t c I ' ' - ' - ' ,' I t , " I tints. ' .J KJ&ESlAXL&EJiYICZ CHANGES TIlA. f Alio wlnsr sSUlmn1m- -h. rQUn"a;T-riloate 130C2.! Tfcew by; (be Ralirav4 Officials. u4 . Hw a as (wmci ; Carolina Railroad. Tsvb.. . i. m i vX.'" , . I ilmr.fi lo e. THErOrH.YJ.1CDICirE A CHAT WITH A KENTUCKY; REP- :rr 5OTDErgEt SOllTJLES. MHMOSrSHHMBMTOnHaiaVM'l1" " J " i ' J M n. , . " 1 BMm c - I . ii " ' -a-a" - EiTuBjoirBi FOM ri That Acts at tho same time o ' Miaammammmmmi i Bammmmmmmi ammmmmmmmmmmma RESENTATIVE ABOUT TH I mwaa va vibu uuu MUUlC.lilUI! BexnroAjrW'kv iztbcaW'.Bervieeoe TBAIKB XA8X, ! U a tl ! 1 1- "I 1. 4 v, 27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, $90 Battr BEETnotKN Ormm contains tOfnll sets Golden Tonoroe Reeds. STOPS, 1 Walnut or Ebonlsed Cue, 6 OctawJIetal jftxx riates,U dnrinii UmD Stands. Pocket for t Bellows. Steel Handles ana ) 1 1 nBS mfnlnff Tiitttv'a Pitont topAction, a 1HEW AND NO BOARO ted,) KKORMOUI demand Increasing. tW Factory worfetni DAT and bT 8SQ Edison's EktctrioLiKhts at RIGHT fo fill orders Price. Based, DellTered oa board CCin ' 2J Oarabere, Stool, Book, Ac, only DiJJ IfafUrvml wmr'nuipcMmnwifali&tjTrtm Oryn end IwtU jmmptifrfud du money wWl initre, nothing can be fairer Cove ana examine the Instrument. Leave N. Y. City, Burr lav or ChristonhsrSt. Ferries. 8.3d a. m. or 1 n. m. (fare, excursion onlv t2.86. , Leave Washjiiprton at 1 or 6.30 p. m. arriving to H. Y. at 90 or On. m. same day(for routes from CScago. Kichmondi Phi la., Boston, &c, see "BeattT's3cursionKouteUrcniar,")aauowea to pay expenses If you buy; coma anyway, you are welcome. Free Coack with polite attendants ateetsall train. OtberOnrans$30, i-W,50 up. Pianofortes (126 to $,1600. Sfutlfttl UlutntcdC'atmlorpie Ires. Address or call upon DANIEL P. BEATTT, Washington, Haw Jersey (KstaMlnliea vnr Hmr a. wi and Deiunyrsin Place ioiaasar. nlra and catokitnie mailed free. W.H.F. AT.OamdsaJM H mm IMPBOVKD BOOT BKEB. 25c I n CO package makes 5 Kallons of a de licious, wholesome, sparkling temperance beverage, ask your aroggisi, or sent py mall for 25c. Li. K. zUtti9. 48 N. Dela. Ave., Philadelphia. $1000 RKWAED! for any case ol Blind Bleeding, Itcblng, Ulcerated, or p.rotradlng PI LBS tnat DeoLNura Pi i.lt RKMK.DY fiis to care. Pre nared by J. P. Mii.T.ltR. M. D . 0 1 K Arch street PhlladelDhla. Pa. None genuine without his signature. Send for circular. Bold by druggists and country stores. SI. QOLD ME9AI AWARDED the Author. A new and great Med ical Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every inanntitled "the Soienee of Life or,Self-Prosorvation ;n bound in finest Frenoh mnslin, embossed, f nil giltOO prxoon tains beautiful steel ensrannas, 12$ prescrip tions, price only 81.3d sent by send nowAddreesPeabody Med' leal Institute or Dr. W. H. PAR- I uinstraxea sample, t oanis : fflirnrnm T jcal Instituteqr Dr. W. H. PAR- ill k tUUU . hUSB, a 4 Hulfinchst. Boston LAND PATENT PENSION ATTORNEYS Land Patents obtained, and special attention given to contested Pre-emption, Homestead, Mineral and TtmhAr cnitura Kntriea. Highest nrlcs Da'd for Land Warrants and Scrip of all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCU&KD for soldiers and sailors dls nhinrf in Una of dutv. Pensions Increased If rated too low. Bounty, back dsv and new discharges ob tained. Send two Sc stamps lor blanks and cir cular Information." Address 8YOHDART & CO., 413 G t N. W , Washington, D..C. GEORGE PAGE & CO. Iffaimfltctnrera of ' Patent Portable Cireulur SAW Also Stationary and Fortabls STEAM ENC 6 N. SCHROEDER BALHM0KE, MI Grist and Floor Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working Grist and Floor Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery, Shingle Mills, Circular Saws, Mill Buppliesjeto. TANITE EMERY VHKKI and GBimbmO MACHINERY. Send for Catalogue. Agricultural Lime AND Carbonate of Lime BEST & CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS, BUILDING LIME attl 25 prbsr'l. ALSO ior circular FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. c; mar21 -dw4w Springs & kwe HAVK IN STORE ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS- or wju rvrwA r.iiiHi ivxvrJ- XL juxkUt ai - 1! n T T T -Wa rr-r- wD-vwwsi -- i-fc rr ss S vx jr xv i j u u kj Tj rv Jv Al iTi a G RRR O O O KB RRR II KB "SS, O GGR RO OO OB R a it w - o la GOO R B OO COO EBB R a ft wrSodd . Flour, Grain, Provisions, 4c, Ever offered In this market Don'tgbuy ;untll you examine our Stock and Prices. -CORN OATS.-:- 5 CAR LOADS WHITE CORN, 0 CAR L0AD3 YELLOW CORN, 1 ooo BABBELS rL0UE 200 BAEBELa MO 8SE3. JQQ BARRELS SUGAR, B3XE3 BACON, PACKAGES LARD. 200 B0XSS SOAP, 200 PACKAGES MACKEREL, JQQ BOXES CRACS3RS7 25 BOXES CHEESE, &C. PATENT pE, 100 Barrels!lu3tlfrom'the Mill. SPRINfiS & BURYELL. Ieb8 dAiy ; , : IBLEY & CO, VVUl man TREE their Cat- logne for 1882, containing f all descrlptiTe Prlae'.l.lst r roycr, Jeid, and Qiijb&mixJ - ;. BdlbaT 'Orasmemtal GnMMU j . MdrlmmorteUes, Matwtw,. , ' Y 111.. Wtmm.m Dl-i- .. Implements. Beavattfailyma- ; RocHESTERfnm cHieiGo.k iMi: W7a JaAVitlvtMA A aar skss a9vltrrtf MM AsYVAl. m . iMaralJoMh - TJvriS-"81. ys . VMva.) WUftusuw Jiaiavviamsy Waa ULLsJJ&kr H I I 71 I III I'J ill V1 iJ AT WHITE FRONT. i - aeS5 "uSt"'- 1 PIEDMONT rvrmo AmaKjawThis large and sniendid iiK2'- 1 -j . . . quanta, ua. trated weektypaper,8,0 a f awvsh Ws to Rroerws rtroulatip-i-idtfr tors. Pnl jtewYorlc. gapyti wvw s sy m aa ay an .Jt ss . g ww, nM 1 TlW iuvir n rvrviiT untAk.i. m -i i?m mfititifre8.fi TII2 LIVES, TES BOXrSLg, AH) T32 WHY ARE WE SjCK? ; B ii tit . I Mce cmo fhete t&m organ to thai fWbeexpepefjMurWmtt iWIHMcNiiWir WILL SURELY CURE KIDNEY DISEASES,1 , , -v)1 , y 4 OLIVER OpMPLAVHTS, pix, cextrxvATioir. ubxXaby DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKKESSESy 4jn incsyoTxa disordehs, bvcauriMfr action of thess organs mdl rettorinajpoto i' " Why fnffer Billow paims and teWl ! IThy tormented with Piles, Constipatioal W y frightened oyer disordered Kldneyaii Why endure nervous or sick headachssl Ute KI DXEY-WORTand rqoic in htallh. Ttlaoutnnln Dry Teketahle Ferns. In tin I one package of which J6b six quarts Sf medicine. Also in liquid f orm, very vaneea trated, for those that cannot readily prepare ijt I tylt acts with equal efficiency In either form. I GKt IT OF YOUK,PRUGGBT.; FIUCS $LiOj WELLS, BICHAltDSOJr A Co., Prop's, (Will send the dry post-paid.) BCaUSHTOa, TT. March 27 dftlr f H N Q T A'TT. V J JSS O J- A ll 1 li 1 COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP JOB CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. ft A kCJ flsTsOi TVT DEALER IN Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Tinware 1SI MANTELS and4 GnTATES WHO &a Wl'b antf BL IT H 1 L. Particular atioh-paldW : Nona tat first-olBSS hands employedi siCaIl tot the j BARLEY-SHEAF oct29 Cures SYPHILIS in any 8 t a go v CATARRH.1 ECZEMA, OLD SORES, PI er U-h!aM PLES.BOILSS ANY n n rH a 3fi SKIN B A. 8 1 1 CURES WHEN ALL ,01?HER , Tpi i Qll-J In ii i r MMa4JaAJUk; A AAAAi i 4. w i If yoa doat)wotot8eos', and wewlBt . I mi . I ll I i orehargenothlnglll Write for particulars, and oopy of the little book r vwa.te tOeAWortanaU GutTMlng." i "hd wllinnd eoanalysU oX4oOftottlei of 8. a. I orje parUcle of Mercurr. Iodide of Potassium. I a avTlvv ,VataM. ' ' rnde of SmaTl Stae,.. . I Large Size...... 100 1.75 poisonous M II a or Tl 11 T I I """""j I I ' 111 liuA:J-aAAirW 1 rt 1 MDg liOOQS &rXD fed d a k! 9 L - I A Charleston Girl Who Wanted t6t o upon the Stage Postal Notes-fnrjVln Lsicea ior wna nonii ana pwnui Carolina has Contributed, to the! Pop-' illation of ArkansasRumor tUat the President Will Veto the Chinese Brfl, Washington D.C. March 29, 1882 Dr. Rush, of Chicago, the secretary:.! f.hA niat.illr Nat.innal Anano.iktvnMk having been announced as among itiul AyrUilvS82Qmlt brarjened, lodges to arrivals at Willards' Hotel, I waladiPAbbftvillea OiahdBeltK)5toi Walhal- doHiher.to-dityto6eemm and ask what the Distillers Association is going to do about the action of the Republi can party in determining to oppose re duction in taxes on whiskey, cigars, was not, noweven ao ffrtunato as to find him. . I i ;! J - 1 ative WlUi,-of Kentucky, whoi tts - the representative of tne greatest distillery district in the greatest Dourbon manu facturing State of the country, is natu rally posted on topics of this sort. -"What do you think is going to be done with the whiskey, question, Mr; Willis?' I asked, after we had chatted about it for a moment -' "Pretty hard to say. was. that gen tie- man's reply; deliVetedln a thoughtful tone "pretft fiarAjto say. Tho fact is the memoers seem 10 nave given tne matter very little thought yet." Sor "Yes. I have talked with several on our side in the past few days and they all telr? me tney nave; given tne subject no thooghf yev and i "consequently ar rived at no conclusion as to what should be done." "Rather odd, isn't it, on an important subject like this that they should have arrived at no conclusion r "It is certainly a very important sub ject, and one that we cannot afford to neglect. They taiz on tne other side of not opposing the extension of fhA hnHart rrina r hnt'T 'rfnn'r. t.rrtnir I it beet to trust ' too much' to that. 1 1 think we had better look after it our- I A J 1 . l.- 1 selves and see that it is attended to." "Think there's any hope of getting a reduction in the tax, Mr. Willis V "I don't suppose there is. The Re publican caucusryou know, determined to oppose it and their action has so far controlled the committee in such a way that we get no favorable report from the committee, and with, pur present abomirfable system of rules " we can't pass a bill not favorably reported from the committee without a two-third vote in its favor." "And that would be difficult to get now that the Republican caucus has de- -wcfioallyf lmposiilP,! I snp- the bonded 4riod iffl reported frifta h hh& cdmnit-. 'Will t be passed, I think, at least it certainly ought to be; and I think it will meet with little opposition." The bill as reported from the House committee and as it will probably pass, begins by providing that the tax on whiskey Bhall be paid whenever it is withdrawn from the bonded warehouse, making l-o other limit It requires dis tillers to state in May of each year the- ampop of whiskey fcey havejLn.bcfna antflM amount they intendHJSwlh bondtlttfiigthe year and give a yearly statement asiouows: 50 oarrels, l, 800; 100 barrels, $3,000; 100 to 500 bar rels, $4,000; 500 to ljOOO, 820,000; 1,000 to 2,500, $40,000; 5,000 to 10,000, $120,000; 10,000 to 20,000, $140,000 ; 20,000 to 80,000, $160,000 ; when over 30,000 barrels, $200, ooo, .but in.no case shall one-bond to ruirted exceed ; 2O0,0oa v fit ease ae quantity of pmts in warehouse exceeds tne quantity set lortn in tne declara tion an additional bond may be re quired. This annual bond itt will be understood takes the placj of the monthly bond heretofore ' required. It also provides for special bonded ware houses, with special stamps, in which distillers may deposit their surplus, leaving . it as lone. as they desire, the tux to-pe paid whenthe whiskey. ia re moved f or Baje,;- jThaSou tag to"3eaT 10 wed is not to exceed the following: One gallon for 2 months, for 4 months, 2 for 6 months, 1)4. for 8 months, 3 for 10 months, Z for one year ; & for two years, for three years, 9 for four years.' 10 for nveears, Ii for six years, 12 for eight years, 13 for nine years, but beyond that no "outage" to be allowed. ., , v-- A queer itory has come toiigQ abbut a Charleston" girf. It uns'lhusr A advertisement appeared recently in a iNew York paper announcing that any young and handsome lady of means de- Binng to appear on ryua outgo m a ieaa Ing part might hear of an opportunity by addressing the person inserting ad vertisement ana wno caiis nimseir. "Ai- en moi reputable merchant of that city, and who was temporarily residing in New York, read the advertisement and had an interview with Schwab. Terms were arranged for a two years' engagement as leading lady in a traveling combina tion, she to make her Irst appearance1 in "Daniel RocftaL" atih Rnatorl ThMM ti t feebwaji fctti&H Ms LewiXth&t if woma t;nece8iarsio$ ner cp spja chase a wardrbbe, ana that, as fee knew just what she wanted, he would under take to get it for her. She gave him 8500 to mase tnepurcnase. Thetwi soon after'eaaQtaBototlftdlwi comp4niedi.by'B ia wboWfcef' duced as "Mr. Robert J. Rummels, reasurer of the Park Theatre, New ork, for six years." They reached this city en the 15th iastfrnd rooms were engaged at the Revere House. Shortly after arriving here Schwab represented td Miss Lewis that it would be a good tniagr,ihex to bevcoached"! somewhat in the part in which she was to make her first appearance, and he accordingly engaged a professor of elocution to in struct herand'eretlivijdbneilesson. Te wardrobe o1fv appearing- Miss Lewis became suspicious and went to tho Boston Theatre, where she discov erfed that shejiad been vmfced, Sbe, :eturnedWNew roricr before going, , IMslKiqwever, snewascaiiea upon to pay I tnl thie hotel bills of Schwab and Rummels, who, suspecting thattbejr game was nn, had fled. Rummels managed to in duce Miss Lewis to lend him a sum of mAney to help replace $45 belonging to Schwab which he.cpnfessed with fear tte1hadoetafaro.JjThtwTEnturi Sor4 whaeiltf Bostoh inserted a almilaf advertisement in a Boston paper, and it is reported that a young lady living here fa said, to have nibbled at the bait. J POSTAL ST5flS. postmasters commissions sent: Ed ward Shields, Scotland Neck, North ;Weii,outn ijaiT 4na.L;iJipmaj. m. Mirxte a:, fSfth' Carolina : E. Q. Bobbins. Lost. North Cttolina ; Misa Emma Vance Bennett, Mtt Pisgah, North Carolina ; Kirkmond Klh& Delmont; North; CajMiiia New offices: BobcrWex IrecWenbnrr?. rCotmty North Carolina, J. W. Sample, KVMWIalMMVWa f A. Of vUmVUwAIA VUUUwT North (larnlina. JIPrmlAurw-iafwKS I tixnnitaM - m ari- issr w r.nn.;arsiiinn Minta is !?t4flaroJirla:Jti aftH'Brbffla: K Lparatei route fuA&eTN&sit$(A&, dia- TiSOTil&CapTtta1Jltdl40( biac!to:;GiwhneBrkafehwHW (Aftbetflte C:iHBfahl3heTtbu to hallai'v-Froto Ayrtl iiSSS.tate-sdrvice Jdij Jiranch bdtweeaHodre3'Andf Abbe- vuw U.hL, Tinder to ate JNd.- I40Q9. This route was forrhely a brarichof route 14001. JColUmWktriiiiavme Brandi Hodfire to ABboVlH 3. SH la, vfroxtirthis route." These branches are made seiparate routes under oi-1 4009 . and 14018; from amd date," - ItouCe 14091; Columbia to fjrreeri Ville j Branch Hodges to Abbeville-Branch Beltonto Walballa. From April 1, 1882, State service fod"branch of this route5 from Beltou to Walballa, under 'route lid. 14012 This rotite was1 formerly . a brahcH 'of rooto 140011) ; - ! : ' : . i Sdperintendent Thompson has issued the following order to division1 superin tendents: - , i- j In! addition to requiring employees to, carefully examine all "pooches and can vass sacksaf tor-taking the-' mail there from to-see that no mail mattet , re main therein; division superintendents will: instruct postmasters to carefully . . 1 9. i - ' ' 1 examine ail poucnes ana -canvass &ac&& turned "in . to 'theiri as empty,1 infdr-, der to be certain that no mail mattei4 remains therein.' In case any mail mat' I ter iaj toundrnsuen. poucne& oy post- Haasvers it blktuiu ue lurwarueu lo uvs tinatioii, stamped "missent arid -pdst-marked with thedating stamp of the ofllcein which it is found. - Alt such cases Should be reported Imniediatery' by postmasters to division -superinten-dentsv and divisionsuperintenaebts'will report them to this office, with alP the, information which they may be able to obtain as to the person in fault in the case. Patents have been granted to Rains- ford Cantelon, Edgefield, county 'S. G, fot Cotton-seea-aropper.'anaio wm. ts. Hutsoni St Lawrence, K. C for a corn 1 X pianier, An attempt was made a few nights ago to rob Oongressnmn Shackelford's house on R. street, but the robbers were frightened off. - ; ' : - .. . So far apprepriations have been asked for public buildings in North Carolina as follows, the. one at Charlotte being recommended by the committee: 1 Newbern Marine Hospital ... $15,000 Statesville Cohrthouse, postof-. fice,&c... 80)00 Charlotte Courthouse. &c. 100,000 Asheville Postpflice, &c . , . : 7.5,000 Grreensbdro -P6stQffice &c. . . U 150,000 Turhm-r?6stofl5ce, &c". ....... 100,000 Total.' ...$520,000 Recent census bulletin 6hows that 23,830 white and fl97! colored people, born in North Carolina, -are now resi dents of Arkansas, and 9281 white and Colored born ' in .South' Carolina. Of 'South Carolina', population 10,415 white. iand 682 colored were born in North Garalina . i The impression grows here that tlie President will veto the Chinese bill, holding that 20 years limitation is vir tual abrogation of the treaty. He will Sign at bill- of. 10 years restriction. -:; . . ;o i - Pickup. xet 9 notes:' Tour hundred and "fifty Svyisi farm ers .have Ift- Thun for . be United States. . ; The Illinois Senate yesterday adopted a resolution -urging president Arthur to pardon Sergeaat MkSon. Thtp-argfinlxCT pf .Portla'nid, Me., are on a strike' for an advance from $2.50 to $3 per. day. Several firms and corporations have acceded to the de mands. '. , '" ,.; Gen. Butler has positively dfeclined to take any part in the management of the-Guiteau case.' At AikenjS. C.,. iesjafdayjiegra named Gilroy ureen was shot and Jall- ed qtyr Wae JUunar, white, wnne the former was trying to steal a hog from the lot of Mrs. Steadmap, . T. , , The Mexican .'Merchant Bank wad opened yesterday in the City of Mexico, with $4j000,poo paid-ap capital. It will issue $2,500,000 in Dills, and open branches in the .principal cities. It is under the management of natives. ; The Pennsylvania Railroad' ejection ham PaUadelpBiaiesda, resulted in the choice of the present board of directors by a vote ranging over 644,000 Shares. Edward T. Parkes, the opposi tionxdidaeceived 12,799 votes. . . i A report has ben received at St Paul, MioUV that! Capb. -Jviineof the eighteenth inianlxy.Urveptook! the Can adian half-breeds who were' concerned in the outrage on Sheriff -HealeV. drove them dvef Mtlk' WTr iind destroyed !rBrF1o .oiderrW yesterday aaoptiedr.resoJutiocs 'Teoest mg President Arthur to recall Minister. XiOwellr-ahd replace him by an rnbas aador whaisee o itthatthe fights of American Ritrzeno are fearlessly and rigidly enf reed.;- ' Edward and Clara Peters were con victed at Mansonviilei'' Can ada, ,;jyestr-1 qayi or ine muruer 01 jneir.aaptea child, H boy seven years of agency cruel torture and starvation, Thoi huiapd; vas sentenced to be hansred and th Wife to imprisonment for ten yearsinj-. I Prof. S. LV-Gross.jrf thelTefferson, Medical College, at Phiradelpnia, yes terday resigned the chair of , surgery irrr tne college . xaculty on account or aa-vanced-years and a desire to make .way Wryoimger Jjfetl,u.aa iUi. .Hi The boards managers of iAheaNar tipnaijeropera?e vocietyr !a a meet- irfg-iB--Now York lfflt HKhtaapLedA memorial to Congress praying That a proviso be put u be pendiog-bilis to enable XJakota acfd -New Mexico to form Stete'governirieiits romriagjthe peopl ;1?n those Territories 4oTJioMbits:the manufacture and sale of intoxicauiu? . t"he "dissoTved fir m , of VKeuiaedy, Hutchinson & Co., Wall street brokers, i it Is allehhiVe pam?Ar' 6m&? a suit'he-was-about to bring for $1,500.- iDrofits ofFiatoH wanffabtions' which- he'claimed that.flrm had transferred to their tfwiiMcount:: : I Tile "I am co im convinced IbatPrpl, Darl aw smal mall pox and other codmgMOM&wafeiMsa Iff y Pephylactle puld Perjonj walttna.Ofcr disease from spreedli&'aocf the I WQfWi I wffl jleM to Its purifying and 0QaaJn4ffeoti I j wifftealpa cCeifjffija vm Melttng eyes or rtsebod hps, s ' fefntRnrU,l2 iflf ri: a M theij sriro nrjMerfer la 4 - 8OZ0DONT. best danflMai Kga'H V- 8TE1 'VI I M: Mmam. Wal-Tfl w rlli QARATOGA Frord Saratoga 8prttb,J'tf. ' k new water re- sembling the Jmported TOhy Reoorarnendecl as an antacid; cures dispeplii,lalds,dlge8- uuq, nenut iorac ana BCTODg JS0i ;v inera! Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al teraUTaand lnR forma of dyspepsia. ; -; ALSO, ' " CASES CONGRESS WATER, ' 0 dASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, . 0 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full s.upply of , IMPORTED SP0LLINAR1S ' AMD " ; PuDyadi Janos. Waters. THE GREAT EUROPEAN. NOVELTY JTUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATURAL APERIENT. J ! ' AS A'CATHARTIC : " DOeaAwtoe gaaae full before breaklast The Xancei "RxmyfdX Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness in aperient salts surpasses that of all other known waters." The British Medical Journal "Hnnyadl Janos. The. most agreeable, safest,, and most efficacious aperient water." Proj. Vxrehour, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt; success; most valuable." IBcpnberger, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scvntom, Wumburg I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. D., F. R 8., London. "More pleasant than its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prnf. Atken. M 7, F. R. ... Royal Military Kos pital, Netiey. ' Preferred to Pulina and Irleii nchshaa" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and Dispensing Pharmacist , North Tryon St., - - CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you Jean get water Just as fresh and spark ling as .when It hows from tbe spring at Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H.MCAOEN, i. Orugglst and Chemist Prescriptions carefully rvitred by experienced r. Onuaitst dhj or night. July2H Tbe leading Scientists of To-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidney and Liver. . It, therefore, the Kidneys and Livers are kept In perfect order, perfect health win be thet re suit This truth has only been known a short time and. for years people suffered great agony wl hout being able to find relief. The discovery of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era In the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of fare valne; it con tains Just Uia elements necessary to nourish and Invigorate both Of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them in order, tit Is a POSITIVE REMEDY Tor all the diseases that cause pains In the lower pa& of the body lor Torpid Liver HeadacDtS J aaneica iwzauaess ravei jjever,: Ague Malaria! Fever, and all difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and UrinaryiOtg&ns.' ; ' 1 " ' it la an excellent and safe remedr for females jdurtng Pregnancy-""I tf wtrl fltroi Menstruation and is invaluable foBLeucorrheeaor lulB-dg bl the Womb. . . . , . ...v'. s a iHOoa roruier his imeeuairea, r 11 cures '-the organ? that make the blood. . v ; 1 ins Bemeuy. wuicu iius uvuo sucu wuuora, 19 put up In the, LAR(iB3T SIZED T1 LB of Any meaicine upon me marKei, ana isooiu i. umKmaui,' ,nd aU dealers at SI .25 per bottle. Per Diabetes nniilre-fsc WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CUBE. tfeta a PfwrtTV Remedv. ! -'. T nuf r-i '-5- WARNER CO janzs .,Kociieaier, " jsfeSri rOii crnctTLAiiSw-sa . pSfLJSTpy CONN. Ah fmpx)rnvKs tipvery, whic,v vtYyy, family raajl give; t!ieir,. Ijneji thlttbeauiiftil fih'i idt pecoliar to'fih laundry work. Aikyodr Grocer. EE OB SALE RV J. S, SPENCER & CO na FIELDS U1IUS.. ChArlotte. N. C. mo: IC.II we 1 It II. T have F-an 1 t . i j .1 - - aov- ovmiarfl iw otjptl Irat-Clasa NE wa iaauptrM25 ftf packages; statable'idr 1 41alshmC eoiurtrrrlewspapers. Address fc f - - THE OBSERVER. i .fcc iBrpmerito? f Oh Ma1frT fTobtffCrrit muif as a flne Fer iysi we41'gaifl8t jor Paa teaeah wo- oucmgatw ri sgamsit sen .inaMeaat a vei : rnfaaOfli8-asI - uri store Datlioru' mturalVM x. .. . ! .1.111 I . . ... I ' - fici'86iB& laiiifl Co, I PfltlSH 1 wIshMS ; - 1 Y2g f' a.1 -!-.- l'3j'tl lSPlPERr.' lototP 1 :;;ij')t"tfl? A I atiUUAlAiUUitJVttAl t- hit jerRBiva i roeunawsroo ociraa -well 1882. No 51 DBfrv. No. 68 Oatlv. Leave. Charlotte, ...,. Uooau ; Baii8Dnry,' . . ; . .'. v HLrh Plnt. ..... fi.M a m &5i pm 10.44 p m 11.20 pm , 7.20 a m 'Arrive finwirnhnm Leave reeBsboro,! !!! '.: 8.00 am 8.28 am AruvB nuiBDOTO... Arrive Durham' .. Arrive Raleigh,,......;; 11.04am 11.48 am 1.15 pm 1.40 Dm jjcave xtaieign,.. Aiitve Goldsboro' 4 20 pro No, 17-Dally except Satordy, Leave Greensboro.; -.6 00 p m Arrive at Ralh?h,. : ..8.04 a m h. AMtve at Goldsboro,. .84)0 a m So. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with" RAD. H. U. Ior Hil Dolnts NnrtK Ttnat anrf DJ., 1 Tllle. At Gotosboro wlto wTft w Z VI mtngton. . t , . . dHo. 63-Corinect8 at Salisbury with W. N. ak & -SL? U ?mt-8 'I? Western Morib Carolina; dauy at Greensboro with B. A n k u in, TTi VJfi.I North, East and West TRAINS GOING WEST. Date, "February 19ih, 1882- No. 50 Dailr. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goldsboro . . . Arrive Balelgh Leave Raleteh 10.20 am 12.40 pm: 4 10 pm 5 28nm Arrive Durham..;... Ainve Hlllsboro,... Airlve Greensboro,. Leave Greensboro,, arrive High Point,.. Arrive Salisbury.. .. 6.07 p m a.bi pm tt.lOpm 9.4:1 p m 11.08 pm 12 fiO a 7 25am 8 06am .9 28 am 11.20 am -Arrive 0 ottv.... 'No. 18-DalIy except Sunday, Leave Goldsboro, . . 2 50 p m Arrive at Rallgbj.. 7.10 p m Leave Raleigh...... 5. 00 am Arrive Greensboro, 2.20 p m No. 50-C6hnect9 at Charlotte with A. A C. Air Line for all points In the South and Southwest Southed - - tor, M POInttCTSSd y ,"f ? "Connects at Charlotte with A C Alr Ltne for all points 8outh and Southwest- at Char- SouSt0-' 0- B-a r Uthand W. If. C. RAILROAD, GOING WEST. NO. 50-Dally. Leave Greensboro 9 20 n m Arrive Kernersvllle 10 H6 p m Arrive Salem n.20 pm NO. 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 8.30 a m Arive Kernersvllle . 9 41am Arrive Salem..... 10.15am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Salem 5.15 am Arrive KernersvTle 5.50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00 a m NO. 5H Dnily Leave Salem 6 00 p m Arrive Kernersvllle fl.40 p m Arrive ;Greensboro. . : 8 00 p m tte uiviVERsi ry railroad. No 1, Dally ex Sunday. GOING NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill, Arrive University,. Arrive Ra elgh, 7 80 a m 8.20 a m 1 0. 1 5 a in No. 2. Dal y ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Leave Ralt-Ub, . . . Arrive University.. Arrive Chapef Hill, 8 SO p in 5. 15 p m 615 n m PolMa -Sleeping Cars Without CHange On Train No. 50. New York and A'lanta via Wash ington and Danville, and bttween GreerisiQro and Charleston. On Train No. 52, Richmond and Chariot e and Washington and Chariot e - la D utvlUo. tThroueh Tickets on sa!e at Greensboro'. Raleigh. Goldsboro'. Salisbury and Charlotte, and all principal points South, eiouthwest. West, North and East. Yr Kmlgrant Rates to Louisiana, Tex as, Arkansas and the Southwest, address, a. PuPE, OenerM Passenger Agent. feb28 Hlchmond. Va. RICHIV10ND& DANVILLE R.R. PASSEKGEE DEPARTMENT. On and afier March 5th. 1882. the nassen- ger irain service on me Atlanta x unariotle Air Line Division of this road will be as follows: Mail and Kxpress. No. 50. WESTWARD. Mall. No. 52. Leave Charlotte, XL . Arrive Gastonia, L . .-. . .-. . . Arrive Spartanburg. K Arrive Greenville, H Arrive Seneca, G 12.40 am 1.35 am 4.04 am 5.82 a m 7.15 a m 8.28 a m 1 1.05 a m 12.02 p m 285 p m 4.09 pm 5.54 p m 705 p m 8.00 pm 8.43 pm 9.15 pm 12.05 a m Arrive Toccoa, F Arrive Rabun Gap Junction,. Arrive Lula,E Arrive Galnsevllle Arrive Atlanta,. 9.82 a m 10.18 am 10.51 am 1.40 pm Ttfall and Express. No. 51. EASTWARD. Mall. No. 53. Leave Atlanta Arrive Gainesville Arrive Lula, E Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, 2.15 p m 4.54 m 5.2 m 6 22 P m 5.00 a m 7.41 a m 8.32 a m 9.14 am 10.07 am 11.21 am 1.27 pm 2.59 pm 511pm 6.00 pm Arrive Toccoa. F 7.06 p m Arrive Seneca. G H.24 p m 10.O8 p m 11.40 pm Arrive Greenville. H. .... .. Arrive Spartanburg, K. Arrive Gastonia, L 2.06 a m 8 15am Arrive Charlotte, M CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A W; I Railroads. B with-arriving trains of Georala Central. A ft W. P. and W. & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad. B with Northeastern Railroad of Geonria to and from Athens, Ga. if with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia. . G with Colombia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. Hith Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston. 8. C. : K with Spartanburg and Asheville. and Snartarr- ourg, union ana txuumoia 10 ana from Henderson ana Asneviue, ana Alston ana vptumbia. - -1 L with Chester and Lenoir NarroW-Gauge to and from, Dallas and Chester. i M with O. C. ft A, C. C, R. ft D. and A, T. ft O. fOr all points West, North and East. ; Pullman sleeping-car service on trains No& 50 and 51 dally, without change between Atlanta ani New York. A POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Talcott, General Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent: marl 2 C.a G. & A. R. R. CO. ' ; CONDENSED SOSEDtJtES. In Effect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. Date; Pebrnary m Train Train . No. 62. No.4, - ;--' Passeng'r. Passeng Leave Charlotte,. ...... .... ll.ao a m Arrive Rock Hill, ...,12.85pm Arrive Chester, 1.28pm,... Arrive Winnsboro, 2.50 pm Arrive Colua.bla..... 4.18 pm . Leave Columbia,. 4.25 p m 5.45 a m Arrive Lexington 6.12 p m 6.37 am Arrive Ridge Spring,. 6 25pm 7.55 a m Arrive eranitevUle 7.40pm 9.12 ant Arrive Angusta,. ............j 8,40pm 952am '- ; ' Trafti . Train. Na 18, No. 20, ' t. A Freight. Freight. - Leave Charlotte, .'. 5.40 a m 5.40 p m Arrive Bock Hill, 8.03 am 782 p m Arrive Chester... ,9.50m 908 pm Arrive Winnsboro, 12.55 pm 11.17 pm Arrive Columbia, 5.05 p m 21 8 a tur "Leave Columbia, . , 2.40 a m ArrlVB Lexingtoci,.vl..... .. ' 3.4Qam Arrive Ridge during, , 5.43. m Arrive Granitevlrle,.. 7.54am Arrive Angueta...' i.;.:., ....iv.:.-..l 9.80am is Train No. 62, Dalijp-Connecta at Coltrmbla with TTlAH P. R U fnr (.hai-lssitnn ani Uh .v.. r m. w . " w w . 1 . .u. v. - m,r t 1 v mja Angust 'With Oentral tfedrgla. R.. R for Sacon Savannah and Florida Dolnts.. r . , . . . Train-Jto. 48, jBally Connects at Augusta with the 'Georgia R, R. and Central, Georg B.B,Ier Ms eon. Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points. Trains KoA IS and 20, loeat dally ytcept 8m T Trains from the South -arrive at CB."trktte;! nas emreL dally, at p, Freight except: ovuaar, at a. m. ana 4 46 d. m. ATLANlid, TENNESSEE ft OHIO DrTIfljQjfcS ! . . '11 .1 1 1 11 ' 1' n lHg f-f1Vffl ffiPln t v i .Leave charlottes ...,,-... .Leave Cbarlottarj .. i-.n -mA 'Arrive at Statesville, ; ; ,.,..8.12 p m . us BtateirlU,4i.4i.;.4TCl0m W Arrive at Charlotte. v ... HE bnXteketi.solA-toatt pofcts .South, !8outheait and flfrnr-. uj.'i i - . oen'i Manager. . ColnraWft, BwO March 1st, 1882. We Hm added to w Stock i'Sopplj 0f GUANO Equitable eake. -ALSO . "-GENUINE Kainitl, or German Potash Sjlfe. CALL AN SIB fJfl.-e iJ.WIMo. College Street mar7 To s, --I BAVE JDST REH7ED- A LOT OP AND RrtVII ATLANTA AMI HtrI. 4.?Kr. PHI A St XV, ( Out- Cavi Uudsjradl H ok II. Mm. m&rS EXTRA We have ust received and offer Jbr a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts Mossrose Decoration, 50 nieces. S10.00. worfb S16.00. EXTRA FINE TEA ETT3, cold, bird rad flower decoration combined, 44 pieces, 9 12.60, worth $18.00 PORCELIAN TEA SETTS, plain white, very &), . 44 pieces, ... PORCELAINX DINNZB SETTS. 10 pieees, fr 815.00; decorated. 180 p-es, fer (35.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a superior quality, aomplsis with shades, at SI. 00, worth S2-tt. : All Other Goods in Prcptoo. KT WHOLESALE and RETAIL. X Respectfully, J. Brookield k Co. febl9 -AT- WILDER'S YOU WILL FIND A PULL STOCK OP lf:;i jo i - 13a.afrehC CBULT. iXi t, J - U 1 (Wilson ft aUMdrla oU MAnd ) vomer .UttUHieff a3atA Uiartocta " and uhesap Wrapping Paper Paper Bap. 11 mm plriiilre Dfo .. , -. , . -a . . l .. r. VQTJtS iiml ?arv tn nn 1 TOir22

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