid td a half-a- minute 8leplaine(iUhe mystery by saying; ; ."Oh, u red, i- iorgot i was -marxiea,. and when Iwoir r was frightened The leading Scientists of To.aay agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidney and Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Livers are kept in perfect order, perfect hearth will be th? -suit This truth has only been known a short me and for years people suffered great pony wl bcut being able to find relle". The discovery of v ar nes Safe Kidney and Live Cure marts a r evv era in the treatment of thr f trcubles. M-ie i rrtm ft a'm n'etroDlcal leaf o. rare value, i con tains just 'Ue elements neces ry to nourisl Fid invigorate othof these great crgans, and f restore ana peep mem in imrci . ihd a uj -1 t REMEDY lor all the diseases thai cause pp'n? the lower part .01 xuq ooay ior lorpiu tuwet -Headaches JaHndics Dizziness Gravel- e p r. Ague Malarial Kever, and all difficulties cj the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. it is an excellent aua saw icjucu lvi iwa-rm during PregnfJicy. it will control Jiensu 'auoa i iin.nnihlii fnr IjinhnrrhnRikor Vallinir 01 the auu in imaiuv .v....- a . .v.. .. . a ft Blood Purifier it is nneauaiiea, r u-i-ureo V,a moh k lih At iTtH lb e hlOOd. x.u 1 tt'"'" . . . This Kameuy wnicn nas apnt sucn wonaen,, io nutSin In thn l.AROKST SIZED Bt T1 tK OI any medicine upon the market, and lold 1. drogiilsts? and all dealers at 81. 25 per bottl. For Dlube.t?s enqalrefor WARNER'S SATE DlABEl'if3 CURE. It is a potiriv s nemeay. , an28 Rochester. N. Y. i n 1 ' Suicide and Dyspepsia. a yjs:ifflarTtale'ciirerfor Iryspepslaji Neil's Health Renejfer." TJie greatest tonic, best bil Hoas and liver remedy imewn. SI at druggistsi Depot, J. ii. Mcaaen. uoariop, Jt. u. 1 w-.y .t.r. Tt?0? t?RABB fiyillteaaldto w chemist J 1aTU tMmntA hv 4.000 fneonle.- are cov- I At hrhre miease. Dlabetea. br knvdisft fittha .n. iflorol uholnnM , . L .Lu...A CKn n.Mrta aikA A nmTo na.:Tiretwi8mi7..!!7-fio ju, ruu u u u 73" who wlH find ra anarrsleof 400 bottles et a. S. 8. one pamcie ni Mercury, iodide or potassium, r JS WUT SPECIFIC CO. - J Atlanta, f i (ran zottlv.) Pries of 8maU,Jze,'.l.j;i. ...... tl 00 y fta.arge,eiayj.l.f4..... SOLD BK ALL DRUGQIB 'UUUUUIO, Bachvpalka. oplete cure 4 days, nrihary jU 1i BGL. JtowKanifc noM."imarthlg, nidheyuisea lent or difficult urination, and . Sf'at 7I aiwflr Trom "these Olseaaetiif oti.mA Hoo Bltterw besides; being the be-farnjlj. medlojpe. WE e S nut un In 251b. packages, suitable ior rmhiifihra of nfibntrv newsoaoe'S. Address . rwrrV 1 .Tl i ' I . . . TT L ' t mar28' ' ' Charlotte, N. C, nan ui'iiipninrn RnfM r sTii wyarflrsin men. nay - Jnat. Hptvd a larffiRlot of TFIrst-Class NEW 1 ink. nut unin 25' lb.' packages." suitable ; Seel Ileal. I HAVE JWHiecelved a shipmentof cotton seed Meal from the Charleston Oil Mills. . A Valua ble food tor-sTOCK' as wen as a nne jemuzer. An alysis shows 41 against 23 for Pea in flesh pro ducing, and 77 against 60 for fat properties.. Will sell the Meal at a ary .low prtcefc- eonsidertngrUs value. . , J. G. SHANOiiiiQlJBJS,;Agent. mar4 tl 1 t-- j i A 7 f MM ..m fUL h. I - sm KM u 5 yi si a. i 1 IDDI13TQW? GQ&$? We have Just received and offer for s SJfORT TB1E QNL Tea Setts Cnina Mossrose. CONNECTIONS. , A with arriving trains ot Georjla Central and A. W. P Railroads. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. a W. P. and-W. & A. Railroads. 9 C-wttb arriving trains of Georgia Railroad S. with Northeastern Kail road of Georgia to ana from Athens, Ga. F with Jtiberton Air-uue to and irom juDerumj Georgia. G vrith Columbia and greenvllle to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. 0,' H with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. K. with bpartaoburg ana Asueviiie, ana spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and A8hevlUe, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and i.c noir Narrow Gauge to ana from Dallas and Chester. M with C. C. & A .. C. C, B. & D. and JLT.tO, for ail points West. North and East. Jfuliman sieeping-car service on trams xnos. do and 51 dally, without change betwten Atlanta and New York, A. POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott, Gtperal Mans ;er. ' I, y, SAGE, Superintendent marl 2 Decoration, 56 pieces, $10.00 ;8I6.00 EXTRA FINE TEA ETT3, gold, bird ui deooraUon combined, 44 pieces, $125 worth J18 00. PORCELIAN TEA SETTS, plain white, w pieces, $5.00. PORCELAIN E DINNER 8JTTS, lflf pl 515.00; decorated. 180 p eces, for t$h& BRONZE LAMP3 Of astruerlor qual'fr, with shades, at $100, worth $2 C All Other Goods in IS: WHOLESALE and EETAII , Bespectfuijy, if J. C, C. & A. R. K. CO. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. febl9 AT- Train Train No. 52, No. 48, ; Passeng'r. Passeng'r. Leave cna lot te...... 11.30am Auive Bock Blu 12.85 p m Cheslsr, 1.28 pm Anive Winnsbaro,.. 2.50 p m , Arrive Columbia 4.18 p m Leave Columbia 4.25 p m 5.45 a m Arrive Lexington &2pm 6 87 am Arrive Ridge SpHng, fl 25 p m 7.55 a m Arrive ttranltevllleT. 7.40 tm 9.12 a ni Arrive Avgisi a, 8.40 pm 9 52am Jcfk l N ' ' yrefght l Freight Leave Charlotte. ... . 5 40 & ml 5.40 pm Arrive Beck Hill, '. . 8. 03-a m 7 32 pm Anive Chester .". . 9.50 a m 9 03 p m A'-riveWinosbo-.o 12.65 pm 11.17 pm Arrive Columbia, ' 5.05 p m 2 1 8 a m Leave Columbia, v- 2 40 a m 1 rrlTO Lexington,. ;8.4Q a m Arrive Ridge Srrlng. J 5 4" a m AniveXJranHevllle,.-. 7.54am Arrive jagusta.. , .....V...-. 9.30am WILDER'fi u Tiata Ho. 6 Dally Oonnectiai Columbia with the . C. R. R, for Charleston, and with the C. x . R. R. for Alston, Newberry,' Abbe vlJle, 4a At Angosta with. Central Georgia R. R Ur Macon, Savannah: and Florida polnta. : i. Wrato No. 48tJaUy-Connects at AuAJStavlth the Georgia R. K. and Ceptral Ger? m B.B. for Aismm. AUanta,avapnah and KId fapotnts. A'rainj.xios. is ana zu, loeai, aaiiy excepi oun- ralaa f rem the South a ri.e at cturlpue pas-. senger,dally,atfi 85p. m. Kre lsht,k da. ty exeept Bupday, at 8.42 a. m. and 4 46 p. m. f-v -i day. aTEaNTTC,1TENNESEE 4 OHIO DIYISIOif Llfahxo, rany, "'' ieave CharloUe..,.,. . . Traln NO;52DAun , ;V!i;r lavBfame;?.SV.i.. ' ;.' Arrtre,-at 4. .. t - v-fliai .Tl i.itirfniita' j ",Xick2; Isold to ail points Soul 6bfpm ..7.00am ...0.15 a m it i.i ltMMt allowed on local ncketaj A v'jLTO ' . lAilUIUUUkr D. V JUOaVU JLiHtf IQO mmbla&C-March'ia Southeast and VOU WILL FIND A FULL STOCK IFresh Drng I j : Qieiils,- Toilet At -A- c-uv-Alsava eaUiSp' I At IfiUBfcSfUI HiM..Wirder, A a 41 dec3l J Jli 1 A tV-t s-l TT I ever uiauo, . wyvw. i ., , ... . H'i4iH $tjeft iii ill bens iii J f..r-A-.. ,1