CIIAJ. R. JOKES, Editor and Prop'ton (XstaBBD at th Poet-OmcM a Qbablotbs, R, 0., Afl BaOOVD-CLAW MATT1B.1 . ; ... SATUBDA-Tr APRIL 1, Congressman Speer, of Georgia, car ries a level head on the Internal tax question. A writer on the New York Sun pre dicts that the coming summer will be a red hot one. Cheap labor-is degraded labor; it is that which makes paupers and eventu ally slaves. 'Last week 11,301 immigrants were landed at New York, an increase of 8.563 over the cor responding week of last year. t m i A meeting of the stockholders of the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad will be held at Fifyetteville Thursday, April 6th. It is said that many or tne negro flood refugees in Natchez are offered work but refuse it while the govern ment supplies them with rations. Jim Fisk's murderer, Ed. Stokes, is now running a swell, aesthetic bar-room in New York, which is said to getaway with anything in that line on this con tinent An effort is beinjr made in the New York Legislature to prevent "corners' in grain and other necessaries of life by making speculations of that kind un lawful and punishable by heavy penal ties. A Kentucky jury values an eye at $1,500. George Biggerstaff had an eye gouged out on election day, in Novem ber, 1880, and sued the gouger for $20, 000 damage, but the jury knocked off $18,500. Trescot and Walker Blaine don't seem to have done much in settling the difficulty between Chile and Peru, but Walker did a little business on his own account and captured a Chilian lad; for a wife. The Augusta Chronicle says : "Church es and school houses have followed the building of factories around Augus ta, and an enlightened corps of labor ers are springing up on every side." The Chester (S. C) Bulletin, mentions the case of a young lady in that county who was going to be married, and when the minister was about to perform the ceremony reientea ana reiused to pro ceed any further. Won't Jones, who shot atGuiteau, be as mad as a March hare when he hears how the ten cent pieces are rolling in to Masons "Bettie and the baby,' that he, too, didn't plead guilty and ge sent to the penitentiary ? bpeaker Keifer has some more bus ness on hand and will have another opportunity to make an explanation mis time it is anout discharging a stenographer, and Mr. Stephens arises and wants to know by what authority he did it. A party of French immigrants ar rived' at New York last week bringing with them a half dozen large bears, captured in the Pyrenees, which they propose to take with them to their western homes and put to work at drawing plows, &c. Father Evans, of the Milton Chroni cle, thus remarks : We hear of so many fellows wanting to run for Congress man "at large" that we have backed out in dignified disgust, and are now looking over the State for a suitable man who doesn't want to be a candi date. Where will we find him ? A New York lawyer, speaking of the Chinese in that city, of whom he seems to have a very high opinion because they plank down fees promptly, says they never carry any money about them. This habit is not peculiar to the Chinese. There are thousands of na tive born and adopted citizens who are allee samee Chineeman in that respect Wilmington Star: Suppose a man pays taxes on $10,000. How much tax will he pay for the education of the children of the State ? If he smokes he will spend more in a week for his cigars than he will ;be called upon to pay for general education in a year. Id pursuance of Attorney-General Brewster's order, Capt R. N. Rich bourg, chairman of the commissioners of election for Richland county, was notified by a United States deputy mar shal, last Tuesday, to report at the Uni ted States court in Charleston next Monday. In lecturing at Frederick, Md, Tues day night, Henry Ward Beecher, allud ing to the anti-Chinese immigration bill, remarked : "Would t God, for our own good, that we could import more Chinese religion and less of that of Cali fornia." If Chinese religion be so good, what the mischief do Beecher and other clerical Chinese champions want to be sending missionaries Over there for? Better let 'em alone. Augusta Chronicle : A few days ago a Georgia politician went to Washing ton in search of an office. Deceived by the flattering promises held out to him he telegraphed home: "Things are working; will be fcome in a few days." Not long afterward he again telegraph ed home. This time the dispatch read as follows: "Things have worked; send me $25 to get home." . Macon Telegraph: The most dan gerous creature that walks is a cook armed with fat and a frying pan. Her value as an agent may be summed up in a few. words: If oh seven-tenths, of the tombstones scattered about us was carved the figure. ot;a'.negro woman. Holding aloft, bannerJashlon, a frying pan, there would be no need of inscrin- A m a . m ' r . m . iions otner man tne victim's names. jluo em Diem wouia .snow ine cause of deatn, and apologize. for the errors in the lives it commemorated. 1 - Guano is a good thing to make cotton and Other fttral productions sprout lvely, and it is. consequently - a surt of a royal insUtutinn, especially in tne cotton belt, wliire ih lands do not posH sess the desired . feru'lty. but guanor knows its rights and it won't do u fool with. Jim Blaine and Mr. Shipherd handled it with undue familiarity and got themselves into big trouble, espe cially the, latter, who was supposed to be too correct to take liberties of that kind on short acquaintance with the7 distinguished foreigner from Peru. How many other distinguished gentleman have been caught in the same Scrape with the "plumed knight' has not yet been discovered, but guano has a way of making its associates known and the probabilities are that those who have cultivated relations with it will be duly chronicled in the guano record?. It not only makes its- presence felt but its power also, not only on the fields where crops are grown but also in legislative halls and councils of State, and people sometimes go to war over it. Chile wallops Peru and demands her guano treasures for permitting herself to be walloped, while Peru, in the dust of de feat, laments the gobbling up of her treasure. It won't do to fool with. The city council of Rock Hill, S. C, permitted themselves to become unmindful of this fact and the consequence is trouble in Rock Hill. They thought they could proscribe guano, restrict it, require it to take up a suburban abode and waste its sweetness upon the outer atmosphere beyond the town limits. They so said in a city ordinance.and then the trouble began. The railroad company takes sides with proscribed guano and re solves if guano cannot have the free dom of the city as heretofore the dis tinguished Peruvian and relations of the Peruvian have had they will move their guano reception houses.commonly called depots, out of town and guano will cut the town's acquaintance. Here is where the trouble comes in. Bock Hill can't get along without a depot and the town council is asked to reconsider its guano ordinance and let peace re turn once more, surrender to guano and retain the depot KEEPING HIS OWN COUNSEL. Like Gen. Grant, President Arthur is a silent man, and says but little or nothing of what he proposes to do, save to the few who may be in his confi dence, His appointments, generally speaking, have been surprises to most people, and disappointments to not a small number. As a power behind the throne Gen. Grant seems to have pretty full sway, rarely, if ever, failing to se cure the appointment of any one in whom he takes an interest black or white. Next to Grant come Logan and Cameron, who ply their little hatch ets pretty successfully, and cut off heads which they, do not like, and put up those whom they do like. So far the stalwarts have drawn the prizes and are getting the machine pretty much under control. While all this is undoubtedly gratify ing to them it is not by any means sol idifying the Republican party which is just now in a somewhat shattered con dition with the indications that it will remain so and get worse. "It is an ill wind that blows nobody good," and if Mr. Arthur in reward ing the 306 fraternity makes the rift in the concern still wider he will do this Republic more good than he aims at The Vicksburg Herald says the Mis sissippi river never gets high more than once a year. This is often enough considering the amount of highness it sometimes indulges in. The last swel ought to satisfy it for a dozen years. i i i m ' isanaau, me wasmngton correspon dent of the Augusta Chronicle tells of a middle-aged laay who 'goes into the Senate gallery every day, and who when tne speeches are uninteresting takes out her knitting and goes industriously to woik. Philadelphia Record: Hon. Samuel J, Randall declines to be chairman of the Democratic city committee unless there is harmony between the factions. This is a very poor quality of leader snip. Why doesn't Mr. Randall take the leadership that is offered him and create the unity he desires? A chair man should earn his bread and butter. Charges were filed at the State de partment against John H. Smytbe, the colored man from this State, appointed as minister to Liberia, that when for merly acting as minister there he ap propriated to his own use the effects of a deceased person. But investigation showed that he had them fof warded to the relatives of the deceased. - The Colored Convention at Goldsboro. Raleigh. March 31. At th tion of colored men assembled on vea- terday in Goldsboro, composed of three hundred delegates from all the heavy negro counties of the State resolutions were adopted to the effect: "That, While we do not f avnr an abandonment of any of the principles of the republican party, and while we" endorse the administration.wehail with pleasure the unmistakable evidence of a liberal movement in North Carolina and we will support such a liberal move ment and will join hands with liberal men who have heretofore acted with the democracy and who are willing to bury the dead past in an earnest effort to build up the State and guarantee to all equal rights and privileges." Life for Life, Chatham, Va March 31. Doc Wright, colored, Was hung here at 11 o clock this morning for the murder of Coleman Arthur, white, Feb. 6th, 1881 He walked to the jgallows, situated 150 yards from the jail. The Danville Grays acted as a guard. While stand ing on the platform just before the trap door was sprung, a reporter asked him if he committed the murder, and he answered, "I did not," which were the fjy wo.rda spoken by him after leav ing the jaiL The hanging was private, only the officers of the court and repre sentatives of the preM being present. . BBlcUe art BiBMpsia, ' pHtf Alarmed ... . DA3GEROTJS GUANO. NATIONAL - lAW-JIAKERSiv v x r , . THE SENATE, DISCUSSES THE tN . .. DlAN APPROPRIATION BlL The House Appropriates $100,000 to Farther aid the Mississippi Flood Suf fer ers, and resumes the Discussion of the Army Appropriation Bill Washington, March 81. Senate. A communication was received from the Attorney General in response to the resolution of the 28th inst. trans mitting- the1 correspondence with Dal las Sanders which was temporarily tabled and ordered printed. , On motion of Butler a resolution was passed reimbursing Ingalls, of Kansas, lor "expenses in defending his title to his seat to the amount of $3,175. On motion of Jones the Senate bill for a public building to be erected at Shreveport, La and- appropriating $100,000 was passed. On motion or Garland the House joint resolution authorizing the use of rations in the district of the Mississippi overflow was passed. BrownjasKed and obtained an indefi nite leave of absence for his colleague Hill. He said the accounts, he had re ceived of that Senator's condition were favorable, but that the physicians could not say at what time he would be able to return to tne ben ate. The Senate resumed the considera tion of the Indian appropriation bill. Hoar withdrew his two million dol lar educational amendment and offered a substitute calling for half a million dollars for the same purpose, and de bate on this proposition proceeded. A long debate ensued, some mem bers inclining favorably to Hoar's prop osition as an experiment in the right direction, but objecting to the amount called for. Finally Hoar accepted a modification suggested by Wmdom, fix ing the appropriation at $25,000. The amendment as modified was adopted. Yeas, 29; nays, 18. The amendment as adopted is as fol lows: The Secretary of the Interior is further authorized, and directed to pro vide for the care, support and educa tion of all Indian children dwelling west of the Mississippi and belonging to the five civilized tribes in the Indian Territory, or so many thereof as may be practicable under sucn regulations as may be approved by the President in any of the States or territories at a cost not exceeding $200 per annum for each child, and for this pur pose there is appropriated $25,000, or so much thereof as necessary. Tne bill tnen was reported from tne committee and passed. Executive ses sion. Adjourned. House. At 12.35 the House went into committee of the whole on the army appropriation bill. The committee rose temporarily and on motion Hiscock. or JNew iorK, a joint resolution was passed, appropriat ing $100,000 to -enable tne Secretary or War to issue rations to persons render ed destitute by the overflow of the Mississippi river. Tne committee tnen resumed its ses sion and Butterworth concluded bis ex planation of his bill which appropriates $27,400,693 being $718,298 in excess of the appropriation for the current year. Houk, of Tennessee, argued in oppo sition to that feature of the bill trans ferring to the court of claims, claims now pending in the quartermaster gen eral s department, contending that sucn transfer would work great injustice to claimants, particularly to those the ad judication of whose cases had been about completed. The aggregate amount of claims remaining was about $9,000,- 000 and he did not think that Congress should change the whole policy of the government and erect a new tribunal for the adjudication of this class of claims after having held out for twen ty vears that the Quartermaster een erai's department was the tribunal to which statements should be made. If it were proposed to protect the treas ury against disloyal claimants this man ner of quartermaster investigation should be Kept up. it was utterly im possible for disloyal or dishonest claims to creep in under the present system of adjudication. These claimants bad seen every conceivable character of investi gation, and had been fleeced once or twice by claim agents and he protested against giving claim agents another op portunity to fleece them again. The debate on this proposition occu pied the time until the committee arose, when the House adjourned. The Attorney-General tf South Caro Una Ordered to Defend her Indicted Citizens. Columbia, S. C, March 81. Governor Hagood has ordered Attorney-General Youmans to repair to Charleston and defend the election and other officers of the State indicted and to be tried in the United States court. It is the general opinion that an extra session of the Legislature will be called shortly to re- aistnct tne state. ' Weather. Washington, March 81. Middle and South Atlantic States, slightly warmer, fair weather, easterly to southerly winds and lower barometer, i Gulf States, southeast to southwest winds, stationary or falhne barometer. bartly cloudy weather, local rains, and in the eastern portion higher tempera ture. ) Tennessee and the Ohio Tallev warmer south to west winds, lowt-1 barometer, partly cloudy weather and local rams in Tennessee. Hi L SMC Deae. Said a sufferer from kidney troubles, wben asked to try Kidney-Won, ' I'll try it but it will be my last dose " . xne man got weu, and is now recommend ing tne remedy to an. when derangement of the stomach acts upon the kidneys and liver bringing disease and pain. Kidney-Wort is the true remedy. It removes the cause and cures the disease. Liquid (very concen- vaiea) or ary act equally emoentiy. American vuiuvator. Sublimely Soperfe. A pair ol beautiful Son-flowers on Xasels win be mailed free to any lady who will send ten cents in postage stamps or money to Dr. C. W. Benson, No. 106 North Xataw street, Baltimore, Md. U ABKETS BY TELEGRAPH MABCH 81, 1882 PBODDC1. WiumroTOK, N. a Spirits turpentine firm, at 57c Bosln firm; strained S1.92M; good strained S1.95 Tar flrm, at $ 1.7ft. Crude Turpentine rm. at $2.25 for hard: 83.50 for yellow dip; S2.80 for virgin (Inferior). Com unchanged; prime white 90: mixed 82ft. BumioBB Neon Xlom quiet and steady; How ard street and Western super $3 50S4.76; extra f5.00ffi86.00: family S6.25&S7.25: City Mills, super t8.60S4.75; extra 5.00a$7.80; Bio brands $7.(Oe$7.25; Baltimore high grade fami ly S8.00; Winter Wheat fatent S&75. Wheat Southern steady: Western opened steady, but de clined and dosed flrm; Southern rad $1.83a81.88: amber S1.43SS1.48: No. 2 Western winter red ?pot, Sl.S6iAa1.85S. Com 8outhern firm; western strong and higher; Southern white 86; Southern yellow 78. BxLTiMoB---inghtT-Oats, higher and strong; Southern 66358; Western white 56358; mixed 64356; Pennsylvania. 55368. Provisions-flrm with upward tendency; mess porkS17.753S18.50. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed 7tfc3l0. Baoon shoulders 85fe; clear rib sides lHfe; hams 18318ft. Laid refined 12. CoSee steady; Bio eargoes-ordlnary to fair 93 10.. 8ogsr rm; Assort 9 WhlskMlnn, at f Lia iighttdnii.'-;.r . "-f $ y.-i ' Cmcio Fknnstes and tmchanged. Wheat strong and higher: No. 2 Chicago spring S15V tlXQ for cash; $1.86 for March and ApriL Corn -ttver Arm and higher, at 663681 iot cash; 66366 for March. Oats eottve and shade higher, at 463464 lor oash. Pork-lemand fa& and prioas higher, at $17,153$ 17.20 for cash. Lardemand active and prices advanced, at $1 1.00 for cash. Bulk meats stronger : shoulders $6.60; short rib $9.70; short Clear 89.95 Whls key steady and unchanged, t $1.18 - Nsw Tohx. SOothem flour, quiet and firm: SEP. exrai$5.203$a85; good to choice exam S0.70ffi58.00. WiWS2c hSherTand Jt4?4.Q$1-44 .. Corn excited and 1 Vi3c mill IF ntn lAoa 'tmrurth nnimubd 78082; White Smith rn 1AtL. M? W. .h rroo. . rtJ.80- Oais-xalted and Mjiier. with i SJT3 7k JSsul"HTe. waoin&v ana closing wita X2 2fSTnce 5 8. 62. Bops-un-coangMta price and dAmanrt. Hoht; VAiin. 12(220. COOee afoul nt thl?7...i t. "io, 2 dlnarrBlo May 4teUTOi7:8a,ger"and in good demand; Cuba muscovado' 707: Cuba fn8i8iA; fair to good refining quoted !L7J4IvH!nil$ ,firmer Bn to good inquiry; Standard 016. Molasses firm and ftamiuiri fair. POItO RlCO R07O: Nav nrlAsna KK7K. Vnoitah TstaEd 42 44. Rice In r demand -Bd firm: uangoon 2Vg bond ; do duty paid &Xhq253k. KF'rw.H f40Sja.45. Turpentine-easier, at o ou-auu- ana depressed; Domestic ttoeee 84 47: Texas 14930. Pork hld innuwhut stronger and b good export business, speculations $17 00. i -Middles quiet : and e strong and puces unaltered; long clear 9. Lard -higher. "iet ana active ana closing witn less streng.h. at 1 1.80. Trelgnt to LItrttxjoI market dull. Cot ton, per sail 5-32d7-32d; per steam 5-32did. COTTON.' ' - ; GlLYBSTOK Easy : mlddlfatr. IITLa: Inn mid. dling llfeo; ' good ordinary He; net receipts 281; gross 260; sales 400: stock 40.256; ex ports. OOastWlM : to flrnat Rrttaln - tn continent -- ; to France : to channel Weekly-net recelnts irroaa A-fl2R: sales 4,216; exports coastwise 8,888; to Great Britain b,vo; to continent 2,577; ranee ; to cnan- nel . Norfolk Quiet: middling i is&e: net teeelnt 1.886; gross stock 47.07.7: exDOrts eoat- wise - ; sales - : exDorts to Great Britain ; to continent r. Weekly net recelnts 10.KR4: nrross : sales 8,648; coastwise 5,79; Great Britain 5,046; channel : continent : France . BlLTQfORB Oulet: middllns 12tfec: lot? mid dling 11 (fee; good ordinary 10c; net receipts ; gross 1,820; sales 80; stock 84,900; exports coastwise ; spinners : exports to Great Britain j to continent Weekly net receints R4: cross 4.R31: sales 1.424; spinners' 263: exDorts Great Britain 8,104; coastwise j continent 3,982. BOOTOH Steady: middlttur 1214c: low mlddllna llc: Rood ordinary 11c: net receipts 988: gross 8,668; sales: stock 11,245: exports to wraat Britain s to France Weekly net receipts "6,445: cross 12.695: sales ; exports to Great Britain 8,177. WnjfTHQTOK Quiet: middling; 11 tec: tow mid Hng -11 8 16c; good ordinary 10 ft 16o; receipts 91 ; gross ; sales ; stock 5.660; exports coastwise - ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net recelDts 778: erosa : exrorta ooastwlse 1,498; to Great Britain ; .to con tinent . . - Pboladklphia Qoiet; middling 12Uc. low middling lltec kooo ordinary 1034c: netreoelots 476; gross 699; sales ; spinners : Rtook :; exports ureal Britain ; to continent Weekly net receipts 8,056; gross 5.503; sales : spinners ; coastwise : continent : to Great Britain 2,200; stock 23,66 1 . SAVAflNAH Quiet; middling 1 lc; low mld- 888; gross ; sales 1.100: stock 54.8i 2; exports coastwise to Great Britain to France- to continent Weekly net receipts 4.831: gross 4.873: sales 7,800; exports to Great Britain 2.682; France ; ooastwlse 5,926: continent 1,600. Naw Oklsaks Quiet; middling 12c: low mid dling llo; good ordinary lllc; net receipts 1,090; gross 1,851; sales 4,000: stock 255.029: exDorts to Great Britain : to Kranae : coastwise ; to continent ; to chan nel. . Weekly net receipts 9 845: gross 12.212: sales 27,000; exports Great Britain 16,996; chan nel ; coastwise 2,882 ranee ; conti nent 2,340. MnBiLB-Qule?; middling 11 'Bsc; low middling 11 Vic; good ordinary 10c; net receipts 807; gross ; sales 500; stock 24.691: exports coast ; France ; to Great Britain ; to continent . Weekly net recelDts 2.120: eross 2.127: sales 8.500; exports to Great Britain ; coastwise 425; France ; continent . Memphis Quiet; middling llc; low mid ordinary lOtC; net recntpu shipments 604; sales 300; dling lH&c; good 486; gross 503; stock 59,990. Weekly net receipts 2,488: gross 2.91 sblp- ments 8,400; sales 3,950. augusta Quiet; middling lllta; low mid dling 11c: good ordinary lOl&c; rec-tiiU 272; shipments 2,183; sales 839. Weekly net receipts 1.042: shipments 2.133: sales 2,461; spinners ; stock . Charleston-Quiet: middling ll&c: low mid dling lllhc; good ordinary llic; net receipts 752; gross ; sales 600; stock 37,810; exports ooastwlse ; to Great Britain ; to continent 1 ; to France ; to chan nel . Weekly net receipts 5.686: gross : sales 6.850; coastwise 5 195; continent ; Great Britain ; to France . NxwTobk Dull; sales 840; middling uplands 121&C; middling Orleans 12!fec: consolidated net receipts ; exports to Great Britain to France ; to continent ; to chan nel . to Great Britain 10,577; France 321; continent 1.0U8; sales 4,090; stoek BH(J.48. Montgomery Steady ; middling UVsc; low mid dling 11c; good ordinary 1014c; receipts 862; shipments 636; stock, present year, 8,424; stock, last yar, b,21b ; sales uao. Maoon Quiet; middling lUfec; low middling lie; good ordinary lUVfecr receipts 2o; sales 283: stock, present year, 6,708; stock, last year, 4,840; shipments 435. CoUTMBOS Firm; middling 1114c; low middling 11c; good ordinary lOt&c; receipts 555; ship ments 821; sales 880; spinners ; stock 9,240; ex. Great Britain ; coastwise . Nashttllk Steady ; middling like; low mid- 10c; good middling 10c: net receipts 512; shipments 669; sal8 795; spinners 82; stock, present year, 18,070; stock, last year. 18,425. Prottdinck, B. I. Weekly net receipts 411 stock 8,000 ; sales 8,000. Sxlxa, Ala. Quiet; middling lltjfec. Weekly- receipts 196; shipments 1,123; stock, present year, 4,U8. . dUog llic; good ordinary lOVic Weekly recelpte 914; aaipments i.uzo; stock o,4Uo. OOXFAEATm OOXTON 8TATX1CKNT. Net receipts at all United States ports during week 53.875 Same wek last year 77,902 Total receipts tethls date 4.261.10 Same date-last year 4,042.47 1 Exports for the week.. ;.. 64.706 Same waek last rear. 1 00.08 1 Total exports to this date 2,660,590 Same date last ear 8,406,160 Stock at all United Stages, ports.... 889,179 same time last year Stock at all Interior towns Same time last Tear . : . . .rfv. . . Stock at Liverpool. ... Same time last year Btock of American afloat for Great Britain , Same time last year -', 805,6)9 117.191 148.118 14,000 8B7.000 201.000 278,000, LmKPOoL Noon Firm; middling uplands 66M: middling Orleans 6 13-1 6a; sales 12,000 speculation and exports 2,000. receipts 2f,GOo American 19,800. u pianos low middling olause March delivery 6 41-64d; March and April 6 40-04oetB su-040; aphi ana ay 6l-o4d; May and June 6 45-64d36 46-64d; June and July 6 4-4d36 51-64d; July and August 6 54 64d3 K55 64d; August and September 6 57-H4dffi- 6 dh-ow; oepiemoer ana uaooer o 4V-64d. Fatures nrm. - - Ltvzrpooi. -5 P. M. Sales of American cotton 8,850 bales.' UplaodsFlow mlddl'g clause : March delivery d; March and April fl 89-64dj April and May 6 89-64d38 88-64d: , May and. June ; June and July 6 49-64d; July and August ; August and September ; September and October . Futures closed flat. " Sales for the week. 63.000 American 42,000 Speculattou 1.970 Export 7.900 Actual exports....: 8,900 Forwarded from ships' sides.. .......... Imports . 112,000 American 60,000 Stock i 814.000 American,. 551 .000 Afloat.. 413 000 American j 201,000 LITE SPOOL COTTOH CIRCULAR, This week's circular of the Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association, says: "'Cotton was in fair demand, but with a quiet market and prices rather In favor of buyers.' Medium- grade of American was reduced l-16d. In Sea Island there was a' fair business, cbiefly in medium and fine grades, whleh are very firm. Futures, after a slight fluc tuation, eiosed quietly at l-82d3118d decline. : jrUBS. . Nxw Toes: Net receipts 783; gross 115. Futures closed dull and easy; sales 120,000 bales. (LWa-- rv ......... June. .' July ; August. , September 12.05S.06 12.20.00 12856.86 12 4501,50 I2fl3.64. lz.zsa.sss J 1 62a.64 11.46 48 U.483.60 October... November. Decembtir,. January.... February... March l- ' UNAKCIAL. v .: ' : ,'i ,-,.--!.,,-: ,-t NBW YOBK. tochan. .............. '.11.. govemments-rgeDeraltj' uhchinged ; . . ' : . ; Four and a hall r-tX&W S . vHvi c 'i -'1 vOS; t ADJMnaui7aJ8jieWdiV.Vi S01.74ff,88tt VUt UM 1 hr'.; : v J. H T TO FOR THE Which Is now full arid complete.' complete. "We keep the best Goods made, will sell them at the lowest possible .Mtf 2258 Sllveroe KnWSas u uur eiocK smDraoes a We Invite all to give us mr30 Stocks. n? A. It The stock market opened Irregular, but in the mala 'i3 per cent lower than yesterday's closing prices, the latter for the Milwaukee, Lake Shore dt Western, while the Hannibal & St. Joseph preferred was 1 per cent higher. In early dealings a fractional adranee and reaction took place. The Rochester k Pitts burg sold down 1 per cent ta8& This was suc ceeded by an advance of 13 H4 per cent. In which the Denver ft Bio Grande, the toadim?. t ha No.h. vllle 4 Chattanooga, and the Louisville ANash- vllie were prominent. Stocks Opened Irregular and closed weak: Alabama Class A, 2 to 5 Alal lama Class A, small Alatiama Class B, 5's Alabama Class c. 4's... Chicago and Northwestern.... Chicago and Northwestern preferred, Erie: ........... ..' R1V4 H-i 98 8414 1.81 1.40ut 87 , 12 1.H5 l. art 14 1 19& 9 IP 23 1.48 1.311A 102 644 60 90 Bast Tennessee Georgia.. ... Illinois Central. Lake Shore . j Loulsvliie and Nashville. Memphis and Charleston Nashville aad Chattanooga New York Central.. FitrsDurg ; Richmond and Allegheny Richmond and Danville . Bock Island.. South earollna Brown Consols, waoasn, at ixuu x racmc Wabash, 8L Louis & Pacific preferr'd western uuion. . , , crrf cotton marext. ... OrncK op .-Thb Obsbbvkb, 1 OaARLOTTS, April 1, 1882. 1 The market yesterday closed dull at the fol lowing quotations: Good Middling..... Strictly middling,.. Middling......... Strict low middling. 11H6 11 bow middling. ... Tinges.. G1A310V Storm cotton.... 538SA RECEIPTS TOB THB WEEK KSBED FBIDAT, 3 1st. Saturday Monday Tuesday Wednesday . 178 7 134 143 111 172 825 bales Thursday .. imaay Total bales. CHARLOTTE Wednesday April 5th,'82. FIEST APPEARANCE HERE OF JOHN P. SMITH and W. A. MESTAYER'S World-famed Comedy and Musical Corxipany, In their Laughable Comedy, entitled the TOURSSTS, IN THE PULL,.n.VrV PALACE CAK. Now being produced in New Orleans to Crowded Houses. Burlctque Operal Comedy! Jrotequo Danciugl Splendid Part Singing! PRICES. Admission SI; Gallery 50c. Seats can be secured without extra charge at the usual places roar20 XiSjCjelXattje0tts. TffK KEEP IN eTOCK All kinds of patent Medicines and Mineral Wa ters. WILSON & BUBWKLL, Druggists, Trade Street. Fresh Supply, at WILSON & BURWELL'S Drug Store. ij LBS. ENGLISH VKaMlLLION, Medium and deep shades, for sale by WliiSON & BUB WELL, Druggists. QOOK'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod LiTer Oil. Sold by WILSON 6c BUBWKLL, Druggists, Trade Street. w E KEEP A SUPPLY Of Fine Wlae, Brandy and Whiskey, for medi cinal purposes. WILSON & BUEWELL. H UNTER'S INVISIBLE POWDER, Swan Down Powder, Saunders' Powder, at WILSON & BUBWkLL'3 Drug btore, Trade Street. QLOSING OUT LAMPS at low prices. WrLSON BURWELL. JATH SPONGE, at WILSON ft BUB WELL'S Drug Store. TJ ENO TEA, FINE GREEN AND BLACK TEA, A A ' At WILSON BURWELL'S Drug Store. TV E HAVE RECEIVED A Fresh Supply of Clears for retail. WILSON & BUBWELL. pRBSCRIPTlONS PREPARED At all hours day or night. WILSON & BUR WELL. I QOOPEB'S ELIXIR BUCB.U, cuoebs and um win cure an diseases of the Bladder and mdnejs. bold by WILSON & BUBWELL. BUIST'S GARDEN SEED, at -WILSON & BURWELL'S mr30 Drue btoie. FOR SALE. THE best residence on Church sireet, within two minutes waiK ol the fubilc Square. Also one-half, interest In two Brick: i Cottages .on Mint Street, and one Horse, Buggy and Harness. Apply to mar30 tt a. LjCBE3WELL. V LIME! LIME! LIME! (0:iOi HAVING now two more Kilns In addition to our PERPETUAL KILN we are now prepared to Ft I-1, ORDERS PROivipTLT, on short notice, and at prices that dely competi tion. - We guarantee quality, and make no charge UDless Lime proves satisfactory. .. We have an .agency in Charlotte ol AC. Sum ntervllle; who wUI receive orders lor small lots at reduced prices. , Reference as to quahty of Lime tven on appll eattou. ; . SIMON BROTHERS. BoxNa88,GaffneyCityH,a flfetto Mineral Water ! ! ; i .k ' ' IlOCKBttibciE (VA.) A;r . , w t ; n Dyspepsia; Indigestian, Torpid liver, Chronic DlarThcBi and DjaenteaT Skta Diseases. ' - ecrofula, :Chronl(J Piaeirmdhta, etc. " d&Af&Vfy '4te'l0Bip -and U 34NTI . MALARIAL In its effects. Bead . certiflcates from ejnlnent physicians In bur pamphlets. ' NO AJBTI FICI At CASES OK 8ALTS. . Bottled In its" natural "state; direct horn the Springs, which are beauflfuUy located in Rock bridge COUIltV. Va. . and ATfi nmui fnr tha mmmi.. 9t visitors JrOnv June" 1 st lacttiber it.K ADEN and Dr. T: cTfiMlTH. iCfiftrloh wIrT n marts iV--- w- --r-f:ir--T- iwwfv WB OUR STOCK OF- SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, mi1' MlhUWg. I Wallace States ville, INT. C, OFFER THE-- LARGEST STOCK-: OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE ON. "IK mo ST FAVOllAIiLE TERMS AND IN COMPETITION VV I I If ANY JOBBEIIS IN THE COUN THY. THEY WILL BE IJLtDTO QUOTE PKICES maris ly SPRING STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE. Wholesale Retail Buyers Invited to Examine it Before Making their Purchases. HANDSOME SrOGK OF Mew Carpets, Oil Cloths lags. HOUSE HTEHISraa aOOBS A SPECIALTY, Tie Largest and Cheapest Stock of Embroideries io the City. ELIA8 &d COHEN. maris 1m (IDT IB A.T COST ! AT COST. HAVING I FIND I HAYS KSTIRBLY MUCH ST ON HAND, AND IN ORDER TO REDUCE IT I WILL OFFER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, ALL' GOODS UNRESERVEDLY AT COST. decSO lm WHEELER'S COMPOUND FLIXm, Phosphates and Callsaya. A chemical feud and tonic. B. U. JORDAN & CO. EPPS'S COCOA. R. H. JORDAN & CO. ENGLISH A METAL H AIR RRU38 for 25cents. R. H. JOttDAN & CO.. Druggists. HE NO, RAJAH, . YOUN3 HYSON, IMPERIAL and GUN POW DER TEA, Just received. , H. JORDAN k CO. BERTRAND'S PUREOLIVE OIL, Select Spices and Flaror ne R. H. JORDAN ft CO. WE HAVE TE XmJ? BRANDIK3 and WINES tot JL Medicinal Use. m- '" ' r ? ! B,L JORDAN ft CO., maraffUig. 3u ....... Jfrjoa 8treet n 'fir 4-i JUST HEGEIVED. T7iyE Cair, Loads ot Cora, two ear Joads of Floor -A1, iwo ear loads of Syrups, one car load of Baits ougar, vajuwj uu mood, ana Tooacoo. now lor .Mtofl.... i.; CUTjaBE8T80N ft BAEER'8, oiin uouege Btreet icon : y Mm9WmW9tol ?- INnLTR ATTENTION price and guarantee sdifartinn tn .n k to SSSsSPS BURGESS. NICHOLS, ill kiln eiff FURN1TUBE, BEDDING, &C. a nuunw Cheap Bedsteads. AND LOTJNeXS, PatIat Xr. rThovnKM ' oomsawr AXi,j J m. wm TO THE TftAOE. 1 gffiKDIE AT COST. JD3T TAKEN nIwTOndryI HAVIHG ESTABU5HKD A NIW STEAM LAUNDRY In CHARLOTTE, we will shortly pond by ma'l to all the citizens In the place OUR PRIlE LlriTS, and will be pleased to make special arronemeDt3 wiiQ iamuies, and it those vtshlusto mate sucn arrangemenU wl:l notify ns we will call on tt on ttiem in person. It is our intention to do work in a SUfEKIOK MANNER, And we respectfully solicit the public to give us a trial. All worn DONE PROMPTLY, and Ladles' Garments will be handled by lady assistants ouly. THE LAUNDRY Will be In constant fperatlon, no delay in dping work. and there will be It formal Ion furnished on application. L. HAYMANN & CO. mar30 If BLACKSMITHING. I HATE MOVED FBOm my oia stand to the New Brick Shop in rear Of Wadawnnh's T.'vak Stabiea, where I am prepared to do HUB.U1UB OI JHliAUAfJltTtl WORK. Pilces reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. . I have In my employ, Mr. W. E. ICHENSON, the Dest Horsenoertln the Stall marUOlw ,h. W. taTKM. F. C. MTJNZLER . AUGNT FOll -(Irbwlca laser fiVr, BOTTI.EO BEER A SPECIALTY. - V.J-. - - - I "Have just received a small lot of BOTTLED ALE and PORTKH. hleh I nfr.. tnh ,km,. uf reasonable prlceT Addies . " r" , -rFREB a MJJNZLIR. njJte28 Lock Box 265, Charlotte, N. C BROTHERS XHl .T iT-j;