. .'. : ... ..,f r-r'Xy. - --Me-iM'aM.aMiiifc-JMMHifcM - - . WMBMPMMl,,W,----Z. I . .-.i . . .4 - a . - . . ' ' . ' . ha1 i. i y ' 1111"Ml---tmmmlmmmmmmm-Mmm esc i if ft r IS tl til ! illiil:1! 27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, $90 BttTBEE' lEETnoTEN Orrwt contains lOfun mutm SubT? 6MetoIt PlfUeB.LWht BeUoWs, Steel uV.ilSTw nwvimr. Beattv's Patent Action, S, AVVE.L mJJIJlVAAV fnatented,) ENORMOUS 8UCCE88. Sales over 1000 a month. riamiuvl increasing. rw F.crv workimr DAY am ind by 320 Hkiiaon'a Electric rinTJtrhtei at NIGHT to fill orders veUverea on boara CCOrl rrt.nsWiwmiiM-tiitora, nothli(r can befclrer tfeme and examine tbe Instrument. Leave N. Y. City, JlWlmm kMMtlff in N V ATi ZLZVI Or H 11. I routes from Chicago.. Richmond. Phlla. .Boston, &c. , see "Beacty's Excursion itouie vircuuu-, juijwou w ijr expenses if you buyi come anyway, yon are welcome. Free Coach with polite attend ante meets all train. OtherOvans 30, 40, 50 u p. Pianofortes 125 to $1600. sVsutirul Illustrated Catalogue fro. Address or call upon DANIEL F. BEATTT, Washington,- Sow Jersey (EtnhH1iea 1886.) JorBoofikWaA Mil Oeihglxipia! plaeUoljinj Ufisandoatatofrnemaueairea. H IRES IMPROVED SOOT BEER. 25c Dockage makes 5- Rations of a de licious, wholesome, sparkling temperance beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mall for 25o. C. K. HiRisa, mail iur co N Aye PnlladelprJa, $1000 BEWABD! for any case of Blind Bleeding, itcning, Ulcerated, or protrudlM PILkS tnat DeBUNu-e vi i.w. MKMitnY film to cure. Prenared by J. if, HILL1B, M. D , 915 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. None genuine without his signature. Send for circular Sold by druggists ana country stores. i BOLD MEDAL AWARDED nthnr A fiimind firra&t ftied- toal Work, warranted the best and eheapest, indispensable to erery manntitied "tie Science of Life crelf-Pi oaorf ation boond in finest French muslin, embossed, fall ciltOO ppontains beantif ul teel ngrannas, 125 proscrip tions, price only $1.26 sent by mail . illustrated sample, 6 cents; Mm) nav.AddraH Pe&hodT Med OTTvtjrT V leal Institute Or Dr. W. H. PA& lal OliLl . K.KR, No. 4 Bolfinchst. Boston LAND PATENT PENSION ATTORNEYS Laud Patents obtained, and special attention given to contested Preemption, Homestead, Mineral and Tinhoriit'iTu UntrtAH. Highest Drlce d! d for T nnri Warrants and ScrlD of all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCURED for soldiers and sailors dls- HhiBd m line of duty. Pensions Increased it rated too low. Bounty, back pay and newdincharges ob- ta'ned. Send two be stamps ior Dianits ana "vv cular Information. " Address STODART & CO , 413 O St. N. W , Washington, D. C, GEORGE PAGE & CO. Mann lacturcrs or Patent Portable Ciroulur saw: Aiss SUtiosary LFarUUa STEAM EilG 5 IT. SCHE0EDER BAX.TIMOBE, MI Grist and nonr Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery, rihinrfe Mills, Circular Saws. Mm8uppliee,eta TANITE EIVrERY WHIXIiS and GiiUtbiNU MACHINERY. Send for CaXalosrae. AgQCultural Lime AND Carbonate of Lime BEST Sc CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS. BUILDING LIMESftSSSSr FRENCH BROS., Rocky Point, N. C. mar21 dA;w4w Springs & Burwe HAVE IN STORE ONE OF THE -LARGEST STOCKS OF- GGO RRR OO OOO EKB RRR TI TOE B8S, OGRBOOOOK R tt II K S1 S O RRR OOO EE RRR II KB BS0 OOGRROOOOE R OOO R K OO OOO EEK R a Lt A a a B 11 BEE BSS8 Fkr, Grain, Provisions, k, Evt r ottered in this market. Don'tBbuy .until you examine our Stock and Prices. -CORN 1SS OATS.- w 2 CAB LOADS WHITE CORN, 1 0 CAR LOADS 1 ELLOW CORN, QQQ BABBELS FLOUR, 500 8X0X3 C0FFKK 2QQ BARRELS MO SSES, BARRELS SUGAR, 100 BOXES BACON, 150 PACKAGES LARD. 200 BOXES SOAP, 200 PACKAGES MACKEREL, . 100 BOXES CRACKERS, 25 BOXES CHEESE, &C. PATENT PUR, 100 Bairels5JustJfrbrn!tlie Mill. SPRINGS & BURYELL. Ieb8 dw 'THE MA CO 1 4 : TSENO FOB CttCTJtABS.-'c 18 CO., SiJf f?fZi!iieiyto wiU-sen5?KEK to his wWldo,tw1y f . U , r , SHOW 1 i PIEDMONT OTARTLirlG V? & nmnnui IT I I THE ONLYLDICINE 15 EITHER LIQUID OR DEI FOBS That AW at e ime time on TEELIVZZ, TSS80WSLS, WHY tlAWE LWiSj BIOI? Ueamt 'abd'aed or torpid, and hvtnorsart therefor forced into the Hood I that should be expeUed nalurauy. WILLBURElwY KIDNEV DISEASED ' Oliver complaints, PILES. COKSXOTAllOJr, rBCCABT DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, ,A MEBVOirS PISOMRE54 j""3 bycautinfflie'tuaon tf'lhttt ofgdni iM rettoring their power to throw off distase. Why suffer Billot yalms and acltesl Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened over, dUorderrB?idiieyI; Why endure nervons ot alck J'daehest Use KIDNEY-WORTand rejoice in health. It Is put up In Dry Vegetable" Form, intin cans one package of which makes six quarta-of medicine. Also in Uuld Form, Tery Ceaeia trated, for those that eannoadny prepare . fjf-Tt acts with equal efficiency In either form. (JET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, i WELLS, RICIIAKDSO A Co.,Trop Vendhdipdy Mroh37dl lew CONSTANT LY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP FOR CASH, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. AT WHITE FRONT. feb'21 9 DEALER IN Tinware MANTELS and GRATES BTWHO L tt BiX tiC anijl.'T a l. Ija' Partfciilar Bitenaon'pald to , ? ROOFING 'AND SPOUTING None brft flrstxiass' Bands eifipldyea. ' Cah for the BARLEY ' SHEAFS STOVE. oct29 111 Cures- ; SYPHILIS irvany stage. CATARRH, ECZEMA, OLP 'SOBES.PI ' PLES, BOILS ANT. SKIN 1 ' D I S AS CURES ;WHEN. ALI OTHER REMEDIES JAJLllL If yon donbt, come to see as; aiid we wlU CUBS YOU i u or charge jnottungij t Wntt for paracrjlari, and a copy 0f the ntae boc "Message to the tJnfortnnate Soflerlnc." Ask any prominent Dmgglst'as to oar Standing. , toDorr, AUanta, da. f wea Agm m...:j.itd'fii rial to Ak BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. decSl n i 1 Airei A.-A. Stoves, Heaters, Rales, & lloase FurnisaiDg G n ii i l-m. 4 i & .w-x sxyf I 1 1 wM .SAmi STATE REWB. I Greensboro Basle: We are cladfto learn that MiS. Jl JL-Gregory,-wM flas J been: quite ill for the past weeK, la nrocix better to-day. -ft ABUent accident occurred on taqo yjirefATirei r- . fc,a Winston TTnioni Oar esteemed fel low citizen. Mr. R. M. Sloan, who annaitionin the First National Bank of Winston, has, we . learn, been elecUd-cashier of the Reids- YilieJNauonai ijanic. ... Durham Plant : -The DinK-eve nas; maderits appearance among the horses in TliirHam . .t There has- beenarstriKe m uurnanv on the Dart of bag makers. They warlfe, more wages, lne women are now oe-j ing paia $$.vv per montn. Horace iEe, oiunacnam, aieasu denlv on Taesdav evenintr last.V"e4 teavAs .onlvtatdt survivors, of a Latfli Mr. Robert L. Walker, of Alamance realized $1,448.60 on two loads of tobae co, 26 pounds sold at the rate of $3 a Dound. . Salem Press: We learn that here are several cases of diptberia in the coun try around town, , Roldsbore Messenger; Currituck coun y, last jear, prodhQBdS5Q0,0Q0 bushels Of corn. ThevbeMiandsifittiat-cotfnty vield from 18 to 20 barrels to tne acre. The same county sells $500,000 worth of wild fowls annually. We learn with pleasure tnat our voung townsman, Mr. W.S. O'B. Rob inson, has been nominated by the Pres- dent for the posit kin 161 United States District Attorney for the Eastern Dis trict of North Carolina, as the success sor of Judge J. W. Albertson. Mr. Rob inson is a young lawyer or more man ordinary ability, and a republican from the cradle up. and not for the sake of office. We feel satisfied that he will do the important place full justice and re flect credit upon mmseir. ajt. ko Din arm was an elector ork the Garfield tick et, made' an active canvass.: and polled the highest vote on the' republican 'side in the State. We trust his appointment will be confirmed. Anson Times: We learn that the peach crop in portions of Richmond county has been killed by the late cold spell. A son of Mr. John Dabbs had the misfortune to cut one of his thumbs off afe days sftice." ' v ? We regret ' to learn of Mr. S. H. Mc Lendon's loss by tire last week in An sonville. His stable caugrit nre on Tuesday night, the 21st inst, and was completely consumed before the fire eoulfl-bfrxtrnrrMstred.'-Her'tO'st' four valuable' horses, his stable, a Idt 6f feed. &4..T amdUntiu'g to upwards 'of.fl.ODO: wjh ndipssj ranee. Tne fire is supposed toqbe the work bf ari incenoiay. i f : Wilwingen 6- Tfweowmittee having the matter in charge have ar ranged to systematically canvass the city for subscriptions, to -the capital strik of thfrClinton and Point. Caswell railroad eompany. . . , We are glad to see that the authoritie s have decided to enclose the paupers' burying ground, in the extreme south eastern limits of the city, with a sub stantial fence, and that the lot jsedfjp that; fifrfcpsfe wio be ' consdemrfy ff&i jargedtililt alap understqpdi.natffk3 will be taken to secure more care and discrimination in' making the inter ments than has heretofore been observ ed. Salisbury Watch man: Our jail is now filled, having 18 birds nestling within its -massive walls. 16 of these are coUtc-d.-Hi4 j males and 2 females and sib WhliesuJwtro arbbrbthers, Ttiey-are in for some kind of affray, The bulk of the colored inmates are in for larceny. We learn that the average attendance at the Graded School for the month of March wasvl68 For'tbe- -month of February the average was 1575-19. The average is now very good, and that for March is the best yet made. Several yonngjadjtes whUejOutwaljr, ing last Saturday evening neWJbe -track Of Western fail rdad amtel By apet rfog,pari"3ed to see the incoming train pass. To their horror, the pet dog dashed on the track as if to impede the coming monster. The unfortunate canine was left in a mangled condition. 1,,, I,, a s'm'i il i ' Franklin J, Moses in Trouble Again . An . Ex-Governor in t ho Role of a Swindlejj ,? N TMarch.PMtnkgi J. Moses," er-Gdvrhor or Soutn Carolina, and for many years a professional swindler, was a prisoner to-day at po lice headquarters on the charge of swindling Freebcxp JSmith, a piano ; manufacturer, out of $175. There are quite a number of similar charges against him, and during! the day 4 jwaa identified by anw9Qe of ; hJ5 xtiotsf svhdl wilU anjiear Wftslh! him to-morrow at the Tombs Police ! Court. ; E, W. Crowell entertaiped Moses un jder the name of Anthony White, of Greenville, Soath Carolina, and cashed ihis check for $150. Howard H. Stewart cashed two $50 ichecks for Moses, who 'represented himself to be Gen. Curtly, of Ncfrth Caf A rWWJ ktitiMl ie 5 1 (jnlrlefioif vitWr wSG( the check Steami&iri KWmhanr, of Bo writes thaSTieiost $320 Tby ttke operations of the prisoner. Chas. R. Flint, a partner of Mayor Grace, wisely declined to cash the checks presented j i ?i!fttr ni ExGirverfiorMoses-rjaTteef bW dur ing the last four years, led mm many lmesxo jan, out eacu time ue am suc ceeded in -escaping punishment. Dur ing the reconstruction period in South Carolina he was governor of the State. Since then he has lived by his wits, j When the struggle between Tamma ny anddtfriopprments-iwas. hottest last year .Moses offered to John D. JTownsend, the lawyer, papers damag ng to Mr. Tilden, which he professed to have at his ttbHa indb'ejliwyer-ad- vanced him mdneytogoand get them. Leaving Mr. To wnsend, he took wjth him the latters oest overcoat. Finallywhe.threceatscora ahou Feriian'e?ploslv6s ifi steamshtps i Yre vailed he imposed upon one of the great trans-Atlantc companies by pre tending to have discovered a plot to blow up their steamers. He '. was paid for his secret, and when the company found itself swindled it prevailed upon the police to djrppjhe matter, and Moses 1VHtec, lowiiim to escape this time. -Will Observe Good Friday and Satnr- day Following. i New Yoek, March 31. The members ctf the Cotton Exchange yesterday voted to obserae Good ' Friday andrSau ay xouowi: . J T V w kail ' A. y bfa! failVfestltifWi9ialad4. it raWTiMrc81?iHonV atnesA. Potter, a Judge of theSu- sme Court of Anneals of this State. led suddenly of heart disease last light. q a 3 tu T n i What tSibeaufles chief est charm ; - jHeltJng yeror rosbnd Us, ' Tlowlng tresses, form of sraoe?- And their tare preserver is 1 eozODONT. best dentifrice. wo aeaumns iiisfaitai ma oMttneiL whic4i-oe(Miredao oit Grant,. A. tR,' March 26. . y laostrTt iri MfstaMtl&graerNw onatime gecreto) owaJPKrflthe Con federato States, oiled m Philadelphia pn Tha Raw i9 TVWJV, -' TunQffejMd a f tlf parddn tdthBinstirgntArabchrfs.pn the conditioflnSlJairjyr submit I ttiiGsrmT8etiilfou&&L the mends or L)r. liarnsdn that h&'!an;givdt iq? oniciaLinaotsemeJ:tQ:ther Petition; A OI TTTrt 1 -w-w- , i -- Wouc wjuiam HarQQnrtormrnmu. i6n of sehMice. r" 1 i fonBicJhardfTi!Memkihabeen a- omted,couBse,Uo.,aMistCnl GeQ. lites fa the" prosecution staToute cases? to take the Place held bv Mr. Bre wster' HerY ton? Bunsenibas been acq tirtted of the charge-of slandexins. Prince-BiS-v Sajrck in . a4 speech to ,his constituents,. ""wWch ' he deefibed "Prince Bis- t marcK:s economw 'sctiemes - as nigniy -Trhe executive cammiltee'of the-Western Export Associatiorxmeb 6a Tues day at.. Grand , Pacific-. Hotel, Chicago, and unanimously agreed, in vxew,of thB rise in th price 6f grain, to ad vanice the high "Wines toarket to $1.17'; and also to continuethe ; association until June;l.(,3 i.ati 4 J , . K i ..iW. F. Miskey, Jr. a: well-knoWn Phjl- .ad elphiacontaptorwho.wasjenreneed hj tne penitentiary in iee; ior, conspir acy t6'defraTidthe city; died suddenly Tuesday; He2 had ' been t taken ont of the penitentiary on a writot error.' u . .Tne Qre.jn tt wades vine shaft, near Potsville, Psl.', operated by- the Phila delphia and Reading coal and iroh.com- pany-nas gamea' ucn neaaway ti?at orders were issued -Wednesday to take out tne rails, ancu Ave scock and Hood the mine. This , will, thro.wQO own od boys out of Work for severaXiivmtljs. Tne execuuve committee ox tne Dem ocratic congressional campaign com mittee' will consist 'of 'Repre'sentatiye Rosecrans, chairman; and Represeftta- Mves Flower , of New York ; Randall, of Pennsylvania, Lefevre, of Ohio; uooDjOr maiana; Anompson, or i.en tncky, and 'Jones, of Arkansas. 1 ' 'The" hvster" dredgers. 46 in number. Teeently convicted in Matthews county Va of - yielatin the State eyster laws, and sentenced ..to. the penitentiary for one year, arrived in Richmond, Wed nesday, and were, at once conducted to that institution. An effort has been Lmadft, to., obtain .executive clemency', buMhe gQxernor has not yet taken ac taon in t matter. - The' International Sabbath-.Observ-anee' conference opened at Pittsburg Tuesday night. The question of Sun 4ay raflKHtd' trains' and Sunday mails was discussed. Hon. Wmv E.: Dodge; of New York. David E. Small, df Ppfiri- syltania, an'd Barker Gunmers, of New Jersey, were appointed a committee to confer 'with railroad managers .upon tnts suojeet. At tne sessiprr weanes dayjonn -Fniton. etiet; mining engi Beer of the Cambria iruH:cbrhpahy, Tend'a paper; Showing tirat!!rdn works can be operated at less e'xpense arid greateT brofit in the IdhgV-un bystop pirtg'on Snoday:' - ..,!. :: Mining' News. V : 0a1!s'Af Watchman. - , ITie Jdaes.mine,.in Rarudolpli county, has resumed operations. .Mr.!J. D Stewart, M. E.,ijas gone to New aoxk on business, couneckd with xna Ayaio.r. mine, near Anomasviife-, is duclng ana abi pp ing t h ei r ores. There has been a strike at the Eureka re mine, in-Day,id3on . county and work Ijas'beeh suspended. . ThejSilvar Valley has ceased work in (he' main, shafx, f or-rSeasoaa best known to the -inanipAilators, ... t They are peeping ; the water down to tKe,40Qi6Q!i ,'IeveL in the -Silver Hill ijiine . It ia reported : Uiat this property tviU'gp jhto the hahda of French capi tlistsAtn earlyj.day, ... ., '. 'Xhere.'is, some :talk,. of , astrikeiit Bo'over JlilT'fhe, mine isnosy inthe b'ada i ofj ihe English stockholders, who are looking around . to. .see what they have., , : .. ,' t ; ,Xfr.M-- J. Eoseman,. of .Litaker towjnship; 9Ki mil ea outh of Salisbury, has iiirauht "jjqj Bpecimen. from two velrls on Ids property,.- The, wood vein is open about' 50 :feeWaud. the ore, is a cotnblhation of brwn pre?an(isnlphur etSrWhijrih will develop . ulphurets alter the'.af Mlng-r This :vdih. Alsp hQjtX weerold and is SH,,;6t .Wide, .The' meadow, win is hearjy-of heaamachaderand width, and hds, teen cened,10feet.;hepros7 pecjtsre" .very V ftaUrihg. Thanks to the Doctor for' specimens, which have bjftQn, added Jff ogajyoet. , 7 . ir Dr. David Robeielivin CrrehsboTb! out hia TWA-thr ntlfr1f- tart Tn7Ynth It iOf little black bwgslhat had about 'sucked it to death 'and had s6 damaged. fore made three, etfttj'iijgiUlife J,L113 year uinno VL"0 "D,t;unjD Mi t vearttitf 260f"of 3lifrch, and i was the same .height, .25 inchesr and- that yeF made threefriTOiigaswe i frjariaesame iblack b'ugaeyjptirhaotbe&j-yevAbout -Hillsbdfl). Gus Grahams crop was xuihed by them.' Mr. Brown Ruffln had !a paper full of these.little pests at Com pany Shop3. They seemed about taking wings and had the appearance of.the Hessian fly. 'We do trust they won't begin going for the wheat crop. They bite people too, only, walk -through, the rye-eten an dthey JbifeJ0 itang tfluaT to the chlgger. aa 0 j A Disgrace to His Profession. Durham Plant ; On Friday evening last a colored man by the name of Harrison Ed wills a mattress maker from Greensboro, N. C., left his-hortesr afid 'wa)er landing In a back street in he town of Pitts boro. When he went to get them they were missing, and upon enquiry he found that Richard Wat. York, form erly f Chatham, but now of this coun ty, was seen with the wagon and team on the Raleigh road.. ? A : warrant yas procured s fromi Justice JoWik-?aad placBa)rJtre tas-o DepjafcsMriff Knight, who overhauled York about 19 miles from Pittsboro at the house of Arzy Williams, and took him back to Pittsboro. On his return to Pittsbro he paid Edwills, it is said, twenty-five dol lars not to prosecute him, and no evi dence was introduced before Mr. Worn ack. It is thought the members of. the bar will still prosecute him ' unless he Surrenders! hi license i and leave a pro fession he has long disgraced. From Peraoaal Experience. 05 Caninbell Street. ) New Orleans, La., March 16th, 1881. I Warner A Co.: sirs -I know from rer- expsrlence that your Safe Kidney and Liver dura is a gooa inmg ior caronic liver auncuuy. Stm, Itt. D., New York I 'T am onnwlnn that PrAf nnThvaPrrirhslaRtLn.L Kluld is a most t1 ftKdUIiitiWiafT j ' w man pox-ana other tonragioru aiseases use rAVowattoiMd4!iJ?sx e sioktiMUMtMif ftwiy.Ti i nm preWrtman oulliAafrom'lpreslrjg. and tha wdrat mat wiu yieia 10 its purifring and cleansing effects. inlllllWffl &--;md oast jtmsisM. i i Just Received, ,at . i ;i Vni (C AR ATOGA5 1 !. -ItlCHY, i rom Saratoga Springs. N.T- A new water re senibltag tne Imported yicny. Rtfcommended .:ias an antacldj;curs dysppalds diges tion, is a powerful tonic and strong 1 v1 .r : aiuretlc. ; ' Also, ,"' . . Bathopfi -Natural Mineral Water,- Recbrnmerrderl very ; highly as a cathartic and al- ' : teratlve and tn all forins of dyspepsias : .;':!: ..also,- - . - ' C GA8E3 CONGRESS WATBR, jQ CASES BOCK BRIDGE ALUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. . And. a full .supply pf IMPORTED AP0LLINARI5 AJTD finnvadi Janos Waters. THE GREAT ElM'EN NOVELTY ftafYADI JANOS. THE BEST JS'ATURAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: ' Does. A wine glass full before breakfast Tfu Lkneet "Hunywdl Janos. Baron Lleblg af firms that Its richness In .aperient salts surpasses that of all other Known waters." - Tfts British Medical Journal "Hunyadl Janos. The most agreeabie. saf jst, and most efficacious aperient water." Vroj. Vtrchow, Berlin. "Invariably good and prompt success; most valuable." Prof. Bamberger,, Vienna "I have prescribed these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scanzoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Brunton, M. 7)., K B ft.. London. '"More peasant than Its rivals, and suruacisfs them In efflenpy." . Prof. Atken, M. D., F. R. 8., Royal Military Hos pital, Netley. "Preferred to Pulina and Jried rlchshaa" JOHN H. McADEN, Importing and I Isienslng Pharmacist. North Tryon St, - - CHARLOTTE, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When yoa can get water Just as fresh and spark ling as when it flows from tbe spli)g hX Saratoga. We receive this water In large block tin reservoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be refilled again every week. J H. McADEN, Dnigsfist and Chemist. Prescriptions caofT-iiy rrt!i;..rni ; experienced and comfK-v July28 The leading Scientists of To-(Say agree that most diseases are'efiused by disordered Kidney and Liver. If, therefore, the Kidneys and Livers are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be thetre suit This truth nas only been known a short time and for years people suffered great agony, wi bout being able to find relief. The discovery of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era th the treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf ot rare; value.' it .con. tains lust -the elements necessary to nourish and Invigorate both of these great organs, and safely restore and keep them in order. It is a toeiTlVlB REMEDY for all the diseases that cause palna In the. lower part of the body-for Torpid Llver- Headache s J aandice-r-Dl?zlnes s Gravel Fever, Ague Malaria! Kever. and all- difficulties of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinar&prgans It Is an excellent and safe remedy for females Owing. Pregnaniey.' ; It .-will, control Menstruation and is Invaluable for Leucorrhoea or Falling of the Womb. As a' Bipod. Purifier it is unequalled, r it cures the organs that mas the blood. This Remedy, which has done such wpcci&s, is nut up in the LARGEST SIZED.BOTtXE pi any modteme uoon the market arid lsoId 1 ' dKunfete, and all dealers at $1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes enduire for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. It bVa POSITIVE Remedy., r n a. WARNER 4 CO., Jan28- ". Rochester, N. : t,ATOR, on ittfcjniciivE : .. - i... . .- ; : '-.".!;. ' - . : .Look foe . clean neat WHIT a WRAPPER with the-rd symbolic letter stamped upon it in, the lorm bt a rihbbtt, gracefuilr curve'1 into the letter Z embra sing the emblfems of our t ade. Spatula, Mortar and Graduate wi h thei words- A. Q. SIM MONS LIVES RKGULATOR or MEDlClJiJ K tljere bB.alsp observe the signature of ' J.' JEL 2 EI LIN & 'j -! ; JBeware of those wb1 tuoow nothing'- of Medical Compounds who put ou tostiums knowr) to sour, add being analyzed, prow orthles and only made ferfieede the public, and U. pirate on tbe well earn ed reputation - of ZerHn & -Co's: medicine these frauds nave bo reputation to susvtln and will heatjp.i0Ta.ew perineys every way they Can. :. ; UtsfiWUif tepdieJ tnie Cienuue. ew.MSKJ. jno; Wj BecKWitn. Dfsnop of Ga., . -. GenJao. -B. Gordon U S beuaoor,u. .-. 1. Prot David wjds, D. D. ,-' ' ' ' : ' ' 1 Chlei Joitlee Htrani Wimer: of Oa.. v w ;'A Lewis JiHinderi AsiBtant P, Mi Pnlla Pa-j , ; ; and thotwandsujf otbers frem wjMJm wa harvelet "1 'Jb,Q.cnmq(oA and rommendajn,...,., i hisralMnfly .a Family ;Medeclne and by be ing kept ready for .Immediate resort .will save many an hour of suffering and many a aAHar in flmA doctors'biris;- - ?zrr,H7TrZxi:!t . . . iiiiinilffrnwn r.n v -nv I 'ill Vi 3, yTvJfT" .wf f' '1"!' ""rfia HrtM tl Oil Rajnutldhl. nmmrtafa lILfilceiwtf FianE lof r'lLt-Cias nrw trst-ClaftfiNiEWtt IftiK. natonm 25 Itu fjack8reft.sirtithi in. ,mar28" Charlotte, nTc, fir .1 HMpMAMnr'iifl'Stnpft JttAJAUAAViUU. W A(.Wi Kf WL V "iA R MW TO TELL TIse following Scbednlea an mr. rected by the Railroad Of Meiaia-. m.nit may'lrc Belted. on m Correct; - Mifr CarolinSlailroad. ; OOITDiarSED BOHEDTJLES.." .TKAINS GOING XAST, Date, February' 19th, 1882. No 51 Pally. No. 53 Dally. Leave Charlotte, 55 am 06up a 8.51 p m 10.44 p m 11.20 pm . uansoury, HighPoint... Arrive Greensboro, . . . Leave Greensboro, . . . Arrive HUlsboro,.,. . Arrive Durham, '. Arrive Raleigh ; Leave Raleigh, Arrive Goidsboro',; . . B. 51 am 1. 8. 8. 11 11 1, 1. 20 am (K)am 25 am ,04 am 48 am 15 pm 40 pm 20 pm 4 No. 17-Dauy except Saturday, ; - Leave Greensboro. . .6 00 p m Arrive at RaMeh,. . ..8.04 a m - "' Arrive arGoldBboro... 8.00 am No. 51 Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. R. R. for'all-polnts North, East and West via Dan ville. At Goidsboro with W. & W. R. R. for Wil mington. - ' Bio. 53 Connects at , Sallstury with W. N. C. R. R. for all points in Western North Caroilna: dully at Greensboro with R. & D. R R. for all Dolnts North, East and West. . TRAINS GOIMG WEST. Date, February I9ih, 1882 Na 50 No. 52 Diily. Dally. Leave Goidsboro,. 1 0 20 a m Arrive Balelgh 12.40 pm !".!!!"".".."! Leave Raleigh .. 4.10 pm Arrive Durham 5 23 p m Arrive HlJlsboro 6.07 pm Arrive Greensboro 8.50 pm Leave Greensboro .10pm 7 25 a in i rrive High Point 9.43 p m 8 06am Arrive Salisbury,. . ....... . 11.03pm 928am Arrive Cote e 12 50 a 11.20am No. 18 -Daily except Sunday, Leave finldahnrn. . .9 sn n m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh 5 00 a m .Arrive Greensboro, 2. 20 p m o O -Connects at Charlotte wtth A. k C. Alr Llne for all points in the South and touthwest, and with C, C. & A. R. R. for all points touth and U V 1 Al CW ; No. 52 Connects at Charlotte with A. C Air Line for all DOii'ta Soutb and' finmhn.. at ni... lotte with C., Cot A. B.R. for aU points South and . W. N. C. KAiLKOAD. GOING WEST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro 9.20 p m Arrive KernersvUle: lO.Htt n m Arrive 8alem 11.20 p m NO: 52 Dally, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro. 8 30am Arrive Kerneraville '. 941 am Arrive Salem 10. 15 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Daily, except Sunday. .r2YO ?""u 5. 1 5 a m arrive terriers vi ie 5 50 a m Arrive Greensboro 7.00am VO. 53 Daily. iave saiem fi.oo nm "" ACMiersm e H.40 p ,u Arrive Greensboro 8 00 p m STATE UNIVEHNITY KilMiOAD. ISO 1, Dally ex Hun'lay GOING' NORTH. Leave Chapel Hill,. . . Arrive University,.... Arrive Ra elgh, 7.80 a in 8.20 a in 015am o 2. Dal y "x. Siiri'iay GOING SOUTH. Leave R il-l-b. Arnve Unlversiry.. . Arrive Chape- Hi!!.. . :iO o 5 1 5 p m rt 1 5 o m Polta Sfiepi Cars Without ciaaje tin Train No. 50. New Vor and A'l miia Wash liiiion and D,a;hle, ami t tei--:i tire ; bro ari( O.'ianestc-n. On Tiain No. 52. KichsMon 1 hi,-! Cbnil-. t e ai.c Washii:g'eon and Cb-iriot e ia D.nv, liie. JThrou?h Tickets n sale at G:eens!x)ro' tt;iieiL'D. iO!asior(i-. b jiib hv h;i1 Charlo-'tH. and all principal point.- S'.uHi. Southwest. West. North and itast. r-. r hmtgrant R.ites to Louisiana, Tex s. Arkansas ai -J the Soutnwest. adilrens. . A F. 1 PE. ier!erl Passvuer Agent f-'b2- rtlchMond. V.-V. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. PASSElfGEE DEPASTMEHT. Er?" On and af er March 5th, 1882, the passen ger train service on the Atlanta 4 Charlotte Air Line Division of this road will be as follows: Mail and WESTWARD. Kxpress. Man. No. 50. No. 52. Leave Charlotte, il 1 2.40 a m 1 1 .05 a m Arrive Ga.-tonia, 1 1 .35 a m 12.02 p m Arrive Spartanburg K " 4.04 a m 2 35 p m Arrive iireenville, fl 5.32 am 4.09 pm Arrive Seneca, G 7.1 5 a m 5.54 p m Arrive Toccoa. F 8.28 a m 7.0 p m Arrive Itabun Gdp Junction,. 9.32 a m 8.00 p m Arrive Lula, E 10.18 am 8.43 pm An ive Gainst- ville 10.51 am 9.15pm Arrive Atlanta, 1.40 pm 12.05a m Mali and 1 ' EASTWARD. Express. Mall. .. No. 51. No. 53. Leave Atlanta 2.15 pm 5.00 am Arrive Gamesvil e, 4 54 m 7 41am Arrive Lula, is - 5 2rt m 8.82 am Arrive Babun Gap Junction, 6 22pm 9.14 am Arrtve Toccoa, F. 7.06 p m 10.07 a m Arrive Seneca, G 8.24 p m 11.21 a m Arrive Greenville. H. 10 08 p m 1.27 pm Arrive Spartanburg, K. 11.40 pm y.59pm . Arrive Gastonla, L 2.08 am 5 11pm Arrive Charlotte, M 3 15am 6.00 pm CONNECTIONS. ' A' with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. W. P. Raih-oada . - ' B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, .A. & W. P. and W 4 A. Railroads. ' C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E with Northeastern Railroad of fieorda- to nd ;from Athens, Ga .V tn joerfpn Aif-i,ine to and from Elperton, . Georgia. G with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. ' " H with ColnmhiA nnd l4rMnci;k tn onit tmm 'Columbia and Charleston, 8. C. K with b part an burg and Ashevllle, and Spartan burg. Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Ashevllle, and Alston and Columbia. 14 witn onester and Lienolr Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas and Chester. M with C, C. fe A., C. C, R. & D, and A.. T. & 0. for all points West. North and East Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 daily, w.thout change between Atlanta and New York. ' a. Pope, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent , T. M. R. Talcott, Utnefal Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent .marl2 C C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Effect Sunday, March' "12tb, 18S2. Train Train No! 52. No. 4S. , ' ' Passeng'r. (Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte, . 11.30 an Arrive Rock BH1, '. 12.35 pm , Arrive Chester,;. .. 1.28 p m . Arrive Wlnnboro 2.60 p m Arrive Celuti.bla,... 4.18pm Leave Colum bu,. 4. 25 p m ' 5.45 a in Arrive Lexington 5 1 2 p m 6 37 a m Arrtve Ridge Spring, 6 25pm 75 am Arrive, GraxiltevUie, 7.40pm 9.12 am Arrive Augusta, : &41) p m 9 52 a m l . Train Train . No, 18, No. 20, " ' Freight- Freight teare Charlotte,.... -.. 540am 5.40pm Arrive Bock Hul, 8. 03 a m 7 32 pm tnfve Chester..... 9.50am 903pm rilve Wifansijoroi 12.55pm li,17pm Arrive Columbia, 5.05 p. m 21 8 a m Leavei CpiDmbia,.v,... . '-2.40am Arrive Leiipgtorv...,...: ,8.40 a-m- tmve Ridge esprtrg... ...t "547am rrive Granltevllle t... ... 7.54 a ft) Arrive Augusta. ... 9.30 am Train- No. -52, Daily- Connects at Columbia with the 8. C. R. R. for Char e.ton, and with the C 4 6. JtiR.-forAlston; Newberry, Abbeville, &a At Augusta, with Central Georgia R. R (or Macon, Savannah and Florida points. ' ' ; Train No. 48, Dally-Connects at Augusta with the Georgia H. B. and ' Central Georg B. B, for Ms eoni Atlanta. Savannah and Florida points.. Trains Nos. 18 and, 2Q, local, dallj except Sun day. - 'I.-.' ..-.. -j : Trains from the Sonth atrie at Charlotte, pas lenger, daily, at 5.85 p. tu. Freight," dally except Sunday, at 8.42 a. m. mtT4 45 p. m T ; ATLANTIC TENNESSEE OBIO DIVISION. Train No. 3rliair, . ! '" 'Leave Charlotte, .6 00pm .8 12 pm Arrive at Statesvtire. ; 1 ' v n. Leara Btatesvllle. . i.7 00 a m- 1 : Arrive at tnaotta,i ir . 1 1 .... M I 11 .11 T. ....I i , . , J if j Tickets sold to ff pcJnts; BOuth.; Southeast and. Southwest ' and bagBage checked through'. ' JJo laT-over allowed on locafUckets. ' J A. POPE.:- . T.'M, u, lAjrcDTT,:" .uerri rassengerJS' , ;; uenl Manager.-' I; '. ;vv, w . ..... v. wa, ...... . WW, AW.. mar22 - added to our Stock a Supply of GUANO. Edflitable and ALSO GENUINE Kainitt, or German Potash Silts. Err" CALL AND SEE US. a College Street mar7 Si -r HAVE JUST RECEIVED-- A LOT OF Wrapping Paper -AND- P. aper nap. Pill A Si-i oi.- Can Under, it ,V.-. ti mar5 EXTRA We have Just received and offer tr a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts, Mossrose Decorat'on, 56 pieces, 810.00, worth 81500. EXTRA FINE TEA ETTS, gold, bird aid flower decoration combined, 44 pieces, Sj2. 50, worth fl8Qd- PORCELIAN TEA SETTS, plain white, very pee, t ; 44 pieces, 15. 00. P0RCELAINE DINNER 8TTS, lVt pless, r $15.00; decorated, 180 p eeeft, for 535.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a superior Quality, eomplete with shades, at $1.00, worth 82 1 All Other Goods ia Proportion. BT" WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Respectfully, J. Brookfield k ft. feblQ -"AT WILDER'B YOU WILL FIND A FULL STOCK gOF IFresh Drags, icalv Toilet .Articles An-..; 1 orqe? JioVjR tad OoHega Btreeta, Cbariotte, V. Ctet9 Chesapeake. I J.Bea JCo, ohm n. Mm. Ml mm Mroi Store I -

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