0 27 Stops, 10 Sets Reeds, $90 S-KESS Mtajfetot piatestfmrteht Belkms, Steel lusic. Handles and i&ller. for mOTlw. Beatty'8 rtte ft Aoncm, movinar. Beattv's Patent Stop Action, a SEW AND IKW AINU JJUVIlb lliivi.,; im.iiir .r- VWoXm-v worktop DAT ar hv S Ediaon'a EkSkrtaXiKhta at NIGHT to fill orders Price, Boxed, Delivered onboard CCQfl Vara Here, istooi, jsook, kc, obi j w v tiiwail rtfntut eu money wan tmereti, iiuixiuiw wuj o and examine tnelnatrnipent. Leave N. Y. City, Barclay or' CtattoptoSt. Ferrie m.orip. irare, excursion uiuy s.w " 7" . .30 p. m. arriving inN. Y. at 9.30 or9p. tn. same day(f or routes from Chicago,, Richmond. Fhfla., Boston, &c., see "Beatty's Eicaralon Route Circular,") t&allowed to pay expenses if you buy j come anyway, you are welcome. Free Conch with polite attendant meet, all train. CerOrnsmllO, $50 up. Pianofortes 125 to $1600. Brantirnl nintratod lUIoyne frao. Address or Call upon DAUIEL. F. BEATTY, Washington, Nw Jersey (EKfnMUhed 1866.) Foriloofa,WaUE and CilingBilipIace of pi niaater. Cam- fi1i and catalotrue mailed free. W. H. FAY.CsmdsnJI.J H IRES IMPROVED ROOT BEER, 25c. nackaee makes 5 eallons of a de licious, wholenome, sparkling temperance beverage. Ask your druggist, or sent by mall for 25c. C. E. HiREa, 48 N. Dela. Ave., Philadelphia. $1000 REWARD! for any case f Blind Bleeding, itening, Ulcerated, or protruding FILBS that ueuuNua PILE REMEDY falls to cure. Prepared by J. P. MILLER, M. D ,015 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. None genuine without his signature. Send for circular. Sold by druggists and country stores. $1. BOLD MEDAL AWARDED the Author. A now and great Med ical Work, warranted the best and cheapest, indispensable to every man entitled "the Science of life oreU-Preaerration ;" bound in finest French muslin, embossed. steel ntrraniiKa, tiona. nnce on I T inn, 125 prescnp mly $1.25 sent by . Ulustratedsample,6cents; end nowAddress Feabody Mod- mrnrnrT P leal Institute or Dr. W. H. PAH- itituteor Jr. w. . f Alt No. 4 Bulfinchst Boston lUIUliUl.K.K, land patent andPFNSION attorneys Laud Patents obtained, and special attention given to contested Pre-emption, Homestead, Mineral and Timber Culture Entries. Highest price pa'd for T.nnri Warrants and Scrh of all kinds. PEN SIONS PROCURED for soldiers and sailors dis RhiBd in line of duty. Pensions Increased if rated too low. Bounty, back paynd new discharges ob tained. Send two be stamps lor blank ana "ur culitr Inlormatlon." Address 8TO DD.4RT 6c CO , 413 Q St. N. W , Washington, D. C, GEORGE PACE & CO. Manufacturers of Patent Portable Circular SAW M1XLS Also Euuonary m foraue ffl EriGINES 5U.SCHE0EDEEST., BALTIMORE, WD. Grist and Flour Mills, Water Wheels, Wood Working and Barrel Machinery, rjhinirle Mills, Circular Saws, Mill 8urpUe8,eta TANITE K!rFTRY WHEEL9 and OJMNliINU OIACIlINFItY. Send for Catalosna, Agricultural Lime AND- Carbonate of Lime BEST & CHEAPEST FERTILIZERS. BUILDING LIIVIEdKr,'ar ALSO FRENCH BROS., mar21 d&w4w Ilocky Point, IV. C. Telephones! Telephones! TELEPHONES. THE SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND Telegraph Company. Is the --SOLE LICENSEE-- -of the American Bell Telephone Company For supplying Telephones In the States of Virginia, West Virginia, (south of the B. A O. R. R..) North uaronna, isoutn uaroiina, ifioiiaa and Alabama. PEIYATE LIKES Constructed, equipped with Telephones and rented (3T For particulars address 80UTHEBN BULL TELEPHONE and TELRftRAPH COMPANY f-bll eod 3m 105 Broadway, New York. AND m le maw Machinery . . . - v FOR SALE, T WTLT. nffflP tnw aula t nfiKHrt r.iitAw' af Im 1--- wva s.va S7tav UV yuillV VU(At OI VIV Chesterfield county, B. C, on the 2nd and 8ra uAiB ot jiax bext, if not sooner sold, a Valua ble Lot ot Engines and other machinery belonging w un uuu uuiu mine, uv uro, Viz: One 40 horse power engine and fixtures: two 12 norse power engines, hoisting attachments and fixtures; one 10 horse power engine, hoisting at tachments and fixtures; one 10 stamp battery; one Dlalnlng machine and edenr Ana nnmn and u t. tacbments; pne lot piping and connecting rods; one drag mill. 20 Ama eamabnir hnrri nnri at. tachments: one lot sheet copper, amalgamating pan, assaying furnace; one lot chemicals; one lot wiuuuw nci&uiii iul rope;, one lot machinists' tools; one tot crucibles, and sundry other articles. TERMS. All sums under Twenty five Dollars Cash: all stuns over that amount on three or six muuuiB uure, u yreiorreu, wun approved security. marl 7 eod till may 1 Receiver. tit ftiS? -ffKf LI flWt Li 'i j;t-ss i ,iipD3J3TOW CONN. 1 II w Yalnab -1 it' jf ?J' mm 7 ' I IfflK THE ONLY mEDICINE That Acta at tne same tuns en TSS LI7aJMMWgLg, Am TSS EIDMSYS. WHY ARE WgESfCK? R.mu tnt nllrvin thtlt meat OTOCttlt to I hvmortar Ifartf&rt foroei WjM Wg that irunuaoe expeuea ncuuj wy. nn i in' ! isBBMsni j WILL SURELY CURE. J S KIDNEY DISEASES, ' , 1 fM LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, PRINAKY .DISEASES, FEXAIJE WEAJWESlla by cauttngfree adion ihiutfoaks?tm& rettoring their jxnotr to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious pain and aches! Why tormented, with PUes,'Coiwtlptionl Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! Why endure nervous or sick hedchesl Use KlDXET-WOKTand rejoicetn heatthr It Is put up In Dry Vegetable Fens, to tin cans one package of which makes six quarts of medicine. Also to Liquid Form, very Conoen. trated, for those that cannot readily prepare it t-It acts with equal efficiency In either form. QET IT OF YOUR DRUGGIST. PRICE, L WELLS, UICHAKDSOX ts Co., Prop's; rwill send the dry post-paid.) RCKLEIOTOH, YT. March 27 lSs tv CONSTANTLY COMING IN. WHICH I WILL SELL CHEAP i FOB CAfife, BOTH WHOLESALE and RETAIL. E, AT WHITE FRONT.' fb2l DEALER IN 0 Tinware & House Furnishing Goods T T- MANTEtSnd GRATES WHOLESALE and RETAIL. v.r.'n -hot r?!ii Particular atteoHon'paid to ti, 1 BARLEY ! 1" oct'29 Cures SYPHILIS in any. stage. CATARRH, CO ECZEMA, OLD sores, pi PLES, BOILS" ANY d t . 8 KIN DIS AS' fCURES WHEUOX pTBHRiii i 9 rREMEP.IESFAILiU,n jtt yoa4mbt,.eoBne.tosee nw, and, we, wiUI CUR Y0UI - J or ehaige-BothingUi yjnte f or particulars, and a , copy, of the Uttlabopk HeBaBjtohe Pntotttumte- gggertB- Ask any prominent Dmggist as to our Standing. SSTJi?, ISI wf SGff"? to V. chemist JT . ' "l iw Domes or a. b. 8. one parttcie of MeroDryioaldaTof fBotmiiSl any Mineral tubatane.?u t i Ta n JrtTJS'ftS- owurx SFECTJIO CO.. Props , in Hea ters Rao 2 z d mm L STATE Hi Greensbord JBagle :There never was & brighter prospect for a good wheat crop. .- r- . . ' i Next Monday Federal court begins at this place Judge Dick on the bench, j The news from the fruit crop is still very encouraging. Mr. J.- M. WarcLJ who.laflelljiupm.1 ePrJtoatf4trith TOalieaprjcp! Mel iBtfflniuM kMiS. T.i Gosset, from Westminister, gives, the' same report. ' We do hope there may be: no frost. There is no estimating the, value of fruit to the farmer. Asheville News: A cow belonging toj Marion West, who lives on Beaver Dam creek, in Hay wood county, gave birth to three calves on the 11th inst. They; Washington Press : It is reported that a number of cases of small pox are in. and around Elizabeth City, and that several deaths have occourred from the: disease, It was first caught by a negro prjeacner, wno aiea, aiiq nor, Knowing Iv ffom that octaioivi ) No xfdubt the number has been greatly exaggeat ed,but still no precautions will do no harm. The matter is in the hands of the authorities, who will deal properly with incoming transportation lines. Durham Recorder: The peach crop was damaged very little by the recent Trosfcs fifty thousand seven hundred and flity dollars worth of stamps were sold by Mr.'James Dike to our tobacco man ufacturers from the 1st to the 27th of March. Fayetteville Examiner: Mumps have prevailed in this community for the last few weeks. 1 The ranks t of the graded school show' a considerable thinning out. Two of the teachers, Mr. Hodges and Miss Matthews, have been suffering from the disease. Gastonia Gazette : If seems that Gas tonia has become headquarters for thieves and robbers. The first arrest was made last week and has been kept up daily until we go to press. Several houses have., been broken open of late and circumstances point to Gastonia denizens for the evil aoers. stealing cotton, corn, meal, bacon and merch an dise is almost a daily occurrence, and several stores have been robbed, besides the express office. So far, none but ne crroes have been implicated, and it seems that nearly every one of them are concerned. Raleieh News and Observer: Mr. Jno. E. Ray, secretary of the Sunday school boartl' dresfented -at 'the Convention in session the following statistics : East of the Blue Ridge there are 26 associations. showing 788 cnurcnes, 660 bunaay schools, 39,233 scholars, 4,780 officers and teachers, making a total or 45,018 per- flrfri. J.UiLtaTis has a&e&rted inein- vttatirt jtol deliver t&e ittuW addrees before tto$ MratiklinTltray Society, of me Horner tcrurol, aBXJltoraMay G reaLaimut.! uesjatiiay arataJbe seen on the streets. Raleigh supplies a very large section of country with hay and meat and farm supplies generally, as much is sold here in a week as w;is brought here in six months fifteen years ago. " ' Silver Valley Mining Company. We find the following in reference to the iiilver .YaUey Mining Gomuauy., in riaxidSOn ounty,in- the Baltimore irn bHat Friday r - ! The itockholders comprising the op position to the present management ut the Silver Valley Mining Company met vesttiday at ltaines Hall, to take steps towards having the books of tbe corpor ation t-xamiued in order to ascertain its financial condition. Mr. Morrjs Orepa asf choseri pfeideni and sVyHCarrdll Secretary.' -A comriTttee? consisting of Daniel M. Tnomas, liobert. u. iiaii ana Henry Landstreet were appointed to go to the office of the company in this city and demand an examination of the books by an expert, whom thtf" commit tee nave tne power to cnoose. i resi dent Orem read a copy of the charter of trie company, which has its mines in Davidson county,, JSorth JJaroiina. Under thecharter, the stockholders are nllrtwAd p.lec.t directors annaallv. This privilege, Mr. Orem stated, had not been granted in tne last tnree years, besides neither the president of the company nor the directors have submit ted any reports in ma same penou oi time. Remarks pertinent tothe matter in issue were made by Messrs. Wm. A. McKenzie, Daniel M. Thomas, and oth ers, all of whom lavored. a prompt and full examination of the accounts. -The report of an Expert who examined the . . , f T - property in JNorxn uaronna January iz, 1882. was submitted to the meeting. It stated tat the mines were inexhaustible, while on the surface alone were 20,000 tons of ore, valued at $54.38 a ton. The puddled ore is worth $100.07 a ton. A poll of the stock represented at the meeting jvas takn, whqn it was found tofcj liwWBtares were Wbf those present. The meeting adjourned until to-day, wnen tne result ot tne ex amination committee's mission will be made known. ... r- The Sheriff of Stokes County with an Ac complice Killed while Bobbing his own Safe D ANViLLEf "VA- Aorll 1. Infornia tiqn t has iuAjeeBi received hefetshat lrib Cariiaashpt ori WkfMi nlr. tuKila rrtrininor hia nnrnlaarA Ha left home to be absent some days and directing his wife not to allow any one to stay all night, and at tne same time gave het the safe key, About rrkdne of -the neighbors&me-tois hoiUSD and Mrs. Estes having no objection he went off to a room to spend the night. Af ter he had retired two men came to the house and asked leave to stay and Mrs. Estes objected. They, however, went in and demanded the safe keys, threat enlng to kill her if she refused it; she rate up stairs ana ' mroxmea ner guest and was told by him to go down, de liver the key and say nothing of his presence. The men then proceeded to rot tne sate ana; wnue unis engaged Mrs.Estef friendlcame dOWhitnd killed both of the men. Upon examination it was found that one of the men was the sheriff, who bad disguised himself and tne otner was one oi nis neiguoors, India Tea. Rowing Indian tea gnusing has received a marvelous development in the past ten years, begining originally under govern ment subventions, and the Anglo-Indian Gyrrumne L6 d by suMptlobto HtrodaeeJte in Australia. As a result, the exportation of tea to tbe South Pacific colonies rose lastyear to 750,000 pounds, against 86,628 the year before. Xhia year the same agency is to make an effort to put In dian tea on the American market. As a large share of our China tea comes not ty wayef tM Jfaciflc. butthrqugh Suezri jal, dUncelfivor! Indiin It fifcBAlitsrffist Itofafferfce IrJ Ne if its strong, not to say rank, qualities wui buu; tne ivmerican palate. , Flowing tresses, form of grace? No; fine teeth these charms eclipse. art' rr - -t-flIW0!rEsr: r-rr,,,, -aBrtiti-- jrrzz. -,... . 'j , ' m 4i yv-l ti'.rt '1 1 In the Court of Queen's Bench Thurs day judgment .was given against Mr., j5raaiangn ror 55pQmthflsurrpTofrjgnti fligainsthimi&ryvdtiBrmeg House of iCommonit rMri Bradlaiiffh-s ,K'uuiiK.Afcis saia us opponents ue slgn toorce hittr itrtabahkruptcy, so as 'loateIliBeafeirXhrH0Use of'Com- -distihgukhed meni in England have pro- escea against .tne .construction, . or -tne rlxanneJtunhel on fgrduhdst of nation al Ex-G:ovl FranKlih0GMoses; 6t whose swindling operations in New York H1 Mine ."rleretoforetpub-: iiauou, was vv eunesaay p onuuttieu jor inai in aeiauit oi Dan. - It is stated that warrants are out against , six Tnembers- of- lriiament, none iof ; whom consequently, will visit Ireland durin g the . parliamen tary jst- cfiss. ;: -; ; ;;, . ,4, M. Brooks. United States consul at t3ork,1jas sent to the Secretary, of State his resignation 1 of that Office, in-order td accept-the positioalof editor of -the riaiit.) Daily, Transcript, j - n Twa large Bi ftish'stearfiBbibs.iloaded with Chinese passengers, have sailed from-Hopg, Kongj ior f victoijia, B. C. AbpUt fbiir thousand more are expected this l3eason? all of- whom are' wanted on railway: wdrkk .y : -.utwi i H . i 'The Kings county cojirt of' Oyer and -Terminer: grand jury made a present ment m tne ease pr Mrs. George Barry Wll, who shot and killed her husband at New Utnechtj L. I. The jury found an indictmegalnstn.e accused for manslaughter in the third degree. At the conclusion of Judge Reagan's argument bfif ore-the House committee on commerce, -54iursday, in favor of his bill to regulate- interstate com merce, a resolution was adopted declar ing it to be the sense of the committee that Some measure relating to inter State commerce ought to be reported to ,tjhe House as soon as the river and har bor Din nas Deen reported. -. The firm of Liles & Gibsonof New York-city, has signed a contract to con struct water works to supply the entire city (t Havana; Cuba, with water for $9,20WX)0. The water works '-will be built on the aqueduct system and plan ned somewhat af ter the New York works. The ' Water will be brought from mountain springs, about six miles from Havana, to J a Central reservoir, from whlch.it will'' be distributed over the city. j , , Extent and OCpth of Roots. Prof. 0. W. Atwater in American Agriculturist. I have often been interested hi noting the ideas most people have as to how far and how deep the roots extend. The majority guess roots of grass and clover penetrate between nve and ten inches, and are Surprised to find that they reaeh several reet. l nave some roots of tim othy, clover and other plants dug from a very, heavy clay soil, a good quality of brick clay, so compact and hard that a 8 harp kniie in cutting it leaves a sur face 98 smooth and shiny as it would cut oh the end of a pine board." 1 have traced tne roots oi tne timoinvtoa depth of two-feet and four inches and the clover three jeet and two inches. A number ot years ago a very intelligent German farmer named Schubert, made some very mieresung ouservations upon the wots of plants as they grow in tne neia. ah excavation or live or six feet deep or more was -dug in the soil, 80 ;as to leave, a vertical wall gainst mis wan a jet .or water was played by means of a garden sprinkler; the earth, was washed stw ay-and the root of the plants growing thereinjaitl bare. The roots thus exposed in a field of rye, in oo of beans and in a bed of garden peas presented the appearand of a mat oTteltiir White fibres, extend ing to "a depth of abouff our feet. Roots of wheatsown on September 26 and un covered on the 27th of - April had pene trated three and a naif reet, and six weeks later aboat four feet, below the surface; , In one case, in a light sflDsoil, roots were found as deep as seven feet The roots of tbe wheat in April con tinued 40 per cent, of the whole plan'. Hon. John btanton Uould, 1 believe it is, says tnat -ne nas seen the roots of Indian com extending seven feet down ward, and Frof Johnson states that "the foot of maize, which in a rich and tenacious earth xtend bat two or three feet, have been .found to a length of tpn or even fifteen feet in aliebtsahdy soil." Roots of clover, when growing in a rich, mellow soil, run laterally and vertically, rror. stocfeondge "washed out a root -of common clover, one year old, growing in .the alluvial sou, near the Connecticut river, and found that it descended peraendicwar to tbe depth o ClUUkl 1CCU UUIC1U .AlO SOJU LKJ reach a depth of twenty and even thirty feet. Alderman Mechi, in . England tells of a neighbor who "dug a:rjarsnip which measured thirteen feet six inches in length" was uufortunately bro ken at tnatneptn nr. . Shot While Hunting. StatesTUle Landmark, '.c v Mr. Julius Sowers, a young man o this place, while iut hunting last Moh day af ternooaabout two miles east of town, treea a raJ?Dirvin .a -nouow log, After saving seen -rr some time en gjUtbA In twisting outi bis gun m ead1 wUMjlnfc on. thj. grpuna.'lie took,up tne: gun.-tne muzzle toward- him, and began drawing it 'Up, f when it-Was dis chrarcwl. 'the1 load or saUirrel shotn taring the right leg," just belo'w -the knee joint, glancing ana passing around its passage, cutting the membranes and'dischargin g- the fluids -of1 the knee joint. -Dr. Anderson, -who dressed the. wound, regards it aa. a very serious one indeed; but has hopes that amputation will nofcfcave -iD be resorted -.W. 3?he patient is at present - resting comforta bly and thns fa? no alaj-mlrigsyrpptms bayf te.m&l3&m!M& MMt-Jl . Jl, Woman at the Bpttoni ;of it.. , It seems' tnat a wpm'anYs atthe bot tsyn pf the ler2egovil:ebellibi. Miss Alice Hurtly, a beautiful 'iemale of xm certain ran tecedents, made her appear ance in 1879 at Sera jevoTthe' , 'capital trf Bosnli,slri 6mpatfy Wi th J an . ;lixgllsb. newspaper correspondejit,;awlfi-4intro-duced ber td everybody as - bis wife. She is a didritfutlte creature' but ' ofre markable beauty. with fine blue eyes an4iMght,hair, Aut . q,o. Georges Sand. Her personal charms and enthusiasm m-oetiait or toe liqsnan cause secured Wkwfi extraordinary ipntarit; , . and made her a .conspicuous ngure- In the revolt against Austrian' 'ruleWhich' She fojrged with aHtheteSOa'rces ter lbto rnana,, iKikita, Pxincfif of Montenegro, is said td be infatuated witber;1 ahdf sti s apparently destined 'to1 play arl ftportntrpJe,. ..', " , i fcffw. ,5'i .I iii j! B CanJpoellStieiet, :im 1 ' newsjwrieans, x,a rom Vet, senaim icfe thai yotrr Safe K.idnef fthtf Ller thing for chronlcliyei' dlfffeurfy 1.ITUK.3 .vRi MgCONitSLfr' Cure is a good warn uttrtitfj 8wi, M. p.nNew TbirfK : "lam inqeaxnatiffo Brophylactlc Flnld is a most voluble dlslnf 1 or small. Qthar contagtons diseases use Darby ProthjaabtW -iBTtiid eren8- walUng on wyWAFl .oveE,.npi bhthefiawor nr'a$tf con iiairaai spreteflnad'th win tvnvotvam'fmim Said a stifff Tefjrom kidney trriubte?, when asked; to try Kidney-wbrt,m try ft butltwnlbe my last! dose." The man got weU,Bd Is now recommends lag the remedy to alL. -K When derangement of the ' stomach acts upon the kidneys and liver bringing disease and paliv Kldney-Wort la the tsm remedy, i It removes the cause and oures, the disease, Uqtud (very concen trated) oitdry aet equally efficiently. American Snblitttelr Sntterb. ' 0.-jp'I)tifni'iir4oiMnfi EaseiBwill bft mailed free to any lady who will send ten cents in t postage, stamps pr: money to Dr; G. W. Bensoar No. ,iporthERtaw8treet,Balttmoref Md. . , -. FRESH MINER AL WATER Both Foreign and Domestic, Just Received,- at Dr.J.H3 gARATOGA From Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. A new water re sembling lhe Imported VIChy. Recommended as an antacid; cures dyspeptla, aids diges tion, Is a "powerful tonic and strong . aiureuc aiso, Hathorn Natural Mineral Water, Recommended very highly as a cathartic and al terative and In all forms of dyspepsia. . ALSO, f' fiASTHfl r.nKfjftWSfl with 0 10 CASES ROCK BRIDGE AXUM, 10 CASES BUFFALO LITHIA. And a full supply of IMPORTED APOLLIN&RIS AND Bunyadi Janos Waters. THE (GREAT EUROPEAN NOVELTY JJUNYADI JANOS. THE BEST NATtftAL APERIENT. AS A CATHARTIC: Dorr - - h win ?ias full befor? breakfast. T7ie La,ncct"Uuiij, di Janos. Baron Llebig af firms that its richness in aperient salts surpasses that oi all yther Known witters." The British Medical Journal "Hunyadi Janos. The most agreeable, saf jst. and most efficacious aperient water," rror. vvrenow, Benin. "lnvariaDir good and prompt success; most valuable." tror. Bamberger, Vienna "l nave prescnDea these writers with remarkable success." Prof. Scamoni, Wurszburg. I prescribe none but this." Prof. Lander Bruntm, M. P., F. R 8., London. "More pleasant than Its rivals, and surpasses them In efficacy." Prof. Atken. M. n., F. H. 8., Hoyai Military Hos pital, Netley. . uPreferrtd to Pullna and Fried- rlchshaU." JOHN II. 1) r Importing and Msi-eii -Hia iiJiniijioifit. CKAHLffTE, North Tryon Su, N. C. DON'T GO TO SARATOGA When you can get water Inst as fresh and spark ling as when it Hows frou1. tbe spring hi 6..atoga. We receive this waier In larjje block tlri re rvoirs which we return as soon as emptied to be 'fiUed again every week. J H Mc RN, urnggist ana t iemisi. Prescriptions jrefully j!ietH.rw1 by expeiiencec iiid cimpptent drugslsts. tay or nlitbt. nly28 The leading Scientists oj To-day agree that most diseases are caused by disordered Kidney and Li vet. If, therefore, the .Kidneys and Livers are kept in perfect order, perfect health will be thetrc suit TWe truth has only been known a short Ume nnd for vears rjeoole suffered exeat agony wl hout bethf able to find relief. The discovery of War ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new ami tn thft treatment of these troubles. Made from a simple tropical leaf of rare value, it con tains just lhe elements necessary to Eourlsh and n,i.nnfai hnth nf thpsfl irrpat orsans. and safely restore and keep them in order. It is a POSITIVE- REMEDY for all the diseases that cause pains in th inwr Dart of the. body for Torpid Liver- Headache J aundlce--Dlzzlnes s Grave 1 Fever, Amis-Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of the iridnni T.lvftr and Urinary Onzans. it. r an excellent and safe remedy for females during Pregnsncy. It will control MenstruaUon and;-is toyaluaple for Leucorrhoea or. Falling of the Womh." ' ' ' . as a Blood Purifier it is uneaualled, 1 Ifi cures IViA nruanq that MAKE the blood. - This RArandv. which has done such wonders, is Dut un in the LARGEST SI7J5D BOT1 LE of any wHr-rrm hnon the market, and is ?old V orugaists. and all-dealers at $1.25 per bottle. For Diabetes enquire for WARNER'S-SAFE DIABETES CURE. It is a iTJorxiv j& ttemeay. . , . ,iL fl. WARNER & CO., jan23' ' Rochester. N. y. IPiSJCjellatttotis. 1 j , . 3tO. S-JUST RECEIVED- ONE HUi-DbED BARRELS noiit IiW Flour, . it, L,i. 1- t-TiHE JflNEST liiTaE. MARKET: J-r-ii Ln.i.,: sin . , . 1 h J list. Received A luge tot -of Slret-Cias4.NE IKcput upin 25lb paokages sulUble for uahmWdotmtry IewspafiefsT-Atldre8S,'. ' i'Uii-J iff -lut. 'Hl TEBOBSERVEB," 1 I MfcDri Store ,-VTICHY, Tbe folHwlBsr-lelidnlesi axe Cor rected b y ibe Uailroad Of f tci&U, and may be llelied on aa Correct : North Carolina Railroad. OOiDEUSED SCHEDULES. v TBAINS GOING SAST. Datet February 19th, 1882. No 51 Dallv. No. 53 Dallv. Leave Charlotte, " Salisbury. ..... " High Point,.... Arrive Greensboro,. . . . Leave Oreensboro,.... Arrive Hillsboro, Arrive Durham, Arrive Raleigh........ Leave Raleigh,. Arrive Goidsboro',.... 8-65 a ui 5.51 a m 7.20 a m 8.00am tt 60 p 111 8.61 p m 10.44 p m 11.20 pm 8.25 a m 11.04 am 11.48 am 1.15 pm 1.40 p m 4 20pm No. 17 Dally except Saturday, Leave Greensboro . . .6. 00 p m Arrive at Raleigh 3.04 a m Arrive at Goldsboro,..8.00 a m No. 51-Connects at Greensboro' with R&D. R. R. for all points North, East and West, via Dan vllle. At Goidsboro with W. & W K R. for Wil mington. No. 53 Connects at Sallsrury with W N C R. R. for all polnw 111 Western North Carolina; dally at Greensboro with R & p. u R. for a.l points North, East and West TRAINS GOING WK3T. Date, February 19th, 1882 No. 50 Daily. No. 52 Dally. Leave Goidsboro, Arrive Raleigh Leave Raleigh Arrive Durbam Arrsve Hiilsboro Arrive Greensboro,... Leave Greensboro,... Arrive High Point,. ... Arrive Salisbury, Arrive C otte 1 0.20 am 12.40 pm 4 10 pm 5 23 p m 6.07 pru 8.50 p m .10pm 9.43 pm 11.03 pm 1 2f0a 7 25am 8 06 am 9 28am 11.20am No. 18-Daily except Sunday, Leave Goidsboro, . . 2 50 p m Arrive at Raleigh, ..7.10pm Leave Raleigh P 00 a m Arrive Greensboro, 2.20 p m No. FO-Conneets at Charlotte with A. & C. Air Line for all points In the South and Southwest, and with C, G. & A. R. R. for all points South aod Southeast. No. f2 Connects at Charlotte with A. C Air Line for all polr.ts South and Southwest; at Char lotte with C, C. t A. R. tt for all points South and Southeast. W. X. C. RAILROAD, GOIHG WEST. NO. 50 Dally. Leave Greensboro ; 9.20 pm Arrive KernersvlUe 10.86 p m Arrive Salem 11.20 pm NO. 52 Daily, except Sunday. Leave Greensboro 8 30 a m Arrive Xernersviile 9 41 a m Arrive Salem 10.15 am GOING EAST. NO. 51 Dally, except Sunday. T r., iAHtremicra..... 5.15am Arrive Kemersvl le 5.50 a m 7.00 a m Arrive Greensboro NO. 53 Daily, Leave Salera fi.OO pm Arrive Kernersvilie fi.40 p tu Arrive Greensboro 8 00 p m XT ATE UIVIVEK8MY It A I I.itOA I. No 1, Daiiy ex Sunday. 7.H0 a ra 8.20 a m 10-15 a m GOING NORTH. Leave Chaoel Hill.. Arrive University,.. arrive KHieign No. 2, Dai y ex. Sunday. GOING SOUTH. Leave Rnlt-U:;;, . 1 h p ru p m r m Arrive Urilversitv 5 15 Arrive Chajwi nil! .6 15 Follmau aeem Cans Without Change On Train No. New Toik and A'lnrita via Wasb ile, an.! bt-tecti Gre!aboro and ngion ana b. n: ciiarlestmi. On Traiu No. F-2, feichmon i Charioi-e a Wastiingt-'in ;i! 53??Tl!vot!i:h Tickeis oi! sale at Greensboro', .bmy anti Chariot:?, and Raltiab, Gti -isboro'. Sh prlricipai t aiid East. K cints ntii oiuhwest. West, North r Kniigranl Ratt-s to Louisiana, Tex it'd the Housbwext. address. ene?-i Passenger At:etit Hfcni.ionrt. Va- is, ArkfiLiia.- DAPSLLE R.R. DEPARTMENT. PASSENGER On and af er March .). 1 82, the passen ger train semiv on ih- Atlanta & uhnnotte Air- i.Ine ulvis.on or tins road will be as follows: Mail and WESTWARD. rxprei-s Mail. No. 50. No 52. Ltaive Charlotte, il 12.40 am 1 1.1 5 a m Arrive Ga'toiitfi. L 1.35 a m 12.02 p m Arrive Spartanburg K 4.04 a ni 2 35pm Arrive Greenvii e, ii 5.32 a m 4.09 p m Arrive Seneca, G 7. 1 5 a 111 5.54 p m Atrive Toccoa. i 8.28 am 7 0--' p m Ait ve Rabun G pJinctiou,. tt 32 a m 8.0 p m Arrive Lula, E 10.18am 8.43 pm Arrive Gains-vii.e 10.51 a ni tt. 1 5 P m Ar ri ve Atlanta I 1.40 p m 12.05 a m Mall and EASTWARD. Express. Mall. No. 5. No. 53. Leve Atlanta 2.15 pm 5.00 a m Arrive Gainesvil e, 4 54 m 7 41am Arrive Lula, K 5.2K ni 8.32 am Arrive Rabun Gap Junction, fi 22 p m ft.14 a m Arrive Toccoa, K 7.06 p m 10.07 a m Arrive Seneca. G 8.24 P m Ii 21 a m Arrive Greenville. H. . . 10.08 pm 1.27 pm Arrive Spartanburg, K. 1 1.40 p m 2.59 p m Arrive Gastonia, L 2.06 am 5 1 1 pm Arrive Charlotte. M 3 15 a m 6.00 P m CONNECTIONS. A with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A. w. r aauroaas. B with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A. & W. P. and W & A. Railroads. C with arriving trains of Georgia Railroad E whh Northeastern Railroad of Georgia to and from Athens, Ga. F with Elberton Air-Line to and from Elberton, Georgia, G wRh Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. - U with Columbia and Greenville to and from Columbia and Charleston, S. C. K with Spartanburg and Asheville, and Spartan burg, Union and Columbia to and from Henderson and Asheville, and Alston and Columbia. L with Chester and Lenoir Narrow Gauge to and from Dallas ana Chester. M with C C. & a., C. C, R. & D. and A., T. & O. for ail points West, North and East. Pullman sleeping-car service on trains Nos. 50 and 51 dally, without change between Atlanta and New ork. A. POPE, G neral Passenger and Ticket Agent T. M. R. Taloott, Griieral Manager. I. Y. SAGE, Superintendent marl2 C, C. & A. R. R. CO. CONDENSED SCHEDULES. In Eflect Sunday, March 12th, 1882. Train Train No. 52, No. 48, Passeng'r. Passeng'r. Leave Charlotte, 11.90 am -Arrive. Rock aHUl, 12.35pm ATive Chester, ... 1 .28 p m Arrive WInnsboro 2.50 p m . : Arrive Columbia, 4.1 8 p m Leave Columbia, 4.25 p m 5.45 a ra ATrlve Lexington, 5 1 2 p m 6 37 a m Arrive Rtdge Spring......... 625pm 7.55am Arrive Granlteville, 7.40 pm 9.12 am Arrive Augusta, 8.40 p n 952 a m ' Tra'n Train No. 18, No. 20, : - . . . Freight. Freight Leave Charlotte. - 5.40 a m 5-40 p m Arrive Rock HU1 8.03 am 7 32 pm Arrive Cheeter 9.50 a m 9 03 p m Arrive WInnsboro, ; , . . . 12.55 p m 11.17pm Arrive Columbia,.:... ' 5.U6pm 218am Leave Colombia. 2:40 & m Arrive Lexington .., 3.40 a m AVrAve RWge sfpilDg, . -. . . . . : v. ' 647am Arrive Granltflville,....j-. ........... 7 64aia ArVtybAngusa,,." .t-,,. ; , S-qqaS Train No. ,-52, Daily-Connects at Columbia with the-e. G R-'Rfor Chirieston, and with the C G. R. R. tor Alston Newberry, Abbeville, &c At Augusta with Central Georgia R. R for Macon, eefannah via Florida points,. iTraln.No. 48, Cally-VonneBts at Acgastawtth the Georgia R. R. and Central Georg R. R, for A$hco!V.- Atlanta. Savannah and FloriUi points. Trains.NOs. 18 and, 20, oca, daily ftteept Sun day, . i ,:- ;. ' i i.: -i , . Trains rrom the South arrive at Charlotte, pasv Sengfcr; daily, at ft 36 p". m: Freight; daily except punoay, at a. rn. ana .4 45 p. m. . : "ATLANTIA; TENNESSEE 4 OHIO DIVISION. Train No. 63, Daily, , ' " " ' ' " . :-UY Leave ChariotteA-.i .. .6 00n t& 1 Arrive at -Stateaville, : 8.12 m TralaNo.SD'aily; I Arrive at ehariotte,..,.;w..;.a.l5 a m Tickets sold to all points South, Southeast and SOuttiwesl,' and baggage cheeked throuebv No 1 av-over auuwvu uu.iwm uukcio. (ui A. POPEp T: R. Tatoott, . Gen'l Passenger Agent. crffp ! Y,Gen"lJMan8ger. :, ' LtioWml)idrS.C.,JlarcU 1st, 1882. I raarii2 .hi.j , WLtstzlVxuzBus. We Have added to oar Stock a Supply of GUANO. fable and Chesapeake. -ALSO GENUINE Kainitt, op German Potash Salts. ErT" CALL AND SEE US. H A. J.Beall&Co.. e Street mar7 Id -I HAVE JCST RECEIVED-- A LOT OF r AND Horn -n i.iM'A AXI) I'fl r, v i SJi. P1IIA SIZs. Tn Onr Can t iiderc ll vi-. mnr5 EXTRA We hve Just received and offer tor a SHORT TIME ONLY China Tea Setts. Mossrose Decoration, 58 pieces, sfo.OO, 81 5.00. worth EXTRA FINE TEA ETTS, gbld, bird aid flower decoration combined, 44 pieces, .8 i 2 50, worth 818.00. PORCELIAN TEA SETTS, plair whtte, yery nice, 44 pieces, 85.00. PORCELAINE DINNER SETTS, 17 pieces, for 815.00; decorated. 180 p eces, for 835.00. BRONZE LAMPS of a superior quality, complete with shades, at $1 00, worth 82 10. All Other Goods in Proportion. 'BT WHOLESALE and RETAIL. Respectfully J. Brooield k Co. feblO AT WILDER' B YOO WILL KIND A FULL 8TOCE OF h Drags, Chemicals, Toilet Articles H. IV1. Wilder, Ag't, (Wilsofc KiM" oM stand) Oomer Ttadt and-tblMB StWet. Charlotte, V. :.'- feb5-:- '" i'v -' -"''' fin CoIIeg Wank f rapping Pape a per Bags, oon fl I ds. NewDrugStore .rt. t V. wSmsii

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