-. ' l N: fc." : MVSMOJUTtiOM BATMMt ' Tftm sspqflj. wy v hv " 00. MARCH 20TH, Wo will display one of the' handsomest Spi'iDg Siocfis Brer offered lo tola market abetted to took at are specially re urtfockof i Bleached Slieetings and Shirtings, ALSO OUR t which we bare endless wlMr. 0 r tock LA X and EOIDEBY will bo found supesW to any Chan to, both In price and beauty. Everybody In Charlotte Is Invited to call and look. Everybody in the County la Invited to eall ana look. Everybody In the htate la Invited to call and look. i Harri marl 9 gootfi anfl Allocs 1882. 1882. :o: :o:- Style flats. fiove XMVftpa and CM eVl!y receiving A BMUfim LINE OF G5 ES WW ItTTTTgSSg f moo NN N n k ir OOl K KN 88SS -HATS;-: Don't Fail to (Mil and See Them. PEGRAM & CO. -BOSTON- 1TALLDRGICAL WORKS, 33 HAWKINS ST., BOSTON, MASS. McMlarfltata. aaaaro and Analytical Chemists 160 Rw. and npwarda. 1. '.t anara. MUaa XxanateaUona, EenoiU, SketebM odKvrad. CvkktrueOona ot works arvd wopalIumlahod. . Tit iy SiKltiog Works. .v! 1 ,: '' ' OOVPEK Mi1' MEITE11, on RirfWiiros atPVRCHASEb COPPER MATTE AND ASE 3 BULUON Tresdoo Terms. THOMAS BDH3. .MTAtixraJBT. a ,1 1 IT irinW .V,.i 1 1. 'ikJa fu.um -t- lW isoc H dr-at styles bT orry aani fmfaU Kv mlfon aaoalst of 2S oeats. Alexander Spring VOL XXVII; 1KD- COUNTERS'1 BX Laden with FBXBH and 8TYLI9H GOODS In great Tarlety, and we aak yea to examine our floods and co are oar prices, with the full as surance that 70a will find the examination and comparison to your pecuniary Interest The putfllc has already voted SEIGLE'S GOODS the HANDSOMEST and BEST SELECTED In the city. Every Novelty of the Season fa THIHM1NG8 and In NECK WEAR. All should come and see for themselves. WAB MSB'S COBALINX CORSET only 07 cents. T. ISEIftLE & CO. mar26 BieAtcal. Diphtlieria. A cold or sore throat may not seem to amoaat to much, and If promptly attended .ffa easily be cured; but neglect is often OUowed by eoninmptlon or dlphtherte. No medicine has ever been discovered which Ma ifOj qutefcly and surely in such cases as PAIS tiM-EH Th prompt use 01 uus fntaaM remdy has saved thousands of rives. PERRY DAVIS PAIN KILLER Is swt n experiment. It has been before the pubno Kr forty yeavrs, and Is most valued where it Is best known. A few extracts from voluntary testimonials read iifloilows: -P?nS&B ?en my houaehold remedy for aula lor the past twenty-seven yean, md hv Vat tbirty yean I have uaed Patm Knxr, and found It a never-f alllns' (emedy for colda and aora fcroat Baktoh Beaman. Have received immediate relief from colds and ore throat, and , consider your Paw Killkb an hiyaluabto ramedy-Gao. & Etxbxtt, Dickinson, .have jbat recovered from a very aerere cold, which I have had for aonta time. I could gat no relief until I tried your Pxur Kilulb, -vfhicli relieved me lnmtadlatoly. I will never again be without It O. O. Fobc, Lowndes, Ga. Have used Path Killkb in my family for forty years, and have, never known it to fail. Bamsok Lzwia, Waynesboro, Ga. I began uauurPAW Enxn In mv family twentr- nve years ago and have used it ever Rince. and have found no medicine to take its place. B. DruRKlst. Oneida. N. Y. For whooping-cough and eroup It is the best preparation made, we would not M without it A. P. Boors, Liberty Mills, Vs. , For twenty -five years I have uaed PaiwKtlixb for colds and chapped Hps. and oonaider it the best medicine ever offered. GxoHoorza.Wilmiiurtoii. N. C. I was suffering severely with bronchitis, and my throat waa ao inflamed t could scarcely swallow any food. I was advised to try your Pais Kiur, and .after taking a few doses was completely eareo-T. w ruaxsow. Dr. Walton writes from Coshocton: Tour Pah Kxtxkb eurea diphtheria and aore throat, soalann mgly prevalent here, and baa not been known to fau in a abuis instance. This fact you should make known to the world. Mrs. EliKN B. Mason writes: My son waa taken Violently sick with diphtheria, high fever, and cold chills. Bo many children have died here, I was afraid to eall a physician, and tried your Paw Kn.T.ra, He waa taken on Sunday, and on Wednesday bis throat was clear. It was a won derful cure, and I wish it could be known to the poor mothers who are logins; so many children. For Chills and Fever PACT KILLER has no equal. It com when everything else falls. Delays are often dangerous. A bottle of Pain Kiixntin the house Is a safeguard that no family Should be without. All druggists sell it at 25c90c, and fl.OO per bottle. PERRY DAVIS A SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. sept d tw sept A oct. TWIT'S PAULS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AH THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. AND THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of appetlte.Wsnsea.bowels ooatlTS. Pain iyt th.Head.wltn.adaU sensation in ilhm baafc part. Pain under the shonldor- KmA. rollneea after eatina;. with a dlain- . fnlln a inn ftA mi Olnsiion io exertion of body or mind. IrrtUbllity of temper. Low spirits. Loss of memory, with a iee""g sr lWin bvww amii womjm. - WutTerTHFof the Heart, Pots before the eyes. Yelfow Bkln. Ueadaohe. Restiessl ness si night,' highly eolored Urine. 17 THESE WARNINGS ABE TTKHEESEB, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TUTTS FELLS especially adpted to ancfa. cases.one doao ffeeta-aaeliatclutBgo of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appottto, and cause the body to Take oat neoawuwa bb j.ioua BioairislMeand by tr Tonle Aetlom enthe Pttwuvawrjai,iMfywiw.F; ro- daced. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gsat Raib or Whiskms changad to aGroasY Black by a single application of this Drn. It imparts a natural colon acta Inatantanepusly. Sold by PruggiaU, or sent by express on receipt of f 1. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CD. iurr'8 KASCAL sf Vslssbl hrarsutisa sai -BilftU Ssw wttl bs alk4 Fltt s. HU-rtif lwby.28deodUwl f . ', , , : 1. fill CATIIAUTIC A N AX EBATI V B, It Well known speclfle for OOHSDMPTION, -DIGESTION, and alt disorders of the STOMACH. LlYlR and KIDNEYS, v - " ! " ' NINETY Y1ABS' popolar use afiesU Its purity, safety and sopertortty to all waters of" this class. Avoid .ari coane. trrltatlng waters, foreign and domestic: ther Impair the dlgeattv3wgsns and II CONGRESS jf'pdnejs, therebyliulaclrig irreparable results ' . .. f TV i. i .- y; ifana Ctoatlsie. 8ol s Drnasrbt, mil Sfmeod . t t S If rp'Ei, brWtesisjdfor atermjf re n'epatrciwoXtheiU Li aV b liJUJJKAM .mbi w ba m m wm w i s iibb v v a hTT cTiriisrroiTdOITJH T.I i .4,4- I "OA 7 II I i - III - 1 Willi i ii i i ; - - -sfv. i .j Ma . i J? r;. Be as Thorough as You CaU f - , " Interpitoe. , Whatsoe'er yootlnd to do, Do it, boys, with all your might! Never be aUtUe tone. Or a little In the right; - t.Trlfles even "-rLesd to Heaven, Trines toakelhe life of man;. -1 .,' So m aa thlncs, Creator small things. Be M , tiorough as yon ean. Spoaeas tariisjiduonxw bright! Fdjnet give a fig for him Who says that any lie to white! - Mb who faltam, --J Twists or akers 1 Little atoms when he speaks, Hay deceive me, - .Bat helleve me, , 5Fo himself he Is a sneak! Help the weak If yon are strong, Love the old If yon are young, Own a fault If yon are wrong, If you're anary hold your tongue. In each duty Lies a beauty. , If your eyes you do noti&but, Just as surely And'securely As a kernel In a nutl - If you think a word will please, , Say It, If 3t is but true; Words may give delight with ease When no act is asked from you, Words may often Soothe and soften, Gild a Joy or heal a pain; . They are treasures Yielding pleasures It Is wicked to retain. Whatsoe'er you find to do, . Do it, then with all your might: Let your prayers be strong and true Prayer, my lads, win keep you right Prayer in all thfnes, Great and small things, Like a Christian gentleman; And forever, Now or never, Be as thorough as you can. The Good that the Children Do. A dreary place would be this earth, Were there do little people In It; The song of life would lose its mirth Were there no children to begin It; - No little forms, like buds to grow, And make the admiring heart surrender; No 1 ttle hands, on breast and brow. To kef p the thrilling love chords tender. Ne oabe within our arms to leap, No little feet toward slumber tending; No little knee In prayer to bend. Our loving lips the sweet words lending. Lite's rong Indeed would lose Its chum. Were there no babies te begin it; A doleful place this word would be, Were there no little people In it STATE NEWS. Laurinburg Enterprise: Nelson My ers. a negro who has been afflicted for some time, and was subject to frequent epileptic fits, was found dead in his house Monday morning. Wilmington Review : There is a gen tleman residing in Robeson county who has been the father of twenty-one chil dren, seventeen of whom are now liv ing. He was in our office to-dav and is a hale, hearty man of 56 years. Wilmington Star: The Wilmington Library Association, always alive to the literary interests of the community, have succeeded in perfecting an engage ment with Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage, the renowned Presbyterian divine of New York, whose sermons are so ex tensively published and read, both in America and Europe, to lecture for the benefit of the association on Thursday evening, the 13th of April. Capt W. A. Robeson, of the steamer Wave, who has been very sick at his home in Fayetteville, was in the city yesterday, having recovered sufficiently to be able to resume his duties upon the river. "Greensboro Bugle: It is a pleasant sight to Greensboro merchants to see from 75 to 100 tobacco wagons in town every day. Two years ago five would nave created a sensation. Now 60 is no unusual sights Greensboro's board of commissioners have decided that the condition of the city finances forbids the effort to light the city with gas, and that they must still stick to kerosene when the moon don't shine. J. W. Forbis has been elected as 10th of May orator. Milton Chronicle : N. T. Riggs, J. B. Gretter and J. S. Worth, revenue offi cers under Collector G. B. Everitt, cap tured in this county a few 4ays ago three illicit distilleries one near Hy cotee, one near Leasburg, and one near Prospect Hill. About 2,000 gallons beer, 150 gallons singlings, 50 gallons whiskey, two copper stills and a lot of meal, malt, etc, were captured. Mr. E. P. Hines had a very fine milch cowacciden tally killed last Saturday by the milkman hitting it over the head With a small stick. To this incident are e indebted to the market for our fresh beef Saturday. Welearn that Oxford is movingfor a tri-weekly stage line from that town to this. The Long Looked For. Ashevllle Citizen. Mr. R. A. Jones, employed on the works below Asheville, informs us that the temporary structure at Deep Water being finished,-passenger trains now run regularly to Warm Springs. On or about Thursday, they will run regular ly to Paint Rock. The track froni Warm Springs down is being rapidly put in good order, about sixty hands be ing constantly at work. From Paint Rock passengers are being transferred to Weaver's Bend in Tennessee, cross ing the river at present in boats. The transfer is only three quarters of a mile; and this short distance is now the only missing link in the long iron chain from Beaufort to the Ohio and Miss issippi rivers. It is said the commissioner will go over the road for examination on April 3d. Tampering with the Mail. Statesvllle American. ; A boy who was engaged in carrying the; mail pouch between Mocksville and Smith Grove, Davie county has been arrested and lodged in jail at Mocks ville, accused of purloining letters from the sack while on the road. Suspicion wag caused by letters mailed at either of thjaj&oje places, not arriving at the other, and the findincr of torn letters scattered at noints on : th way, whtctii by placing the parts together indicated the address ana starting point ' A reg istered letter mailed by the editor of this paper for Smith Grove, and receiv ed and dispatched from Mocksville, fail ed to reach its destination, and is among the missing. ; Theaccused will be placed on trial at the Federal Court to "be held here )iext month. , : '' i ;iv Women that have been given up bjtb Oeajest friends as beyond aelft -yA hefh permanenUy cured to tfc. me of frdii E-flrdtham't fetetabs Camaound. ' It Is a positive euro for all femals oomDlalnts. Sendto Mrs.LydiaK; Pmkhsm,33r fcweatern Avenue, tonn, Mass,, forpamphteta s,,. TV r t q t ' CABft r i iaiywToaaMeHhsifiomth errors and to- tfseretloo of youth, MJ&!!tZ&3ft asset manhood, Aew I wlU i send eJf cure you, V&XE of CHABGE. TbJ l jTOif remedy was uncovered by a missionary in Jouth Amerto. BendT-self-eddreased envelope to toe Bw, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station New Yqgk CJty, charlotte; n. C, EroriAY march 31 , 1882. BURNINGS MISSISSIPPI STEAMER HEROIC CONDUCT OF V.NEER. Alt NGI A Lamp Accidentally Dropped in Jute Stored on Deck. Wraps the Boat in Flames in a Few Minutes, Destroying Boat, Cargo, and Twenty or More lives of Passengers and Crew. Memphis, TEnn., March 30. The steamer Golden City, of the Southern Transportation Company's Line, when approaching the wharf this morning at 4 so was discovered to be on are. The discovery was made by Second Engi neer Albert Kelly, who immediatelv notified the captain and Bryce Purcell, Sr., the pilot on.watcn. xne boat s bow was at once 'headed for the shore, and in four minutes afterwards touched the wharf at the foot of Beale street, where t&eriaLftaet was moored. A Iftrer Was hastily thrown out and made fast to one of the coal barges, but the current being swift it soon parted and the burning steamer floated on down the river, a mass of flames, with many of her passengers and crew on board who were unable to -reach the shore and were lost. The Golden City left New Orleans last Saturday en route to Cincinnati. She carried a crew of about 60, and had on board 40 cabin passengers, 15 of whom were ladies. Those saved, so far as known, are Capt C Mclntyre, First Clerk W. F. Mclntyre, Second Clerk j. Worthlin, Third Clerk Frank Stern, Mate Doc Bond urant, Pilot Bryce Pur cell, Sr., Marion 'Purcell, Joseph Pur-' cell, Jr First Engineer Mike Kelly, Miss Cena Maston and Willie MeKin ney, of Howesville, Kv. ; James Myers, New Orleans; Chas. Ross, ir St. Louis ; H. B. Howell, Philadelphia; Robert E. Elbrick, treasurer of Howe's circus, J. E. Trewella, business agent, Burt Howe, brother of the proprietor; Frank Howe, James Swift, John Fillser, John Mullane, J. C. Kimpey, John G. Gien roy, James Bloom field, James Burk. These last are all members of Howe's circus. W. C. Jewett, Point Pleasant, W. Va.; Geo.MV. Green, New Rich mond, Oliio; O. B. Veath, Evansville, Ind.; John R. H. Chittenden. Carrs ville. Ky.; W. II. Caruther, J. B. Jor dan, Uii'ley. Tenn. Nearly all the cabin and deck crew of the steamer saved themselves. Howe's circus was taken aboard at Vi dalia, La., and six cages of animals and birds, together with the ticket and band wagons, tents and horses, were lost Marion Purcell, one of the pilots, was in the clerk's office when the alarm of fire wassoundeoVand he rushed through the cabin, bursting in the State room doors and awakening tlio passenger?. So rapidly did the flames spread thai within five minutes after the discovery of fire, which broke out amidships, the after part of the steamer was all ablaze. Those who were saved had to flee in their night clothes. When the burning steamer touched the wharf the -fire communicated to the coal barges and the tug Oriole, which was also burned. As nearly as can be ascertained there were 23 ladies and 9 children on board. Her cargo consisted of 300 tons, among which was a lot of jute. The fire is said to have originated in this combustible material. Among those known to have been lost are Dr. Monahan and wife, of Jackson, Ohio ; Mrs. Creary, Cincinnati, Miss Lulu. Creary, Cincinnati ; W. H. Howe, wife and 2 children, Eli Weed and wife, Henderson, Ky.; Mrs. Anna Smith. Massachusetts; Miss Campbell, Mrs. Helen Percival, Mrs. L. E. Koutz and 3 children. The books of the steam er are lost so it is impossible to get' a complete list of the lost and saved. All the officers of the steamer, except the second engineer, Robt Kelly es caped. After he gave the alarm of fire he remained at his post of duty until cut off by the flames, the fire having spread with lightning rapidity, and thus he sacrificed his life to save others. ; J. H. Crank, connected with Howes' circus, is missing, supposed to be lost John Devouse, his wife and three children, were saved and ate atthe city .hospital, also Simon Black. Mr De vouse is slightly burned On his hands. The Golden City was five years old and cost 054,000. She was owned, by Captain J. D. HyleY, W. F. Mclntyre and S. C. Mclntyre. . She lies sunk about three miles below here in the chute near the Tennessee shore. . When she floated off her passengers jumped aboard, a barge which floated down the streambut they Wert reicued" byone. Of the harbor boats which towed the barge ! to shore one mile belo w the eity. It is estimated that thirty lives were lost by the disaster, but at present no additional news can be learned. 1 : , Robert Kelly, second; engineer, and three roustaDouts are the only members of the boat's crew that are known tone lost i John Dreffer, steward, Peter Dreffer, cook, John Lamb, second cook; Billy lAxford, pastry cook, Mart Whalen, mess-room tender, John Hill: second mate, Charles Harvey,- second watchman, and a passenger named Bloomfield, were saved. ' The fire was caused by a watchman accidentally setting fire to a lot of jute wihich was stored amid ships. The steamer had just whistled to land and the watchman went among the passen gers to notify them that they were ap- f roaching Memphis and that those des ihed for that city must-get ashore, when the bottom of his lamp dropped in, some jute and before the flames could be extinguished . they had spread all overHhe deck of the vessel. JBryce Purcell, the pilot, ; made his escape by climbing over the front part of the pilot house the fire then being in rear. When the steamer touched the wharf the tug Oriole did not burn, as at first' reported, but was sunk by the burning steamer in making a landing. Several coal barges and an ice boat belonging to iBbhlS, Huse & Co., caught on fire ana, wee burned. Billy , Hodge, -v the pilot on the Don Adams saved the cdok who jumped overboard as the boat, floated down the stream. All the passengers and crew were kiridly Cared for by Mr. C. B. Galloway, ot the , Peabody Hotel, who provided them with breakfast" ? fcWfcd, ; ' Manila'' M4i?riv8!;dis atebes received t here regardiag the umingof the steamer ' Golden Clty, saylthere were twenty HVes lost . HydrophoWftA Bad Case. ; Tpd first isase, f0f hydrophobia, every discovered in jthis section baa been re benUy developed about three miles from this town, and the patient is in a most pitable condition," though -the ;. Urcatf stage of the disease has not yet fiMyett, On the 19th of February a mad dog. in vaded the premises of Leven fiiblon;; quiet Honest,', industrious negro man Who ii cultivating a tract of land abent thiee miles Eootn of this place, and at tacked his little boy, a youth about ten years old, and also the mother of the boy i bat the mother defended herself , I..PCS. i . , ' v : with a stick, and thus prevented the in furiated canine from . biting either of them. Leven hearing the screams of his wife and child; ran out of the bouse and. seeing the dog attempting': to spring upon them, rushed at him with a knife and succeeded in killine him : but in the fight the dog bit him on the ' - J -A V. . Ji A. W a wnst oi me leic arm, maKing quite a painful wound. The injury, however. neaieu rapidly and was Boon entirely cured. But on the night of the 21st,- tne uniortunate man was seized with a convulsion, or a spell of, asbhyxia,arqus- more frequent and seyerej early the next morning jut. iiamer was sent lor. and on examination discovered the .symptoms of a terrible case of hydrophobia the. symptom first discovered being the one nrsii compiamea or Dy tne patient xne sight of or even the'mention of any fluid convulses tne rrame ot the subject and tne greatest aimcuity in Dreathing ir variably ensues. He refuses to tak6 food of any kind and will not sleet). When medicine is handed him he seizes the vessel containing it in a manner in dicative of great fear and swallows the potion hurriedly as though to look on it ror a moment was horrifvins? and rain- f ul in the extreme. At intervals, how ever, he is rational and there is nothing peculiar m nis manner to suggest mad ness or insanity and he converses intel ligently with any one. According to the experience of the medical fraternity', death invariablv re sults from the disease, and the patient usually dies within six davs from the discovery of the first symptom.. We sympathize with Leven's devoted wife, who sits by his bedside every inoment day and night and constantly prays for his recovery. Since the above was put in type, we have been informed that the Unfortu nate man died Friday afternoon, about 48 hours after the convulsion, and that oeiore ms ueatn ne ravea, roamed at the mouth. attemDtei to bite those aboiit him, and that he had to be held down by violence to prevent" his doing dam age. He was attended by Drs. A. W. llamer, D. M. PriDce and R. D. Dickson. Bnchopalba. New. Quick, complete e re 4 davs. nrlnarv affpe. tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urtaaUon. and kidney diseases. 81 at druggists. Depot, J. H. Mc Aden . Chariotf -3. N, C. Dr. C. W. BEIVsOIV. of Baltimore, Hid. We give above a correct likeness of this well known arid successful physician and surgeon, who has made a life long study of Nervous Diseases ana the Diseases of the Skin, and he now stands In the highest rank, as authority on those special and distressing diseases. In the course of bis practice he discovered what now ate renowned in medical practice, viz: a combination of Celery and Chamomile in the shape of Fills. They are used by theprbfesslon at large and constantly recom mended by them. It is not a patent medicine. It Is the result of his own experience la practice. They are a sure cure for the following special .diseases, and are worthy of a trial by all iuMilgeat sufferers. They are prepared expressly to cure sick headacne, nervous headache, dyspeptic headache, neuralgia paralysis, sleepless,, dyspepsia rand nervousness, and will cure any . case. " Sold by all druggists. Price 50 cents a box. De pot, 106 North Kutaw street, Baltimore, Md. By mail, two boxes for SI or six boxes for 82 50, to any address. . . . .. DR. C. W. BENSON'S lir9JTtedoOure ; : ECZI IM A , ! TtTTtRS, HUMORS, "iMFLAMMAtlON, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY KRUPTlONt, 01SKA8E8 OF HAIR AND 8CALr, SCROFULA ULCCR8, PIMPLES and TENDER ITOmMQS msn parts of the body. It nakes Mlo skfa"w1ilte, soft and smooth; (moves tail and fMkMs, atad Is the BEST toilet dressing in rfSM' WOB2.D, Becaatljr VQ P 9 bottles in on paekage oonststinf of both mtanaal sideztetBaltrsatiaeBt. .. All first ctlsss dTOCTiats have It. JrlosS.prpaeB. ' CHA8. K. CBITTKNTON, 115 Fulton street, New York City, sole sgent for Dr. C. W. Benson's remedks, to whom all orders should be ad dressed.; 'marl ' - ' ' , . : .,. URS. LYDIA L PIKKRAH, OF LTN1I, BASS., LYDI A E. PINKH ALT 8 r ? j- VE5ETAELE COMPOUITD. : : , i j ": IsjaJPosmveO:U':iHjI njv.l far atl ibssa-Palnfal Ow1atss atij? Weatcassiss Mwasw tnr fssuri pepiiUtts. lilo It nt oira, aaUrelx the wor?t 4?rm of 'smals Oem. - plaint' all ovarUn troubles, Ttiliariiriatlon and TJlosra Uoa, Tailing and Displacements, and the eonssquent .. gpioal Weakness, and is particularly adapted to the ' 'Chaigeof Life. ,t jilii;;-!,.. win -dbsolvai :and sjpsl taaMnfrbutsrnsfia an early, stags of develsfinisnt. The tsndenortar ; . earoiubBXionttiereis ehscked vrjrspedUy its ass, i It removes fain tosss, flatulency, destroys all craviBg 4 tor stUMdautt sad rslieVesrakrs of th stomaeh. , It iHttssTOtfHeadacKes,' Ksrvons lYostrmOon. Osneral libaigr HlsfirWssstM, DsprsMlsa d Indfr jsstlDib clip; -4Ai..;vii.O.-.:i 9iiJ bjii rl' ."-i js That fseUng of bearing down, eanibig pafOjirsight adbaqkiMisTperniansi .ItwOLatantinMsand iuer aUclflonmstaoossactin . ksny Srfth.tkWhatSTvevnOi istaO lr , Fortaaearsto tedasVCJetnnlalnts o stear Sattals1; CtmrWatomMiu'LssmilLtt!?UJ.--Jl Mn XTWJ X. SCGKIIAWST VESEEEAXUB COM POpitDis prsparsd at S3S and SS Wsstsnt Avsnwe yBsJllsja. Srlostt. BllotaesfrSa. iBentbTniaa rtatlfort " oflns'alsp lntbs form of lossnsas, rsestps of pnoe, fi par box ror simar. atrs. fining frsalyaaswartaUlsttArsof Iriolrir Swd forpsjnph. 4 a"oantflr shouia bs without troll, i ' Tnrikjk3tJ XZVEB PHiS. They core eonstipation, bilionsnssi, and torpidi ty of the llvsr. Slesntspsr box. tST 8UL by ail Irggist. -t. . CURE 5 'MsM?'g w-tAsiirP' a 1 NO. 4,062. EEMEMBER! WE HAVE :H: & ABAH BABNHARDT" KIDS, at $1.60 PINE HOOK LOCK KtOS, at 11 25 A0bL?J,0fKiD!iat 25c and 350 fhrool BLACK BUNTING, at 12c and 15e An ExceUent Quality of 4-4 BLEACHING, at lOo It will pay you to Blaek Dress Goods, Watered Siiks, Cretonnes, LACE CURTAINS, CLOTHING, GENTS' STRAW and STIFF HATS; ' and In fact you will save money by examining oar stock bsfore purchasing: " EVITTS " LADIES' SHOES, "TURNER'S" GENTS' SHOES. Hargraves & Willaelm. mar28 OH! YE 0 i MASON & SHON1NGER -.VfiLOVBET & wh o LESALE a 'Srajd M I jlHrlfsHTH MUSIC HDUBaT Eight of the Leading Makers OF THE WORLD. One Hundred Instrcmeuls in Stock, PLENTY OF MONEY ON OTJB LEFT, PXENTTC Ti EAT OS OCR RIGHT, AND A SOLID MUSICAL CENTRE. Don't Pot Tea Dollar S3 OF OUR iScillipr do -Mb Throw in a 1' . IL f7-f"- s: tl-;l,.,rrya " Will tew ,1 9" ''Cliff j I"c mKEmSq'mfmk Zi 1 ..::J . 1 . -J . i H. IVlcSIYllTH, Charlotte, N. C A BLESSING TO WOMANKIND. Believe all diseases of women pecu liar to the appearance and cessation of the menses,- uterine disturbances, torpidity of functions, with leucor rhcea.'dlsmenorrhaea. and hrsterla. Clarke's Periodical also In melancholia and other men tal derangements. - Afford prompt .relief to those distressing bearing down paios so peculiar to women. Price S3 per box. Sent free by mall i Pilfc. ' km. receipt of price. . Dr. Clarke meqicine uompHny, Mew xotk. uity. K Scrofula or any Blood Disorder. In either stage, whether primary, tecondary or tertiary, are an luvalu able remedy. - They never fall to Clarke's v t Anil- '- . fcllsk cure when directions are followed. Price $2 50ter box. Five boxes S10. iSent by mall,, prepaid, on receipt of price. Aaeress or uarne Medicine company, New York City. If JDIVALVABLE REMEDY. For weakness of the Kidneys And bladder. 'A aulck and complete cure la 4 4 8- days of all urinary affec tions, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, ' muouns. discharges and spdlments inihe urine from what- !nr.- Clatk?e ever cause Induced, whether Of re cent or long standing. One to three boxes usually sufficient. Price $2 kjQonnorrhea Plllt. per dox. Anree ooxes ior 55. Mailed free on receipt of nrlce. Ad dress Dr. Clarke Medicine Company, THEBE 18 A'SiLllI GILEAa ' ! " iVa. All mm. v.. flnMm.fftAuu and Imbotencr. as the result of seu- iUvlabuse In vouth. sexual excesses In maturer yearsv or other eauses,-nsd produclii somer of tbei following' effects: Nervousness, seminal eals- -lllslonsCrught emissions by dreams), .'HI j 'X ; Drvlgoratlng lory,. Phlslcal-: dsc-yv -Pimples -on Face, Aversion tosocietyef Females, Confusleft of Ideas. Loss of Sexnil fowe Acfeadenng marriage lm broper or onhaoDX. - Are a Doeitive eura ln&wotrt R' weeks. : One to six jboxes usually sufBcient- 'Price It 50 it, 1 Piste. per Dos jrour.poxe&BrafrAteMDf man, prepaid, on receipt of price. Address Dr. Clarke Medicine Com pany, New York City. tefei&dAw 18w - r Y THE OBSSBTEB JOS DEPABaIIENT Has been thoroughly supplied wfth even needed want, and wKh (he latest styles of Type, and every maimer of Job Printing; can,' now be done with neatness, dispatch and chflspness.Wo can tar nish at short noUoe, BLATSTTin.T-TTTinw, i - LETTERrinUDS, CARDSr ' TAGS, RECEIPTS, P0STEB3, . PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. CIRCULARS, CHECKS, dte. -WE HAVE- BDNTTNG LINING, all colors, at 1 fid SUMMEB SILKS, from 50ctO Slflr. M0IBB 8AT4N3. all colors, 1 00 SATIN 8UBAHS, at 75c and II 00 TUCKING, at 50ctoll 00 The Best COBSET ever offered, at SI 00 Our Stock of PABASOLS Is large and handsome. examine our stock of TV ! II h Ull ALU 1 1111 I Front Forward to. the DOUBLE-QUICK! HcSmith Hasie House, -THE- - Tl trlbt ng Depot for the Carollnas- -FOB- C3IIC KERING K.KA.MCK & II CUf, MAT H USHEK, -AKD- Sonthern Gem Pianos. HAMLIN BELL CHIIV1E, 0. iAi. Gold Pieces on Every Slop ORGANS, Honse 3 tot or a Saifroad, But We Beat That all to Reees, t&- CALL AND SEE ME. i Guarantee 10 per cent on all Moneys Invested. For Parsleulars call on or write to Telephones ! ' Telephones ! TELEPHOHESa THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AHD Telegraph Company. . ; -Is the --SOLE LICENSEE ' 1 .1;:' ,. of the Ammcan Bell Telephone Company ' V'l ' ' ' ' ! For supplying Telephones In the States of Virginia,. West VlrglDia, (south of the R4U.E B..) North Carolhia,' south Carolina, Florida and Alabama. Constructed, equipped with Telephone and rented PT" For partlenlari address.-.. tit BUUTUKKH BKLLi TKLKFHONJt ' fdblleod8m . 106 Broadway, New York. Having removed to the shop, on Tryon street, over the -Independent Hook ft Ladder Truck House, is now ready to receive orders lor HOU8E, SIGN n W0BNAUEaCTAL PAlSma.saehAS .. BAJJJTJIG.-- Gailding, KdsssuDLng, Frescoing,

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