fce tilmxlottt QTjscxvtv. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1882. Index to New Advertisements. " Ok Benson's Celeryd Chamomile Fills 0 Eddtns Reward. Springs Burwell Piedmont P-tent Floor.- BUSINESS NOTICES. Premalnre Vmm off Hair Mar be entirely prevented by the use of BUR NKTT8 COCOAINE.. , So other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so erectly einttbevariotis conditions ot Uie uuman hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the Irritated scalp, It affords the rches lustre. It prevents the hair from (allln off. It promotes Its healthy. vigorous growth. It la not greasy nor sticky. It leans no disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. . Burnett's Flavoring Extrac ,are knwn to be the best Complicated DlnesM A prominent gentleman In Cerro Gordo county, Iowa, writes us that he flads Kidney-Wort to be tBe best remedy he ever knew for a complication of diseases. It Is tbe specific action which It has on tbe liver, kidneys and bowels, which gives ft such curative power, and It Is the thousands of cures which It U performing which gives It Its great celeM ity. Liquid (veiy coi .centrated) or dry, both aK efficiently. N. H. Journal and Courier. BIDVQKD AUTM AMD IBOH 8PKIB&S WATS8 AHD Mas. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron, and fifty per cent, more alun muni than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Jut the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing, price reduced one half, mayll tf Bn clxrertissrorots. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesoraeness. More economlca than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, a um or phosphate powders. 8old only in cans ROYAL BAKING POWDEtt CO., nov23 New York. Le or narfdion. Sole Agent, Charlotte, N, C. V. 1 we are:now opening our new Spring and Summer Styles OF MILLINERY, Including all the latest novelties in the MIL LIN BUY LIMB. HATS, BONNETS, FLOWEUS PLUMES, RIBBONS, SILKS LAOEH, &C, In all the new styles, colors and qualities. Also, all the new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White Goods. Neck Wear, HoMery Gloves, Parasols, c. the LARQI8T and MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hals and Bonnets On Monday, March 27tH, When we will be pleased to show the Ladies the GRANDEST DKPLAI Of 1T1NE MILLINERY the; have ever seen In this city. Be?pectfully, . P. Query. mar22 POTATOES ! POTATOES ! ON HAND : EASTERN YAMS, AND LOI'IIANACHOKEB3, AT roa-31 S. M. HOWELL'S. Coupons. to be Paid. Office C. c. 4 A. KilLHOAD. Columbia, a C, March 30th, 1882. i THE coupons of the 2d mortgage bonds of this Company, which become oue on the first day i pnt. i82i wui Be paid at tne aauonai rare Bank. of New York City, and at the Central Ma- uonai Bans, or this city. ' I.V.B. bju i n, mar31 8t T"Murer JTTRT RTT.r.FJVTCH v - I -T THI VARIETY STORE A LOT OF- TUMBimr. wnmxrnnt fmm 9n ta 2fiea yard Very rmnv uwnh at aua; BLXiCHKD HHIKT1NW at 7Vto. Heand 10c: LI WIN TOWJCLS rom si.20 to ti.75 pet dozen,. GOOD BARGAINS. HOSIERY, HOSI 8UPPOBTXB9, GLOVES, OOB- BT8, CBOCtXBY. US WABX. GLASS WAB1 Lamps, pictuai rRAMta. and aanr ether thingsat;eornrtlvery lowprleea. Xj , tor CALL and 812. UBk - fU-spectlully; f'i CM. XTHXBXDQX, . Under Traders', National Bank. inar2ft wanted;: THE Board ofUkterfotti of the City of Charlotte A hsvlng ordered a lane amount of pavlncdooe with both Btooe and, BrteJc we want m competent ciyiicstreet) toXerTtAWblds for tanSom SS2 2S? rontt dressed. . ana uara bum flS? which to make thesaroe. -Addreas ; Spring S HOME CIHPTJET8. March has gone out lik.6" a lamb. - .. ' CQoile a number of equestrians among them a number of ladies were out yesterday." ? tSThe bullion - assays at the Char lotte tf. S. assay office amounted to $5,553.49 for the month of March. tWA. new feature wad introduced at the new rink last night bicycle riding at Intervals. This is to be a feature of the Friday night's programme in fu ture. The Late Hail Storm. We are informed that so late as yes terday morning quantities of hail stones were lying in the gullies in Mal lard creek neighborhood, and the ground in some parts was quite green with the leaves stripped from the pine trees by the violence of the falling hail. Library Association. The Library Association had a very pleasant meeting last night Readings were enjoyed from Misses Janie Rudi sill,Lillie BeLhune, Lizzie Gray, and Mr. W m. Byerly. Miss Minnie Asbury, the accomplished organist of Tryon" Street M. E. church, -was in charge of the musical exercises and presented an excellent programme. C lose Shave. Some goods were seized and carted away from the barber shop of Thomas Jefferson yesterday at the instance of a Mr. Sawyer, who held a mortgage on them. However, a friend stepped in and paid the debt and cost, so Jefferson can still continue to ply his razor and scissors, with his usual dexterity. The Fire Companies. Un Monday afternoon, about four o'clock, the annual inspection of the fire department by the board of alder men, the fire committee, the chief and his assistants, will take place. After the inspection there will probably be a parade. Next week each company will appoint its delegates, and instruct them how to vote in the election of a chief for the ensuiuj; year. Death From a Mad Dog's Bite Mr. E. VV. Liles, who lives near Sugar Greek church some three or four miles east of Charlotte, informs us that he had a fine pig to die with hydrophobia on the 28th of March. The animal was bit ten by a dog that was suffering from rabies on the 8th of last February, and it was Immediately separated from his other hogp, and apparently got well of the wound. On the 20th of March, how ever, the hog was taken sick apparently with every symptom of hydrophobia, and died on the ,28th. So much for the bite of a mad do. About Medical Prescriptions. The following item which we find floating about in the papers will be of interest to both druggists and people of Charlotte : Who owns a prescription the pa tient who purchases it, or the druggist who fills it? The Philadelphia Ledger says that it belongs to the druggist, as he needs it for his vindication if any question should arise about the com pounding of tbe prescription.' The Washington Star opposes this view, and asserts that tbe prescription belongs to the party who bought it, and that if the druggist needs any voucher he should retain a copy, the genuineness of which may be attested by the owner's signa ture. All Fool's Day. To-day is the especial day thatfrom. time immemorable has been known, wherever theEnglish language is'spok- en,as All Fool's Day, and the custom of sending people on bootless errands in order to raise a laugh at their expense is common at this season to all Euro pean people1, and their descendants on this continent. It is, however, like many better old-time customs, gradu ally dying out this making fools of our neighbors. Perhaps the reason may be that we are wise enough to realize that there are fools enough without making more; for this must certainly be the case, if the poet writes truly who says : The world of fools holds such a store, That he who would not see an ass Must bide at home, and bolt his door, And break his looking-glass. And surely there are enough fools around, even in our enlightened city, without endeavoring to add to the num ber. They are of various kinds as, the rSan who goes security, the man who lives with his mother-in-law, the man who digs up his garden seeds to see why they don't grow, etc., and especially the man who does not take a daily paper, and the business mun Who does not ad- yertise. , The Mad Dog. The dog killed on the streets on Thusrday evening is supposed to have bitten a number of other dogs, amongst them several of value, at least in the es- timation of their owners Many per- sons may not oe aware mat me uuW nt a doff known to have been bitten by a rabid dog is under a legal necessity to t.h Mtten animal killed. We are informed that the matter will probably be brought before the mayor this morn- incr. who may issue orders for the de struction of animals known to have been bitten. It is doubtless no light attorrr rri flee a favorUe dog; and before the law exerts it authority in - , thi. moftAr lr.snnuiu uu nuunu w uo necessary for the public safety ; but hy drophobia is such a terrible thing, that almost any sacrifice ot animal are is .,nt?naMo that mav Drevenc even a chance of this fearful aisease nappeu in or to anv citizen. Rhvlock. in the "Merchant 01 Venice declares of a ring he valued nigniy which bis runaway daughter nia t- chaneed for a monkey, "I would not have elven it for a wilderness of mon keys : and surely a "wilderness" or aogs cannot tear any comparison in value to a single human life. VftPtr Tears' Experience ofaa Old Kane, t..w-i. oiuHiIm flnm ta tlm nraMflD- tlonof one ol tne oe ".'JSrSSS 3 Nurses in me un. - t,and Tu ior iurvj iwn ".r;T . eess. I ieUt.ui one jer old to the ijdnlfc It EeeDieinttuu ul n . hMiim or ma aionuicii. iut ana eoniiun. w mu" Tr-ni- zjla ,n Bn I ltVrtrbnitlr5or from any ether 1 !l!fXStaMan wUl accompany I canseoiX d1SSaelsstte fahSle i tpim, 'is on the outside wrapper. l ol Onrtts ' .f ?"Sfj" oalen25 ets a bottle. Hayor's Court. -Yesterday John Burgess, a negro from South Carolina, was brought up onachargeof drunkenness and . disor derly conduct On the previous night Burgess, who has only been in the city a few days, having imbibed a little too much whiskey, got into a fight with another colored man, and was lodged in the guard house, where he raised a considerable fuss. For his little erup tion he had to pay $5 and costs. A Tonne Girl's Experience The heroine of the following incident published in the .New uneana Times. Democrat dT the 25th of March, in a special dispatch from Helena, Arkansas, is the- first cousin ot the wife of post master Jenkins of this city, hence will be read with some interest by Char lotte people: Tuesday evening last, when the wind was at a high stage in the overflowed regions of Old Town Island, twenty miles south of Helena, John Smother man (colored) and two children, in at tempting to pass from one part of the plantation or Mrs. John iL Williams to another in a frail dugout, were awamn- ed and for a moment . it was thought they would perish. The man reached out for his little ones and only caught the smallest, aged four years, after it had sunk once and was about to tro un der again. The other held to the boat, which was upside down, and the three hanging on to the craft resembling a small log. were about to give ud all hopes, as their hands were almost rjara- lyzed and' the wind was rolling high and white-capped waves upon them, when Miss Lena Williams, daughter of the lady of the plantation and a niece of Judge Mangum, of this city, took in j the situation and jumping in her skiff Reindeer took up a steering oar and called upon Esquire Ford, who was some distance off, to row to the place where the strusrle for life was croinsr on. She reached the poor creatures just in the nick of time, and with Mr. Ford's assistance, got them into her boat, when they were conveyed to their home. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Centbal Hotel. J N Hunter, J S Sossaman, Huntersville, N C; M M Tillman, Lancastei, S C; Thos D John ston, Asheville, N C ; James Kyle, Sa vannah, Ga; P J Cline, Miiledgeville, 6a; A W Jager, Charleston, S C; Jno A Dodson, Goldsboro, NCjGW Ogles by, L N Tram well, Dal ton, Ga; J T Alderman, Geo P Cotchitt, Wilmington, N C; J W Bulla, Washington. D C;J M Knox, Salisbury, N C; D. Strong, Connecticut; J F Iverson, Columbus, Ga; A M Prather, Augusta, Ga; S J Evans. White Plains, Ga; BC Cobb. Lincolnton, N C; Thos M Chatard, Brewer Mine, S C; S L Lamar, Macon, Ga; E W Rucker, Selma, Ala; S S Smith, Mrs S II Smith, Alabama; J W Betton, Kings Mountain, N C; J W Beasley, G R Barrett, Mrs Barrett and child, A K Brown, Boston; Ike Low- man, J as E Duvall, Frank Whalen, C A Nicholson, Baltimore; J C Bates and 2 children, M S Brown, M Dumont, Geo K Tate, A Schultz, J Wiley, L Martin, C Thomas, North Carolina;, H E Wei- siger, Jno Dorman, W N Bedford, W A H Schruber, Richmond, Va; John T Savage, A C Dunlop, Atlanta, Ga; R Bagby, J Donnan, Virginia; E F Hall, J P Timberlake, Philadelphia, Pa; T D Gillespie, H J Crosswell, South Caro lina; McKean Long, G W Yearby.New York. Charlotte Hotel. F D Alden, wife and 3 children, Rockingham, N C; Thos W Devane, Lenoir, N C; J R Hunter, Lancaster, S C; N Dumont, Lowell, NC; DM Miller, Davie county, NC; WD Summers, Statesville, N C; R T Pickens, Yadkin College, N C; Miss Bettie Dixon, Alexandrians, N C; J T Jones and wife, Orangeburg, S C; S T Aiken, Wilmington. Del; Geo R Reeves, Trap Hill, N C; F H Smith, Chicago, 111 ; W H CogginS, Petersburg, Va; T C Kennedy, Louisville, Ky; TL Shields, N C, Metropolitan Hotel J A Crews, Washington, D C;Kenall C Barnett, J A Shumate, Miss Fannie May Witt, At lanta ;R H Cowan, Wadesboro; JR Hardy, Wilmington ; W L Boyd, Rich mond: T W Bolton, Bennettsville, S C; S W McGinn ; John Wallace, Mrs. John Wallace, Anson county. The Richmond & Danville Terminal Company. The following article clipped from the Richmond State, of the 80th inst, in regard to the recent increase of stock by the Richmond and Danville Ter minal company will be of interest to many of the readers of this paper: An adjourned meeting or the stock' holders of the Richmond $ West Point Terminal Kail way and Warehouse com nanv was held in the company s office in this city to-day. Mr. Thomas Potts oc cupied the chair and Mr. R. Brooke was present as secretary. Twenty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven shares of stock were represented, being considerably more than a majority (the whole number is fifty thousand). Col. A. S. liurord offered the roiiow- ing resolutions, which were unanimous- ''JBE value of the properties ow owne(i Dy tne Kichmond and West I Point Terminal Railway and Ware- house Company is not adequately rep resented by the capital stock of this company, such properties having been acquired at iar oeiow ineir cost ana in trinsic worth as parts of the Richmond and Danville system ; and whereas the said properties have been greatly en hanced in value Dy tne targe increase in the business of the roads, the comple tion and improvement of unfinished lines, and the consolidation of these in terests under one harmonious manage I cieaajng); and whereas by the expend! ment (and their value is rapidly m- ture of a comparatively small amount of money in giving to some of the rail roads controiiea Dy tms company auui- tional facilities required for the trans portation of the increasing traffic which now oners irom connecting nuev, it w believed that their stocks will be quick ly made dividend-paying securities; nnw thArflfara be it ""t r . .r . . . !. i j KMfii'MfL. 'i nac tne capiuu bujcb. ui t.hia nrtmnanv shall be increased to 915, nmmn unrlthat every stockholder of v"'"r r. v s i il. tj i rcwkrti on tne aav nxeu uy we ouniu ui Directors for the closing of the trans fer books shall have the privilege of naArihino for the new stock on the basis of two aaaiuonai snares c mj for every share of stock then held by O .... , ' J .1 him. The new stock shall be issued to thestJknoideraaccepupgi,uFiV!"jKo uoon such terms as snail oe nxeu oy tne tarri The board of directors are au thorized to take all steps necessary to rtdrrw nnt t.hA nbleet of this resolution. . z?7uZ That the board of directors i authorized to distribute such of the stocks or bonds of this company as may not be needed for tne purpoeo w jwu trollinr its ?yarious railroad v lines, amnn trst. ita nt ock holders at such time as may be deemed judicious, and not in consistent with the Interest of the com pany, j - , The meeting then adjourned till Sat uroay Apru 1st, as l o'clock. Persomai. - Sheriff itunter, of Lancaster county. EC, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Sandy" , ChiWa, m ' prominent young citiien of Columbia, well known here, is in the city. - Mr. Thot. D. Johnston, of Ashe ville, was here yesterday. : Mr. B. C Cobb, a prominent lawyer of Lincolnton, arrived here yesterday; Superintendent Gillespie, of the Southern Express Co, arrived in Char lotte yesterday. Bob Cowan of the Anson Times, dropped in oh us yesterday for a few momenta. J. T. Patrick, formerly editor of the Wadesboro Argus, and secretary of the Dixie Agricultural Society at Wadesbo ro, was in town yesterday. : ' The Sunny South, published at At lanta, Ga, in a recent issue mentions in a complimentary manner the mar riage of Mr. John D. Shaffer, and Miss Julia Cutliff, at Shreveport, La. The bride was at one time the ward of Col A. B. Springs, of this city, was educated in Charlotte, and yet has many warm friends resident here. Mr. A. L. Butt returned to the city yesterday from a short but successful tour with his paorama on the Revela tions of the New Testament. He visi ted Davidson College, Mooresville and other points. Mr. John Calahaq, well known here, has left for Columbus, Polk coun ty, having received an appointment in the revenue service Freaks of the Male Thief. Some days ago we published an ac count, first of the stealing of a pair of valuable mules from Mr. James R. Mc Donald, of Long Creek township, and subsequently an account of the arrest and incarceration of the thief. The following from the Lancaster Review gives more particulars in regard to the affair than we have been able to gather from any other source. It says: On last Thursday a strange negro man made his appearance at the house of a colored man named Adams, who ives about a mile from town, with two mules which he offered to sell at very ow prices, lie said that the mules bel onged to a drove which were betas taken to town by the public road and that he had brought these through a near way. lie left this bouse late in the evenincr and coming through town went on down to' the house of a negro man named Essex Cunningham, who lives on tbe plantation of Mr. W. S. Harper, about four miles south of this place. On Friday morning he traded one of the mules to Essex for a mare and re ceived thirty dollars boot. On tbe same day he met Mr. W. S. Harper about six miles from .Lancaster and sold him the other mule for 82 dollars. In the mean time, our sheriff had received notifica- that two mules had been stolen on the preceding Wednesday night from a man named J. R. McDonald, who lives four or five miles northwest of Charlotte. The sheriff immediately sent two dep uties alter tne negro, one or whom, Mr. W. G. A. Porter, captured him at Mon roe, N. C on Saturday, and put him in the Monroe jail. Mr. J. R. Hunter took the two mules and accompanied by the negro Essex Cunningham, went to Monroe last Sunday to meet Mr. Mc Donald there, so that he might identify the mules if they were his property. The mules were found to be the same that were stolen from Mr. McDonald. and were turned over to him. The mare which had been traded to him, and the money he had received from Essex Cunningham and Mr. Harper was found in the thief s possession and recovered. He told Mr. Hunter that he had a partner named John, whose sur name he did not remember, to whom he had paid seventy-five dollars of the money, but this tale is refuted, by the fact above stated, that the fnH amount which he had received from Essex and Mr. Harper was still in his possession. The aliases under which this thief has traveled are numerous. He told Essex Cunningham that his name was Alexander Ferguson, gave Blair as his name to Mr Harper, called himself Harry Ingram, at Monroe, and his true name is said to be Henry Bur mingham. The same negro traded a horse last February to Mr. J. W. Stog ner.inthis county, and it is thought that this horse was stolen at or near Durham, N. C It is folly believed that he belonra to an organized band Of horse thieves who have carried on their nefarious opera tions for some time in the neighbor hood of Charlotte, N. C. Brtgkt'a Dlseawe) wf Um KMmti, Warn beta. No danmr fmm thM minnnni tf on im Hod Bitters; besides, belnc the beat family medicine ever made. Trust no other. flex? dxrerttsemcuta -JUST RECEIVED ONE.HUNDRID BABBXL8 Piedmont Patent Flour, THE FINEST IN THE UABXET. SPRINGS & BURWELL aivl IwiL'f ft fga ft satBctont evMemee to eenvict tbe seouiMlrel wb stole mr BjmelaLhM frwa my front yard. Probably they were eflered tm sale yesterday. . . .. w. xroixa. aprl U ID.ii8I. 5 HUFTTITOj WE AEE OITERHTG IN HEAVY CASS. PANTS, CASSIMERE SOnS,. Axsnr Onr FaH Stock Generally. WE WATTUE ROttat FOR OCR SPRING STOCK WHICH WILL BB THX FINEST the BAREST. We Deferred Buying Until Late To Secure tbe Advantages In LW PIECES under tbe advanced Sea son, and will be able to AT LOWER PRICES THAU PAID WHILE IN MARKET OUB STOCK WILL ABB1TX DTJBINQ tbe N1XT TEN DAYS, AND WB WILL HATB A WOBB WITH TOU. The Wise Man Will Wait ! i I . t C10THIE88 KOT CRY 600D3 DEALERS.1 BKSi ' ' cwEiinsis lDillCHfS a Eariy Purchasers O. Mai to 182 jpranre OJTHB SprhoI ies for this Week. 1 LlRQB ASD T1BIXD LZNB 09 DRESS GOODS, urBBArrao AS Oe NovBlUes of the Very Latest Importations, irosi ute vabx CHKAPBST to tbe EXTREME FINE GOODS. 3 o CO ta PRE-EailfEWTLY 9oR?rlor It onr BLACK GOODS D&TaHTMKNT. At this time it la needless to say that it is fuii of the best tilings tbat supply a Depart ment. njake special mention of onr CiSgjfcSjatS. sit 50c, 65c 75, 9(H! and fl.OO per yard, all of tbe ve eet I"rench pror notions. NUf8 TBILV im, ABMUBH8 811WH CCHS, BKOCADK, PLAIDdL POL NAI8B CLOTHs! ALL-WOOL MOIBK, DRAP DTB, VHINCH MIRTNn ittdtdiTmu a CO o CBAPXS, FBINCH BUNTING. -BOBA23NB3,- HBNBIBTTA CLOTH, TAMEE DBAP D'ALMA, IMPKBIAL SKBQX, TRICOT; in fact onr Bitck Dmss Goods Dept rtment basNO EQUAL in this 8ta e. SPECIAL LOW FRIGE; " FOR THIS WEEK la all the Departments of onr Immense Establish ment EMBROIDERIES, LACES, COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, In every Style and Material. OPEN THIS WEEK: A NEW LIKE OF SPANISH and FRENCH LA.CES. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OUR ENTIRE SILK STOCK. Black and Colored Silks, SATINS, MOIRES, BROCADES AND AT 60 CENTS. "HOUSEKEEPERS !" A RARE CHANCE Is within your reach to secure your House Linens at Marveloosly LOW PBICES. Table DaniMk, Wklte and Colored Tea Cloths, Dinner Clotfas, Break fat t Cloilts, Tray Cloths, Doy lies, Napkins , Towels Mar seilles Qallts, Carpets, Iflats, Rns-f iriattlnfr, Cocoa and Straw, Fresk and If ew GOODS. PA&ASOLS, StTS-SHAJES, Amy OMBBELLAS. These and their prices roa mast see to fully ap preciate our efforts to please the Trade. lite. Goods! White Goods ! WE HATE Every Fabric froduced under that head NEW, XSH and BEAUTIFUL. Hosiery, Gloves i Notions HATE NOT BEEN NEGLECTED and we feel satisfied that we cannot fall to please tbe most fastidious. W Those of theBeaden of this "Adv.' who cannot favor us with a call, will please tend lor asssplesi walea wtU be promptly famished. SPECIAL ATTENTION PA10T0 ORDERS. Witttowsky h Baracb. marSft NEVER FAILS. The only known Specific Remedy for EpUepUc Fits SAMARITAN NERVINE r aDueHl1'ilts'8P8m8l Convulsions, St. VbisDanc. Vertigo, klsterlcs. Insanity. Apoplexy, P.B)ysls, Bheuratlsm, Neuralgia aiid aillJeiv-KUS-f'1- This in MllWe ryVu poamI-JJ-SJP0168 of Nervous lerange- the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys ihe SAMARITAN NERYINE Cores Female Weakness, General Dehinty, Leu- Trunks, r.inrui juenxu-uaao i, LTlwra Uon ot ine Uierui, laternai Heat, Gravtl, Irjflam S?"?0 ?.r ?? 'w'der. Irri.ablllty of the Hldder. Wakefulness at nigr,t, ihre is ner remedy During the chnge of life no le should be wl-hout it It quiets the Nervous fty tern and Hives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN SERVHE CllIWR Alwihnllatn nnmk.r.r.. A l.v.. Opium Eating. Thesi degr trw habits are by far lift WOrHt fVllH thuf huvu ...... I,. . . humanity Thousan. s die an unll. from thesS noxious di.igs i be drunkwrd drinks llauor not because h likes it, but toi tbe i lure of drink ing and ti- aung bU fri- nds. lutl tblnKlng thnt he S On nlB fllAil tfk llln l.i a tim It.. .n I....... v. v ,t,0 ' ' i - iiu nmri. LI n first us8 ihe niKinsmrtl au -ntitle sKharmlnis antidote. The sooihl it luflupnca f tim rtn takes htn rjg ii..lo pon lis victim, leading him ou to his on 1etu."tlo . The habit of uninm Eating-and Llqu Drinking are precisely what vene a, as ver eating flrsi in which redoubles its craTln8 th tbe stomach nnd appetite. Ill 1 F nr A AMmm I r. . . . .J eating is to flames the until It iar timt yzes 80 every dr .k ol of satlbfylnt:. only aads 0 its fleroe Ores, untl- It consumes the vital fo ce ad then ltelf. Like h glu tonous tane-worm it cries Give, give, glvl" )Ut never enouirh 111,11 Ira nun mniniti .n Itself. Samaritan t vine les lnRtant ritf in men cases It prod s sleep quiets tbe nervcH. mildann thn fiAnrni . .lar.m mui H.inN.. .. r " - " - - uuwu.. uu. AVDW.CD uid mind to a heuitl y condition. SAMARITAN NIRVINE Cures Nervous Dyspepsia. Palplta' on of tbe Heart. Asthma, Bronchitis, fcrofida, t ohilla, dlseHst". ot ihe Kidneys and all diseases o the Urinary 01 gans Nervous Debility, caused i- the lndlscre lions of youth, permanent y cui 1 by tbe use o this invaluable remedy. To yoi, young, middle aged, and old mei-, who are cov ring your suffer-I- g as with a mantle by silence, l ok up. you can be saved by timely ell its, and m.tke ornaments to society, and lewels 1 1 the crown of your Maker, if you will. Do not kep this a secret longer, until it saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thu afflicted, take DR. RICH MOND'S KAMARITAfv NERVINE It WUI restore your shattered nerves, arrest pr-maturr dely and Impart tone and energy to the whole system. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl of fits. She was also eaf and dumb, but It cured ht-r. bhe car' nuv talk and hear as well as anybody. Peter Ross. SpriutjWHter, wis. 8A!ttARirHi NEItVlNE Has been the means of curing my wife of rheuma tism. J. b. Fletcher, Fort Cglilns, Col. S31AITAN NERVINE Made a sure cure of a case of fits for my sou. E. B. Ralls, Hattsliie, Kan. SAITIARITAN NERVINE Cored me of vertigo, neuralgia and sick headache MBS. WM. ttENSON, AurOia, 111. SAITtAtltTAN NERVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spams. Rev. J. a. uik. Beaver, fa. SA7IARITAN NERVINE Cu'ed me Df asthmai after spending over 83,000 wUh other dectord. a. B. Hobson, New Albany, Ind. SAITIARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of spasms. Miss Jemntb Warren, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NRVINE Cur?d our child of fits after given up to die by our family physician, it having over 100 in 24 hours -Bjihbt Knke, Verrllla, Warren county, Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. Albkkt tmpsoN, Peoria. Pi. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured ray son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. w. THObbton tlslborn, Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of eplleptls ills of a stub born oharacter. BE V. WM. MARTIN. . MechanlcstOWD, Md. 8AMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2,500 in eighteen months. Mrs. K Fobes. west ronsuim, n. x. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. MISS UKLJCHA ALAB8&ALL,, U.-anby, Newton county, Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cured me of epilepsy of many yeai s' duration. Jacob bdtkb, St. Joseph, Mo. 8AMAR1TAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de bility. Ulivbb mtxbs ironton, unio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured tne of asthma: also scrofula of many years' standing. Isaac Jxwxll, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fits. Have been we'l for over 'four years. Charles E. Cubtib, usaus, vougias county, sunn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michael U'CONMsb, siogway, ra. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has petmanenOy cured me of epileptic fits. DAVID TBIKBLT, DOS 11011168, IOWa SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of eplTepsy of 85 years standing Bursx ILABX, i airneia, hu. SAMARITAN NERVINB Cured my wife of a nervous disease of the bead. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored my son of tits. He has not had a fit for about lour years. Joan Davis. wooaourn, wwoupui cuuuiij, ui. SAMARITAN NERVINE Is f or sale by druggists everywhere, oijnvbehad 1 .,a mmum Af BAmaritan Nervine will please enclose a 8-eeirt Postage stanip tforaeopyof our DlostratM Journal of Health, onhiDvoased the medldne, and also their nietnres pnotograpnea aaex uut nnwnuuu w perfeot health, Addresa; ; ,;. Dr. S. A. BI0HM0HD & 00., WOBLD'8 EFILXFTIO iHBTTTUTX, ?tltfwly- Bt. Joseph Mov

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