.i . .ITT jit C gyftnrlotte ftsmrey. " UyDAYfAHilL 2.4881. , t witlkos!iy ftaruch-Bargaln Counter. f'pLutti 4 Bro- Spring Goods. t Moier-to Prices Our Motto. cbSmonwealth April Distribution. own Bouse "Alvln Jpsila" V'w 4 J J. Adams-Charge ot Business a b' Davidson To Bent. Sraclt Found-Apply at This Office. fiction. Pioneer ' ' ' ' ' ' - . Alexander & Harris-Spring Goods. HECIIURQITES TO-DAY. rnnso Man's -Chkistiah AsoooiaTiOh Devo tional exercises la afternoon at .5 o'clock. m PrrxB's CAtHdLio Chubch. -Services in th nrnine ut 10ft o'clock, and In tbe atjernoon S s o'cfock. by Rev. L, P. O'ConnelL rkcokd Presbyterian Church. Sei vices lt .h niorulug at Jl o'clock, and In the evening at 7 by Bev. N.' M Wi-ods. pastor. bunW ffil at 4 o'clock. , ' ... . piPTifiT Chubch. Services In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at 7Vfr o'clock, by the Be - F- Ungorj, pastor. Sunday school at ou, o'clock a. n. 4SHOCIATB Reformed Presbttebiam Chapel. aaVM in he morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In tbe inning at 7, by Kev. W. T. Wa.lr, pastor. 8un- school at 1 0 o'clock.' st Peter's Episcopal Church. Services In th morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the evening at iit o'clock, oy Rev. J. B. Cheshire, Hector. Bun diij school Kt 4 o'clock n the afternoon, calvart Mission Church (Mkthodist.) 8er Hrps In the morning at 1 1 o'clock, and In the veiling at 1V by the pastor. Kev. J. W. Wheeler, eumiiiy school at a. m. Class Meeting at 4 P- m- Kii'ST Peksbttkkhs Chcrcti -Services In the morning at 11 o'clock and In the evening at 7 hi Kev Dr. A W. Miller, pastor Sunday school at avi o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing ai 7 'clock. 5 : . - Trton Street (t E.) CaoBdH. Services In the morniwt at 11 o'clock, and In the evening at 7 V o'clock by Rev. J.,T. Bagwell, pastor. Sunday "chool at 8V o'clock. Prayer meeting at Wednesday evening. - Coi ored Prksbytkrjah Church. Services In the afternoon at 3 o'clock and In the evening at 7i hv Rev. Mr. Wycho, pastor.. Sunday school at 1 iVclock a m. BUSINESS NOTICES I'rematnre Low of Hair May be entirely prevented by use of BUR NETTS OOCOAINS. No other compound pos sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions ot tl uuinan hair. It softens the hair when harsh and dry. It soothes the Irritated scalp. It affords the T;ches lustre. It prevents the hair from Tallin off. It promotes its healthy, vigorous growth. It Is not greasy nor sticky. It leaves. W disagreeable odor. It kills dandruff. ' Burnett's Flavoring Zxtrac are knwn to be the best Cmii plicated IHarfte 4 A prominent gentleman In Cerro Hordo county, Ioa, writes us that he finds Kidney-Wort to be the best remedy he ever knew for a complication uf diseases. It Is tbe specific action which It haft on tbe liver, kidneys and bowels, which gives It such curative power, an'i It Is the thousands uf cures which It 1 performing which gives It Its great celeMlty. Llquld-(very cor. cent rated) or dry, both ac: efflclentty. N. H Journal and Courier. Bedford alum Aim Iron Sprih&s Water and Mass. The great tonic and alterative contains twice as much Iron and fifty per cent, more alum inum than any "alum and Iron mass" known. Just the thing for the "spring weakness" now so general. Sold by all druggists of any standing. Prices reduced one half. vHyll tf Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economlca than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of km test, short welgnt, a urn or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. BOYAL BAKING POWDEB UO., nov23 New York. Le oy Daon., Sole Agent, Charlotte, N. C WE AREtNOW OPENING OUR NEW Spring and Summer Styles -OF UTT T" -TTWTTT"r Including all the latest novelties lu the MILLINERY LINE. Hrs, FLOWERS PLUMES, UIBBONS, ; ' SILK, LACES, &c, In all the ne styles, colors and qualities. Also, all tbe new styles and qualities of LACES, embracing White .Goods. Neck Wtar, Ho-lery Parasols, ku, the LAkffKST anfl M08T WILL OPEN Our Pattern Hats' and Bonnets Whan we will be pleased to show the Ladles the iBANDKST pn&LAT of FiNB miixInxby they have ever seen la this oltr. Respectfully, if-, b Mik P. Query. mur22 POTATOES ! l i ; ' I lfl II nr rv A ; Yj ft 11 fiiii n rrr -n -r- ttt r . - Cr4 st ON HAND i I'- A !S TSTiN" A,M S, maai r., Ji. POWM.LU frat feoard of AlderhS of the City of Charlotte SiS SsM 'S ant a Teompetont '(8'roet) Knglheer: Also Wd lor furnishing . Wone, both rough and dressed, and Hard Burnt nmina . wun w mane tne same. Auaress "2 lw . 8. dswolfjb. Mayor. jppf Will HOME CHIPLETS. ' ' - ' i,-. ' tTo day is Palm Sunday. t3F" Messrs. L. Berw anger & Bro i clothiers' come to the front thWmorn- idg with an advertisement descriptive of their new Btock of goods. See first page. t In Charlotte gas is charge for at the rate of $5 per 1,000 feet; in Hud dersfield, England, the people are bom barding the newspapers because the gja men charge 66 cents per thousand. tQf The managers of the Opera house here contemplate opening a- branch office in Concord, for the sale of tickets, for the convenience of the many resi dents there who are in the habit of vis iting Charlotte when we have good companies on the boards of the house Mayor's Court. The enly case before tbe Mayor yes terday morning was that of Jeff Smith and Green Miller, both colored, who en gaged in a lively fight the previous eve ning. They had to pay for this little pastime 05 and cost each. Fire at Moore sville. As the people of Mooresville Were as sembling for religious services at the Presbyterian church in Mooresville night before last, about half-past seven o'clock, fire was discovered issuing from Leazar's Academy, near the church. The alarm was instantly given, and in a few minutes the fire was subdued by the aid of buckets, water and ladders, The fire is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary, as no fire had been made in the stove since 12 m. i i A Restive Rogue Arrested. Last night, about 9 o'clock, Policemen Farrington & Healey had their atten tion drawn to the actions of Geo. Wal ker, a mulatto man, and stepping into the store of Mr. Stacey, East Trade street, they caught George in the act of helping himself to a quantity of flour and onions. On their inviting him to accompany them across the way, George objected, and wildly scattering his booty in various directions, he put himself in a fighting attitude, and in strong lan guage declared he wouldn't be arrested. He became so very violent that the police had a very exciting time in secur ing him, using their billies pretty freely in the fight. Eventually George was hauled in. Dental Surgery. Attention is directed this morning to the dental notice of Drs. Alexander & Alexander, father and son. The senior member of the firm lias been in the harness for many years, . and needs no introduction to the read ers of T,iie Observer. Tlie young er has just graduated with honors at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, under the especial supervision of Dr. R. B. Winder, and now hangs out his shin gle, confident of his ability to gratify any reasonable patient. They have just fitted up an elegant offia over Ber wan der's clothing store, and it has been furnished with the newest and latest improvements in dental appliances. Sad Accident Owing to the Condition ol the Roads. Last evening an unfortunate accident happened to Mr. Wm. Caldwell, an es teemed citizin of this county. Mr. Caldwell was returning from Charlotte to hi3 home at Stonewall Station about nine miles from this city, on the Atla tic, Tennessee and Ohio railroad, his wagon being laden with a bale of hay, and other produce. "When about a mile and it half from Charlotte the wagon ran into a rut, and Mr. Caldwell, who was sitting on the bale of hay, was pitched back w;ird and fell heavily on his head and shoulders, being knocked insensible. He wa3 carried into the cabin of a colored man on the road side, and attended by Dr. McCombs. Though no bones were broken Mr. Caldwell was .ut first thought to be seriously injured, but later his condi tion appeared more favorable tban at first anticipated. Such a fall is a very serious matter, especially as the injured gentleman is about 65 years of age. Hotel Arrivals Yesterday. Ckntral Hotel. M E Crowell, G W Barnes, Matthews, NC; JW Pome- roy, Jacksonville, Fla; B F Welsh and wife, Lancaster, S C ; J E Eastes, In dianapolis, Ind; J A Ho3kins, Wash ington, DC; Dr M Chambers, NC; J W Oliver, Atlanta, Ga; Z M Neel, R H Adams, Gastonia; A W Prather, Au gusta, Ga ; D A Jenkins, Gaston county, NC; 0 C Moore.. Virginia Midland Railway; W A Hudson. Monroe. N C R Bagby, W J Orr, Va; S C Johnston, Copper Mine; Oren Williams, David son College; F C Ferguson, Greenville, SC; R Smith, Lowell; C H Watkins, Chas E Smith, W L Wheelwright, D B Mills, Jr, Richmond, Va; Geo T Jack son, Mrs. Geo T Jackson, John T Little, E W Hotchkiss, Wm V Walsh, J W Sicrest, New York ; A P Surer. W A Hoke, Judge D Schenck, Lincolnton, N C: A L ADdersoD, R Musg Neilson, Frank Whaler, Baltimore, Mfl. Charlotte Hotel. Samuel Big ham, Matthews, N. C; Vance Sted, man. P ProrBt. Atlanta, Ga; J J or- mand, Jr., Gaston county; W H Os iborne, Arkansas; J R Wallace, Cabar rus county ; R A Brady, N J bherrill, Davidson College; J S Thompson, Mt Mourne; W J Nimick, Abingdon, Va; W A Alexander, Hopewell; R L Alex ander, Huntersville; -N .1, MCJNane, Lancaster ; E TWade, Norfolk Va;. D 0 Patterson, Cleveland county; Mrs j f t 1 Inn m n t flpAllIn A JJCMie snie WuBm iss ; S J Brown, Mooresville ; A Sport- ner. Wilmington; ST Bevendge, ucn mond, Va; AF nambright, Whitaker, S C ; T H Hoover. Washington, I) U ; E Pierce, T E Rioe, Hagerstown, Ma; S N Buchanan, Lumberton, N C ; T G Reynolds, 8 Y Yandles, New York; Tniin T Mrdra.iWm T Carter. RHM IV - J-l " ' ITAA. I .nlca&TO . QaUUCl IV iauciim, i rnn hub muuunMui vt vii ton: Montgomery, Thoa .Montgomery, sum mer ville.SC; H J Steele, Jersey City. r Metropolitan Hoteiv-a u jonn- aon, J G Astor, Washington; J H Craig, Gastonia;. J M Lineberger, j-roweu, a. n vv J To'rrence.- Crowdert Creek, N C: 0 WIosley, Washington j BMLan- neau, A Matusoni u vxcw P Jennings, Atlanta ;S"WBeed, Own 1 ty . g L EarL Augusta John Williams, I q lrirAni TlnAvtlt 'Tf ' OiWJ I Ga ; S N McGinn, lJine.VU fl i n ptnhmnnd 1 Wrr, Kicnmona. RELIGIOUS MATTERS. For Sanday Beadiag. ' At the Baptist Sandfly school con vention which met in Raleigh Toes day, among those in attendance we noticed the names of R. D. Graham, Seeretaxy, and T. M. Pitman, Es'rs of this city. Considerable religious interest has been manifested by the members of the congregation of the Baptist church, this city, and we learn that special services will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights of this week. The regular Services to-day will be conduct ed by the pastor. Rev. O. F. Gregory. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. . Liddell have tendered Rev. O. F. Gregory, the new pastor of the Baptist church, and his wife a reception next Tuesday from 2 p. m. till 9 p.m. It is understood that no cards will be issued, but that all persons without regard to religious de nomination, desiring to make the ac quaintance of the minister and his wife will be cordially received. We are requested to make the an nouncement that in connection withEb eneezer Baptist church,(col.) 50 persons will be baptized in a pool in the lo cality, at-about two o'clock this after noon, Zuck Horton officiating on the in teresting occasion. The Wilmington Star says: Bishop Lyman, Gen. Cox and Mr. R. H. Bat tle, Jr., constituting the committee to hold property for the Episcopal Dio cease f North Carolina, have recently executed to the trustees of the several Episcopal congregations in this city a conveyance and surrender of the house and lot and premises in Wilmington lately occupied by Bishop Atkinson, and known as the Episcopal Residence. It seems, when the property was origi nally purchased, it was provided in the deed that when it ceased to be used as a permanent residence by the Bishop of the Diocease and his family, it should be conveyed to the trustees of the sev eral congregations then in existence in Wilmington. It is understood that the residence willAe held and kept in repair so as to be in readiness for oc cupancy in case tnere snouid arise a necessity for its use in accordance with the design of the original purchasers. The Philadelphia, Record, a journal of the staunchest Protestant proclivi ties, pays the following glowing compli ment to the Catholic church, in an edi torial on the political surroundings .of the Pope. It says: Thousands of liberal and enlightened Protestants throughont the world look upon the Roman Catholic church as after all, the great fortress of the Chris tian faith. Every well informed and candid student of history acknowledges that the Papacy, notwithstanding its occasional errors of administration in secular affairs, was the one great har monizing and civilizing agency in urope during the middle ages. It re strained the reckless tyranny of kings, militated the harshness cf irrepressible autocracy, defended right against ! might, and interposed the spiritual power of conscience and religion again and again in behalf of international equity and the rights of man. Under its benignant influence the principles of just and humane government were rightly wrought out, so that the merci ful civilization which is to-day our heritage was in a great part its gift. Without it Europe would have lapsed into barbarism and Christianity would nave been a failure. Shocking Discovery Probable Infanti cide. Considerable excitement was caused in the city yesterday by a report that the bodies of two infants had been found about the platform of the Carc- ina Central Railroad. At first, howev er, most people were inclined to disbe- ieve the report, thinking tt merely an April fools' day hoax; but on inquiry it was found that there was only too much truth in the matter. The bodies of two newly-born children had been found half buried under the Carolina Central platform, and there they lay covered over by a piece of bagging, in charge of a guard placed over them by officer McNinch, awaiting the arrival of the coroner, who was absent in the coun try. The place was surrounded by a crowd, chiefly colored persons, during the greater part of the day. Late, in the afternoon, Coroner Alex ander arrived, summoned a jury, and opened an inquest. After the jury had viewed the bodies, they were taken charge of by Dr. Wilder, county physi cian, and Dr. O'Donoghue.for post mor tem examination. The j ury proceeded to the court house, where after being charged by the coroner, they took the statement of W F. Williams, telegraph operator, who deposed that about nine o'clock in the morning, happening to be near the Carolina Central platform, he noticed something which he at first took to be the remains of a dead cat or dog. Looking at it more closely, be found it to be the bodies, of two babies, appar ently newly born. He called the atten tion of a colored man named Grandi son to his shocking discovery, and then immediately went and reported the matter to the mayor, wh was then holding his court. This was all the evidence of im.po ance, and the jury shortly afterwards adjourned until 9 o'olook this morning. when the inquiry will do resumea. We subsequently learned from the medical gentlemen that the bodies were those of male infants, mulattoes, and that they were born alive oafl of them showed signs of strangulation, and also was much bruised about the head, as if hvhlnwa. leavintr it beyond a doubt that the children have been murdered. The police are actively engaged in in vestigating the fearful crime, and are confident that they will soon trace the matter to its source. afi ww wmD inal to, ffljwey toy the wicked deed. The Mad" if WWi The mayor yesterday morning issued orders to severoljparties whose dogs had rBn hltten bv the rabid animal on Tuesday last, to have their dpgs killed, and referred them to the section of the law dealing with such cases. The police w&h nsto point out that it is the duty of every person, who knows orhas: reason fAhaiuva tharnnv do? has been bitten by an animal affected with rabies, to re port such cases to the mayor or chief of police, who will take proper action to the xnawierior vuo piuiicvuivi jruvuw. FromLogtowtt - 1 8ome weaks back BankfrBtyce. acol oredTman was fined for an assault on a colored - girl named Wiggins living . in Logtownv the girl receiving a cut on the side of her head. The wound healed and was thought , to be ot little conse quence, - Yesterday.: evening, the. girl while near her dwelling suddenly fell down, and neighbors running tp her as sistance found her helpless and bleed ing most prof usely from the, old cut which had re-opened. She was reported, as being in a very critical situation late yesterday evening, I. O. O. F. Consolidation of Two Lodges. The Mecklenburg Declaration Lodge No. 0, and Charlotte Lodge No. 88, met on Friday night for consolidation, elec tion and (installation of officers for the remainder of the current term. The joint lodge will be known by the former of the two titles mentioned. The fol lowing Is the list of officers: N.G, Thos. Led well;- V. G C. T. Walker; S H. D. Duckworth; F. S G. B. Naza renns; T, R. Brewer; P. G J. A. Bix by; O. G , J. H.Thore; L G, W. E. Pickard; W., R. C. McCracken; G.R. F. Huneycutt; R.S.N.G..L. J. Kirk; L. S. N. G., G. JEU Jenkins; R. S. N. G. W. B. Overby; L.S.V.G., J. W. Gar rett; R. S. S jl. C, Worthen; L. S. &, G. Beckton; Chaplain, G. T. Etheridge, i i Salclie ait Dyspepsia. A most remarkable cure for dyspepsia, "Well's Health Benewer." The greatest tonic, beet bu llous and liver remedy known. SI at druggists. Depot, J. EL McAden, Charlotte, N. C Don't be Alarmed at Brlght's Weease, Diabetes, or any disease of the kidneys, liver or urinary wgans, as Hop Bitters will cercalnly and lastingly eure you, and It is the only thing that will. Brlght's Disease of tbe Kidneys, Dia bete No danger from these diseases If yon use Hop Bitters; besides, being; the beat family medicine ever made. Trust no other. Xzxo fltrjerttsctuetits. FOR SALE. THB best residence on Church street, within two minutes walk of the Public Square. Also one-half Interest In two Brick linages on mint street, and one Horse, Buggy and Harness. Apply to marSO tf A. ft CRXSWXLL. DB. A. W. ATJSX4NDEH. DR O. L ALEXAMSXB. SURGEON DENTISTS, OHARt,OXXE, N. C Office on Trade street Over L. Berwangerft Bro's clothing store. Office hours f om 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. iJ api2 CHANGE BUSINESS ALL persons Indebted to ns will please make settlement at once, as we lntendfor the pres ent, to dlscot-tlnue our meat market and engage In another line of business. - Kesoect Fully. apr2 tf J. W. & i. J. ADAM& TO RENT. TWO front rooms on second floor over Traders' National Banks. Also, a fear room cottage on Ninth street, handsome grove, with kitchen and good garden. Apply to aprz xw a. ty da v maun. Tn"lTTATT"V ... A child's Gold Bracelet, rUUiN XJm which will be returned to owner upon payment of 66 cents to finder, and charges for this advertisement aprz it this uriuuit. ATTENTION ! FIRE DEPARTMENT 9 TBE companies composing the Charlotte Fire Department are hereby ordered to assemble st their respective engine and truck bouses, in full uniform, on Wednesday evening, at 4i o'clock, sharp, lor annual inspection. By oraer u. r. uAuiuttun, umei. B. T. HuHZTCtrrr, Secretary. apri it YOU are hereby notified to attend tbe regn'ar monthly meeting ot your eomnany.at Pioneer Hall, Tuesday evening next, at 7i o'clock, sharp. Xveiy member Is requested to be present. Date gates will be appointed and Instructed whom to east their vote for for Chief, and other important busi ness will be transacted. Byorder vT K. cuLPKrJrctt, tTeswenv. W. B. KnT, Secretary. apr2 It :4Srd -POfULAB MONTHLY DRAWINQ OF E&- 0 I! Uplift to, the ttty of Louisville, on SATURDAY, APRIL 2&th, 1882. Til rirawtnmi eocur monthly (Bundavs exoent. ed) under provisions of an Act of the General ie semDiy ox a-ensmaty. The United States Oisatt Gout on Marsh 81, rendered the foUowtng deetstooa: 1st That the Commonwealth Dlstrtbotion Obo pany la legal. " 3d Its drawings are fair. The Company has now on hand a large rossrve fond. Bead the list of prizes for the APRIL DBAWDia. 1 Prise. 1 Prtse 1 Prize. 180,000 10,000 e 6.U0U 10 Prlxea, $1,000 each. 10,000 10.000 10,000 0 ues, ouu wou, 100 Prizes. 100 each. 300 Prises, . 60, f300 Prlxea, 20 each. innft phtas. " 10 each... ... 10,1 12.1 10,000 0 Prtses, $300 each, JproxlxoaHoo Prtees$2,700 razes, aw Prizes, 80Q 1,000 Prizes ......,..... -II 12y400 Whols Tlokati, 9;B1! .ckeU,$l s 37 Tickets, 65 Tickets. SlOOr $5 and upward, by KcDress, can be sent at our ex pense. Adareas au wwn n , , . B. M. BOABDMAN, Courteroomal Btdid Louisville, Ky.. or 809 Broadway Sew Tors. OyrwwCUC Ai BATLwOAO. r, , CWumWaa March TBI eotrf t of tbe 2d crlitlonds of tnls Company, which become one on tbe first ay et April. 1882LwOi be patfl a the SadeoaiPaA Bani.of NewYork Cl, and at the Kr tlonal Bank, of this City. L J. C. B. SMITH, marSl 8t Tfeasnrer. Pioneers, Attention ! 1d IE Bemlt Money or Bank Draft in Letter, or send yVT-rtanR FoaTOJVlCX OBDZB. Orders of (CMffllllfe. -WE ABE OrFERIHQ IN HEAVY GiSS. PANTS, CASSIMERE SUITS, AUDI Our Fall Stoi Generally WE VfA'TTHE HOOM FOR OUR I WHICH WILL BE THB FINEST IN THB ARRET. We Deferred BayiDg Until late To Secure the Advantages in LOW MICES under the advanced Sea son, and will be able to OEfcia see: AT LOWER PRICES thaH- PAID WHILE IN MARKET. OUB STOCK WILL JLBB1YK LUHING tbe NBXZ TEN DAYS, ABD WX WILL HAYS A WOBD WITH. YOU, .'jiS-.-.'l f NOT DRY GOODS DEALERSJ tnai&i Specia Mnnte Pi T Ear l Purchasers iiiiiii ill COUNTER! WK HAY PLACXO ON OUB BARGAIN COUNTER . A LABQB LOT Olf - - NEW 1 DESIRABLE FULLY WORTH 50c. to be sold without reserve, at 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c ANOTHKB LOT OF AT 12ic 12Wc 121c 121&C 12e 12lc 12143 200 PIECE3 e Handsome Printed Lawns, 814c 61o 6e 6Vko 64c 64o QVic ms 200 PIECES 15o Fancy Lawns, at 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 50 PIECES ZfPHYR G iNGHSMS, 12 12c l2V4c 12. je 12i,ic 12c 12kc THIS WEEK. Ladles, you are all Invited to examine our NSW and HANDSOME Millinery Goods IN WHICH WK WILL OFFER EXTRA BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. AT- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OUR ENTIRE SILK STOCK. X Black and Colored Silks, SATINS, MOIRES, BROCADES AND- AT 60 CKKT3. (6 HOUSEKEEPERS !" A BARE CHANCE Is within jour reach to secure your House Linens at Marveloualy LOW PBICES. Tafcle Ssuaavtlc, Wbito and Colered. Tea Clothe, Dinner Cloth, Break fac Clothe, Tray Clothe, Dey. llee, JVapkAna, Towel, Mar elllee Qnllle, Carpeto, mate, Uag, ITIaulna;, Cocoa and Straw, Freeh au d New GOVUS. PASASOLS, STJH-SHADES, AMD - UMBRELLAS. . . - s These and their prices you must see to fully ap preciate our efforts to please the Trade. White Goods ! . White Goods ! . -WE HAYB ' 1 c Kven Fabric arodoced under Gist head-NlW, FftKSHand BKAUTTFUL. Hosiery, Gloves Notions HA YK KOT BXKN NXQLXCTKD and we feel satisfied that we cannot fall to please -0Mj-j8i tuumu. fcTlOllMeadeif fiUhto ?AaT?. eannol Xavox s trithaeaawtU please aeod for semplea, wMoh wUl be troiBpy tentehedr - - isPEeiiit WDfrioii ?m w mm. . .; -i s.'j ':i'ii's--l& Tlx a , u ..- -..t:Ut. apr2 All Black DltlE OpeniDg ! M mery Witttowsky i Bam IIEVER FAILS. The only known Specific Bemedy for Epileptic Fits SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Soileptio Fits, Spasms, Convulsions, 8t Vitus Danes, Vertigo, Histerlos, Insanity, Apoplexy. Parslysls, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and all Nerv ous Diseases. This infallible remedy will positive ly eradicate every epeclea of Nervous Derange ment, and drive them away from whence they came, never to return again. It utterly destroys the germs of disease by neutralizing the hereditary t'lnt or poison in the system, and thoroughly eradicates the disease, and utterly destroys the cause. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Female Weakness, General Der-tllty. Leu corrhcea or Whites, Painful Menstruation, Ulcera tion of the Uterus, Internal Heat, Gravel, Inflam mation of the Bladder, Irritability of tbe Bladder. For Wakefulness at. night, there Is no better remedy During the change of life n i Female should be without it. it quiets the Nerv us system and gives rest, comfort, and nature's sweet sleep. SAMARITAN SERVl 3 Cures Alcoholism, Drunkenness and the habit of Opium Eating. These degrading b-iblts are by far the worst evllo that have ever terallen suffering humanity. Thousands die annually frm these noxious drugs. The drunkbrd drinks liquor not because he likes It, but for tbe pleasure of drink ing and treating bis irlends, uttle thinking that he is on his road to uin. Like the opium Kater. he first uses the drug in small qu nil lies as a harmless antidote. The soothing luflu-nce of the drug takes str g hold i.pon its violm, leading him on to his o i deetiuctio'i. Thi 'abta of opium Eating 81 Liquor Drii klng aje precisely wbnt eating is to bilmeiittvem- s, as 'ver iting first ln flaraes the si-im.ich wbicn redoubles its cravings until It parizes 'oth the stomach nd appetlie. 8o eveif dr nk of Hqu r or dose of opium, Insteud of satlsfyii-: om aad to Its fierce fires, until It consumes levl force and then It elf. Like ih glutonouf Hpe rm. It cries .Give, give, give!" but never ioug) mtil its own rapacity devours itself. 8a.d4ririi Nervine gives instant relief in such cases It produces sleep, quiets the nerves, builds up the nervous sj-tem, aud restores booj and mind to a heuithr condition. SAMARI- m NERVINE Ci res Nervous Dysp- pia. Palpitation of the Heart. AS' hum. Broncbitlt fcroful. . ryphllls, dlsenses of the Kidneys and .. 1 dlsoases of the Urinary r gans Nervous Debility, caused by the lndlscre Hons of youth, permanently cu.d by tbe use of this Invaluable remedy To yon, young, middle aged, and olu men, who pre coy ring your suflVr U gs as with a mantle by silence, look np. you can be saved by timely efforts, and make ornaments to society, and lewels In tbe crown of your Maker, If you wili. Do not keep this a secret longer, until It saps your vitals, and destroys both body and soul. If you are thus afflicted take DR. RICH MOND'S HAMAKITAN NERVINE It will restore your shsttered nerves, arrest pn-inature delny and Impart tone and energy to the whole system. ' SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my little girl cf fits. She was also r'eaf and dumb but It cured hr. She en-- ri'w talk and hear as well as anybody. Pe" hb hoss. Spr ng iter, wis. 8AHRi r 1MEI Vi E Has been the m?ans f cui-ln m lm. J. a i etcher, 1" of rheuhia iilns, Cot. SATtAWI AN NIEKVINE Made a sure cure of a case of tits for my son. E. B. ttoLLS, Urtttsvll;e, Kan. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of vertigo, neur.-tlgta nd sick headache Mhs Wm. h ensok, Aurora, 111. SA Jit It IT A I NEKVINE Was the means of curing my wife of spa- ms. Rev. J. a. Edib, Beaver, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me f asthma, after spending over $3,000 with other doctors. 8. B. Bobson, . New Albany, bid. SAMARITAN NERVINE Effectually cured me of srasms. MIS3 JENNIE WARBKN, 740 West Van Buren street, Chicago, 111. SAMARITAN NKRVINE Cured our child of fits after given ud to die by our family phy-ldan. It having over 100 In 24 hours iUNBr kkke, vervllla, warren county, Tenn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of scrofula after suffering for eight years. albbkt farpsoN, Peoria, 111. SAMARITAN NERVINE CunH my son of fits, after spending $2,400 with other doctors. J. W. Thobhton clalborn. Miss. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me permanently of epileptic flls of a stub born character. Bev. Wjl Martin, Mechanics town, Md. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my son of fits, after having had 2,500 In eighteen months. Mrs. E. Fobss. West Portsdam, N. Y. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of epilepsy of nine years' standing. Miss Oblxna Marshall,, Gianby, Newton county, Mo, SAMARITAN NERVINE Haspenna ently cured me of epilepsy of many years' dura; ion. Jacob Suteb, St. Joseph,Mo. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of bronchitis, asthma, and general de blllty. olivbr myxbs, Ironton, Ohio. SAMARITAN NERVINE Has cured me of asthma: also scrofula of many years' btandlng. Isaac Jxwxll, Covington, Ky. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured me of fts. - Have been well for over four years. Charles E. Cubtis, Osakla, Douglas county, Minn. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cored a friend of mine who had dyspepsia very badly. Michaxl OtONNiK, BAdgway, Pa, ; SAMARITAN NERVINE Has permanently cored me of epileptic flte Datid Tbxkblt, Des Moines, Iow&r SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of epilepsy of 85 years standing Hxkbt Clabk, Fairfield, Mich. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cured my wife of a nervous disease of tbe bead i. Graham, North Hope, Pa. SAMARITAN NERVINE, Cured my son of flte. He Has not bad fit for about. lout yean. jowiwavj - - ; wooonom, jueoapm couniy, tu. SaKIARITAH nervine I i for sale i by drugKtsU everywhere, or may be harf direct irora us. . 'abob wnw wiu w evidence of the curative properties 5 8ari9, for a copy of out TJloMrated Journal of Health. SSvnut nunareus Ol tevmmauuua i wm uuu vx iontrwho have used the medicine, and also their pictures photographed after their lestorattoa to perfect health. Address ? ; . ' . Dr. 8. A; EI0HM0KD &00., WOBLD'S XFHWEfO iHSUTJTJt, ftfirl dWw VI 8L Joseph MoS- AM II I II